AVR Microcontrollers Peripheral Integration: Quick Reference Guide
AVR Microcontrollers Peripheral Integration: Quick Reference Guide
AVR Microcontrollers Peripheral Integration: Quick Reference Guide
picoPower® Technology
16-bit Timer/Counter
Quadrature Decoder
Temperature Sensor
QTouch® Technology
ADC (# of channels)
Real-Time Counter
Crypto (AES/DES)
ADC Gain Stage
Supply Voltage
ADC (# of bits)
DAC (# of bits)
Serial Number
DMA Channels
Event System
Sleep Modes
16-bit PWM
8-bit PWM
Pin Count
ATtiny4/5/9/10 6 0.5–1 0.032 1.8–5.5 12 10³ 4(3) ü 2 1 ü ü ü 4
ATtiny102/104 8/14 1 0.032 1.8–5.5 12 10 5/8 ü ü 2 2 ü ü 1 4
ATtiny13A 8–20 1 0.064 1.8–5.5 20 10 4 ü 2 ü ü ü ü 3 ü
ATtiny20/40 12–20 2/4 0.128/0.256 1.8–5.5 12 10 8/12 ü ü 2 2 1 1 ü ü ü 1 1 ü 4
ATtiny24A/44A/84A 14–20 2–8 Up to 0.512 1.8–5.5 20 10 8 ü ü ü ü 2 2 1 1 ü ü ü 1 1 ü 4 ü
ATtiny48/88 28–32 4/8 Up to 0.512 1.8–5.5 16 10 8 ü ü ü 1 1 1 1 ü ü ü 1 1 3 ü
ATtiny87/167 20–32 8/16 0.512 1.8–5.5 16 10 11 ü ü ü 1 2 1 1 ü ü ü 1(8) 1 2 4
ATtiny261A/461A/861A 20–32 2–8 Up to 0.512 1.8–5.5 20 10 11 ü ü ü ü 1 1 ü ü ü 1 1 ü 4 ü
ATtiny20x/40x/80x/160x 8–24 2–16 Up to 1 1.8–5.5 20 10 12 ü ü ü 2 ü 1 ü ü ü ü ü ü 1(1) 1 1 ü ü ü 3 ü
ATtiny21x/41x/81x/161x/321x 8–24 2–32 Up to 2 1.8–5.5 20 10 12 ü 8 ü ü 2 ü 1 1 ü ü ü ü ü ü 1(1) 1 1 ü ü(4) ü ü 3 ü
ATtiny441/841 14–20 4/8 Up to 0.512 1.7–5.5 16 10 12 ü ü ü 1 2 1 2 ü ü ü 2 1 1 4 ü
ATtiny2313A 20 2 0.128 1.8–5.5 20 – – ü ü 2 2 1 1 ü ü ü 1 1 2 3 ü
ATmega8A/16A/32A 28–44 8–32 1–2 2.7–5.5 16 10 8 ü 2 1 ü 2 1 ü ü ü ü 1 1 1 ü 5
ATmega8U2/16U2/32U2 32 8–32 0.5–1 2.7–5.5 16 – – ü ü ü 4 6 ü 2 3 ü ü ü ü 2 ü 2 2 6
ATmega16U4/32U4 32 16/32 1/2 2.7–5.5 16 10 12 ü ü ü 5 1 1 ü ü ü ü 1 ü 1 6
ATmega48PB/88PB/168PB/328PB 32 4–32 0.5–2 1.8–5.5 20 10 8 ü ü ü 4 2/6(6) ü 2 1/3(6) ü ü ü ü 1/2(6) 1/2(6) 1/2(6) ü ü(6) 6
ATmega80x/160x/320x/480x 28–48 8–48 1–6 1.8–5.5 20 10 16 ü ü ü 4 3 ü 5 ü ü ü ü ü ü 4 1 1 ü ü ü 3 ü
ATmega64A/128A 64 64–128 4 2.7–5.5 16 10 8 ü ü ü 2 6 2 2 ü ü ü ü 2 1 1 ü 6
ATmega164PA/324PA/644PA/1284P 44 16–128 1–16 1.8–5.5 20 10 8 ü ü ü 4 2/2/4 ü 2 1/1/2 ü ü ü ü 2 1 1 ü 6 ü
ATmega165PA/325PA/645P 44 16–64 1–4 1.8–5.5 16 10 8 ü ü 4 6 ü 2 3 ü ü ü ü 3 2 2 6 ü
ATmega169PA/329PA/649P 64 16–64 1–4 1.8–5.5 16 10 8 ü ü 2 2 ü 2 1 ü ü ü ü 1 1 1 ü ü 5
ATmega324PB 44 32 2 1.8–5.5 20 10 8 ü ü 2 2 ü 2 1 ü ü ü ü 1 1 1 ü ü 5
ATmega640/1280/2560/1281/2561 64–100 64–256 8 1.8–5.5 16 10 8/16 ü ü ü 4 6/12 ü 2 4 ü ü ü ü 2/4 1 1 ü ü(5) 6
ATmega3290PA/6490P 100 32–64 2–4 1.8–5.5 20 10 8 ü ü ü 2 2 ü 2 1 ü ü ü ü 1 1 1 ü ü 5
ATmega3250PA/6450P 100 32–64 2–4 1.8–5.5 20 10 8 ü ü ü 2 2 ü 2 1 ü ü ü ü 1 1 1 ü 5
AVR-DA Family 28-64 32-128 4–16 1.8–5.5 24 12 12 ü 10 ü ü 1-3 9–17 3–6 ü 1 1–5 ü ü ü ü ü ü 3–6 1–2 2 ü ü ü ü ü 3 ü
ATxmega A1U/A3U/A4U Family 44-100 16–128 2–8 1.6–3.6 32 12 12/16 ü ü 12 ü ü 5-8 ü ü ü 5-8 ü ü ü ü ü ü 5-8 ü 2-4 2-4 ü ü ü 4 ü 5 ü
ATxmega B1/B3 Family 64–100 64–128 4–8 1.6–3.6 32 12 8 ü ü ü ü 2/3 ü ü ü 2/3 ü ü ü ü ü ü 1/2 ü 1 1 ü ü ü ü 2 ü 5 ü
ATxmega C3/D3/C4/D4 Family 44-64 16–384 2–32 1.6–3.6 32 12 12/16 ü ü ü ü 4/5 ü ü ü 4/5 ü ü ü ü ü 2/3 ü(7) 2 2 ü ü ü ü 5 ü
ATxmega32E5 Family 32 8–32 1–4 1.6–3.6 32 12 16 ü ü 12 ü ü 3 ü ü ü 3 ü ü ü ü ü ü 2 1 1 ü ü ü 4 ü 5 ü
1: LIN port also 2: Peripheral Touch Controller 3: Only on the ATtiny5/10 4: Not on the ATtiny212/214/412/414/416 5: Only on the ATmega1281/2561 6: Only on the ATmega328PB 7: Only on the C3 and C4 8: UART only LIN Port also
INTELLIGENT ANALOG: Sensor Interfacing and Signal Conditioning COMMUNICATIONS: General, Industrial, Lighting and Automotive
ADC: Analog-to-Digital Converter General purpose 10-/12-bit ADC UART: Universal Asynchronous 1. General purpose serial communications
Receiver Transmitter 2. Support for LIN
ADC Gain Stage: Analog-to-Digital Programmable gain stage, providing amplification steps on the differential
Converter Gain Stage input voltage USB: Universal Serial Bus Support for Full-Speed USB 2.0 device profiles
Comp: Comparator General purpose rail-to-rail comparator I C: Inter-Integrated Circuit
General purpose 2-wire serial communications
DAC: Digital-to-Analog Converter Programmable voltage reference with multiple internal and external connections SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface General purpose 4-wire serial communications
VREF: Voltage Reference Stable fixed voltage reference for use with integrated analog peripherals IRCOM: Infrared Communication
Encodes and decodes data according to the IrDA communication protocol
AC high-voltage zero-crossing detection for simplifying TRIAC control, Module
ZCD: Zero Cross Detect
synchronised switching control and timing Serial Number Factory programmed unique ID useful in wired and wireless communications
WAVEFORM CONTROL: PWM Drive and Waveform Generation USER INTERFACE: Capacitive Touch Sensing and LCD Control
PWM: Pulse Width Modulation General purpose 10-bit PWM control LCD: Liquid Crystal Display Highly integrated segmented LCD controller
16-bit PWM: Standalone 16-bit 1. High-resolution 16-bit PWM with edge- and center-aligned modes QTouch®: Microchip Proprietary
PWM and 16-bit Timer/Counter 2. General purpose 16-bit timer/counter Provides a simple-to-use solution to realize touch-sensitive interfaces
Touch Technology
1. Module for more customised and advanced waveform generation QTouch with PTC: QTouch with Provides a simple-to-use solution to realize touch-sensitive interfaces with a
WeX: Waveform Extension
2. Optimised for various types of motor, ballast and power stage control Peripheral Touch Controller Peripheral Touch Controller
TIMING AND MEASUREMENTS: Signal Measurement with Timing and Counter Control LOW POWER AND SYSTEM FLEXIBILITY: Low-Power Technology, Peripheral and Interconnects
8-/12-/16-bit Timer General purpose 8-/12-/16-bit timer/counter Moves data between memories and peripherals without CPU overhead,
DMA: Direct Memory Access
LOGIC, CRYPTO AND MATH: Customizable Logic and Math Functions improving overall system performance and efficiency
1. Integrated combinational and sequential logic Flexible routing of peripheral events, ability to control peripheral independent
CCL: Configurable Custom Logic Event System
2. Customer interconnection and re-routing of digital peripherals from the CPU
MULT: Hardware Multiplier MULTIPLY function of two 8-bit values with 16-bit result Highly flexible module for interfacing external memories and memory-
External Bus Interface
addressable peripherals
Data encryption and decryption can be easily performed for both internally
Crypto (AES/DES) picoPower® Technology Low-power technology
stored data or for small external data packets
SAFETY AND MONITORING: Hardware Monitoring and Fault Detection Low-power saving modes, IDLE, power-down, power-save, standby and
Sleep Modes
extended standby
Automatically calculates CRC checksum of Program/DataEE memory for SleepWalking Ability to put the CPU core to sleep until a relevant event occurs
Cyclical Redundancy Check
NVM integrity
with Memory Scan
Keeps the device in reset until the voltage is high enough.
POR: Power-On Reset
Ensures a safe start-up of logic and memories
BOD: Brownout Detector Prevents code execution if voltage drops below a set threshold
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