Digital Marketing: Artur Sawicki

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WSN 48 (2016) 82-88 EISSN 2392-2192

Digital Marketing

Artur Sawicki
Faculty of Management, Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa, Poland
E-mail address:

Digital revolution has changed the companies’ approach to a consumer drastically. Thanks to
the Internet, a consumer is capable of analyzing a price, according to circulating opinions, and
sometimes even of dictating it. Development of digital technologies has lead to emergence of a cyber-
consumer and cyber-business. Digital revolution enables implementation of new models of
relationships with consumers, what is a challenge for enterprises, which are willing to increase their
market share. Smartphones and social media exerted certain impact on dynamic development of a
digital marketing. Therefore, manners of reaching potential clients through mobile phones and social
networks are current communication channels, which can build a relationship with a customer, thus
increasing sales. In the article, the author presented the essence of digital marketing together with its
assets, which can be of no meaning for an enterprise, which is planning to cut on the customer service
costs, hence improving profits and optimizing the sales processes.

Keywords: Digital marketing; marketing; management; digital technology


Media revolution is most visible in the field of marketing. At present, marketing cannot
be considered as a “customer-haunt”. Today, the marketing role is to fulfill the consumer’s
curiosity through transparent and valuable contents. Improvement in significance of digital
marketing in enterprises results from a growing number of Internet users, therefore providing
a perfect place of marketing operations. Enterprises that understand the power of digital
World Scientific News 48 (2016) 82-88

technologies, which enable interactive relations between a brand and a customer, and which
will keep on implementing the digital marketing into their strategies, may reduce e.g. the costs
of service, logistics, and increase the budget for operation in another department of the
company. Jupiter Research - a research company - has developed seven aspects, which are
related to influence of digital technology on a consumer’s behavior:
 through electronic mail, Internet communicators, the Internet users communicate and
establish mutual relationships. Hence, the time and geographical barriers between
people disappeared and new virtual communities emerged, and the digital technology
made it possible
 to create and publish contents quickly. A consumer has a possibility to follow
changes in products/services prices on current basis, before they decide to buy.
 A consumer has a possibility to block the contents, which are not interesting for
them. Moreover, technological solutions enabled emergence of spontaneous
advertising contents.
 Consumers are divided into narrow target groups, often according to their individual
 There is a possibility to express oneself on the Internet, sharing your opinions and
experiences, to get
 consumers involved in creation of products/services, what causes a great possibility
that their needs will be fulfilled [1].
It must be stressed that technology changes people. Despite the fact that the resulting
changes are most visible on “computer screens”, this is a man what is a crucial element
combining human capital and new technologies. Thus, it must be stated that emergence of a
cyber consumer will require a change in marketing operations. A consumer moving around
the digital world, is willing to connected everything with everything; product/service,
information, place of purchase and price. While imagining a perfect purchase, where the price
will be adjusted to the product/service quality, the consumer will be sufficiently informed,
hence they will purchase in a convenient place and time. The digital world offers a wide range
of assortment. A consumer can sort products/services according to the price, quality, delivery
costs or reviews [2]. Digital technology enables the enterprises, or even inclines them, to
change the manner of thinking about the contemporary market and its actors. The way of
approach has become cheaper and easier.
It is true that marketing transformed together with technological advancement. Thus,
they pose an unbreakable whole. Knowledge in the field constitutes a plane, which enables to
combine the consumers from the traditional world marketing with those from the digital one.
Traditional marketing is understood as any actions consisting in flow of goods and services,
from the manufacturer to the final recipient, while the digital marketing is seen through its
technological possibilities, combining promotion of products/services with their digital
distribution, social media and Internet sales [3].


Digital marketing can be defined as exploitation of digital technologies, which are used
to create channels to reach potential recipients, in order to achieve the enterprise’s goals,

World Scientific News 48 (2016) 82-88

through more effective fulfillment of the consumer needs. The digital marketing is quite often
considered as a synonym of Internet marketing or e-marketing. This is a mistake. Internet, as
a medium, is only one of numerous manners of reaching a client. There are also household
appliances and audio/video devices.
Digital marketing is a digital identity of a company; through which it presents itself in
the virtual world to an enormous number of users. Thanks to a digital technology, a brand can
reach each consumer with its products. Digital marketing consists in promotion of products or
brands through one of more electronic forms. It should be considered as significant whether a
given product or service may be used in digital marketing. As using digital marketing for
specific products or services do not always need to be justified [4].
Thanks to digital marketing, the companies can send personalized contents to particular
recipients. Content personalization is based, among others, on data from the CRM system.
Relationships with clients that are managed properly can generate an enormous number of
data on their preferences [5]. This information can be reflected in the process of creating a
product/service, which will fulfill only selected groups of consumers.


Figure 1. Attributes of marketing and digital media.


Ubiquitous Immersive
Connectivity Enviromments


Source: K. Montgomery, S. Grier, J. Chester, L. Dorfman, Food Marketing in the Digital Age: A
Conceptual Framework and Agenda for Research, Center for Digital Democracy, April 2011, pp. 4-6.

It may turn out that within the course of the closest years, the digital marketing will
become a basic philosophy, which will point an approach and sets of activities that a persons

World Scientific News 48 (2016) 82-88

dealing with marketing should take towards the market. Digital marketing based on
technologies must focus on values, advantages and possibilities provided by the digital world
in contact with the client. Persons responsible for marketing operation must understand the
digital reality, and focus on new principles of contact with the market, therefore increasing
their share and becoming successful in the chaotically transforming environment. The
drawing below present six attributes of marketing and digital media.
Ubiquitous connectivity - a society, especially youth and children, are accustomed to
dynamic and comfortable usage of devices such as laptops, smartphones, PCs or TVs at the
same time. Hence, persons dealing with marketing use their activity by obtaining
demographic and geographic information while developing a campaign. The problem is
noticed by researchers, who are incapable of pointing interactions of those media users with
marketing. An interaction level that is suited improperly, may impact the answer: how young
people treat new media, and what is their presence necessary for them? Engagement -
watching TV is of a passive character, bearing in mind the fact that the recipient has no
possibility of direct interactions. While the digital media enable such an integration, as well as
the personal engagement of the recipient into a given campaign [7].
This is noticed in case of children and youth, who through blogs, videoblogs, social
services, text messages, pose the largest demographical group. A foundation of digital
marketing is not only involvement of the recipient with the received communication. Instead
of distributing the contents amongst the consumers, who will not be interested in a given
product or service, it would be more appropriate to engage them into interactions with the
brand. Therefore, a consumer will be acquainted with a product/service, and will refer the
interconnected experience to social and personal relationships. The engagement can be
measured through techniques exploited in neuromarketing, which measure the influence of
marketing activities on a human brain, through neurobiological tools [8].
User-generated content - digital technologies enable persons dealing with marketing to
create contents connected with a brand, product/service, including advertisements. Therefore,
the recipients are not passive towards communications directed to them. Contents created in
the digital world, through various techniques, incline the recipients to get engaged in the
marketing communications. Enterprises create contents most often through a previously
prepared template. In practice, it means that the message sender is willing to encourage the
recipients to create contents individually, from which they derive information about interests
of their creators, which in turn pose the basis for communications sent to a selected target
Personalization – thanks to monitoring and acquiring data on users, e.g. of the Internet,
through various applications, the digital marketing has a possibility to create personalized
communications, additionally based on individual preferences. All information about the
consumer are downloaded from a well-managed CRM system or cookies. Thanks to such
data, any given brand may communicate with a potential recipient, not only through the
Internet, but also through mobile phones. Personalization transformed the character of
transactions, as felt by the clients, from mass to individual.
Social graphs - mainly social portals create a network of mutual relationships between
users. Therefore, digital marketing may apply the emerged social networks for promotional
purposes. What is more, thanks to social platforms, a person dealing with marketing notices

World Scientific News 48 (2016) 82-88

the size and depth of relations between the users. Thanks to those networks, the persons may
create a psychological portrait, therefore dividing the users into groups.
Immersive environments – available multimedia applications, interactive games,
introduce their users into the virtual world, where the persons dealing with marketing promote
their products/services. It is true that the virtual environment engages into interactions through
real experiences. The emerging physical condition is accompanied by aggregated
concentration on the realized action. Increase in application of virtual reality poses an
argument for total focus on the communicated content in the digital marketing [9].
Digital media pose enormous potential so the companies should increase their financial
resources devoted to communication through that channel. Figure 2 presents a budget
structure of national entities that take part in the global research conducted in 2014, on 2000
enterprises, including 33 Polish ones.

Figure 2. Budget structure of the researched national entities

Expenditures for sales

22% Expenditures for operations

14% Expenditures for customer

Remaining expenditures related to
company's operation
24% 14% IT expenditures

13% Marketing expenditures

Source: PwC, Digital IQ, czyli jak zbudować porządek w chaosie, 2015, p. 7.

As presented on the charter, structure of the budget devoted to digitalization is shaped in

the following manner: 24% of resources devoted to actions in the IT field, 22% to marketing,
13% to sales, 14% to customer service, and 13% to other operations. Crucial was the question
on how the respondents understand digital transformation. 42% perceive it as any actions
related to technology and innovations, while in a global scale such an opinion is expressed by
53% of respondents.
For 36% of Polish respondents, Digital is synonymous to IT - a similar answer is
provided by respondents from the remaining countries. The notion of digitalization is
understood in a broader manner by Middle East (69%) and North America (48%). It should be
assumed that Polish enterprises understand the meaning of Digital in a narrow manner,
bringing it down only to the IT field. In turn, 31% of respondents state that their companies

World Scientific News 48 (2016) 82-88

allocate 15% of income to digital technologies, not covering just the IT area but operation of
the whole company.
Despite the fact that the data are optimistic, a problem raised by 75% of Polish
respondents is clear lack of transparency of the notion related to who in the company should
perform the digital transformation. Until now, digital was a responsibility of the IT
department, and speaking more precisely, it was managed by the IT Director. Currently,
enterprises create such positions as CDO (Chief Digital Officer), who are to coordinated the
transformation process in the enterprise [10].


Digital marketing should be considered more broadly than Internet marketing. Digital
marketing is located not only on the Internet, but also in electronics, software, etc., which the
device/user uses to exchange data. Therefore, digital marketing combines digital and network
technologies, thanks to what a man can communicate not only through a mobile network but
also TV. Broad reach enables the enterprises to function on numerous electronic platforms.
Summing up, it may be concluded that digital marketing is a modern concept of
marketing, which is well-known in the world of new technologies. Digital marketing enables
the persons dealing with these issues to select customers in a more precise manner than
previously. Therefore, a product/service can be better adjusted to individual preferences.
Digital marketing “makes life easier”, when compared to traditional marketing. For the
Internet users, websites are not longer just presentations of offers, but they pose a part of their
lives, the elements which the persons dealing with marketing use to communicate with a
potential client.


Artur Sawicki: a doctoral student on the Faculty of Management of Częstochowa University of Technology,
Częstochowa Region Head of the Silesian Marketing Association, a proponent for practical and responsible
solutions in marketing, and cooperation between science and business, participant of numerous marketing
events, a fan of dress code.


[1] Nair H.V., Digital marketing: a phenomenon that rules the modern Word, Reflections
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[2] Wind J., Mahajan V., Digital marketing, Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management
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[3] Nair H.,V., Digital marketing: a phenomenon that rules the modern Word, Reflections
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[4] Persons A. J., Zeisser M., Waitman R., Organizing for digital marketing, Current
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World Scientific News 48 (2016) 82-88

[5] Ward Hanson, Principles of Internet Marketing (Cincinnati, OH: South Western College
Publishing, 1999).
[6] Rideout Y. J., Foehr U., G., Roberts D., F., “Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-
18-Year-Olds”, Kaiser Family Foundation Study, Jan. 2010, upload/8010.pdf, (view 21.04.2016).
[7] BenklerY., The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and
Freedom (New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2006), p. 272.
[8] A.K. Pradeep, The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind (New
York: Wiley, 2010).
[9] Hairong Li, Daugherty T, Biocca F., “Impact of 3-D Advertising on Product
Knowledge, Brand Attitude, and Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Presence,”
Journal of Advertising 31, n. 3 (Fall 2002), p. 43.
[10] PwC, Digital IQ, czyli jak zbudować porządek w chaosie, 2015, s. 5.

( Received 02 May 2016; accepted 18 May 2016 )


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