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Adolescent pregnancies are a world problem occurring in high-, middle-, and low-income countries. Round the world, however, adolescent
pregnancies are more likely to occur in marginalized communities, commonly driven by poverty and lack of education and employment
opportunities. Several factors contribute to adolescent pregnancies and births. A quantitative approach with pre-experimental one group pre-
test post-test design was used to assess the effectiveness of Planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention of teenage
pregnancy among teenager girls in the year 2022. A total 60 teenager girls were selected for the study. Data was collected by structured
knowledge questionnaire among teenager girls in Govt. Higher Secondary School -2 Geedam Naka, Jagdalpur, (C.G). The mean post-test
knowledge score 26.02 (86.73%) was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score 13.03 (43.43%). There was no significant association
of pre-test knowledge score with selected demographic variables such as age ( = 3.84), religion = 9.49), type of family = 5.99),
educational status of mother ( = 9.49), occupation of mother ( = 9.49), educational status of father ( 9.49), occupation of father
( 9.49) at 0.05 level of significance. The study has shown that majority of the teenage girls had inadequate knowledge on prevention on
teenage pregnancy; however the knowledge has significantly improved after the administration of planned teaching programme. Hence it
was concluded that planned teaching programme was an effective teaching strategy in improving the knowledge of teenage girls regarding
prevention on unwanted teenage pregnancy.
misconceptions on where to get contraceptive methods and of the health care member especially nurses to prepare the
the way to use them. Adolescents face barriers to accessing teenagers to aware about this situation. Thus educating the
contraception including restrictive laws and policies adolescents and family is the primary responsibility of the
regarding provision of contraceptive supported age or legal nurse.
status, doctor bias and/or lack of willingness to
acknowledge adolescents ‘sexual health needs, and Statement of Problem
adolescents’ own inability to access contraceptives thanks to “A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching
knowledge, transportation, and financial constraints. programme on knowledge regarding prevention of teenage
Additionally, adolescents may lack the agency or autonomy pregnancy among teenager girls in selected schools at
to make sure the proper and consistent use of a family Jagdalpur (CG)”
planning. A minimum of 10 million unintended pregnancies
occur every year among adolescent girls aged 15-19 years in Material & Methods
developing regions [5]. The main objectives of this study were to assess the prior
An additional explanation for unintended pregnancy is knowledge of teenagers regarding prevention of teenage
sexual violence, which is widespread with quite a 3rd of pregnancy, to develop a planned teaching programme (PTP)
ladies in some countries reporting that their first sexual regarding prevention of teenage pregnancy among
encounter was coerced [6]. teenagers, to find out the effectiveness of planned teaching
programme (PTP) in terms of gain in post test knowledge
Need of the Study score regarding prevention of teenage pregnancy among
Teenage births end in health consequences; children are teenagers and to associate the pre test knowledge score with
more likely to change state pre-term, have lower birth selected demographic variables. A quantitative research
weight, and better morbidity, while mothers experience approach with pre-experimental one group pre-test design
greater rates of postpartum depression and are less likely to was used for the study. Convenience sampling technique is
initiate breastfeeding. Teenage mothers are less likely to used to collect data from the samples. A total 60 teenager
complete high school, are more likely to measure in poverty, girls studying in Govt. Girls Higher Secondary School -2
and have children who frequently experience health and Geedam Naka, Jagdalpur were selected for the study. The
developmental problems. Understanding the chance factors tool for data collection was a self structured questionnaire &
for teenage pregnancy could be a prerequisite for reducing it consist of demographic performa and Structured
rates of teenage motherhood [7]. knowledge questionnaire containing 30 items, with
Every year, an estimated 21 million girls aged 15–19 years reliability 0.87. Pilot study was carried out in Govt. Higher
in developing regions become pregnant and approximately Secondary School Asna (C.G). Ten subjects who fulfilled
12 million of them give birth.1 a minimum of 777,000 births the inclusion criteria were selected, in order to assess the
occur to adolescent girls younger than 15 years in clarity of the items in the tool, almost all items were clearly
developing countries [8]. understood and the responses were found appropriate.
In 2017, an estimate of 11.8 million teenage pregnancies
occurred in India. Consistent with the National Family Description of the demographic characteristics of
Health Survey 4 (NFHS 4), 7.9% of ladies aged 15-19 years, teenage girls
were already mothers or pregnant at the time of the survey, The percentage distribution of subjects shows that majority
with the prevalence higher in rural areas (9.2%) compared 38(63.34%) of the teenage girls were in the age group of 13-
to urban areas (5%) [9]. The burden of teenage pregnancies 16 years, maximum number of subjects were Hindus
was highest in Tripura (18.8%), state (18%) and Assam 32(53.34 %), majority 44(73.34%) of teenage girls were
(14%) within the country (NFHS-4) [10]. belongs to nuclear family, most of their mother 24 (40%)
The studies shows that teenage pregnancy rates and related were having middle education, majority of the subject’s
complications are high and education is very important to mothers 34 (56.67%) were home makers, most of their
create awareness about puberty teenage pregnancy and other father 28(46.66%) were completed their middle education
aspects of reproductive health. It is the major responsibility and 38 (63.34%) fathers were farmers.
Table 1: Assessment of Pre-test and Post-test knowledge level on prevention of teenage pregnancy Maximum score = 30 N=60
Level of knowledge Score levels Number of respondents Percentage
Pretest Post test Pretest Post test
Very poor 0-6 0 0 0 0
Poor 7-12 26 0 43.34 0
Average 13-18 34 0 56.66 0
Good 19 -24 0 15 - 25
Very good 25-30 0 45 - 75
Total 30 60 60 100 100
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International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing
Fig 1: Subdivided bar diagram showing the Pre-test and Post-test knowledge level on prevention of teenage pregnancy
Assessment of the level of pre test knowledge score among Assessment of the level of post-test knowledge score of the
teenage girls depicts that, majority 34 (56.66%) of teenage girls after the administration of self-instructional
respondents had average knowledge scores and 26 (43.34%) module had revealed that majority 75% of the respondents
of them had poor knowledge scores and none of the had very good knowledge score and 25% had good
respondents possessed very poor, good and very good knowledge scores and none of them had very poor, poor or
knowledge score category. This might be due to lack of average knowledge scores regarding prevention of teenage
updating their knowledge. The finding of the study has pregnancy. It has shown that Planned Teaching Programme
revealed that there is an urgent need to educate the teenagers was very effective in improving the knowledge level of the
regarding prevention of unwanted teenage pregnancy. teenage girls on prevention of teenage pregnancy.
Table 2: Pre-test and post-test knowledge scores regarding prevention of teenage pregnancy N=60
Respondents knowledge
Area Maximum score Paired ‘t’ test
Mean Mean% SD
Pre-test(X) 30 13.03 43.43 2.32
Post-test(Y) 30 26.02 86.73 1.92 32.44
Effectiveness(Y-X) 12.99 43.3 0.4
T’ table value = 2.00 at p< 0.05, df=59
Fig 2: Subdivided bar diagram showing the Pre-test and post-test knowledge scores regarding prevention of teenage pregnancy
The knowledge scores of teenage girls regarding prevention effectiveness score was 12.99 (43.3%) with SD of 0.4. The
of teenage pregnancy has revealed that, post-test mean results of the study depicts that the planned teaching
knowledge score was found higher 26.02 (86.73%) and SD programme was very effective in improving the knowledge
of 1.92 when compared with pre-test mean knowledge score of the teenage girls regarding prevention of teenage
which was 13.03 (43.43%) with SD of 2.32. The mean pregnancy.
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Table 3: Paired‘t’ test showing the significance of mean difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge scores of teenage girls after the
administration of Planned Teaching Programme. N=60
Mean %
Group Mean% difference SD difference ‘t’ value
Pre test Post test
Teenage girls studying in selected schools. 43.43 86.73 43.3 0.4 32.44
Maximum Score = 30 Table value = 2.00 at 0.05 level of significance
Data in Table 4 depicts that the mean post-test knowledge chance. Hence the research hypothesis accepted and
score (86.73%) was higher than the mean pre-test concluded that there was significant gain in knowledge after
knowledge score (43.43%), with a mean difference of implementation of planned teaching programme.
(43.3%). The calculated ‘t’ value 32.44 was greater than the From the above findings it was concluded that the Planned
table value 2.00 at 0.05 level of significance. Therefore the Teaching Programme is an effective teaching strategy to
null hypothesis rejected and research hypothesis was improve the knowledge scores of teenage girls regarding
accepted indicating that the gain in knowledge was not by prevention of teenage pregnancy.
Table 4: Association of the pre-test knowledge scores with selected demographic variable. N = 60
Variables >M <M Chi-square value Result
Age in years
13 - 16 20 18
3.64 NS
17 - 19 6 16
Hindu 17 15
Muslim 3 9
Christian 2 8 6.43 NS
Sikh 2 1
Others 2 1
Type of family
Nuclear 23 21
Joint 2 6 5.62 NS
Extended Family 1 7
Educational status of mother
Illiterate 12 10
Primary education 3 2
Middle education 6 18 6.63 NS
Higher secondary 2 3
Graduated & above 3 1
Occupation of mother
Home maker 16 18
Private job 7 9
Government job 1 2 0.98 NS
Farmer 1 3
Others 1 2
Educational status of father
Illiterate 9 11
Primary education 2 4
Middle education 11 17 1.78 NS
Higher secondary 2 1
Graduated & above 2 1
Occupation of father
Farmer 13 25
Labour 7 5
Private job 2 1 3.79 NS
Government job 2 2
Others 2 1
M = Median(13); Table value=3.84 at df=1; Table value=5.99 at df=2 ; Table value=7.81 at df=3; Table
value=9.49 at df=4; p< 0.05
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32(53.34 %), majority 44(73.34%) of teenage girls were economy [Online]. 2020 Jan. Available from: URL:
belongs to nuclear family, most of their mother 24 (40%) https://www.orfonline.org/research/theres-a-need-to-
were having middle education, majority of the subject’s end-teenage-pregnancies-in-india-its-harming-the-
mothers 34 (56.67%) were home makers, most of their national-economy-60307/
father 28(46.66%) were completed their middle education 3. UNICEF. Ending child marriage: Progress and
and 38 (63.34%) fathers were farmers. Assessment of the prospects. New York: UNICEF, 2013.
level of pre test knowledge score among teenage girls 4. Kozuki N, Lee A, Silveira M, et al. The associations of
depicts that, majority 34 (56.66%) of respondents had birth intervals with small-for-gestational-age, preterm,
average knowledge scores and 26 (43.34%) of them had and neonatal and infant mortality: A meta-analysis.
poor knowledge scores and none of the respondents BMC Public Health. 2013;13(3):S3.
possessed very poor, good or very good knowledge score 5. WHO. Preventing early pregnancy and poor
category. The finding of the study has revealed that there is reproductive outcomes among adolescents in
an urgent need to educate the teenagers regarding developing countries. Geneva, WHO, 2011.
prevention of unwanted teenage pregnancy. The knowledge 6. Raj A, Boehmer U. Girl child marriage and its
scores of teenage girls regarding prevention of unwanted association with national rates of HIV, maternal health,
teenage pregnancy has revealed that, post-test mean and infant mortality across 97 countries. Violence
knowledge score was found higher 26.02 (86.73%) and SD against Women. 2013, 19(4).
of 1.92 when compared with pre-test mean knowledge score 7. East P, Reyes B, Horn E. Association between
which was 13.03 (43.43%) with SD of 2.32. The mean adolescent pregnancy and a family history of teenage
effectiveness score was 12.99 (43.3%) with SD of 0.4. The births. Perspect Sex Reprod Health. 2007;39:108-15.
results of the study depicts that the planned teaching 8. UNFPA. Girlhood, not motherhood: Preventing
programme was very effective in improving the knowledge adolescent pregnancy. New York: UNFPA, 2015.
of the teenage girls regarding prevention of unwanted 9. Prachi Sharma, Dr. Nisha Sharma. Feminism in India,
teenage pregnancy. Chi-Square test was carried out to What Contributes To Teenage Pregnancies In India?,
analyze the significant association between the pre-test January 19, 2021, Available from URL:
knowledge scores and the selected demographic variables. https://feminisminindia.com/2021/01/19/what-
The study findings has shown that, there was no significant contributes-to-teenage-pregnancies-in-india/
association of pre-test knowledge score with any of the 10. WHO, author. Programming for adolescent health and
selected demographic variables. development. Report of HO/UNFPA/UNICEF study
group on programming for adolescents health. Geneva:
Conclusion WHO, 1999.
Assessment of the level of pre test knowledge score among
teenage girls depicts that, majority 34 (56.66%) of
respondents had average knowledge scores and 26 (43.34%)
of them had poor knowledge scores and none of the
respondents possessed very poor, good and very good
knowledge score category. The knowledge scores of teenage
girls regarding prevention of teenage pregnancy has
revealed that, post-test mean knowledge score was found
higher 26.02 (86.73%) and SD of 1.92 when compared with
pre-test mean knowledge score which was 13.03 (43.43%)
with SD of 2.32. The mean effectiveness score was 12.99
(43.3%) with SD of 0.4. Association of demographic
variables with pre test scores was computed using chi-
square test. Analysis has shown that, there was no
association between the pre test knowledge score and
demographic knowledge. Thus, the finding indicates that
there is lack of knowledge among teenage girls regarding
prevention of teenage pregnancy and information through
various means like planned teaching programme is a useful
source for improving the knowledge. The study recommend
that, a similar study can be conducted on a larger sample
which may help to draw more definite conclusions and
make generalizations.
1. Csiksgentmihalyi Mihalyi. Adolescence. Encyclopedia
Britannica. 2021 Feb 20.
Accessed 21 March 2022.
2. Observer Research Foundation. There’s a need to end
teenage pregnancies in India, it’s harming the national
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