03 Sanitary Tapware
03 Sanitary Tapware
03 Sanitary Tapware
Sanitary Tapware
Green Public Procurement criteria
Definition and Scope
For the purpose of these criteria, sanitary tapware is defined as covering
the following groups of products:
1) taps,
2) showerheads,
3) showers.
Product definition:
Showerhead - either a fixed overhead or side shower outlet (or body jet or
similar device), which may be adjustable, and which directs water from a
supply system onto the user or a moveable hand held shower outlet which is
connected to the tap via a shower hose and can be hung directly on the tap or
on the wall with the aid of an appropriate support (also known as a shower
- Bathtub taps,
- External taps,
The maximum available water flow The maximum available water flow
rates to the basin/sink shall, rates to the basin/sink shall,
independent of the water pressure, independent of the water pressure,
not exceed values presented in not exceed values presented in
Table 1. Table 1.
Table 1 Maximum available water flow Table 1 Maximum available water flow
rates for sanitary tapware rates for sanitary tapware
Product sub-group Water flow rate Water
[l/min] Product sub-group flow rate
Kitchen taps 8.0 without flow limiting device 6.0
Kitchen taps
Basin taps with flow limiting device 8.0
without flow limiting device 6.0
Showerheads or showers 9.0 Basin taps
with flow limiting device 8.0
EU GPP criteria for sanitary tapware
Core criteria Comprehensive criteria
Purchase of water-efficient sanitary tapware for new or refurbished buildings
1B. Lowest available maximum water flow rate
Lowest available maximum water flow rate of the sanitary tapware,
independent on the water pressure, shall not be lower that the values given
in Table 3:
Table 3 Lowest available maximum water flow rates for sanitary tapware
For electric showers the lowest available maximum water flow rate,
independent of the water pressure, shall not be lower than 3 l/min.
Verification for core
and comprehensive
which stop water flow after certain time if they are not used (for example,
sensors which stop water flow when a user leaves the sensor range)
and/or after a set time period of use (for example, time limiters, which stop
the water flow when the maximum flow time is reached).
EU GPP criteria for sanitary tapware
Core criteria Comprehensive criteria
Purchase of water-efficient sanitary tapware for new or refurbished buildings
1D. Time control for sanitary tapware for multiple users and high frequency
For sanitary tapware equipped with time limiters the pre-set maximum flow
time for time regulated products should not exceed 15 seconds for taps and
35 seconds for showers. Nevertheless, the product shall be designed to allow
the installer to adjust the flow time to the intended product’s application.
For sanitary tapware equipped with the sensor, the shut off delay time after
usage shall not exceed 2 second for taps and 3 seconds for showers.
Sanitary products which have a metallic Ni-Cr coating (regardless of the nature of
the substrate material) shall comply with the standard EN 248:2003 "Sanitary
tapware or an equivalent standard. General specification for electrodeposited
coatings of Ni-Cr".
Products holding a relevant Type 1 Eco-label fulfilling the listed requirements (if
included) will be deemed to comply.
Otherwise, results of sanitary tapware testing according to the test procedure
contained in the EN 248 standard or equivalent shall be submitted together with
the tender to the contracting authority for verification. The testing shall be
performed by laboratories that meet the general requirements of EN ISO 17025
or equivalent.
A technical dossier from the manufacturer or other appropriate means of proof
demonstrating that these requirements have been met will also be accepted.
EU GPP criteria for sanitary tapware
Core criteria Comprehensive criteria
Purchase of water-efficient sanitary tapware for new or refurbished buildings
2. Product quality and lifetime 3. Product quality and lifetime
extension extension
2.2 Reparability and availability of 3.2 Reparability and availability of
spare parts spare parts
Products holding a relevant Type 1 Eco-label fulfilling the listed requirements
will be deemed to comply. Other appropriate means of proof will also be
accepted such as written evidence from the manufacturer that the above
clause will be met.
EU GPP criteria for sanitary tapware
Core criteria Comprehensive criteria
3. User information 4. User information
The product shall be supplied with the following information in printed (on
the packaging and/or on documentation accompanying the product)
and/or electronic format:
(a) Information on proper use of the product to minimise water consumption
and related energy consumption for water heating,
Products holding a relevant Type 1 Eco-label fulfilling the listed requirements
will be deemed to comply. Other appropriate means of proof will also be
accepted such as written evidence from the manufacturer that the above
clause will be met.
EU GPP criteria for installation of sanitary tapware
Core criteria Comprehensive criteria
The contractor shall supply a list of the persons responsible for the
project, indicating educational and professional qualifications and relevant
experience. This should include persons employed by subcontractors
where the work is to be sub-contracted and a list of earlier projects
carried out over the last five years.
EU GPP criteria for installation of sanitary tapware
Core criteria Comprehensive criteria
Installation of new water efficient sanitary tapware products or their replacement
2. The contractor shall ensure that, where the tapware includes sensors or
time limiters
• For sensors, sensitivity and time delay shall be set, in agreement with the
contracting authority, to appropriate levels to meet occupant needs
without excessive water and energy consumption
• Sensors shall be checked to ensure that they are working properly and are
sensitive enough to detect typical occupant movements
Statement by the contractor or any other evidence that the relevant
adjustments and calibrations will be carried out.
•Thank you!