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Yor eas ZYUN LU=00 PAA SUAZcZZIIO LAW URANO JIT EU w ‘STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS: STATE OF RHODE ISLAND va DISTRICT COURT NO: SECRET ‘RHODE ISLAND STATE POLICE DEPT. KEVIN FISETTE. DOB: 626/55 ‘The Department of Attomey General has reviewed this case and determined itis non-proseoutable fr the following reason: 1) Tho statutes that eppied caving the time period (1981-1982) ofthe alleged assaults xe 25 follows: 8. 3" degree sexual assault (11-37-6) tims _ b, 2© degree sexual assault (11-37-4) (Statute of limitations applies) © I degree staal assault (11-37-2) 11.37-9(A)~ viet is under 12 yr. old (CAW nas 13 oF 14) “ 11+37-2(C)—use of force or coeroion (po evidence of foxes or coercion) 11-37-20) — concealment or surprise (Insufficient credible evidence of ‘concealment or surprise) 2) Significant issuo of inconsistencies inthe comploining witness's statements, 3) Significant lsues concerning the ably ofthe complaining witness to accurtely reealect events ater 27 years, ‘Pleas dishiss this case forthwith pursuant to Rule 48(3). Respectfully Submitted, STATE OF RHODE ISLAND PATRICK C. LYNCH ATTORNEY GENERAL Lo ‘ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL a PA f[G-OF Daw cet Det. Chris Dicomitis

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