Journal of Orthopaedic Translation: Pauline Po Yee Lui, Patrick Shu Hang Yung

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Journal of Orthopaedic Translation 31 (2021) 80–90

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Inflammatory mechanisms linking obesity and tendinopathy

Pauline Po Yee Lui *, Patrick Shu Hang Yung
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China


Keywords: Chronic tendinopathy is a debilitating tendon disorder with disappointing treatment outcomes. This review fo-
Adipose tissue cuses on the potential roles of chronic low-grade inflammation in promoting tendinopathy in obesity. A systematic
Inflammation literature search was performed to identify all clinical studies supporting the actions of obesity-associated in-
flammatory mediators in the development of tendinopathy. The mechanisms of obesity-induced chronic
Tendon overuse
inflammation in adipose tissue are firstly reviewed. Common inflammatory mediators potentially linking obesity
and the development of tendinopathy, and their association with mechanical overuse, are discussed, along with
pre-clinical evidences and a systematic literature search on clinical studies. The potential contribution of local
adipose tissues in the promotion of inflammation, pain and tendon degeneration is then discussed. The future
research directions are proposed.
Translational potential statement: Better understanding of the roles of obesity-associated inflammatory mediators on
tendons will clarify the pathophysiological drivers of tendinopathy in patients with obesity and identify possible
treatment targets. Further studies on the mechanisms of obesity-induced chronic inflammation on tendon are a
promising direction for the treatment of tendinopathy.

1. Introduction increases with age and severely limits the physical activity of the aging
population. The outcomes of both conservative treatments and surgeries
Chronic tendinopathy is a debilitating tendon overuse disorder are not satisfactory. The etio-pathogenesis of tendinopathy is
characterized by activity-related tendon pain with various degrees of multi-factorial and remains unclear, though mechanical overload is an
incapacity, tenderness and localized swelling [1]. Hypoechogenic re- important risk factor. Various risk factors such as environmental factors,
gions and increase in tendon thickness with loss of the imaging signals metabolic diseases, genetics, demographics and drug used modify the
typical of well-aligned collagen fibres are often observed in ultrasonog- risk of development and prognosis of overuse-induced tendinopathy.
raphy (US). Tendon enlargement and heterogeneity, with high focal T1 Tendon overuse initiates an inflammatory cascade and erroneous
and T2 signal, are typical findings at the tendon insertion or tendon-derived stem cell (TDSC) differentiation, causing tissue meta-
mid-substance in magnetic resonance images (MRI). There are clear plasia and failed healing [4,5]. Recent studies have suggested a close link
distinctions between acute tendon injury and chronic tendinopathy. between obesity and the onset and progression of chronic tendinopathy
Acute tendon injury has no persistent pain prior to tendon rupture [6]. While the link between obesity and chronic tendinopathy was his-
whereas the tendinopathic tendon is symptomatic and shows histo- torically attributed to the wear and tear of tendon as a result of increased
pathological changes. Tissue metaplasia in the tendon proper may exist body weight, growing evidence suggests that systemic chronic low-grade
in tendinopathy which is not present after acute tendon injury before inflammation associated with obesity plays a more important role than
healing occurs. While tendinopathy causes tendon degeneration and may body weight in the development of tendinopathy. This is due to
predispose the tendon to rupture, it may not be presented with tendon compelling evidence suggesting that inflammation is causal in the
rupture in the clinical setting. Chronic tendinopathy is common. It ac- development of many disorders associated with obesity such as diabetes
counts for 30–50 % of all sports-related injuries [2], and almost half of all mellitus (DM), cardiovascular disease and cancer.
occupational illnesses in the United States [3], costing billions of dollars This review aims to discuss the potential roles of chronic low-grade
in healthcare each year. The prevalence of chronic tendinopathy inflammation in promoting chronic tendinopathy in patients with

* Corresponding author. Room 74037, 5/F, Lui Che Woo Clinical Sciences Building, Prince of Wales Hospital, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, China.
E-mail addresses:, (P.P.Y. Lui), (P.S.H. Yung).
Received 30 July 2021; Received in revised form 9 September 2021; Accepted 10 October 2021
Available online 9 December 2021
2214-031X/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd on behalf of Chinese Speaking Orthopaedic Society. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
P.P.Y. Lui, P.S.H. Yung Journal of Orthopaedic Translation 31 (2021) 80–90

obesity. A systematic literature search was performed in Pubmed data- 2.2. Infiltration of immune cells
base to identify all clinical studies supporting the actions of obesity-
induced inflammation on tendinopathy on 23 Apr 2021. All original Adipose tissue contains multiple immune cells that control tissue
clinical studies involving clinical tendinopathy tissues or cells and integrity and metabolic homoeostasis. Indeed, immune cells, especially
studying the association/effects of adiposity-induced inflammatory me- macrophages, are the major inflammatory cells that release most in-
diators with/on tendinopathy in all languages are included. Reviews, flammatory molecules in adipose tissue of animals and humans with
commentary, animal and cell culture studies not involving clinical sam- obesity [14]. Under healthy condition, immune cells maintain an
ples are excluded but will be included for discussion in text where anti-inflammatory type 2 environment and polarize adipose tissue mac-
appropriate. Papers on clinical problems other than tendinopathy such as rophages to an M2 state. However, in obesity, immune cells exhibiting a
tendon adhesion and acute tendon injuries are excluded. Duplicates are type 1 pro-inflammatory phenotype infiltrate into adipose tissue in
removed. Four, fifteen and nine relevant clinical studies studying the response to pro-inflammatory signals.
effects of adipokines, free fatty acid (FFA) metabolites and alarmins, CD8þ T cells are among the first immune cell population that is
repectively, which are frequently dysregulated in obesity, in the patho- recruited to the adipose tissue at the early stages of obesity, prior to the
genesis/treatment of tendinopathy were identified and included in this accumulation of adipose tissue macrophages, and they continue to in-
review. The mechanisms of obesity-induced chronic inflammation in crease thereafter [15]. The CD8þ T cells polarize into a pro-inflammatory
adipose tissue are briefly summarized. Common inflammatory mediators phenotype expressing high level of IFN-γ. In mice, the depletion of CD8þ
potentially linking obesity and the development of tendinopathy, and T cells attenuated while the adoptive transfer of CD8þ T cells exacerbated
their association with mechanical overuse, are discussed. The potential adipose tissue macrophage accumulation and inflammation in obesity,
contribution of local adipose tissues in the promotion of inflammation, supporting an important role of CD8þ T cells in inducing inflammation
pain and tendon degeneration is then discussed. The future research di- [15].
rections are proposed. Better understanding of the influence and the There was also an early transient infiltration of neutrophils prior to
underlying mechanisms of obesity-induced chronic inflammation in the macrophage infiltration in a high-fat diet mouse model, suggesting the
development of tendinopathy will identify promising mechanistic targets role of neutrophils in the initiation of the inflammatory cascade [16].
and strategies for disrupting the obesity-tendinopathy link. Neutrophils might contribute to inflammation of adipose tissue by
secreting elastase, myeloperoxidase, IL-1β and interacting with macro-
2. Obesity-induced chronic inflammation in adipose tissue phages [14].
By contrast, the numbers of both anti-inflammatory CD4þ helper T
2.1. Overproduction of inflammatory adipokines cells (TH) and Treg decreased in the adipose tissue of individuals with
obesity [17]. The ratio of CD4þ helper 1 T cells to helper 2 T cells
Adipose tissue is one of the largest endocrine organs in the body. (TH1/TH2) increased in high fat diet-induced obesity.
Rather than an inert tissue for energy storage, adipose tissue plays a more Macrophages are the effectors of the complex type 1 immune
complex role and regulates many physiological functions such as im- response triggered by various immune cell types. Monocytes are
munity and inflammation. It secretes a plethora of cytokines, chemokines recruited to the adipose tissue from bone marrow in response to various
and hormone-like factors that have pro-inflammatory or anti- inflammatory signals at the late stage of obesity. The infiltrated mono-
inflammatory activities. Collectively, these factors are called adipo- cytes differentiate into the pro-inflammatory M1 phenotype, which are a
kines. Some examples of pro-inflammatory adipokines are TNF-α, IL-1β, major source of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-6 [18].
IL-6, leptin, resistin, fatty acid-binding protein 4 (FABP4), visfatin and The adipose tissue resident macrophages also polarize from the
chemerin as well as anti-inflammatory adipokines such as adiponectin, anti-inflammatory M2 to the pro-inflammatory M1 phenotype. The in-
omentin-1 and fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21). Some adipokines crease in macrophage number and M1 to M2 macrophage ratio are
such as leptin and adiponectin are more specific to adipose tissue while hallmarks of adipose tissue inflammation that accompanies obesity
others like TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 are non-specific to adipose tissue. There [18–20]. The infiltrating macrophages surround the necrotic adipocytes,
are more pro-inflammatory compared to anti-inflammatory adipokines forming crown-like structures. Interestingly, weight loss is associated
that have been discovered. Leptin, the first adipokine discovered, stim- with a reduction in the filtration of macrophages into adipose tissue and
ulates monocyte proliferation and differentiation into macrophages, an improvement in inflammatory profiles [20].
modulates the activation of natural killer cells and induces the produc-
tion of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-12 [7]. 2.3. Initiating factors of obesity-induced inflammation
Adiponectin exerts opposite immuno-modulatory actions to leptin. It
inhibits the phagocytic activity and TNF-α production by macrophages, There have been many studies on the initiating factors of obesity-
suppresses the differentiation of monocyte precursors, inhibits the syn- induced inflammation in rodent models of dietary and genetic obesity,
thesis of endothelial adhesion molecules, and reduces the formation of but the precise triggers remain unclear. Obesity increases intestinal
foam cells [8]. Adiponectin also inhibits CRP and TNF-α production in permeability, which increases the circulating levels of lipopolysaccha-
adipose tissue [9]. In addition, adiponectin stimulates the release of rides (LPS) from intestinal Gram-positive bacteria [21]. The bacterial LPS
anti-inflammatory interleukins such as IL-10 and IL-1 receptor agonist initiates an inflammatory cascade via activation of pattern recognition
[7]. IL-10 stimulates tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase (TIMP) receptors (PRRs) such as Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in adipocytes. Be-
expression that inhibits matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activities in sides, different lipid species that are elevated due to diet or lipolysis may
macrophages [10]. The adipokines are mainly produced by immune cells, contribute to inflammation. The increase in saturated fatty acids (SFA)
adipocytes and fibroblasts, endothelial cells in adipose tissue. The serum promotes inflammation via indirect binding to TLR4 through the adaptor
levels of inflammatory adipokines elevate in individuals with obesity protein feutin A, resulting in NF-kB and JNK1 activation in macrophages,
[11] and the levels reduce with reduction of fat mass [12]. The dysre- adipocytes and cells in other tissues or organs [22]. There is also evidence
gulated production or secretion of these adipokines because of adipose that the hyperplasia of adipose tissue and the hypertrophy of adipocytes
tissue dysfunction contributes to the pathogenesis of obesity-linked cause hypoxia due to the relative under perfusion of the enlarged adipose
complications. The readers are referred to a recent comprehensive re- tissue or increased oxygen consumption. The increase in cellular hypoxia
view on the roles of adipokines in obesity and metabolic dysfunction for in turn induces inflammation by activating HIF-1α, which controls the
more information [13]. expression of chemokines such as MCP-1 and LTB4 in adipocytes,

P.P.Y. Lui, P.S.H. Yung Journal of Orthopaedic Translation 31 (2021) 80–90

expression of adiponectin and leptin in adipocytes as well as M1-like patients who are symptomatic and at chronic disease stage as well as the
polarization of macrophages [23]. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) pro- appropriateness of the controls used for comparison may have caused the
duction also increases in parallel with adipocyte hypertrophy and adi- presence of inflammation at the early phase of tendinopathy being
pose tissue hyperplasia, promoting tissue inflammation. Furthermore, missed.
the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and its downstream signalling Using matched subscapularis tendon from patients with full-thickness
cascades governing the unfolded protein response (UPR) are activated in rotator cuff tears as an early human tendinopathy model, the upregula-
obesity and they are closely tied to both the inflammatory JNK-1 and tion of inflammatory cytokines and the infiltration of inflammatory cells
NF-kB pathways [24]. Both ROS production and ER stress contribute to were observed, contrary to the belief that tendinopathy is not an in-
the dysregulation of adipokine production. In addition, the release of flammatory process [42,43]. Macrophages, lymphocytes and mast cells
alarmins, also called damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMP) were observed in torn supraspinatus tendons and matched subscapularis
[25–30], as a result of hypertrophy or necrosis of adipocytes, is closely tendons [43–45]. Similarly, chronic painful supraspinatus tendons also
associated with the infiltration of macrophages and the development of showed higher mRNA expression of CD206 (M2 macrophage marker)
inflammation. Furthermore, the switch from aerobic to anaerobic and CD45 (pan-leucocyte marker) compared to that in pain-free controls
glycolysis also increases the production and release of lactate from adi- after shoulder surgery [46]. In another study, the numbers of mast cell
pocytes [31]. Lactate has been shown to stimulate inflammation in increased and was associated with the duration of pain symptom in
macrophages [32]. Fig. 1 summarizes the initiators and mediators of human samples of patellar tendinopathy [47]. Moreover, macrophages, T
obesity-induced systemic chronic low-grade inflammation. lymphocytes, mast cells, and natural killer cells were observed in the
majority of biopsy specimens from non-ruptured chronic tendinopathic
3. Common inflammatory mediators linking obesity and Achilles tendons and macrophages were significantly more numerous in
tendinopathy tendinopathic tendons compared with the numbers in healthy tendons
[48]. Furthermore, there were increased numbers of CD14þ and CD68þ
3.1. Histopathological changes of tendinopathy cells in both mid-portion tendinopathic Achilles tendons and ruptured
tendons compared with healthy hamstring tendons [49]. In another
Tendinopathy is histologically characterized by a failed healing study, lymphocytes, mostly macrophages, were also present in both
response of hypercellularity, hypervascularity and rounding of tenocytes tendinopathic and chronic ruptured Achilles tendons [50]. Besides the
with loss of parallel cell arrangement [33–35]. The collagen type III/type infiltration of immune cells, the upregulation of inflammatory cytokines
I ratio and sulfated glycosaminoglycan production increase in tendin- including IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-17, IL-21 receptor, IL-33, COX-1,
opathy. The degeneration of extracellular matrix with bone, fat and COX-2, TGF-β, TNF-α, bFGF and more were reported in human samples of
chondroid metaplasia are observed. The collagen fibers are smaller and tendinopathy in the previous studies [51]. There was increased expres-
disorganized, resulting in reduced mechanical strength of tendon, pre- sion of macrophages and inflammatory cytokines in tendons of patients
disposing the tendon to rupture. The ingrowth of vascular and neural with chronic lateral epicondylitis [52]. Single cell and spatial tran-
structures causes pain in tendinopathy. scriptomics analysis has shown that the stromal cell clusters in clinical
tendinopathy samples expressed genes that promoted immune cell
3.2. Overexpression of inflammatory markers recruitment and activation as well as enhanced cytokine responses in
diseased tendons [53].
Tendinopathy is previously considered as a degenerative disease with
an absence of infiltration of inflammatory cells [36–38]. However, recent 3.3. Common inflammatory adipokines in obesity and tendinopathy
studies have reported signs of inflammation, including the presence of
inflammatory cells or an increase in inflammatory markers in the path- The balance of pro- and anti-inflammatory adipokines is perturbed,
ological clinical samples [33,34,39–41]. The discrepancy is likely due to favoring a chronic pro-inflammatory status in individuals with obesity.
the sub-optimal method used for the detection of inflammatory cells in Some obesity-associated adipokines such as IL-1β, TNF-α and IL-6 were
the earlier studies. The availability of clinical specimens only from expressed in clinical samples of tendinopathy. There was significant

Fig. 1. Schematic diagrams summarizing the initia-

tors and mediators of obesity-induced systemic
chronic low-grade inflammation. Under healthy con-
dition, the immune cells maintain an anti-
inflammatory type 2 environment and polarize the
resident adipose tissue macrophages to an M2 state. In
obesity, the increase of bacterial LPS, adipocyte hy-
pertrophy, hyperplasia, hypoxia, ER stress, UPR and
adipocyte necrosis induces the release of adipokines,
FFA, alarmins, glucose and lactate. Immune cells
exhibiting a type 1 inflammatory phenotype are
recruited to the adipose tissue in response to various
inflammatory signals and chemokines. Macrophages,
the key effectors of the complex type 1 immune
response triggered by various immune cell types, are
polarized to a pro-inflammatory M1 phenotype. The
release of the adipokines, FFA, alarmins, glucose and
lactate to the circulation creates a systemic chronic
low-grade inflammatory milieu which causes various
obesity-associated comorbidities.

P.P.Y. Lui, P.S.H. Yung Journal of Orthopaedic Translation 31 (2021) 80–90

increase in the expression of IL-1β in the synovium of patients with full- mRNA expression of adiponectin in the Achilles tendinopathy samples
thickness supraspinatus tendon tears [54]. Besides, the mRNA and pro- compared to that in the acute ruptured tendons, but the sample size of the
tein expression of IL-18, IL-15, IL-6, TNF-α and MIF were upregulated in study was small. A larger sample size is required to confirm the findings.
the supraspinatus and subscapularis tendons harvested from patients
with rotator cuff tears [42]. In addition, there was stronger expression of 3.3.4. Other adipokines
TNF-α and its receptors in rounded/widened tenocytes in human Achilles There was higher mRNA expression of FABP4 in chronic ruptured
tendinopathy samples [55]. Furthermore, there was an increase in the Achilles tendons compared to that in acute ruptured tendons in patients
mRNA expression of COX-2 and IL-6 in both painful and ruptured human [50]. The expression of FABP4 increased and localized predominantly in
Achilles tendons compared with that in the normal tendons [56]. The the area of fat accumulation in torn rotator cuff muscle compared to
increased expression of these inflammatory signals that were also highly intact deltoid muscle [69]. FABP4 was a plasma biomarker of obesity
expressed in obesity may promote the onset and progression of tendin- [70], supporting the potential roles of adipokines in the development of
opathy. They may trigger cell proliferation, angiogenesis, overexpression tendinopathy in patients with obesity. The expression of FABP4 and
of MMPs and pain mediators, resulting in extracellular matrix degener- HIF-1α increased in the rat rotator cuff tear model established by
ation, tissue metaplasia and tendon pain [57]. However, these adipokines detachment of supraspinatus tendon [69]. Local injection of FABP4 in-
are not specific to adipose tissue and the clinical studies only reported the hibitor into the supraspinatus muscle 4 times at 3-day intervals starting
association between the adipokines and tendinopathy. The role of obesity from week 2 after surgery significantly decreased FABP4 expression but
in overproducing these inflammatory mediators in tendinopathy were has no effect on HIF-1α, reduced fatty infiltration and improved the
not examined. tensile strength of the rotator cuff muscle [69]. Higher serum level of
A systemic search with keywords “tendon” and “adipokine” was resistin at baseline predicted a higher recovery rate in patients with
done. Fourteen articles are identified and 4 articles were included after upper extremity soft tissue disorders at 8-week follow-up (OR: 1.56, 95 %
detailed examination (Online Resource 1A). The findings of these 4 CI 0.90, 2.71) and the higher level of serum visfatin showed a similar
clinical studies, together with in vitro and in vivo studies, about the link trend (OR: 0.92; 95 %CI 0.36, 2.35) [62].
between the more specific adipokines and tendinopathy were discussed
according to the adipokines.
3.4. Association of FFA metabolites in obesity with tendinopathy
3.3.1. Leptin
Obesity causes hyperleptinemia and leptin resistance [58]. Interest- A systemic search with keywords “tendon” and “fatty acid” was done.
ingly, the knock-down of leptin was reported to induce chondrocyte-like Three-hundred and forty articles were identified and 15 clinical articles
phenotype, degeneration of tenocytes, vascular proliferation, and rup- were included after detailed examination (Online Resource 1B). FFA
tures at the tendon-to-bone junction in mouse Achilles tendons [59]. On overload in obesity has been demonstrated to damage non-adipose tis-
the contrary, another study has reported that leptin expression was sues and contributes to DM, chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular dis-
associated with ectopic ossification in healing Achilles tendon in rats ease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and cancer, by boosting
[60]. Another more recent study has confirmed this finding and reported the production of ROS, lipid peroxidation, mitochondrial damage and
that leptin treatment enhanced osteogenic differentiation of TDSCs and production of inflammatory cytokines [71,72]. SFA were also shown to
promoted heterotopic ossification in rat Achilles tendon after tenotomy exert lipotoxic effects on cartilage and subchondral bone similar to
[61]. The interaction of an injury with leptin level might explain the osteoarthritis in rats [73]. Despite the lack of evidence supporting the
contradictory findings. Indeed, a cohort study has shown that higher direct effects of FFA overload on tendon, there is evidence supporting the
serum level of leptin showed a tendency to predict a lower rate of re- association of FFA levels with tendon health and pathology. In this
covery from upper extremity soft tissue disorders including rotator cuff context, the serum levels of two linoleic acid derived oxylipins were
tendinitis, humeral epicondylitis, tenosynovitis and other non-specific significantly higher in Achilles tendinopathy samples compared to those
disorders at 8-weeks (OR ¼ 0.73, 95 % CI 0.51, 1.02) [62]. in the controls in a cross-sectional study, suggesting that FFA overload
might contribute to pain in Achilles tendinopathy [74]. Besides, patients
3.3.2. Nesfatin-1 with full thickness degenerative rotator cuff tears had a significantly
The association of nesfatin-1 with obesity is controversial with studies lower Omega-3 Index than controls without rotator cuff tendinopathy in
showing positive [63] and negative relationships [64,65]. In this context, a cross-sectional study [75]. In addition, the supplementation with
the mRNA expression of nesfatin-1 in human tendinopathy samples was long-chain ω3 polyunsaturated FFAs (eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
significantly higher than that in tendon samples from healthy controls docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) for 8 weeks reduced shoulder pain [76].
[66]. Besides, nesfatin-1 reduced the migration and tenogenic differen- On the contrary, supplementation with ω3 FFA and vitamins (A, B6, C, E,
tiation but increased the osteogenic differentiation of rat TDSCs [66]. selenium and zinc) for 8 weeks has no effects on pain level and maximal
The peri-tendinous injection of nesfatin-1 also enhanced heterotrophic grip force compared to the placebo group after 6 months in patients with
ossification in an Achilles tenotomy rat model [66]. epicondylitis [77]. Obesity was associated with high pro-inflammatory
PGE2 level in blood [78]. Although the early studies from Alfredson's
3.3.3. Adiponectin group reported no change in the peri-tendinous level of PGE2 in patents
Adiponectin was reported to promote the proliferation and tendon- with Jumpers' knee, tennis elbow and Achilles tendinopathy [79–81],
related marker expression in human diabetic-ridden TDSCs [67]. The other studies have reported marked production of PGE2 [82] and
expression of adiponectin is downregulated in humans with obesity [68], increased expression of COX-2 [56,83,84]. Bergqvist et al. [83] have
supporting the poor outcomes of tendon healing and higher risk of ten- shown higher expression of prostacyclin receptor and enzymes catalyzing
dinopathy as a result of repeated microtraumas in patients with obesity. the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, including COX-1, COX-2, prostacyclin
However, serum adiponectin level could not predict the recovery from synthase (PGIS) and microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 (mPGES-1)
upper extremity soft tissue disorders at 8-week follow-up (OR: 1.02, 95 % in the supraspinatus and Achilles tendon biopsies of symptomatic pa-
CI 0.69, 1.50) [62]. Self-reported dichotomized outcome of fully or tients with tendinopathy or rupture compared to that in the healthy
substantially recovered versus unchanged or exacerbated symptoms were tendon samples. In another case, there was also significantly higher
used which might affect the reliability of the outcome. Moreover, protein expression of COX-2 in the patellar tendinopathy samples
Klatte-Schulz et al. [50] have reported no significant difference in the compared to that in the healthy controls [84]. High concentration of
PGE2 reduced cell proliferation, increased protein and mRNA expression

P.P.Y. Lui, P.S.H. Yung Journal of Orthopaedic Translation 31 (2021) 80–90

of MMP1 and MMP3 of tendon fibroblasts as well promoted non-tenocyte acute Achilles tendon rupture group and intact tendon group [50].
differentiation of TDSCs via BMP-2, which might cause matrix degener- Similarly, IL-33 and its receptor, ST-2, were significantly elevated in early
ation and metaplasia in tendinopathy [85–87]. We have shown over- tendinopathy samples (subscapularis tendon) compared to that in
expression of BMPs in clinical samples of patellar tendinopathy [88,89]. healthy subscapularis tendons or matched torn supraspinatus tendon
Many FFA metabolites are involved in the resolution of inflammation in biopsies [43,98]. Both in vivo and in vitro studies have shown that
tendons. The inflammation pro-resolving power of tendinopathic ten- IL-33/ST2 triggered the release of inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-8 and
dons was compromised, which may be associated with the dysregulation MCP-1) and switched collagen production towards the biomechanically
of FFA metabolites. In this regard, IL-1β markedly induced prostaglandin inferior collagen type III [98]. The increased expression of IL-33 in ten-
biosynthesis in tendinopathic tendon cells compared to healthy tendon dons therefore might contribute to matrix degeneration and impaired
cells, and up regulated several specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPM) healing response, increasing the susceptibility of tendon to rupture as
including 15-epi-LXA4 and MaR1 [90]. 15-epi-LXA4 or MaR1 seen in tendinopathy. Both TNF-α and TNF-α þ IL-1β increased the
down-regulated PGE2 and PGD2 production in IL-1β stimulated healthy expression of IL-33 in human tenocytes [98], suggesting that adipose
tendon cells but has a modest effect in tendinopathic cells [90]. Symp- tissue might also induce the release of IL-33 in tenocytes and hence
tomatic human Achilles tendinopathy cells showed significantly higher predispose the development of tendinopathy via overproduction of
levels of 15-epi-LXB4, PGE2 and PGF2α, compared to acute Achilles TNF-α and IL-1β.
rupture tendons, suggesting the SPM, while increased, may not be suf- Besides, there was significant higher expression of alarmins including
ficient to counteract the ongoing inflammatory process in tendinopathic SRRM2, VCAM1, IL-33, and NES but not CD248, PDPN in diseased
cells [91]. Besides, clinical samples from patients with symptomatic (tendinopathic peroneus longus, the Achilles tendon and the extensor
Achilles tendinopathy showed lower expression of ALOX15 mRNA (an digitorum tendon associated with a painful fixed flexion deformity of the
enzyme for SPM synthesis) compared to healthy human hamstring ten- proximal inter-phalangeal joint) versus healthy endothelium [99]. A
dons [49]. On the other hand, patients who were pain-free after treat- sub-set of tenocytes isolated from the diseased tendon expressed higher
ment had higher expression of ALOX15 mRNA (an enzyme for SPM levels of CXCL1, CXCL6, CXCL8 and alarmin genes CD248, VCAM1, and
synthesis) in supraspinatus tendons compared to tendons from patients PDPN compared with the healthy cells [99].
who continued to experience pain after surgical treatment, suggesting In the subacromial bursa of patients with pain, the expression of
that FFA metabolism was affected, causing tendon pain [92]. TAC1, MCP1, PANX1, P2X7, TNF-α, IL-6, MMP1, and S100A4, -A10, -A11
was higher than that of the rotator cuff tendon of asymoptomatic patients
3.5. Association of alarmins in obesity with tendinopathy [100]. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry and quantitative RT-PCR
showed that the expression of S100A8 & A9 was significantly upregu-
A systemic search with keywords “tendon” and (“alarmin” or “IL-33” lated in the tendinopathic tissue compared with that in the control.
or “DAMP” or “HMGB1”, “heat shock” or “hsp” or “S100” or “IL-1β”) was Furthermore, treating primary human tenocytes with exogenous S100A8
done. Nine relevant clinical articles were identified (Online Resource & A9 significantly increased the release of IL-6, IL-8, CCL2, CCL20 and
1C). The release of alarmins by stressed or necrotic cells, has been CXCL10 proteins [96]. Mosca et al. [101] have reported different find-
highlighted recently in the pathogenesis of tendinopathy. Alarmins are ings. They have shown that painful diseased human supraspinatus
key effectors of innate immune system for host defence and tissue repair tendon samples expressed higher HIF-1α and S100A9 compared to
after cell damages. The hypertrophy or necrosis of adipocytes in obesity post-treatment pain-free tendon samples and healthy supraspinatus
activates alarmins such as high-mobility group box-1 (HMGB1), S100 tendon samples. However, the expression of IL-33 reduced in the
family proteins, heat shock proteins (HSP) and cytokines such as IL-1β diseased compared to the healthy tendons [101]. Moreover, the expres-
and IL-33 [25–30], many of which were also overexpressed in tendin- sion of HMGB1 increased in the post-treatment pain-free tendon samples
opathy [43,50,93–101]. For instances, torn supraspinatus tendon and compared to that in the healthy and diseased tendons [101]. On the
matched intact subscapularis tendon demonstrated significantly contrary, the expression of alarmins including HMGB1, IL-33, HIF-1α and
increased expression of HMGB1 compared with the control tissues, with S100A9 increased in a mouse rotator cuff tendinopathy model induced
early tendinopathy tissue showing the greatest expression [93]. Besides, by subacromial impingement [105].
elevated levels of TREM-1, HMGB-1 and RAGE were observed in biceps
tendons of patients with rotator cuff injury with or without glenohumeral 3.6. Association of advanced glycation end products and hyperglycemia
arthritis [94]. The mRNA expression of HMGB-1 and fat accumulation in with tendinopathy
rotator cuff muscles were higher in smokers compared to that from
non-smokers with rotator cuff tears [95]. Regarding the possible mech- Obesity is an important risk factor for the development of metabolic
anisms of HMGB1 on tendinopathy, HMGB1 was reported to increase the syndrome and DM. The epidemiology and potential mechanisms of DM in
mobility, proliferation, as well as the expression of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-33, causing and exacerbating tendinopathy have been discussed in another
CCL2, CXCL12, TNF-α, MMP3. MMP13, collagen type 3, tenascin C and systemic review [106]. This review therefore only highlights the roles of
decorin in tenocytes via TLR4/NF-kB/MAPK activation [93,102]. The hyperglycemia as a result of obesity-induced insulin resistance in pro-
short-term administration of HMGB1 was reported to induce moting tendon inflammation.
hyper-cellularity of rat Achilles tissues, accompanied with enhanced In this context, hyperglycemia was reported to increase ROS pro-
immune cell infiltration [102]. duction and mRNA expression of NADPH oxidase 1 and 4, IL-6, MMP-2,
Besides HMGB1, there was significant upregulation of HSP27 and MMP-9, MM-13, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 in tendon cells [107,108]. Besides,
HSP70 in the torn human supraspinatus tendons compared to the a high glucose concentration was also reported to upregulate the mRNA
matched intact subscapularis tendons, highlighting the involvement of expression of COX-2 in healthy TDSCs and tendinopathic TDSCs [109].
alarmins in early tendon disease [97]. The overexpression of HSP may be The expression of ALOX15 was significantly reduced in IL-1β stimulated
a protective responses of tendon cells to repetitive injuries as the healthy TDSCs at a high glucose level, suggesting that the inflammation
expression of HSP72 was downregulated in the rat tendon injury model pro-resolving response of TDSCs was weakened in a high glucose envi-
and the overexpression of HSP72 reduced tendon inflammation, in- ronment [109]. In addition to the direct effects of glucose on tendon cells,
flammatory cell infiltration and fibrosis [103]. The overexpression of the excess blood glucose nonenzymatically glycates and oxidizes colla-
HSP70 was also associated with tendon repair after photobiomodulation gens in tendons to form advanced glycation end products (AGEs). The
therapy in another study [104]. increase in collagen cross-links in tendon reduces fiber sliding and
In addition, the expression of alarmin IL-33 was significantly higher viscoelasticity; and hence increases its brittleness. The binding of AGEs to
in the chronic Achilles tendon rupture group compared to that in the their receptors triggers pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory events via

P.P.Y. Lui, P.S.H. Yung Journal of Orthopaedic Translation 31 (2021) 80–90

NF-kB signaling. A previous study has shown that AGEs induced NF-kB overloading in vivo induced the release of HMGB1 into tendon extracel-
activation, cell cycle arrest, and pro-inflammatory cytokine release lular matrix and induced tendon inflammation in a mouse treadmill
(IL-6 and TNF-α) as well as reduced the viability of human osteoarthritic running model [126,127]. In addition, the administration of glycyrrhizin
fibroblast-like synovial cells [110]. Streptozotocin-induced hyperglyce- or metformin, both are HMGB1 inhibitors, inhibited the development of
mia was reported to increase the expression of IL-1β and AGEs in the Achilles tendinopathy induced by long-term intensive treadmill running
insertion and mid-substance of supraspinatus tendon as well as TNF-α in mice [102,126,127].
expression in the superior capsule of rotator cuff in rats, further sup-
porting the role of hyperglycemia in inducing tendon inflammation 3.8. Contribution of local adipose tissue in the development of
[111]. AGEs can also form on lipids such as high-density lipoprotein tendinopathy
(HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). The production of AGEs is
hence accelerated in patients with obesity as a result of the increased Besides the visceral and subcutaneous fat depots, fatty deposition in
availability of lipids and glucose, increasing the risk of development of pathological muscles and tendons as well as fat pads adjacent to tendons
tendinopathy. such as the entheses, the Hoffa's fat pad located posterior to the patellar
tendon and the Kager fat pad located anterior to the Achilles tendon can
3.7. Common inflammatory mediators of obesity and tendinopathy are be local sources of adipose tissue-associated inflammatory mediators
mechano-sensitive [128]. In this regard, the infiltration of fat and blood vessels, together
with increased expression of inflammatory cytokines and MMPs, VEGF,
Tendon overuse is an important risk factor for the development of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) were commonly reported in tendinopathy
tendinopathy. Microdialysis showed a net release of PGE2 and throm- [129]. People with obesity can have fat accumulation in tendon, which
boxane B2 (TXB2) from the peritendinous space of Achilles tendon disrupts its integrity [130]. There was an increase in peritendinous fat, an
during exercise in healthy individuals [112], suggesting that inflamma- accumulation of oxidized lipoprotein lipase (oxLDL) and an increase in
tory activity was accelerated in tendon under dynamic loading. The mRNA expression of MMP2 in tendons of mice fed with a high-fed diet
peritendinous concentration of lactate was higher in patients with [131]. Moreover, oxLDL increased the proliferation, enhanced mRNA
chronic painful Achilles tendinopathy compared to that in the controls expression of MMP2 as well as reduced the mRNA expression of Col1a1
with normal Achilles tendon [113]. While the level of lactate did not and Col3a1 in human tenocytes in vitro [131]. These findings supported
increase in Alfredson et al. [113]'s study during 4 h exercise, the net the importance of local fat metabolites in tendon functions and pathol-
release of lactate from the peritendionous space of Achilles tendon ogy. Besides, muscle dysfunction due to fat deposition may also indirectly
increased during intermittent isometric exercise in healthy individuals in affect tendon function and hence the development of tendinopathy and
Langberg et al. [112]'s study. surgical outcomes. Indeed, a systematic review has shown that rotator
There is mounting evidence showing that many common inflamma- cuffs with moderate or significant fatty infiltration in rotator cuff muscles
tory mediators of obesity and tendinopathy including adipokines, FFA preoperatively had a significantly higher re-tear rate than those with no
metabolites and alarmins are mechano-sensitive. For instances, regarding or minimal fatty infiltration [132]. In addition, fatty infiltration of the
FFA metabolites, the expression of COX-1, COX-2, PGE2 and LTB4 in rotator cuff muscle was also reported to be the most influential factor on
tenocytes, TDSCs, or tendon explants was induced by mechanical loading clinical outcome 20 years after the repair of isolated supraspinatus
[114–118]. 5-lipoxygenase activating protein (FLAP) and COX-2 are the tendon tears [133]. A recent study has shown that fibro-adipogenic
inflammatory markers of the leukotrienes and prostaglandins pathways progenitors mediated rotator cuff muscle degeneration is related to the
of FFA metabolism, respectively. The mRNA expression of FLAP and poor quality of rotator cuff repair [134].
COX-2 increased in a rat supraspinatus tendon overuse injury model The fat pad adjacent to tendon is not a static structure. It is a well-
[119]. However, mechanical loading of human tendon fibroblasts vascularized, highly innervated tissue. An animal study has shown his-
increased the expression of LTB4 and PGE2 but has no effect on the topathological changes in the fat pad with increased cellularity and
expression of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX). vascularity in a rat model of patellar tendinopathy [135]. Case-control
In an overuse degenerative rat supraspinatus tendon model, the studies have shown that Hoffa's fat pad impingement was associated
mRNA expression of IL-15, IL-18, MIF, T-cell CD3 gamma chain, T-cell with proximal patellar tendinopathy [136] and quadriceps fat pad edema
receptor variable β chain, IL-6, TNF-α receptor and receptor activator of was associated with increased quadriceps tendon alterations and quad-
NF-kB ligand was upregulated while the expression of T cell receptor α riceps tendon thickness in patients [137]. The Kager fat pad underwent
chain, IL-2 and T-cell receptor was downregulated after daily treadmill significant deformation during plantar flexion in a cadaveric ankle study,
running for four weeks [42]. suggesting that it acts as a shock absorber to the Achilles tendon and
Regarding alarmins, mechanical loading also increased the expres- pathological changes to the fat pad may be clinically important in the
sion of HSP72 in human tenocytes [120]. In one study, the mRNA development of Achilles tendinopathy [138].
expression of obesity-associated alarmins, HSP27 and HSP70, was The fat pad shares a blood supply with tendon and cytokines pro-
upregulated in rat supraspinatus tendons subjected to daily treadmill duced in the fat pad only need to travel a short distance in order to affect
running for four weeks [42]. Besides, the mRNA expression of HSP27 and the tendon. Fat tissues adjacent to common sites of tendinopathy hence
HSP70 increased in the supraspinatus tendon of a rat model of tendon are also a key local source of adipose tissue-associated inflammatory
overuse [121]. The expression of HSP72 also increased in flexor dig- mediators. In this regard, individuals with chronic Achilles tendinopathy
itorum muscles and tendons of a rat model of tendon overuse [122]. have elevated mRNA expression of cytokines in Kager's fat pad compared
Furthermore, mechanical strain also induced alarmin IL-33 secretion in with healthy individuals, suggesting the potential roles of Kager’ fat pad
murine fibroblasts in the absence of cellular necrosis [123]. In another in tendon inflammation and development of tendinopathy [139]. Be-
case, cyclic stretching enhanced the maturation of IL-1β via promoting sides, fat pad size also differed between individuals with and without
H2O2-induced NLRP3 inflammasome activation in tenocytes in vitro tendinopathy [140]. Larger fat pads produce more cytokines, which may
[124], suggesting that mechanical overuse and obesity might act syner- contribute to tendinopathy and pain. Repetitive stress of the fat pads
gistically to produce IL-1β and damage tendon. Besides HSP and IL-33, close to tendon may induce subtle chronic low-grade inflammation and
tendon overuse by treadmill running also increased the expression of predispose the development of tendinopathy. A recent study has also
S100 in rat supraspinatus tendons [125]. HMGB1 is another reported the presence of nerve endings in fat at the enthesis [141],
mechanical-sensitive alarmin. In this regard, mechanical overloading implying that it may have mechanosensory role and damage of the fat
induced HMGB1 release and increased the production of PGE2 and tissue may contribute to pain in tendinopathy. Similarly, adipose tissues
MMP3 in rat tendon cells in vitro [126]. Moreover, mechanical inside pathological tendon and adjacent muscle can be a local source of

P.P.Y. Lui, P.S.H. Yung Journal of Orthopaedic Translation 31 (2021) 80–90

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram summarizing the

common inflammatory mediators potentially
linking obesity and the development of ten-
dinopathy. Many common inflammatory
mediators of obesity and tendinopathy are
also mechano-sensitive, supporting that
obesity may reduce the capacity of tendon to
resolve inflammation and tolerate load, and
amplify the deleterious effect of tendon
overuse. The immune cells are chemo-
attracted to tendon, triggering further in-
flammatory responses and tendon damages.
People with obesity can have fat accumula-
tion in muscles and tendons. The accumula-
tion of fat in tendons disrupts its integrity.
Muscle dysfunction due to fat deposition may
also indirectly affect tendon function. Be-
sides the visceral and subcutaneous fat de-
pots, fatty deposition in pathological muscles
and tendons as well as fat pads adjacent to
tendons can be local sources of adipose
tissue-associated inflammatory mediators.
The metabolic effects associated with sys-
temic obesity therefore can extend to the
local fat tissues, which can promote inflam-
mation, pain, and tendon degeneration,
contributing to the development and pro-
gression of tendinopathy.

adipose-tissue associated inflammatory mediators in people with obesity. infiltration of immune cells into tendon has been reported, the mecha-
Taken together, metabolic effects associated with systemic obesity nisms of their recruitment into tendon and their role in tendinopathy
can extend to the local fat tissues in adjacent muscles, entheses, nearby have not been defined. Although there is evidence demonstrating adi-
fat pads and even in tendon itself, which can promote inflammation, pokines, FFA metabolites, alarmins and hyperglycemia as the link be-
pain, and tendon degeneration within the local tendon environment, thus tween obesity and tendinopathy, studies are needed to fully understand
contributing to the development and progression of tendinopathy. their mechanism of action and their interactive effects with mechanical
Fig. 2 summarizes the common inflammatory mediators potentially loading to underscore their therapeutic value. Lifestyle intervention such
linking obesity and the development of tendinopathy. as exercise and diet modification has been shown to improve inflam-
mation and obesity [142]. It is not clear if it will also improve tendin-
4. Conclusion and future research directions opathy. Future studies are required.
Besides, studies on new intervention targeting adipose tissue-induced
Obesity, a known mechanical risk factor for tendinopathy, is now inflammation for the promotion of healing in tendinopathy are needed.
recognised to induce systemic inflammation which may drive the onset References can be made to the interventions under trial for other obesity-
and progression of tendinopathy. Obesity overproduces inflammatory induced co-morbidities. Indeed, there were some early in vitro and in vivo
adipokines, skewing the immune system to a pro-inflammatory state. The studies on the effects of metformin and glycyrrhizin for the treatment of
increase of bacterial LPS, adipocyte hypertrophy, hyperplasia, hypoxia, tendon overuse with encouraging results [102,126,127]. However,
ER stress, UPR and adipocyte necrosis induce the release of adipokines, recent studies have shown that statins use was associated with higher risk
FFA metabolites, alarmins, glucose and lactate, which induce systemic of trigger finger and shoulder tendinopathy, possibly through MMP
chronic low-grade inflammation. We summarized the evidence linking release [143,144], suggesting that the medication used for the manage-
the actions of adipokines, FFA metabolites, alarmins, glucose and AGEs in ment of obesity may also do harm more than good on tendons. However,
obesity with tendinopathy. The release of these inflammatory signals a systematic review reported the opposite and suggested that statins
may chemoattract immune cells to tendon, triggering further inflam- could decrease the risk of developing rotator cuff disease and the inci-
matory responses and tendon damages. Many common inflammatory dence of revision after rotator cuff repair [145]. Another study also re-
mediators of obesity and tendinopathy are also mechano-sensitive such ported the beneficial effects of simvastatin in the suppression of
as FFA metabolites, alarmins and inflammatory cytokines. As common inflammation and promotion of tendon healing in inflamed tenocytes and
sites of tendinopathy have adjacent fat tissues or fat infiltration, the collagenase-induced tendinopathy animal model [146]. Further
metabolic effects associated with obesity can also extend to the local fat high-quality studies are needed to clarify these contradictory findings.
tissues. Further studies should examine the relative contributions of NF-kB plays a converging role in mediating the effects of various in-
systemic and local fat depots in the development and progression of flammatory stimuli in obesity – activation of Toll-like receptors, ROS
tendinopathy. production and pro-inflammatory cytokine release. Targeted deletion of
Despite the recent advances in understanding the role of obesity in I-kappa-B kinase, targeted mutation of Ikbkb or pharmacological inhi-
the pathogenesis of tendinopathy, much remains unknown about their bition of NF-kB with high dose of salicylates reduced inflammation and
causal relationship, underlying mechanisms and treatment. Most of the improved insulin sensitivity in animal models and in human with obesity
studies examining the relationship between adipose tissue-associated [147]. The inhibition of NF-kb therefore can be a potential direction of
inflammatory mediators and tendinopathy in human are only associa- research for tendinopathy management. There are studies showing the
tion studies. On the other hand, there are some in vitro and in vivo data beneficial effects of aspirin, a salicylates, on tendon but the studies were
examining the direct effects of adipose tissue-associated inflammatory not specifically on tendinopathy [148,149]. Further studies are needed to
mediators on tendon cells and animal model of tendinopathy. Further show if salicylates or other NF-kB inhibitors can reduce tendon inflam-
studies are needed to show their causal relationship. While the mation and promote healing of tendinopathy. The serum levels of

P.P.Y. Lui, P.S.H. Yung Journal of Orthopaedic Translation 31 (2021) 80–90

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