Learning Opportunities: Take Time To Learn ..

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Adult Learning Service

Learning Opportunities

take time to learn ...

Children and Young Peoples Service

A responsive County Council providing excellent and efficient local services

North Yorkshire County Council Children and Young Peoples Service

Equality and diversity

North Yorkshire County Councils Adult Learning Service is committed to equality and diversity and meets with County Council and Learning and Skills Council equality and diversity policies and regulations. Equality and diversity is at the heart of our teaching and learning and we are continuously improving our service to best serve the needs of our learners. We will: Provide education and training opportunities for all, without discrimination, and treat all learners with courtesy and respect. Make sure the premises we use are accessible, safe, clean and suitable for purpose. Listen to what our learners say and recognise that people have different ways of learning. Make sure individual learning needs are met throughout the course, with opportunities for learners to feedback on their progress. Challenge unsuitable behaviour which offends or discriminates against fellow learners and/or staff. Make sure our staff are well trained and supported so they can provide a high quality service. Provide information for learners, written in plain English. Information can be requested in large print, Braille, other languages and audio formats. Regularly consult with the wider community in order to monitor and evaluate the quality of our service delivery. A copy of the County Councils Equal Opportunities policy is available on the website at www.northyorks.gov.uk

Accuracy statement: While every attempt has been made to ensure that all the details in this prospectus are accurate, North Yorkshire County Council cannot accept responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions.

learn achieve succeed enjoy opportunities discover choices accessibility friendly career leisure support encourage

A warm WELCOME to North Yorkshire County Councils Adult Learning Service prospectus for 2009/2010. Whether you are looking to improve your skills, gain a qualification or simply wish to learn for fun, we are sure you will find something amongst the diverse range of courses we have on offer, in a wide range of locations across the County. Our programme of learning opportunities includes courses that address skills for the workplace, should you require further workrelated qualifications to progress on your chosen career path. For the unemployed there are skills and qualifications available, some of them FREE, together with additional support to help you in your search for a new job. Our family learning courses open up opportunities to learn together as a family, alongside your children or grandchildren. The aim is to give parents and carers the knowledge and skills to support your childrens learning and development, enhanced by a national qualification in literacy and numeracy. There are courses for adults of all ages, designed to excite and inspire you. These include ever popular exercise, relaxation and arts and crafts courses. Finding the right course is the first stage of your learning journey and our experienced staff are on hand to give you all the help and advice you need. We can also offer additional support if you have a learning difficulty or disability and you may be eligible for help with the cost of your fees. We will do our best to ensure your time spent as a learner with our service is enjoyable and fulfilling, and to support you in achieving your personal goals.

North Yorkshire County Council Children and Young Peoples Service

How to join a class

To help you decide which course is the right choice for you, information sheets are available from area offices. Contact details are listed on the back page of this prospectus. Places are limited on each course and we therefore recommend early registration. Please note that any enquiries remain provisional until payment is received. Enrolment can sometimes be made at the first session of a course (the registration evening) but please note that there will be no guarantee of a place. Once you have decided which course you wish to attend, you can contact us in one of the following ways: 10 August to 28 August - 10am to 3pm, weekdays - Adult Learning Service office, (above Bilton Library and Information Centre, Bilton Lane), Harrogate. 1 September - 3pm to 7pm - Boroughbridge Library and Information Centre. 1 September - 1.30pm to 4.30pm Harrogate Library and Information Centre. 2 September - 10am to 3pm - Skills Mobile, Ripon Market Square*. 3 September - 10am to 3pm - Skills Mobile, Harrogate town centre*. 3 September - 2.30pm to 6pm - Ripon Library and Information Centre. 4 September - 10am to 12.30pm and 2.30pm to 6pm - Pateley Bridge Library and Information Centre. 8 September - 10am to 12.30pm Knaresborough Library and Information Centre. 8 September - 6.30pm to 8.30pm Community House, Allhallowgate, Ripon. 8 September - 1.30pm to 4.30pm Harrogate Library and Information Centre. 9 September - 10am to 3pm - Skills Mobile, Ripon Market Square*. 10 September - 10am to 3pm - Skills Mobile, Harrogate town centre*. 10 September - 2.30pm to 6pm - Ripon Library and Information Centre.

By e-mail or phone
Enquiries can be made by either e-mail or phone (see back page for contact details). If e-mailing, be sure to include the course code and your name and address.

In person
You can call into your area office between 10am and 3pm, weekdays, at: Adult Learning Office Ist Floor Bilton Library Bilton Lane Harrogate HG1 3DT Tel: 0845 300 2412 E-mail: harrogate.adultlearning@northyorks.gov.uk

Enrolment sessions
Various enrolment sessions take place across the County. Listed right are some of the venues where you can meet with our Adult Learning staff, find out more about the courses and enrol: * The Adult Learning Service Skills Mobile Resource Centre will be parked at this venue.

learn achieve succeed enjoy opportunities discover choices accessibility friendly career leisure support encourage

FAQs about adult learning courses

Do you offer courses in my local area?
We offer courses across the whole of the County. There are seven different areas, each with its own prospectus: Craven East Coast Scarborough Whitby Hambleton Harrogate Richmondshire Ryedale Selby 0845 300 2414 0845 034 9579 (01947) 601901 (01609) 533900 0845 300 2412 0845 873 6585 0845 300 6681 0845 300 6686

How do I know if a course is right for me?

Adult Learning Service staff are very experienced in giving advice and guidance relating to learning opportunities. Every office has a Community Development Worker who will listen to your requirements and match these to one of the many learning opportunities on offer.

You can attend a course in any area. If you would like a prospectus for another area, please telephone (01609) 532478.

How can I enrol on a class?

Enquiries are welcome by e-mail or phone, followed by payment to your area office, either by post (cheques only please) or in person. There are also regional enrolment sessions (see page 4). If a course has already started, please contact the area office to find out if places are still available.

Could I be entitled to reduced fees (known as fee remission)?

There are some circumstances where you could be entitled to reduced fees. If you are currently claiming means tested benefits, for example Income Support, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Credit and/or Pension Credit, you may be entitled to a free place (excluding an administration fee, which is payable). Please ring your area office for help and advice. Concessions are offered on some courses to people over the age of 60. If you are an adult under the age of 19 and NOT in full-time education, you will only have to pay the administration fee (FE courses only).

How can I pay?

Cheques should be made payable to North Yorkshire County Council. Payment (cash or cheque) can be made at enrolment sessions (see page 4). Some credit cards are accepted; please ring the area office for details. You may be able to spread the cost of your course by using an easy payment plan (full-year courses only) details available from the area office.

North Yorkshire County Council Children and Young Peoples Service

Do you give refunds?

If a course is cancelled by the service for whatever reason, refunds will be given. Learners who withdraw from a course will not be entitled to a refund, other than in exceptional circumstances, and a 10 administration fee will be levied.

this service and we can offer you information and advice on issues such as childcare, travel, fee remission, etc. Friendly, informative advice is available either over the phone or at an informal face-to-face discussion.

Do you have any special facilities for learners with difficulties or disabilities?
An essential part of our service is making sure everyone has equal access to learning opportunities. We produce a separate prospectus listing courses designed to support adults with learning difficulties or disabilities. To request a copy, please contact your area office. If you require any extra help, for example with access or equipment to support learning, please let the staff know when you book your place.

Can I get a qualification to help me improve my career prospects?

Yes, we can offer you a full package of support to help you get on the right track. If this is your first full level 1 or 2 qualification, you may be entitled to a free place on one of our courses. Simply contact your area office and ask to speak to the Community Development Worker. There is no charge for

learn achieve succeed enjoy opportunities discover choices accessibility friendly career leisure support encourage

English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)

We have a wide range of ESOL courses at different levels to help you develop your language skills and get more out of your life in the UK. Improve your speaking and listening. Improve your reading and writing. Help with your job-seeking skills. Help you do your current job better. Help you settle in the community. Opportunity to meet new friends. Gain a qualification. Enrolments taken throughout the year (subject to places being available). We will need to meet you to explain the course and find out more about your individual needs. Information and enrolment sessions take place in each area of the County. For further details please telephone your area office (see back page). Remember, you can ring us at any time to find out more about ESOL courses in your area.

The funding for all our courses comes from the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) and we need to ensure that ALL learners are eligible for funding. The general brief overview is that the LSC will fund: People who have been settled in the UK for three years. European Union (EU) nationals who have lived within the European Economic Area (EEA) for three years prior to commencing their course. EEA migrant workers who have lived within the EEA for three years prior to commencing their course. People with refugee status. Asylum seekers in receipt of benefits.

Complaints: North Yorkshire County Councils Adult Learning Service aim to provide all learners with a quality, value-formoney experience. We do, however, recognise that sometimes things can go wrong. If this happens, please contact your area office who will do their best to put things right. If you still wish to make a formal complaint, please contact your area office who will advise you of the procedure to follow.

When you complete the enrolment form for your course you will be asked about your residential status. This is standard procedure for all learning providers but if you are at all concerned about this or if you are not sure if you are eligible, please ask when you enrol. You may be asked to provide proof of your residential status at enrolment.

North Yorkshire County Council Children and Young Peoples Service

Need a little extra help?

Need more information to help you find the right course? Not sure if you can get fee remission? What about child-care? Is travel a problem? Nervous about returning to learning?

We offer a free advice and guidance service to adults to help you get on the right track. If you are over 19 years of age and want to progress in your chosen career, return to work, change career direction or simply want to get back into learning, we have specially trained staff waiting to help you. Telephone your area office (see back page) and ask to speak to the Community Development Worker. We have advisors based all over the County and they will make arrangements to meet with you to talk through your options.

Please note: The County Council reserves the right to close, divide or merge courses as may be necessary, having regard to the enrolment figures and subsequent attendance at an individual course, and whilst the County Council will endeavour to cause the minimum inconvenience, learners should be aware that changes in the course may have to be made for a variety of reasons including enrolment and attendance. The County Council would not accept any liability as a consequence of such change.

learn achieve succeed enjoy opportunities discover choices accessibility friendly career leisure support encourage

Brush up your English and maths skills

Literacy and numeracy are key skills that will benefit you in a wide range of everyday situations, and improving your abilities in these areas will help to boost your confidence, job prospects and allow you to pursue your ambitions. For example, you may want to access a college course, gain a promotion at work or simply help your children with their homework. With classes available across the area at different times and on different days, you will work towards a National Certificate in numeracy or literacy at entry level, level 1 or level 2.

All English and Maths classes are free.

For more information, and to discuss your personal learning needs, please contact your area office (see back page) and ask to speak to the Skills for Life Development Co-ordinator.

Family learning
Family learning provides a wide range of learning opportunities for parents, children and the wider family to enjoy together the experience of learning. All courses are FREE. A crche may be available for younger children. Wide choice of courses available. Open to parents, carers and the wider family. Helps you support your child with reading and writing. Opportunity for quality time with your family. Helps you with your parenting skills. Fun and informative. Qualifications available (nationally accredited). Builds confidence in you and your child. There are a range of courses designed for parents to help them understand more about the school environment and the learning process. They aim to give parents more ideas on how to stimulate and support their childs language and numeracy skills. Nationally recognised certificates are issued on completion. Courses include languages, arts, crafts, fitness, health and exercise programmes . and lots more. These take place throughout the year, all over the County. Contact your area office for further details (see back page).

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Course Code

Course: City & Guilds Level 1 Award in Book-Keeping and Accounts (QCF)
HAFLT420 Wed 23-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Rossett School 10 45 45 25

Course: NVQ Level 2 In Accounting
HAFL2470 Mon & 21-Sep-09 18:00 Thurs 21:00 TBC 30 405 405 125

Course: Introduction to Manual Bookkeeping

HAASL089 Sat 03-Oct-09 10:00 16:00 Ripon Library 1 15 10

Course: Introduction to Computerised Bookkeeping

HAASL091 Sat 16-Jan-10 10:00 16:00 Ripon Library 1 15 10

Course: Introduction to Manual Bookkeeping

HAASL090 Sat 20-Mar-10 10:00 16:00 Ripon Library 1 15 10

Course: Introduction to Computerised Bookkeeping

HAASL092 Sat 15-May-10 10:00 16:00 Ripon Library 1 15 10

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Course Code

Course: Watercolour Painting
HALFL301A Mon 21-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Boroughbridge High School 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Watercolour Painting

HALFL301B Mon 11-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 Boroughbridge High School 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Watercolour Painting

HALFL301C Mon 19-Apr-10 19:00 21:00 Boroughbridge High School 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Watercolour Painting

HALFL300A Tues 22-Sep-09 09:30 12:00 Coronation Hall 10 94 75 TBC

Course: Watercolour Painting

HALFL324A Tues 22-Sep-09 13:00 15:30 Coronation Hall 10 94 75 TBC

Course: Watercolour Painting

HALFL300B Tues 12-Jan-10 09:30 12:00 Coronation Hall 10 94 75 TBC

Course: Watercolour Painting

HALFL324B Tues 12-Jan-10 13:00 15:30 Coronation Hall 10 94 75 TBC

Course: Watercolour Painting

HALFL300C Tues 20-Apr-10 09:30 12:00 Coronation Hall 10 94 75 TBC

Course: Beginners Painting and Drawing
HAASL079 Mon 14-Sep-09 13:00 15:00 Styan Centre, Jennyelds 10 60 40

Course: Elements of Painting and Drawing

HAASL080 Mon 11-Jan-10 13:00 15:00 Stan Centre, Jennyelds 10 75 60





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Arts and Crafts


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Course Code

Harrogate (continued)
Course: Elements of Painting and Drawing
HAASL081 Mon 19-Apr-10 13:00 15:00 Styan Centre, Jennyelds 10 60 40

Course: Creative Writing (Second Stage)

HAASL113 Wed 16-Sep-09 10:00 12:00 St Roberts Centre 10 60 40 TBC

Course: Soft furnishing, Upholstery & Caning

HALFL303A Wed 16-Sep-09 13:30 15:30 Pannal Memorial Hall 10 75.00 60.00 TBC

Course: Soft furnishing, Upholstery & Caning

HALFL304 Wed 16-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Rossett School 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Soft furnishing, Upholstery & Caning

HALFL303B Wed 13-Jan-10 13:30 15:30 Pannal Memorial Hall 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Soft furnishing, Upholstery & Caning

HALFL305B Wed 13-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 Rossett School 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Soft furnishing, Upholstery & Caning

HALFL303C Wed 21-Apr-10 13:30 15:30 Pannal Memorial Hall 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Soft furnishing, Upholstery & Caning

HALFL305C Wed 21-Apr-10 19:00 21:00 Rossett School 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Elements of drawing, colour, painting

HALFL302A Thurs 17-Sep-09 13:00 16:00 Harrogate High School 10 113 90 TBC

Course: Elements of drawing, colour, painting

HALFL302B Thurs 14-Jan-10 13:00 16:00 Harrogate High School 10 113 90 TBC

Course: Elements of drawing, colour, painting

HALFL302C Thurs 22-Apr-10 13:00 16:00 Harrogate High School 10 113 90 TBC

Course: Beginners Soft Furnishings & Upholstery

HALFL329A Fri 18-Sep-09 13:30 15:30 Harrogate High School 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Improvers Soft Furnishings & Upholstery

HALFL330B Fri 15-Jan-10 13:30 15:30 Harrogate High School 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Improvers Soft Furnishings & Upholstery

HALFL330C Fri 23-Apr-10 13:30 15:30 Harrogate High School 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Beginners Painting & Drawing
HALFL332A Tues 15-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 King Jamess School 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Improvers Painting & Drawing

HALFL332B Tues 12-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 King Jamess School 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Improvers Painting & Drawing

HALFL332C Tues 20-Apr-10 19:00 21:00 King Jamess School 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Relax & Paint

HALFL306A Wed 16-Sep-09 09:30 11:30 Knaresborough Community Centre Stockwell Avenue 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Relax & Paint

HALFL306B Wed 13-Jan-10 09:30 11:30 Knaresborough Community Centre Stockwell Avenue 10 75 60 TBC




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Arts and Crafts (continued)


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Course Code

Harrogate (continued)
Course: Relax & Paint
HALFL306C Wed 21-Apr-10 09:30 11:30 Knaresborough Community Centre Stockwell Avenue 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Print - Collagraph
HAASL116 Mon 28-Sep-09 12:00 16:00 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 5 60 40 TBC

Course: Printmaking - Collagraph

HALFL307 Mon 28-Sep-09 19:00 21:30 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 8 75 60 TBC

Course: Print - Collagraph

HAASL120 Mon 09-Nov-09 12:00 16:00 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 5 60 40 TBC

Course: Traditional Crafts - Learn caning, rush, upholstery, patchwork or embroidery whilst working on your own project
HALFL310A Tues 15-Sep-09 13:30 15:30 Lofthouse Memorial Hall 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Traditional Crafts - Learn caning, rush, upholstery, patchwork or embroidery whilst working on your own project
HALFL310B Tues 12-Jan-10 13:30 15:30 Lofthouse Memorial Hall 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Traditional Crafts - Learn caning, rush, upholstery, patchwork or embroidery whilst working on your own project
HALFL310C Tues 20-Apr-10 13:30 15:30 Lofthouse Memorial Hall 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Painting & Drawing

HALFL308 Wed 23-Sep-09 10:00 12:30 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 8 75 60 TBC

Course: Introduction to Wire and Bead Jewellery

HALFL335 Wed 23-Sep-09 19:00 21:30 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 8 75 60 TBC

Course: Painting & Drawing

HALFL312 Wed 13-Jan-10 10:00 12:30 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 8 75 60 TBC

Course: Wire and Bead Jewellery Making

HALFL340 Wed 13-Jan-10 19:00 21:30 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 8 75 60 TBC

Course: Painting & Drawing

HALFL347 Thurs 24-Sep-09 10:00 12:30 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 8 75 60 TBC

Course: Painting & Drawing

HALFL348 Thurs 14-Jan-10 10:00 12:30 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 8 75 60 TBC

Course: Contemporary Textiles - Surface Decoration (1st Sat of every Month)

HALFL334 Sat 03-Oct-09 10:00 16:00 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 4 75 60 TBC

Course: Botanical Drawing & Painting (Every 2 Weeks)

HAASL115 Sat 10-Oct-09 09:30 12:00 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 16 120 80 TBC





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Arts and Crafts (continued)


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Course Code

Nidderdale (continued)
Course: Botanical Drawing & Painting (every 2 weeks)
HALFL337 Sat 10-Oct-09 13:00 15:30 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 8 75 60 TBC

Course: Contemporary Textiles - Surface Decoration (1st Sat of every Month)

HALFL349 Sat 06-Feb-10 10:00 16:00 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 4 75 60 TBC

Course: Botanical Drawing & Painting (every 2 weeks)

HALFL338 Sat 27-Feb-10 13:00 15:30 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 8 75 60 TBC

Course: Felting
HALFL339 Sat TBC 10:00 16:00 Broadbelt Hall, Glasshouses 1 19 15 TBC

Course: NCFE Creative Crafts Level 1 & 2 Bookbinding (1st Sun of every month)
HAASLFE210 Sun 04-Oct-09 09:30 15:30 Number 6 studio gallery, Pateley Bridge 10 135 135 37 TBC

Course: NCFE Creative Crafts Level 1&2 - Upholstery & Furniture Restoration
HAASLFE215 Mon 21-Sep-09 09:30 16:30 Ripon Lifelong Learning Centre 10 135 135 37 TBC

Course: Painting & Drawing

HALFL314A Mon 21-Sep-09 10:00 12:30 St John Ambulance Hall 10 94 75 TBC

Course: Painting & Drawing

HALFL314B Mon 11-Jan-10 10:00 12:30 St John Ambulance Hall 10 94 75 TBC

Course: Painting & Drawing

HALFL314C Mon 19-Apr-10 10:00 12:30 St John Ambulance Hall 10 94 75 TBC

Course: Needle Crafts, Soft Furnishing & Upholstery

HALFL315A Thurs 17-Sep-09 13:30 15:30 Kirkby Malzeard Mechanics Institute 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Watercolour Painting

HALFL316A Thurs 24-Sep-09 09:30 12:00 Kirkby Malzeard Mechanics Institute 10 94 75 TBC

Course: Watercolour Painting

HALFL316B Thurs 14-Jan-10 09:30 12:00 Kirkby Malzeard Mechanics Institute 10 94 75 TBC

Course: Needle Crafts, Soft Furnishing & Upholstery

HALFL315B Thurs 14-Jan-10 13:30 15:30 Kirkby Malzeard Mechanics Institute 10 75 60 TBC

Course: Watercolour Painting

HALFL316C Thurs 22-Apr-10 09:30 12:00 Kirkby Malzeard Mechanics Institute 10 94 75 TBC




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Arts and Crafts (continued)


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Course Code

Course: Furniture & Upholstery Repair For Beginners
HALFL328A Thurs 14-Jan-10 09:30 16:00 Ripon Lifelong Learning Centre 5 113 90 TBC

Course: Furniture & Upholstery Repair For Beginners

HALFL328B Thurs 25-Feb-10 09:30 16:00 Ripon Lifelong Learning Centre 5 113 90 TBC

Course: Sewing for Men - A short course to save you money and show you how to sew on a button or mend a tear!
HAASL108 Sat 17-Oct-09 09:45 12:45 Ripon Library 1 9 6 TBC

Course: Sewing for Men - A short course to save you money and show you how to sew on a button or mend a tear!
HAASL109 Sat 30-Jan-10 09:45 12:45 TBC 1 9 6 TBC

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Course Code

Course: Introduction to Alternative Therapies
HAASL001 Tues 15-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Rossett School 10 60 40 TBC

Course: Introduction to Aromatherapy & Massage

HAASL003 Thu 17-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Harrogate High School 10 60 40 TBC

Course: Introduction to Alternative Therapies
HAASL004 Tues 12-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 King Jamess School 5 30 20 TBC

Course: Introduction to Indian Head Massage

HAASL002 Tues 23-Feb-10 19:00 21:00 King Jamess School 5 30 20 TBC

Course: Grief Loss and Bereavment
HAASL048 Mon TBC 17:00 19:00 Nidderdale Plus 3 18 12

Course: Level 3 Certicate in Counselling Skills and Theory (Will include 2 Saturday Workshops)
HAASLFE200 Wed 30-Sep-09 18:15 21:15 TBC 29 196 196 74 30

Course: Level 2 Certicate in Counselling (Will include 2 Saturday Workshops)

HAASLFE205 Wed 19-May-10 18:15 21:15 TBC 10 90 90 64 30

Course: Reexology for All

HALFL317A Thurs 24-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Ripon Leisure Centre 10 75 60

Course: Reexology for All

HALFL317B Thurs 14-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 Ripon Leisure Centre 10 75 60





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Counselling, Care and Health Studies





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Arts and Crafts (continued)


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Course Code

Course: Switch on and Get Going- For the complete beginner, no previous computer skills required
HAASL005 Mon 21-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Boroughbridge High School 10 60 40

Course: Switch on and Get Going Next Steps. (Word, Email, Internet and File Management to Level 1)
HAASL006 Mon 11-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 Boroughbridge High School 10 60 40

Course: Switch on and Get Going- For the complete beginner, no previous computer skills required
HAASL017 Wed 16-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Rossett School 10 60 40

Course: Switch on and Get Going Next Steps. (Word, Email, Internet and File Management to Level 1)
HAASL101 Wed 13-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 Rossett School 10 60 40

Course: Switch on and Get Going Next Steps. (Word, Email, Internet and File Management to Level 1)
HAASL029 Thurs 17-Sep-09 09:30 11:30 Spofforth School 10 60 40

Course: Certicate for IT Users (Clait) / (ITQ) Foundation

HAFLT405 Thurs 17-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Harrogate High School 30 135 135 45

Course: Internet and E Mail - Basic introductory course, suitable for beginners
HAASL009 Thurs 17-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Harrogate High School 5 30 20

Course: Internet and E Mail - Basic introductory course, suitable for beginners
HAASL051 Thurs 14-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 Harrogate High School 5 30 20

Course: Switch on and Get Going- For the complete beginner, no previous computer skills required
HAASL011 Fri 18-Sep-09 09:00 11:00 Woodeld County Primary School 10 60 40

Course: Switch on and Get Going Next Steps. (Word, Email, Internet and File Management to Level 1)
HAASL013 Fri 15-Jan-10 09:00 11:00 Woodeld County Primary School 10 60 40

Course: Switch on and Get Going Next Steps. (Word, Email, Internet and File Management to Level 1)
HAASL102 Fri 23-Apr-10 09:00 11:00 Woodeld County Primary School 10 60 40

Course: Internet and E Mail - Basic introductory course, suitable for beginners
HAASL015 Mon 14-Sep-09 09:30 11:30 Age Concern 5 30 20

Course: Introduction to Web Design - Taster course, suitable for all

HAASL022 Mon 09-Nov-09 10:00 16:00 King Jamess School 1 15 10

Course: Internet and E Mail - Basic introductory course, suitable for beginners
HAASL016 Mon 11-Jan-10 09:30 11:30 Age Concern 5 30 20

Course: Introduction to Web Design - Taster course, suitable for all

HAASL078 Mon 11-Jan-10 10:00 16:00 King Jamess School 1 15 10

Course: Switch on and Get Going- For the complete beginner, no previous computer skills required
HAASL018 Tues 15-Sep-09 09:30 11:30 King Jamess School 10 60 40




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Computer Courses and Ofce Skills


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Course Code

Knaresborough (continued)
Course: Switch on and Get Going- For the complete beginner, no previous computer skills required
HAASL019 Tues 15-Sep-09 12:00 14:00 King Jamess School 10 60 40

Course: Web Design-Basic introductory course, suitable for beginners

HAASL020 Tues 15-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 King Jamess School 10 60 40

Course: Switch on and Get Going- For the complete beginner, no previous computer skills required
HAASL099 Tues 15-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 King Jamess School 10 60 40

Course: Switch on and Get Going Next Steps. (Word, Email, Internet and File Management to Level 1)
HAASL021 Tues 12-Jan-10 09:30 11:30 King Jamess School 10 60 40

Course: Switch on and Get Going Next Steps. (Word, Email, Internet and File Management to Level 1)
HAASL100 Tues 12-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 King Jamess School 10 60 40

Course: Web Design-Basic introductory course, suitable for beginners

HAASL103 Tues 12-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 King Jamess School 5 30 20

Course: Web Design-Basic introductory course, suitable for beginners

HAASL121 Tues 23-Feb-10 19:00 21:00 King Jamess School 5 30 20

Course: Desk Top Publishing -Basic introductory course, suitable for beginners
HAASL023 Fri TBC 10:30 15:30 King Jamess School 1 12 8

Course: Switch on and Get Going Next Steps. (Word, Email, Internet and File Management to Level 1)
HAASL098 Mon 21-Sep-09 19:00 21:30 Glasshouses Community Primary School 8 60 40

Course: Switch on and Get Going- For the complete beginner, no previous computer skills required
HAASL010 Mon 19-Apr-10 19:00 21:30 Glasshouses Community Primary School 8 60 40

Course: Internet and E Mail - Basic introductory course, suitable for beginners
HAASL034 Mon 21-Sep-09 09:45 11:45 Community House 5 30 20

Course: Introduction to Excel - Basic introductory course, suitable for beginners

HAASL038 Mon 02-Nov-09 09:45 11:45 Community House 5 30 20

Course: Introduction to Word -Basic introductory course, suitable for beginners

HAASL040 Mon 11-Jan-10 09:45 11:45 Community House 5 30 20

Course: Introduction to PowerPoint - Basic introduction course, suitable for beginners

HAASL042 Mon 22-Feb-10 09:45 11:45 Community House 5 30 20

Course: Certicate for IT Users (Clait) / (ITQ) Foundation

HAFLT400 Tues 22-Sep-09 09:45 11:45 Community House 30 135 135 45

Course: Introduction to Facebook and On Line Networking

HAASL104 Tues 06-Oct-09 18:30 21:30 Community House 1 9 6





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Computer Courses and Ofce Skills (continued)


Co n ( o v ce ssi er ons 60 s)

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Course Code

Ripon (continued)
Course: Introduction to Facebook and On Line Networking
HAASL105 Tues 20-Oct-09 18:30 21:30 Community House 1 9 6

Course: Switch on and Get Going- For the complete beginner, no previous computer skills required
HAASL041 Tues 20-Apr-10 18:30 21:00 Community House 8 60 40

Course: Switch on and Get Going Next Steps. (Word, Email, Internet and File Management to Level 1)
HAASL028 Wed 23-Sep-09 09:45 11:45 Community House 10 60 40

Course: ITQ 2009 (ECDL - European standard in computer skills) Certicate for IT users (ECDL) / (ITQ) Intermediate
HAFL2410 Wed 23-Sep-09 18:00 21:00 Community House 36 243 243 42

Course: Switch on and Get Going- For the complete beginner, no previous computer skills required
HAASL036 Wed 13-Jan-10 09:45 11:45 Community House 10 60 40

Course: Web Design-Basic introductory course, suitable for beginners

HAASL035 Thurs 24-Sep-09 09:45 11:45 Community House 5 30 20

Course: Switch on and Get Going- For the complete beginner, no previous computer skills required
HAASL025 Thurs 24-Sep-09 12:45 14:45 Community House 10 60 40

Course: Web Design-Basic introductory course, suitable for beginners

HAASL039 Thurs 05-Nov-09 09:45 11:45 Community House 5 30 20

Course: E Bay Buying & Selling - Learn how to sell those unwanted items and buy even more!
HAASL033 Thurs 05-Nov-09 13:00 15:00 Community House 5 30 20

Course: E Bay Buying & Selling - Learn how to sell those unwanted items and buy even more!
HAASL043 Thurs 05-Nov-09 19:00 21:00 Community House 5 30 20

Course: E Bay Buying & Selling - Learn how to sell those unwanted items and buy even more!
HAASL037 Thurs 14-Jan-10 13:30 15:30 Community House 5 30 20

Course: Mail Merge, Envelopes and Labels -Basic introduction course, suitable for beginners
HAASL031 Thurs 25-Feb-10 10:00 14:30 Community House 1 12 8

Course: Desk Top Publishing -Basic introductory course, suitable for beginners
HAASL030 Thurs TBC 10:15 16:15 Community House 1 15 10

Course: Introduction to Web Design - Taster course, suitable for all

HAASL032 Thurs TBC 10:15 16:15 Community House 1 15 10

Course: OCR Level 1 Award in Text Processing (Business Professional) (QCF)

HAFLT415 Fri 25-Sep-09 09:30 12:00 Community House 30 169 169 12-16 per unit




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Computer Courses and Ofce Skills (continued)


Co n ( o v ce ssi er ons 60 s)

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Course Code

Course: Cookery For All
HAASL007 Wed 16-Sep-09 18:30 21:00 Rossett School 8 60 40

Course: Cookery for Men

HAASL044 Thurs 21-Jan-10 18:30 21:00 Harrogate High School 8 60 40

Course: Cookery For All

HAASL045 Thurs 22-Apr-10 18:30 21:00 Harrogate High School 8 60 40

Course: Cooking for Men
HAASL094 Tues 22-Sep-09 16:15 18:15 Ripon Grammar School 10 60 40

Course: Cooking on a Budget

HAASL046 Tues 12-Jan-10 16:15 18:15 Ripon Grammar School 5 30 20

Course: An Introduction to Asian Cookery

HAASL047 Tues 12-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 Ripon Grammar School 8 48 32

Co n (ov cessi er ons 60 s)


Course Code

Course: Initial Training for Classroom Assistants (Stage 1) - suitable for people who wish to begin to study in childcare and/or education
HAASLFE235 Wed 16-Sep-09 18:00 21:00 Rossett School 10 68 68 32

Course: Level 2 Certicate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools.

HAASLFE240 Wed 13-Jan-10 18:00 21:00 Rossett School 25 169 169 63

Course: City and Guilds 7303 PTLLS. An Introduction to teaching course
HADL445 Thurs 24-Sep-09 18:30 21:30 Community House 12 81 81 56

Course: City and Guilds 7303 PTLLS. An Introduction to teaching course

HADL450 Thurs 22-Apr-10 18:30 21:30 Community House 12 81 81 56





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Education and Training


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Cooking and Hospitality


Co n ( o v ce ssi er ons 60 s)

dit ati on

Course Code

Course: Introduction to CV Writing and Job search Skills
HAASL074 Fri 29-Jan-10 10:00 13:00 TBC 2 18 12

Course: Introduction to CV Writing and Job search Skills

HAASL075 Wed 24-Feb-10 10:00 13:00 TBC 2 18 12

Course: NCFE Level 1 Certicate In Employment Skills
HAFLT430 Tues 12-Jan-10 13:00 16:00 Community House 10 68 68 34

Course: Introduction to CV Writing and Job search Skills

HAASL072 Wed 04-Nov-09 10:00 13:00 Community House 2 18 12

Course: Introduction to CV Writing and Job search Skills

HAASL073 Fri 15-Jan-10 10:00 13:00 Community House 2 18 12

Co n (ov cessi er ons 60 s)


Course Code

Course: GCSE Maths
HADL440 Tues 22-Sep-09 18:30 20:30 Ripon Grammar School 30 135 135 29

Co n (ov cessi er ons 60 s)


Course Code

Course: Trace Your Family Tree using the Internet
HAASL049 Mon 11-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 Boroughbridge High School 10 60 40

Course: Trace Your Family Tree using the Internet
HAASL052 Mon 11-Jan-10 19:00 21:30 Glasshouses Community Primary School 8 60 40




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Employability Skills


Co n ( o v ce ssi er ons 60 s)

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Course Code

Course: Flower Arranging
HALFL318A Thurs 17-Sep-09 10:00 12:00 Knaresborough Community Centre Stockwell Avenue 10 75 60

Course: Flower Arranging

HALFL318B Thurs 14-Jan-10 10:00 12:00 Knaresborough Community Centre Stockwell Avenue 10 75 60

Course: Flower Arranging

HALFL318C Thurs 22-Apr-10 10:00 12:00 Knaresborough Community Centre Stockwell Avenue 10 75 60

Course: Introduction to Garden Design - a look at the basics
HAASL055 Wed 16-Sep-09 18:45 21:15 Rossett School 2 15 10

Course: Town Garden - tips on how to create a garden with limited space
HAASL057 Wed 30-Sep-09 18:45 21:15 Rossett School 2 15 10

Course: Kitchen Garden - a introduction to growing your own vegetables, fruits and herbs
HAASL056 Wed 14-Oct-09 18:45 21:15 Rossett School 2 15 10

Course: An Introduction to Dry Stone Walling for Beginners
HAASL118 TBC TBC TBC 2 30 20

Course: Dry Stone Walling Intermediate - Extend your walling experience and skills
HAASL119 TBC TBC TBC 4 60 40





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Horticulture and Construction


Co n ( o v ce ssi er ons 60 s)

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Course Code

Course: German. Beginners course for learners with no prior experience.
HAASL058 Mon 21-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Boroughbridge High School 10 60 40

Course: Spanish. Beginners course for learners with no prior experience.

HAASL060 Mon 21-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Boroughbridge High School 10 60 40

Course: French. Beginners course for learners with no prior experience.

HAASL059 Tues 12-Jan-10 09:30 11:30 Coronation Hall 10 60 40

Course: French. Beginners course for learners with no prior experience.
HAASL064 Tues 15-Sep-09 09:30 11:30 TBC 10 60 40

Course: French to practise and develop your knowledge

HALFL331A Tues 15-Sep-09 13:00 15:00 St Roberts Centre 10 75 60

Course: French to practise and develop your knowledge

HALFL331B Tues 12-Jan-10 13:00 15:00 St Roberts Centre 10 75 60

Course: French to practise and develop your knowledge

HALFL331C Tues 20-Apr-10 13:00 15:00 St Roberts Centre 10 75 60

Course: Spanish. Beginners course for learners with no prior experience.

HAASL110 Thurs 17-Sep-09 11:00 13:00 TBC 10 60 40

Course: Polish. Beginners course for learners with no prior experience.

HAASL061 Thurs 05-Nov-09 19:00 21:00 Harrogate High School 5 30 20

Course: Polish. Beginners course for learners with no prior experience.

HAASL062 Fri 18-Sep-09 10:00 12:00 St Roberts Centre 5 30 20

Course: French for Holiday. A beginners course to help you get by on holiday.
HALFL319 Tues 15-Sep-09 09:30 11:30 Knaresborough Library 5 38 30

Course: French. Beginners course for learners with no prior experience.

HAASL111 Tues 15-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 King Jamess School 10 60 40

Course: French. Beginners course for learners with no prior experience.

HAASL112 Tues 12-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 King Jamess School 10 60 40

Course: Spanish. Beginners course for learners with no prior experience.

HAASL063 Thurs 17-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Knaresborough Library 5 30 20

Course: Spanish to practise and develop your knowledge
HALFL321 Mon 11-Jan-10 18:30 20:30 Ripon Library 10 75 60

Course: Spanish to practise and develop your knowledge

HALFL323 Mon 19-Apr-10 18:30 20:30 Ripon Library 10 75 60

Course: French for Holiday. A beginners course to help you get by on holiday.
HALFL322 Thurs 14-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 Community House 5 38 30




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Co n ( o v ce ssi er ons 60 s)

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Course Code

Course: Creative Writing For Beginners
HALFL326A Fri 18-Sep-09 10:00 12:00 St Roberts Centre 10 75 60

Course: Creative Writing For Beginners

HALFL326B Fri 15-Jan-10 10:00 12:00 St Roberts Centre 10 75 60

Course: Creative Writing For Beginners

HALFL326C Fri 23-Apr-10 10:00 12:00 St Roberts Centre 10 75 60

Course: Writing for Pleasure
HALFL327 Tues 15-Sep-09 19:00 21:30 King Jamess School 10 94 75

Co n (ov cessi er ons 60 s)

dit ati on

Course Code

Course: Introduction to Digital Imagery - For beginners. Organise and Enhance your digital photos.
HAASL067 Fri 18-Sep-09 12:30 14:30 Skills Mobile 5 30 20

Course: Introduction to Digital Imagery - For beginners. Organise and Enhance your digital photos.
HAASL069 Fri 26-Feb-10 10:00 12:00 Skills Mobile 5 30 20

Course: Introduction to Digital Imagery - For beginners. Organise and Enhance your digital photos.
HAASL071 Fri 26-Feb-10 12:30 14:30 Skills Mobile 5 30 20

Course: Introduction to Digital Imagery - For beginners. Organise and Enhance your digital photos.
HAASL066 Fri 18-Sep-09 09:30 11:30 Skills Mobile 5 30 20

Course: Introduction to Digital Imagery - For beginners. Organise and Enhance your digital photos.
HAASL065 Fri 26-Feb-10 09:30 11:30 Age Concern 5 30 20

Course: Introduction to Digital Imagery - For beginners. Organise and Enhance your digital photos.
HAASL068 Fri 26-Feb-10 13:30 15:30 Age Concern 5 30 20

Course: Introduction to Digital Imagery - For beginners. Organise and Enhance your digital photos.
HAASL070 Tues 03-Nov-09 19:00 21:00 Community House 5 30 20

Course: Introduction to Digital Imagery - For beginners. Organise and Enhance your digital photos.
HAASL026 Thurs TBC 19:00 21:00 Nidderdale High School & Community College 5 30 20 5.00





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Photographic Skills and Digital Imaging





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Literacy and Writing for Pleasure


Co n ( o v ce ssi er ons 60 s)

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Course Code

Course: Tai Chi Qigong for Beginners - Improve your balance, control and agility using this technique
HALFL341 Tues 15-Sep-09 10:15 11:45 Bilton Youth Centre 10 56 45

Course: Yoga for Beginners - For all ages and abilities. Learn basic yoga positions and sequences
HALFL342A Fri 18-Sep-09 09:30 11:30 Styan Centre Jennyelds 10 75 60

Course: Yoga Improvers - Develop your abilities to perform more complex yoga positions and sequences
HALFL342B Fri 15-Jan-10 09:30 11:30 Styan Centre Jennyelds 10 75 60

Course: Yoga Improvers - Develop your abilities to perform more complex yoga positions and sequences
HALFL342C Fri 23-Apr-10 09:30 11:30 Styan Centre Jennyelds 10 75 60

Course: Tai Chi Qigong for Beginners - Improve your balance, control and agility using this technique
HALFL346 Mon 21-Sep-09 19:00 20:30 Allhallowgate Methodist Church 10 56 45

Course: Tai Chi Qigong for Improvers

HALFL344 Mon 11-Jan-10 19:00 20:30 Allhallowgate Methodist Church 10 56 45

Course: Tai Chi Qigong for Improvers

HALFL343 Mon 19-Apr-10 19:00 20:30 Allhallowgate Methodist Church 10 56 45

Course: Yoga - All abilities

HALFL325A Mon 21-Sep-09 19:30 21:00 Markington Village Hall 10 56 45

Course: Yoga - All abilities

HALFL325B Mon 11-Jan-10 19:30 21:00 Markington Village Hall 10 56 45

Course: Yoga - All abilities

HALFL325C Mon 19-Apr-10 19:30 21:00 Markington Village Hall 10 56 45


Co n (ov cessi er ons 60 s)


Course Code



Course: ESOL L1 IL2
HASFLA500 Mon 14-Sep-09 18:00 20:00 Boroughbridge High School 36 162.00 162.00 30

Course: ESOL E1 IE2 IE3

HASFLA501 Mon 14-Sep-09 18:30 20:30 Boroughbridge High School 36 162.00 162.00 30

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA521A Mon 14-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Boroughbridge High School 12 Free

Course: Move on with maths

HASFL521B Mon 04-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 Boroughbridge High School 11 Free

Course: Move on with maths

HASFL521C Mon 19-Apr-10 19:00 21:00 Boroughbridge High School 12 Free

Course: ESOL E1
HASFLA502 Thurs 17-Sep-09 13:00 15:00 Boroughbridge Library 36 162.00 162.00 30

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Skills for Life


Co ee ial s


Start Date




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Sport, Leisure and Recreation


Co n ( o v ce ssi er ons 60 s)

dit ati on

Course Code

Course: ESOL E1/E2
HASFLA503 Mon/ Thur 03-Aug-09 15:00 17:00 Thai Pavilions 44 396 396 30

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA522 Thurs 17-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Harrogate High School 12 Free

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA523 Thurs 07-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 Harrogate High School 12 Free

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA524 Thurs 15-Apr-10 19:00 21:00 Harrogate High School 12 Free

Course: ESOL E11E2

HASFLA504 Thurs 17-Sep-09 10:30 12:30 Grove Road School 36 162 162 30

Course: ESOL E31L1

HASFLA505 Wed 16-Sep-09 13:00 15:00 Grove Road School 36 162 162 30

Course: Fast Track maths

HASFLA527 Thur/ Fri 04-Feb-10 09:00 16:00 St Roberts Centre 1 Free

Course: Fast Track maths

HASFLA528 Thur/ Fri 08-Jul-10 09:00 16:00 St Roberts Centre 1 Free

Course: Fast Track English

HASFLA512 Thur/ Fri 11-Feb-10 09:00 16:00 St Roberts Centre 1 Free

Course: Fast Track English

HASFLA513 Thur/ Fri 15-Jul-10 09:00 16:00 St Roberts Centre 1 Free

Course: Spell it Out

HASFLA519 Thur/ Fri 14-Jan-10 09:30 11:30 St Roberts Centre 1 Free

Course: Spell it Out

HASFLA520 Thu/ Fri 01-Jul-10 09:30 11:30 St Roberts Centre 1 Free

Course: Move on with English

HASFLA517 Thurs 17-Sep-09 09:30 11:30 St Roberts Centre 12 Free

Course: Move on with English

HASFLA518 Thur 25-Feb-10 09:30 11:30 St Roberts Centre 12 Free

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA525 Fri 18-Sep-09 09:30 11:30 St Roberts Centre 15 Free

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA526 Fri 26-Feb-10 09:30 11:30 St Roberts Centre 15 Free

Course: ESOL E3
HASFLA506 Tues 15-Sep-09 10:00 12:00 King Jamess School 36 162 162 30

Course: ESOL L2
HASFLA507 Tues 15-Sep-09 13:30 15:30 King Jamess School 36 162 162 30





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Skills for Life (continued)


Co n ( o v ce ssi er ons 60 s)

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Course Code

Knaresborough (continued)
Course: Move on with maths
HASFLA529 Thurs 17-Sep-09 09:30 11:30 King Jamess School 15 Free

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA530 Tues 15-Sep-09 09:30 11:30 King Jamess School 15 Free

Course: Move on with maths
HASFLA532 Thurs 25-Feb-10 19:00 21:00 Nidderdale Plus 44

Course: ESOL E3
HASFLA509 Mon/ Tue 14-Sep-09 10:00 12:00 Ripon Library 36 162 162 30

Course: ESOL E1
HASFLA508 Thurs 17-Sep-09 10:00 12:00 YMCA 36 162 162 30

Course: Move on with English

HASFLA514A Tues 15-Sep-09 13:00 15:00 Ripon Library 14 Free

Course: Move on with English

HASFLA514B Tues 5-Jan-10 13:00 15:00 Ripon Library 14 Free

Course: Move on with English

HASFLA514C Tues 20-Apr-10 13:00 15:00 Ripon Library 14 Free

Course: Move on with English

HASFLA515 Tues 15-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Ripon Library 36 Free

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA539A Tues 04-Aug-09 09:30 11:30 Ripon Library 14 Free

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA539B Tues 5-Jan-10 9:30 11:30 Ripon Library 14 Free

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA539C Tues 20-Apr-10 9:30 11:30 Ripon Library 14 Free

Course: ESOL L2
HASFLA511 Wed 16-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Ripon Library 36 162 162 30

Course: ESOL L1
HASFLA510 Thurs 17-Sep-09 10:00 12:00 Ripon Library 36 162 162 30

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA533 Thurs 17-Sep-09 13:00 15:00 Ripon Library 36 Free

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA534 Thurs 17-Sep-09 16:30 18:30 Ripon Library 36 Free

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA535 Thurs 17-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Ripon Library 36 Free

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA536 Wed 16-Sep-09 19:00 21:00 Ripon Lifelong Learning Centre 12 Free




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Skills for Life (continued)


Co n ( o v ce ssi er ons 60 s)

dit ati on

Course Code

Ripon (continued)
Course: Move on with maths
HASFLA537 Wed 06-Jan-10 19:00 21:00 Ripon Lifelong Learning Centre 12 Free

Course: Move on with maths

HASFLA538 Wed 14-Apr-10 19:00 21:00 Ripon Lifelong Learning Centre 12 Free





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Skills for Life (continued)


learn achieve succeed enjoy opportunities discover choices accessibility friendly career leisure support encourage
Notes to help you when making your telephone enquiry
Type of course/s you are interested in : ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... Location/venue near to you : ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... General questions : ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... Remember, if you are embarking on a period of study to improve your career prospects, you can request to meet with a Community Development Worker who can offer advice and information to help you with all your learning requirements. Contact your area office (details on back page).


Adult Learning area offices

Craven area
Skipton Youth and Community Centre Otley Street Skipton BD23 1ET Tel: 0845 300 2414 E-mail: craven.adultlearning@northyorks.gov.uk

Ryedale area
Adult Learning Centre Lady Lumleys School Campus Swainsea Lane Pickering YO18 8NG Tel: 0845 300 6681 E-mail: ryedale.adultlearning@northyorks.gov.uk

Hambleton area
Adult Learning Office White Rose House Thurston Road Northallerton DL6 2NA Tel: 01609 533900 E-mail: hambleton.adultlearning@northyorks.gov.uk

Scarborough area
Adult Learning Centre Talbot House 11-13 Queen Street Scarborough YO11 1HA Tel: 0845 034 9579 E-mail: scarborough.adultlearning@northyorks.gov.uk

Harrogate area
Adult Learning Office 1st Floor Bilton Library Bilton Lane Harrogate HG1 3DT Tel: 0845 300 2412 E-mail: harrogate.adultlearning@northyorks.gov.uk

Selby area
Adult Learning Office 1st Floor 2 Abbey Yard Selby YO8 4PS Tel: 0845 300 6686 E-mail: selby.adultlearning@northyorks.gov.uk

Richmondshire area
Adult Learning Office Hipswell Lodge Smuts Lane Catterick Garrison DL9 3AX Tel: 0845 873 6585 E-mail: richmondshire.adultlearning@northyorks.gov.uk

If you would like this information in another language or format such as Braille, large print or audio, please ask us.

Tel: 01609 532917

Email: communications@northyorks.gov.uk
Designed and produced by County Print, County Hall. P42316J 6.09

CO15 07/09

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