English Education Tasks Exclusive Breastfeeding
English Education Tasks Exclusive Breastfeeding
English Education Tasks Exclusive Breastfeeding
Submitted To Fulfill Nursing English Tasks
University of Galuh Ciamis
Exclusive breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is only breastfeeding from the time the baby is born until around the
age of 6 months. During that time the baby is not expected to get additional fluids such as:
In exclusive breastfeeding babies are also not given additional foods such as: bananas
complementary foods. Above the age of 6 months babies need additional food but
1) Contains fat
The main source of calories in breast milk is fat, about 50% of breast milk comes
from fat. Breast milk's cholesterol levels are higher than cow's milk, so breastfed
babies have higher cholesterol levels. Besides cholesterol, breast milk contains
essential fatty acids: linoleic acid (omega 6) and linoleic acid (omega 3)
2) Contains carbohydrates
The main carbohydrate in breast milk is lactose. The benefits of lactose increase the
3) Contains protein
The protein in milk is casein and whey. The protein content is 0.9%, whey is 60%.
In breast milk there are 2 amino acids, the system for somatic growth and taurine for
brain growth.
Neonatal kidneys have not been able to concentrate urine properly, so milk with
high salt and mineral levels is neededlow. Breast milk contains less salt and
5) Vitamins
Functions to convert lactose into lactic acid and acetic acid. These two acids make
the digestive tract acidic so that it inhibits the growth of microorganisms such as
2. Contains lactoferrin
Is a protein that binds to iron. With the binding of iron, lactoferrin is useful for
3 .Contains lysosomes
Is an enzyme that can break down the walls of bacteria and anti-inflammatory
works together with peroxide and ascorbate to attack the ecoli and some
4. Complement of C3 and C4
Has opsonic, anaphylactotic and hemotactic power that works when activated by
Ig A and Ig E.
5. anti-streptococcal factors
6. Antibody
intestinal mucosa. Breast milk also contains antigens against Helicobacter jrjuni
which causes diarrhea, the levels in colostrum are high and decrease at 1 month
7. Cellular immunity
Breast milk contains cells. Most (90%) of these cells are macrophages, which
and lactoferrim.
1) Health aspect
• Reduce bleeding
3) Psychological aspects
• Mothers are satisfied that they have given breast milk to their babies
4) Technical aspects
• Not troublesome
• Saving time
• Practical
1) Economic aspect
Breast milk does not need to be purchased, so the funds that should be used to buy
2) Psychological aspects
Family happiness increases, because births are less frequent so that the mother's
psychological atmosphere is good and can bring the baby and family closer together.
3) Aspect of convenience