Sample Questions of The Department of Philosophy
Sample Questions of The Department of Philosophy
Sample Questions of The Department of Philosophy
Set 1
1. Who is the Father of modern philosophy?
a) Locke b) Kant
b) Descartes d) Plato
a) Hume b) Berkeley
c)Kant d) Locke
a)Descartes b) Locke
c)Spinoza d)Kant
a) Ayer b)Kant
c)Spencer d)Aristotle
a) One b) Three
c) Four d) Two
a) Charvaka b) Buddhism
c) Nyaya d) Jaina
a) Kanada b) Gautama
c) Samkara d) Patanjali
a) Samkara b) Kumaril
c) Ramanuja d) Madhav
a) Dharma b) Artha
c) Kama d) Isvara
a) Contrary b) Contradiction
a) Certain b) Probable
c) Truth d) Proved
a) True b) False
c) Uncertain d) Probable
15. CAMENES is –
a) Rabindranath b) Vivekananda
c) Tolstoy d) Arobindo
a) Samkara b) Ramanuja
c) Madhav d) Nimbarka
18. How many types of Arya Satya have been accepted in Bauddha philosophy?
a) One b) Two
c) Three d) Four
a) Nyaya b) Buddha
c) Jaina d) Vaisesika
a) Nyaya b) Mimansa
c) Charvaka d) Vedanta
a) One b) Two
c) Three d) Four
a) Spinoza b) Descartes
c) Locke d) Hume
a) Two b) Three
c) One d) Four
a) E proposition b) I proposition
c) A proposition d) O proposition
a) True b) False
a) One b) Two
c) Three d) Four
29. Obversion of A is
a) E b) I
c) O d) A
30. Conversion of O is
a) A b) E
c) I d) Impossible
Answer Key
1. c
2. c
3. a
4. d
5. c
6. a
7. b
8. a
9. a
10. d
11. a
12. c
13. b
14. a
15. d
16. a
17. a
18. d
19. b
20. c
21. c
22. a
23. a
24. d
25. b
26. b
27. c
28. b
29. a
30. d
Set 2
(a) Gautam Buddha (b)Maharshi Goutam (C) Kapil Muni (d) Patanjali
5. According to Buddhists the theory about self is called -------(a) Dehatmabada (b)
3. What are the twenty five evolutes stated in the Sankhya philosophy?
10. Point out the difference between purusa and prakriti after Sankhya philosophy?
11. What according to the Sankhya system are the reasons for admitting the existence of prakriti?
13. Which pramana according to the Bhatta Mimamsa causes the cognition of an absence of a
19. Discuss after Ramanujacharya regarding the relatio between Brahman on the one hand and
jiva and jagat on the other?
Paper - 3
32. How does Locke distinguish between the Primary and secondary qualities of matter?
38.How does Kant prove that mathematical judgments are a priori and synthetic?
Paper - 4
48.What is truth?
49. Why don't the modern logicians accept contrary opposition as valid opposition?
54.What is Dilemma?
Paper 5
62.What is pakshta .
66.Discuss in detail the Nyaya and Mimamsa view regarding the knowledge of the validity of
69.Explain with illustration the different meaning of the word 'purpose '.