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UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas X (Jawaban)

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Timestamp Email Address Score Tulis Nama Lengkap D

3/30/2022 7:41:23 potongsanjaya@gmai 30 / 100 VERDY FIRMANSYA

3/30/2022 7:52:19 lailatul8642@gmail.c 85 / 100 LAILATULMUKARRO
3/30/2022 7:52:37 nurullaily877@gmail. 85 / 100 Nurul Laily khasanah
3/30/2022 7:52:40 roudhotulaliyah1712 85 / 100 ROUDHOTUL ALIYA
3/30/2022 7:53:55 kampongsarji@gmail 75 / 100 NAJAH AQILLAH APR
3/30/2022 7:54:50 pratiwiveranikaa@gma 90 / 100 NATASYA VERANIKA
3/30/2022 7:54:59 delisabintang123@gm 90 / 100 WIDIA MUTIARA JAV
3/30/2022 7:55:06 muchamaddzikri@gma 50 / 100 Muchamad Dikri Maul
3/30/2022 7:56:56 almaratussiti@gmail. 75 / 100 SITI AL MAR'ATUS
3/30/2022 7:57:29 ayyubrofiqulhuda@gm 85 / 100 MUCHAMMAD AYYUB
3/30/2022 7:57:30 yogaprastiyosetiawa 65 / 100 YOGA PRASTIYO SE
3/30/2022 7:57:34 syahputrayusuf99@gm 65 / 100 YUSUF RULYANTO
3/30/2022 7:57:37 zidanlutfi75@gmail.c 60 / 100 MOHAMMAD NAUFAL
3/30/2022 7:57:50 indraofficial674@gma 60 / 100 MECHEL INDRA PR
3/30/2022 7:58:04 akulupa2405@gmail. 50 / 100 MOHAMAD SYAIFUL
3/30/2022 7:58:38 muhamadizham745@g 50 / 100 MOH IZZAMMUDIN A
3/30/2022 7:58:55 pkakabayu@gmail.co 60 / 100 KAKA BAYU PRASET
3/30/2022 7:58:59 affandymohamadfarit 60 / 100 Mohamad Farid affan
3/30/2022 7:59:58 naenioktaviramadani 60 / 100 NAENI OKTAVI RAM
3/30/2022 8:00:32 wildandwiputramaula 60 / 100 WILDAN DWI PUTRA
3/30/2022 8:01:02 khoirulroziki96@gmai 55 / 100 KHOIRUL ROZIQI
3/30/2022 8:01:26 aldinumbulrejo@gmai 65 / 100 Muhammad Aldin Mau
3/30/2022 8:01:35 zainuul8642@gmail. 70 / 100 ZAINUL ABIDIN
3/30/2022 8:01:35 yusufefendi098765@g 85 / 100 YUSUF DWI EFENDI
3/30/2022 8:01:49 mohammadhaikalnurh 25 / 100 MOHAMAD HAIKAL N
3/30/2022 8:04:59 muhammadatabikakha 50 / 100 MUHAMMAD ATA BIK
3/30/2022 8:07:54 ridwantegar801022@ 35 / 100 RIDWAN TEGAR
3/30/2022 8:17:43 ranggadwipratama@g 65 / 100 RANGGA DWI PRAT
3/30/2022 10:24:41 Anandabagas542@gm 50 / 100 ANANDA BAGAS PR
3/30/2022 10:27:49 aldakapriyanggaajiar 40 / 100 Aldaka Priyangga Aji
3/30/2022 10:27:54 dianafitria417@gmail 35 / 100 DIANA FITRIA
3/30/2022 10:30:01 aurelnazwa137@gmai 60 / 100 AUREL NAZWA AZ Z
3/30/2022 10:31:41 habibip328@gmail.c 40 / 100 HABIBI PUTRA IRFAN
3/30/2022 10:33:24 febiladwinurhidayah 40 / 100 FEBILA DWI NURHI
3/30/2022 10:36:34 izatulaulia730@gmail 45 / 100 IZATUL AULIA
3/30/2022 10:36:42 agunglfirdaus@gmail 45 / 100 FIRDAUS AGUNG L
3/30/2022 10:36:42 aaja61150@gmail.co 60 / 100 FITROH AHMAD MAR
3/30/2022 10:37:18 cigitamutiara9@gmail 60 / 100 Cigita Mutiara Dewa
3/30/2022 10:37:44 jhevicasyaurahsyasy 35 / 100 JHEVICA SYAURAH
3/30/2022 10:37:45 sp7852125@gmail.c 80 / 100 Britania Salsa Putri
3/30/2022 10:37:46 fitri.fa10112015@gma 75 / 100 FITRI ANGGRAENI P
3/30/2022 10:38:29 anikandriani751@gma 50 / 100 ANIK ANDRIANI
3/30/2022 10:38:32 ahmadharisfebrialvi 50 / 100 Ahmad Haris Febri Al
3/30/2022 10:38:33 adindak118@gmail.c 50 / 100 Adinda Kusuma Ward
3/30/2022 10:38:39 fakidahrisky91393@g 70 / 100 FAQIDAH RIZQIYAN
3/30/2022 10:38:40 ahmatfadil315@gmail 70 / 100 HAHMAT FADIL
3/30/2022 10:40:39 aqfaljuliramadani@gm 45 / 100 AQFAL JULI RAMA D
3/30/2022 10:42:56 adityafir.24012006@ 30 / 100 ADITYA FIRMANSYA
3/30/2022 10:43:04 bintangpradana200@ 45 / 100 BAGUS BINTANG P
3/30/2022 10:43:28 ilhamboncu71@gmail 70 / 100 ILHAM SETIYA ATU
3/30/2022 10:45:13 hannn.gma@gmail.c 55 / 100 ABDUL HANNAN
3/30/2022 10:45:53 arilahmad669@gmail 75 / 100 AHMAD ARIL NOVAL
3/30/2022 10:46:01 adammunfarid6@gmai 55 / 100 Adam munfarid
3/30/2022 10:53:27 ahmadbagushermawa 85 / 100 AHMD BAGUS HER
3/30/2022 12:04:17 asrofisor355@gmali. 30 / 100 M. RIZKI RAMADHAN
3/30/2022 12:23:03 arielsutiawan8@gmai 45 / 100 ARIEL SUTIAWAN
3/30/2022 13:52:13 irmalayxa@gmail.com 65 / 100 FRANSISCA IRMA IT
3/31/2022 5:12:13 afelianadwi@gmail.c 60 / 100 Nam feliana dwi
3/31/2022 7:56:31 nahlarahma2356@gma 75 / 100 NAHLA RAHMA WAR
3/31/2022 7:59:39 muhammadalvinmaul 85 / 100 MUHAMMAD ALVIN
3/31/2022 8:01:17 satria33366@gmail.c 90 / 100 Satria Arya Wiratama
3/31/2022 8:01:20 muhammadramadhani 90 / 100 Muhammad ramadhan
3/31/2022 8:01:45 rizkywahyus965@gma 80 / 100 RIZKY WAHYU SAP
3/31/2022 8:02:03 yoga.maulana718@gm 95 / 100 PRAYOGA ADE MAU
3/31/2022 8:04:11 ninninda640@gmail. 80 / 100 NINDA AULIA MAWA
3/31/2022 8:04:58 vanyaulia235@gmail 100 / 100 VANY AULIA MEYLI
3/31/2022 8:06:04 salwayuliani89@gmai 100 / 100 SALWA YULIANI CH
3/31/2022 8:06:15 rahayuregisari3@gma 85 / 100 RAHAYU REGISARI
3/31/2022 8:06:16 putrinaysila802@gmai 70 / 100 PUTRI NAYSILA KRIS
3/31/2022 8:06:44 ninditaputri006@gmai 85 / 100 NINDITAFARADINAP
3/31/2022 8:06:44 sucihidayatul879@gm 80 / 100 SUCI HIDAYATUR R
3/31/2022 8:06:45 luckyshofia4501@gma 85 / 100 ROSALINDA
3/31/2022 8:06:46 putrinoviarahmawati 85 / 100 PUTRI NOVIA RAHM
3/31/2022 8:06:56 syarifatulakmalia@gm 90 / 100 SYARIFATUL AKMAL
3/31/2022 8:06:59 putrimutiara393@gma 85 / 100 MUTIARA PUTRI KE
3/31/2022 8:07:02 ulviasiti346@gmail.c 85 / 100 SITI SAIDA ULFIA
3/31/2022 8:07:25 dwipuput446@gmail. 90 / 100 PUPUT DWI LESTAR
3/31/2022 8:07:25 sheilayunitafebrianti 80 / 100 SHEILA YUNITA FEB
3/31/2022 8:07:25 sitifatimatulkhoiriya 75 / 100 SITI FATIMATUL KH
3/31/2022 8:07:30 winawinarsih862@gma 75 / 100 WINARSIH
3/31/2022 8:07:33 yunitakusmawati120 75 / 100 YUNITA KUSMAWAT
3/31/2022 8:07:53 sitimeisaroh543@gma 90 / 100 SITI MAISAROH
3/31/2022 8:08:06 yunitafatmasari11@g 80 / 100 YUNITA FATMASARI
3/31/2022 8:08:12 rw0980477@gmail.c 60 / 100 RITA WAHYUNINGSI
3/31/2022 8:09:40 sitinurhasanah05090 70 / 100 SITI NURHASANAH
3/31/2022 8:09:59 tiarasetyani0102@gm 95 / 100 TIARA SETYANING
3/31/2022 8:10:02 risti.anjani25@gmail. 100 / 100 RISTIANJANI
3/31/2022 8:10:41 najwaimama@gmail. 100 / 100 NAJWA NURIL IMAM
3/31/2022 8:10:48 rifanikmah82@gmail. 100 / 100 RIFATUN NIKMAH
3/31/2022 8:10:48 widyaawid27@gmail. 95 / 100 WIDYA RAHMAWATI
4/1/2022 7:33:41 rafarelalvito32@gmai 50 / 100 RAFAREL ALVITO D
4/1/2022 7:33:44 revaldi.c.mukti@gmai 50 / 100 REVALDI CATUR MU
4/1/2022 7:39:26 rion62239@gmail.co 40 / 100 RIONALDO WISNU
4/1/2022 7:40:15 tribayuma@gmail.co 45 / 100 TRI BAYU MUSTIKA
4/1/2022 7:41:19 rahmatrehansaputra 50 / 100 RAHMAT REYHAN S
4/1/2022 7:47:13 zertiannurzaldy@gma 40 / 100 ZERTIAN NASHWA N
4/1/2022 7:47:21 tegarkurniawan1006 65 / 100 Tegar Kurniawan
4/1/2022 7:47:25 syachbanarayhan@gm 65 / 100 RAYHAN SYACHBAN
4/1/2022 7:47:29 rosisaputra992@gmai 45 / 100 ROSI SAPUTRA RAM
4/1/2022 7:47:36 novalberlianap@gmai 65 / 100 NOVAL BERLIAN A.
4/1/2022 7:47:46 dwisaputrarama994@ 60 / 100 Rama dwi saputra
4/1/2022 7:47:53 yosanpranata199@gm 55 / 100 MUHAMAD YOSAN P
4/1/2022 7:48:21 pramadanarko@gmail 45 / 100 PRAMADA TRIJUNA
4/1/2022 7:48:32 kevinardiansyah051@ 55 / 100 MUHAMMAD KEVIN F
4/1/2022 7:48:35 ythanzz06@gmail.co 55 / 100 PRANAJA BINTANG
4/1/2022 7:50:26 sahrulrhomadoni82@ 55 / 100 SAHRUL ROMADONI
4/1/2022 7:50:26 ramabintang582@gma 30 / 100 Rama Bintang N
4/1/2022 7:50:32 nosuryaadi2807@gma 55 / 100 SURYA ARDI PRASO
4/1/2022 7:50:34 yusufarif076@gmail. 55 / 100 YUSUF ARIF ADIYA
4/1/2022 7:52:27 san3project05@gmail 65 / 100 RIO AJI PRATAMA
4/1/2022 7:52:47 tribaguscahyana@gma 60 / 100 Tri Bagus Cahyana
4/1/2022 7:53:24 fwijaya930@gmail.co 50 / 100 MUHAMMAD FADIL
4/1/2022 7:53:24 rendypradana46958@ 35 / 100 MUHAMMAD RENDY
4/1/2022 7:53:46 nabilagung70@gmail 35 / 100 NABIL AGUNG EKO
4/1/2022 7:53:55 syahdanabdus99@gma 40 / 100 SYAHDAN ABDUS IB
4/1/2022 7:53:59 shandyprastyawan20 35 / 100 Shandy prastyawan
4/1/2022 7:54:03 rivanoye144@gmail. 50 / 100 RIVAN AGUNG WISN
4/1/2022 7:54:32 yusuhnihbos543@gma 55 / 100 Yusuf Maulana Wahyu
4/1/2022 7:54:42 setyansyahwahyu@gm 60 / 100 WAHYU SETYANSYA
4/1/2022 7:55:01 widjanarkowiby471@g 55 / 100 WIBY WIDJANARKO
4/1/2022 7:56:26 rendynugroho49@gma 60 / 100 MUHAMMAD RENDY
4/1/2022 7:56:45 navandafardanu@gma 55 / 100 NAVANDA FARDANU
4/1/2022 7:56:52 muahmmadwahyuseti 55 / 100 MUHAMMAD WAHYU
4/1/2022 7:56:55 ubaidillahfarhan94@g 55 / 100 MUHAMMAD FARHAN
4/1/2022 9:39:20 briannayla22@gmail. 50 / 100 BRIAN BUDI RAMAD
4/1/2022 9:42:06 ahmadjainalarifin64 50 / 100 AHMAD JAINAL ARIF
4/1/2022 9:42:25 dediaryanto635@gmai 45 / 100 DEDI ARYANTO
4/1/2022 9:42:58 destachenell@gmail. 60 / 100 DESTA ADI SETIAW
4/1/2022 9:43:23 ramadhaniahamad35 50 / 100 Ahmad Ramadhani
4/1/2022 9:44:00 afrizalfirdaus99@gma 50 / 100 AFRIZAL FIRDAUS
4/1/2022 9:45:13 ajiarya225@gmail.co 50 / 100 AJI ARYA PRATAMA
4/1/2022 9:45:39 anggafirmansyah09@ 65 / 100 ANGGA FIRMANSYA
4/1/2022 9:45:40 bennogeovani90@gma 45 / 100 BENNO GEOVANI
4/1/2022 9:45:41 adyaeka123@gmail. 55 / 100 ADYA EKA TIANDRI
4/1/2022 9:46:08 delondoweh@gmail.c 65 / 100 DELON ADITIA SAP
4/1/2022 9:46:53 arya96789@gmail.co 45 / 100 ARY AHMAD DANI
4/1/2022 9:47:11 ahmadridwanaditama 60 / 100 Ahmad Ridwan Adita
4/1/2022 9:47:16 davidaryanto855@gma 60 / 100 DAVID ARIANTO
4/1/2022 9:47:38 gembulbagas354@gm 30 / 100 BAGAS ADI PRASET
4/1/2022 9:47:50 aripsugiarto368@gma 50 / 100 Arip Sugiarto
4/1/2022 9:47:53 agungsetingan@gmai 65 / 100 AGUNG SETIAWAN
4/1/2022 9:49:14 aldyshirajjuddin070 65 / 100 ALDY ACHMAD SHIR
4/1/2022 9:49:21 dimasfadli1306@gmai 60 / 100 Dimas fadeli farmans
4/1/2022 9:49:49 agungprastiyono865 50 / 100 CATUR AJI SAPUTR
4/1/2022 9:49:57 yahyacroot036@gmai 55 / 100 AHMADYAHYA
4/1/2022 9:50:02 candrafebrian384@gm 55 / 100 CANDRA FEBRIAN
4/1/2022 9:50:03 boyabil911@gmail.co 55 / 100 ABIL SYAIF ROHMA
4/1/2022 9:50:03 tumirahdava@gmail. 55 / 100 Dava Athori Qhilalbi
4/1/2022 9:50:08 aryasaleho3@gmail. 45 / 100 ARIA KURNIAWAN
4/1/2022 9:50:11 arrayanlendras40@gm 55 / 100 ARRAYAN LENDRA S
4/1/2022 9:50:13 alvianalvian245@gma 55 / 100 ALVIAND YUMNAN A
4/1/2022 9:50:33 ahmadyogasetiyawan 55 / 100 AHMAD YOGA SETI
4/1/2022 9:50:42 dimasandriann66812 60 / 100 DIMAS ANDRIAN
4/1/2022 9:50:44 aldosetiawan8035@g 45 / 100 ALDO SETIAWAN
4/1/2022 9:50:44 slendrinoan@gmail.c 50 / 100 ALDI KURNIAWAN
4/1/2022 9:50:47 08deniarka06@gmail 50 / 100 DENI RAKA HANAN
4/1/2022 9:51:31 chokyferdiansyahana 45 / 100 CHOKY FERDIANSY
4/1/2022 9:53:39 setiopramonoa@gmai 60 / 100 AGUS SETIO PRAMO
4/1/2022 10:06:46 rudinnaza53@gmail. 55 / 100 ANGGA WAHDA NAZ
4/1/2022 10:32:33 farizhenky111@gmail 50 / 100 FARIZ HENKY PRAT
4/1/2022 11:12:17 fgilangmarhaban@gm 70 / 100 FARHAN GILANG M
4/1/2022 11:28:12 firdanyongkialamsya 65 / 100 FIRDAN YONGKI AL
4/1/2022 11:29:04 frozi2116@gmail.com 65 / 100 MOHAMMAD FAHRUL
4/1/2022 11:36:16 moh.thomas631@gma 55 / 100 M. THOMAS ROSSIK
4/1/2022 12:12:13 fr714621@gmail.com 50 / 100 FAJAR RIZKY WIBO
4/1/2022 12:16:30 frizaralfito21@gmail. 65 / 100 FRIZAR ALFITO HE
4/1/2022 12:19:38 okandikezulfikri@gma 55 / 100 M. OKAN DIKE ZULF
4/1/2022 12:34:42 andikaadidarmawan@ 75 / 100 HENDIKA ADI DARM
4/1/2022 12:52:04 faturrahman23456@g 55 / 100 MOH FATHUR RAHM
4/1/2022 13:03:21 mochamadradhyas26 55 / 100 MOCHAMAD RADHY
4/1/2022 13:12:29 yoga52706@gmail.c 70 / 100 M.JEHAN FAJAR P
4/1/2022 17:59:11 titanerby@gmail.com 75 / 100 MOHAMAD TITAN ER
4/1/2022 19:35:38 idhobiantoro@gmail. 70 / 100 IDHO BIANTORO
4/1/2022 20:05:59 nafzanisa480@gmail 25 / 100 NAFZA ALFATUN NI
4/1/2022 21:10:38 galangrizky407@gmai 70 / 100 GALANG RIZKI PRA
4/2/2022 5:33:38 regisrojabi@gmail.co 80 / 100 MOCHAMMAD REGIS
4/2/2022 6:46:22 mohammadarifinjulia 50 / 100 MOHAMMAD ARIFI J
4/2/2022 10:38:23 luqfigaming123@gmai 55 / 100 LUQFI SETIAWAN
4/2/2022 21:24:46 haikal99rrqendeacou 90 / 100 MOHAMAD HAIKAL
4/6/2022 0:58:48 donidwiprasetyo59@g 65 / 100 DONI DWI PRASETY
4/8/2022 5:51:59 dwikiefattah@gmail. 40 / 100 FATTAH DWIKIE SU
4/8/2022 10:02:24 mikopandi76@gmail. 60 / 100 MIKO DWI AFANDI
Class: 1. The route that has 2. The timetable show3. From the text we k
X APH 2 Bangkok – KamphaenThe route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – ChantaburThe route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – Kanchanab The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 2 Bangkok – Kanchanab The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 2 Bangkok – Kanchanab The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The longest distancesthe test will be condu
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – Kanchanab The route Onkhaluk –the placement test las
X APH 2 Bangkok – Kanchanab The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – KamphaenThere are eight routesthe test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – ChantaburThe cheapest fare is the test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – ChantaburThe cheapest fare is the test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – Kanchanab The cheapest fare is students cannot repres
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesstudents cannot repres
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong The longest distancesMs. Tomfohrde is resp
X APH 1 Bangkok – Kanchanab The longest distancesstudents cannot repres
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – KanchanabThere are eight routesthe test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – KanchanabThere are eight routesthe test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – KanchanabThe route Onkhaluk –the placement test las
X APH 1 Bangkok – ChantaburThe cheapest fare is students cannot repres
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X APH 2 Bangkok – Rayong The longest distancesMs. Tomfohrde is resp
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is Ms. Tomfohrde is resp
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X APH 1 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is Ms. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – KanchanabThe route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the placement test las
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the placement test las
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – ChantaburThe route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – KanchanabThere are eight routesthe placement test las
X TKR 3 Bangkok – ChantaburThe route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – KanchanabThe cheapest fare is the placement test las
X TKR 3 Bangkok – KanchanabThe route Onkhaluk –the placement test las
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is students cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is the placement test las
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –Ms. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –Ms. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKR 3 Bangkok – ChantaburThe longest distancesMs. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –Ms. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –Ms. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is students cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is the placement test las
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The longest distancesstudents cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The longest distancesstudents cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – ChantaburThe cheapest fare is Ms. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is students cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – ChantaburThe cheapest fare is Ms. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is students cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – KamphaenThe longest distancesstudents cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesMs. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKR 3 Bangkok – ChantaburThe longest distancesMs. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKR 3 Bangkok – ChantaburThe longest distancesMs. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The longest distancesMs. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKR 3 Bangkok – ChantaburThe longest distancesMs. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is students cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –Ms. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKR 3 Bangkok – ChantaburThere are eight routesstudents cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – ChantaburThere are eight routesMs. Tomfohrde is resp
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 3 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – KanchanabThe route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X TKR 1 Bangkok – KanchanabThe longest distancesthe placement test las
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – KanchanabThe longest distancesthe placement test las
X TKR 1 Bangkok – KamphaenThe route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – KanchanabThe longest distancesthe placement test las
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – KamphaenThe cheapest fare is students cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong The longest distancesthe placement test las
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 1 Bangkok – KamphaenThere are eight routesstudents cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the placement test las
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the placement test las
X TKR 1 Bangkok – KanchanabThe route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – KanchanabThe route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong There are eight routesthe test will be condu
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – ChantaburThe route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – KamphaenThere are eight routesstudents cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – KamphaenThere are eight routesstudents cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – KamphaenThe cheapest fare is students cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 1 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is the test will be condu
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The longest distancesthe test will be condu
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the placement test las
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is the test will be condu
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is students cannot repres
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKJ 2 Bangkok – KamphaenThe cheapest fare is the test will be condu
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –the test will be condu
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Kanchanab
The route Onkhaluk –the placement test las
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The cheapest fare is the placement test las
X TKR 2 Bangkok – Rayong The route Onkhaluk –students cannot repres
4. “The registration m5. What must we do if6. What must we do ac 7. Lunch is served for
Initiation Keep our food & beveKeep the environment 0
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Initiation Use the area to eat t Keep the environment 0
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environmentTrue, False
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment People are prohibited Put the trash everywh 1
Initiation Keep our food & beveKeep spreading the tr 0
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Application We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Application We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Application Keep our food & beveKeep the environment 1
Enrollment Keep our food & beveKeep the environmentTrue, False
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thHelp keeping the tras 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Application We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Application We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Application People are prohibited Keep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environmentTrue, False
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment Keep our food & beveKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation Keep our food & beveKeep the environment 0
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Initiation People are prohibited Keep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Enrollment Keep our food & beveKeep the environment 0
Initiation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environmentTrue, False
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment Keep our food & beveKeep the environment 0
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment Keep our food & beveKeep the environment 0
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 0
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment People are prohibited Keep the environment 1
Enrollment People are prohibited Keep the environment 1
Enrollment People are prohibited Keep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment People are prohibited Keep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment People are prohibited Keep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment People are prohibited Keep the environment 1
Enrollment People are prohibited Keep the environment 1
Enrollment People are prohibited Keep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment Keep our food & beveKeep the environment 1
Orientation We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Enrollment We shouldn't eat at thKeep the environment 1
Orientation People are prohibited Keep the environment 0
Enrollment People are prohibited Keep the environment 1
8. Bread and butter co9. What is the annou 10. What should the 11. Mathematics is th
1 The advisory to checkTo make a report to the difficulter
1 The probable postponeTo alter the flight schemost difficult
1 The probable postponeTo alter the flight schemost difficult
1 The probable postponeTo alter the flight schemost difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline more difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo alter the flight schemost difficult
1 The probable postponeTo alter the flight schemost difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The cancelation of coTo alter the flight schemost difficult
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficulter
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
True, False The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The probable postponeTo cancel the previous difficultest
1 The security preparatTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The probable postponeTo alter the flight schemost difficult
0 The cancelation of coTo alter the flight schemore difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline difficulter
0 The cancelation of coTo alter the flight schemore difficult
0 The advisory to checkTo make a report to the difficultest
0 The cancelation of coTo make a report to the more difficult
0 The cancelation of coTo alter the flight schedifficultest
0 The probable postponeTo alter the flight schemost difficult
0 The cancelation of coTo alter the flight schemost difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The cancelation of coTo make a report to the most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline difficultest
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The cancelation of coTo alter the flight schemore difficult
1 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline difficultest
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline more difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
True, False The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The security preparatTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The advisory to checkTo alter the flight schedifficultest
True, False The security preparatTo contact the airline more difficult
1 The security preparatTo alter the flight schemost difficult
1 The advisory to checkTo make a report to the most difficult
1 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline more difficult
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline more difficult
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline more difficult
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline more difficult
1 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The probable postponeTo alter the flight schemost difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo make a report to the most difficult
0 The advisory to checkTo alter the flight schemost difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The security preparatTo contact the airline difficultest
1 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The probable postponeTo alter the flight schedifficultest
0 The probable postponeTo alter the flight schedifficultest
0 The security preparatTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The probable postponeTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
0 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
0 The security preparatTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The security preparatTo cancel the previous most difficult
0 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
0 The security preparatTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The security preparatTo cancel the previous difficultest
0 The security preparatTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The security preparatTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The security preparatTo cancel the previous difficultest
0 The security preparatTo alter the flight schedifficulter
0 The security preparatTo cancel the previous difficultest
0 The cancelation of coTo alter the flight schemore difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline difficulter
0 The cancelation of coTo alter the flight schedifficultest
0 The probable postponeTo cancel the previous difficultest
0 The security preparatTo contact the airline difficulter
0 The security preparatTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The probable postponeTo alter the flight schedifficultest
0 The security preparatTo contact the airline difficultest
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The security preparatTo cancel the previous difficulter
1 The security preparatTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficulter
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
True, False The security preparatTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The probable postponeTo contact the airline difficulter
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous difficultest
0 The probable postponeTo contact the airline difficulter
0 The cancelation of coTo alter the flight schedifficulter
0 The probable postponeTo contact the airline difficulter
1 The probable postponeTo cancel the previous most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous difficulter
0 The probable postponeTo contact the airline difficultest
1 The probable postponeTo cancel the previous most difficult
0 The security preparatTo contact the airline difficultest
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous difficulter
True, False The cancelation of coTo alter the flight schemore difficult
0 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
0 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
0 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
0 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline difficulter
0 The security preparatTo contact the airline difficultest
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline difficulter
1 The probable postponeTo cancel the previous most difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline difficulter
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo alter the flight schemost difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline difficultest
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline difficultest
0 The cancelation of coTo cancel the previous most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo alter the flight schedifficultest
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The security preparatTo contact the airline difficultest
1 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline more difficult
0 The probable postponeTo alter the flight schemost difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo contact the airline most difficult
1 The cancelation of coTo alter the flight schedifficulter
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
0 The advisory to checkTo contact the airline difficultest
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline difficulter
1 The probable postponeTo contact the airline most difficult
12. My new job is ……13. Cheese butter pota
14. Risma and Riri join
15. My brother always ra
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goodest fewer - more More far As smart as
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goodest fewer - more More far As smart as
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better more - less Farther As smart as
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goodest less - more More far Smartest
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best less - more Farrer Smarter than
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better fewer - more Farther Smarter than
better more - fewer Farther As smart as
goodest fewer - more More far Smarter than
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better more - less Farther Smarter
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better less - more Farther As smart as
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goodest fewer - more More far Smarter than
goodest fewer - more More far Smarter than
better less - more Farther As smart as
gooder fewer - more More far As smart as
better less - more Farther As smart as
gooder less - more Farther As smart as
gooder fewer - more Farther Smarter than
better more - fewer Farther As smart as
goodest less - more More far As smart as
gooder fewer - more More far As smart as
gooder fewer - more More far As smart as
gooder fewer - more More far As smart as
gooder fewer - more More far As smart as
better less - more Farther Smarter than
better less - more Farther As smart as
better less - more More far As smart as
better less - more More far As smart as
gooder fewer - more More far As smart as
goodest fewer - more More far As smart as
gooder fewer - more More far As smart as
gooder fewer - more More far As smart as
better fewer - more Farthest Smarter than
better more - fewer Farther Smarter than
better more - less More far As smart as
better more - less More far As smart as
better more - fewer More far As smart as
better more - fewer More far As smart as
better more - fewer More far As smart as
gooder more - fewer More far As smart as
better more - fewer More far As smart as
better more - fewer More far As smart as
gooder more - fewer More far As smart as
gooder less - more More far As smart as
gooder more - fewer More far As smart as
better more - less More far As smart as
goodest fewer - more Farthest Smarter
goodest fewer - more Farthest Smarter
gooder less - more Farther As smart as
gooder less - more Farther As smart as
gooder more - fewer More far As smart as
goodest more - fewer More far As smart as
gooder fewer - more Farther Smarter than
gooder more - fewer More far As smart as
gooder more - fewer More far As smart as
gooder more - fewer More far As smart as
gooder more - fewer More far As smart as
gooder fewer - more Farther Smarter than
gooder fewer - more Farther Smarter than
gooder fewer - more Farther Smarter than
gooder more - fewer More far As smart as
gooder more - fewer More far As smart as
gooder more - fewer Farthest As smart as
gooder more - fewer More far As smart as
gooder more - fewer More far As smart as
gooder more - fewer More far As smart as
gooder more - less More far As smart as
gooder fewer - more Farther Smarter than
best less - more Farthest As smart as
gooder less - more Farther As smart as
better less - more Farther Smarter than
better more - fewer Farthest Smartest
better more - less Farrer Smarter
better fewer - more More far As smart as
goodest more - fewer Farthest Smartest
better more - less Farther As smart as
better less - more Farther As smart as
better fewer - more More far As smart as
better less - more Farther Smarter than
better more - less Farther Smarter
better less - more Farther Smarter
gooder fewer - more More far Smarter
better fewer - more Farther As smart as
better more - less Farther As smart as
better fewer - more Farther Smarter
goodest fewer - more More far As smart as
better less - more More far As smart as
better more - less Farther As smart as
goodest fewer - more More far As smart as
better more - less Farthest Smarter than
The following test is f 17. What did the hunt18. What did hunter f The following test is f
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Upset. to explain how owls ha
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Scared. to explain how owls ha
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the strongest Scared. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the strongest Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the strongest Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Upset. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Upset. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the strongest Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to relate the writer’s
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Jealous. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s RewaHe was the smartest Jealous. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the strongest Jealous. to relate the writer’s
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to explain how owls ha
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Upset. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the smartest Scared. to relate the writer’s
A Woodcutter’s AdvicNobody defeated him.Scared. to explain how owls ha
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Disappointed. to entertain the reade
A Woodcutter’s RewaHe was the strongest Disappointed. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to explain how owls ha
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Disappointed. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Disappointed. to explain how owls ha
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Disappointed. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Disappointed. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Upset. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Upset. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Upset. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Upset. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to relate the writer’s
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Disappointed. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Woodcutter’s RewaHe was the most cou Disappointed. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s RewaHe was the most cou Disappointed. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s RewaHe was the most cou Disappointed. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the strongest Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the smartest Jealous. to relate the writer’s
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Disappointed. to explain how owls ha
A Boastful Hunter He was the smartest Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Upset. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Upset. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Woodcutter’s AdvicNobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Woodcutter’s AdvicNobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to explain how owls ha
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to explain how owls ha
A Brave woodcutter He was the strongest Scared. to relate the writer’s
A Brave woodcutter He was the strongest Scared. to relate the writer’s
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Upset. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the strongest Scared. to explain how owls ha
A Boastful Hunter He was the smartest Scared. to explain how owls ha
A Boastful Hunter He was the smartest Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Upset. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the smartest Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the strongest Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Upset. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the smartest Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Upset. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Upset. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the strongest Upset. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Upset. to explain how owls ha
A Boastful Hunter He was the strongest Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the strongest Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter He was the smartest Scared. to entertain the reade
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the strongest Scared. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the strongest Scared. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the most cou Disappointed. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the strongest Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Upset. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the strongest Upset. to explain how owls ha
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Scared. to relate the writer’s
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s RewaHe was the most cou Disappointed. to explain how owls ha
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the strongest Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the strongest Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Woodcutter’s AdvicNobody defeated him.Scared. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s AdvicNobody defeated him.Scared. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s RewaNobody defeated him.Scared. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s RewaNobody defeated him.Scared. to describe owls and
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Woodcutter’s RewaNobody defeated him.Scared. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Scared. to explain how owls ha
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the most cou Scared. to explain how owls ha
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Upset. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the most cou Disappointed. to explain how owls ha
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Disappointed. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the smartest Disappointed. to explain how owls ha
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the smartest Disappointed. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Upset. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to relate the writer’s
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Upset. to entertain the reade
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to explain how owls ha
A Woodcutter’s AdvicHe was the strongest Upset. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Scared. to explain how owls ha
A Woodcutter’s RewaNobody defeated him.Scared. to explain how owls ha
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Upset. to explain how owls ha
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Upset. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to entertain the reade
A Woodcutter’s RewaHe was the strongest Scared. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter He was the most cou Upset. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the most cou Scared. to describe owls and
A Brave woodcutter Nobody defeated him.Scared. to describe owls and
A Woodcutter’s RewaNobody defeated him.Jealous. to entertain the reade
A Boastful Hunter He was the strongest Upset. to relate the writer’s
20. What can we learn from the story?
Friendship is very easy to build.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Boasting will do more harm to others.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
Boasting will do more harm to others.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
Boasting will do more harm to others.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Boasting will do more harm to others.
We can do anything if we are together.
Boasting will do more harm to others.
Boasting will do more harm to others.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Boasting will do more harm to others.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
Boasting will do more harm to others.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
Friendship is very easy to build.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
Boasting will do more harm to others.
We can do anything if we are together.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Friendship is very easy to build.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Boasting will do more harm to others.
Boasting will do more harm to others.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Friendship is very easy to build.
We can do anything if we are together.
Boasting will do more harm to others.
We can do anything if we are together.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Boasting will do more harm to others.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Boasting will do more harm to others.
We can do anything if we are together.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Friendship is very easy to build.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
Being too proud does not make us noble.
We can do anything if we are together.

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