Infomercial Rabies Script d2
Infomercial Rabies Script d2
Infomercial Rabies Script d2
Rabies is a zoonotic disease that cause Rabies is a disease humans get from animals
59,000 deaths every year worldwide with with back bones. It is a human infection
56% of caused by Lyssa virus. It may cause a number
the cases occurring in Asia. In the Philippines, of deaths (59,000) every year worldwide.
there are 250-300 deaths every year mostly Most (56%) of this number comes from Asia,
among children below 15 years of age and where Philippines is located. Here, there are
those who are poor. 250-300 deaths every year mostly among
children below 15 years of age.
-transmission How is Rabies transmitted to humans?
Bites from infected animals are the most It is when infected animals bite humans.
common mode of transmission of rabies to
Exposure to rabies may come from bites of It comes from infected dogs, cats, other
infected dogs, cats, other domestic domestic and wild animals including bats.
and wild animals including bats.
Younger animals are considered to present a Compared to older animals, the younger
greater risk of rabies than older animals. ones are morelikely to transmit rabies.
However, bites from rats, rabbits, other On the other hand, rats, rabbits, other
rodents, reptiles and birds do not pose a risk rodents, reptiles and birds have low chances
for rabies infection of transmitting the virus.
** Non-bite exposures are less important and Other points of entry of rabies virus could be
are infrequent modes of transmission. through:
However, scratches, open wounds or mucous
membranes that are licked by an infected
animal, can be points of entry of the rabies
virus and these may be in the form of the
following: Contamination of some parts of the body
Contamination of intact mucosa (eyes, known as mucous membranes like those
nose, mouth, genitalia) with saliva of located in the eyes, nose, mouth, and even
infected animal; the private parts with saliva of infected
Licks on broken skin; and animal;
Inhalation of aerosolized virus in closed Licks on broken skin; and
areas (e.g. caves with rabid bats, Inhalation of droplets with the virus in closed
laboratories for rabies diagnosis)** areas like caves with rabid bats
**The rabies virus is not found in human or
animal blood and feces thus, these body
fluids Do poop and blood of infected animals &
do not pose a risk for rabies transmission. humans pose risk of rabies transmission?
Casual contact, such as touching/talking to a No.
person with rabies or contact with
noninfectious fluid (blood, feces), does not Not even through casual contact, such as
constitute an exposure. touching/talking to a person with rabies.
- incubation period - How long does it take for the signs &
symptoms of Rabies on humans to show
Incubation period is the period from the time from time of exposure
of exposure up to the appearance of first
clinical signs and symptoms of rabies. On average, it is between 1-3 months. Most
The average incubation period of human of the cases, it takes less than one year but
rabies is between 1-3 months. In 90-95 % of may be longer in rare cases. It depends on
cases, incubation period is less than one year factors like:
but may be longer in 5-10 % cases. The
duration of the incubation period depends on The amount of the virus loaded into the
certain factors: wound, eyes, nose, mouth, and/or private
The amount of the virus inoculated into the parts
wound or mucosa.
Severity of exposure - Patients with The severity of the bite wound. If there are
multiple and/or deep penetrating bite multiple and/or deep penetrating bite
wounds wounds, the sooner the signs & symptoms
may have shorter incubation period. appear.
Location of exposure - Patients with bite
wounds in highly innervated areas and/or The Location of exposure. Signs & symptoms
close to the central nervous system may have of Rabies infection appear sooner if the bite
shorter incubation period. is located on areas of the neck, head, private
parts, hands and toes.
Samples for Laboratory diagnosis of rabies
during life secretions and biological fluids
(saliva, spinal fluid, tears, etc.) can be used to
diagnose rabies during life (intra vitam).
Post Mortem
Samples for post-mortem diagnosis includes
brain tissue that can be collected through
trans-orbital or trans-foramen magnum route
if autopsy cannot be performed.
How to recognize clinical signs of rabies in Observe the status of biting animal at time of
domestic animals? bite and after 14 days. How to recognize
clinical signs of rabies in domestic animals?
• Withdrawal from and resistance to contact;
seeking seclusion There may be some or any of the ff:
• Wide-eyed; reduced frequency or absence
of blinking; dilated pupils; Withdrawal from and resistance to contact;
photophobia seeking seclusion;
• Exaggerated, often aggressive, response to Wide-eyed; reduced frequency or absence of
tactile, visual, or auditory stimuli blinking; dilated pupils; photophobia
• Snapping/biting at imaginary objects Exaggerated, often aggressive, response to
• Pica (eating or mouthing sticks, stones, soil, tactile, visual, or auditory stimuli
clothing, feces, etc) Snapping/biting at imaginary objects
• Aggressively attacking inanimate objects Pica (eating or mouthing sticks, stones, soil,
• Sexual excitement with attempts to mount clothing, feces, etc.)
inanimate objects Aggressively attacking inanimate objects
• Compulsive running or circling, often to the Sexual excitement with attempts to mount
point of exhaustion inanimate objects
• Obsessive licking, biting, or scratching at Compulsive running or circling, often to the
the site of viral inoculation point of exhaustion
• Dropped jaw, inability to swallow, excessive Obsessive licking, biting, or scratching at the
salivation site of viral inoculation
• Change in tone, timbre, frequency, or Dropped jaw, inability to swallow, excessive
volume of vocalizations salivation
• Flaccid or deviated tail/penis Change in tone, timbre, frequency, or volume
• Tenesmus (due to paralysis of the anal of vocalizations
sphincter) Flaccid or deviated tail/penis
• Muscular tremors Tenesmus (due to paralysis of the anal
• Acute onset of mono-para-,or quadri- sphincter)
paresis; lameness Muscular tremors
• Abnormal, exaggerated gait; ataxia and Acute onset of mono-para-,or quadri-paresis;
incoordination lameness
• Convulsive seizures Abnormal, exaggerated gait; ataxia and
• Paralysis, prostration, recumbency incoordination
• Death Convulsive seizures
If after animal examination, some of these Paralysis, prostration, recumbency
signs or any other signs of illness are or Death
present, it is advised to immediately, safely
and humanely euthanize the animal, Determine the vaccination status of biting
remove the head and submit the brain to the animal.
designated public health laboratory for
testing. Take note of the incubation period, which
begins on the date of bite to date the first
symptoms appear.
Watch out for & take note of the mentioned
3. Determine the vaccination status of biting signs & symptoms of Rabies on humans
animal specially presence of pain/numbness/itching
4. Take note of the incubation period – at bite site, behavior & uncontrolled muscle
Incubation period begins on the date of contraction & weakness
bite to date the first symptoms appear
5. Watch out for the following clinical Take note other contributory information
symptoms: such as other victims of the same animal
Pain/numbness/itching at bite site within the past 24 hours & history of
Encephalitic symptoms– Be sure to note and previous rabies vaccination of the victim.
document/list them
Paralytic symptoms – Document/list these
as well.
6. Consider other contributory information
such as:
Other victims of the same animal within the
past 24 hours
History of previous rabies vaccination (pre
or post exposure prophylaxis,
Wounds shall be immediately Know and apply the proper bite wound
and vigorously washed and management
flushed with soap or detergent,
and water preferably for 10 Immediately and vigorously wash and
minutes. If soap is not available, flush the bite wound with soap or detergent,
the wound shall be thoroughly and water preferably for 10 minutes. If soap
and extensively washed with is not available, the wound shall be
water. thoroughly
Apply alcohol, povidone iodine or any and extensively washed with water.
Suturing of wounds shall be avoided at all Apply alcohol, povidone iodine or any
times since it antiseptic.
may inoculate virus deeper into the wounds.
Wounds Suturing of wounds shall be avoided at all
may be capitated using sterile adhesive times since it may inoculate virus deeper into
strips. If suturing is unavoidable, it shall be the wounds.
delayed for at least 2 hours after
administration of RIG to allow diffusion of the Wounds may be capitated using sterile
antibody to occur through the tissues. adhesive strips.
Any ointment, cream or wound dressing shall
not be applied to the bite site because Any ointment, cream or wound dressing shall
it will favor the growth of bacteria and will not be applied to the bite site because it will
occlude drainage of the wound, if any. favor the growth of bacteria and will occlude
drainage of the wound, if any.