Grade 10 Revised Topics
Grade 10 Revised Topics
Grade 10 Revised Topics
a) Definition 2
Section 4: Food Science and Food b) Types
Technology Contamination c) Factors that contribute to food contamination:
i) Warm temperature
ii) Moisture
iii) Improper storage
iv) Poor food handling
v) Unhygienic surroundings
vi) Enzymatic actions
Roles of a) Bacteria 1
microorganism b) Yeast
c) Fungi
Food preservation a) Definitions 3
b) Importance
c) Methods
i) Heat
ii) Refrigeration and freezing
iii) Addition of chemical preservatives
iv) Irradiation
b) Food Processing
i) Denaturing
ii) Caramelisation
iii) Tenderising
iv) Kneading
v) Fermentation
vi) Coagulation
vii) Proofing
viii) Emulsion
ix) Dextrinisation
x) Crystallisation
xi) Gelatinisation
xii) Osmosis in the making of jam and jellies
c) Yeast
Factors Factors
Contributing to a) Age
changes in dietary b) Gender
needs c) Level of activity
d) Occupation
e) State of health
f) Pregnancy and lactation
g) Food Availability
Community a) Definition 1
Nutrition b) Importance of Community Nutrition
Classification of
nutrients a) Macro Nutrients
b) Micro Nutrients
c) Listing the macro nutrients
d) Listing the micro nutrients
Vitamins and Structure of fat soluble and water soluble vitamins and 2
Minerals minerals
Nutrition Sources 1
information a) On- line media
b) Magazines
c) Newspaper
d) Radio
e) Television
Appearance and 2
a) Appearance of dishes
service of - Garnishing
completed dishes - Colour of food
- Decorating
Suitable items
Prepare garnishes and decoration
b) Service:
- Appropriate temperature
- Appropriate dishes and utensils
- Table décor
- Ambience
- Style of service
Food Preparation
Skill Preparing and serving pastry
i. Types of pastry- Short crust, flaky and
rough- puff pastries
I. Classification of sauces
II. Use
III. Definition of terms; roux, puree, panada ,
IV. Recipes and standards for pouring, coating
and binding sauces, sauces thickened by
starch, protein, emulsification and puree
V. Steps and precautions for preparation of
roux sauce- white, mornay; sauce thickened
by emulsification, pureed sauce, salas;
VI. Standards for finished products and their
k. Preparing and serving desserts using a variety of
i. Desserts made from gelatin, corn starch,
custard, fruits and others:
ii. Recipes and standards for the finished
products and their service.
Preparing and 2
a) Frozen, canned, dehydrated convenience foods:
serving meals
i. General rule for preparing and serving
using different
convenience food
kinds of
ii. Preparation and service of:
foods - Appetizer
- Main dish
- Side dishes
- Desserts
- Breakfast items
iii. Standards for finished products and their
c) Preparation of syrups
Origin of simple
world cuisine 2
a) Countries from which the following dishes
originate, for example:
i. Dumpling
ii. Pasta
iii. Pizza
iv. Roti
v. Crepe
vi. Wanton
vii. Tortillas
viii. Sausages
ix. Tapas
a) Write menus, prepare dishes/ meals for various
times/ occasions
i. Cocktails
ii. Brunch
iii. Birthday parties ( children, adult, male,
iv. Buffet part
b) Style/ format of menu for each time and
Meal planning for occasion
i. Suitability of dishes/ item chosen, courses
different groups
ii. Nutritionally balanced
iii. Plan and prepare meals
a) Groups:
i. Toddler
ii. Child
- Nutrient requirements
- Developing positive eating habits
iii. Adolescent
- Nutrient requirements for
Adolescent female
Athletic adolescent
iv. Pregnant and lactating women:
- Eating for two
- Breastfeeding vs bottle feeding
- Complementary breast feeding
v. Elderly
- Identify those considered as elderly
- Problems that affect their
nutritional status
vi. Suitable foods for each group listed
vii. Plan and prepare meals for each group
listed ( breakfast, dinner, snack)
b) Occupational group:
i. The sedentary worker , the manual worker
ii. Athletes and other sports- related
- Definition of sedentary and manual
- Nutritional requirements
- Suitable foods for each group
- Plan and prepare and serve meals
for these groups ( breakfast, dinner,
c) Special groups
Vegetarians Convalescent:
i. Definition
ii. Nutritional needs
iii. Suitable foods
iv. Plan meals
a) Definition
b) Types
i. Lacto vegetarian
ii. Lacto ova vegetarian
iii. Vegan
Planning meals
c) Nutritional requirement
and modify dishes
d) Suitable foods eaten by each type of vegetarian
to prevent various
e) Planning meals for the different types of
nutritional vegetarians
disorders 1
a) Obesity
b) Diabetes ( type 2)
c) Osteoporosis 1
Planning packed d) Hypertension
meals for e) Anemia
different groups f) Modify recipes to suit the different special diet
g) Plan meals for the different disorders
SBA 1 preparation
Plan packed meals for pre schoolers, adolescents and an
office worker:
a) Lunch and snack for a picnic
SBA 1 completion b) Suitable packaging for packed meals, materials
( practical) and utensil used in packing the meals.
Completing time plan
Completing task given