Awareness and Use of Food Labelling Informations Among Consumers in Bhubaneswar City
Awareness and Use of Food Labelling Informations Among Consumers in Bhubaneswar City
Awareness and Use of Food Labelling Informations Among Consumers in Bhubaneswar City
FOOD SCIENCE Volume 5 | Issue 2 | October, 2014 | 114-119
RESEARCH JOURNAL DOI : 10.15740/HAS/FSRJ/5.2/114-119
Disclosure of information regarding the product on the packet is a critical aspect due largely to stringent regulatory regimes. Present
study tries to assess the awareness of consumers about the information provided on food labels, by undertaking a survey among 120
consumers in Bhubaneswar city. It was found that consumers in India possess satisfactory level of awareness about different types of
information on the food labels displayed on packaged food products, however, usage of such information as one of the criteria while
purchasing packaged food product was relatively low. 67.5 per cent of the respondents had the habit of checking the information
label on the packet, however, they read basic information like M.R.P and manufacturing and expiry dates.
Key Words : Food labelling, Consumer's knowledge, Awareness, Packaged foods
How to cite this article : Priyadarshini, Vijayeta (2014). Awareness and use of food labelling informations among consumers in Bhubaneswar city. Food Sci. Res.
J., 5(2): 114-119.
to cater to 1000 million domestic consumers. It is estimated – To know the nutritional information most sought on
that 300 million upper and middle class consume processed food labels among consumers.
food. With the convenience needs of dual income families, – To know the level of awareness of the consumers
200 million more consumers are expected to move to processed regarding the importance of the food label.
food by 2010. The market size for the processed foods is thus – To know the reasons for not checking the nutrition
bound to increase from US $102 billion currently to US $330 labels over food products among consumers.
billion by 2014-15 assuming a growth of 10 per cent. The
share of the value added products in processed foods would Research design :
almost double from US $44 billion currently to US $88 billion The study was conducted in the city of Bhubaneswar,
during the same period, growing at the rate of 15per cent. Odisha from 2 nd November to 31 st November, 2013. 120
(, 2012). respondents from both genders (age group from 25 – 45 years)
were randomly selected as the sample for the study. Retail
Information provided on food labels : outlets were visited in morning, afternoon to ensure better
As per food safety and standards (packaging and coverage of all types of consumers. The survey tool for this
labelling) Regulations 2011 in Indian every food items needs study was a structured survey questionnaire method through
to follow rules and regulation for product labelling. face-to-face interview by the investigator.
As per Indian Regulation food product must have :
– Product name and category of food. OBSERVATIONS AND ASSESSMENT
– An ingredient list in descending order of weight. Table 1 shows salient socio-demographic characteristics
– Logo of vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. of the sample covered in the survey. Majority of the
– Nutrition fact panel or information which includes respondents (65.83%) were females. Sample covered two age
energy, protein, carbohydrate (sugar) and fat. groups: 20 to 34 years (70.83%); 35–45 years (29.16%).
– The shelf-life (use by or best before date). Considering the educational qualification, all the respondents
– Storage conditions. were well educated with over two thirds (69.16%) with
– The name and address of the manufacturer, packer graduation degree, 12.5 per cent went to college and 18.33
and / or seller. per cent had Post graduate degrees or above, reflected a higher
– The country of origin (in case of imported foods). educational level among grocery shoppers interviewed . The
– The weight. level of education of the sample was reflected on their
– Instructions for use. occupations, as 37.5 per cent respondents were private sector
– Health claims establish a relationship between a food employees followed by Government employee (23.33%),
and disease or medical condition. students (13.33%) and homemakers (14.16%). Around three
– Nutritional claims quickly inform a consumer of fourth (73.33%) of the respondents were married and rest
nutritional value of a product for example ‘low fat’ (26.66%) were singles. There were 70 per cent respondents
or ‘zero cholesterol’ (Ministry of health and family who said that they purchased packaged food very frequently
welfare). (more than once a week) and 6.66 per cent respondents did so
However, there are many issues and questions related to occasionally.
food labeling, such as how far the consumers are aware of
food labels and can they comprehend the information provided Degree of use of nutrition labelling on food packages:
on the labels. Further, how far the aware consumers take into Extent of reading food labeling before purchase of pre-
consideration food label information while making purchase packaged foods was relatively high as Table 2 shows that 42.5
decisions. per cent of the respondents ‘Always’ read labeling information
With the rising concerns about the interrelationship prior purchase of pre-packaged foods (including respondents
between nutrition, health and life style among the population; reading nutrition labels ‘Often’ (25%). On the other hand,
this study has aimed to assess the consumer’s knowledge about this high proportion could possibly be attributed by the
the important information on the labels and to whether those supermarket settings since consumers who buy from such
labels will assist them to take right decisions when buying places tend to encounter food labels because normally they
pre-packaged foods. pick products from shelves by themselves (Sunelle et al.,
2010). Respondents who ‘Never’ read nutrition labels were
METHODOLOGY 6.66 per cent including respondents reading ‘Rarely’(14.16%).
Objectives : While 11.66 per cent of the respondents read nutrition labels
– To know the degree of checking nutrition labelling ‘Occasionally’ over food packages.
on processed foods among consumers.
Food Sci. Res. J.; 5(2) | Oct., 2014 | 114-119 115 Hind Instidute of Science and Technology
Table 1 : Demographic characteristics of the respondents (n=120) Table 2 : Reading of food labelling before purchase (n=120)
Variables Frequency Percentage Responses of the respondents Frequency Percentage
Gender Always 51 42.5
Male 41 34.16 Often 30 25
Female 79 65.83 Occasionally 14 11.66
Educational qualification 0 Rarely 17 14.16
Illiterate 0 0 Never 08 6.66
College 15 69.16
Graduation 83 18.33 Information sought on food lables according to the personal
Post Graduation and above 22 preferences of consumers:
Age group
Ten items were identified as information which might
relatively be available in the food label and the consumers
20 – 34 Years 85 70.83
may be looking at when buying the food packages (Table 3).
35 – 45 Years 35 29.16
The analysis showed that majority of the respondents (75.83%)
Occupation mentioned manufacting and expiry dates as their first, second
Students 16 13.33 or third important information they look for in the label. More
Government employee 28 23.33 or less the same motivations were reported by (Philip et al.,
Self-employed 07 5.83 2010), that consumers are motivated by the need to establish
Unemployed 02 1.66 safety, hygiene and quality of pre-packaged foods before
Private sector employee 45 37.5
purchase of such foods. On the other hand, comparative low
interest of the respondents in the presence of nutrition label
Housewife 17 14.16
(16.65%), standardisation mark like ISO/ AGMARK/ ISI
Others 05 4.16
mark (20.82%) on the product packet reflected low awareness
Social status of the sample about the presence of such information in the
Single 32 26.66 label. Health warning message was found to be the least
Married 88 73.33 important (3.32%).
Divorced 0 0
Widow 0 0 Consumer’s level of awareness on the importance of the
Frequency of purchasing packaged food
food lable:
To measure the consumers level of awareness about the
More than once a week 84 70.0
information on the food label, a measuring score was
Once a week 17 14.16
constructed. The previously constructed 10 information items
Once a month 11 9.16 were considered for measuring the score. If the consumer
Occasionally 08 6.66 agrees with any item then 1 point was given, 0 point if the
Food Sci. Res. J.; 5(2) | Oct., 2014 | 114-119 116 Hind Instidute of Science and Technology
consumer didn’t see the importance of the item. Accordingly Consumer Research Project (2006) in America and in South
Table 4 shows that majority 51.66 per cent of the consumers Africa by Sunelle et al. (2010), that pre-packaged food
have middle level of awareness while 19.16 per cent with low consumers were less likely to examine food labelling
level of awareness. According to the score computed, only information if they don’t have enough time, when purchasing
29.16 per cent of the consumers have high level of awareness routine pre-packaged foods and discounted foods.
despite the fact that most of the consumers interviewed were
of higher level of education (69.16% were university Difficulties encounted by respondents when reading/using
graduates). This indicates that a lot of effort has to be exerted food labels:
by nutritionists to raise the level of awareness of the consumers Participants of this study reported a number of difficulties
about the importance of reading and using information on encountered in the course of reading food labelling
the food label. On the other hand, higher level of awareness information. These included use of unfamiliar language, small
was found among female (22.12%) than male consumers font sizes, use of scientific/technical language, missed and/or
(17.07%). hidden information. Similar findings were reported in South
Africa by Sunelle et al. (2010), in the UK Philip et al. (2010),
Circumstances in which respondents purchase pre- Mahgoub et al. (2007) in Lesotho and Grunert et al. (2010)
packaged foods without reading lables: in the UK. Donna et al. (2001) also revealed the same problem,
Results showed various circumstances in which that use of technical/scientific language on food labels situate
respondents purchased pre-packaged foods without reading barrier to consumers in reading and understanding labelling
labels. As shown in Table 5, more than a quarter 44 (36.66%) information when deciding to purchase pre-packaged foods
of respondents reported to purchase packaged food without in Australia and New Zealand. Majority respondents (40.83%)
reading labelling information because the food was routine/ revealed that use of various technical/ scientific terms on the
familiar to them. Others 38 (31.66%) purchased pre-packaged packets was the main problem for them in understanding the
foods without reading labelling information because the seller food labels. While the printing of the labels in small fonts
is familiar to them whom they trust. Few respondents 10 caused difficulties for 35 per cent of the respondents.
(8.33%) reported to purchase pre-packaged foods without
reading labels because the foods were sold at low price. More Conclusion :
or less the same was reported by The Foundation Food Label Today’s trends for healthy eating habits and ready-to-
Food Sci. Res. J.; 5(2) | Oct., 2014 | 114-119 117 Hind Instidute of Science and Technology
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