AVR Microcontrollers Peripheral Integration: Quick Reference Guide

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AVR® Microcontrollers Peripheral Integration

Quick Reference Guide

Peripheral Function Focus

Speed (MHz) Single Cycle Instruction:

Waveform Timing and Safety and User
Intelligent Analog Crypto and Communications System Flexibility
Control Measurements Monitoring Interface

Program Flash Memory (KB)

QTouch Technology with PTC (2)

Zero Cross Detector (ZCD)

Waveform Extension (WeX)

Internal Voltage Reference

picoPower® Technology

External Bus Interface

8-bit Timer/Counters

12-bit Timer Counter

16-bit Timer/Counter
Quadrature Decoder
Temperature Sensor

QTouch® Technology
ADC (# of channels)

Real-Time Counter

Crypto (AES/DES)
ADC Gain Stage
Supply Voltage

ADC (# of bits)

DAC (# of bits)

Serial Number

DMA Channels
Event System


Sleep Modes

16-bit PWM

8-bit PWM
Pin Count




ATtiny4/5/9/10 6 0.5–1 0.032 1.8–5.5 12 10³ 4(3) ü 2 1 ü ü ü 4
ATtiny102/104 8/14 1 0.032 1.8–5.5 12 10 5/8 ü ü 2 2 ü ü 1 4
ATtiny13A 8–20 1 0.064 1.8–5.5 20 10 4 ü 2 ü ü ü ü 3 ü
ATtiny20/40 12–20 2/4 0.128/0.256 1.8–5.5 12 10 8/12 ü ü 2 2 1 1 ü ü ü 1 1 ü 4
ATtiny24A/44A/84A 14–20 2–8 Up to 0.512 1.8–5.5 20 10 8 ü ü ü ü 2 2 1 1 ü ü ü 1 1 ü 4 ü
ATtiny48/88 28–32 4/8 Up to 0.512 1.8–5.5 16 10 8 ü ü ü 1 1 1 1 ü ü ü 1 1 3 ü
ATtiny87/167 20–32 8/16 0.512 1.8–5.5 16 10 11 ü ü ü 1 2 1 1 ü ü ü 1(8) 1 2 4
ATtiny261A/461A/861A 20–32 2–8 Up to 0.512 1.8–5.5 20 10 11 ü ü ü ü 1 1 ü ü ü 1 1 ü 4 ü
ATtiny20x/40x/80x/160x 8–24 2–16 Up to 1 1.8–5.5 20 10 12 ü ü ü 2 ü 1 ü ü ü ü ü ü 1(1) 1 1 ü ü ü 3 ü
ATtiny21x/41x/81x/161x/321x 8–24 2–32 Up to 2 1.8–5.5 20 10 12 ü 8 ü ü 2 ü 1 1 ü ü ü ü ü ü 1(1) 1 1 ü ü(4) ü ü 3 ü
ATtiny441/841 14–20 4/8 Up to 0.512 1.7–5.5 16 10 12 ü ü ü 1 2 1 2 ü ü ü 2 1 1 4 ü
ATtiny2313A 20 2 0.128 1.8–5.5 20 – – ü ü 2 2 1 1 ü ü ü 1 1 2 3 ü
ATmega8A/16A/32A 28–44 8–32 1–2 2.7–5.5 16 10 8 ü 2 1 ü 2 1 ü ü ü ü 1 1 1 ü 5
ATmega8U2/16U2/32U2 32 8–32 0.5–1 2.7–5.5 16 – – ü ü ü 4 6 ü 2 3 ü ü ü ü 2 ü 2 2 6
ATmega16U4/32U4 32 16/32 1/2 2.7–5.5 16 10 12 ü ü ü 5 1 1 ü ü ü ü 1 ü 1 6
ATmega48PB/88PB/168PB/328PB 32 4–32 0.5–2 1.8–5.5 20 10 8 ü ü ü 4 2/6(6) ü 2 1/3(6) ü ü ü ü 1/2(6) 1/2(6) 1/2(6) ü ü(6) 6
ATmega80x/160x/320x/480x 28–48 8–48 1–6 1.8–5.5 20 10 16 ü ü ü 4 3 ü 5 ü ü ü ü ü ü 4 1 1 ü ü ü 3 ü
ATmega64A/128A 64 64–128 4 2.7–5.5 16 10 8 ü ü ü 2 6 2 2 ü ü ü ü 2 1 1 ü 6
ATmega164PA/324PA/644PA/1284P 44 16–128 1–16 1.8–5.5 20 10 8 ü ü ü 4 2/2/4 ü 2 1/1/2 ü ü ü ü 2 1 1 ü 6 ü
ATmega165PA/325PA/645P 44 16–64 1–4 1.8–5.5 16 10 8 ü ü 4 6 ü 2 3 ü ü ü ü 3 2 2 6 ü
ATmega169PA/329PA/649P 64 16–64 1–4 1.8–5.5 16 10 8 ü ü 2 2 ü 2 1 ü ü ü ü 1 1 1 ü ü 5
ATmega324PB 44 32 2 1.8–5.5 20 10 8 ü ü 2 2 ü 2 1 ü ü ü ü 1 1 1 ü ü 5
ATmega640/1280/2560/1281/2561 64–100 64–256 8 1.8–5.5 16 10 8/16 ü ü ü 4 6/12 ü 2 4 ü ü ü ü 2/4 1 1 ü ü(5) 6
ATmega3290PA/6490P 100 32–64 2–4 1.8–5.5 20 10 8 ü ü ü 2 2 ü 2 1 ü ü ü ü 1 1 1 ü ü 5
ATmega3250PA/6450P 100 32–64 2–4 1.8–5.5 20 10 8 ü ü ü 2 2 ü 2 1 ü ü ü ü 1 1 1 ü 5
AVR-DA Family 28-64 32-128 4–16 1.8–5.5 24 12 12 ü 10 ü ü 1-3 9–17 3–6 ü 1 1–5 ü ü ü ü ü ü 3–6 1–2 2 ü ü ü ü ü 3 ü
ATxmega A1U/A3U/A4U Family 44-100 16–128 2–8 1.6–3.6 32 12 12/16 ü ü 12 ü ü 5-8 ü ü ü 5-8 ü ü ü ü ü ü 5-8 ü 2-4 2-4 ü ü ü 4 ü 5 ü
ATxmega B1/B3 Family 64–100 64–128 4–8 1.6–3.6 32 12 8 ü ü ü ü 2/3 ü ü ü 2/3 ü ü ü ü ü ü 1/2 ü 1 1 ü ü ü ü 2 ü 5 ü
ATxmega C3/D3/C4/D4 Family 44-64 16–384 2–32 1.6–3.6 32 12 12/16 ü ü ü ü 4/5 ü ü ü 4/5 ü ü ü ü ü 2/3 ü(7) 2 2 ü ü ü ü 5 ü
ATxmega32E5 Family 32 8–32 1–4 1.6–3.6 32 12 16 ü ü 12 ü ü 3 ü ü ü 3 ü ü ü ü ü ü 2 1 1 ü ü ü 4 ü 5 ü
1: LIN port also    2: Peripheral Touch Controller    3: Only on the ATtiny5/10    4: Not on the ATtiny212/214/412/414/416    5: Only on the ATmega1281/2561    6: Only on the ATmega328PB    7: Only on the C3 and C4    8: UART only LIN Port also

INTELLIGENT ANALOG:  Sensor Interfacing and Signal Conditioning COMMUNICATIONS:  General, Industrial, Lighting and Automotive
ADC:  Analog-to-Digital Converter General purpose 10-/12-bit ADC UART: Universal Asynchronous 1. General purpose serial communications
Receiver Transmitter 2. Support for LIN
ADC Gain Stage:  Analog-to-Digital Programmable gain stage, providing amplification steps on the differential
Converter Gain Stage input voltage USB: Universal Serial Bus Support for Full-Speed USB 2.0 device profiles
Comp:  Comparator General purpose rail-to-rail comparator I C:  Inter-Integrated Circuit
General purpose 2-wire serial communications
DAC:  Digital-to-Analog Converter Programmable voltage reference with multiple internal and external connections SPI:  Serial Peripheral Interface General purpose 4-wire serial communications
VREF:  Voltage Reference Stable fixed voltage reference for use with integrated analog peripherals IRCOM:  Infrared Communication
Encodes and decodes data according to the IrDA communication protocol
AC high-voltage zero-crossing detection for simplifying TRIAC control, Module
ZCD:  Zero Cross Detect
synchronised switching control and timing Serial Number Factory programmed unique ID useful in wired and wireless communications
WAVEFORM CONTROL:  PWM Drive and Waveform Generation USER INTERFACE:  Capacitive Touch Sensing and LCD Control
PWM:  Pulse Width Modulation General purpose 10-bit PWM control LCD:  Liquid Crystal Display Highly integrated segmented LCD controller
16-bit PWM:  Standalone 16-bit 1. High-resolution 16-bit PWM with edge- and center-aligned modes QTouch®:  Microchip Proprietary
PWM and 16-bit Timer/Counter 2. General purpose 16-bit timer/counter Provides a simple-to-use solution to realize touch-sensitive interfaces
Touch Technology
1. Module for more customised and advanced waveform generation QTouch with PTC:  QTouch with Provides a simple-to-use solution to realize touch-sensitive interfaces with a
WeX: Waveform Extension
2. Optimised for various types of motor, ballast and power stage control Peripheral Touch Controller Peripheral Touch Controller
TIMING AND MEASUREMENTS:  Signal Measurement with Timing and Counter Control LOW POWER AND SYSTEM FLEXIBILITY:  Low-Power Technology, Peripheral and Interconnects
8-/12-/16-bit Timer General purpose 8-/12-/16-bit timer/counter Moves data between memories and peripherals without CPU overhead,
DMA:  Direct Memory Access
LOGIC, CRYPTO AND MATH:  Customizable Logic and Math Functions improving overall system performance and efficiency

1. Integrated combinational and sequential logic Flexible routing of peripheral events, ability to control peripheral independent
CCL:  Configurable Custom Logic Event System
2. Customer interconnection and re-routing of digital peripherals from the CPU

MULT:  Hardware Multiplier MULTIPLY function of two 8-bit values with 16-bit result Highly flexible module for interfacing external memories and memory-
External Bus Interface
addressable peripherals
Data encryption and decryption can be easily performed for both internally
Crypto (AES/DES) picoPower® Technology Low-power technology
stored data or for small external data packets
SAFETY AND MONITORING:  Hardware Monitoring and Fault Detection Low-power saving modes, IDLE, power-down, power-save, standby and
Sleep Modes
extended standby
Automatically calculates CRC checksum of Program/DataEE memory for SleepWalking Ability to put the CPU core to sleep until a relevant event occurs
Cyclical Redundancy Check
NVM integrity
with Memory Scan
Keeps the device in reset until the voltage is high enough.
POR: Power-On Reset
Ensures a safe start-up of logic and memories
BOD: Brownout Detector Prevents code execution if voltage drops below a set threshold

Monitors correct program operation.

WDT: Watchdog Timer
Constantly running timer with a configurable time-out period

The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, AVR, picoPower and QTouch are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. © 2020, Microchip Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3/20. DS30010135E


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