I Design & Facilities of My Premise: S.No. Checklist Item Weightage

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Hygiene Sample Audit Check List

S.No. Checklist item weightage

I Design & facilities of my premise
Provides adequate working space; permit maintenance & cleaning to
3 2
prevent the entry of dirt, dust & pests
The internal structure & fittings are made of non-toxic and impermeable
4 2
Walls, ceilings & doors are free from flaking paint or plaster, condensation
5 2
& shedding particles
6 Floors are non-absorbent, non-slippery & sloped appropriately 2
Windows are kept closed & fitted with insect proof screen when opening to
7 2
external environment
Doors are smooth and non-absorbent. Suitable precautions have been
8 2
taken prevent entry of pests
Potable water (meeting standards of IS:10500 & tested semi-annually with
9* records maintained thereof) is used as product ingredient or in contact with 4
food or food contact surface
Equipment and containers are made of non-toxic, impervious, non-
10 2
corrosive material which is easy to clean & disinfect
Adequate facilities for heating, cooling, refrigeration and freezing food &
11 2
facilitate monitoring of temperature
Premise has sufficient lighting. Lighting fixtures are protected to prevent
12 2
contamination on breakage
13 Adequate ventilation is provided within the premises 2
An adequate storage facility for food, packaging materials, chemicals,
14 2
personnel items etc is available.
Personnel hygiene facilities are available including adequate number of
15 2
hand washing facilities, toilets, change rooms for employees
Food material is tested either through internal laboratory or through an
16 2
accredited lab. Check for records.
II Control of operation: Safe Handling Practices
Incoming material is procured as per internally laid down specification from
approved vendors and records are maintained (like certificate of analysis,
17 2
Form E, specifications, name and address of the supplier, batch no., mfg.,
use by/expiry date, quantity procured etc.)
Raw materials are inspected at the time of receiving for food safety
18 hazards. (Farm produce like vegetables, fruits, eggs etc. must be checked 2
for spoilage and accepted only in good condition)
Incoming material, semi or final products are stored according to their
temperature requirement in a hygienic environment to avoid deterioration
19 2
and protect from contamination. FIFO & FEFO is practiced. (Foods of animal
origin are stored at a temperature less than or equal to 4oC )
20 All raw materials is cleaned thoroughly before food preparation 2
Proper segregation of raw, cooked; vegetarian and non-vegetarian food is
21 2
S.No. Checklist item weightage
22 All the equipment is adequately sanitized before and after food preparation 2
Frozen food is thawed hygienically. No thawed food is stored for later
use.(Meat, Fish and poultry is thawed in refrigerator at 5 oC or below or in
23 * 4
microwave. Shellfish/seafood is thawed in cold potable running water at 15
oC or below within 90 minutes
Vegetarian items are cooked to a minimum of 60o C for 10 minutes or 65oC
for 2 minutes core food temperature. Non vegetarian items are cooked for
24 * 4
a minimum of 65oC for 10 minutes or 70oC for 2 minutes or 75oC for 15
seconds core food temperature
Cooked food intended for refrigeration is cooled appropriately. (High risk
25 * food is cooled from 60o C to 21oC within 2 hours or less and further cooled 4
to 5o C within two hours or less.)
Food portioning is done in hygienic conditions. High risk food is portioned in
26 a refrigerated area or portioned and refrigerated within 30 minutes. Large 2
amount of food is portioned below 15 o C.
Hot food intended for consumption is held at 65o C and non-vegetarian
food intended for consumption is held at 70oC. Cold foods are maintained
27 at 5oC or below and frozen products are held at -18o C or below. (*Hot 2
food is kept above 65oC and cold food is kept below 5OC but below 10
oCupto 42 hours for not more than two hours only once.)
Reheating is done appropriately and no indirect of reheating such as adding
hot water or reheating under bainmaire or reheating under lamp are being
28 2
used. (The core temperature of food reaches 75oC and is reheated for at
least 2 minutes at this temperature.)
Oil being used is suitable for cooking purposes is being used. Periodic
29 verification of fat and oil by checking the color, the flavour and floated 2
elements is being done
Vehicle intended for food transportation are kept clean and maintained in
good repair & are maintain required temperature. (Hot foods are held at
30 2
65o C, cold foods at 5o C and frozen item -18oC during transportation or
transported within 2 hours of food preparation).
Food and non-food products transported at same time in the same vehicle
31 2
is separated adequately to avoid any risk to food.
Cutlery, crockery used for serving and dinner accompaniments at dining
32 2
service are clean and sanitized free form unhygienic matters
Packaging and wrapping material coming in contact with food is clean and
33 2
of food grade quality
III Maintenance & sanitation
Cleaning of equipment, food premises is done as per cleaning schedule &
34 2
cleaning programme. There should be no stagnation of water in food zones.
Preventive maintenance of equipment and machinery are carried out
35 regularly as per the instructions of the manufacturer.Records are 2
36 Measuring & monitoring devices are calibrated periodically 2
37 Pest control program is available & pest control activities are carried out by 2
S.No. Checklist item weightage
trained and experienced personnel. Check for records.
38 * No signs of pest activity or infestation in premises (eggs, larvae, faeces etc.) 4
Drains are designed to meet expected flow loads and equipped with grease
39 2
and cockroach traps to capture contaminants and pests.
Food waste and other refuse are removed periodically from food handling
40 2
areas to avoid accumulation
IV Personal Hygiene of Food Handlers
All food handlers go for annual medical examination & inoculation against
41 the enteric group of diseases as per recommended schedule of the vaccine 2
is done. Records are maintained.
No person suffering from a disease or illness or with open wounds or burns
42 is involved in handling of food or materials which come in contact with 2
Food handlers maintain personal cleanliness (clean clothes, trimmed nails
43 * &water proof bandage etc.) and personal behaviour (hand washing, no 4
loose jewellery, no smoking, no spitting etc.)
Food handlers are equipped with suitable aprons, gloves, headgear, etc.;
44 4
wherever necessary
V Training & records keeping
Internal / External audit of the system is done periodically. Records are
45 2
46 Food Business has an effective consumer complaints redressal mechanism. 2
Food handlers have the necessary knowledge and skills & trained to handle
47 2
food safely. Training records are maintained.
Appropriate documentation & records are available and retained for a
48 * 4
period of one year, whichever is more

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