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Detailed Lesson Plan in Individual and Dual Sports and Athletics 2 Year Name of Student: Gladys Dechosa Date: September 16, 2021 I. Objectives

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Detailed Lesson Plan

In Individual and Dual Sports and Athletics

2nd Year

Name of Student: Gladys Dechosa

Date: September 16, 2021

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion the students should be able to:
 Discuss the different athletics events

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Athletics
b. Materials: Laptop, Projector

Values Integration: Interaction

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

III. Learner’s Procedure

a. Pre-activities

Good day class!

Good day ma’am!

This is teacher Gladys your PE teacher

for today.

1. Prayer

“Before everything else, let us

first have a prayer followed by our short
morning program.”

Dear Lord,
Thank you for giving us another chance
to witness such a beautiful day. Thank
your for the opportunity that you have
given. May You forgive all of our
shortcomings and lapses. Please
continue to guide us. In Jesus’ name we
pray, amen.

2. Classroom Management

So how was your weekend?

It was great Ma’am!

“That’s nice! Did you enjoy your weekend

with your family?
“Yes Ma’am! It was a lot of fun!”

“That’s good to hear! You really have to

make your family moments count
because we never know what will happen
the next moment so as long as you can,
spend your free time with them.”
“Yes Ma’am!”

Everyone, upon entering our classroom,

kindly arrange your chairs and pick-up the
pieces of trash if there are any.
(Students pick up the pieces of paper)

3. Checking of Attendance

(Checking of Attendance) “Raise your

right hand and say “present” when your
name is called. (Students raise their hand and say
present as the teacher calls their name)

Before we proceed to our discussion, I

just want to remind everyone of the house

1. Make it a habit to be in the classroom

before the class starts.
2. Always be prepared when attending
the class.
3. Put your assignments on the front desk
before we begin the discussion, late
notebooks will be deducted.
4. Always practice integrity.
5. Be prepared in learning.

Get it?
Yes Ma’am!

4. Review

“Before we proceed to our new topic, who

among you here can give a recap of what
we have discussed last meeting?”

(A student will give a recap of the

previous discussion)

“Ma’am, we have discussed about

swimming and aquatics.”

“Very good! Last meeting we have

discussed everything about swimming
and aquatics, the equipment used in
swimming and so as the different
swimming styles and how it was done.”

Do you have any clarification about our

previous topic?

None Ma’am!
If that is the case, we will now move on to
our next one.

b. Motivation
Before the lesson proper, I would like you
to stand-up and do a little warm-up as if
you are competing in an international
sports event like Olympics.

Everyone will stand-up and participate in

the activity.
Good job class! You did great! Later you
will realize why I asked you to do a little
warm-up but for now let’s get started!

c. Lesson Proper


As you can see in the screen, in

the Column A there are pictures of the
different types of events in Athletics and
on the next column are its name. Now, I
want you to match the pictures on the
Column A to the names in the Column B.
Did you get it?

Yes Ma’am!

Very good!

1. Running Events
2. Relay Events
3. Hurdling Events
4. Jumping Events
5. Throwing Events

Perfect class!
Well done!


Today we will discuss everything about

the Athletics, its history and everything
about athletics.. Have you ever done any
of athletics event? (A student will answer.)

“Yes Ma’am! I had way back in my high

school years.”

That’s nice to hear! You may now take

your seat.
Now, I want you to listen as to how
Athletis started.

Athletics, so known as track and field or

track and field athletics, is a collection of
sports events that involve running,
throwing and jumping. The name is
derived from the Greek word “Athlon”
meaning ‘‘contest”. Athletics was the
original event at the first Olympics in 776
BC where the only event held was the
stadium-length foot race or “stade”.

Do you know the history of athletics or

you just knew it? (Jam is raising her hand.)

Yes Jam?
“We just knew it not Ma’am. We know
what Athletics is but we did not bother
knowing how it even started.”

Thank you Jam! At least now you already


And these are the organizations handling

this event.
 The International Association of
Athletics Federation is the worldwide
governing body for track and field
events, and athletics as a whole. 
 Associations at the national, state and
local level generally follow IAFF rules,
though modifications can exist. 
 The Philippine Amateur Track and
Field Association (PATAFA) is the
national governing body for athletics
sports such as track and field, road
running, cross country running, and
race walking in the Philippines.

Without these organizations, Athletics will

be not as grand as it is today.

Before we discuss about the Types of

Athletic Events, can someone give me an
example of it? (Carla is raising her hand.)

Yes Carla? Running events Ma’am.

Very good! Thank you Carla!

So one of the events is the Track Event.

 Running events - A variety of running

events are held on the track which fall
into three broad distance categories:
 Sprints
- A sprint is a short running race.
- In a track and field competition there are
generally three different sprint distances:
100m. 200m. 400m. Indoor 60m. 
- The original Olympic event, the stadium
race was a sprint of around 180m.
 Middle - Distance
- The middle distance races are the:
800m. 1500m. 1-mile-long runs 
- These races require different skills and
tactics to win that the sprints. They rely
more on endurance and pacing than just
pure speed. 
- The runners don’t stay in a single lane
for the entire race.
 Long - Distance
- There are three main long distance
races: 3000m. 5000m. 10,000m. races
- These races are similar the middle
distance races, but the emphasis is even
more on correct pacing and endurance.

Has anyone of you tried any of these

three running events?
(Miguel is raising his hand)

Yes Miguel? I tried the Sprint before Ma’am.

Wow! That’s nice to hear. Thank you

Who among you here can give another
event in Athletics?
Alex is raising his hand.

Yes Alex?
Relay events Ma’am.

Very good! Thank you Alex.

So another event is the Relay event.

- There are two very common relay

events: 4x100 meters relay 4x400 meters
relay 
- Relay races are the only track and field
event in which a team of runners directly
complete against other teams. 
- Typically, a team is made up of four
runners of the same sex.  Each runner
completes their specified distance
(referred to as a leg) before handling over
a baton to a team mate. 
- There is usually a designated area
where athletes must exchange the baton.

- Teams may be disqualified if they fail to
complete the change within the area or if
the baton is dropped during the race.
A team may also be disqualified if its
runners are deemed to willfully impeded
other competitors. In the shorter relay,
each runner covers 100 meters; in the
longer, 400 meters. Relays in which
members run different distances are
called Medley Relays.

Has anyone tried it before?

“None Ma’am!”

It’s okay. You might wanna give it a try

one day, who knows?

Now, give me another event.

(Glen is raising his hand)
Yes Glen?
Hurdling Maam.

Very good! So hurdling is also one of the

events in Athletics.

- Is the act of running and jumping over
an obstacle at speed. 
- In the sport of athletics, hurdling forms
the basis of number track and field events
which are a highly specialized form of
obstacle racing.
- In these events, a series of barriers
known as hurdles are set at precisely
measured heights and distances which
each athlete must pass by running over.

- The placement of hurdles depends on
the length of the race and the sex of the
athlete. 
- Ten hurdles are used in the 100-meter,
110-meter and 400-meter hurdle races. 
- Men run the 110 races with 9.14 meters
between hurdles and woman run the 100
races with 8.5 meters between hurdles,
according to IAAF rules 
- Both men and women run the 400 races
with 35 meters between hurdles.

Under the Hurdling event is the


- Not a pure hurdles event, the
steeplechase combines distance running
and a different form of hurdling. 
- The 3000-meter race features no
barriers on the first lap. Each of seven
subsequent laps includes five hurdle
jumps, one of which is followed
immediately by a water pit that slopes
upwards. 
- The better jumpers are rewarded by
leaping into shallower water. The race
begins on a curved starting line. Runners
do not remain in lanes.

How about this event, has any of two tried

it before?

None Ma’am!
I see. Can anyone give me another

(Jane is raising.)
Yes Jane?

Very good! Thank you Jane. Jumping Events Maam.

Jumping events has four categories -

High Jump, Long Jump, Pole Vault and
Triple Jump.

High Jump
- In the high jump event, the athlete gets
a running start and must jump over a bar
without knocking it over.
- They land on a big soft cushion. 
- Like many track and field events, there
is a key element to doing well in this
sport, which in this case is being able to
jump high, but the technique is very
important as well.
- Timing and leaving your feet at the right
point as well as how you bend your body
as you go over the bar are all important.

Long Jump
- Like many field events, the long jump
involves more skill and technique than
just being able to jump. 
- First the athlete must have good speed
as they sprint down the runway to
prepare for the jump; 
- Next they must have very good footwork
at the end of their run so they can launch
as close to the line as possible without
going over the line and faulting; 
- Third they must make a good jump; and
lastly they must have proper form through
the air and into the landing.
- All of these techniques and skills must
be executed to perfection to pull of a
good long jump.

Pole Vault
- While all of the field events take require
technique to excel, the pole vault may be
toughest to master. 
- In this track and field event, the athlete
runs down the track holding a pole at one
end. 
- At the end of the run the plant the far in
of the pole into a metal box in ground and
then propel themselves up and over a
high bar using both a jump and the spring
of the pole to gain height. 
- They must get over the bar without
knocking it off. Then they land on a large
soft mattress for safety.

Triple Jump
- The triple jump is similar to the long
jump, but there are three combined jumps
that go into the total length. 
- These are called the hop, the step, and
the jump. 
- The athlete will first run down the track
gaining speed; at the start of the jump or
take off point they will jump from one foot
and land on that same foot (hop); they
then jump again, this time landing on the
opposite foot (step) next they jump as far
as they can and land on both feet (jump).

I bet you all are familiar with these

events, are you?

Yes Ma’am, we are!

Very good! Who can give the last event in
the Athletics?
Yes Bea? (Bea is raising her hand.)

Throwing events Ma’am!

Very good! Throwing events is the last
one. Throwing events includes Shot put,
Discuss Throw, Hammer Throw and
Javelin Throw.

Shot Put
- The shot put involves ‘putting’ a heavy
metal ball as far as possible.
- The shot put facility includes a throwing
circle, a stop-board and a landing sector.
- Competitors take their throw from inside
a circle 2.135 in diameter, with a toe
board approximately 10cm high at the
front of the circle. 
- The distance thrown is measured from
the inside of the circumference of the
circle to where the shot lands at its
nearest disturbance of soil.

Discuss Throw
- Discus throw is a throwing event where
athletes throw a 2kg platelike implement
from a 2.5m circle. 
- The discuss is launched after the
thrower, starting at the back of the circle,
has completed one-and-a half turns.
- The facility for discus throw includes a
throwing circle, protective cage and
landing sector.

Hammer Throw
- The hammer throw is a throwing event
where the object thrown is a heavy steel
ball attached with a long wire to handle.
- The facility for the hammer throw
includes a throwing circle, protective cage
and landing sector.
- It is usually combined with the facility for
the discus throw.
Javelin Throw
- The javelin throw is a throwing event
where the object to be thrown is a spear-
like object made of metal. Fiberglass and,
in some cases, carbon fiber.
- The facility for the javelin throw includes
a runway, a throwing arc and a landing
sector. 
- The minimum length of the runway is
30m and the maximum 36.5m. It is
marked by two parallel white lines 5cm
wide and 4m apart.

How about these sports class, have you

ever tried it?

Not yet Ma’am!

I see. But I guess you watched the
Olympics games this year? If you did, I
guess you are familiar with these events
because almost all of these are included
in the said competition.


The teacher will ask the students these


1. Why athletics is important to learn in “The value of athletics in schools is

school? significant and cannot be overlooked. It
has a profound impact on individuals.
Athletics is powerful because it can
bridge gaps, bring people who otherwise
might not interact together, and provide
opportunities not available elsewhere.”

Very good! You may now sit down. Thank


2. How does athletics help students “Sport and physical activity positively
academically? impacts academic performance as it
encourages the enhancement of brain
function and cognition”

Wow! It seems to me that you really did

listened in our discussion. Great job

To make sure that you understand our

discussion, I will show you again the
pictures of the different types of Athletics
and you will share the things that you
have learned on the specific event.

1. Running Events
2. Relay Events
3. Hurdling Events
4. Jumping Events
5. Throwing Events

Very good! You guys did a great job!

IV. Evaluation

Instruction: In a whole sheet of paper, thoroughly discuss the different

types of Athletics events.

1. Running Events
2. Relay Events
3. Hurdling Events
4. Jumping Events
5. Throwing Events

V. Assignment
Instruction: Research about some of the Filipino athletes in the different types of
Athletics events and so as their achievements and such.


Alvarez, Myrna TRACK & FIELD, Techniques and Drills for Sprint, (2016), Books
Atbp. Publishing Corp., 707, Mandaluyog City
Bumagat, Noel, and Tulio Dorris D., Individual and Dual Sports, (2015), Academic
Publishing Coorporation, University of the Philippines Manila
Greyman, Liza, Individual Sports (7th Edition 2018), Human Kinetics The Premier
Publisher for Sports and Fitness, University of Canada
Young, Mark, THE SWIMMING STROKES BOOK, (2019), Gorsuch Scarisbrick,
Publishers, Scottsdale, Arizona
Hudson, David L.,COMBAT SPORTS (Wrestling, Boxing, Taekwondo and Mixed
Martial Arts) (2017), Khelsahitya Kendra Publisinng Inc., Ansari
Road, Darya Ganj, Delhi

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