Composites Workshop Report

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Workshop Summary Report

Title: National level workshop on “ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS – A


Date : 2nd and 3rd February 2018

Two Days National level workshop on “ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS –

A RESEARCH PRESPECTIVE” was organized by the Department of Mechanical
Engineering on 2nd and 3rd February 2018. The Objectives of the workshop was to
impart basic knowledge and skills about the various avenues for active research in
composite materials and to establish platform for exchange of knowledge in advanced
composite materials among industrial experts, academicians, researchers and end

The eminent professors and scientists from IIT, NIT, ANNA UNIVERSITY and
National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL Bangalore) shared their vast experience in the
field of polymer, metal and ceramics matrix composites. The Hands-on-training was
also provided to enrich their skills in the field of composites. Total number of 42
Academicians, Researchers and Scientists participated in the workshop and got

Workshop Inauguration

Presentation by Dr. M. Balasubramanian., Professor, Dept. of Metallurgical & Materials

Engg., IIT-Madras.
Presentation by Dr. A. Udayakumar, Principal Scientist, Materials Science Division,
CSIR – National Aeronautical Laboratories, Bangalore

Dr. S. Kumaran, Professor, Dept. of Metallurgical & Materials Engg., NIT Trichy,
honored by Dean School of Mechanical Sciences, BSACIST
Presentation by Dr. B. Mohan, Prof & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Anna University, Chennai

Presentation by Dr.S.S.M.Abdul Majeed, Prof & Head, Department of Polymer Engg,

B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
Presentation by Dr. Bikash Chandra Chakraborty, Director, Polymer Nano
Technology Centre, B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology

Hands-on-training for the preparation of composites

Hands-on-training for the preparation of composites

Hands-on-training for the Testing of composite materials

Feedback Session from the participants
Sample feedback copy

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