English Education Tasks Exclusive Breastfeeding

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Submitted To Fulfill Nursing English Tasks

Supporting Lecturer : Nina Rosdiana, S.Kp.,M.Kep

Lies Istiqomah (1420121083)

Linda Ratnawati (1420121049)
Risa Qolbiati A (1420121085)
Nisa Huzaifah (1420121120)
Rendri Sholeh Makmur (1420121107)
Nika Karunia (1420121131)
Sairah Nuryanah (1420121129)


University of Galuh Ciamis

1. Definition and timing of giving

Exclusive breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is only breastfeeding from the time the baby is born until around the

age of 6 months. During that time the baby is not expected to get additional fluids such as:

formula milk, orange juice, tea water, honey, water.

In exclusive breastfeeding babies are also not given additional foods such as: bananas

, biscuits, milk porridge, rice porridge, team etc.

Exclusive breastfeeding is expected to be given for up to 6 months, without

complementary foods. Above the age of 6 months babies need additional food but

breastfeeding can be continued until he is 2 years old.

2. Breast milk content

A .Contains nutrients that are suitable for babies

1) Contains fat

The main source of calories in breast milk is fat, about 50% of breast milk comes

from fat. Breast milk's cholesterol levels are higher than cow's milk, so breastfed

babies have higher cholesterol levels. Besides cholesterol, breast milk contains

essential fatty acids: linoleic acid (omega 6) and linoleic acid (omega 3)

2) Contains carbohydrates

The main carbohydrate in breast milk is lactose. The benefits of lactose increase the

absorption of calcium and stimulate the growth of Lactobacillus bifidus.

3) Contains protein
The protein in milk is casein and whey. The protein content is 0.9%, whey is 60%.

In breast milk there are 2 amino acids, the system for somatic growth and taurine for

brain growth.

4) Salt and minerals

Neonatal kidneys have not been able to concentrate urine properly, so milk with

high salt and mineral levels is neededlow. Breast milk contains less salt and

minerals than cow's milk.

5) Vitamins

Breast milk contains the necessary vitamins: vitamins K, E, and J. Vitamin K

functions as a catalyst and blood clotting.

Meanwhile, vitamin E is mainly found in dikolostrum.

B. Contains protective substances

1. Contains Lactobacillus bifidus

Functions to convert lactose into lactic acid and acetic acid. These two acids make

the digestive tract acidic so that it inhibits the growth of microorganisms such as

ecoli bacteria which often cause diarrhea, sigela and fungi.

2. Contains lactoferrin

Is a protein that binds to iron. With the binding of iron, lactoferrin is useful for

inhibiting the growth of bacteria, namely staphylococci and echoli.

3 .Contains lysosomes

Is an enzyme that can break down the walls of bacteria and anti-inflammatory

works together with peroxide and ascorbate to attack the ecoli and some


4. Complement of C3 and C4
Has opsonic, anaphylactotic and hemotactic power that works when activated by

Ig A and Ig E.

5. anti-streptococcal factors

Can protect babies against bacterial infections.

6. Antibody

Breast milk, especially colostrum, contains Ig A, Ig E, Ig M, and Ig G which

function to prevent pathogenic bacteria and enteroviruses from entering the

intestinal mucosa. Breast milk also contains antigens against Helicobacter jrjuni

which causes diarrhea, the levels in colostrum are high and decrease at 1 month

of age. then persist during breastfeeding.

7. Cellular immunity

Breast milk contains cells. Most (90%) of these cells are macrophages, which

function to kill and phagocytize microorganisms, forming C3 and C4 lasozymes

and lactoferrim.

3. Benefits of breast milk

a. The benefits of breast milk for babies

1) Contains nutrients that are suitable for babies

2) Contains protective substances

3) Beneficial psychological effects

4) Reduces dental caries

5) Reduce the incidence of malocclusion

b. Benefits of breastfeeding for mothers

1) Health aspect

• Reduce bleeding

• Accelerate uterine involution

• Reduces Ca mamae

• Faster slim back

2) Family Planning Aspect

• Lactational amenorrhea method

3) Psychological aspects

• Mothers are satisfied that they have given breast milk to their babies

4) Technical aspects

• Not troublesome

• Saving time

• Practical

• Easy to carry everywhere

c. The benefits of breastfeeding for the family

1) Economic aspect

Breast milk does not need to be purchased, so the funds that should be used to buy

formula can be used for other purposes.

2) Psychological aspects

Family happiness increases, because births are less frequent so that the mother's

psychological atmosphere is good and can bring the baby and family closer together.

3) Aspect of convenience

Very practical because it can be given anywhere and anytime.

d. The benefits of breastfeeding for the country

1) Reducing child morbidity and mortality

2) Reducing subsidies for hospitals

3) Reduce foreign exchange to buy formula milk

4) Improving the quality of the nation's next generation

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