Celltron SCP Manual
Celltron SCP Manual
Celltron SCP Manual
The Midtronics SecurePower 6/12 battery tester uses Midtronics
patented conductance technology to determine relative battery • Always comply with facility safety standards when perform-
state of health. This means you can safely, quickly, and ing maintenance.
accurately test a battery anywhere.
• Because of the possibility of personal injury, always use
Conductance Technology: extreme caution when working with batteries. Safety glasses
Conductance is a measurement of the plate surface available should be worn.
in the battery, which determines how much power (or current) • To avoid electrical shock, remove personal metal items such
the battery can supply. As a battery ages, the plate surface can as rings, bracelets, necklaces, watches, etc.
sulfate or shed active material which adversely affects its ability
to perform. In addition, conductance can be used to detect cell • To determine if the battery can be safely tested, inspect the
defects, shorts, and open circuits, which will reduce the ability of battery for a bulging case, leakage, cracks in the case, or
the battery to deliver current. other visible signs of defects/problems.
For service, contact Midtronics for a Return Authorization number, and return
the unit to Midtronics freight prepaid, Attention: RA#. Midtronics will repair or
replace the tester and reship, the next scheduled business day following
receipt, using the same type carrier and service as received. If Midtronics
determines that the failure was caused by misuse, alteration, accident, or
abnormal condition of operation or handling, purchaser will have the option
of purchasing a replacement tester or the unit will be returned freight collect.
Battery testers beyond the warranty period are subject to the repair charges
in effect at that time.
This tester is made in the U.S.A. by MIDTRONICS, INC. and is protected by
one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 6,323,650; 6,316,914; 6,304,087;
6,249,124; 6,172,505 B1; 6,163,156; 6,091,245; 6,051,976; 5,914,605;
5,831,435; 5,821,756; 5,757,192; 5,598,098; 5,592,093; 5,585,728; 5,574,355;
5,572,136; 5,343,380; 5,140,269; 4,912,416; 4,881,038; 4,825,170; 4,816,768;
4,322,685; Canadian patents: 1,280,164; 1,295,680; United Kingdom patents:
0,417,173; 0,672,248; German patents: 689 23 281.0-08; 693 25 388.6;
93 21 638.6; and other U.S. and Foreign patents issued and pending. This
product may utilize technology exclusively licensed to Midtronics, Inc. by
Johnson Controls, Inc. and/or Motorola, Inc.
Limited Warranty
This battery tester is warranted to be free of defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of one year from the date of purchase. Midtronics
will, at our option, repair the unit or replace the unit with a remanufactured
tester. This limited warranty applies only to Midtronics battery testers and does
not cover any other equipment, static damage, water damage, overvoltage,
dropping unit or damage resulting from extraneous causes including owner
misuse. Midtronics is not liable for any incidental or consequential damages
for breach of this warranty. The warranty is void if owner attempts
to disassemble the unit, or to modify the cable assembly.
Midtronics, Inc. Midtronics Canada, Inc. Midtronics b.v.
7000 Monroe Street 54 Ferris Drive Lage Dijk-Noord 6
Willowbrook, IL 60527 North Bay, Ontario 3401 VA IJsselstein
U.S.A. P1B 8J8 Canada The Netherlands
Tel: 630.323.2800 Tel: 705.476.9228 Tel.: +31 306 868 150
Fax: 630.323.2844 Fax: 705.476.9255 Fax: +31 306 868 158
ISO 9001 Certified ISO 9001:2000 Certified ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Toll-free in North America: 800.776.1995
P/N 168-850B 12/04 ©2004 Midtronics, Inc.
Battery performance is temperature dependent. Allow the UP ARROW: Press for 12-volt
batteries to reach room temperature before testing—ideally batteries and to scroll to the
around 25 °C reference value
(77 °F). (Refer to the Battery Temperature Compensation (20 to 600 siemens).
Scales below for the compensation factor.)
ENTER: Press
Because conductance is a relative measure, you must first VOLTMETE to select the
establish a reference value by testing a sample number of new Press
R: reference
at value, to start
batteries. To establish a reference value, record the average of
time the test, and to
at least 10 fully-charged batteries of the same or similar models, DC
read display
preferably within 90 days of their installation. Midtronics voltage conductance
recommends that the batteries should all test within 20% of each in siemens (S)
other (+/–10% of the average).
(Consult your battery supplier for conductance standards.) If new
batteries are not available, record the average of installed DOWN ARROW: Press for 6-volt
batteries of the same or similar models regardless of age. If the batteries and to scroll to the
installed batteries test within 10% of each other, the highest reference value (20 to 1200
value can be used as a temporary reference until new batteries siemens).
The red LEDs above the keypad indicate the test mode and the
are available for testing.
numerical value shown on the display (voltage, siemens, and
percent of reference). You can use the SecurePower 6/12 as a
Example: Within 90 days of installation, measure a sample of
voltmeter at any point in the test procedure by pressing the
<30% loss20 new batteries =(12 V, 17 Ah)
Strong that average
Battery—no 300 S each
significant when
or moreas≥ a210 VOLTMETER button.
loss (300 x 0.70
fully charged. Conductance will decline battery ages. The
amount of acceptableS)loss will depend on the type of application
for to 40%the
which loss = isMarginal
battery used. As Battery—nearing
a general rule: the end
of its serviceable life (180 to 210 S) PROCEDURE
1. Disconnect the battery from the system.
>40% loss = Degraded Battery—may not meet the 2. Connect the tester clamps to the battery: red to positive (+), black
load (300 x 0.60 or less ≤180
to negative (–).
Consult your battery supplier to ensure that the rated battery 3. Select the voltage by pressing the UP ARROW button for 12 volts
capacity is sufficient for the applicable equipment runtime while or the DOWN ARROW button for 6 volts. Press ENTER.
allowing for the appropriate aging factor of the batteries.
4. Scroll to the reference value by pressing the UP or DOWN
ARROW buttons. Press ENTER. (The tester will default to the last
5. Start the test by pressing ENTER. A series of dots will flash on the
Multiply display while the SecurePower 6/12 measures conductance and
Battery SecurePower%Ref. voltage, and calculates a percentage of reference.
Temperature Value by
35 °C (95 °F) or 0.93 6. The first value displayed is the percentage of reference.
30 °C (86 °
warmer 0.96
F) 25 °C (77 1
5.00 7. To display the actual conductance value (S), press and hold the
°F) 20 °C 1.03
0 ENTER button.
(68 °F) 15 ° 1
0 8. To display voltage, press the VOLTMETER button.
C (59 °F) 10
5 °C (41
°C (50 °F)°F) 1
0 °C (32 °F) or 0
5 G
colder TOO LO: The battery’s voltage is below the specified operating
range (< 6.00 V for a 6 V battery or <12.00 V for a 12 V battery).
Using a reference value of 300, the SecurePower 6/12 reports Note: If the battery is below 5.5 V the tester will not operate.
63%, 190 S. If the battery temperature is 35 °C (0.63 x 0.93 =
TOO HI: The battery’s voltage is above the specified operating
0.59 or 59%), the battery should be replaced. range (> 6.90 V for a 6 V battery or >13.80 V for a 12 V battery).
Again using a reference value of 300, the SecurePower 6/12 999 (or 9999 when ENTER is pressed): The battery has
reports 63%, 190 S. If the battery temperature is 0 °C (0.63 x exceeded the range specified. Refer to SecurePower 6/12
Specifications on the back of the manual for the tester’s
1.175 = 0.74 or 74%), the battery is good. operating range.