B. C. (Sem. VI) (CBCS) (W.E.F. 2016) Examination: Faculty Code: 003 Subject Code: 1036001

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P-003-1036001 Seat No. _

B. C. A. (Sem. VI) (CBCS) (W.E.F. 2016) Examination
March / April - 2020
CS - 31: Mobile Computing Using Android & Iphone

Faculty Code : 003

Subject Code : 1036001

Time : 2··· Hours] [Total Marks : 70

1 (A) Attempt the following : 4

(1) NFC stands for _

(2) DDMS stands for _

(3) OILt\. stands for .....__

(4) SDK stands for. __

(B) Attempt anyone : 2

(1) What is android runtime?

(2) What is AVD?

(e) Attempt anyone : 3

(1) Explain Androidmainfest.xnl

(2) What is pending intent?

(D) Attempt anyone : 5

(1) Explain Android architecture

(2) Explain Activity Life Cycle

P-003-1036001 I 1 [ Contd ....

2 (A) Attempt the following : 4

(1) ____ view enables users to select a time of

the day.

(2) enable you to specify the location of

child objects relative to each other.

(3) Which android component that manages

appearance and format on screen is called 'J

(4) What is the meaning of Toggle Buttons?

(B) Attempt anyone 2

(1) What IS canvas'?

(2) What IS Progress Bar?

(C) Attempt anyone : 3

(1) Explain Simple Cursor Adapter

(2) Explain TimePicker

(D) Attempt anyone : 5

(1) Exlain different types of Layout III detail.

(2) Explain types of animation

3 (A) Attempt the following : 4

(1) Which enable to store the data III a structured

manner in android?
(2) What IS the use of getFilesDirO ?

(3) enables you to get index of column.

(4) To read from a database, method is

P-003-1036001 ] 2 [ Contd ....

(B) Attempt anyone : 2
(1) What is contract class?
(2) What is External Storage?

(C) Attempt anyone : 3

(1) Explain Schema
(2) How to retrieve available free space m your

(D) Attempt anyone : 5

(1) What is shared preferences? Explain methods for
create, search, read, add, update and delete shared
(2) What is SQLite Database? Explain methods for
creating, updating, and deleting and querying
database records.

4 (A) Attempt the following : 4

(1) Full form of JSON
(2) Full form of GPS
(3) Full form of LBS
(4) to perform a GET and download your data.

(B) Attempt anyone : 2

(1) What is Inputstream?
(2) What is notification?

(C) Attempt anyone : 3

(1) Explain Geocoding locations.
P-003-1036001 ] 3 [ Contd ....
(D) Attempt anyone : 5

(1) Explain how to check the Network Connection

(2) 'Write steps to publish your android application

5 (A) Attempt the following 4

(1) MVC stands for _

(2) IDE stands for _

(3) is a visual design editor that's integrated

into xcode.
(4) In Iphone operating system IS used.

(B) Attempt anyone 2

(1) What 1S control state?

(2) What IS TextField?

(C) Attempt anyone : 3

(1) Explain XCODE

(2) Explain Coca Touch

CD) Attempt anyone : 5

(1) Explain framework m detail

(2) Explain MVC

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