Optimum Anode-to-Cathode Speed: Copper XHB 5305
Optimum Anode-to-Cathode Speed: Copper XHB 5305
Optimum Anode-to-Cathode Speed: Copper XHB 5305
Base Material Preplate
Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys 2080/5600
Copper and Copper Alloys 2080/5600 or 5630
Iron, Steel, Cast Iron 2080/5600 or 5630
Nickel and Nickel Alloys 2080/5600 or 5630
Stainless Steel 20805600 or 5630
Zinc and Zinc Alloys 5305 or 5644 or 2085
The solution plates well at room temperature. Heating the solution has no significant effect on plating
characteristics or deposit quality.
September 1, 2021
The solution plates only two types of deposits, i.e. a good, matte, clean copper-colored deposit at proper current
densities, and a rust-colored "burned" deposit at excessive current densities. The deposit, therefore, is best
plated at current densities just below the point of burning.
Corrective Action: Decrease voltage, increase anode-to-cathode speed, and/or supply more solution to the
work area, such as by dipping more often, pumping more solution and/or switching to unused solution.
Visual Test - What you are
Step Operation Material Volts Polarity
looking for:
180 320
1 Wet Sand ---- ---- ----
2 Rinse Clean Tap Water ---- ---- ----
Electrocleaning No water breaks after following
3 Electroclean 10 to 20 Forward
1010/4100 rinse.
4 Rinse Clean Tap Water ---- ---- No water breaks.
Nickel Acid Uniform nickel-color surface is
5 Prewet & Preplate 8 to 15 Forward
2080/5600 noted.
6 Rinse Clean Tap Water ---- ---- ----
Copper XHB Increase amperage until desired
7 Prewet & Plate Start at 4 Forward
5305 current density.
September 1, 2021