Sika® Antisol® A: Product Data Sheet

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Sika® Antisol® A


Sika® Antisol® A is a water-dispersed acrylic copolymer Sika® Antisol® A provides the following beneficial
based curing compound. It is ready for use and simple properties to concrete surfaces:
to apply. Sika® Antisol® A will form a thin film, cover- ▪ Reduces incidence of plastic cracking
ing the surface of the concrete to prevent premature ▪ Reduces shrinkage
water loss due to evaporation. ▪ Reduces dusting
▪ Increases frost resistance
USES ▪ Replaces labour intensive curing methods such as
wet-Hessian, watering, etc.
Sika® Antisol® A is sprayed onto newly placed concrete ▪ Can be overcoated without affecting the bonding of
surfaces to form a thin film barrier against premature the subsequent application (concrete surfaces to be
water loss, without disturbing the normal setting ac- washed prior to overcoating in accordance with nor-
tion. Sika® Antisol® A is suitable where subsequent mal practice)
surface treatments such as screed, protective coating, ▪ Will not re-emulsify in contact with water therefore
decorative paint, etc. are required. allows overcoating even where back pressure of wa-
ter is expected

Composition Water-dispersed, acrylic polymer
Packaging ▪ 5 L pail
▪ 20 L pail
▪ 200 L drum
Appearance / Colour Milky White liquid
Shelf Life 6 months from the date of production
Storage Conditions Stored properly in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in
dry conditions. Keep away from direct sunlight.

Consumption 5–6.5 m² per litre depending on wind, humidity and temperature condi-

Product Data Sheet

Sika® Antisol® A
March 2020, Version 02.02

APPLICATION For information and advice on the safe handling, stor-
age and disposal of chemical products, users shall
Sika® Antisol® A is ready to use. Do not dilute. Stir well refer to the most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) con-
before use. taining physical, ecological, toxicological and other
Sika® Antisol® A curing compound can be sprayed, safety-related data.
brushed or rolled onto newly placed concrete. Apply
as soon as possible after final trowelling when surface LEGAL NOTES
water has disappeared (approximately ½–2 hours de-
pending on ambient conditions). The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
For vertical surfaces, apply immediately after removal tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
of formwork. products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
After application, the area must be protected from rent knowledge and experience of the products when
rain for at least 2–3 hours. properly stored, handled and applied under normal
Sika® Antisol® A is transparent after curing. conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommenda-
tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
CLEANING OF TOOLS strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
Clean all tools and application equipment with water particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
immediately after use. Hardened and/or cured materi- legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
al can only be removed mechanically. from this information, or from any written recom-
mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS user of the product must test the product’s suitability
for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
Do not apply Sika® Antisol® A on contaminated con- serves the right to change the properties of its
crete surfaces (mould release agent, oil, stains, etc.) as products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
this can lead to concrete stains and reduce the bond be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
of subsequent coats. current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
will be supplied on request.
All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are
based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
vary due to circumstances beyond our control.

Please note that as a result of specific local regulations
the performance of this product may vary from coun-
try to country. Please consult the local Product Data
Sheet for the exact description of the application

Sika Kimia Sdn. Bhd.

Lot 689, Nilai Industrial Estate, 71800
Negeri Sembilan D.K., Malaysia
Phone: +606-7991762
Fax: +606-7991980


Product Data Sheet

Sika® Antisol® A
March 2020, Version 02.02


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