Paraphernalia Most Commonly Refers To A Group of Apparatus, Equipment, or Furnishing Used

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Paraphernalia : Paraphernalia most commonly refers to a group of apparatus, equipment, or furnishing used

for a particular activity. For example, an avid sports fan may cover his walls with football and/or
basketball paraphernalia.
2. Schipperke: A Schipperke is a small Belgian breed of dog that originated in the early 16th century.
3. Pulchritude : Pulchritude means physical beauty or attractiveness.
4. Zabaglione : A frothy dessert or sauce made of eggs, sugar, and wine, typically Marsala, beaten together over
boiling water.
5. Nacrissistic : A disorder in which a person has an inflated sense of self-importance.
6. Mountebank: One who fakes .
7. Kakistocracy: A kakistocracy (/kækɪˈstɒkrəsi/, /kækɪsˈtɒkrəsi/) is a system of government that is run by the worst, least
qualified, and/or most unscrupulous citizens. 
8. Jodhpurs: Jodhpurs, also called breeches (English riding pants) in their modern form, are tight-fitting ... Flared-
hip breeches and tall boots formed part of the military uniform of army officers in Imperial Germany, the Second Polish
Republic, Nazi Germany .
9. Infinitesimal: adjective. indefinitely or exceedingly small; minute .
10. Ichthyosaurus: Ichthyosaurs (Greek for "fish lizard" – ιχθυς or ichthys meaning "fish" and σαυρος or
sauros meaning "lizard") are large extinct marine reptiles. ... Ichthyosaurs lived during the time of the dinosaurs,
but formed a separate group from the dinosaurs and may not have been closely related to them.
11. Hegemonies:  preponderant influence or authority over others : domination. 
12. Grissini: The breadstick is coated with extra virgin olive oil and then baked from 12 to 20 minutes, depending on
the crispness desired. 
13. Frondescence: , the process or period of putting forth leaves, as a tree, plant .
14. Fibranne : a fabric made of spun-rayon yarn.
15. Einkorn:  an ancient wheat (Triticum monococcum) having one-grained spikelets and grown especially formerly
in poor soils in central and southern Europe and southwest Asia also : the grain of einkorn. Note: The grain
of einkorn is also called farro.
16. Dentifrice:  a substance used in rubbing or cleaning the teeth.
17. Eleemosynary: adjective. of or relating to alms, charity, or charitable donations.
18. Couturier: A couturier is a person who designs, makes, and sells expensive , fashionable clothes for..
19. Coulomb:  unit of electric charge .
20. Consanguineous:  of the same blood or origin .
21. Boudoir: A boudoir (/ˈbuːdwɑːr/; French: [bu.dwaʁ]) is a woman's private sitting room or salon in a furnished
accommodation, usually between the dining room and the bedroom, but can also refer to a woman's private bedroom .
22. Bourgeoisie: Bourgeoisie is a polysemous French term that can mean: a sociologically defined social class,
23. Borborygmus:  a rumbling or gurgling sound caused by the movement of gas in the intestines.
24. Beaucoup: Much, many, a lot of .
25. Banausic: not operating on an elevated level; mundane.
26. Aphaeretic:  the loss of one or more sounds or letters at the beginning of a word (as in round for around and
coon for raccoon)
27. Antediluvian: of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood.
28. Ankh: The ankh or key of life is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol that was most commonly used in writing and in
Egyptian art to represent the word for "life" and, by extension, as a symbol of life itself.
29. Amaretto: a brown almond-flavoured liqueur produced in Italy.
30. Acquiesce: verb (used without object), ac·qui·esced, ac·qui·esc·ing. to assent tacitly; submit or comply silently
or without protest; agree .
31. Avoirdupois: a system of weights based on a pound of 16 ounces or 7,000 grains, widely used
in English-speaking countries.
32. Abecedarian: arranged alphabetically.
33. Ablution: the act of washing yourself clean .
34. Abomasum: the fourth stomach of a ruminant, which receives food from the omasum and
passes it to the small intestine.
35. Abstemious: indulging only very moderately in something, especially food and drink.
36. Accretion: growth or increase by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or matter.
37. Acolytes: a person assisting a priest in a religious service or procession.
38. Anabasis: a military advance into the interior of a country (with reference to that of Cyrus the
Younger into Asia in 401 BC, as narrated by Xenophon in his work Anabasis ).
39. Anneal: heat (metal or glass) and allow it to cool slowly, in order to remove internal stresses
and toughen it.
40. Archetypal: having all the qualities that make somebody/something a typical example of a particular kind of person or thing .
41. Asseverate: declare or state solemnly or emphatically.
42. Bibelot: a small, decorative ornament or trinket.
43. Braggadocio: boastful or arrogant behaviour.
44. Cabochon: A cabochon (/ˈkæbəˌʃɒn/, from Middle French caboche "head") is a gemstone which has been
shaped and polished as opposed to faceted. The resulting form is usually a convex (rounded) obverse with a flat
45. Camaraderie: a feeling of friendship and trust among a group of people who work together or share an experience .
46. Catechesis: religious instruction given with a catechism in preparation for Christian baptism or
47. Chiffonade: a preparation of shredded or finely cut leaf vegetables, used as a garnish for
48. Chinook: a member of a North American people inhabiting the region around the lower
Columbia River in Oregon and Washington.
49. Clerihew: a short comic or nonsensical verse, typically in two rhyming couplets with lines of
unequal length and referring to a famous person.
50. Concessionaire: the holder of a concession or grant, especially for the use of land or
commercial premises or for trading rights.
51. Ecclesiastic: a priest or member of the clergy.
52. Egregious: adjective. extraordinary in some bad way; glaring; flagrant: an egregious mistake;
an egregious liar.
53. Elegy: a poem or song that expresses sadness, especially for somebody who has died .
54. Frangipani: a tropical American tree or shrub with clusters of fragrant white, pink, or
yellow flowers.

55. Grandiloquence: a lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, manner, or quality especially in
language was urged to follow up his grandiloquence with positive action.
56. Imbroglio: a situation that is complicated, confusing or embarrassing, especially a political or public one .
57. Impicunious: person with lack of wealth .
58. Implacable: .(used about strong negative feelings or ideas) impossible to change .
59. Interlocutor: .a person who is in a conversation with somebody else .
60. Irrebuttable: impossible to deny or disprove .
61. Keeshond: a breed of dog of the spitz type with a shaggy greyish coat and tightly curled tail .
62. Kitschy: (of art, objects, or design) considered to be in poor taste because of excessive
garishness or sentimentality, but sometimes appreciated in an ironic or knowing way.
63. Lyceum: an institution for popular education providing discussions, lectures, concerts, etc. a building for such
64. Magniloquent: using high-flown or bombastic language.

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