Optimizing Single-Span Steel Truss Bridges With Simulated Annealing
Optimizing Single-Span Steel Truss Bridges With Simulated Annealing
Optimizing Single-Span Steel Truss Bridges With Simulated Annealing
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2 authors:
O. Hasançebi E. Dogan
Middle East Technical University Manisa Celal Bayar University
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All content following this page was uploaded by O. Hasançebi on 12 March 2014.
Over the years steel truss bridges have kept their popularity amongst bridge engineers. Apart
from architectural attractiveness, these systems exhibit certain advantages from structural and
constructional standpoints, such as speed of construction, durability, modification and repair,
recycling, versatility, etc. They are rigid skeletal structures with straight members configured
generally in some form of triangles to transfer the design loads from deck to the piers through
mainly axial forces of the members. Single span steel truss bridges refer to a particular subset
of these systems where the whole opening is crossed with a single span with generally simply
supported end conditions. Especially, they are more preferable with respect to multi-span
bridges in cases where disturbance to the stream bed needs to be avoided.
The single span truss bridges can be designed in a variety of different topological forms,
such as Pratt, Parker, Baltimore, Pettit, K-Truss, Warren, Subdivided Warren, Quadrangular
E-mail address of the corresponding author: oguzhan@metu.edu.tr (O. Hasançebi)
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Warren, Whipple, etc. The Pratt truss has a topological feature such that the diagonals are all
sloped in the same direction on each side of the truss around the mid-span. In this form of
truss bridge, the upper chord and vertical members are subjected to compression whereas the
diagonals and lower chord members are under tension. The Baltimore truss has additional
bracing members in the lower section to prevent buckling in the compression members as well
as to control deflection. Both Pratt and Baltimore trusses have a constant height throughout the
span length of the bridge. The Parker and Pettit trusses have identical topological forms with
Pratt and Baltimore trusses, respectively, except that the formers have a polygonal shape with
the bridge height increasing from the ends towards the mid-span. In the Warren truss alternate
diagonals sloped in different directions frame into each others at lower chord nodes. The
Subdivided Warren truss has the topological form of Warren truss with vertical members
having sub-diagonals and sub-verticals. The Quadrangular Warren is a double intersection
truss form with alternating tension and compression diagonals. The K-truss is configured in
the form of letter “K” by the orientation of the vertical member and two oblique members in
each panel. Finally, the Whipple truss is the one having elongated and usually thin tension
members which cross two or more members.
In the present study, optimum design of single-span steel truss bridges is investigated in
conjunction with simulated annealing (SA) optimization technique. The SA employs a meta-
heuristic numerical optimization procedure, the theory of which extends to the annealing
process of physical systems in thermodynamics [1]. In this process a physical system (a
solid or a liquid) initially at a high-energy state is cooled down to reach the lowest energy
state. The idea that this process can be simulated to solve optimization problems was put
forward by Kirkpatrick et al. [2] by establishing a direct analogy between minimizing the
energy level of a physical system and lowering the cost of an objective function. The
successful applications of the technique in the fields of structural optimization and
computational structural mechanics have been reported in a number of publications in the
literature, such as Refs. [3-8].
In the solution process both size and shape variables are employed simultaneously by the
SA algorithm to minimize the design weight of a bridge. Size variables are used to
determine the required steel sections for the bridge members to satisfy strength and
serviceability requirements imposed according to provisions of ASD-AISC [9] standard.
Shape variables, on the other hand, are utilized to find the best height or shape of the upper
chord of a bridge. The application of the solution algorithm developed is illustrated with a
numerical design example, where the optimum designs produced according to
abovementioned nine different topological forms of single-span bridges are compared for a
selected span length of 600 ft (182.88 m). This way, the weight efficiency of various
topological forms is investigated and it is shown that the choice of a topological form has a
great impact on the final design weight of the bridge.
In the optimum design process of a single-span steel truss bridge, it is required to select the
structural members from a standard steel section table as well as to determine the height or
shape of the upper chord of the bridge such that the structure satisfies the strength and
serviceability limitations imposed by a code of practice, while the minimum weight of the
bridge is attained. The formulation of design constraints according to ASD–AISC [9] yields
the following mixed discrete programming problem.
Find a vector of size design variables A and a vector of shape design variables S,
A T A1 , A2 ,..., AN m and S T
S1 , S 2 ,..., S N s (1)
W m L m Am (2)
m 1
gm 1 0, m 1,.., N m (3)
( m ) all
sm 1 0, m 1,.., N m (4)
(m ) all
d j ,k
jk 1 0, j 1,.., N j (5)
(d j ,k ) all
In Eqns. (1)-(5), N m is the total number of bridge members; Am Lm , m are the cross-
sectional area, length and unit weight of the m-th bridge member, respectively; S j is the j-
th shape variable; N s is the total number of shape variables associated with the coordinates
of the upper chord nodes of the bridge; the functions g m , s m and j,k are referred to as
constraints being bounds on stresses, slenderness ratios and displacements, respectively; m
and ( m ) all are the computed and allowable axial stresses for the m-th member,
respectively; m and (m ) all are the slenderness ratio and its upper limit for m-th member,
respectively; N j is the total number of nodes in the bridge; and finally d j ,k and (d j ,k ) all are
the displacements computed in the k-th direction of the j-th node and its permissible value,
According to ASD-AISC [9], the maximum slenderness ratio is limited to 300 and 200
for tension and compression members, respectively. Therefore, the slenderness related
design constraints can be formulated as follows:
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where K m is the effective length factor of m-th member ( K m 1 for all members), and rm is
its minimum radii of gyration.
The allowable tensile stresses for tension members are calculated as in Eqn. (7).
where Fy and Fu stand for the yield and ultimate tensile strengths, and the smaller of the
two formulas is considered to be the upper level of axial stress for a tension member.
The allowable stress limits for compression members are calculated depending on two
possible failure modes of the members known as elastic and inelastic buckling, Eqn. (8)
(K m L m / rm ) 2
1 2 Fy
2 C
5 3(K L / r ) (K L / r ) 3 , m C c (inelastic buckling)
c all m m m
m m3 m (8)
3 8 C c 8C c
12 E
, m C c (elastic buckling)
23(K m L m / rm ) 2
The basic computational steps of simulated annealing algorithm are outlined in the
following. The further enhancement of the algorithm that results in additional performance
of the technique can be found in Hasançebi et al. [10].
Step 1. Cooling schedule: The first step is the setting of an appropriate cooling schedule.
After choosing suitable values for the starting acceptance probability ( Ps ), the final
acceptance probability ( Pf ), and the number of cooling cycles ( N c ), the cooling schedule
parameters are calculated as follows:
1 / N c 1
1 1 ln( Ps )
Ts , Tf , (9)
ln( Ps ) ln( Pf ) ln( Pf )
In Eqn. (9), Ts , T f and are referred to as starting temperature, final temperature, and
cooling factor, respectively. The starting temperature is assigned as the current temperature
of the process, i.e., T Ts .
Step 2. Initial Design: Next, an initial design is originated via random initialization in a
way such that size variables are set to arbitrary ready sections selected from a standard
profile list and shape variables are assigned to any values between their lower and upper
bounds. The analysis of the bridge is then performed and the force and deformation
responses are obtained under the applied loads. If all the constraints are satisfied, the
objective function value ( ) of the design is directly computed from Eqn. (2), i.e., W .
If, however, the design violates some of the problem constraints, it is penalized and its
objective function value is calculated from Eqn. (10).
W 1 ci (10)
In Eqn. (10), ci is the i-th problem constraint of the problem at hand, and is the
penalty coefficient used to tune the intensity of penalization as a whole. It is set to an
appropriate static value, such as 1 .
In Eqn. (11), c and a are the objective function values of the current and candidate
designs, respectively; T is the current temperature of the process; and K is the Boltzman
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T Tf
ic i f i f is (12)
f s
Step 6. Reducing Temperature: After the cooling cycle is iterated a number of times, the
temperature is reduced by the ratio of the cooling factor η, and the temperature of the next
cooling cycle is set as in Eqn. (13)
T k 1 T k (13)
where T k and T k 1 denote the temperature at the k and (k+1)-th cooling cycles,
A numerical design example is studied here, (i) to verify and demonstrate the applicability
of the solution algorithm to the optimum design of single-span steel truss bridges, (ii) to
explore the weight efficiency of various topological forms of a bridge under gravity loads,
and finally (iii) to emphasize the significance of a bridge topological form on its final design
design loads are calculated according to the provisions of ASCE 7-05 [11]. Live loads
resulted from traffic are combined with dead loads of the deck and floor systems, which are
later on transmitted to the lower chord, resulting in equivalent panel point loads of 60 kips
(267 kN) each in each model.
a) Pratt truss
b) Parker truss
c) Baltimore truss
d) Pettit truss
e) K-truss
770 O. Hasançebi and E. Doğan
f) Warren truss
i) Whipple truss
Figure 2. Bridge topological forms: a) Pratt, b) Baltimore, c) Pettit, d) Baltimore, e) K-truss, f)
Warren, g) Quadrangular Warren, h) Subdivided Warren, i) Whipple
6 independent shape variables, respectively. The ranges of shape variables are chosen
between zero and half of the span length (L/2 =150 ft = 91.44 m). In all the bridge models,
the strength and stability requirements of the designs are specified as per ASD-AISC [9]
provisions, plus the maximum displacements of panel points in any direction are restricted to
1/600 of the total span length. The following material properties of the steel are used in all
the models: Fy (yield stress) = 36 ksi (2531 kg/cm2) and E (modulus of elasticity) = 29,000
ksi (2,038,936 kg/cm2).
The optimum design of the bridge under each of the nine topological forms was sought
by running the solution algorithm five times independently due to stochastic nature of the
SA technique. The control parameters are set to the following values in these runs in line
with recommendations of the former studies [10, 12-14]: Ps 0.50 , Pf 10 3 , is 1 ,
i f 5 , N c 300 , resulting in the cooling schedule parameters Ts = 1.4427, T f = 0.1448
and = 0.9923 from Eqn. (10). The average computing time for a single run takes about 12
min on a serial computer with Intel Quad Core Q9300 2.5GHZ LGA775 processor.
The best (optimum) designs obtained for the bridge under nine different topological
forms are tabulated in Table 1 with section designations attained for each member group and
the resulting values of shape variables in conjunction with design variable numbering shown
in Figure 2 for each model. The minimum weight design for the bridge is produced by Pettit
truss with a design weight of 624,277.4 lb (283,172.2 kg). This design is followed by Parker
truss with the corresponding design weight of 722,558.3 lb (327,752. 4 kg). It is interesting
to note that both of these truss forms have a varying bridge height. Although a polygonal
shape is not enforced by any sort of constraints, the resulting shapes of the bridges generated
in the optimum design process confirm with this particular shape naturally. As compared to
Parker model, Pettit truss results in smaller member lengths, in which intermediate panel
points are defined between upper and lower chords to keep the member lengths within
reasonable limits, and thereby increasing the buckling strength of the members significantly.
Nevertheless, both truss forms outperform all the others with straight upper chords (constant
bridge height models). Amongst the trusses with straight upper chords, the subdivided forms
(K-truss, Subdivided Warren and Baltimore) perform more efficiently with the
corresponding design weights of 830,048.1 lb (376,509.8 kg), 855,874.5 lb (388,224.7 kg)
and 869,646.4 lb (394,471.6 kg), respectively owing to the increased buckling strength of
the members in these models. The largest design weights for the bridge are produced by
Pratt and Whipple trusses with design weights of 1,379,721.2 lb (625,841.5 kg) and
1,384,147.8 lb (627,849.4 kg), respectively. The design history curve representing the
variation of the best feasible obtained thus far in the optimum design process is plotted in
Figure 3 for each model.
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Table 1: Optimum designs obtained for the bridge under each topological form.
Bridge topological forms
Pratt Parker Baltimore Pettit K_truss Warren Q_Warren S_Warren Whipple
Size variables, ready sections
A1 W12x136 W14x176 W12x152 W12x152 W10x68 W14x145 W14x74 W12x190 W14x109
A2 W12x79 W12x279 W12x210 W14x193 W10x77 W12x79 W12x96 W12x170 W12x152
A3 W12x279 W12x230 W14x120 W14x159 W12x136 W14x455 W14x211 W12x190 W12x305
A4 W14x342 W14x398 W14x145 W14x159 W12x210 W12x252 W14x311 W14x132 W14x370
A5 W14x426 W12x336 W14x257 W12x170 W12x252 W14x370 W14x370 W12x336 W14x730
A6 W14x605 W14x426 W12x279 W12x170 W14x342 W14x665 W14x455 W12x305 W14x730
A7 W14x550 W14x455 W14x342 W12x190 W14x398 W12x279 W14x426 W12x336 W14x665
A8 W14x730 W14x605 W14x370 W12x190 W14x455 W14x605 W14x605 W14x257 W14x283
A9 W14x730 W14x426 W14x500 W14x211 W14x455 W14x730 W14x500 W14x426 W14x730
A10 W14x730 W14x500 W14x730 W12x190 W14x550 W14x730 W14x730 W14x550 W14x730
A11 W14x730 W14x500 W14x730 W14x193 W14x550 W14x605 W14x730 W14x398 W14x730
A12 W14x730 W14x605 W14x500 W12x190 W14x550 W14x730 W14x730 W14x730 W14x730
A13 W14x550 W14x342 W14x311 W14x311 W12x26 W14x550 W14x550 W14x342 W14x455
A14 W12x53 W14x74 W10x26 W14x43 W12x136 W12x79 W12x53 W14x34 W10x49
A15 W14x257 W14x132 W10x49 W10x60 W14x99 W14x233 W14x211 W10x100 W14x176
A16 W14x426 W12x79 W10x49 W10x88 W14x120 W14x132 W14x145 W12x170 W14x176
A17 W12x336 W12x120 W12x26 W12x35 W14x90 W14x500 W14x90 W12x65 W12x152
A18 W14x398 W12x87 W12x210 W12x65 W10x112 W14x74 W14x342 W14x193 W14x90
A19 W14x311 W12x65 W10x49 W12x65 W14x90 W12x252 W12x87 W14x233 W12x210
A20 W14x370 W12x40 W12x26 W10x39 W10x112 W14x90 W12x53 W14x30 W14x90
A21 W14x257 W10x49 W12x170 W10x45 W12x79 W14x455 W10x112 W12x87 W12x65
A22 W14x311 W10x49 W10x54 W14x90 W10x100 W12x65 W14x211 W12x65 W10x88
A23 W12x252 W14x74 W12x26 W10x39 W12x72 W14x159 W10x49 W12x30 W12x65
A24 W14x257 W14x90 W12x170 W12x58 W10x100 W14x233 W14x233 W14x176 W10x49
A25 W14x211 W12x65 W10x49 W14x109 W12x65 W14x311 W12x96 W12x190 W12x65
A26 W14x233 W10x60 W12x26 W10x68 W14x82 W10x88 W10x49 W10x26 W10x49
A27 W12x190 W12x65 W12x120 W14x82 W10x54 W12x120 W12x96 W10x68 W12x210
A28 W14x193 W12x72 W10x49 W14x99 W12x79 W14x90 W14x176 W14x109 W12x65
A29 W14x211 W12x65 W10x39 W10x54 W10x49 W14x233 W10x49 W10x39 W14x99
A30 W14x159 W12x65 W12x40 W10x60 W10x60 W10x68 W14x176 W14x48 W12x252
A31 W12x210 W12x72 W12x65 W12x45 W10x49 W14x176 W12x72 W12x136 W12x65
A32 W14x120 W12x72 W14x342 W10x49 W14x48 W14x120 W10x49 W12x136 W14x90
A33 W12x120 W14x109 W14x283 W14x99 W12x26 W14x176 W12x72 W12x87 W12x65
A34 W14x159 W12x65 W14x193 W14x90 W10x33 W12x65 W14x145 W14x211 W14x455
A35 W12x96 W14x90 W14x176 W14x145 W14x665 W14x120 W12x53 W12x120 W10x49
A36 W12x305 W14x342 W14x283 W14x283 W12x230 W14x283 W14x145 W14x283 W12x65
A37 W14x283 W14x370 W12x210 W12x45 W14x159 W12x190 W12x65 W14x145 W14x455
A38 W14x370 W14x550 W12x252 W10x77 W14x109 W14x398 W10x49 W12x279 W10x49
A39 W14x730 W14x426 W14x145 W10x33 W14x109 W14x342 W12x65 W14x193 W14x109
A40 W14x730 W14x426 W14x109 W12x58 W14x109 W14x730 W14x145 W14x193 W12x65
A41 W14x730 W14x455 W10x88 W10x54 W14x145 W14x500 W10x49 W12x136 W12x65
2250000 Baltimore
Best Feasible Design (lb) 2000000 Warren
1750000 Sub_warren
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Number of Analysis
Figure 3. The design history curve of the best solution for each topological form.
This study concerns with application of a SA integrated solution algorithm to the optimum
design of single-span steel truss bridges. In the study, a bridge with a certain span length is
first configured according to nine topological forms commonly used for single-span steel
truss bridges, and the resulting structures are sized and shaped simultaneously for the
minimum design weight subject to strength, stability and displacement provisions of ASD-
AISC [9]. The optimum design produced for the bridge is 624,277.4 lb (283,172.4 kg) with
the most favourable model (Pettit) and 1,384,147.8 lb (627,849.4 kg) with the most
unfavourable model (Whipple), indicating that an appropriate choice of the bridge
topological model may lead to savings in material as much as 62 %. However, it should be
kept in mind that the cost of construction of the bridge cannot directly be related to its
weight; rather it is influenced by many other factors, including the type and number of joints
used in the structure, etc. For the design example considered here, Pettit and Parker trusses,
which have polygonal upper chords, turn out to be the most weight-effective models,
outperforming all the other forms with straight upper chords. Additional studies are required
to investigate the cost-efficiency of the bridge models with respect to a set of parameters,
such as span length, design loads, constraints, etc.