EEP On Design Thinking

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Live Online

Programme Directors
Ganesh N Prabhu & Vinay Dabholkar

18-21 November 2020


Programme DirectorS
Live Online
Design Thinking Programme Ganesh N Prabhu
IIMB has adopted the ZOOM platform to conduct
Dates 18-21 November 2020 Ganesh is Professor of Strategy at IIMB. synchronous online live sessions after careful
He did his post-graduation from the evaluation of multiple options. It helps create a
Institute of Rural Management Anand learning environment that is quite similar to a face
and is a Fellow of IIM Ahmedabad. He to face class, and also provides pedagogical tools
won the Best Young Teacher Award that facilitate discussion based learning. Participants
and Best Research Paper Award from will need to have a computer that can download
the Association of Indian Management Schools. Since Zoom software and a sound Internet connection to
Testimonials 1996 he teaches strategy courses across programs attend the sessions. With extensive experience and
and offers an elective on new product development in feedback from resource persons and participants
Program Comments: “Design Thinking” the post-graduate program at IIMB. He has conducted over the past few months, IIMB has concluded
programme at IIM-Bangalore was one of the several senior management team visioning workshops that the learning can be enhanced if sessions are
best investment that I have done in recent and been actively involved in mentoring aspiring conducted in compact durations of about 1:15
past for my development. The program entrepreneurs, start-ups and small firms. Ganesh was minutes. Accordingly, the sessions for this program
covered various area’s of design thinking earlier a nominated member of the India Design Council. will be held from 9.00 am to 1.15 pm in 3 sessions of
concepts (industries agnostic) which were While at IIMB he has consulted on major turnaround approximately 1:15 minutes each with breaks.
easy to understand and internalize. The case projects and prior to his doctoral studies he was an
studies presented during the program did Executive Assistant to the Managing Director of the
Program Overview give valuable ideas on how we can start using Punjab Milk Federation for a year on a major turnaround
the design thinking process in our day to day project. Last date for registration:
Customer understanding, innovation and collaboration work. I was able to use the simple method 13 November 2020
skills are vital to all businesses. Solving complex business taught during the program to solve some long Vinay Dabholkar
problems requires understanding multiple perspectives Programme Fee and Payment
pending challenges related to process within
within and outside the organization. The design thinking Vinay is an independent consultant INR 76,500/- (+ Applicable GST) per person
my current engineering team. I would surely
process covered in this program enables participants to and for the past decade he has been for participants from India and its equivalent
recommend this program to professionals
understand the potential of interdisciplinary collaboration helping organizations foster a culture in US Dollars for participants from other
who are looking to use alternate ways of
for co-creation of new solutions to complex business of innovation. His clients include countries.
thinking to solve some business problems.
issues. An essential part of the training of designers and Oracle, Adobe, Tech Mahindra, Kotak The programme fee should be received by
architects, the design thinking method has been found Tejas Raval Mahindra, Titan, Airbus etc. He also the Executive Education Office before the
effective and applicable to a diversity of managerial Software Engineering Senior Manager, Dell works with not-for-profit organizations like Agastya programme commencement date. In case of
problems. (school education) and Orbis (healthcare). He is a co- cancellations, the fee will be refunded only if
I’ve participated in the Design Thinking author of the book “8 steps to innovation”. He has a request is received at least 15 days prior to
Content Program of IIM Bangalore during Nov,2019. I been an Adjunct/Guest faculty at IIM Bangalore and IIT the start of the programme.
truly enjoyed the topic which was presented Bombay. In the past few years, he has been researching
• Right Brain Thinking in a very lucid manner by the lectures and If a nomination is not accepted, the fee will
on cognitive illusion and its relationship with creativity and
• Lead User Research to Product Innovation where a great cohort of participants from be refunded to the person / organisation
mindfulness. Prior to starting the consulting career, Vinay
• Process View of Design Thinking diversified backgrounds also shared truly concerned.
worked for a decade in Motorola in US and Sasken in
• Immersive Research: Tool and Techniques insightful interspersed experiences with top- Bangalore. He did his B. Tech. from IIT Bombay and PhD
• Challenge Framing and Ideation Techniques Discount
notch practical exercises. Upon returning to from SUNY Buffalo both in Computer Science.
• Prototyping and Test Cycles Early Bird Discount: Nominations received
my organization, I was able to disseminate
• Pitch Design and Communication with payments on or before 4-Nov-20 will be
the information and experience with my
• Enabling Design Thinking in Teams entitled to an Early Bird Discount of 5%.
core team members along with ourdesign
• Creating Primary Demand leaders and product development managers Early Bird Fee INR 72,625/- (+ Applicable
• Achieving Product Integrity in design thinking. I saw practically improved GST)
acceptance of my approach by the larger team
Participant Profile
where using the framework of design thinking Please note: All enrollments are subject to review
Middle to senior level managers who wish to hone their with empathy and being in the customer show and approval by the programme director. Joining
business and innovation skills through design thinking. It has immediately driven positive change of Instructions will be shared with the organisation if
is also relevant for client facing management consultants Innovation and Problem-solving. sponsored or to the participants on selection 10 days
who wish to build their design thinking skills for effectively prior to the start of the programme.
Mustafa Golam
engaging with client firms. Teams may like to register
Head of Technical Sales ( FSOC ) | A certificate of participation will be awarded
together to build synergy from the discussions in the to the participant by IIMB on completion of the
The Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) is a leading graduate school of management in Asia. Under
the IIM Act of 2017, IIMB is an Institute of National Importance. Established in 1973, IIMB today offers
a range of post-graduate and doctoral level courses as well as executive education programmes.
With a faculty body from amongst the best universities worldwide, IIMB has emerged as a
leader in the area of management research, education and consulting. IIMB’s distinctive VISION
feature is its strong focus on leadership and entrepreneurial skills that are necessary to To be a global,
succeed in today’s dynamic business environment. renowned academic
institution fostering
IIMB has around 100 full time faculty members, more than 1200 students across excellence in management,
various long duration programmes and nearly 6000 annual Executive Education innovation and
participants. entrepreneurship for
business, government
IIMB has obtained the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) accreditation
and society
awarded by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). IIMB has
been ranked No. 2 in the India Rankings 2020 in the Management Education category under
the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) by the MHRD.
Executive Education Programmes
The Executive Education engages with the industry through its various Custom and Open enrolment programmes with
a view to impart the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in today’s environment. IIMB’s Executive Education
ranks among the Top 50 Global schools as per Financial Times Executive Education Ranking 2020 and is the only
business school from India to figure in this prestigious list of global providers of Executive Education.

Please logon to IIMB website
eep for registering online. Do feel free to get
back to us if you should have any clarification.
Executive Education Programmes
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru 560 076
Phone: +91-80-2699 3264 / 2699 3475
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Toll free number: 1800 209 3071
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