Advanced Three Phase PWM Inverter Contro
Advanced Three Phase PWM Inverter Contro
Advanced Three Phase PWM Inverter Contro
Abstract: This paper presents an advanced three phase inverter topology the Z-Source Inverter and its control
using microcontroller 89C52. Z-Source Inverter employs second order filter network at front end which
provides unique buck-boost feature for inverter. Z-Source inverter can be controlled by any traditional PWM
method. Here the modified maximum constant boost PWM method is utilized for Z-Source inverter control. The
microcontroller 89C52 is used to generate PWM pulses and to control operation of Z-Source inverter. The
complete hardware is designed to drive the three phase induction motor. The hardware design involves the
design of control circuit, driver circuit, Z-Source network, main inverter bridge, power supply etc. The Z-Source
inverter is implemented and tested to verify the Z-Source inverter concept. The desired three phase PWM
signals are generated by using control circuit and detailed hardware results are presented.
Key words: driver, maximum constant boost, microcontroller, PWM, voltage boost, Z-Source Inverter.
I. Introduction
In most of the industries traditional voltage source and current source inverters are used to drive
induction motor systems. For efficient power utilization various new PWM techniques are developed and still
developing. Impedance-source inverter also referred as Z-Source Inverter is an advanced PWM inverter
topology. Z-Source Inverter is more advantageous over traditional inverters with high efficiency, improved
power factor and THD, EMI immunity [1] and so on. Nowadays PWM control method is mostly used in power
converter applications. These PWM signals can be generated using analog circuit as well as digital circuit.
PWM generation using analog circuit requires large number of discrete circuits such as triangular carrier wave
generator circuit, sine wave generator circuit; comparator, adder circuits and phase shifters etc. Each of these
circuit is formed by connecting many discrete components together such as transistors, resistors, capacitors,
inductors, op-amps and so on. In addition analog method of three phase PWM generation requires accurately
designed phase shifter circuits and other circuit. Also the response of analog circuit may get affected by
environmental conditions, noise, changes in the voltages and currents in the circuit and so on. Thus analog
method is critical and increases complexity and cost of the circuit. Digital method of PWM generation requires
only microcontroller and its minimum configuration. With the advent in the technology now many
microcontrollers has in built feature of PWM generation. While some special controller ICs are also available
that are designed and fabricated for three phase PWM generation and control purpose. PWM generation
digitally require only knowledge of internal architecture of controller and good programming skill. In this work
microcontroller 89C52 is used for three phase PWM generation and inverter control. 21 | Page
Advanced Three Phase PWM Inverter Control Using Microcontroller
III. Hardware Overview
The detailed hardware circuits and explanation is presented in this section. The complete hardware is
designed for induction motor control. The complete hardware design involves the design of control circuit, gate
driver circuit, low power dc supply, high power dc supply, Z-Source network [2] and the inverter circuit,
selection of switches etc.
Three IM
DC Z-Source
Network Inverter
Input Micro-
Keys controller DC
Supply 23 | Page
Advanced Three Phase PWM Inverter Control Using Microcontroller
4.1 PWM switching pattern
Table 1 shows all possible PWM states for Z-source inverter and respective PWM code pattern. The
letters A, B, C indicates upper three switching devices and A‟, B‟, C‟ indicates lower three switching devices in
three arms of the main inverter circuit. Two devices in the same arm can not switched on simultaneously in
traditional inverters this state is called shoot-through state. Z-source inverter allows shoot-through state possible.
As shown in table PWM for Z-source inverter consists of six active states s1-s6, two zero states and a shoot-
through state (ST). The PWM code in hex is shown in the right side last column. Microcontroller sends this
PWM code at the port2 at regular time instances provided by timer. All PWM code bit are complemented when
passed through gate drive circuit. Thus bit 0 in Table1 implies that particular switch is ON and bit 1 implies
OFF switch in each PWM state.
Using three different pointers PWM pulse width data values corresponding to the three phase
waveform are accessed. These pointers are adjusted so as to point to pulse width values that are 120 0 degree
phase shift apart in time from other. The number of PWM pulses per cycle is equal to fc/fm. Where fc is carrier
frequency and fm is modulating signal frequency. This number must be divisible by three in order to obtain
synchronous three phase PWM waveforms. For example if fc = 3600Hz and fm = 50Hz then number of pulses per
cycle is equal to 72. This number is divisible by three 72/3 = 24. So while accessing the pulse width values first
pointer points to zeroth location, second pointer points to 24 th location of array and at the same time third
pointer points to 48th location of array. The following steps illustrate the algorithm to obtain the three phase
PWM waveforms using microcontroller;
1) Access the three phase synchronous PWM pulse width data values from look up table using three different
pointers to look up table.
2) Send the desired PWM code pattern at port pins.
3) Set the timer value with lowest pulse width value first.
4) Start the timer and wait until timer flag set.
5) Send the next desired PWM code pattern at port pins.
6) Set the timer value with next higher pulse width value.
7) Start the timer and wait until timer flag set.
8) Send the next desired PWM code pattern at port pins.
9) Set the timer value with next higher pulse width value.
10) Start the timer and wait until timer flag set.
11) Increment pointer by one and loop back step 1.
The dead time can be provided through program at requisite time while sending PWM code pattern.
The pulse width values are accessed during zero state time only so that active state timing would not be
disturbed. For obtaining PWM pulse width data for single cycle manually requires large number of calculations
and a lot of time. To avoid this calculation part completely and to obtain pulse width values directly for any
given modulation index and carrier frequency a C code is written and used. Three phase PWM waveforms are
shown in the fig. 6.a. and fig.6.b. This is Edge aligned three phase PWM with respect to the third harmonic
injected three phase fundamental components with fc = 2400Hz and fm = 50Hz. The simulation is performed
using Proteus software. 24 | Page
Advanced Three Phase PWM Inverter Control Using Microcontroller
Fig.6.a. Traditional three phase PWM waveforms Fig.6.b. shoot-through PWM waveforms
The shoot-through time can be varied so as to change the output voltage. The shoot-through time and
switching cycle time period both are maintained constant over switching cycle to switching cycle so as to
maintain shoot through duty cycle and the boost factor constant [2].
V. Hardware Results
The Z-source inverter system is implemented as per design. The detailed hardware configuration and
its performance is analysed in this sections. Test is carried out for both the three phase star connected lamp load
and motor load connected across the output ac lines.
Fig.7.a. Experimental setup with lamp load in ON state Fig.7.b. Experimental setup with lamp load and motor
Fig.7 shows the hardware configuration in on state. Initially three phase star connected lamp load is used for
testing purpose. The control circuit , low power dc supply and driver cicuit is mounted on separate cards. . The
high voltage DC supply for inverter cicuit, Z-Source impedance network is mounted on the same board as
shown. The main inverter bridge circuit and lamp load are implemented on saperate boards as shown in the
fig.7. 25 | Page
Advanced Three Phase PWM Inverter Control Using Microcontroller
5.1 Hardware Results for Traditional PWM Inverter
Following fig.8 shows the input dc voltage and a phase output waveform for lamp load in traditional
mode of operation. As shown the phase voltage waveform has six steps. The input dc supply is 375V, the
modulation index is fixed at 0.8, so the output ac phase voltage is given by
Vac M .
= 106V (1)
2 2
The theorotical and experimental results are tabulated in the table 1. Input DC voltage = 375V.
Table 1: Observation table
Sr. Parameter Theorotical Practical
1 DC link Voltage 375 375
2 Line to Line 183 180
Voltage (V)
3 Output phase 106 104
voltage (V)
Fig.8. Input DC Voltage and Phase Voltage Fig. 9. Line to Line voltage waveforms
The line to line voltage waveforms are shown in the following fig.9. The output line to line voltage is
found to be about 180V practically while the theorotical value is183V for Vdc = 375V. The three phase ac
voltage waveforms are shown in the following fig. 10. The output line to line voltage is found to be about 104V
practically, while the theorotical value is 106V for Vdc = 375V. Thus experimental results are consistant with
this theorotical result for traditional inverter. The Same results are obtained for both lamp load and motor load.
Fig. 10. Three Phase Voltage waveforms Fig. 11. Input DC Voltage and DC link Voltag
5.2 Hardware Results for Z-Source Inverter
When shoot-through is applied in the traditional zero states the mode of operation is called boost mode.
The test is conducted at lower input voltage. The input dc voltage is set to 100V, modulation index is same M =
0.8, switching period is 365us and shoot-through state of 97us is applied, the theorotical results are obtained as
1. The boost factor B = 2.136
2. Average dc link voltage = 156V
3. Peak dc link voltage = 213V
4. The output phase voltage Vac = 60.4Vrms
5. The output line to line volatge = 104Vrms
The theorotical and practical results are tablated in the following table 2. Input DC voltage =100V 26 | Page
Advanced Three Phase PWM Inverter Control Using Microcontroller
Practically it is verified that as the shoot-through time is increased the output dc link voltage and hence
output ac voltage increased gradually. Practical results are consistant with theorotical results. The input voltage
and dc link voltage is shown in the fig.11. As shown dc link voltage is greater than the input dc voltage. The
input dc voltage is 100V while the dc link voltage peak value is about 215V. The average dc link voltage is
found to be 151V. The diode voltage and dc link voltage is shown in the fig. 12. The peak reverse voltage across
diode is equal to peak dc link voltage i.e 215V. The capacitor voltage is shown in the fig.13. The capacitor
voltage remains almost constant equal to average dc link voltage i.e. 151V. The inductor voltage is shown in the
fig. 14. As shown the pulse voltage appears across inductor during shoot-through.
Fig. 12. DC link Voltage and diode voltage waveforms Fig. 13. DC link Voltage and Capacitor Voltage
The DC link voltage does not remain constant as in case of traditional PWM inverter. Whenever shoot-
through state is applied dc link voltage decreases to zero since all switches are turned on simultaniously, at the
same time capacitor enerzises the inductor during which inductor voltage becomes equal to the capacitor voltage
and inductor current increases gradually. This regenerative action of z-source impedance network increases the
dc link voltage and output ac voltage.
Fig. 14. DC link Voltage and inductor voltage Fig. 15. Output phase voltage waveforms
The three phase output ac waveforms are shown in the fig.15 and line to line voltage is shown in the
fig. 16. The three phase output voltage waveform consists of six step as in case of traditional inverter. The phase
voltage is found to be 60V practially, while theorotical value is 60.4V. The line to line voltage observed is 98V,
while theorotical value is 104Volt. As shown line to line voltage is square waveform with PWM variations. The
peak to peak value of these pulses varies between ±215V. When three phase motor load is connected we obtain
similar results for phase voltage and line voltage as for lamp load. The three phase load current waveforms for
motor load is shown in the fig.17. To observe current waveforms 1Ω/5W resistor is connected in series with
each of three phase stator windings. The voltage drop across these resistors is observed using differential 27 | Page
Advanced Three Phase PWM Inverter Control Using Microcontroller
module and DSO. The voltage drop across each of these resistors is equal to current flowing through associated
stator winding.
Fig. 16. Output line to line ac voltage with lamp load Fig. 17. Three phase load current for motor load.
Thus above results shows that Z-source inverter is more advantagious over traditional PWM inverter.
Z-source inverter boosts the output voltage just increasing shoot-through time without distorting the output
phase voltage and line to line voltage waveforms. Traditional PWM inverter gives 106V for 375V input dc
voltage, while the same output voltage can be produced by Z-Source inverter from 165V input dc voltage.
VI. Conclusion
The Z-source inverter system can produce any output voltage greater than the dc input voltage by
controlling the shoot-through duty ratio, which is impossible for the traditional ASD systems. In this work,
described the hardware implementation, analyzed the circuit, and demonstrated its concept and superiority
practically. Maximum constant boost with third harmonic injection PWM control method increases output
voltage boost while minimizing voltage stresses across switching devices. It allows over-modulation where
modulation index can be varied from 0.57 to 1.154. It requires only two reference lines for creating shoot-
through pulse times. So it can be easily implemented using microcontroller 89C52 using it‟s in built timer.
Hardware results are compared with traditional PWM inverter and are consistent with theoretical results.
Microcontroller 89C52 is a general purpose microcontroller. It does not have in built PWM generator.
PWM signals can be generated only through programming using its timer feature. Microcontroller 89C52 can be
used to generate synchronized three phase PWM signal and speed control of induction motor. Also it offers
required flexibility in control circuit operation through programming. It offers low cost solution for three phase
induction motor control. For closed loop control ADC can be interfaced to the microcontroller. Besides these
Timing overhead due to computations, function calls, conditional execution, jumps and Interrupt latency
advantages there are some limitations that must be considered:
These time overheads puts limits on maximum PWM frequency that microcontroller can generate.
and so on wastes much of the microcontroller time.
Practically it is found that even with 20MHz crystal, maximum three phase PWM frequency is limited to
5Khz. These time overheads spread in all PWM pulses evenly. Thus although synchronous PWM can be
obtained but extends the PWM period evenly by some amount of time.
These limitations can be overcome by using PIC, DSP or advanced microcontrollers which have in built ADC
and PWM generation feature.
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