Gujarat Technological University: Computer Aided Design SUBJECT CODE: 3710802
Gujarat Technological University: Computer Aided Design SUBJECT CODE: 3710802
Gujarat Technological University: Computer Aided Design SUBJECT CODE: 3710802
Rationale: The course is intended to provide exposure of modelling techniques for curves, surfaces
and solids. It also includes topics on feature based modelling, mass property calculations and
assembly modelling. Topic on CAD data formats and exchange standards is also included
Sr. Teaching Module
No. Hrs. Weightage
1 Conventional and computer aided design processes, Product Life 02 5%
Cycle and Role of CAD, Applications of CAD.
Principles of Computer Graphics:
Introduction, graphic primitives, Plotting of analytical Curves,
Coordinate systems, Half-Spaces and Homogeneous Coordinates,
2 2D (Translations, Rotation, Scaling and Shear) and 3D 08 15%
transformation (Translations, Rotation, Scaling, Shear, Orthographic
and Perspective Projections), Windows to View port transformation,
Introduction to curves, parametric continuity condition, geometric
continuity condition, Conics, Spline representation, Hermite Curves
(Algebraic and Geometric Forms, Basis Functions, Matrix Form,
Tangent Vectors, Truncating and Sub-dividing, 3-point and 4-point
3 interpolation), Bézier Curves (Bézier basis functions, control points, 08 25%
truncating and subdividing, composite Bézier curve, characteristics
of Bézier curve), B-Spline Curves (Uniform and Non-uniform B-
Spline basis function, Quadratic and Cubic B-Spline basis function,
Closed B-Spline Curve, Continuity, NURBS, Representation of
conics with NURBS)
Introduction, Implicit and explicit function of surfaces, types of
4 06 20%
surfaces, Surface Representation, Surface Analysis (Tangent,
Normal, Twist, Distance Calculation, Curvature, Tangent Plane),
Plane Surface, Ruled Surface, Surfaces of Revolution, Tabulated
Surfaces, Hermite Bi-cubic surface, Bézier Surface, Coons Surface,
Introduction, Solid Representation, Properties of Solid model,
5 Regularized Boolean set operations, Primitive instancing, Sweep 05 10%
representations, Boundary representations (B-rep), Constructive
Solid Geometry (CSG), Comparison of representations.
Advanced Topics:
Feature Based Modelling:
Features and primitives, Feature entities, 3D sketching, Feature
representation, Creating features, Parametrics, Relations and
constraints, Feature manipulations
Geometric and Mass Properties:
Geometric Properties, Calculate length of contours and curves,
6 Calculate areas, Calculate centroids, Calculate inertia properties, 10 20%
Mass Properties, Properties Evaluation.
Assembly Modelling:
Differences between part and assembly modelling, Mating
conditions, Bottom-up assembly modelling approach, Top-down
assembly modelling approach, WCS and mate methods to assemble
parts, Managing assemblies, Working with subassemblies, Assembly
CAD Database:
Evaluation of data — exchange format, IGES data
7 03 05%
representations and structure, STEP Architecture, implementation,
Reference Books:
1. Mastering CAD / CAM Ibrahim Zeid McGraw-Hill
2. Geometric Modelling M Mortenson Industrial Press.
3. CAD / CAM: Theory and Practice Ibrahim Zeid McGraw-Hill
4. Mathematical Elements of Computer Graphics David F Roger McGraw Hill
5. Computer Graphics: C Version Hearn and Baker Pretice Hall of India
6. Curves and Surfaces for CAGD: A Practical Guide 5/e, Gerald Farin Morgan Kaufmann
7. Computer Graphics and Geometric Modelling David Salomon Springer.
8. Computer Aided Engineering Design AnupamSaxena and Birendra Sahay Springer
9. Mechanical Assemblies: Their Design, Manufacture, and Role in Product Development D E
Whitney Oxford Press
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to
1. Students will understand fundamentals of computer graphics and geometrical modelling.
2. Students will learn various techniques for surface and solid modelling.
3. Students will learn estimation of mass properties of model along with feature based modelling.
4. Students will learn assembly modelling and CAD data exchange.
List of Experiments:
Laboratory sessions should be conducted to include followings. Apart from conventional laboratory
sessions, students should be given topics from syllabus for which they should compile literature and
present the same.