Unicarriers Low Lifting
Unicarriers Low Lifting
Unicarriers Low Lifting
worldwide network
High demands
on productivity
UniCarriers designs, manufactures and supports the most advanced material
handling equipment. By integrating the three distinctive brands of Atlet, Nissan
Forklift and TCM, UniCarriers is the perfect mixture of Japanese quality and
technology as well as Swedish design and ergonomics. UniCarriers represents
more than 65 years of industry experience, an unparalleled global reach and
deep understanding of local markets.
UniCarriers’ ergonomically
designed offset tiller arm on
walkie trucks makes it possible for
the operator to walk beside the
truck. This gives full visibility over
the fork and load, and it reduces
the risk of foot injuries. All controls
are at the operator’s fingertips.
Pallet trucks with centered tiller
arm are available on MDW/MDE.
The control panel at the tiller arm clearly displays information on battery
status, hour meter, date, clock and warning messages. The ATC truck
Max uptime is in the DNA computer has built-in service functions to reduce downtime, but it is also
easy to change performance settings based on the operator’s skill and
Sharing many components, all experience.
UniCarriers trucks are modularly
built on flexible technical
platforms. This means fewer
components are used, which
contributes to 98% uptime for
your operations. And by only
having to deal with a limited
number of components, our
mobile service engineers can
complete over 95% of all repairs
on the first visit.
Powerful AC motor
Convenient and safe operation The reliable PLL has long service
intervals and is built to minimise
The excellent visibility provided by a low, narrow chassis and the servicing and maintenance
asymmetrically positioned tiller arm allows the operator to control the requirements – all to keep life-
truck efficiently and safely. The operator can walk either behind or beside cycle costs at a minimum and
the truck to fit into the smallest and tightest spaces. your uptime at a maximum.
Flexible multitasking
Personal PIN-code
Two trucks in one
The PIN-code settings ensure that
each operator has his/her own This compact pedestrian truck features dual functionality: a low lifter for
personal parameters logged in heavy loads and an ergonomic lift function for picking. Perfect for shop
and that no unauthorised operator floor restocking, order picking and short-distance internal transport, for
has access to the truck. example in smaller warehouses, supermarkets and production areas.
Fitting computers, scanners or Friction Force is the solution to ensure high performance in any loading /
other things are easy with an unloading and high speed traveling application. Energy efficient AC drive
optional Equipment bar with RAM motors with high power output provides high speed even with heavy
holders and 12V power supply. loads for maximum productivity.
Stand-in versatility
Comfortable and speedy
UniCarriers ERGO XLL 200 XLL 300
Lift capacity, kg 2000 3000
Load centre, mm 600 600
Truck width, mm 1010 1010
Optimised performance
Exceptional performance...
whatever the conditions
Compact and robust with high lift height
Versatile and ergonomic
mds. 2017-09
UniCarriers Corporation reserves the right to make any changes without notice concerning colours, equipment or specifications detailed in this brochure, or to discontinue individual models. The colours of vehicles
delivered may differ slightly from those in this brochure. The specifications vary for different countries depending on local market conditions. Please consult your local dealer to ensure that the vehicle delivered
meets your expectations. All values are determined based on the standard condition and may vary, due to motor and system tolerances, condition of the truck and operational conditions. Some equipment shown
on photos are optional.