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Submitted By

Aravindan P (17109003)
Hema Prakash K (17109004)
Bala Murugavel S (17109005)
Krishna S (17109058)

PADUR, CHENNAI - 603 103


Certified that this project report titled “DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF G+3
COMMERTIAL BUILDING” is the bonafide work of “Aravindan P (17109003)”,
“HemaPrakash K (17109004)”, “Bala Murugavel S (17109005)”, “Krishna S
(17109058)” who carried out the project work under my supervision. Certified further that to
the best of my knowledge the work reported here does not form part of any other project /
research work on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on
this or any other candidate.


Dr. Angeline Prabhavathy Dr. Samuel J
Professor Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Hindustan Institute of Technology Hindustan Institute of Technology
and Science and Science

The Project Viva-Voce Examination held on _______________


Any construction project to begin with starts with the Layout of the building or structure followed by
Design and Analysis of the structure which is succeeded by cost estimation and planning for the said
project. This project involves the layout, design, analysis, planning of a G+3 commertial building located
in Kodambakkam, Chennai.

The layout of the proposed G+3 commertial building is based on a plot of size 148’3” X 32’3” plot area is
5200 sq.ft the ground floor area is 4800 sq.ft ; first floor area is 4800 sq.ft ; second floor area is 4800
sq.ft ; third floor area is 4800 sq.ft. All the drafting was done using AutoCAD. Also these drawings made
on AutoCAD also served as a base for transfer of the structure for analysis and design into STAAD Pro.

The analysis and design of the entire structure has been completed using STAAD pro. The results include
the various forces acting on various members as well various schedules for various members. Also using
the software we got the concrete take-off as well as the weight of the various reinforcement bars. The
foundation has been designed as an isolated footing using soil condition as medium.

First and foremost I would like to thank the Lord Almighty for his presence and immense blessings
throughout the project work.
It’s a matter of pride and privilege for me to express my deep gratitude to the management of HITS
for providing me the necessary facilities and support.
I am highly elated in expressing my sincere and abundant respect to the Pro Vice Chancellor
Dr.R.W.Alexander Jesudasan for giving me this opportunity to bring out and implement my ideas in this
I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Angeline Prabhavathy, professor and Head of
Department of Civil Engineering for much of his valuable support encouragement in carrying out this
I would like to thank my guide, Dr. Samuel J Assistant Professor for continually guiding and
actively participating in my project, giving valuable suggestions to complete the project work.
I would like to thank all the technical and teaching staff of the Civil Engineering Department who
extended or indirectly for all the support.
Last, but not the least ,I am deeply indebted to my parents who have been the greatest support
while I worked day and night for the project to make it a success.

Aravindan P
Hema Prakash K
Bala Murugavel S
Krishna S

1.1 GENERAL  1

2.1 AUTOCAD  4
2.2 STAAD PRO  4
2.3 CASE STUDY  6 

3.1 STUDY OF IS 875 1987  8

4.1 GENERAL  10

5.1 GENERAL  14
5.5 LOADING  17

6.1 GENERAL  24

7. RESULTS  26



SI NO Table Page No
1 General Layout Details
2 Structural Details

Besides all the fundamentals of planning discussed, following practical points should be additionally

1) The elements of the building should be strong and capable to withstand the likely adverse effects of
natural agencies.

2) Strength, stability, convenience and comfort of the occupants should be the first consideration in

3) Elevation should be simple but attractive. The number of doors and windows provided should be less
for a bank building.

4) The provisions of built in furniture at proper places are useful from the point of view of utility.


The plan and detailing is drawn using AUTO CADD. The structure is analyzed using STAAD PRO. The
proposed area of the buinding is 5200sq.ft. The shape of the building is rectangular in plan, The building
consists of ground floor and first floor, second floor, third floor.

A -Cross sectional area

B -Breath of the beam or slab
D- Overall depth of beam or slab
d -Effective depth of beam or slab-Effective depth of beam or slab
fck -Characteristic strength of the concrete
fy -Characteristic strength of the steel
Lex- Effective length of shorter side of slab
Ley- Effective length of longer side of slab
S- Spacing of stirrups
V -Shear force
Vu- Design Shear force
W- Total load
P -Axial load
Pu- Ultimate load
C -Clear Cover
N.C -Nominal Cover
C -Clear Cover
N.C -Nominal Cover
Tv -Actual Shear Stress
Tc max- Maximum Shear Stress
Tc -Permissible Shear Stress-Permissible Shear Stress
d -Diameter of bar
Wu- Factored load
Le- Effective length
Ast- Area of tension steel
Acc -Area of concrete
F.L- Floor finish load
DL- Dead load
C.C -Reinforced cement concrete
L -Clear Span
c/c- Center to center distance
S.F -Shear Force
MBM- Maximum Bending Moment

1. Beam and column Layout using Layers

2. Plan Layout of 1st, 2nd, 3rd& 4thFloor
3. Plan of G+4 Structure
4. Elevation of G+4 Structure
5. Generation of Member and Member property
6. Support Generation for the structure
7. Dead Load from slab acting on the structure\
8. Live Load acting on the structure
9. Input of Seismic Parameters
10. Load Combinations Acting on the Structure
11. GUI showing analysing and design window
12. Assigning Design parameters to the whole structure
13. Input of Design parameters into STAAD Pro
14. Beam 158 Schedule
15. Beam 158 Shear Bending
16. Beam 729 Schedule
17. Beam 729 Deflection
18. Column 790 Schedule
19. Column 1088 Schedule
20. Design Window of STAAD Foundation
21. Elevation of Foundation 127
22. Entry of all Activities in Primavera
23. Gantt Chart Showing the time scale and relationship between Activities
24. Assigning resources to the various activities
25. Yellow Highlight Showing completed activities
26. Gantt Chart after updating the progress
Chapter 1 

1.1 General
Any construction project to begin with starts with the Layout of the building or structure followed by
Design and Analysis of the structure which is succeeded by cost estimation and planning for the said
project. This project involves the layout, design, analysis, planning of a G+3 commertial building located
in Kodambakkam, Chennai.

For completing the project very popular Civil Engineering software’s such as AutoCAD,
STAAD Pro V8i have been used.

1.2 Objectives of the Project

The objectives of the project are mentioned below:

1. Draft the Layout of the proposed building using AutoCAD
2. Analyse and Design the building on STAAD Pro V8i

The primary objective of this project is to gain sufficient knowledge in planning, analysis, and design of

The project deals with the plan and design of a commertial building. It is a reinforced concrete framed
structure consisting of G+3 with adequate facilities.

IS 456:2000 codes is the basic code for general construction in concrete structures, hence all the structural
members are designed using limit state method in accordance with the IS 456:2000 code and design aids.

The building includes the following:

1. Store room

2. Reception Lobby

3. Lift.

4. Work Station

5. Dining Hall
6. Cabins

7. Service Room

8. Pantry

9. Prayer Room

10. Toilet.
The building has proper ventilation, it is provided with sufficient doors and windows Water supply and
electrification are also provide
1.3 Role of AutoCAD

AutoCAD is a commercial software application for 2D and 3D computer aided design and drafting for
various fields in engineering like civil, mechanical, electrical, automation, architecture etc. It was first
launched in 1982 by Autodesk, Inc.

AutoCAD Architecture allows designers to draw 3D objects such as walls, doors and windows, with more
intelligent data associated with them rather than simple objects. The data can be programmed to represent
products sold in the building industry, or it can be extracted into a file for pricing material estimation etc.

In this project AutoCAD has been used extensively for drafting and modelling for the structure. Also the
various detailing for the foundation has also been completed using AutoCAD. Use of AutoCAD has
drastically reduced the drafting time when done manually thus saving time which can be used in other
productive work

A slab is a two-dimensional structure which is used as floors and roofs. It transfers the imposed load and
self-weight to walls or beam. Depending upon the ratio of length to width, slabs are classified as one-way
slab and two-way slabs.
If the ratio of the longer span to the shorter span is less than two, then it is treated as two-way slabs. Also
depending on the nature of the support conditions, they are classified as simply supported slabs, cantilever
slabs, or continuous slabs.
As per IS 875 part 2 the load acting on the slabs depends on usage of the floor's kitchen, corridor etc. The
total load has been calculated considering all possible loads such as rooms, imposed load and self-weight.

Beams are the horizontal part of a structure which transfers all loads including its self- Weight to the
vertical members of the structure. The beams are classified as following
Classification of beams based on reinforcement

a) Singly reinforced beam

If reinforcement is provided only at the bottom (tension zone) of the beam it is known as singly reinforced

b) Doubly reinforced beam

If reinforcement is provided both at the top and bottom (tension and compression zone) of the beam it is
known as doubly reinforced beam
Classification of beams based on the support condition

• Simply supported beams

The beam which simply rests on the walls or the columns is called as simply supported
beams. In this type of beams, the bending causes tension on the bottom side. In order to
overcome the bending stresses, reinforcement is provided in the tension side.

• Fixed beams

In this type both the ends of the beams are fixed or embedded in wall. Here bending is
constrained at the support. Main reinforcement and shear stirrups are placed as in case of
simply supported beams.

• Cantilever beams

One end of the beam is fixed and the other end is free. This type of beams has tension in the
top side and compression in the bottom side.

• Continuous beams

Beams with more than two supports are called as continuous beams. When a slab is cast
monolithically with beam, a T- beam is developed. This beam is more economical.

• Over hanging beam

The beam which extends more than support is called as an overhanging beam. Over hanging
may be one side or on both sides.


Column is a vertical structural member used to support compressive load and bending
moment.it transmits the load coming from the slab and beam including self-weight to the
foundation, Reinforcement concrete columns may be square, rectangle, circular, hexagonal
and octagonal.

Type of columns based on the effective length

 Short column
If the ratio of the effective length to the least lateral dimension is less than or equal to 12. is
the column is known as short column.

 Long column

If the ratio of the effective length to the least lateral dimension is greater than 12, is shown as
long column.

1.3.2 Types of columns based on loading

a) Axially loaded short column

b) Combine axial load and uniaxial bending

c) Combine subjected to axial load and biaxial bending


Foundation is the part of the structure that lies below the ground level. The shape and size of
the foundation depends on the type of the structure and nature of the soil on which the
structure rests ultimately. If the structure is light foundation of shallow depth is adopted. If
structure is heavy or if the foundation of the soil is weak, deep foundations are used.

Types of foundation
1.4.1.a Shallow foundation
Shallow foundation is laid up to the depth of three meters below the natural ground level
Different types of shallow foundations are:

a) Wall footing It is also known as the strip footing. They provide continuous and
longitudinal bearing for load. are used where soil of good bearing is available at a depth
of less than 3 meters from ground level. They are two types
 Simple footing
 Stepped footing
b) Isolated footing
This is the single column footing. The area of footing is such that the intensity of loading is
less than the safe bearing capacity of the soil.
c) Combined footing
These footings are used for two or more columns located on the boundary of the property.
They are also used when the isolated footing are very close to each other
d) Raft or mat foundation
It is a substructure that supports the arrangement of column covering entire area of
foundation. When a combined footing covers a number of columns in a row or rows it is
known as a raft or mat foundation. It transmits the loads to the soil below through a
continuous slab. Raft foundation may also consist of beams and slabs.
1.4.1.b Deep foundation
When the depth of excavation is more than 3 meters or if the bearing capacity of soil is low
deep foundation is used. Pile foundation is the deep foundation widely used.

Different types of pile foundation are:

a) End bearing pile

These piles are adopted when hard stratum is available at a depth of 10 meters to 15 meters.
This pile supports the load mainly by the resistance developed at the base point. This pile acts
as a column.

b) Friction pile
These piles carry loads mainly due to the friction developed between the pile surface and the
soil particles surrounding them. This pile is known as floating pile

c) Under reamed pile

When a foundation soil happens to be highly swelling and shrinking (very soft clay, black
cotton soil filled earth) under reamed piles is used. This pile has one or two bulbs
(enlargements) near the bottom end. Depending upon the bulb it is called single under reamed
pile or multi under reamed pile.

1.4 Role of STAAD Pro

STAAD Pro V8i has a very user friendly interface and very useful for designing complex
structures and analysing them. STAAD Pro V8i is a design and structural analysis program
developed by Research Engineers International, CA. It was acquired by Bentley Systems
in2005. It is one of the most widely used design and structural analysis software’s for
concrete, steel and timber design codes.

STAAD pro allows designers and structural engineers to design and analyse virtually anytype
of structure through its very flexible modelling environment, fluent data collection and
advanced features.

STAAD pro supports over 70 international codes including IS456:2000 IS800:2007 and

over20 U.S codes in more than 7 languages.

STAAD pro is able to integrate with other Bently Products such as STAAD. Foundation and
Pro Steel and. It is also able to integrate with other third party applications thus giving a good
flexibility to designers working on various

Using STAAD Pro one can check all the structural parameters in a design such as bending
moment analysis, shear force analysis, buckling in a column, loads, deflection there by
helping the structural engineer in designing the structure better.
STAAD pro V8i also has the DESIGN feature which enables engineers to calculate design
data including the reinforcement in case of concrete design. This features also corrects the
designers in case of any mistake and rectify it. It is also useful in cost estimation as it also
gives the various quantities of steel, reinforcement and concrete take off there by reducing the
load of cost estimation from the engineer.
Chapter 2 
Literature Review

2.1 AutoCAD

AutoCAD is a commercial software application for 2D and 3D computer aided design and
drafting for various fields in engineering like civil, mechanical, electrical,
automation ,architecture etc. It was first launched in 1982 by Autodesk, Inc.

AutoCAD Architecture allows designers to draw 3D objects such as walls, doors and
windows, with more intelligent data associated with them rather than simple objects. The data
can be programmed to represent products sold in the building industry, or it can be extracted
into a file for pricing material estimation etc.

AutoCAD or Computer Aided Design is a very helpful tool in drafting and designing any
structure. AutoCAD uses a Graphical User Interface for the purpose of drafting and designing
any structure. The software has various inbuilt tools for complex drafting. Also AutoCAD
can be used for 2D and 3D design and also for perspective design. Below is a screenshot of
the GUI of AutoCAD.

With the help of AutoCAD all the drafting for the project has been done. It has made the life
of a drafter quite easy than the conventional drafter using paper and pencil. It has made
possible to make easy changes in the drawing as and when required. Also various commands
such as COPY, OFFSET, ROTATE, MOVE have made the tedious process of redundant
work quite easy and faster.

Also one of the important features of AutoCAD is the import and export feature which allows
users to move their plans drawn using autocad to other design softwares such as STAAD Pro
and ETABS with the help of DXF file format which has in turn reduced load on the designer.
Also structural designs made on STAAD and ETABS are also exportable to AutoCAD for
minute detailing required.

2.2 STAAD Pro

STAAD Pro V8i has a very user friendly interface and very useful for designing complex
structures and analysing them. STAAD Pro V8i is a design and structural analysis program
developed by Research Engineers International , CA. It was acquired by Bentley Systems in
2005. It is one of the most widely used design and structural analysis software’s for concrete,
steel and timber design codes.

STAAD pro allows designers and structural engineers to design and analyse virtually anytype
of structure through its very flexible modelling environment, fluent data collection and
advanced features.

STAAD pro supports over 70 international codes including IS456:2000 IS800:2007 and
over20 U.S codes in more than 7 languages.
The GUI or Graphical User Interface or user communicates with the STAAD Pro analysis
engine through the standard input file. That input file, a text file consists of a series of
commands which are sequentially executed. These commands contain either instructions or
data pertaining to analysis and/or design. The STAAD Pro input file may be created through
the text editor or the GUI facility. Generally, any text editor can be utilized to edit/create the
STD input file. The GUI Modelling facility creates the input file through an interactive
graphics oriented procedure.

STAAD allows users to create various types of structures and also analyse these structures
which are listed below
1. A SPACE structure, is a 3D-frame structure in which loads may be applied in any
plane, it is the most general type.
2. A PLANE structure is bound by any two axes with loads acting on the same plane.
3. A TRUSS structure is a structure having various truss members with axial loading but
no bending.
4. A FLOOR structure is a 2D or 3D structure with no horizontal movement of the
structure. Columns are also to be modelled with the floor in a FLOOR structure as
long as the structure has no horizontal loading. In case there is a horizontal load, it
should be analysed as a SPACE structure.

2.3 Azidah Ziden, Fatariah Zakaria & Ahmad Nizam Othman (Universiti
Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia) 2012:

This study shows how AutoCAD can be an effective tool in increasing the performance of
students of various levels. It helps in proper visualisation of the project to be undertaken and
thus help students in learning Engineering Design better. The study also shows how
AutoCAD increases the efficiency of the student/designer.
Chapter 3 

3.1 Study of IS 875 1987

IS 875 deals with the various load cases that act upon a structure and ways to calculate them.
There are various parts of the code that deal with the various load types such as dead load,
live load, wind load, snow load and various special loads and load combinations. As the
building is situated in Delhi and is not a high rise building, loads such as wind and snow were
not considered in the design process.

The Code gives the unit weights of various materials as well as the values of imposed loads
that act in various types of structures and parts of these structures.

3.2 Preparation of Building Layout using AutoCAD

The layout for the proposed building was prepared, discussed and approved by an architect.
The layout was then prepared using AutoCAD. The various layouts were prepared and then
later discussed with the architect for error correction.

3.3 Analysis and Design using STAAD Pro

Once the layout of the building was approved by the architect the layout was transferred from
AutoCAD to STAAD Pro using a DXF file format. Once the layout was transferred, multiple
stories were created using the Translational Repeat Tool in Staad Pro. After this member
properties were assigned. Next the load cases were generated and applied to the structure.
Once the loads were applied the structure was analysed and corrections were made to the
structure for the various errors that were generated while the structure was being analysed.

After the analysis, we started designing the structure by entering the DESIGN tab in STAAD
Pro. All the design parameters were entered and load cases selected. This completes the
design of the beam, columns and slabs.

For designing the foundation STAAD foundation program is opened and the structure along
with the load cases is transferred. Once this is done the soil conditions and the type of
foundation is entered. After this the program analyses and designs the foundation.
Chapter 4 
Layout of G+3 Building Using AutoCAD

4.1 General

AutoCAD or Computer Aided Design is a very helpful tool in drafting and designing any
structure. AutoCAD uses a Graphical User Interface for the purpose of drafting and designing
any structure. The software has various inbuilt tools for complex drafting. Also AutoCAD
can be used for 2D, 3D and for perspective design.

With the help of AutoCAD all the drafting for the project has been done.

4.2 Details of the Project:

The plot size for the project was 45 X 9 mts or 148’3” X 32’3”. Accordingly the building has
been laid in the centre of the plot leaving ample space on all the sides for landscaping and
pathways for cars and for visitors parking.

Table 1 General Layout Details

Area of Plot 148’3” X 32’3”

FAR 3(allowed)
Number of Floors G+3
Number of Units 3
Type of Building Commertial Building
Area of Each Floor 446 sq. m

4.3 Layout Using AutoCAD

The layout has been mostly completed using the Line command. The unit for the layout is
metres with accuracy of “0.00”. Below is a screen shot of the line diagram showing the centre
line for beam and column layout.
Beam and Column Layout Using Layers

In the above picture the red lines signify the beam centre line while the green rectangular
boxes signify the Columns. The beams have a cross section of. 600 X 300 m. The columns have a cross
section of. 600 X 600 m. Slabs have a uniform thickness of 230mm while the staircase slab
has a thickness of 200mm. The floor to floor to height: Ground floor to First floor 4 m the
remaining floor distance are 3.050 m.

All the work has been done in layers in AutoCAD, for easy editing and viewing. Layers make
it easy to manipulate each individual layer making it visible and invisible for clarity as well
as locking the layer to prevent editing in them. The various layers that have been used are

1. Walls
2. Beams
3. Columns
4. Slabs
5. Window
6. Door
7. text

The plan for the proposed project has 3 floors in each floor having a 10 cabins layout along
with a storage room. Each floors consist of toilet. The ground floor is having the reception
Plan Layout of Ground Floor, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Floor

Plan Layout of Ground Floor

Plan Layout of First Floor

Plan Layout of Second Floor

Plan Layout of Third Floor

The staircase has width of 3.5m, with riser of 150mm and a tread of 300mm. The landing is
of size 4mx1m. All the walls have a outer wall thickness of 12” and inner wall thickness.
There are two sizes of doors main door 5’6” X 7’0” and door 3’0” X 7’0”. The smaller size
door have been used in bathrooms and closets. The size of the ventilator is 2’0” X 2’0”. The
total area of the building is 19200 sq. ft or 1784 sq. m
Chapter 5 
Analysis of G+3 Building Using STAAD Pro

5.1 General

The layout from AutoCAD is transferred to STAAD Pro using a DXF file. The elevation is
then created by using Translational Repeat tool.

Wire Frame of G+3 Structure

The above figure shows the beam and column layout that has been transferred from Auto
CAD. The total width of the building is 9.753 m while the lengths around 45.110 m. The
figure also shows the X,Y,Z direction. Here Y direction s taken as the vertical component.
The X,Y,Z coordinate system is also the same as coordinate system used in AutoCAD.
Fig2.Plan Layout of 1st, 2nd & 3rd Floor.
Elevation of Structure
Table 2 Structural Details
Length of Building 45.110 m
Width of Building 9.753 m
Live Load on the Floor 4 kN/m
Grade of Concrete M25, M30
Steel Fe415
Column Size 0.6m X 0.6m
Beam Size 0.6m X 0.3m
Slab Thickness 0.23m

 5.2 Generation of Member and Member Property

STAAD Pro can be used to create various different geometry for the members, these include:
1. Circle
2. Rectangle
3. TEE
4. Trapezoidal
5. General
6. Tapered I (Steel Section)
7. Tapered Tube (Steel Section)
8. Assign Profile

By using the Property Defining window we can generate the member property in STAADPro.
The member section is selected and the dimensions are specified. The beams have across-
section of 0.6 m x 0.3 m and the columns have a cross section of 0.6m x 0.6m.

5.3 Creation of Supports

All the columns have been assigned fixed support using the STAAD pro Support creator and
have been assigned accordingly. Fixed Supports have restricted movements in all directions
as well there is restricted moment. This means FX FY FZ MX MZ MY all will have some
Support Generation for the Structure

STAAD Pro can be used to create a number of different supports for various cases which

1. Fixed
2. Pinned
3. Fixed But
4. Enforced
5. Enforced But
6. Multilinear Spring
7. Foundation
8. Inclined
9. Tension/Compression Springs

5.4 Materials

The materials for the structure is selected as concrete with their property and constants as per
IS Codes.

5.5 Loading

The loading that have been considered on the structure are as follows

1. Self-Weight
2. Dead Load
3. Live Load
4. Seismic Load
5. Load Combinations
5.5.1 Self-Weight

It is the weight of the entire structure generated by STAAD Pro itself with the Self Weight

5.5.2 Dead Load from Slab

Dead load from the slab can be generated by STAAD Pro itself by specifying the Slab
Thickness and the load on the floor per Sqm.
This was found out to be 4.75KN/sq m

Dead load from Slab Action of the Structure

5.5.3 Live Load

The live load acting on each floor was considered to be 4KN/ sqm. The live load are
generated in the same way as dead load

5.5.4 Seismic Loads

The seismic loads were derived from IS 1893 2002 and these loads were generated by
STAAD Pro Seismic Load generator in accordance with IS1893.

The Seismic Load generator generates load in X and Z direction only. Y Direction only
contains gravity loads.
STAAD follows the following procedure to generate the seismic loads

 User inputs the seismic zone co-efficient and desired "1893(Part 1)-2002 specs"
through the load generator command
 Program calculates the structure period (T).
 Program calculates Sa/g utilizing T.
 STAAD calculates V from the above equation. W is obtained from the weight data
provided by the user through the DEFINE 1893 LOAD command.
 The total lateral seismic load (base shear) is then distributed by the program among
different levels of the structure per the IS: 1893(Part 1)-2002 procedures.

Input of Seismic Parameters

Zone Factor 0.16 for Chennai

The frame selected is Special RC Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF) and RF is taken as 5.
Importance Factor for All General Building is 1.0
Rock Soil type is “Medium Soil”
Structure Type is “RC Frame Building”
Generation of Seismic Parameters

The Figure Mentions the Seismic Code as IS 1893:2002 .The zone factor is 0.16 for Chennai.

The response reduction factor (RF) is taken as 5.

The importance Factor for the building is taken as 1.
Rock and soil site factor (SS) is taken as 2 for medium soil
Type of structure is taken as 1
Damping Ratio is taken as 0.05 for accurate results. By default the value is 5

5.5.5 Load Combinations

The structure has to be analysed for load combinations considering all the previous loads in
proper ratio. These combinations are generated by the inbuilt auto- load generator for various
load combinations as per IS Codes Fig 10.Load Combinations Acting on the structure The
Various Load Combinations used are as follows:
1. 1.5 DL 1.5 LL
5.5.6 Bending Moment

Bending Moment of the Structure

5.5.7 Shear Force

Shear Force of the Structure

5.5.7 Axial Load

Axial Load of the Structure

5.6 Analysis of the Structure

The STAAD Pro Engine analyses the structure based on the loads and member property
defined. This engine has the capacity to analyse each and every member of the structure and
let the designer know if any changes are required in the structure for a safe and efficient
design. Fig 11.GUI showing the analysing and design window.
GUI showing the analysing and design window
Chapter 6 
Manual Design of G+3 structure
6.1 Load Calculation

Load Calculation for Slab

• Assume slab thickness 150mm

• Slab load calculation = 0.510 x 1 x 2400 = 360 kg (3.53 kN)
• Floor finish = 1kN
• Live load = 4kN
• Dead load = 4.75 kN
• Wind load (as per IS 875) = 2kN/m
• Total load = 15.28 kN/m

Load Calculation for Wall

• Density of bricks = 1800 to 2000

• For 9inch (230mm thickness brick wall of 3.4m height and length of 1m)
= 0.230 x 1 x 3.4 x 1900 = 1485.8 kg/m (15kN)
• As per IS 875 part 1 reference

Load Calculation for Beam

• 300mm x 600mm excluding slab thickness

• Plinth beam = 0.3 x 0.45 x 25 = 3.375 kN/m
• Main beam = 0.30 x 0.6 x 25 = 4.5 KN/m
• Volume of concrete = 0.30 x 0.60 x 1 =0.18 m^3
• Weight of concrete = 0.18x 2400 = 432 kg
• Weight of steel 2% in concrete = 0.18 x 2 x 7850 = 28.26kg
• Total weight of beam = 432 + 28.26 = 460.26kg/m (4.51kN)

Load Calculation for Column

• Volume of concrete = 0.6 x 0.6 x 2.55 = 0.91866m^3

• Weight of concrete = 0.918x 2400 = 2203.2kg
• Weight of steel 1% in concrete = 0.918 x 0.01 x 7850 = 72.06kg
• Self weight of column = 0.6 x 0.6 x 25 = 9kN/m
• Total weight of column = 2204 + 72 = 2276 kg ( 22kN )
6.2 Manual Design

Design of slab

Slab size
Lx = 9m
Material properties
Fy = 415N/mm^2
Fck = 25N/mm^2
B.V(basic value) = 20
M.F(modification factor) = 2
Type of slab = Ly/Lx = 12/9 = 1.3 < 2way slab
Calculate effective depth on overall depth
Effective depth (d) = span/ B.V * M.F
= 90/20*2 =225mm
Overall depth (D) = d+cover + dia/2
= 225 + 25 +10/2 = 255mm

Effective length
in short direction (lx)
L1 =lx+d
= 9000+ 225 = 9225mm
L2 = L + 0.5 * Wt + 0.5 Wt
= 9000 + 230/2 + 230/2 = 9230mm
in longer direction (ly)
L1 = ly + d
= 12000 + 225 = 1225mm
L2 = 12225 + 230/2 + 230/2 = 12455mm
Load calculation
self weight = l * b* D*25
= 1*1*0.125*25 = 5.125 kN/m^2
Weathering course (w.c) = 1kN/m^2
Impose load = 4kN/m^2
Dead load = 4.75 kN/m^2
Total load = 14.875 kN/m^2
Factored load (w) = 14.875 * 1.5 = 22.315 kN/m^2

Bending moment
For Ly/Lx = 12m
ax = 0.084* 22.315 * 9.98*9.98
= 186.6kN/m^2
Ay = 0.063* 22.315 * 9.98* 9.98
= 140 Kn/m^2
Calculate the effective depth required

√ √
lim ¿ 186 .6∗10 = 86.67 is less than 150
dreq = Mu ¿=
2 . 76∗b 2. 76∗9000
Hence safe.
We assumed effective depth = 150mm
Overall depth (d) = 130+20 = 150 mm
Calculate area of steel reinforcement (Ast)
Short direction

{ f
Mx = 0.87 fyAst d− y Ast
fck b }
186.6 * 10^6 = 0.87 *415 * Ast 225−
415 Ast
25 ×9000 }
= 2341.96 mm2
Long direction

My = 0.87 fyAst d−
f y Ast
fck b }
140*10^6 = 0.87 * 415 * Ast 225−
415 Ast
25 ×9000 }
= 1748 mm^2

Calculation of number of bars and spacing

Number of bars (main reinforcement)
Short direction
no. of bars = Ast / ast
Assume d = 10mm dia
Π ( 10 )
ast = = 78.53mm
no of bars = Ast / ast
= 2341 .96 /78.53 = 30bars
short direction
a) 3d = 3 * 225 =675mm
b) 300mm (provide 300mm c/c)
b × ast 9000 ×78 .53
c) s= = = 301.78mm
Ast 2341.96

Longer direction
a) 3d = 3*225 = 675mm
b) 300mm (provide 300mm c/c)
b × ast 12000× 78.53
c) s= = = 538.90mm
Ast 1748
Number of bars (distributer reinforcement)
Shorter direction
min Ast = (0.12/100 ) *9000*125 = 1350mm^2
No. of bars = Ast/ast = 2341.86/678.53 = 30bars
Π ( 10 )2
ast =
= 78.53 mm^2

Long direction
min Asty = (0.12/100 ) *12000*125
= 1800mm
No of bars = Asty/ast = 1748 / 78.56 = 23 bars
shorter direction
i. 5d = 5 * 225 = 1125mm
ii. 300mm
b × ast 9000 ×78 .53
iii. s= = = 523mm
Ast y 1350
long direction
i. 5d = 5*225
ii. 450mm
b × ast 12000× 78.53
iii. s= = = 523mm
Ast y 1800


Overall depth of slab (D) = 225mm

Effective depth of slab (d) = 225mm
Reinforcement details
i. Shorter direction: 23nos 10mm dia @ 300mm c/c
ii. Longer direction 30nos of 8mm dia @ 450mm c/c

Size =300 X 600mm
Length = 9m
Mu =65.226 kn/m
Vu =25.095 kn
Fck =m25
Fy =415 N/MM2
Cover =25mm
1. Effective depth
d=span / 20
=9X100 /20
overall depth =D=0.450+25+16/2

Effective span
a. Clear span+effective depth=9+0.45=9.45m
b. Clear span +0.23=9+0.23=9.23m

Least value is consider.

Limiting moment & resistance

Mu lim=0.138 fck bd2
= 0.128x25x1000x450x450
=69.86 knm
Mu=65.226 knm
Mu < mu lim(hence single reinforced beam)

Check for depth

Mu=0.128 x fck x b x d x d
65.226 x 10 6 =0.138x 25 x 1000 x d x d
Drew =137.49=140mm
Drew <d pro (hence it is safe)
Mu=0.87 fy ast d (1 – 415 ast / fck bd)
65.226x10 6 = 0.87 x 415 x ast x 450(1-415 ast/ 25 x 1000 x 450)
Ast = 626.67mm2

Assume 16mm diameter bars
No of bars=Ast /ast
=626.67/201.06=3.11 nos=4 nos
Lateral ties and Pitches
spacing of lateral ties = 300mm c/c
Size of beam = 600mm X 300mm
Reinforcement details = 4 nos 16mm dia
Lateral ties and pitches = 12 nos 8mm dia @ 300mm c/c
Column design
Column :
Size : 600 X 600
dx= 600mm
P= 2724kn
dy= 600mm
Elf length
Fck = m30
= 0.65 X l
Fy= fe415
= 0.65 X 4 X 10 3
= 2600
l/d = 2724 / 450 = 6.05 < 12
min eccentricity :
E min = l/500 + d/30
Ex1 min = 4000/500 + 600/30 = 8+20= 28mm
Ey1 min = 4000/500 + 600/30 = 28mm
= 0.050 X = 0.05 X 600 = 30.00mm > ex min
= 0.050y = 0.05 X 600 = 30.00mm > ey min
The load formula for axially loaded short columns can be used.
Pu = 0.4fckay + ( 0.67fy – 0.4fck) asc
Factored load :
Pu= 2993 X 1.5 = 4490
Design of longitudinal reinforcement
4490 X103 = 0.4 X 30 X 600 X 600 + ( 0.67 X 415 – 0.4 X 30) asc
4490 X10 3 = 4320000 + ( 278.05 – 12) asc
170000 = (266.05) Asc
Asc = 638.97mm2
Provide 12mm bars
No of bars = 638.97 / 113.04 = 5.65 = 6 of bars
Lateral lies
d/4 = 12 / 4 = 3mm
Provide 6mm diameter lateral lies spacing should not be more more than 250mm
least lateral dimension of column = 120mm
16 dia = 16 X 12 = 192 = 190mm
= 300mm
1. Size of footing

Actual load = 2993 kN

Weight ( 10 % of p) = 10/100 X 2993= 299
Total load = 3292
s.b.c = 200 kN/ m2
area of footing ‘a’ = 3292/200 = 16.46
size of footing =(A)2 =(16.46)2 = 4.05
adopt 4 X 4

1. Net upward pressure ( Wu)

Net upward pressure = column load / actual area

= 299 / 4X4 = 18.68
Wu = 1.5 X 18.68 = 28.02 m
= 0.028 N / m2
Depth of footing
One way shear

Transverse shear , Vu1 = WuB { ( B – b) / 2- d) }

Vu1=0.028 X 4000 {( 4000-600) / 2-d}
Vu1 = 112 {(3400) / 2-d)}
Vu1=112 ( 17000-d)
Assume 0.2 % of shear for m30 concrete
Tc= 0.37 N /mm2
Vu1=tc1 bd
112 (1700 – d) = 0.37 X 4000 X d
190400 = 1480 X d
190400 = 1592 d
D= 190400 / 1592 = d= 119.59 = 120
Provide d= 120 = 75 = 195mm = 200mm
Efficiency depth provided d = 200.75 = 125mm

Two way shear

The critical section of a distance d / 2

From the face of a column
Perimeter of the critical section = 4 ( 6 + d)
= 4 ( 600 + 125 = 2900
Area of critical section = perimeter X d = 2900 X 125 = 362500 mm2

Punching shear stress = shaded area X net upward pressure

= (4000 X 4000 – 725 X 725) X 0.028
= (16000000 – 525625 ) X 0.028
=(18474375) X 0.028
= 433282.5 = 4.33 X10 5 N
Punching shear stress = 4.33 X10 5 / 362500 = 1.194 N / mm2

Permissible shear stress = 0.25(8ck) 2 = 0.025 (30)2 = 1.369

Punching shear stress = 1.194 < 1.369
Hence safe
5. check for bending moment
Bending moment is calculated at the face of the column
Projected length h = B – b / 2 = 4000 – 600 / 2 = 1700mm

Ultimate bending moment

Mu = W B ( B-b) X (B-b) / 8
= 0.028 X 4000 ( 4000 -600)2 / 8
= 112 ( 11560000) = 161.84 X 10 6 N/mm2
Equality mu = 0.138 fckbd2
161.84 X 10 6 = 0.138 X 30 X 4000 X d 2
161.84 X 10 6 / 16560 = d2 = d2 = 9772.94
D= 98.85 < 230

Depth provided hence safe

Ast required
Mu= 0.87 X fy X Ast X d ( 1- Ast fy / Bdfck)
161.84 X 10 6 = 0.87 X Ast X 125 ( 1- Ast X 415 / 4000 X 125 X 30)
Ast = 4036
Using 16mm bars spacing Su= ast / Ast X B
Ast = π X 16 X 16 / 4 = 200.96
Su = 113.94 / 4036 X 2000 = 120 mm
Provide 12mm bars of 120 mm c/c.
Chapter 7

7.1 Analyse and Design Results

7.2 Stadd editor

1 0 0 0; 2 3.048 0 0; 3 6.096 0 0; 4 9.144 0 0; 5 12.192 0 0; 6 16.154 0 0;
7 19.202 0 0; 8 22.25 0 0; 9 25.298 0 0; 10 28.346 0 0; 11 32.308 0 0;
12 35.356 0 0; 13 38.404 0 0; 14 41.452 0 0; 15 44.5 0 0; 16 0 0 3.048;
17 0 0 6.096; 18 0 0 9.144; 19 3.048 0 9.144; 20 6.096 0 9.144;
21 9.144 0 9.144; 22 12.192 0 9.144; 23 16.154 0 9.144; 24 19.202 0 9.144;
25 22.25 0 9.144; 26 25.298 0 9.144; 27 28.346 0 9.144; 28 32.308 0 9.144;
29 35.356 0 9.144; 30 38.404 0 9.144; 31 41.452 0 9.144; 32 44.5 0 9.144;
33 44.5 0 3.048; 34 44.5 0 6.096; 35 12.192 0 3.048; 36 16.154 0 3.048;
37 12.192 0 5.791; 38 16.154 0 5.791; 39 28.346 0 3.048; 40 32.308 0 1.828;
41 35.356 0 1.828; 42 28.346 0 5.791; 43 32.308 0 5.791; 44 0 3.998 0;
45 3.048 3.998 0; 46 6.096 3.998 0; 47 9.144 3.998 0; 48 12.192 3.998 0;
49 16.154 3.998 0; 50 19.202 3.998 0; 51 22.25 3.998 0; 52 25.298 3.998 0;
53 28.346 3.998 0; 54 32.308 3.998 0; 55 35.356 3.998 0; 56 38.404 3.998 0;
57 41.452 3.998 0; 58 44.5 3.998 0; 59 0 3.998 3.048; 60 0 3.998 6.096;
61 0 3.998 9.144; 62 3.048 3.998 9.144; 63 6.096 3.998 9.144;
64 9.144 3.998 9.144; 65 12.192 3.998 9.144; 66 16.154 3.998 9.144;
67 19.202 3.998 9.144; 68 22.25 3.998 9.144; 69 25.298 3.998 9.144;
70 28.346 3.998 9.144; 71 32.308 3.998 9.144; 72 35.356 3.998 9.144;
73 38.404 3.998 9.144; 74 41.452 3.998 9.144; 75 44.5 3.998 9.144;
76 44.5 3.998 3.048; 77 44.5 3.998 6.096; 78 12.192 3.998 3.048;
79 16.154 3.998 3.048; 80 12.192 3.998 5.791; 81 16.154 3.998 5.791;
82 28.346 3.998 3.048; 83 32.308 3.998 1.828; 84 35.356 3.998 1.828;
85 28.346 3.998 5.791; 86 32.308 3.998 5.791; 87 0 7.046 0; 88 3.048 7.046 0;
89 6.096 7.046 0; 90 9.144 7.046 0; 91 12.192 7.046 0; 92 16.154 7.046 0;
93 19.202 7.046 0; 94 22.25 7.046 0; 95 25.298 7.046 0; 96 28.346 7.046 0;
97 32.308 7.046 0; 98 35.356 7.046 0; 99 38.404 7.046 0; 100 41.452 7.046 0;
101 44.5 7.046 0; 102 0 7.046 3.048; 103 0 7.046 6.096; 104 0 7.046 9.144;
105 3.048 7.046 9.144; 106 6.096 7.046 9.144; 107 9.144 7.046 9.144;
108 12.192 7.046 9.144; 109 16.154 7.046 9.144; 110 19.202 7.046 9.144;
111 22.25 7.046 9.144; 112 25.298 7.046 9.144; 113 28.346 7.046 9.144;
114 32.308 7.046 9.144; 115 35.356 7.046 9.144; 116 38.404 7.046 9.144;
117 41.452 7.046 9.144; 118 44.5 7.046 9.144; 119 44.5 7.046 3.048;
120 44.5 7.046 6.096; 121 12.192 7.046 3.048; 122 16.154 7.046 3.048;
123 12.192 7.046 5.791; 124 16.154 7.046 5.791; 125 28.346 7.046 3.048;
126 32.308 7.046 1.828; 127 35.356 7.046 1.828; 128 28.346 7.046 5.791;
129 32.308 7.046 5.791; 130 0 10.094 0; 131 3.048 10.094 0; 132 6.096 10.094 0;
133 9.144 10.094 0; 134 12.192 10.094 0; 135 16.154 10.094 0;
136 19.202 10.094 0; 137 22.25 10.094 0; 138 25.298 10.094 0;
139 28.346 10.094 0; 140 32.308 10.094 0; 141 35.356 10.094 0;
142 38.404 10.094 0; 143 41.452 10.094 0; 144 44.5 10.094 0;
145 0 10.094 3.048; 146 0 10.094 6.096; 147 0 10.094 9.144;
148 3.048 10.094 9.144; 149 6.096 10.094 9.144; 150 9.144 10.094 9.144;
151 12.192 10.094 9.144; 152 16.154 10.094 9.144; 153 19.202 10.094 9.144;
154 22.25 10.094 9.144; 155 25.298 10.094 9.144; 156 28.346 10.094 9.144;
157 32.308 10.094 9.144; 158 35.356 10.094 9.144; 159 38.404 10.094 9.144;
160 41.452 10.094 9.144; 161 44.5 10.094 9.144; 162 44.5 10.094 3.048;
163 44.5 10.094 6.096; 164 12.192 10.094 3.048; 165 16.154 10.094 3.048;
166 12.192 10.094 5.791; 167 16.154 10.094 5.791; 168 28.346 10.094 3.048;
169 32.308 10.094 1.828; 170 35.356 10.094 1.828; 171 28.346 10.094 5.791;
172 32.308 10.094 5.791; 216 0 -1.5 0; 218 6.096 -1.5 0; 220 12.192 -1.5 0;
221 16.154 -1.5 0; 223 22.25 -1.5 0; 225 28.346 -1.5 0; 226 32.308 -1.5 0;
227 35.356 -1.5 0; 228 38.404 -1.5 0; 230 44.5 -1.5 0; 231 0 -1.5 3.048;
232 0 -1.5 6.096; 233 0 -1.5 9.144; 235 6.096 -1.5 9.144;
237 12.192 -1.5 9.144; 238 16.154 -1.5 9.144; 240 22.25 -1.5 9.144;
242 28.346 -1.5 9.144; 243 32.308 -1.5 9.144; 244 35.356 -1.5 9.144;
245 38.404 -1.5 9.144; 247 44.5 -1.5 9.144; 248 44.5 -1.5 3.048;
249 44.5 -1.5 6.096; 250 0 13.142 0; 251 0 13.142 3.048; 252 0 13.142 6.096;
253 0 13.142 9.144; 254 3.048 13.142 9.144; 255 6.096 13.142 9.144;
256 9.144 13.142 9.144; 257 3.048 13.142 0; 258 6.096 13.142 0;
259 9.144 13.142 0; 260 12.192 13.142 0; 261 16.154 13.142 0;
262 19.202 13.142 0; 263 22.25 13.142 0; 264 25.298 13.142 0;
265 28.346 13.142 0; 266 32.308 13.142 0; 267 12.192 13.142 9.144;
268 16.154 13.142 9.144; 269 19.202 13.142 9.144; 270 22.25 13.142 9.144;
271 25.298 13.142 9.144; 272 28.346 13.142 9.144; 273 32.308 13.142 9.144;
274 35.356 13.142 9.144; 275 38.404 13.142 9.144; 276 41.452 13.142 9.144;
277 44.5 13.142 9.144; 278 44.5 13.142 6.096; 279 44.5 13.142 3.048;
280 35.356 13.142 0; 281 38.404 13.142 0; 282 41.452 13.142 0;
283 44.5 13.142 0; 284 12.192 13.142 3.048; 285 12.192 13.142 5.791;
286 16.154 13.142 3.048; 287 16.154 13.142 5.791; 288 28.346 13.142 3.048;
289 28.346 13.142 5.791; 290 32.308 13.142 1.828; 291 32.308 13.142 5.791;
292 35.356 13.142 1.828; 293 12.192 3.998 6.096; 294 3.048 3.998 3.048;
295 44.5 3.998 5.791; 296 32.308 3.998 3.048; 297 38.404 3.998 3.048;
298 41.452 3.998 3.048; 299 38.404 3.998 5.791; 300 41.452 3.998 5.791;
301 6.096 3.998 3.048; 302 9.144 3.998 3.048; 303 3.048 3.998 6.096;
304 6.096 3.998 6.096; 305 9.144 3.998 6.096; 306 19.202 3.998 3.048;
307 22.25 3.998 3.048; 308 25.298 3.998 3.048; 309 35.356 3.998 5.791;
310 22.25 3.998 5.791; 311 25.298 3.998 5.791; 312 19.202 3.998 5.791;
313 35.356 3.998 3.048; 314 44.5 7.046 5.791; 315 3.048 7.046 3.048;
316 6.096 7.046 3.048; 317 9.144 7.046 3.048; 318 12.192 7.046 6.096;
319 3.048 7.046 6.096; 320 6.096 7.046 6.096; 321 32.308 7.046 3.048;
322 38.404 7.046 3.048; 323 38.404 7.046 5.791; 324 35.356 7.046 5.791;
325 35.356 7.046 3.048; 326 41.452 7.046 3.048; 327 41.452 7.046 5.791;
328 25.298 7.046 3.048; 329 25.298 7.046 5.791; 330 22.25 7.046 5.791;
331 22.25 7.046 3.048; 332 19.202 7.046 3.048; 333 19.202 7.046 5.791;
335 3.048 10.094 3.048; 336 6.096 10.094 3.048; 337 32.308 10.094 3.048;
338 12.192 10.094 6.096; 339 3.048 10.094 6.096; 340 9.144 10.094 3.048;
341 9.144 10.094 6.096; 342 38.404 10.094 3.048; 343 6.096 10.094 6.096;
344 9.144 7.046 6.096; 345 41.452 10.094 3.048; 346 19.202 10.094 3.048;
347 22.25 10.094 3.048; 348 25.298 10.094 3.048; 349 19.202 10.094 5.791;
350 22.25 10.094 5.791; 351 25.298 10.094 5.791; 352 44.5 10.094 5.791;
353 38.404 10.094 5.791; 354 41.452 10.094 5.791; 355 35.356 10.094 5.791;
356 35.356 10.094 3.048; 357 3.048 13.142 3.048; 358 6.096 13.142 3.048;
359 9.144 13.142 3.048; 360 19.202 13.142 3.048; 361 22.25 13.142 3.048;
362 25.298 13.142 3.048; 363 19.202 13.142 5.791; 364 22.25 13.142 5.791;
365 25.298 13.142 5.791; 366 32.308 13.142 3.048; 367 44.5 13.142 5.791;
368 38.404 13.142 3.048; 369 41.452 13.142 3.048; 370 41.452 13.142 5.791;
371 38.404 13.142 5.791; 372 35.356 13.142 5.791; 373 35.356 13.142 3.048;
374 12.192 13.142 6.096; 375 3.048 13.142 6.096; 376 6.096 13.142 6.096;
377 9.144 13.142 6.096;
1 1 44; 2 44 87; 3 87 130; 4 1 216; 5 250 130; 6 1 2; 7 44 45; 8 87 88;
9 130 131; 10 250 257; 11 2 3; 12 45 46; 13 88 89; 14 131 132; 15 257 258;
16 3 46; 17 46 89; 18 89 132; 19 3 218; 20 258 132; 21 3 4; 22 46 47; 23 89 90;
24 132 133; 25 258 259; 26 4 5; 27 47 48; 28 90 91; 29 133 134; 30 259 260;
31 5 48; 32 48 91; 33 91 134; 34 5 220; 35 260 134; 36 5 6; 37 48 49; 38 91 92;
39 134 135; 40 260 261; 41 6 49; 42 49 92; 43 92 135; 44 6 221; 45 261 135;
46 6 7; 47 49 50; 48 92 93; 49 135 136; 50 261 262; 51 8 7; 52 51 50; 53 94 93;
54 137 136; 55 263 262; 56 8 51; 57 51 94; 58 94 137; 59 8 223; 60 263 137;
61 8 9; 62 51 52; 63 94 95; 64 137 138; 65 263 264; 66 9 10; 67 52 53;
68 95 96; 69 138 139; 70 264 265; 71 10 53; 72 53 96; 73 96 139; 74 10 225;
75 265 139; 76 10 11; 77 53 54; 78 96 97; 79 139 140; 80 265 266; 81 11 54;
82 54 97; 83 97 140; 84 11 226; 85 266 140; 86 11 12; 87 54 55; 88 97 98;
89 140 141; 90 266 280; 91 12 55; 92 55 98; 93 98 141; 94 12 227; 95 280 141;
96 12 13; 97 55 56; 98 98 99; 99 141 142; 100 280 281; 101 13 56; 102 56 99;
103 99 142; 104 13 228; 105 281 142; 106 13 14; 107 56 57; 108 99 100;
109 142 143; 110 281 282; 111 14 15; 112 57 58; 113 100 101; 114 143 144;
115 282 283; 116 15 58; 117 58 101; 118 101 144; 119 15 230; 120 283 144;
121 11 40; 122 54 83; 123 97 126; 124 140 169; 125 266 290; 126 12 41;
127 55 84; 128 98 127; 129 141 170; 130 280 292; 131 1 16; 132 44 59;
133 87 102; 134 130 145; 135 250 251; 136 45 294; 137 88 315; 138 131 335;
139 257 357; 140 46 301; 141 89 316; 142 132 336; 143 258 358; 144 47 302;
145 90 317; 146 133 340; 147 259 359; 148 5 35; 149 48 78; 150 91 121;
151 134 164; 152 260 284; 153 6 36; 154 49 79; 155 92 122; 156 135 165;
157 261 286; 158 50 306; 159 93 332; 160 136 346; 161 262 360; 162 51 307;
163 94 331; 164 137 347; 165 263 361; 166 52 308; 167 138 348; 168 264 362;
169 95 328; 170 10 39; 171 53 82; 172 96 125; 173 139 168; 174 265 288;
175 56 297; 176 99 322; 177 142 342; 178 281 368; 179 57 298; 180 100 326;
181 143 345; 182 282 369; 183 15 33; 184 58 76; 185 101 119; 186 144 162;
187 283 279; 188 40 83; 189 83 126; 190 126 169; 191 40 41; 192 83 84;
193 126 127; 194 169 170; 195 290 292; 196 41 84; 197 84 127; 198 127 170;
199 296 83; 200 321 126; 201 366 290; 202 337 169; 203 313 84; 204 127 325;
205 170 356; 206 292 373; 207 16 59; 208 59 102; 209 102 145; 210 16 231;
211 251 145; 212 59 294; 213 102 315; 214 145 335; 215 251 357; 216 294 301;
217 315 316; 218 335 336; 219 357 358; 220 301 302; 221 316 317; 222 336 340;
223 358 359; 224 302 78; 225 317 121; 226 340 164; 227 359 284; 228 35 78;
229 78 121; 230 121 164; 231 284 164; 232 36 79; 233 79 122; 234 122 165;
235 286 165; 236 79 306; 237 122 332; 238 165 346; 239 286 360; 240 306 307;
241 332 331; 242 346 347; 243 360 361; 244 307 308; 245 331 328; 246 347 348;
247 361 362; 248 308 82; 249 328 125; 250 348 168; 251 362 288; 252 39 82;
253 82 125; 254 125 168; 255 313 296; 256 325 321; 257 337 356; 258 373 366;
259 297 313; 260 322 325; 261 356 342; 262 368 373; 263 298 297; 264 326 322;
265 342 345; 266 369 368; 267 76 298; 268 119 326; 269 345 162; 270 279 369;
271 33 76; 272 76 119; 273 119 162; 274 33 248; 275 279 162; 276 43 40;
277 35 37; 278 78 80; 279 121 123; 280 164 166; 281 284 285; 282 36 38;
283 79 81; 284 122 124; 285 165 167; 286 286 287; 287 306 312; 288 332 333;
289 346 349; 290 360 363; 291 307 310; 292 331 330; 293 347 350; 294 361 364;
295 308 311; 296 348 351; 297 362 365; 298 328 329; 299 39 42; 300 82 85;
301 125 128; 302 168 171; 303 288 289; 304 86 296; 305 129 321; 306 172 337;
307 291 366; 308 309 313; 309 324 325; 310 355 356; 311 372 373; 312 297 299;
313 322 323; 314 342 353; 315 368 371; 316 298 300; 317 326 327; 318 345 354;
319 369 370; 320 295 76; 321 352 162; 322 367 279; 323 314 119; 324 17 16;
325 60 59; 326 103 102; 327 146 145; 328 252 251; 329 294 303; 330 315 319;
331 335 339; 332 357 375; 333 301 304; 334 316 320; 335 336 343; 336 358 376;
337 302 305; 338 340 341; 339 317 344; 340 359 377; 341 34 33; 342 37 80;
343 80 123; 344 123 166; 345 285 166; 346 80 81; 347 123 124; 348 166 167;
349 285 287; 350 37 38; 351 38 81; 352 81 124; 353 124 167; 354 81 312;
355 124 333; 356 167 349; 357 287 363; 358 312 310; 359 333 330; 360 349 350;
361 363 364; 362 310 311; 363 330 329; 364 350 351; 365 364 365; 366 311 85;
367 329 128; 368 351 171; 369 365 289; 370 42 85; 371 85 128; 372 128 171;
373 85 86; 374 128 129; 375 171 172; 376 289 291; 377 42 43; 378 43 86;
379 86 129; 380 129 172; 381 86 309; 382 129 324; 383 172 355; 384 291 372;
385 309 299; 386 324 323; 387 355 353; 388 372 371; 389 299 300; 390 323 327;
391 353 354; 392 371 370; 393 327 314; 394 354 352; 395 370 367; 396 300 295;
397 318 123; 398 374 285; 399 338 166; 400 80 293; 401 77 295; 402 120 314;
403 163 352; 404 278 367; 405 17 60; 406 60 103; 407 103 146; 408 17 232;
409 252 146; 410 60 303; 411 103 319; 412 146 339; 413 252 375; 414 303 304;
415 319 320; 416 339 343; 417 375 376; 418 304 305; 419 320 344; 420 376 377;
421 343 341; 422 305 293; 423 341 338; 424 344 318; 425 377 374; 426 34 77;
427 77 120; 428 120 163; 429 34 249; 430 163 278; 431 22 37; 432 38 23;
433 81 66; 434 124 109; 435 167 152; 436 287 268; 437 67 312; 438 333 110;
439 349 153; 440 363 269; 441 68 310; 442 111 330; 443 350 154; 444 364 270;
445 69 311; 446 351 155; 447 365 271; 448 329 112; 449 42 27; 450 85 70;
451 128 113; 452 171 156; 453 289 272; 454 43 28; 455 86 71; 456 129 114;
457 172 157; 458 291 273; 459 72 309; 460 115 324; 461 158 355; 462 274 372;
463 73 299; 464 323 116; 465 353 159; 466 371 275; 467 300 74; 468 327 117;
469 354 160; 470 370 276; 471 17 18; 472 60 61; 473 103 104; 474 146 147;
475 252 253; 476 303 62; 477 319 105; 478 339 148; 479 375 254; 480 304 63;
481 320 106; 482 343 149; 483 376 255; 484 305 64; 485 344 107; 486 341 150;
487 377 256; 488 65 293; 489 108 318; 490 151 338; 491 267 374; 492 32 34;
493 75 77; 494 118 120; 495 161 163; 496 277 278; 497 18 61; 498 61 104;
499 104 147; 500 18 233; 501 253 147; 502 18 19; 503 61 62; 504 104 105;
505 147 148; 506 253 254; 507 19 20; 508 62 63; 509 105 106; 510 148 149;
511 254 255; 512 20 63; 513 63 106; 514 106 149; 515 20 235; 516 255 149;
517 20 21; 518 63 64; 519 106 107; 520 149 150; 521 255 256; 522 21 22;
523 64 65; 524 107 108; 525 150 151; 526 256 267; 527 22 65; 528 65 108;
529 108 151; 530 22 237; 531 267 151; 532 22 23; 533 65 66; 534 108 109;
535 151 152; 536 267 268; 537 23 66; 538 66 109; 539 109 152; 540 23 238;
541 268 152; 542 23 24; 543 66 67; 544 109 110; 545 152 153; 546 268 269;
547 24 25; 548 67 68; 549 110 111; 550 153 154; 551 269 270; 552 25 68;
553 68 111; 554 111 154; 555 25 240; 556 270 154; 557 25 26; 558 68 69;
559 111 112; 560 154 155; 561 270 271; 562 26 27; 563 69 70; 564 112 113;
565 155 156; 566 271 272; 567 27 70; 568 70 113; 569 113 156; 570 27 242;
571 272 156; 572 27 28; 573 70 71; 574 113 114; 575 156 157; 576 272 273;
577 28 71; 578 71 114; 579 114 157; 580 28 243; 581 273 157; 582 28 29;
583 71 72; 584 114 115; 585 157 158; 586 273 274; 587 29 72; 588 72 115;
589 115 158; 590 29 244; 591 274 158; 592 29 30; 593 72 73; 594 115 116;
595 158 159; 596 274 275; 597 30 73; 598 73 116; 599 116 159; 600 30 245;
601 275 159; 602 30 31; 603 73 74; 604 116 117; 605 159 160; 606 275 276;
607 31 32; 608 74 75; 609 117 118; 610 160 161; 611 276 277; 612 32 75;
613 75 118; 614 118 161; 615 32 247; 616 277 161;
_GROUND 6 11 21 26 46 51 61 66 96 106 111 126 131 148 153 170 183 191 276 -
277 282 299 324 341 350 377 431 432 449 454 471 492 502 507 517 522 532 542 -
547 557 562 572 582 592 602 607
_FIRST 7 12 22 27 47 52 62 67 97 107 112 127 132 136 140 144 149 154 158 162 -
166 171 175 179 184 192 199 203 212 216 220 224 236 240 244 248 255 259 263 -
267 278 283 287 291 295 300 304 308 312 316 320 325 329 333 337 346 354 358 -
362 366 381 385 389 396 401 410 414 418 422 433 437 441 445 450 455 459 463 -
467 472 476 480 484 488 493 503 508 518 523 533 543 548 558 563 573 583 593 -
603 608
_SECOND 8 13 23 28 48 53 63 68 98 108 113 128 133 137 141 145 150 155 159 -
163 169 172 176 180 185 193 200 204 213 217 221 225 237 241 245 249 256 260 -
264 268 279 284 288 292 298 301 305 309 313 317 323 326 330 334 339 347 355 -
359 363 367 374 382 386 390 393 397 402 411 415 419 424 434 438 442 448 451 -
456 460 464 468 473 477 481 485 489 494 504 509 519 524 534 544 549 559 564 -
574 584 594 604 609
_THIRD 9 14 24 29 49 54 64 69 99 109 114 129 134 138 142 146 151 156 160 164 -
167 173 177 181 186 194 202 205 214 218 222 226 238 242 246 250 257 261 265 -
269 280 285 289 293 296 302 306 310 314 318 321 327 331 335 338 348 356 360 -
364 368 375 383 387 391 394 399 403 412 416 421 423 435 439 443 446 452 457 -
461 465 469 474 478 482 486 490 495 505 510 520 525 535 545 550 560 565 575 -
585 595 605 610
_TERRACE 10 15 25 30 50 55 65 70 100 110 115 130 135 139 143 147 152 157 161 -
165 168 174 178 182 187 195 201 206 215 219 223 227 239 243 247 251 258 262 -
266 270 281 286 290 294 297 303 307 311 315 319 322 328 332 336 340 349 357 -
361 365 369 376 384 388 392 395 398 404 413 417 420 425 436 440 444 447 453 -
458 462 466 470 475 479 483 487 491 496 506 511 521 526 536 546 551 561 566 -
576 586 596 606 611
E 2.17185e+007
DENSITY 23.5616
ALPHA 1e-005
DAMP 0.05
1 TO 5 16 TO 20 31 TO 35 41 TO 45 56 TO 60 71 TO 75 81 TO 85 91 TO 95 101 -
102 TO 105 116 TO 120 188 TO 190 196 TO 198 207 TO 211 228 TO 235 252 TO 254 -
271 TO 275 342 TO 345 351 TO 353 370 TO 372 378 TO 380 405 TO 409 -
426 TO 430 497 TO 501 512 TO 516 527 TO 531 537 TO 541 552 TO 556 -
567 TO 571 577 TO 581 587 TO 591 597 TO 601 612 TO 616 PRIS YD 0.6 ZD 0.6
6 TO 15 21 TO 30 36 TO 40 46 TO 55 61 TO 70 76 TO 80 86 TO 90 96 TO 100 106 -
107 TO 115 121 TO 187 191 TO 195 199 TO 206 212 TO 227 236 TO 251 255 TO 270 -
276 TO 341 346 TO 350 354 TO 369 373 TO 377 381 TO 404 410 TO 425 -
431 TO 496 502 TO 511 517 TO 526 532 TO 536 542 TO 551 557 TO 566 -
572 TO 576 582 TO 586 592 TO 596 602 TO 611 PRIS YD 0.6 ZD 0.3
216 218 220 221 223 225 TO 228 230 TO 233 235 237 238 240 242 TO 245 -
247 TO 249 FIXED
ZONE 0.16 RF 5 I 1 SS 2 ST 1 DM 0.05
6 TO 15 21 TO 30 36 TO 40 46 TO 55 61 TO 70 76 TO 80 86 TO 90 96 TO 100 106 -
107 TO 115 121 TO 187 191 TO 195 199 TO 206 212 TO 227 236 TO 251 255 TO 270 -
276 TO 341 346 TO 350 354 TO 369 373 TO 377 381 TO 404 410 TO 425 -
431 TO 496 502 TO 511 517 TO 526 532 TO 536 542 TO 551 557 TO 566 -
572 TO 576 582 TO 586 592 TO 596 602 TO 611 UNI 15
1893 LOAD X 1
1893 LOAD Z 1
6 TO 9 11 TO 14 21 TO 24 26 TO 29 36 TO 39 46 TO 49 51 TO 54 61 TO 64 -
66 TO 69 76 TO 79 86 TO 89 96 TO 99 106 TO 109 111 TO 114 131 TO 134 183 -
184 TO 186 320 321 323 TO 327 341 401 TO 403 471 TO 474 492 TO 495 -
502 TO 505 507 TO 510 517 TO 520 522 TO 525 532 TO 535 542 TO 545 -
547 TO 550 557 TO 560 562 TO 565 572 TO 575 582 TO 585 592 TO 595 -
602 TO 605 607 TO 610 UNI GY -15
10 15 25 30 40 50 55 65 70 80 90 100 110 115 135 187 322 328 404 475 496 506 -
511 521 526 536 546 551 561 566 576 586 596 606 611 UNI GY -3
1 1.5 2 1.5
FYSEC 50000 MEMB 1 TO 5 16 TO 20 31 TO 35 41 TO 45 56 TO 60 71 TO 75 -
81 TO 85 91 TO 95 101 TO 105 116 TO 120 188 TO 190 196 TO 198 207 TO 211 -
228 TO 235 252 TO 254 271 TO 275 342 TO 345 351 TO 353 370 TO 372 -
378 TO 380 405 TO 409 426 TO 430 497 TO 501 512 TO 516 527 TO 531 -
537 TO 541 552 TO 556 567 TO 571 577 TO 581 587 TO 591 597 TO 601 -
612 TO 616
MAXMAIN 20 MEMB 1 TO 5 16 TO 20 31 TO 35 41 TO 45 56 TO 60 71 TO 75 -
81 TO 85 91 TO 95 101 TO 105 116 TO 120 188 TO 190 196 TO 198 207 TO 211 -
228 TO 235 252 TO 254 271 TO 275 342 TO 345 351 TO 353 370 TO 372 -
378 TO 380 405 TO 409 426 TO 430 497 TO 501 512 TO 516 527 TO 531 -
537 TO 541 552 TO 556 567 TO 571 577 TO 581 587 TO 591 597 TO 601 -
612 TO 616
MAXSEC 12 MEMB 1 TO 5 16 TO 20 31 TO 35 41 TO 45 56 TO 60 71 TO 75 81 TO 85 -
91 TO 95 101 TO 105 116 TO 120 188 TO 190 196 TO 198 207 TO 211 228 TO 235 -
252 TO 254 271 TO 275 342 TO 345 351 TO 353 370 TO 372 378 TO 380 -
405 TO 409 426 TO 430 497 TO 501 512 TO 516 527 TO 531 537 TO 541 -
552 TO 556 567 TO 571 577 TO 581 587 TO 591 597 TO 601 612 TO 616
MINMAIN 12 MEMB 1 TO 5 16 TO 20 31 TO 35 41 TO 45 56 TO 60 71 TO 75 -
81 TO 85 91 TO 95 101 TO 105 116 TO 120 188 TO 190 196 TO 198 207 TO 211 -
228 TO 235 252 TO 254 271 TO 275 342 TO 345 351 TO 353 370 TO 372 -
378 TO 380 405 TO 409 426 TO 430 497 TO 501 512 TO 516 527 TO 531 -
537 TO 541 552 TO 556 567 TO 571 577 TO 581 587 TO 591 597 TO 601 -
612 TO 616
MINSEC 8 MEMB 1 TO 5 16 TO 20 31 TO 35 41 TO 45 56 TO 60 71 TO 75 81 TO 85 -
91 TO 95 101 TO 105 116 TO 120 188 TO 190 196 TO 198 207 TO 211 228 TO 235 -
252 TO 254 271 TO 275 342 TO 345 351 TO 353 370 TO 372 378 TO 380 -
405 TO 409 426 TO 430 497 TO 501 512 TO 516 527 TO 531 537 TO 541 -
552 TO 556 567 TO 571 577 TO 581 587 TO 591 597 TO 601 612 TO 616
DESIGN COLUMN 1 TO 5 16 TO 20 31 TO 35 41 TO 45 56 TO 60 71 TO 75 81 TO 85 -
91 TO 95 101 TO 105 116 TO 120 188 TO 190 196 TO 198 207 TO 211 228 TO 235 -
252 TO 254 271 TO 275 342 TO 345 351 TO 353 370 TO 372 378 TO 380 -
405 TO 409 426 TO 430 497 TO 501 512 TO 516 527 TO 531 537 TO 541 -
552 TO 556 567 TO 571 577 TO 581 587 TO 591 597 TO 601 612 TO 616
7.3 Seismic report
Chapter 8

This project includes the layout of G+3 commertial building using AutoCAD, Analysis and
Design using STAAD Pro.

The layout of the proposed G+3 commertial building is based on a plot of size 148’3” X
32’3” located at Kodambakkam, Chennai. The plot size for the project was 45 X 9 mts or
148’3” X 32’3”. Accordingly the building has been laid in the centre of the plot leaving
ample space on all the sides for landscaping and pathways for cars and for visitors parking.
All the drafting was done using AutoCAD. Also these drawings made on AutoCAD also
served as a base for transfer of the structure for analysis and design into STAAD Pro. The
analysis and design of the entire structure has been completed using STAAD pro.

The results include the various forces acting on various members as well various schedules
for various members. Also using the software we got the concrete take-off as well as the
weight of the various reinforcement bars thus easing the load of cost estimation. The
foundation has been designed as an isolated footing using soil condition as medium. The
foundation design values were calculated using STAAD Foundation.

1. IS 875 1987 (Part 1, 2 & 3)

2. IS 456 2000
3. IS SP16 (19, 18)
4. STAAD Pro User Manual
5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AutoCAD
6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STAAD

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