Force Theory

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The exponents of the force theory were of the view that the origin of state and its
development was based on force, that is, force used by the strong over the weak and their
consequent control over them. In such a way, wherever the strong group out did the weak
the strong became the master and ruled the weak. The strong group became vested with
ruling power and the federated were made their subjects. According to the Jenks
“Historically, there is not even the slightest difficulty in proving that all political
communities of the modern type owe their existence to the successful warfare” . The
warring clans and tribes established their authority in a definite territory. Their chief became
the ruler on the basis of his physical force. The state is born out of force. Exist in force and
die in the absence of force. According to Bluntschli, force is an indispensable element of
the organisation of the state . In the two world wars, Great Britain defended its territory
against the Nazi forces only with the military power. Further, the Russian military power
stopped the aggression of the German forces.
The exponents of this theory hold that wars and aggressions by some powerful tribe were
the principal factors in the creation of the state.They rely on the oft-quoted saying “war
begot the King” as the historical explanation of the origin of the state.
The force or might prevailed over the right in the primitive society. A man physically
stronger established his authority over the less strong persons. The strongest person in a
tribe is, therefore, made the chief or leader of that tribe.
After establishing the state by subjugating the other people in that place the chief used his
authority in maintaining law and order and defending the state from the aggression from
outside. Thus force was responsible not only for the origin of the state but for development
of the state also.
History supports the force theory as the origin of the state.According to Edward Jenks:
“Historically speaking, there is not the slightest difficulty in proving that all political
communities of the modern type owe their existence to successful warfare.”
As the state increased in population and size there was a concomitant improvement in the
art of warfare. The small states fought among themselves and the successful ones made big

The kingdoms of Norway, Sweden and Denmark arc historical examples of the creation of
states by the use of force. In the same process, Spain emerged as a new state in the sixth
century A.D. In the ninth century A.D. the Normans conquered and established the state of
Russia. The same people established the kingdom of England by defeating the local people
there in the eleventh century A.D. Stephen Butler Leachock sums up the founding of states
by the use of force in these words: “The beginnings of the state are to be sought in the
capture and enslavement of man-by-man, in the conquest and subjugation acquired by
superior physical force. The progressive growth from tribe to kingdom and from kingdom to
empire is but a continuation from the same process.”
Criticisms of the Theory:
Following criticisms are levelled against the theory of force. In the first place, the element
of force is not the only factor in the origin of the state; religion, politics, family and process
of evolution are behind the foundation of the state. Thus to say that force is the origin of the
state is to commit the same fallacy that one of the causes is responsible for a thing while all
the causes were at work for it.
This has been rightly pointed out by Stephen Butler Leacock- “The theory errs in
magnifying what has been only one factor in the evolution of society into the sole
controlling force.” A state may be created by force temporarily. But to perpetuate it
something more is essential.
In the second place, the theory of force runs counter to the universally accepted maxim of
Thomas Hill Green- “Will, not force, is the basis of the state.” No state can be permanent
by bayonets and daggers. It must have the general voluntary acceptance by the people.
In the third place, the theory of force is inconsistent with individual liberty. The moment one
accepts that the basis of a state is force, how can one expect liberty there? The theory of
force may be temporarily the order of the day in despotism as against democracy.
In the fourth place, the doctrine of survival of the fittest which is relied upon by the
champions of the force theory has erroneously applied a system that is applicable to the
animal world to human world. If force was the determining factor, how could Mahatma
Gandhi’s non-violence triumph over the brute force of the British Imperialists?
Lastly, the force theory is to be discarded because political consciousness rather than force
is the origin of the state. Without political consciousness of the people the state cannot be
created. This is so because man is by nature a political animal. It is that political conscience
that lay deep in the foundation of the state.
We may conclude with the words of R. N. Gilchrist- “The state, government and indeed all
institutions are the result of man’s consciousness, the creation of which have arisen from his
appreciation of a moral end.”

- h t t p s : / / w w w . r e s e a r c h g a t e . n e t / p u b l i c a t i o n /

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