Learning Guide L1 Terminate and Connect WS
Learning Guide L1 Terminate and Connect WS
Learning Guide L1 Terminate and Connect WS
Date: 2012
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
Date: 2012
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
Date: 2012
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
Date: 2012
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
Fitting- An accesory such as locknut, bushing, or other part of a wiring system that is intended
to perform a mechanical rather than an electrical function.
Grounding Materials
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
JOINTS – There is a multiplicity of joints designed to meet the requirements of different kind
of wiring. The duty to be performed by a joint determines the kind to be used.
In some cases, all that is required is that the joint be electrically good as for instance, the
pig tail splice used in junction or fixture outlet boxes; in other cases, the joint must be electrically
good and also mechanically good, as for instance, joints on an overhead line must be made so
that they will withstand considerable tensile stress due to the weight of the suspended conductor.
There are a number of joints extensively used of which the following should be noted:
1. Pig Tail;
2. Bell Hanger’s;
3. Western Union;
4. Turn Back;
5. Brittania;
6. Duplex.
1. Pig tail joint
Pig tail joint 1. Cross the pair of conductors to be connected between the fingers and twist them
together for a distance of 1 inch. For heavy wires, pliers must be used. .
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
Pig tail joint 2. The final twist must be made with a pair of pliers and the excess wire cut off.
The bare joints should now be pulled out of contact with any metal so that the circuit may be
The Pig Tail Joint as before mentioned is suitable for service where there are no mechanical
stresses as where wires are to be connected in an outlet box, switch, or conduit fitting.
Bell Hanger’s Joint 2. Bring wires together and make one turn as shown, then hold first wire
with hand and twist second wire with pliers. Similarly, twist first wire. The twisting may be done
by hand for small wire, but for large wire, pliers are necessary.
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
Bell Hanger’s Joint 3. Appearance of completed joint before soldering and taping.
Turn Back Joint 2. With the ends of the wires together, twist the wires, using the pliers and
leaving about one inch straight at the end.
Turn Back Joint 3. Turn back the long wire until it be parallel with the twists.
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
Turn Back Joint 4. Turn the two straight ends around the long wire between the twisted portion
and the insulation, thus completing the joint. There should be enough straight wire left after
twisting to make several turns.
5. Brittania Joint
The Brittania Joint is sometimes used on overhead lines where considerable tensile strength is
required. It is also used for both inside and outside wiring where single conductors of size No. 6
or larger are used.
*Brittania Joint 1. Bend up at right angles the end of each wire. Use a hand vise and hammer as
a sharp bend cannot be made by pliers.
Brittania Joint 2. Place the wires together so that they overlap about 3 inches.
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
Brittania Joint 3. Assuming the wires to be joined are a No. 6, use a No. 18 wrapping wire. Take
about 6 ft. of wrapping wire, clean it and bend it half
Brittania Joint 4. Place the center of the wrapping wire at the center of the joint and wrap each
half toward the ends of the joint.
Brittania Joint 5. After wrapping, force the free ends of the wrapping wire through the grooves
formed by the wrap and large wires.
Brittania Joint 6. With the portion of wrapping wire remaining after pulling through, make a few
turns around the large wires at each end of the joint.
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
6. Scarfed Joint
The Scarfed Joint is used on large wires where appearance and compactness are the main
considerations and where the joint is not subjected to any heavy tensile stress.
Scarf Joint 1. The ends of the two wires to be joined are scarfed (file-wedge shape). The scarf
should be about 3 ins. Long, bringing the ends to a file-point making a good fit. When filling, the
ends of the conductors are most conveniently held by laying them in a groove in a block of
wood. The wires, when fitted together, should appear like one continuous wire.
Scarf Joint 2. Tin the ends, then wrap with a No. 18 or No. 20 wire, starting at the middle of the
joint and wrapping towards the ends similarly as with the Brittania joint, except that the ends,
instead of being pulled through, are wrapped s few turns beyond the ends of the joint. Solder the
7. Duplex Joint
The Duplex Joint is used in conduit systems where twin wires are used, that is, two wire cables.
It will be seen from the illustration that the joint is consisted of 2 bell hanger’s joints spaced so
that they do not come opposite each other.
*Duplex Joint 1. Skin or remove about 3 ins. Of the outer braid from each cable and remove
insulation from each wire, i.e., so that the joints will not come opposite each other.
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
Duplex Joint 2. Make up joints. Note that these joints do not opposite each other, thus giving
better insulation.
TAPS – By definition, a tap is the connection of one wire to some point along the run of another
wire. As with joints, there are various taps to meet different conditions. The following should be
1. Plain;
2. Aerial;
3. Knotted;
4. Cross;
i. Double;
ii. Duplex;
6. Wrapped.
Plain Tap
The Plain Tap is the one most frequently used and is quickly made without difficulty.
*Plain Tap 1. Remove about 1 ¼ in. of insulation a long the run wire and about 3 ins. At the end
of the tap wire. Cross the wire about ¼ in. from insulation and take a hook.
Plain Tap 2. Take 5 or 6 turns of the tap wire around the run wire. Note that the joint should
terminate about ½ in. from the insulation in the run wire. This permits soldering without burning
the insulation and gives better chance for tap (e) ing.
Aerial Tap
The Aerial Tap is intended for wires subjected to considerable movement. It is similar to the
plain tap except that it has a long or easy twist to permit of movement.
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
*Aerial Tap. The long twist is to give flexibility. In making, the joint is soldered on the turns, the
long twist being left free.
Knotted Tap
The Knotted Tap, as must be evident, is designed to take considerable tensile stress.
Wrapped Tap
The Wrapped Tap is used on wires too large to wrap around the run wire.
*Wrapped Tap 1. Using a No. 6 wire remove about 4 ins. of insulation from both wires.
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
Wrapped Tap 2. Bend the tap wire in the shape of an L with bend 1 in. from insulation and place
it along the run wire as shown.
Wrapped Tap 3. Wrap in a similar manner as described for the brittania joint.
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
As pointed out in the preceding chapter there is considerable difference between a joint and a
splice yet the word splice is commonly though incorrectly used for joint. The latter term relates
to single wire conductors and splice to multi-wire or stranded conductors.
According to the method of wrapping the strands, running butt splices are classified as:
1. Single Wrapped
2. Multiple Wrapped
Single Wrapped Splice 2 Lay up (that is wrap) the strands for a distance of about 2 inch’s. From
the end of the insulation of each cable and fan out the strands to an angle of about 30.
Single Wrapped Splice 3. Interweave the strands by bringing together the laid up sections and in
so doing see, that one strand only of each wire passes between two strands of the other case.
Make a hook by sharply bending say strands 1 and A.
Single Wrapped Splice 4. Wrap tightly one strand as strand around the laid up portion of the
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
Single Wrapped Splice 5. Wrap tightly each of the remaining strands of each cable around the
laid up portion of the other cable.
Multiple Wrapped Splice 2. Lay up the strands for a distance of 1 in. from the insulation. Fan the
free ends and butt together properly intertwining the strands.
Multiple Wrapped Splice 3. Wrap tightly the strands of one cable around the laid up portion of
the other cable. Similarly wrap the strands of the other cable.
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
Tap Splices
Tap Splices – These are made when the end of one stranded conductor is to be conducted at some
point along the run of another stranded conductor.
They may be class as:
1. Ordinary
2. Splice
3. Y-splice
*Y Splice 1. Remove insulation to a distance depending upon the size of wire. Interweave the tap
wire through the run wire strands at one end of the splice and twist up the run wire strands in the
original direction.
Y splice 2. Tightly wrap the strands of the tap wire around the run wire, either by the single or
multiple method, depending upon the size of the wire.
Running Butt Splice – The term running butt relates to splices formed by butting together the
ends if two cable lengths to extend the run or length of circuit as distinguished from tap splices
later described
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Illustrations may be necessary to aid some
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
1. You are required to perform any of the following:
1.1 Request your Store keeper to supply components according to the given
1.2 Install the following circuit in the installation board provided
Check continuity test
Give the supply to the installed wiring
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse
Shashamane poly Technic College
Learning Guide............................................................................................................................................1
Terminate and Connect Electrical Wiring System........................................................................................1
Information Sheet....................................................................................................................................2
Terminate and Connect Electrical Wiring System....................................................................................2
ELECTRICAL MATERIAL AND DEVICES..................................................................................................2
TAPS AND JOINTS...............................................................................................................................17
Written Test...........................................................................................................................................30
LAP Test.................................................................................................................................................31
Practical Demonstration........................................................................................................................31
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BY: Gizaw Tadesse