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Getting Started - Conan 1.37.2 Documentation

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Getting Started
Let’s get started with an example: We are going to create an MD5 hash calculator
app that uses one of the most popular C++ libraries: Poco.

We’ll use CMake as build system in this case but keep in mind that Conan works
with any build system and is not limited to using CMake.

Make sure you are running the latest Conan version. Read the Conan update
sec on to get more informa on.

An MD5 hash calculator using the Poco Libraries

 Note

The source files to recreate this project are available in the example repository
in GitHub. You can skip the manual crea on of the folder and sources with this

$ git clone https://github.com/conan-io/examples.git && cd


1. Create the following source file inside a folder. This will be the source file of
our applica on:

#include "Poco/MD5Engine.h"
#include "Poco/DigestStream.h"

#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char** argv){

Poco::MD5Engine md5;
Poco::DigestOutputStream ds(md5);
ds << "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
std::cout << Poco::DigestEngine::digestToHex(md5.digest()) <<
return 0;
2. We know that our applica on relies on the Poco libraries. Let’s look for it in the
ConanCenter remote, going to h ps://conan.io/center, and typing “poco” in the
search box. We will see that there are some different versions available:


 Note

The Conan client contains a command to search in remote repositories, and

we could try $ conan search poco --remote=conancenter . You can perfectly
use this command to search in your own repositories, but note that at the
moment this might meout in ConanCenter. The infrastructure is being
improved to support this command too, but meanwhile using the
ConanCenter UI is recommended.

3. We got some interes ng references for Poco. Let’s inspect the metadata of the
1.9.4 version:

$ conan inspect poco/1.9.4

name: poco
version: 1.9.4
url: https://github.com/conan-io/conan-center-index
homepage: https://pocoproject.org
license: BSL-1.0
author: None
description: Modern, powerful open source C++ class libraries for
building network- and internet-based applications that run on
desktop, server, mobile and embedded systems.
topics: ('conan', 'poco', 'building', 'networking', 'server',
'mobile', 'embedded')
generators: cmake
exports: None
exports_sources: CMakeLists.txt
short_paths: False
apply_env: True
build_policy: None
revision_mode: hash
settings: ('os', 'arch', 'compiler', 'build_type')
cxx_14: [True, False]
enable_apacheconnector: [True, False]
enable_cppparser: [True, False]
enable_crypto: [True, False]
cxx_14: False
enable_apacheconnector: False
enable_cppparser: False
enable_crypto: True
4. Let’s use this poco/1.9.4 version for our MD5 calculator app, crea ng a
conanfile.txt inside our project’s folder with the following content:



In this example we are using CMake to build the project, which is why the
cmake generator is specified. This generator creates a
conanbuildinfo.cmake file that defines CMake variables including paths and
library names that can be used in our build. Read more about Generators.

5. Next step: We are going to install the required dependencies and generate the
informa on for the build system:
 Important

If you are using GCC compiler >= 5.1, Conan will set the
compiler.libcxx to the old ABI for backwards compa bility. In the

context of this ge ng started example, this is a bad choice though:

Recent gcc versions will compile the example by default with the new
ABI and linking will fail without further customiza on of your cmake
configura on. You can avoid this with the following commands:

$ conan profile new default --detect # Generates default profile

detecting GCC and sets old ABI
$ conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11
default # Sets libcxx to C++11 ABI

You will find more informa on in How to manage the GCC >= 5 ABI.
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ conan install ..
bzip2/1.0.8 from 'conancenter' - Downloaded
expat/2.2.9 from 'conancenter' - Downloaded
openssl/1.1.1g from 'conancenter' - Downloaded
pcre/8.41 from 'conancenter' - Downloaded
poco/1.9.4 from 'conancenter' - Cache
sqlite3/3.31.1 from 'conancenter' - Downloaded
zlib/1.2.11 from 'conancenter' - Downloaded
bzip2/1.0.8:5be2b7a2110ec8acdbf9a1cea9de5d60747edb34 - Download
expat/2.2.9:6cc50b139b9c3d27b3e9042d5f5372d327b3a9f7 - Download
openssl/1.1.1g:6cc50b139b9c3d27b3e9042d5f5372d327b3a9f7 -
pcre/8.41:20fc3dfce989c458ac2372442673140ea8028c06 - Download
poco/1.9.4:73e83a21ea6817fa9ef0f7d1a86ea923190b0205 - Download
sqlite3/3.31.1:4559c5d4f09161e1edf374b033b1d6464826db16 -
zlib/1.2.11:6cc50b139b9c3d27b3e9042d5f5372d327b3a9f7 - Download

zlib/1.2.11: Retrieving package

f74366f76f700cc6e991285892ad7a23c30e6d47 from remote 'conancenter'
Downloading conanmanifest.txt completed [0.25k]
Downloading conaninfo.txt completed [0.44k]
Downloading conan_package.tgz completed [83.15k]
Decompressing conan_package.tgz completed [0.00k]
zlib/1.2.11: Package installed
zlib/1.2.11: Downloaded package revision 0
poco/1.9.4: Retrieving package
645aaff0a79e6036c77803601e44677556109dd9 from remote 'conancenter'
Downloading conanmanifest.txt completed [48.75k]
Downloading conaninfo.txt completed [2.44k]
Downloading conan_package.tgz completed [5128.39k]
Decompressing conan_package.tgz completed [0.00k]
poco/1.9.4: Package installed
poco/1.9.4: Downloaded package revision 0
conanfile.txt: Generator cmake created conanbuildinfo.cmake
conanfile.txt: Generator txt created conanbuildinfo.txt
conanfile.txt: Generated conaninfo.txt
conanfile.txt: Generated graphinfo

Conan installed our Poco dependency but also the transi ve dependencies for
it: OpenSSL, zlib, sqlite and others. It has also generated a
conanbuildinfo.cmake file for our build system.

 Warning

There are prebuilt binaries for several mainstream compilers and versions
available in Conan Center repository, such as Visual Studio 14, 15, Linux
GCC 4.9 and Apple Clang 3.5. Up to >130 different binaries for different
configura ons can be available in ConanCenter. But if your current
configura on is not pre-built in ConanCenter, Conan will raise a
“BinaryMissing” error. Please read carefully the error messages. You can
build the binary package from sources using conan install .. --build=missing ,
it will succeed if your configura on is supported by the recipe (it is possible
that some ConanCenter recipes fail to build for some pla orms). You will
find more info in the Building with other configura ons sec on.

6. Now let’s create our build file. To inject the Conan informa on, include the
generated conanbuildinfo.cmake file like this:


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)



add_executable(md5 md5.cpp)
target_link_libraries(md5 ${CONAN_LIBS})

 Note

There are other integra ons with CMake, like the cmake_find_package

generators, that will use the find_package() CMake syntax (see CMake
sec on).

7. Now we are ready to build and run our MD5 app:

$ cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16"
$ cmake --build . --config Release

(linux, mac)
$ cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ cmake --build .
[100%] Built target md5
$ ./bin/md5

Installing Dependencies
The conan install command downloads the binary package required for your
configura on (detected the first me you ran the command), together with other
(transi vely required by Poco) libraries, like OpenSSL and Zlib. It will also create
the conanbuildinfo.cmake file in the current directory, in which you can see the
CMake variables, and a conaninfo.txt in which the se ngs, requirements and
op onal informa on is saved.

 Note

Conan generates a default profile with your detected se ngs (OS, compiler,
architecture…) and that configura on is printed at the top of every conan
install command. However, it is strongly recommended to review it and adjust
the se ngs to accurately describe your system as shown in the Building with
other configura ons sec on.

It is very important to understand the installa on process. When the conan install
command runs, se ngs specified on the command line or taken from the defaults
in <userhome>/.conan/profiles/default file are applied.

For example, the command conan install .. --settings os="Linux" --settings

compiler="gcc" , performs these steps:

Checks if the package recipe (for poco/1.9.4 package) exists in the local
cache. If we are just star ng, the cache is empty.
Looks for the package recipe in the defined remotes. Conan comes with
conancenter remote as the default, but can be changed.
If the recipe exists, the Conan client fetches and stores it in your local Conan
With the package recipe and the input se ngs (Linux, GCC), Conan looks for
the corresponding binary in the local cache.
As the binary is not found in the cache, Conan looks for it in the remote and
fetches it.
Finally, it generates an appropriate file for the build system specified in the
[generators] sec on.

Inspecting Dependencies
The retrieved packages are installed to your local user cache (typically
.conan/data), and can be reused from this loca on for other projects. This allows
to clean your current project and con nue working even without network
connec on. To search for packages in the local cache run:

$ conan search "*"

Existing package recipes:


To inspect the different binary packages of a reference run:

$ conan search poco/1.9.4@

Existing packages for recipe poco/1.9.4:

Package_ID: 645aaff0a79e6036c77803601e44677556109dd9
cxx_14: False
enable_apacheconnector: False
enable_cppparser: False
enable_crypto: True
enable_data: True

The @ symbol at the end of the package name is important to search for a
specific package. If you don’t add the @ , Conan will interpret the argument as a
pa ern search and return all the packages that match the poco/1.9.4 pa ern and
may have different user and channel.

To inspect all your current project’s dependencies use the conan info command by
poin ng it to the loca on of the conanfile.txt folder:
$ conan info ..
ID: db91af4811b080e02ebe5a626f1d256bb90d5223
BuildID: None
ID: eb50d18a5a5d59bd0c332464a4c348ab65e353bf
BuildID: None
Remote: conancenter=https://center.conan.io
URL: https://github.com/conan-io/conan-center-index
Homepage: https://github.com/openssl/openssl
License: OpenSSL
Description: A toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols
Topics: conan, openssl, ssl, tls, encryption, security
Recipe: Cache
Binary: Cache
Binary remote: conancenter
Creation date: 2019-11-13 23:14:37
Required by:
ID: 645aaff0a79e6036c77803601e44677556109dd9
BuildID: None
Remote: conancenter=https://center.conan.io
URL: https://github.com/conan-io/conan-center-index
Homepage: https://pocoproject.org
License: BSL-1.0
Description: Modern, powerful open source C++ class libraries for
building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop,
server, mobile and embedded systems.
Topics: conan, poco, building, networking, server, mobile, embedded
Recipe: Cache
Binary: Cache
Binary remote: conancenter
Creation date: 2020-01-07 17:29:24
Required by:
ID: f74366f76f700cc6e991285892ad7a23c30e6d47
BuildID: None
Remote: conancenter=https://center.conan.io
URL: https://github.com/conan-io/conan-center-index
Homepage: https://zlib.net
License: Zlib
Description: A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression
Library (Also Free, Not to Mention Unencumbered by Patents)
Recipe: Cache
Binary: Cache
Binary remote: conancenter
Creation date: 2020-01-07 17:01:29
Required by:

Or generate a graph of your dependencies using Dot or HTML formats:

$ conan info .. --graph=file.html

$ file.html # or open the file, double-click
Searching Packages
The remote repository where packages are installed from is configured by default
in Conan. It is called Conan Center (configured as conancenter remote).

If we search for something like open in ConanCenter we could find different

packages like:


As you can see, some of the libraries end with a @ symbol followed by two
strings separated by a slash. These fields are the user and channel for the Conan
package, and they are useful if you want to make specific changes and
disambiguate your modified recipe from the one in the Conan Center or any other
remote. These are legacy packages, and the ones without user and channel are the
ones strongly recommended to use from ConanCenter.

ConanCenter is the central public repository for Conan packages. You can
contribute packages to it in the conan-center-index Github repository. If you want
to store your own private packages, you can download the free Ar factory
Community Edi on (CE) directly from the Conan downloads page.

Building with other configurations

In this example, we have built our project using the default configura on detected
by Conan. This configura on is known as the default profile.

A profile needs to be available prior to running commands such as conan install .

When running the command, your se ngs are automa cally detected (compiler,
architecture…) and stored as the default profile. You can edit these se ngs
~/.conan/profiles/default or create new profiles with your desired configura on.

For example, if we have a profile with a 32-bit GCC configura on in a file called
gcc_x86, we can run the following:

$ conan install .. --profile=gcc_x86

 Tip

We strongly recommend using Profiles and managing them with conan config

However, the user can always override the profile se ngs in the conan install
command using the --settings parameter. As an exercise, try building the 32-bit
version of the hash calculator project like this:

$ conan install .. --settings arch=x86

The above command installs a different package, using the --settings arch=x86
instead of the one of the default profile used previously. Note you might need to
install extra compilers or toolchains in some pla orms, as for example, Linux
distribu ons no longer install 32bits toolchains by default.

To use the 32-bit binaries, you will also have to change your project build:

In Windows, change the CMake invoca on to Visual Studio 14 .

In Linux, you have to add the -m32 flag to your CMakeLists.txt by running
SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -m32") , and the same applies to
also be done more easily, by automa cally using Conan, as we’ll show later.
In macOS, you need to add the defini on -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 .

Got any doubts? Check our FAQ, write us or join the community in Cpplang Slack
#conan channel!

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