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PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVEL aU TGS: Pubihed by Pearson Education Lined, 60 Stand, London, WC2R OL. www: pearsonglobalschoos com copies of fal specications for al Pearson qualicatons maybe found onthe website tps /qualifeationspearsoncam Tex © Pearson Education Uinted 2019 Ed by Flchara Huthinson ana Ee Pradel Typeset by Teh Set Lid, Gateshead, UK nigra tsa © Pasron Education Linked 2010 Inustratd by © Teen St Lt, Gateshead, Uk Cover asign by © Pearson Eduction Lined “Tights of Greg Attwood, Jack Baraiough lan Botison, Gordon Davies, Kat Galick, Canal Glaberg, lst Macpherson, Aa eater Exon Moran, Su Nicholson, Diane Over, doe Patan, Keth Pledger, Cong San oe Sleakowsk, Hany Sra, Get Staley, Robe are-Peney anc Dave Wii oe iter he ters tw hun he ns ty therm in acraanen ‘ithe Copyright, Designs and Patents Ac 1988, Fret publened 2010 21201018 jogeresaaey ‘ah Libary Cataloguing n Pubaton Dats ‘Rcstalogu record orth book auataie rm the teh Library I50N 976 1 200264 22 1 copyright notice ‘Alig resoved. 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Printed n Slovakia by Neograa Picture Credits “The authors and publisher woud ik to thank the folowing inva and orgnisains fr permission to repreduce Botan. ‘Alamy Stock Photo: Cultura RUA 122 Prisma Biagontur 10; Shutterstook.com: CGhretancran 1, Colors260 70, LiFeoTneBear 186, opor 46, Vac Sadovek 158, vk 102 Cover images: Font: Getty images: Worer Van Steen Inside font cover Shutterstock comm: Orit Laban ‘Alltheimages © PeersonEueton Lite 2019 ‘Allertwort Paorion Eoucation Ute 2019, Endorsement Statement In odor to ence tat is rscurce oor high qual support forthe associated Pearson qualification, thas been trough a evew pracess bythe aware body ‘Tas process cone ha this resource tl covers taaeng a ening ontsnt ofthe spocteaton or part of specication a wich same also ‘confi that demonstrates an appropriate balance between the developer ‘of subject eile, knowledge and understancng, in addon o preparation or Endorsement tas nt cover ay gidanes on assessment aces or processes (9 practce quostons or advic on how to anewor assessment question) Ineluged inthe resource, nor does prescribe any parteuar approach to he teaching or dlnery of elated couse inte ne publishers ave made every temp! to ensue hat chic onthe ‘sification ans asesament acura the fee spacticalion and ‘associat assssrent guidance materi are the ony authoritative source of ‘lomaton and stoud alvays be lord ofr dontve ude, Pearson examiners have not controuted to any sections i this resource relevant to ‘ecminaon papers or wich hey have reepansioy, ‘Exariners wil ot use endorsed resources a6 sour of matron aseozamant et by Poarson. Endoramert of aresouce does ot mean atthe ‘resources requred wo achivethis Person quetiication, nor does mean att {the ony sutable mata avalabeto support the qualitcan, and any resource ts produc by the arcing body shale thi and ater appropiate Cy COURSE STRUCTURE ABOUT THIS BOOK vi QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW viii EXTRA ONLINE CONTENT x 1 ALGEBRAIC METHODS 1 2 FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS 10 3 TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 46 4 TRIGONOMETRIC ADDITION FORMULAE 70 REVIEW EXERCISE 1 97 5 EXPONENTIALS AND LOGARITHMS 102 6 DIFFERENTIATION 122 7 INTEGRATION 146 8 NUMERICAL METHODS 158 REVIEW EXERCISE 2 170 EXAM PRACTICE 174 GLOSSARY 176 ANSWERS 178 INDEX 214 POS at CHAPTER 1 ALGEBRAIC CHAPTER 4 TRIGONOMETRIC METHODS 1 ADDITION FORMULAE 70 1.1 ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS WITH 4.1 ADDITION FORMULAE nm ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS 2 4.2 USING THE ANGLE ADDITION 1.2 IMPROPER FRACTIONS 5 FORMULAE 75 CHAPTER REVIEW 1 8 4.3 DOUBLE-ANGLE FORMULAE 78 4.4 SOLVING TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS 81 ae 2 FUNCTIONS AND 10 4.5 SIMPLIFYING a cos x + bsin x 85 4.6 PROVING TRIGONOMETRIC zi mevonas at gE 0 2.3 COMPOSITE FUNCTIONS 26, SPIER %8 2.4 INVERSE FUNCTIONS 24 2.5 y=Hf(x)! AND y= f(lxl) 28 REVIEW EXERCISE 1 97 2.6 COMBINING TRANSFORMATIONS 32 2.7 SOLVING MODULUS PROBLEMS = 35 GHAPTER 5 EXPONENTIALS ee 40 AND LOGARITHMS 102 5.1 EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS 103 CHAPTER 3 TRIGONOMETRIC 52y=ers0 105 FUNCTIONS 46 5.3 NATURAL LOGARITHMS 108 3.1 SECANT, COSECANT AND 5.4 LOGARITHMS AND NON-LINEAR COTANGENT a7 DATA 110 3.2 GRAPHS OF sec x, cosec x 5.5 EXPONENTIAL MODELLING 116 AND cot x 49 CHAPTER REVIEW 5 118 3.3 USING sec x, cosec x AND cot x 53 3.4 TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES 57 3.5 INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 62 CHAPTER REVIEW 3 66 CHAPTER 6 DIFFERENTIATION 122 6.1 DIFFERENTIATING sin x AND cos x 123 6.2 DIFFERENTIATING EXPONENTIALS AND LOGARITHMS 126 6.3 THE CHAIN RULE 128 6.4 THE PRODUCT RULE 132 6.5 THE QUOTIENT RULE 134 6.6 DIFFERENTIATING TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 137 CHAPTER REVIEW 6 142 CHAPTER 7 INTEGRATION 146 7.1 INTEGRATING STANDARD FUNCTIONS 147 7.2 INTEGRATING f(ax + 6) 149 7.3 USING TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES 151 7.4 REVERSE CHAIN RULE 153 CHAPTER REVIEW 7 156 CHAPTER 8 NUMERICAL METHODS 8.1 LOCATING ROOTS 8.2 FIXED POINT ITERATION CHAPTER REVIEW 8 REVIEW EXERCISE 2 EXAM PRACTICE GLOSSARY ANSWERS INDEX TSS cai 159 163 167 170 174 176 178 214 ABOUT THIS BOOK The following three themes have been fully integrated throughout the Pearson Edexcel International ‘Advanced Level in Mathematics series, so they can be applied alongside your learning. 1. Mathematical argument, language and proof, + Rigorous and consistent approach throughout + Notation boxes explain key mathematical language and symbols, 2. Mathematical problem-solving The Mathematical Problem-Solving Cycle + Hundreds of problem-solving questions, fully integrated spect the problem into the main exercises + Problem-solving boxes provide tips and strategies ier resus aan © Challenge questions provide extra stretch process nd 3. Transferable skills represent information ‘+ Transferable skills are embedded throughout this book, in the exercises and in some examples ‘+ These stills are signposted to show students which skills they are using and developing Finding your way around the book ame sr 1 Say Te) o hy rk Each chapter is mapped to the specification contr or easy reference Each chapter stants with a Ist of Leaning objectives The Prior knowledge check helps make sure you are ready 1 start he chapter The real world anplications of the maths you are about to lear ae highighted atthe start of the chapter Glossary terms wil bo Identified by bold blue text fn thi first appearance. Sop by-step wore | CSE ‘examples focus on the key types of questions you'need to tackle ‘nsteabe aan we signposted where they naturally occur Inthe exeregee and examples Erercise questions are caretlly graded so they increase in ‘Scully and gradually bring you up to exam standard Exam-style questions are flagged with © Problem-solving questions are flagged with @ Treinen are paced [Each section begins ‘Problom-saving boxes provide ints, with exam-style with expanation anc tips and strategies, and Watch out ‘questions to ensure you key leaming points ‘boxes highlight areas where studonts ae ready forthe exams ‘often lose marks in ther exams Each chapter end with @ Chapter rviow and a Summary of key points after every few chapters, a Review exercise helps you consolidate your fearing wth jE ois of exam-siyle questions Exam practice Mathematics International/Advanced Level Pure Mathematies 3 Review exercise "Rul practice paper atthe back of the book eps you prepare forthe ‘eating vil Pe UO CUE ctssUa ee) QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Qualification and content overview Pure Mathematics 3 (P3) is a compulsory unit in the following qualifications: International Advanced Level in Mathematics International Advanced Level in Pure Mathematics Assessment overview The following table gives an overview of the assessment for this unit. We recommend that you study this information closely to help ensure that you are fully prepared for this course and know exactly what to expect in the assessment. Percentage [Mark [Time [availabilty 'P3: Pure Mathematics 3 162% oftmL | 75 ‘hour 30min | January, june and October Paper code WMAI3/01 Fist assessment une 2020 Assessment objectives and weightings IAL: International Advanced A Level. Pea Coens ‘aor | Recall select and use their knowledge of mathematical facts, concepts and techniques in @ = variety of contexts. Construct rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs through use of precise statements, nge_| logical deduction and inference and by the manipulation of mathematical expressions, sue including the construction of extended arguments for handling substantial problems presented in unstructured form. Recall, select and use their knowledge of standard mathematical models to represent ‘203. | t¥ations in the real world; recognise and understand given representations involving 10% standard models; present and interpret results from such models in terms of the original situation, including discussion of the assumptions made and refinement of such models. Comprehend translations of common realistic contexts into mathematics; use the results of ‘804 | calculations to make predictions, or comment on the context; and, where appropriate, read 5% critically and comprehend longer mathematical arguments or examples of applications. Use contemporary calculator technology and other permitted resources (such as formulae 805 | booklets or statistical tables) accurately and efficiently; understand when not to use such 5% technology, and its limitations. Give answers to appropriate accuracy. OTE U Ens esse Mad Relationship of assessment objectives to units I es i I co AOz ‘AO co ‘AOS Marks out of 25-30 25-30 5-10 5-10 5-10 % a4 340 ea east a Calculators Students may use a calculator in assessments for these qualifications. Centres are responsible for making sure that calculators used by their students meet the requirements given in the table below. Students are expected to have available a calculator with at least the following keys: +, =, «, 4, m2 vx, 4,0»; lm x, e%, x1, sine, cosine and tangent and their inverses in degrees and decimals of a degree, and in radians; memory. Prohibitions Calculators with any of the following facilities are prohibited in all examinations: + databanks + retrieval of text or formulae + built-in symbolic algebra manipulations + symbolic differentiation and/or integration + language translators + communication with other machines or the internet aC Le e Extra online content Whenever you see an Online box, it means that there is extra online content available to support you SolutionBank SolutionBank provides a full worked solution for questions in the book Download all the solutions as a PDF or quickly find the solution you need online. Use of technology CP Explore topics in more detail, visualise Find the point of intersection problems and consolidate your understanding graphically using technology. Use pre-made GeoGebra activities or Casio resources for a graphic calculator. GeeGebra CASIO. GeoGebra-powered interactives Graphic calculator interactives \ \ / \ Interact with the mathematics you are Explore the mathematics you are learning and learning using GeoGebra's easy-to-use tooks gain confidence in using a graphic calculator, Calculator tutorials Finding the value of the first derivative ur helpful video tutorials will guide you through how to use to access the function press your calculator in the exams. They cover both Casio scientific and colour graphic calculators. \ Qe step-by-step guide with auto nstrutons ‘on exactly which buttons to press and what ‘the “G, and power functions on your calculator. should appear on your calculators screen 1 ALGEBRAIC METHODS : cr fl Pe toed fer completing this chapter you shi Multiply algebraic fractions, “> pages 2-5 Divide algebraic fraction: > pages2-5 Add and subtract algebraic fractions Convert an improper fraction into partial fraction form « Pure 1 Section 1.1 The earliest evidence of written tics dates from 3000 ace with the ancient Sumerians, but the equals sign (=) had to wait Simplify fully the following algebraic fractions. another 4500 years. It was invented ee by the Welsh mathematician Robert x? +9x+18 6x? = 7, Recorde. In his book The Whetstor a of Witte he explained that he wanted « Pure 2 Section 1.1 ax #3041 to avoid ‘tedious repetition’, 25 + Pure 1 Section 1.3 oar eT reser any @Q Arithmetic operations with algebraic fractions = To multiply fractions, cancel any common factors, then multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators. GEO 2) ESI) vreercrsoume Simplify the following products: 3,3 boxe —— 2 *@eie-d 3 | IK | * To divide two fractions, multiply the frst fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. GO 2) IEE) rrcevcr sume Simplify: x44 x16 ext? 16 oyt4 Bxe6 x42) (vt Ale 4) eee Geran ~ 4) ara Boe | een a POG (4 marks) 2. Show that 2*= © and find the val ow that deca 45 75 a find the values of the constants a and b, where @ and b are integers. (4marks) @&) 3 Simplify fully EEA (3 marks) — axe May = 24 Show that fi = +248 (4 marks) GEDD diiterentiae each term b Hence differentiate (x) and find (4). marks) separately. « Pure 1 Section 8.5 = To add or subtract two fractions, find a common denominator. ex) Simplify the following: > __ ay dx By xe3 xe! x+1 7x21 oar eT ales eet 2x1) to + 3) w+ e+) +9) reser any + dere) “+ 3x +1) =0 3 4x 3 ___Ax _ x41 We ie-o eae. wee 0 ee _ 30-1) 4x (e+ Dee= 1) 78-3 e+ 0-1) » ax ous 1 Write as a single fraction: atl 932 3*4 a5 2. Write as a single fraction: 32 x xe a torr tf zx+3) 3 Write as a single fraction: 3. x+2 pall, xed w+ 4? amet i» e—2___3 wie2ve] x41 <4" x42 D7 Ox49 HAS 3 1 842 xe © yaa) ede e-x- 12” 45x46 asa single fraction in its simplest form. (marks) Ween a POG 5. Express each of the following asa fraction in its simplest form. 3,2 1 4.2 1 2 4 ay tee x42 bay x-2* Deel © x-1teel*x-3 4Qx-1) 7 : © © Express aga asa single fraction in its simplest form. (4 marks) Oi , 7 g(x) a Show that g(x) (4 marks) b Using algebraic long div a, or otherwise, further show that g(x) ="-—4**+ © 7 (4marks) x @® Improper fractions = An improper algebraic fraction is one whose numerator has degree greater than or equal to the denominator. An improper fraction must be converted to a mixed fraction before you can express it in partial fractions. 5x+8 waie-9 N+ Svt8 gy a4 5e—9 xa OSA 47, numerator is greater and denominator are equal than the degree of the denominator. CEEIED the degree of a polynomial is the largest exponent in the expression. re both improper fractions. For example, x? + 5x ~9 has degree 3 = To convert an improper fraction into a mixed fraction, a cd you can use either: + algebraic long di camp ‘The divisor and — the remainder can be numbers the relationship F(x) = Q(x) « divisor + remainder ‘or functions of x. Method 1 Use algebraic long division to show that: remainder Method 2 Multiply by (x — 2) and compare coefficients to show that: i aw) FQ) ——- x? + Sx +85 0r+ Me 2422 remainder divisor ——__________] cee pasa Given that find the values of 4, B, Cand D. Using algebraic long division: hs xi +4x + 12 Solving this problem using algebraic long division will give you an answer inthe form asked for in the question. Bae x-3 So with a remainder of 29, xtxe-7 x-3 Pa axei2 ty So Example @y sxus wate Ix? + Bx + Ckx 3) + D, find the values of A, B, Cand D. Let x= 3: Geen 2749-7=(9A+3B+O)x0+D ‘The identity is given in the form D=29 Fly) = Oly x divisor + remainder, ie so solve by equating coefficients. 0+0-7=(Ax04Bx0+0) B=4,C=12and Given that x3 + 42 Compare the coefficients of x? and x Compare coefficients in.xé: 1 =A Compare coefficients inx?: 1=-344B -3+B Therefore A B=4.C and we can write 12 and D = 29 24 44 12iv- 3) +29 This can also be written as: x 4x2 29 Seep evr eae eS Pes as ated fly = Dx+E Show that f(x) can be written as Ax? + Bx + C+ 5055 and find the values of 4, B,C, Dand E. Can Using algebraic long division: x4 2x-3lt+ FOR N= 10 xt + 2x8 ~ 3x2 =843e+ x a2 + 3x 5x7 2x10 5x2 + 10x - 15 —ax+5 Metx-10 ov yg 4 riaet8 x? +2x-3 x? + 2x-3 5, D=-12 and E=5 ED vvess eee ae © 1A aes are c+ xl tl Find the values of the constants 4, B, Cand D. (4 marks) aera an ® 2 Given thar +3445 = ofind the values of a, end d, (4 marks) © Show that f(x) can be written in the form px? + gx + rand find the values of p.qand r, (A marks) Dxtedve 5 _ meHP © 4 Given thar “2 pv find the values of m,n and p. (4 marks) © 5 Find the values of the constants 4, B, Cand D in the following identity: 8x9 420745 (A+ BQN? + 2)4 Cx+D (marks) AS 4 Be- Md yyy, Cue © 67 e F 4B a e Find the values of the constants 4, B, Cand D. (A marks) 8 CHAPTER 1 Tay xt + 3x! © 7 ey=* SSE: Show that g(x) can be written in the form p. att and find the values of p,q, r,s and 1 (4 marks) 2x4 + 3x3 — 2x? + de 2 Sax? + bx ++ 2 *S find the values oF a © 8 Given that ae of a, b, e, dand e. (S marks) © 9 Find the values of the constants 4, B, C, D and Ein the following identity: Bat — 43 — 8x2 + 16x — 2S (Ax? + Br + Cho? —3) + D+ E (S marks) @®) 10 a Fully factorise the expression x4 (2 marks) b Hence, or otherwise, write the algebraic fraction yin the form (ax + by(ex? + dv + 6) and find the values of a, b, ¢, dand e. (A marks) 1. Simplify these fractions as far as possible: 3x4 — 21x 5 24 < 3x = Tx +6 Dee OES 2 Divide 3x3 + 12x? + Sy +20 by (x +4) a Simplity 238+ 5 4 Simplify a tod, 2x48 p SaBN= 10, 6x7 + 24 ¢ AH IDwH9 4x79 6 “2-16 3-21 “ate 6x +8 46x 7224 9x-18 4x2 8x OES 5 a Simplify fully 3 = On Gmarks) b Given that In[i4x? — 8x\ix? + 6x + 5)] = 6 + Inllx? — 3x — 42x? + 10x)] find x in terms of e. (A marks) a Show that g(x) can be written in the form ax? + bx + ¢, where a, band ¢ are constants to be found, (4 marks) b Hence differentiate g(x) and find g'(-2), (3 marks) Ween a POG ©’ Express 4 7 single fraction in its simplest form. (4marks) ®s8 = ve TPrER xed Show that f(x) = +353 (4 marks) 9 Find the values of the constants 4, B, Cand D in the following identity: 6x? + [1x +25 (x - 2)(Ax? + B+ C)+D (5 marks) © 10 Show that 4°= $2 8°=3 can be put in the form Ax? + Be + C+ 241 et Find the values of the constamts 4, B, Cand D. (S marks) © 11 Show that S42 = xt+ Bv+ C+ a1 a1 where A, B, Cand D are constants to be found (marks) Challenge = 6x2 - 7x2 +3 D find the values of the constants 4, B, Cand D. 2 Prove that if f(x) = ax? + bx? + ex +dand fp) = 0, then (x ~ p)is a factor of f(x). 3 Given that f(x) = 2x2 + 9x2 + 10x43: 1 show that -3 isa root of F(x) as pattial fractions. Peed 1. To multiply fractions, cancel any common factors, then multiply the numerators, and multiply the denominators. 2 Todivide two fractions, multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. 3. Toadd or subtract two fractions, find a common denomi tor, 4 An improper algebraic fraction is one whose numerator has degree greater than or equal to the denominator. An improper fraction must be converted to a mixed fraction before you can express it in partial fractions. 5 To convert an improper fraction into a mixed fraction, you can use either: + algebraic long division + the relationship F(x) = Q(x) x divisor + remainder 3 ) <4 aN 2F UNCTIONS © re aise Ve Pea eae After completing this chapter you should be able to: © Understand Understand and use the modulus funct > pages 11-15 mappings and functions, and use domain and range > pages 15-20 Combine two or more functions to make a composite function > pages 20-23 Know how to find the inverse of a function graphically and algebraically > pages 24-27 h the graphs of the modulus functions (x) ~ pages 28-32 Apply a combination of two (or more) transformati ions to the same curve > pages 32-35 Transform the modulus function ~ pages 35-40 Write each: a (5x—3) x+4 x+4 x42 +5 x42 ‘each of the fo b pare International GCSE Mathematics pression in its simplest form. -4 26x-5) — + International GCSE Mathematics Sketch each of the following graphs. Label any points re the g of praxis, a y=xQr+ 4-5) b y=sinx, 0 = 360° Pure 2 Section 6.1 3x. Find the values of: + Pure 1 Section 2.3, Code breakers at Bletchley Park in the UK used inverse functions to decode they used a function. The cos breakers’ challeng the inverse function that would decode the m Se ORG Coa @Q The modulus function The modulus of a number a, written as ja, is its non-negative numerical value. So, for example, |5| = 5 and also |-5| =5. C=pD The modulus = A modulus function is, in general, a function of the function is also known as the type y= [fla] absolute value function. On + When f(x) > 0, [fx)] = fx) calculator, the button is often labelled ‘Abs. + When f(x) <0, [f(x)] = -Flx) eax Write down the values of: ab b (6.51 f(x) = 2x34 1 Write down the values of a f5) b 2) ¢ fi) 2 16)=[2x5-3] +1 Watch out s[7]+1=741 -3| +1 =74126 Use your calculator to work out values of medulus functions. To sketch the graph of y = Jax + 4}, sketch y =ax + bthen reflect the section of the ‘graph below the x-axis in the x-axis. ¥ voll reflected inthe Pa Val REPO Usy Example @©) ESTED, inrenenerarion Sketch the graph of y= [3x — 2] CATED Explore graphs of f(x) 3x2] [example QM sous Solve the equation [2x — I] = 5 CEEEED The function inside the modulus is called the argument of the modulus. You «an solve modulus equations algebraically by considering the positive argument and the The solutions are x = 3 and x= negative argument separately. aU PUL) Coa 13 Solve the inequality |Sx— 1] > 3x Tats b4 REPO Usy Ses i 3 Look at the sketch to work out which values of Bandas -xsatisfy the inequality.» = [5x ~ 1] is above So the solution to [Sx - 11> 3x is y= 3x when x> or.x-<4. You could write the The points of inters ener (ee nee) ENED were 1 Write down the values of 3 0.2 eB of b 1-028) e 3-111 a| 5 _ 3] e PO-6x4l ff 42x 2-37) 2. fx) =|7 - 5a] +3. Write down the values of: af) b (10) © f-6) x? — 8x. Write down the values of b a-3) © 2(8) 4 Sketch the graph of each of the following. In each case, write down the coordinates of any points at which the graph meets the coordinate axes, ay=le-1 by=2x+3) 0 e y=Hx-71 q y=e-4| f y=l6-4x 7 7 GED 5 = -1s11s a rentection of y h y=-By= il inthe axis. « Pure Sect & and h(x) =5 a On the same axes, sketch the graphs of y= g(x) and y= h(x). b_ Hence solve the equation i i 3 =5 6 Solve: a Bx=11=5 d@ |7x-3/=4 7 a On the same diagram, sketch the graphs be-4 I-x (A marks) b Solve the equation -2 ©® 8 Solve Bx-s]= 9 a On the same set of axes, sketch y b State with a reason whether there are any solutions to the equation [6 ~ x= 3 Se ORG Coa ©® 10 A student attempts to solve the equation [3x + 4] = x. The student writes the following working: “Gx 44) or -8x-4=x 42 4x Explain the error made by the student. 2-9 11a On the same diagram, sketch the graphs of y = -[3x + 4l and 3 b Solve the inequality -I3x + 4l< 2x -9 © 22 Solve the inequality [2x + 91<14-x (4 marks) @®) 13 The equation 6 - x] = 4 + k has exactly one solution Find the value of k. marks) Thesolution must beat the vertex of b State the solution to the equation. Cmts) (EEE See fla) = lx?-+ 9x + 8l and glx) = 1- INTERPRETATION Qn the same axes, sketch graphs of y = f(x) and » = g(x) Use your sketch to find all the solutions to Ix? + 9x+ 81 =1— ©) Functions and mappings A mapping transforms one set of numbers into a different set of numbers. The mapping can be described in words or through an algebraic equation, It can also be represented by a graph. = A mapping is a function if every input has a distinct output. Functions can either be one-to-one or many-to-one. ‘one-to-one function rmany-to-one function not a function Many mappings can be made into functions by changing the domain, Consider y = vx CEE the domains the set ofall possible puts fora mapping, The range isthe set ofall possible outputs for the mapping. SOC air REPO Usy IF the domain were all of the real numbers, , then y = vx would not be a function because values of .xless than 0 would not be mapped anywhere, However, if we restrict the domain to.x > 0, then every element in the domain is mapped to exactly one element in the range. Wecanvate tisfunctontogetherwihits _ QEEREED) vou an to te is tuncton a domain as f(x) = Vx, xe R,x 30. meee ee CM) ap «= For each of the following mappings: i state whether the mapping is one-to-one, many-to-one or one-to-many fi state whether or not the mapping is a function, The mapping is one-to-one. x =O does not get mapped to a value of y $0 the mapping is not a function. i Onthe graph, you can see that x and ~ both get mapped to the same value of y Therefore, this is 2 many-to-one mapping. QED Normatiy the comai f fi The mapping is a function. less otherwi Gm Find the range of each of the following functions: a flix) =3x- 2, domain (x= 1,2, 3,4} b eay= ¢ hy =+, domain (xR, 0 2 h(x) is one-to-one. - Ler le COTED isis encxampectaplecense “The function (x) is defined defined function, thats, a function defined by y ‘more than one equation. Here one part is linear fx (S28! (for x <1) and one quadratic (for x > 1). ° x243,x21 a Sketch y = fc), and state the range of f(x). b Solve f(x) = 19. SEM at b4 REPO Usy Ces The range is the set of values t ten pte ‘aa ee Gears Use x23, x= Land use 5 ~ the rangex <1 19 to find the solution in the range The positive solution is where = 19 to find the solution in 43219 EXD sree 1 For each of the following functions: i draw the mapping diagram ii state if the function is one-to-one or many-to-one fii find the range of the funetion. a fix) =5x— 3, domain {x b eo) 3, domain {x © h(x) 4, 5, 6} 1,0, 1, 2,3} Se ORG Coa 2. For each of the following mappings: i state whether the mapping is one-to-one, many-to-one or one-to-many ii state whether or not the mapping could represent a function. a y » 3 Calculate the value(s) of a, b, c and d given that: a p(a) = 16 where px 3x-2,xER © 1(c) = 34 where rx 4 225) +2, ER 17 where q:x¥ x2 where sx 32 .xER x-6,xER 4 For each function below: i represent the funetion on a mapping diagram, writing down the elements in the range ii state whether the function is one-to-one or many-to-one. a f(x)=2x+ 1 for the domain {x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} b g:xr+ Vx for the domain {x= 1, 4,9, 16,25, 36} (QEEREED remember, i means 6 h(x) = ¥? for the domain {y= —?, =1,0,1,9} the positive square root of x. 2, 3,4, 5} 2 4 jex+s 2 for the domain {x =1 € K(x) =e" +3 for the domain {x= -2,—1, 0, 1,2} 5 For each function: i sketch the graph of 3 ii state the range of f(x) x) ii_state whether f(x) is one-to-one or many-to-one. a fixes 3x42 for the domain {x= 0} b fix) =x? + 5 for the domain (x > 2} © Ex + 2sinx for the domain {0 = x= 180) dE. Vx +2 for the domain {x > -2} € fx) =e° for the domain {x > 0} £ f(x) = Tlogy, for the domain {x €R,.x> 0} 6 The following mappings f and g are defined on all the real numbers by 4ox, x<4 4x, x<4 wor{Sry Tb a= (20 34 a Explain why f(x) isa function and g(x) is not. b Sketch y = fox) © Find the values of: i 3) — ii (10) @_ Find the solution of fla) = 90 Pe Vals REPO Usy @® 7 The funetion s is defined by 6 x<0 swe {357 1x20 a Sketch y= s(x) ete b Find the value(s) of a such that s(a)=43 The solutions of sx) =.vare the values in the domain that get mapped to themselves in the range. © Solve s(x) =x G®) 8 The function pis defined by | en, Sex (G marks) b Find the values of a, to 2 decimal places, such that p(a) = 50 (4 marks) ®) 9 The function h has domain -10 < x = 6, and is linear from (~10, 14) to (-4, 2) and from (—4, 2) to (6, 27). a Sketch y = h(x) fe Tome Problem-solving b Write down the range of h(x) (Imark) The graph of y = h(x) will consist of two ¢ Find the values of a, such that h(a)= 12 (4marks) _ line segments which meet at (-4, 2). ©®) 10 The function gis defined by g(x) = ex + d where ¢ and dare constants to be found Given g(3) = 10 and g(8) = 12, find the values of c and d. ©® 11 The function f is defined by f(x) = ax? + bx — 5 where a and b are constants to be found Given that f(1) = -4 and f(2) = 9, find the values of the constants a and b. EP) 12 The function h is defined by h(x) 6x+20and has QED) First complete the square domain x > a. Given that h(x) is a one-to-one function, for ht). find the smallest possible value of the constant a. (6 marks) ) composite functions ‘Two or more functions can be combined to make a new function. The new function is called a composite function. = fg(x) means apply g first, then apply f. = fa(x) = fig) , . CEEDD hc ies wich te functions are combined is important: g(x) Is not normally the same as gfx). fe EXD scorer Given f(x) =? and g(x) =x +I, find: a fg) b efls) © m-2) Se ORG Coa =2 4 b gff3) = 39°?) ‘The functions f and gare defined by f(x) = 3x-+ 2 and g(x) =»? + 4, Find: a the function fax) b the function gfx) ¢ the function f(x) CEEED Fu isrw the values of h such that f(b) = 62. = 3? +4)4+2 = Gxt ora HO 41H © M(x) = Kx + 2) & ‘The functions f and g are defined by: fxn Res) vy Xt! i 2 a Find fg). b Solve fg(x) =. Fy Vat REPO Usy -, find expressions for the functions: a fe(x) b gfix) © gh(x) d th(x) e F(x) © 3 The functions f and g are defined by: f(x) =3x-2,.xER a) KER a Find an expression for fa(x). (2 marks) b Solve f(x) = gfx). (4 marks) © 4 The functions p and q are defined by: ol P(x) = KER, #2 go) =3r+4,0ER ; a Find an expression for qp(x) in the form a a (3 marks) b Solve gptx) = 16. (3 marks) Se ORG Coa © _ 5 The functions f and g are defined by: fxn 94x a Find f3(6). (2marks) b Solve fax) = x (Smarks) b Find an expression for f(x). 7 The functions s and t are defined by sx) =e R t)=x+3,xER a Find an expression for st(x). b Find an expression for ts(x). © 8 Given f(x) = e* and g(x) = 4 Inx, find in its simplest form: a af(x) (2 marks) b fax) (2 marks) 9 The ametions and are defined by CED sre cogs prac nestor pixe In(x +3), x ER, x>-3 possible inputs for q in the function gp. qxee-LxeR a Find qp(x) and state its range. (3 marks) b Find the value of qp(7). (1 mark) € Solve qp(x) = 124 G marks) 10 The function t is defined by: tireS - 2x Solve the equation (x) - (1(x)) ene You need to work out the intermediate steps for this problem yourself, so plan ‘your answer before you start. You could start by finding an expression for tt(x) (S marks) © 11 The function g has domain -5 < x < 14 and is linear from ($5, -8) to (0, 12) and from (0, 12) to (14, 5). A sketch of the graph of y = g(x) is shown in the diagram, a Write down the range of 2. (Lmark) b Find ga(0). 5 (2 marks) ‘The function his defined by h: x © Find gh). (2 marks) Pat REPO Usy @ Inverse functions The inverse of a function performs the opposite operation to the original function. It takes the elements in the range of the original function and maps them back into elements of the domain of the original function. For this reason, inverse functions exist only for one-to-one functions. = Functions f(x) and f(x) are inverses of each other. FP) = F(a) = = The graphs of y= f(x) and y = F-%(x) are reflections of each other in the line y = = The domain of f(x) is the range of F(x) = The range of f(x) is the domain of f(x) Find the inverse of the function h(x) = 2x? - 7,.x= 0 The inverse of fa) is written. as F(a), square square root Range of h(x) is Hix) ® ~7, 50 domain of W(x) is x > =7 Gaon (14) ED wows Find the inverse of the function {( 3 +R, x= 1, by changing the subject of the formula - —_——— | : —nieromemes _3+) sey Range of f(x) Is f(x) # O, 50 domain of F(x) Is x20 Thereioe FW) = 34% x20 _ 3 3 4a) = 72 ret tt aU PUL) Coa 25 The function f(x) is defined by f(x) = Vx -2,.x€R,x =2 a State the range of f(x). Find the function f(x) and state its domain and range. © Sketch y = fix) and y = f(x) and the line y = x ope 0 — eee =3 -2 The inverse function is M(x) 2 The domain of f-\(x) is x € Rx =O oi G@)syeRy=2 6 yePGext+2 oe pwages 3,xER,x>0 a Find f(x). Sketch y=f-1(x) and state its domain. Solve the equation f(x) = F(x) Cr | The domain of FG) Is x € Rx = ~3. — 26 CHAPTER 2 REPO Usy @ When fa) =H) aE fy) =x y= f(x) and y = (x) intersect on the line y = x. x@-3=x ‘This means that the solution to f(x) = f(x) is the w-x-3=0 same as the solution to f(x) 148 B on 1 For each of the following functions f(x): i state the range of f(x) ii determine the equation of the inverse function f(x) i state the domain and range of f-!(x) iv sketch the graphs of y = f(x) and y = f"1(x) on the same set of axes. a fxr 2x43,xER bx tS ver eR © fixe4d-3xxER d fxn 8-7, 2. Find the inverse of each function: a fi) =10-x,xER x (CEEIEDD to of these functions are baG)=57ER self-inverse, A function i selF-inverse iF) =F) this case F) = € hix)= 2.x 20,xER @ kQ)=x-8.ER ® 3 Explain why the function g: x + 4 — x, x € R, x > 0, is not identical to its inverse. 4. For each of the following functions e(x) with a restricted domain: i state the range of g(x) ii determine the equation of the inverse function g-1(x) state the domain and range of (x) iv sketch the graphs of y = g(x) and y a ae r(x) on the same set of axes. LxeRx=0 hverve3 b g(x) =2x 3 © 2 xER,x>2 dg) =Vx-3,xER, x =7 © ex)= 842 NER, v>2 fo) BxER,x>2 ©)5 The fanetion t(x) i defined by GED Firs complete the square forthe function ts) U(x) 22 6x45, xER, x5 Find t109, (5 marks) 6 The function m(.x) is defined by m(x) = x7 + 4x49, x € R, x > a, for some constant a a State the least value of a for which m-1(x) exists, (4 marks) b Determine the equation of m-'(x). (3 marks) Se ORG Coa © State the domain of m-"(x), (mark) 7 The function h(x) is defined by h(x) = deat ,xER, x22 a What happens to the function as x approaches 2? b Find h-1(3). Find h-\(o), stating clearly its domain, 4. Find the elements of the domain that get mapped to themselves by the function, 8 The functions m and n are defined by: mixe2x43,xER ye rer a Find nm(a). 1b What can you say about the functions m and n? ©® 9 The functions s and t are defined by: Show that the functions are inverses of each other. 10. The function f(x) is defined by f(x) = 2x7 - 3,vER,x <0 Determine a (x), clearly stating its domain (4marks) b the values of a for which f(a) = f(a). marks) © 11 The functions f and g are defined by Exre'-S.xER gx Inv 4), x4 a State the range of f (1 mark) b Find f+, the inverse function of f, stating its domain. (marks) © On the same axes, sketch the curves with equation giving the coordinates of all the points where the curves cross the axes. (4marks) 4 Find g7!, the inverse function of g, stating its domain. (marks) € Solve the equation g-(x) = 11, giving your answer to 2 decimal places. (marks) ®) 12 The function f is defined by: 7 3x +2) Px Tey 20x a Show that xe hg, x4 (marks) b Find the range of f. (2 marks) © Find f(x). State the domain of this inverse function. (4 marks) Pate REPO Usy @®) v= |feo| and y = fx) = To sketch the graph of y= |f(x)|: + sketch the graph of y = f(x) + reflect any parts where f(x) 0,xERx#0 a Sketch the graph of y = k(x) b_ Explain why it is not necessary to sketch y= [k(x)] and y = k({x)) The function m is defined by m(x) =S a<0,xER, x40 ¢ Sketch the graph of y = m(x) 4_ State with a reason whether the following statements are true or false: F[kCO|=|moo] K(x) = mx) it m(x) = mda) © 5 The diagram shows the graph of labelled. Sketch each of the following graphs, labelling the points corresponding to 4, B, C, D and E, and any points of intersection with the coordinate axes, (x) with five points (3 marks) (3 marks) © © The diagram shows the graph of y = q(x) with seven points labelled. Sketch cach of the following graphs, labelling the points corresponding to 4, B,C, D, E, Fand G, and any points of intersection with the coordinate axes. lao (4 marks) atx) (3 marks) T k= $a>0,x40 a Sketch the graph of y = k(x) b Sketch the graph of y= [k(x] © Sketch the graph of » = k(lx)) 8 mx) =4a<0,x40 a Sketch the graph of y= m(x) b_ Describe the relationship between [m(9) and y = m(lx)) 9 fix) = 2 and g(x) = 2" a Sketch the graphs of y= f(x) and y = g(x) on the same axes. b Explain why it is not necessary to sketch y = [f(0)| and y = |g) € Sketch the graphs of » = filx)) and y = g({x|) on the same axes. Ra Vat REPO Usy 10. The function f(x) is defined by: fx) = fe ~6,-Sex<-1 ‘A plecewise function ike this wtf, -lexs2 does not have to be continuous. a Sketch f(x), stating its range. marks) Work out the value of both b Sketch the graph of y= 9] G marks) expressions when x= =110 € Sketch the graph of y = f(s) Gmarks) Rep you win your sted: €D combining transformations You can use combinations of the following transformations of a function to sketch graphs of more complicated transformations. * f(x-+a) isa translation by the vector (4°) f(ax) isa horizontal stretch of scale factor 4 = f(x) "qaisa translation by the vector (9) af(x) is avertical stretch of scale factor a w FC) reflects f(x) in.the yoaids You can think of fx) and —f(a) as stretches 1 f(x) reflects f(x) in the x-axis with scalefactor—1, «Pure Sections 45, 4.6 ‘The diagram shows a sketch of the graph of y The curve passes through the origin 0, the point A(2, =1) and the point B{6, 4). Sketch the graphs of: fix). The images of O, A and B are (0, (2, ~3) and (6, 7) respectively. Se ORG Coa The images of O, A and B are (-2, 2), (0, 1) and (4, 6) respectively. ie eo y= Giles) The images of O, A and B are (0, 0), 0.25) and (3, 1) respectively. d y=) The images of O, A and B are (1, 0}, (3,1) and (7, ~4) respectively. 34 CHAPTER 2 Sy 1 The diagram shows a sketch of the graph y = f(x). ‘The curve passes through the origin O, the point A(-2, -2) and the point B(3, 4). On separate axes, sketch the graphs of: a y=3fla) +2 Db y=fe-2)-5 H+) ~f12x) © y=ifco) fi) In each case, find the coordinates of the images of the points O, 4 and B. ¢ 2 The diagram shows a sketch of the graph y = fix). The curve has a maximum at the point 4(-1, 4) and crosses the axes at the points (0, 3) and (-2, 0). On separate axes, sketch the graphs of: Lyd 3x2) bd) 33») =f) +4 4 y=-2x+ 1) n(x) For each graph, find, where possible, the coordinates of the maximum or minimum and the coordinates of the intersection points with the axes. 3 The diagram shows a sketch of the graph y = f(x), The lines x = 2 and y = 0 (the x-axis) are asymptotes to the curve On separate axes, sketch the graphs of: a y=) 1 b yates 2) +4 ~f(2x) @ y=) For each part, state the equations of the asymptotes and the new coordinates of the point 4. © 4 The function g is defined by g: x (x-2)'-9,xER a Draw a sketch of the graph of y = g(x), labelling the turning points and the x- and y-intercepts. (3 marks) b Write down the coordinates of the turning point when the curve is transformed as follows: i 2g(x-4) (2 marks) ii 22x) (2 marks) iii [a] (2 marks) © Sketch the curve with equation y = g({x)). On your sketch, show the coordinates of all turning points and all x- and y-intervepts. (marks) Se ORG Coa 5 h(x) = 2sin.x, -180° <= x< 180° a Sketch the graph of y= h(x) b Write down the coordinates of the minimum, 4, and the maximum, B. © Sketch the graphs of: i h(x -90°) 41 i tn(Ss) ho In each case, find the coordinates of the images of the points O, 4 and B, with O being the origin. ©) solving modulus problems You can use combinations of transformations together with |f(x)| and f(|x|) and an understanding of domain and range to solve problems. Given the funetion t(x) = 3]y~ 1-2, R: a sketch the graph of the function b state the range of the function Seed Use transformations to sketch the graph of y = 3|y-1|-2 35 CHAPTER 2 UUW b The range of the function tix) is py ER, At B: -3(x- 1-2 -3r4+3-2 i ="E andx The solutions are x = 12 and Se ORG Coa ‘The function f is defined by f: x + 6 ~ 2+ 31 A sketch of the graph of the funetion is shown in the diagram. a State the range of f b Givea reason why f-! does not exist. © Solve the inequality f(x) > 5 o a The range of f(x) is f(x) = 6 bb ilx) is a many-to-one function, ————— Therefore, 1! does not exist. 5 at the points A and B. Ligh) cee 9 ‘Only one-to-one functions have inverses, Ab AiG ~ 2N+3)=5 ~2(x + 3) x43 Ab Bi 6 ~(-2(x+ 3) 2+ 3) The solution to the inequality fx) > 5 is z. 5 2 2 38 CHAPTER 2 Sy sor ® 1 For each function: i sketch the graph of y= fx) ii state the range of the function, Qe a fixe dl|-3.xER Transat vec (2) b fw) =4iv+2]-LxeR € fx) = 2-1] +6.0ER epee i + atranslation by vector ( ) dban-Shiedver 2 Given that p(x) = 2jv+4]-S.x ER: a sketch the graph of y= p(x) b shade the region of the graph that satisfies = pls) 3. Given that q(x) = -3)x] + 6, € R: a. sketch the graph of y = q(x) b shade the region of the graph that satisfies y < q(x) 4 The function f is defined as: Exedy+6l4lxeR a Sketch the graph of y= fx) b State the range of the function, € Solve the equation f(x) 5 Given that g(x) = —S}x—2]+7,.x eR: a sketch the graph of y= g(x) b state the range of the function € solve the equation g(x) = x+1 6 The functions m and n are defined as: ins) =-2e +k, SER a) =318-446,4ER ‘m(x) = n(x) has no real roots’ means that : (2) and y = n(x) do not intersect. where k is a constant. J The equation m(x) = n(x) has no real roots. Find the range of possible values for the constant k. (4 marks) Se ORG Coa 7 The functions s and t are defined as’ sx) =-10-x,.xER t(x) = 2+ D[-8,.ER where b is a constant The equation s(x) = t(x) has exactly one real root. Find the value of d. (4marks) 8 The function h is defined by: 2 h(x) =3)x- 11-7,.xER ‘The diagram shows a sketch of the graph y = h(x) a State the range of h. (1 mark) b Givea reason why h-! does not exist. (I: mark) © Solve the inequality h(x) <-6 (4marks) State the range of values of k for which the 2 equation h(x) = 3+ k has no solutions. (4 marks) 9 The diagram shows a sketch of part of the graph y= h(s), where h(x) =a 2v+ 3xER The graph crosses the y-axis at (0, 4). a Find the value of a. (2 marks) b Find the coordinates of P and Q. (3 marks) © Solve h(x) = 4x +6 (Smarks) The diagram shows a sketch of part of the graph y = m(x), where m(x) =-4)x + 3]+ 7.x R a State the range of m. (1 mark) b Solve the equation m(x) = 3x +2 (4marks) ¢ Given that m(x) = k, where k is a constant, has two distinct roots, state the set of possible values for k. (4marks) CO at P4 UUW FESEED> 1 The functions f and g are defined by: CHEATVIN —f(x) =2 |x 4] -8,xER 9xER 80) a yf) a Find the coordinates of the points 4 and B. bb Find the area of the region R. 2 The functions f and g are defined as: f(x) =v -3]410,..eER g(x) =2\x-3)+2.xER Show that the area of the shaded region is = 1 a On the same axes, sketch the graphs of y =2— x and y b Hence, or otherwise, find the values of x for which 2 ~ 2. The equation [2x - 11] = 1 x +k has exactly two distinct solutions. Find the range of possible values of k. (4marks) 3 Solve [Sx - 2] = oh 8 (4 marks) GP) 4 a On the same set of axes, sketch y = [12 — Sx] and y =—2v +3 (3 marks) b State, with a reason, whether there are any solutions to the equation [12 ~ Sy]=-2x-43 (2 marks) Se ORG Coa 5. For each of the following mappings: i state whether the mapping is one-to-one, many-to-one or one-to-many ii state whether or not the one could represent a function. — y (— z x-2, x>1 a Sketch the graph of f(x) for -2 1 (4marks) (marks) (marks) (3marks) (marks) (2 marks) (4marks) (2 marks) a Cem ais} REPO Usy 10 The functions f and g are given by: x fxesia-yyp ER eel 2 exe Z xeR,x>0 1 a Show that 9 = ——epy (Gmarks) b Find the range of f(x). (mark) © Solve gifx) = 70 (A marks) @® 11 The following functions f(x), g(x) and h(x) are defined by: M9) = 1-2), ER 0 aa)exttlxeR ho) =3xER a Find 1(7), e(3) and h(—2), b Find the range of f(x) and the range of g(x. ¢ Find g(a). 4 Find the composite function fa(x). © Solve gh(a) = 244 The funetion f(x) is defined by f:x + x2 + 6x —4, xR, x >a, for some constant a. a State the least value of a for which f-! exists. (4 marks) b Given that a= 0, find f-!, stating its domain, (4 marks) 13 The functions f and g are given by: fix 4x-1,xER eee teemec Find in its simplest form: a the inverse function f-! (2 marks) b the composite function af, stating its domain (Gmarks) ¢ the values of x for which 2f{x) = a(x), giving your answers to 3 decimal places. (4 marks) © 14 The functions f and g are given by fixes A5.xeR,xe2 axed verx20 a Find an expression for f-1(x) (2 marks) b Write down the range of f(x) (1 mark) ¢ Calculate gfil.5) (2 marks) Use algebra to find the values of x for which g(x) = f(x) +4 (Amarks) 15 The function n(x) is defined by: Sox, x50 nae Poe X55 a Find n(-3) and n(3). b Solve the equation n(x) = 50 Se ORG Coa 16 g(x) = tan x, 180° = x <= 180° a Sketch the graph of » = g(x) b Sketch the graph of y= |g(x)] € Sketch the graph of y = g(x) © 17 The diagram shows the graph of f(x). ‘The points A(4, -3) and B(9, 3) are turning points ‘on the graph. Sketch, on separate diagrams, the graphs of: a y=iQx+1 GB marks) b y=[fol (3 marks) c ie —2) (3 marks) Indicate on each diagram the coordinates of any turning points on your sketch, © 18 Functions f and g are defined by: fixe 4-xxER gx 3evER a Write down the range of g. (1 mark) b Solve glix) =48 (marks) € Sketch the graph of y = [f(x)] and hence find the values of x for which [f(x)|=2 4marks) 19 The function f is defined by fx ++ [2x - al, x € R, where a is a positive constant. a Sketch the graph of y= f(x), showing the coordinates of the points where the graph cuts the axes. (3 marks) b Ona separate diagram, sketch the graph of y = f(2x), showing the coordinates of the points where the graph cuts the axes. (2 marks) ¢ Given that a solution of the equation f(x) = 2° is x =4, find the two possible values of a. (4marks) Sketch the graph of y = |x ~ 2a), where a is a positive constant. Show the coordinates of the points where the graph meets the axes. (3 marks) b_ Using algebra, solve, for x in terms of a, [x — 2a] = } x (4 marks) € Ona separate diagram, sketch the graph of » = a ~ |x ~ 2a), where a is a positive constant Show the coordinates of the points where the graph cuts the axes. (4 marks) ) 21 a Sketch the graph of y= [2x + al, a > 0, showing the coordinates of the points where the graph meets the coordinate axes. (3 marks) b On the same axes, sketch the graph of y= (2 marks) ¢ Explain how your graphs show that there is only one solution of the equation x[2x+al-1=0 (2 marks) 4. Find, using algebra, the value of x for which s[2x +a- 1 = 0 Q marks) ais} REPO Usy EB) 22 The diagram shows part of the curve with equation y flx)= x= Te + Sin +8, > 0 The points A and B are the stationary points of the curve. a Using calculus and showing your working, find the coordinates of the points 4 and B. (4 marks) b Sketch the curve with equation y = ~3f(x- 2) (3 marks) ¢ Find the coordinates of the stationary points of the curve with equation y = —3f{x — 2), State, without proof, which point is maximum and which point isa minimum, (3 marks) The function f has domain -5 < x <7 and is linear from y 18) (5, 6) to (-3, -2) and from (—3, -2) to (7, 18). The diagram shows a sketch of the function. a Write down the range of f. (1 mark) b Find (3) (2 marks) Sketch the graph of y = [f(x)), marking the points at which the graph meets or cuts the axes. (3 marks) The function g is defined by g:.x+ x2 = 7x +10 d Solve the equation fa(x) = 2 (3 marks) © 24 The function p is defined by: y pixvee -2jxt 4] +10 The diagram shows a sketch of the graph. a State the range of p. (1 mark) b Give a reason why p~! does not exist. (1 mark) € Solve the inequality p(x) > —4 (4marks) 4 State the range of values of & for which the equation p(s) =~}. + klhas no solutions (4 marks) Challenge Sketch, on a single diagram, the graphs of y = a? — x° and creamy a constant and a> 1 +a, where ais b Write down the coordinates of the points where the graph of y = a ~ x2 cuts the coordinate axes, € Given that the two graphs intersect at calculate the value of a. Near ee UDG Coa Peed 1 Amodulus function is, in general, a function of the type © When f(x) > 0, f(x)| = f(s) © When flx) <0, [f(x)| =-Flx) 2 Tosketch the graph of y = |ax + bj, sketch y = ax + b and then reflect the section of the graph below the x-axis in the x-axis. 3. Amappingis a function if every input has oa ~. My a distinct output. Functions can either be }+f a rd one-to-one or many-to-one. ER EN one-to-one many-to-one not afunction 4 — fg(x) means apply g first, then apply f. oie oe feo = flew) e f fe Functions f(x) and f-"(x) are inverses of each other. ff-(x) = x and F(x) =x The graphs of y= f(x) and» = f-¥(x) are reflections of each other in the line y = x ‘The domain of f(x) is the range of F(a The range of f(x) is the domain of f*(x). wore w To sketch the graph of y= [f(a © sketch the graph of y = f(x) © reflect any parts where f(x) < 0 (parts below the x-axis) in the x-axis © delete the parts below the x-axis. 10 To sketch the graph of y = f(x): © sketch the graph of y= f(a) for. = 0 reflect this in the y-axis, 11. f(x) isa horizontal translation by ~a 12. f(x) +aisa vertical translation by +a. 13 flax) is a horizontal stretch of scale factor 14 af(x) is a vertical stretch of scale factor a. 15. f(x) reflects f(x) in the y-axis. 16 f(x) reflects f(x) in the x-axis. eu ed After completing this chapter you should be able to: © Understand the definitions of secant, cosecant and cotangent and their relationship to cosine, sine and tangent Understand the graphs of secant, cosecant and cotangent and their domain and range > pages 47-49 > pages 49-53 ‘Simplify expressions, prove simple identities and solve equations involving secant, cosecant and cotangent © Prove and use sec?xx = 1 + tan? x and cosec?.x = 1 + cot? x > pages 53-57 » pages 57-61 Understand and use inverse trigonometric functions and their domain and ranges > pages 62-65 Due ud 1. Sketch the graph of y = sin.x for 180° 180°. Use your sketch to solve, for the given interval, the equations: 08 b sinx a sin 04 + Pure 1 Section 6.5 y | } YO 1 2 Prove that - sinxcosx tanx stanx + Pure 2 Section 6.3 Trigonometric functions can be used to model oscillations and resonance in bridges. You will use the functions in this chapter together with differentiation and integration in chapters 6 and 7. 3. Find all the solutions in the interval 0 1 ® The graph of y= cot x, x" fi, has period 180° or x radians. It has vertical asymptotes at all the values of x for which tan aaa ea CONG) ‘The domain of y = cotx is. x € R, x # 0°, 180°, The domain can also be given as 360%, ... or any multiple of 180° =D: eas) ba + Inradians the domainis x € R, x #0,m, 2m, or any multiple of + The range of, a) a Sketch the graph of y = 4cosee x, -1<.x< 7 b On the same axes, sketch the line y — cotxisy ER ¢ State the number of solutions to the equation 4.cosee x — © Acosecx ~ Acosec : Goce A cosec x and y = x do not intersect The solutions to the equation fx) = glx) correspond to the points of intersection the given range, of the graphs of y= fix) and y= go) for <7 = x *< 50 the equation has no colutions Sketch, in the interval 0° < 0 < 360°, the graph of y = I + sec 20 ‘of the graphs of reciprocal trigonometric functions using technology. BT Cae atk) 6 seed by=coseed =e p=cotd 2 a Sketch, on the same set of axes, in the interval ~ sind” Sind = siné@ The denominator sec?@ + cosec*O =—5+x1 cost6* sin26 sin2@ + cos? cos sins@ i cost8 sine Sec + cosec®O (224) cot 0 C0560 59 we are 20+ cosec®O 7 Geen required to solve the equation cos? 8 = 8 Write down the equivalent equation, and state = cos) = 2 which has no the range of possible values for cos solutions since -1< cos? <1 aaa ea CONG) Solve the equations: a sec@=-2.5 b cot29=0.6 the interval 0° < 0 < 360° = 113.6%, 246.4° = 114°, 246° (3 of) tnzo= = 3 0673 Let X= 20, so that you are solving 5 tan X'~ 3, in the interval O° =X < 720° x-3 terval O° < X= 720" X= 59.0% 239.0%, 419.0%, 599. 9.5%, 120%, 210%, 300° (3 sf) 508 bake BT ae ey ETE ons 1 Rewrite the following as powers of sec 8, cosecé or cot . ee 20s? . 2 cos" ® Vand 2. Write down the value(s) of cot x in each of the following equations: 3sin.x _ cosx cosx ~ sinx a Ssinx = 4cosx b tan 3. Using the definitions of sec, cosee, cot and tan, simplify the following expressions. a sind cove b tand cord © tan 26 cosec 26 4 cosé sin (cot + tan d) € sin} x cosee x + cos? x secx f sec A —sec A sin? A g sect.x cos'x + cot x cosec x sin' x ® 4 Prove that: a cosd +sin# and = sec b cotd + tand = cosec# secd © cosec~ sin = cos 8 cotd d (1 ~cosxX(1 + seex) = sin.x tan.x cosy, 1-sinx cos sind T=sinx cos 1+ cod 1+tand ®_ § Solve the following equations for values of @ in the interval 0° < @ < 360° Give your answers to 3 significant figures where necessary. a sec@= V2 b cosecd = -3 © Scot@=-2 d cosec@ = 2 f Scos#= e 3sect#- cot g cord Stand =0 h 2sind = cosec 4 ® 6 Solve the following equations for values of # in the interval 180° < 0 < 180° a cosec#=1 b sec =-3 © cot =3.45 2cosd f 3cot0=2sind =0 4 2cosec?d - 3 cosee I= 0 e seed B cosee 2 = h 2cot20—cot#— ® 7 Solve the following equations for values of @ in the interval 0 = 0 < 2x Give your answers in terms of =. a seed b cod =~y c cosee$= § sce Funtoa5o aaa ea CONG) 8 In the diagram, 48 = 6cmis the diameter of the circle and BT is the r tangent to the circle at B. The chord AC is extended to meet this, D tangent at D and ZDAB=0 a Show that CD = 6(see @ — cos em. (4 marks) b Given that CD = 16cm, calculate the length of the chord AC. (3 marks) ¢ ABis the diameter of the circle, 9 a Prove that SPE*— OLX = coseex (4marks) cosee x — cot x b Hence solve, in the interval ~ = the equation 72 *— 0 (B marks) 10 a Prove that $82 _ | = secx (marks) b Hence explain why the equation SS + has no solutions. (1 mark) 11. Solve, inthe interval 0° 1, find, in terms of k, possible values of cot x ® 2 Given that coseex = 3 Given that cot = -V3, and that 90° < @ < 180°, find the exact values of a sind b cosd 4 Given that tan0 = j, and that 180° < 0 < 270°, find the exact values of: a secé) b cose © sind 5. Given that cos@ = 32, and that 0 is a reflex angle, find the exact values of: aang D cosecd aaa ea CONG) ® 6 Prove the Following identities: a sect#— tan‘ # = sec?@ + tan? Bb cosec* © sec? A(cot” A - cos’ A) = cot? A d 1 —cos?@ = (sec? — 1)(1 - sin?) = sin?.v = cot?.x + cos?.x e Lean T+ tan? g cosec A sec? A = cosec 4 + tan A sec A h (sec ~ sin #)(sec 0 + sin #) = tan?@ + cos? —2sin? A f sec? + cosec?@ = sec? # cosec? 6 5, and that 0 is obtuse, find the exact value of sin 0. @® 7 Given that 3tan?6+4sec? ©®_ 8 Solve the following equations in the given intervals: a sec? = 3tan 0, 0° = 0 = 360° b tan26-2sec0+1=0,-1 <0e 7 © cosec?@ + 1 = 3cotd, -180° = # = 180° d cotd cosec?@, 0 < 6 <= 2m e 3sec}0 = 2tan? 40, 0° <0 < 360° f (sec cos 0)’ = tan - sin?0,0<0<0 g tan? ec 20 — 1,0° = 0 = 180° h sec? -(1 +)3)tand+V3=1,060 9 Given that tan?k = 2seck, a find the value of seck (4 marks) b deduce that cosk = y2 = 1. (2 marks) ¢ Hence solve, in the interval 0° = k = 360°, tan?k = 2seck, giving your answers to I decimal place. (3 marks) en that a = 4 see.x, b= cos.x and c= cotx, a express hin terms of a (2 marks) b show that 2 =—16 (3marks) @-16 Given that x= secé + tan, a show that 4 = sec# — tand (3 marks) b Hence express x? + 15 + 2 in terms of 8, in its simplest form. (5 marks) 5, pc! 12 Given that 2sec?d — tan?@ = p, show that cosec*# = 5, p #2 (5 marks) 62 CHAPTER3 RT anTrear eaelincy You need to understand and use the inverse trigonometric functions arcsin x, arccos.x and arctan x and their graphs. = The inverse function of sin. is called arcsin.x. GEDD Tre sin function on your calculator wil ve principal values inthe same range a acsin. © The domain of y= arcsinxis-1 INTERPRETATION b Given that arcsec x is the inverse function of sec.x,0 v= k+arctan where k is a constant to be found. b Prove that for I (undefined for values of « for which tan.x =0) fanx cosx + cotx = 5% inx 2 The graph of y = secx, x € R, has symmetry in the y-axis and has period 360° or 2x radians. It has vertical asymptotes at all the values of x for which cos x = 0 aaa ea CONG) 4 The graph of y= cot x, x € R, has period 180° or x radians. It has vertical asymptotes at all the values of x for which tan.x 5 You can use the identity sin? x + cos? x = 1 to prove the following identities: + 14 tantx=sectx + 1+ cot?x 6 The inverse function of sin.xis called arcsin x. =90° < arcsin.v < 90° 7 The inverse function of cos.x is called arceos.x, + The domain of y = arccos.xis-1 S.x<1 + The range of y = arccos x is 0 < arccosx < x or 0° 5 ©® 10 Use the addition formulae for sine or cosine to write each of the following as a single trigonometric function in the form sin (x + ) or cos (x # 6), where 0<0< 5 © Hein +i3cosx) dd Fe bsinx eos x) Sa ULL Ueg Coa ©® 11 Given that cosy = sin (x + y), show that tan y = seex — tan.x @xr 13. Given that sin x(cos y + 2 sin y) = cos x(2cos y — sin), GED Frist mutips find the value of tan (x + y) ra n that tan (x3 3, express tan y in terms of tan x out the brackets ©® 14 Ineach of the following, calculate the exact value of tan x: a tan(v- 45°) =} b sin (x — 60°) = 3cos(x + 30° © tan(x— 60°) =2 3 15 Given that tan(x + 16 Prove that cos0 + cos (+22) + cos(a+ 42) = 4 show that tan.x = 8 = 5/3 (3 marks) You must show each stage of your working, (4marks) Challenge ‘This triangle is constructed from two right-angled triangles 7; and 7;. GED ror partayour {a Find expressions involving x,y, expressions should all Aand B for: : d involve all four variables. i the area of 7 Or You will need to use the Wi thearea of 7, formula Area =4ab sin@ in fii the area of the large triangle. each case. eee LX sin(4 + B) =sin A cos B+ cos A sin B ©) using the angle addition formulae The addition formulae can be used to find exact values of trigonometric functions of different angles. G=xx:) Show, using the formula for sin (4 ~ B), that sin 15° sin 15° = sin (45° ~ 30°) sin 45° cos 30° ~ cos 45° sin 30° 3) - (Sv2)(2 76 CHAPTER 4 TRIGO! 3and 180° < A < 270°, and that cos B a cos(d ~ B) b tan(4+B) © cosee(4~ B) £05 (A ~ B) = cosA cos B+ sind sinB 180°< A<270" so cosd=-$ Bis obtuse sosinB = 3\(-8) + +2)(+8) } and B is obtuse, find the value of: Geers Remember there are two possible solutions to cost A= #6. Use a CAST diagram to determine which one to use. © cosec(d - Bl = ym sin(A ~ B) = sin cosB- cos sinB sin(A ~ B) Be cosec(d ~ B) ane 1 Without using your calculator, find the exact value of, a cos 15° b sin 75° sin(120° + 45°) d@ tan 165° aa eV NLR Ge Coa 2. Without using your calculator, find the exact value of a sin 30° cos 60° + cos 30° sin 60° ¢ sin 33° cos27° + cos 33° sin 27° € sin 60° cos 15° = cos 60° sin 15° tan 45° + tan 15° 8 7 ~ tan45° tan 15° is x wan? = tn rant ant 12 © 3 @ Express tan (45° + 30°) in terms of tan 45° and tan 30° b Hence show that tan 75° = 2 + v3 n that cot A = 4 and cot(A + B) Ge Using eos (0 + a) b Hence, or otherwise, show that sec 105 to be found = cos cos a — sind sina, or otherwise, show that cos 105° b cos 110° cos 20° + sin 110° sin 20° 4 cos § cosy - sing sin £ cos 70° (cos 50° — tan 70° sin 50°) 1 tan 15° 1+ tan 15° J V3cos 15° - sin 15° (marks) (marks) = 2, find the value of cot B. (4marks) Va(1 + Vb), where a and b are constants (marks) ©® © Given that sin 4 = § and sin B = }, where A and B are both acute angles, calculate the exact, value of: a sin(4 +B) b cos(4- B) © sec(4 - B) ® 7 Given that cos 4 = -3, and 4 is an obtuse angle measured in radians, find the exact value of: a sind b cos(x + A) @® 8 Given that sin 4 = 7, where A is acute, and cos B= value of: a sin(4 ~ B) ® 9 Given that tan A = %, where A is reflex, and sin B= value of: a sin(4 +B) ©® 10 Given that tan 4 =} and tan B in degrees, where: a Aand Bare both acute D Ais reflex and Bis acute. b cos(4 - B) b tan(4 -B) « sin( +.) 5 4 tan(F+4) -$, where B is obtuse, calculate the exact © cot(4- B) . Where Bis obtuse, calculate the exact © cosec(A + B) j, calculate, without using your calculator, the value of A + B cma) LTE @ Double-angle formulae You can use the addition formulae to derive the following double-angle formulae. = sin2d =2sin A cos cos? A ~ sin? A 2tand =tan? A xz”) Use the double-angle formulae to write each of the following as a single trigonometric ratio: = cos2d cos@A-1=51-2sin?A = tan24= 2tan(Z) 7 acoearirae yp Ma) i tan'(6) 2 608 50 50" con i8 x 50) +e ait Ase Aine wh AO aoa = tan(3) = 2(2 sin 70° cos 70°) © cos2o sind = 5 ; As c05 20 = 1~ 2sin?@ for all values of 8, BRPeUN uO aes Coa Given that cos.x = }, a sin2x b tan2x and that 180° < x < 360°, find the exact value of: ©® 1 Use the expansion of sin (4 + B) to show that sin24 = 2sin A cos 4 ED secs=4 ® 2 a Using the identity cos (A + B) = cos A cos B — sin A sin B, show that cos24 = cos? A ~ sin? A b Hence show that: C==rp i cos2d = 2c0s°4 = 1 Use sin? + cos? ii cos24 = 1-2sin?A ©® 3 Use the expansion of tan (4 + B) to express tan 24 in terms of tan A. i) Coates Ae @® _ 4 Write each of the following expressions as a single trigonometric ratio: a 2sin 10° cos 10° b 1 —2sin225° © cos?40® — sin? 40° 1 zi © Fein @45%) cos 24.5") —_— sin8° 2) — sin? ( 8 sec8® 4 cos (7)~si*(Ie) ®_§ Without using your calculator, find the exact values of: a 2sin 22.5° cos 22.5° b 2cost15°—1 © (sin 75° — cos 75°? a 6 a Show that (sin 4 +cos AP = 1+sin24 (marks) b Hence find the exact value of (sin 5 + co 5 (2 marks) 7. Write the following in their simplest form, involving only one trigonometric function: 2tan($) a cos?30—sin?30 b 6sin 20 cos28 © 1 tam (2) a? — Shad a 2-4sine($ © JT #00530 £ sin? cos? g 4sind cos0cos20 gets i sin'0 —2sin? 0 cos 0+ cost ® 8 Given that p = 2 cos and q = cos 26, express q in terms of p. ® _ 29 Eliminate 4 from the following pairs of equations: b x=tand, y= cot20 a 3.00820 + 1, y= 2sind ©® 10 Given that cos. = {, find the exact value of cos 2x. ©®) 11 Find the possible values of sin @ when cos 2 ® 22 Given that tan 9 =}, and that 4 is acute, a find the exact value of; i tan 20 os 20 b deduce the value of sin 46. aa eV NLR Ge Coa @® 13 Given that cos 4 = —$, and that 4 is obtuse, a find the exact value of: i cos2A fii sin A_ iif cosee24 show that tan24= 0? (4 marks) 14. Given that x < 0< 3%, find the value of tan(§) when tan @ @ 15. Given that cos.x + sin.x =m and cos. ~ sin.x = n, where m and n are constants, write down, in terms of m and n, the value of cos 2x. (4 marks) @ 16 In APOR, PQ =3em, PR=6em, OR= Sem and ZOPR=26 a Use the cosine rule to show that cos 20 = $ (3 marks) b Hence find the exact value of sin 8 (2 marks) 17 The line /, with equation » Given that the scales on each axis are the same, and that / makes an angle @ with the x-axis, a write down the value of tan 0 (mark) (3 marks) bisects the angle between the x-axis and the line y= mx, n> 0. b show that m = 18 Use the identity cos(4 + B) = 008 cos B ~ sin Asin B to show that cos 24 cf (2 marks) ‘The curves C, and C, have equations Cry = 4cos2x Cry = 6cos?x ~3sin 2x b Show that the x-coordinates of the points where C, and C; intersect satisfy the equation cos2x + 3sin2x-3=0 (marks) © w Veetetatharan2 = SEF ode the ED) indiestore formula for tan 2.4 in terms of tan A, ‘and cos2 and then divide both the numerator and denominator by cost. @ Solving trigonometric equations You can use the addition and the double-angle formulae to help you solve trigonometric equations. Cate) Solve 4c0s (@ ~ 30°) = 82 sin @ in the range 0° = @ = 360°. Round your answer to | decimal place. 4.0030 ~ 30") = 6/2 sind cos cos 30° + 4sin# sin 30° = 8/2 sin? cos) + asnd{) = ovesn0 ——t 2\B cos + 2sind = By2 sind VB cos = V2 ~ 2)sin@ 213 2-2 tand tan 3719. 6 = 204°, 2004" ex Solve 3cos 2x ~ cos.x+2=0 for 0° < x =< 360° Using a double angle formula for cos 2x Bcos2x -cosx+2=0 becomes BR cos?x- 1) ~ cosx +2 Gens? v3 conv 4? Geos? x — cosx-1 So Bcosx + N2cosx— 1) cos“) = 109.5 So x = 60°, 109.5%, 250.5%, 300° Choose the double-angle formula for cos 2x which only involves cos.x: cos2x = 2¢08?x-1 This will give you a quadratic equation incosx. Sa ULL Ueg Coa Solve 2tan 2y tan y =3 for 0 < y= 2x. Give your answers to 2 decimal places, 2tan2y tany = 3 2tany tan ax) a By expanding sin (24 + 4) show that sin 34 = 3sin 4 ~ 4si b Hence, or otherwise, for 0 < 0 < 2z, solve 16sin@ — 12sin — 2V3 = 0 giving your answers in terms of =. +(-2sint Asin = ——___ = 2sind cost + sind = 2sin3A sin A() ~ sin? A) + sin — 2sin@ A sind - 2sin* A+ sind - 2sin? A = RHS sind ~ Asi b 16 sin? - 12nd - 2/3 =0 16sin3# ~ 12sind = 2/3 The question says ‘hence’ so look for an -45in30 = 2V3 ‘opportunity to use the identity you proved in part a. You need to multiply both sides of the Identity by ~4. 83 Cmte) LTE ®1 @& 2 Solve, in the interval 0° < < 360°, the following equations. Give your answers to 1 d.p. a 3cos@ = 2sin (0 + 60°) b sin(@ + 30°) + 2sing=0 © cos (0 + 25°) + sin(0 + 65°) = 1 cos = cos(6 + 60°) a Show that sin (0+ AL Gino + e088) (marks) aa b Hence, or otherwise, solve the equation (sin 6 + cos) = aa 0<0<2n (4 marks) 2 v © Use your answer to part b to write down the solutions to sin + cos @ = 1 over the same interval. (2 marks) a Solve the equation cos @ cos 30° - sin sin 30° = 0.5 for 0° < 0 < 360° b Hence write down, in the same interval, the solutions of (3 cos — sin = 1 a Given that 3 sin (x — y) ~ sin (x + y) = 0, show that tan x = 2tany b Solve 3 sin (x — 45°) ~ sin (x + 45°) = 0 for 0° = x = 360° Solve the following equations, in the intervals given: a sin20= sind, 0 <0 <2n b cos20= 1 — cos 8, -180° <8 < 180" © 30820 = 20s?#, 0° <0 < 360° 4d sindd = 0820,0-50-< 7 € 3¢030-sin$—1 = 0,0" <0-< 720" f cost) —sin20= sin’, 0< 0 7 g 2sind =sec0,0<0 <2 hh 2sin20=3tan0, 0° <0 < 360° i 2tand=\H(1-tangy(1 + tand),0<0< 2x 5 sin?’@=2sin20, -180° <0 < 180° k dtan jan 20, 0° < 0 < 360° In AABC, AB= 4om, AC= Sem, ZABC = 26 and ZACB= 0 Find the value of 6, giving your answer, in degrees, to 1 decimal place. (A marks) a Show that 5sin 26 + 4sin@ = 0 can be written in the form asin (bcos 6 +.c)=0, stating the values of a, b and ¢ (2 marks) b Hence solve, for 0° < 0 < 360°, the equation Ssin 20 +4.sin = (A marks) a Given that sin 20 + cos 20 = 1, show that 2sin 9 (cos@ ~ sin) = 0 (2 marks) b Hence, or otherwise, solve the equation sin 20 + cos 20= | for 0° < 0 < 360° (marks) a Prove that (cos 20 — sin 26)? = 1 - sina (A marks) b_ Use the result to solve, for 0 < 6 < x, the equation cos 24 ~ sin 24 Give your answers in terms of 7. (marks) aa eV NLR Ge Coa ©® 10 a Show that: 1 tan°($) stant (2) 2), solve, in the interval 0° = 0 = 360°: b By writing the following equations as quadraties in tan i sind +2cos0=1 fi 3cos - 4sind =2 a Show that 3cos?.x ~ sin’ x= 1 + 2cos 2 (marks) b- Hence sketch, for —1 0 and 0° < a <90° (or 5) form Ros (x—a),and where Rosa =a, Rsina = band R=\a? +B? acosx ~b sinx will be written in the form Use the addition formulae to expand sin (x + a) or cos (x ¥ a), Reos(x +a). then equate coefficients, catur Show that you can express 3 sin x + 4cos.x in the form: a Rsin(x +a) b Reos(x~a) where R > 0,0 0,00,0° 0, and the value of tana. 30s (0 ~ a), where 0° Oand 0 0 and 0° Oand 0° Oand 0Oand 0° 0 and 0° < a < 90°, and correctly solved the b Show that the correct quadratic equation is 10 sin? - 4sin 0-5 =0 € Solve this equation for 0° = 0 < 360° 4. Explain why not all of the answers satisfy 3cos @ = 2 sin 8 GA) 12 a Given covd +2 = cosec 8, show that 2sind + cos 8 = (4 marks) b Solve cot# +2= cosee # for 0° <4 < 360° (marks) GP) 13 a Given /2cos (0 ~ F) + (v3 - 1)sin# = 2, show that cos + V3 sind = 2 (4:marks) b Solve vZeos (0-7) + (3 - I)sin# = 2 for 0 <6. 2x (2 marks)

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