3 - Serving With Strength

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Tom Lemler

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© 2016 by Impact Prayer Ministry

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Cover photo by MJ Lemler

From the Author
There are few things, if any, that are as emotionally
exhilarating, and draining, as the task of serving others.
Having worked in a variety of ministry settings, including
various roles within Christian camp ministry, I understand the
excitement that often comes with the beginning of a new
ministry or ministry season. I also understand the weariness
than can develop when our focus begins to drift away from the
ministry of serving and onto ourselves.
This devotional guide is part of a series that came about
through some conversations at a Christian Camp Leaders’
Conference about the need for camp summer staff devotional
material that would be useful without being a burden in an
already busy schedule. On my way home from the conference,
I began to pray about what would be a useful format and
about potential topics for devotions developed specifically for
those who serve. Out of that prayer time, this series began to
form in my mind and then on paper.
It is my prayer that every Christian recognizes the importance
of serving others. With this guide, I pray that you understand
how God has equipped you to serve with strength. As you go
through this devotional guide, each day will focus on a
different aspect of the strength that is yours through God’s
presence in your life. As you pray, ask God to help you serve
with His strength and not your own. Pray that the people
around you would see God’s strength through you. Use the
note section at the bottom of each page to jot down thoughts,
ideas, or action steps that God will bring to your mind.
In prayer,

Tom Lemler
Day 1
Strength that is Rewarded
(2 Chronicles 15:7)
Who do you consider to be the strongest person you know? Is
it their physical strength or something else that makes you
view them as strong? What rewards have they received for
their strength? What rewards do they expect? How motivated
are you by rewards? What types of rewards are most likely to
get your attention? At what point in a task are people most
likely to be rewarded? How does God’s promised reward help
you to serve with strength each day?
Serving well requires an enormous amount of strength.
Sometimes it is a physical strength that is needed, but more
often it is the strength of endurance that is the most difficult
part. It is to those who don’t give up and are faithful to the
end that God promises the reward of life eternal with Him.
As you pray, ask God to help you live with an enduring strength
that will be rewarded. Pray that you would not become so
focused on temporary rewards that you lose sight of the
eternal reward. Pray that you would see the lives of those you
serve as being reason enough to keep serving in the strength
that God gives.
Notes: __________________________________________________





Day 2
Strength through Patience
(Psalm 27:14)
Are you a patient person? Would the people you serve with
say you are a patient person? How valuable do you view
patience to be in the lives of people around you? Do you
typically view patient people as strong people? Why? How
often do most things happen when you want them to? How
much strength does it take to live with patience? Is it easy or
difficult for you to wait on the Lord?
While they say patience is a virtue, it seems to be a virtue very
few seek. If you start to wonder about the patience level of
people in general, try waiting just 2 seconds at a traffic light
after it turns green — or have something keep you from
responding immediately to a co-worker’s request. Or have
them not be able to respond immediately to you. Too often,
the impatience we have with people is also displayed in our
struggle to have the strength required to wait for the Lord.

As you pray, ask God to fill you with the peace and strength
necessary to serve with patience. Pray that you would learn to
have patience not only with those you serve, but also with
those you serve alongside. Pray that waiting for God’s perfect
timing will teach you patience in your interactions with others.
Notes: __________________________________________________





Day 3
Strength through Hope
(Psalm 31:24)
What do you hope that your serving will accomplish? In what
ways can hope give you the strength to keep serving? Have
you ever had a time when you lost hope? Do you serve people
who seem to have lost hope? What does a lack of hope do to
the difficulty level of life? How much damage can a misplaced
hope cause? Where is the one place you can put your hope in
that will never disappoint? How deliberate are you in sharing
that hope with those you serve?
When in the presence of hospitals and blood, I have a
tendency to lose strength and pass out. Yet I’ve discovered
that hope can help me overcome that weakness and do what
needs done. A number of years ago, my daughter was fighting
for her life and in need of daily dialysis for a time. I found
myself filled with the strength to sit at her bedside holding the
lines through which all of her blood was flowing because of the
hope that she would be made well. When we allow God to fill
us with the hope that He can change the lives of those we
serve, we too can gain strength we didn’t know possible.
As you pray, ask God to fill you with a hope that only He can
give. Pray for a hope that endures all things.
Notes: __________________________________________________





Day 4
Strength to the End
(1 Corinthians 1:8)
Are you good at finishing what you start? Are you more
excited about starting something or finishing it? Do you ever
get tired of serving? What gives you the strength to keep
going? Have you ever quit something only to find out later
that completing it would not have been as difficult as you had
imagined? Has anyone ever given up on you? Have you given
up on someone that you should be serving? How do you know
when your task of serving is over?
I love to hike but sometimes my eagerness to see some great
natural beauty causes me to head out on a trail without fully
comprehending just how long it is. There have been times
when I became so weary that I turned around before reaching
my intended destination. There have been other times when I
would be telling my hiking companions, “Let’s keep going. It
can’t be much farther now!” For me there is something
special about reaching that intended destination after pressing
on when quitting seemed easier.
As you pray, ask God to help you keep the intended finish in
mind as you serve. Pray that you would see your service to
others in perspective of God’s bigger picture.
Notes: __________________________________________________





Day 5
Strength through Weakness
(2 Corinthians 12:10)
What is your greatest weakness? Is your answer the same as
what others would say is your weakness? Do you tend to
serve through that aspect of your life or do you try to avoid it
and concentrate on the things you feel you are good at? Who
do you think receives the most credit when you serve out of
your strength? How about when you serve out of your
I’m afraid of people. To say I am shy would be a huge
understatement. Some people seem to gain energy when
surrounded by people, I become filled with fear. Yet it is out of
this weakness that I find God doing great work as I serve
obediently in a preaching and teaching ministry. Because I
have no confidence in my ability to speak in a public gathering,
I must rely on the power and strength of God’s Spirit to use my
weakness for the benefit of the kingdom. Yes, God can use
your strengths — He’s the one who gave them to you. But He
also seems to excel in using what you perceive as a weakness
in order to reveal His strength through you.
As you pray, ask God to use your weaknesses to reveal His
strength to those you serve. Pray that He is seen in all you do.
Notes: __________________________________________________





Day 6
Strength in the Lord
(Ephesians 6:10)
What are some things that people say are your strengths? Do
you always agree that you have the strengths others see in
you? Why? Where do your strengths come from? How strong
would you feel if you had a team of experts in every area of life
that you could call on at a moments notice? How often do you
call on God when you lack strength? Would deliberately
serving in the strength of the Lord change what you do today?
While public speaking is an area of my life that is a weakness
that God uses, writing is one that has always been a strength.
Yet it was not until I saw my strength in writing as being a gift
from God, that He began to use it to His glory. As you serve,
recognize God’s ability and desire to use both the things you
feel weak in and the thing you feel strong in to minister to
others. Recognize that with God’s Spirit in you, you have the
ability to serve in the strength and power of the Lord.
As you pray, ask God to help you see and use your strengths as
gifts from Him. Pray that God would fill you with a humility
that allows Him to be seen as you serve others in His strength.
Notes: __________________________________________________





Day 7
Strength with Grace
(2 Timothy 2:1)
Do you deserve everything that you have? What would you
have left if you were to return to others, and to God,
everything that you don’t deserve? How thankful are you for
God’s grace? Why do you think that grace seems to be so
desired, yet so difficult for us to give to others? Are there
people you have a hard time serving because you don’t think
they deserve it? How does being strong in grace help you
Years ago I had a brand new truck. Not a “new to me” truck,
but an actual brand new truck! Soon after I got this truck, I
came home one day to find my sister very apologetic because
while she was mowing the mower had thrown a rock and
dented the beautiful chrome trim panel on the truck’s tailgate.
I had a decision to make that after the fact sounds easier than
what it was. Do I extend grace or condemnation to my sister?
Grace was my choice, not because I’m that good but because
God is that good.
As you pray, ask God to fill you with a greater understanding
and appreciation for His grace extended to you. Pray that you
would extend that level of grace to those you serve.
Notes: __________________________________________________





Devotions for Those Who Serve: Serving With Strength is a
part of a series of devotionals written specifically with those
serving in Christian camp ministry in mind. I pray that these
devotionals are useful tools in a wide variety of ministry and
service settings. While the development of these devotional
guides is an ongoing project of Impact Prayer Ministry, the
following is a list of the initial topics to be addressed:
Called to Serve
Serving with Contentment
Serving with Strength
Serving with Courage
Serving with Excellence
Serving by Faith
Serving through Friendship
Guard Your Heart in Serving
Serving with Integrity

Serving by Listening
Serving with Patience
Serving in Purity
Serving as you Go!
Please contact Impact Prayer Ministry for information about
using these devotionals in your ministry. If you have ideas for
other topics related to serving, please feel free to pass them
along also.
About the author:
Tom Lemler is the director of Impact Prayer
Ministry where his preaching, teaching, and
resource development is designed to help
individuals have a greater connection to God
through prayer.

For more information about Tom’s ministry of

teaching, preaching, and writing, visit the “Tom’s
Treasure” blog at impactprayer.com or the Impact
Prayer Ministry website at

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