Vishal Kukmar SIP FINAL

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SESSION (2021-2022)




I would like to express my gratitude to MISS GEETANJALI SHRIVASTAV who gave

me the opportunity as a trainee to complete this project. I want to thank MR

golden opportunity to commence this project in the first instance.

I am deeply indebted to ISHPITA DAS (MIS) whose help to stimulate

suggestions and encouragement helped me in all the time at the training site and
for explaining me about thework.

I would also like to extend my gratitude and special thanks to the college ST
MR. VISHAL KUMAR for providing me all the facilities, guiding me, and also for giving me
an opportunity to work on this Project. I’m also thankful to my parents and my Friends for their moral
support during my research period.



This is to certify that the project entitled ''MARKETING STRATEGIES’ ‘is the
bonafide record of project work done by MR. VISHAL KUMAR BBA during the
year 3rd

Signature of the Dean, Signature of the project


Submitted for the Project Viva-Voce examination held on ---------------------


I affirm that the project work titled ''BUSINESS STRATEGIES'' being

submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of BBA is the original
work carried out by me. It has not formed the part of any other project work
submitted for award of any degree or diploma, either in this or any other university.

Signature of the candidate


I certify that the declaration made above by the candidate is true

Signature of the guide





Chapter 1 Executive Summary
Chapter 2 Introduction
Design of strategies
Chapter 3 Objective
Chapter 4 Scope of work
Chapter 5 Organizational overview
Chapter 6 Job Profile
Chapter 7 Swot analysis 38-45
Chapter 8 Analysis of social media sites 46-56
Limitation of the study
Scope of the study
Chapter 9 Conclusions 56-60
Chapter 10 Recommendations 61-62
Chapter 11 Bibliography 63



AASMAAN FOUNDATION is an NGO that helps widows, Underprivileged children,

Underprivileged old ones, and destitute ones. They conduct various campaigns and camps like
Milk for everyone, sanitary pads for the needy, Etc. As a Social media intern my duty was to
increase Organization’s awareness through the usage of social media platforms,
Social media gives you the power to share pictures, videos and text that can reach a global
audience. This will give people the opportunity to:

● Gain insight into your work;

● Become involved in your cause;

● Volunteer;

● Donate; and

● Give you feedback.

This was a great opportunity for me to get into contact with other organizations in my area and
potential donors. Although it was difficult to constantly come up with social media post ideas, it’s
definitely worth it in thelong-term.
Social media has grown to accommodate all the needs of social causes, meaning that it’s perfectly
adapted to help your NGO. Most digital platforms now have functions to help you:

● Organize fundraisers;

● Plan events;

● Coordinate volunteers;

● Encourage donations; and

● Share ideas!




Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the

buying or selling of a product or service. Marketing includes
advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other
businesses. Some marketing is done by affiliates on behalf of a

Professionals who work in a corporation's marketing and promotion

departments seek to get the attention of key potential audiences
through advertising. Promotions are targeted to certain audiences
and may involve celebrity endorsements, catchy phrases or slogans,
memorable packaging or graphic designs and overall media exposure.


Marketing refers to all activities a company does

to promote and sell products or services to
consumers.Marketing makes use of the "
marketing mix," also known as the four Ps—
product, price, place, and promotion.At its core,
marketing seeks to take a product or service,
identify its ideal customers, and draw the
customers' attention to the product or service

Objectives of Marketing Strategies-

1. Creation of Demand
It is the process of increasing the demand for a product or service using marketing
technique. E.g. Business software, apps, target market etc.

2. Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction defines a measurement that determines how customer are with
a company product, service and capabilities.

3. Market Share
Market share is firm percentage of industries total sale. For example: apple has use
ms is smart phone industries, but it has a small ms in personal; computing industries.
4. Generation of Profits
It is the main stage in the overall process of profit management and not only the basis
for its distribution.
5. Creation of Goodwill and Public Image
The marketing manager attempts to raise the goodwill of the business by initiate
image building activities such sales promotion, publicity.
6. To achieve the objectives of the business
Specific to understand what they are focused on, measurable to also for identification
of success or failure, achievable the need to be realistic in terms of resource and

Nature of Marketing Strategies-

A business strategy is the means by which an organization sets out to achieve its

desired objective. It can simply be described as along term business planning.

A business strategy is a set of guiding principles that, when communicated and

adopted in the organization. A good strategy provide a clear roadmap consesting

of a set of guiding principle or rules, that define actions, people in the business

should take and the things they should prioritize to achieve desired goal.

Types of Business Strategy:

Differentiation: Companies undertaking the strategy must prove to the customer

that they are different than the competition. Or differentiation Business Strategy

is less concerned with price. Your long term strategy is to cut cost in the area that

don't contribute to your differentiation, So you can remain cost competitive, for

example a charge more for its coffee than dunkin Donuts.

Focus : Unlike differentiation Strategy, a niche business strategy focus on small

portion of market. Your marketing effort are targeted, which can make them
easier to hit.

Main Categories Of Business Strategy :

A business strategy is concerned with a major resource issue e.g. raising the

finance to build new organization and plants. Strategy also concern with deciding

what service to allocate major resource.

1. Growth: The expansion of the company to purchase new assets, including new

business, and to develop new products.

2. Globalisation : Moving operations into more and more countries to serve

people to finding their own work for the organization that means they give the

service to the organization in global level.

3. Competitive Strategy : Competitive Strategy are also important. This is concern

with doing things better than rivals. They should seek to out compete rivals.

Responsibilities of marketing strategies-

• A marketer’s responsibility is to make optimum usage of each customer’s time

and mould their opinion regarding the product or the service.

• Use customer feedback to ensure client satisfaction.

• Forecast marketrend.

• Analyze sales and marketing key performance indicators.

• A marketer, on the other hand, works to expand the market and cater to all the

customers with the necessary products produced by the company.


Function # 1. Marketing Research:

An industrial enterprise, if, develops products for direct market application without
having any idea in advance of consumer acceptance of that product, takes quite a
(if the product is unaccepted). On the contrary, if another concern tends to learn
consumer reaction to the product prior to manufacturing the same, it does not involve
any risk associating high expenditures.

Function # 2. Sales Forecasting:

Forecasting is essentially the art of anticipating what buyers are likely to do under a
given set of conditions. The market research conducted by a firm plus the analyses of
current sales experience and trends, form the basis for the construction of a sales
forecast. The sales forecast is a commitment on the part of the sales department and
each of its divisions of the expected sales likely to be achieved in a given period at
stated prices.

Function # 3. Advertising:
Advertising can become an established essential of a country’s economy. It
contributes to broad geographic system of distribution; to the volume sales, an
essential corollary of mass production; and to the pricing of many products within the
economic means of the average man.

Function # 4. Sales Promotion:

All the activities that go into the development of sales or those that are intended to
raise the demand level for a product very quickly can be grouped under the title Sales
Promotion. Sales promotion includes those marketing activities, other than personal
selling, advertising, and publicity, that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer
effectiveness, such as displays, shows and exhibitions, demonstrations, and various
non-recurrent selling efforts not in the ordinary routine.


The operative, also called, service functions are those which are relevant to a specific

department. These functions vary from department to department depending on the

nature of the department viewed from this standpoint, to ensure the right people to

the right jobs at right times. These functions include procurement, development,

compensation, and maintenance functions of HRM.

Procurement: It involves procuring the right kind of people in appropriate numbers

to be placed in the organization. It consists of activities such as manpower planning,

recruitment, selecting, and placement and induction orientation of new employees.

Development: Activities meant to improve the knowledge, skills, aptitudes and

values of employees so as to enable them to perform their jobs in a better manner in

future. Functions may comprise training to employees, executive training to develop

managers, organization development to strike a better fit between organizational

climate/culture and employee.

Compensation: Compensation function involves determination of wages and salaries

matching with contribution made by employees to organizational goals. It consists of

activities such as job evaluation, wage and salary administration bonus, incentives.

Maintenance: It is concerned with protecting and promoting employees while at

work. For this purpose, various benefits such as housing, medical, educational,

transport facilities, etc to the employees. Several social security measures such as

provided funds, pension, gratuity, insurance, etc. are also arranged.

It is important to note that the managerial and operative functions of HRM are

performed in conjunction with each other in an organization, be it large or small





There are two kinds of objectives of the report. They are:

1. Broad Objective
2. Specific Objectives

Broad Objective: The broad objective of the study is to analyse the

Marketing process of Aashman foundation.

Specific Objectives:

1. To understand the process of marketing through the usage of social media


2. To analyze and evaluate the different steps of marketing process of Aashman


3. To know the sources of marketing..

4. To study the strengths and weaknesses of present marketing of the


5. To collect and maintain relevant information regarding marketing in the




Scope Of Work

Marketing is an important aspect that helps companies reach out to customers and

potential target markets within society. Companies that have employed strategic

marketing approaches do better in the market than organizations with poor marketing

approaches. There are different approaches to handling of marketing operations in

any given company (Chartered Association of Business Schools. 2020). It is

important to note that firm performance is directly related to specific marketing

strategies that are employed within the organization. Poor strategic marketing

approaches jeopardize a company’s strategic position in the market. Conventional

approaches to marketing include advertising through Television, Billboards, Radios,

and through print media. The increased use of the internet and spread of globalization

has led to emergence of other channels of communication, which are pivotal to

marketing practice. Digital approaches to marketing such a s use of social media have

changed the scope of marketing to a large extent. It is important that firms use

integrated approaches to communication as an efficient strategy towards reaching

customers in the market. It is also vital to explore literature on what can be done to

enhance firm performance through marketing strategies (Chartered Association of

Business Schools. 2020). From the literature review conducted, it is essential to have

a summary of findings and a detailed conclusion on marketing strategy and firm


2.0 Business Strategy

A marketing strategy is an approach that an organization uses to reach out to the

target market to create awareness and convince customers to purchase specific

products. Many organizations in the world have shifted the way activities are

conducted due to increase of internet activities. There are different approaches that a

company can apply in communication to the public including conventional

approaches, digital means and other integrated approaches to marketing. This part

takes a background check on what has been done on the topic of discussion to

establish a detailed conclusion on the same (Chartered Association of Business

Schools. 2020). Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and

YouTube play a significant role in digital marketing. It is important to understand the

scope of these concepts and establish how they affect firm performance. An analysis

on the same will help gather useful concepts for a detailed conclusion. The first part

will analyze conventional marketing strategies, followed by digital and integrated

approaches respectively. It is vital that organizations purpose to study the

market well and to know where consumer traffic lies.




AASHMAAN Foundation is one of the largest youth-run NGOs in Uttar

Pradesh with its operations extended in the city of Punjab. It was started in
the year 2013, as a group of people who wanted to give something back to
society in some or another way.
Started as a group of 10 friends, today AASHMAAN Foundation has more
than 1000 volunteers who work hard round the year for the betterment of

Later in the year 2013, it got registered as a Non-Governmental

Organization. It has been working since 2013 for under and less privileged
children in the field of education, health, and rights.
It works with a vision to create a society where children can prosper to
their complete potential and enjoy equality in its true essence. It promotes a
culture of kindness and wants to instill a sense of giving back to society
amongst modern youth.

It is working for the upliftment and betterment of the less-privileged kids, in

the field of child's education, health, and rights.
Over the years, AASHMAAN Foundation has conducted a plethora of
projects which not only include grass-root level projects which are directly
related to the kids but also include fund-raising events.
Aashman Foundation is the only NGO working for single income family
widows, Widow & Women Empowerment and Child Education.

Company size

1000 Interns

1,983 on LinkedIn

Founder: - Munish Pundir

It is working for the upliftment and betterment of the less-privileged kids, in the field
of child's education, health, and rights.

Over the years, AASMAAN Foundation has conducted a plethora of projects which
not only include grass-root level projects which are directly related to the kids but
also include fund-raising events.


India is estimated to have had around 3.2 million NGOs in 2021, just over one NGO
per 1000 Indians, and many times the number of primary schools and primary health
centers in India. NGOs in India have developed and strengthened by their
perseverance in the last few decades; however, only a few of them have successfully
impacted our society significantly, and many are still working hard and uplifting
society. Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 crisis in India, many volunteers across the
country are stepping out and doing the needful for the people who are worst affected
such as BPL citizens and downtrodden workers.

Aashman Foundation, a non profit organization which works for upliftment of

the families of single income widows and supports the women by empowering
them with skills that enable them to become the bread earners of their family.
Skills like stitching, beauty parlour, patient care, computers etc are taught by
the NGO.
Mr. Munish Pundir, the founder of Aashman Foundation, had a dream to work
unconditionally on Women’s Empowerment, Single Income families, and
underprivileged children by constant efforts and innovative ideas put by him to
contribute towards healthcare, education, and environmental based livelihood
programs for them. The foundation was started in the year 2009 with a small group of
people who just wanted to help the people in need. Later in 2012, it was registered as
a Non-Government Organisation.
Aashman Foundation is an NGO that helps windows, Underprivileged children,
Underprivileged old ones, and destitute ones. They conduct various campaigns and
camps like milk for everyone, Sanitary pads for the needy, Etc.

The on-going projects-

Book donation drive

Aashman foundation organised a book donation drive in partnership with Landmark

Institute. A coaching institute par excellence, encouraging students to excel in
both academics and co-curricular activities.
We were elated to see the students volunteer with great enthusiasm and come out in
great numbers to support this initiative. We were able to, successfully, collect over
250 books and were happy to distribute certificates and prizes to students who
volunteered the most number of books. The willingness and initiative taken by the
students is, indeed, praiseworthy and we’d like to extend our sincere gratitude to
Landmark Institute for making this drive a success.
These books are available at our corporate partner, Universal solutions’s website at
affordable rates. You can get access these books and other resources by creating a
beneficiary account at the link given below.

Milk Bank Campaign

Sufficient nutrition plays a significant role in a child’s overall development. Milk is

considered a vital constituent in a wholesome meal for infants and children. It
provides nutrition that a child needs to grow and flourish in all aspects. The NGO
regularly provides milk to the precious kids whose parents cannot afford it. Every
child deserves to live a healthy and happy life.

‘Let’s be ready for Red’ a campaign by Aashman Foundation distributes

sanitary napkins as well as underwear to the women who are underprivileged
and do not have the means to purchase such commodities. The campaign rests at
the heart of the issue that many women in India do not even have the privilege of
owning underwear and helping them understand more about menstrual hygiene
would lead to a better standard of living.

The brand ambassador of the foundation VJ Aman, has played a pivotal role in
the campaign as she voices the concerns of such women through her videos and
helps spread awareness about the campaign on the social media platforms to
gain momentum in the public eye.

Aashman Foundation and VJ Aman visited Toka in Haryana and discovered

that none of the women used sanitary napkins because they did not have
underwear. Aashman Foundation distributed underwear as well as sanitary
napkins to the women living in Toka. Many such endeavors are planned by the
foundation in the coming times to help the cause of sanitary napkins.
Aashman Foundation urges all citizens to help such women ease their pain
bydonating sanitary napkins and underwear which will help them have better
hygiene and better health.

Widow Support

The Aashman Foundation supports widows by providing them monthly grocery,

medical treatment, and education to their children for free. They also provide them

rural-based skill training to make them self-sufficient and further aid them to manage

credits so that they can safeguard their hard-earned money and multiply their savings.

Upliftment of widows socially and financially is one of their prime objectives.

Women Empowerment Centre

There is a large section of women in India who dedicate all of their life working at

home, but if they come out and grab the opportunities to build themselves a fruitful

career, it will not only make them independent but also strengthen the micro-

economy of India. To support women in becoming independent by spirit, thoughts,

and actions so as to have full control over their lives by themselves rather than being

a recipient of others’ orders. This particular objective by the organisation aims to

achieve socio-economic empowerment of women by their operational units.

Baal Depression

Children who spend too much time on smartphones and other electronic gadgets are

prone to mental health issues. Latest studies suggest that an hour a day spent staring

at a screen may lead to a surge in anxiety and depression amongst children,

consequently, leading to a lack of concentration. Everyone is well aware of how so

many children drop out of school at an early stage to help their families. These

children have the right to study. Aashman Foundation puts in efforts to help these

children stay on the path of education. The organisation believes that reading and

writing will keep the mind occupied towards something productive and far away

from “Baal depression”.


We are Aashman Foundation, a joint effort from a group of humans towards

Humanity with the mission that every weak human must have support so that he or

she must recover from hard times with positive energy and in a skilled way. Team

Aashman is working wholeheartedly towards empowering women from society so

that they can live with pride and respect and most importantly EMPOWERED with

some skill and capacity to portray her thoughts to the world and contribute in her

way. Another big concern area of focus is Health Empowerment for Team Aashman

as unfortunate humans fall in with critical diseases like Cancer & Kidney related

problems which are quite high these days and the Major gigantic black hole is

Malnutrition in 0 to 6 years along with pregnant females in the different segments of



1. With the help of common man, corporations & established institutions we will

create values; enhance skillful environment & uplift social & financial level into the

different segments of society & bring changes into the lives of people with the

emotional, financial & social development support so that they can feel and be


2. Human life is the most valuable asset of any nation. we will go the extra mile to

help the underprivileged human being to support them in the health segment and

prevent them from the evil of malnutrition into children (0 -6 year), pregnant females

& surviving income less family members after dismissal of only earning hand.

3. Furthermore we will try to increase the expectancy of life for the people who are

suffering from unfortunate diseases like cancer & kidney related issues.

Mission: The dream of AASHMAN Foundation is to work unconditionally on

Women Empowerment, Single Income families and underprivileged children through

relevant healthcare, innovative education and environmental based livelihood


Values: Truth , Trust & Transparency.



My job profile

Following is the job description outlining my role and responsibilities at

aashman foundation :

• Work alongside the team to create a plan for social media strategies monthly.
• Assist in the growth of the brand by raising awareness through various social
media platforms.
• Monitor postings to ensure brand message is constant from the terminology
used to images posted.
• Fund raising by people.
• Aid in the daily aspects of promoting the business campaigns.


First task (Milk and Paneer campaign)-

In this I had to post or upload the campaign template in social media platforms
In more and more platforms through which I got 4 points in my first task.

Second task (Footwear task)-

In this task I collected 1000 rupee by some friends then I got 2 points in my second

Third task (Milk Campaign)-

In this task I donated 400 rupee as a donation by my side so I got 4 points in my third

Four task (Book campaign)-

In this I donated the fund of 600 for book campaign , HR team collect the money
from social media department and distribute the books in Haryana’s rural place.

Fifth task (Sanitizer and Mask campaign)-

In this task I connected with many people and try to collect more and more amount
for welfare of society so I collected 300 rupee for this campaign.

Sixth task (Napkins campaign)-

As we all know hygiene is very important factor for healthy or happy life, so
Aashman foundation takes the initiative for poor women and girls, provide the
napkins by collecting fund so I collected 200 rupee for this campaign.

My experience

As an intern, I posted many events or campaigns templates to aware the society

through the usage of social media platforms (what Sapp, Instagram, twitter and many
other sites).
Then I sent the screenshots or report of posted templates in group or to MIS
personally then the team gave me points according to my contribution.

8iiiiiI also contribute myself as a fundraiser of foundation, in this I donated the

money and also raise the fund from people foe welfare of women’s and children. In
this I tried to donate or raise money more .




Swot analysis

SWOT analysis is defined as an acronym for Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities,

and Threats which is an effective market research analysis technique.

SWOT analysis is a technique developed at Stanford in the 1970s, frequently

used in strategic planning. SWOT is an acronym

for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats and is a structured

planning method that evaluates those four elements of an organization, project or

business venture. A SWOT analysis is a simple, but powerful, framework for

leveraging the organization's strengths, improving weaknesses, minimizing

threats, and taking the greatest possible advantage of opportunities.

When to Use SWOT Analysis?

A SWOT involves identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and

opportunities and threats present in the market that it operates in. It can be used for

studying various situation of a business:

• Organization can perform SWOT analysis for each of its products, services,

and markets when deciding on the best way to achieve future growth.

• At the start of a project, it's important to get a handle on the current situation.

Appreciating your strengths, studying opportunities, pinpointing weaknesses

and identifying threats is a prudent way to kick off the start-ups in the right


Basic Concepts of SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis will help you understand the company's position which will
encourages ideas and decision-making on how to build on strengths, exploit
opportunities, minimize weaknesses and protect against threats. Below are four
benefits of using a SWOT analysis for your business:

1. Identify Core Competencies - It provides a clear view of your core

competencies, and allows you to build on them to meet your business objectives

2. Identify Weaknesses - Recognizing your company's weaknesses is one of the

first steps to improving your business. It reveals your weaknesses and provides a
chance to reverse them

3. - It helps your to explore the opportunities that lies ahead. Using this you can
draft your strategic growth plans based on your strengths and weaknesses

4. Recognize Potential Treats - It helps you analyze possible threats to your

business, and you can subsequently make necessary changes to the business
policies and necessary actions. Additionally, it facilitates making supplementary
or alternative plans, contingency plans, and so on


● Generally smaller and thus more responsive to the needs of local

communities than the kinds of large scale development projects undertaken

in the days of Modernization Theory.

● There is no political agenda as is often the case with government aid, and

thus aid is not ‘tied aid’ – it is freely given.

● NGOs can provide a more continuous supply of aid compared to

governments, which can be effected by elections

● NGOs are more likely to help the poorest of the poor, unlike TNCs who

will only invest in slightly more developed countries that are more stable

because these provide a better prospect for profit.

● NGOs provide one of the most critical voices of government aid agendas

and provide a broader range of knowledge about life in developing

countries compared to Official Aid Agencies


● NGOs may have limited issue expertise and resources. They can miss

the big picture on some subjects and may not fully understand market

forces, making it harder to link with business or government partners.

They may not be financially sustainable.

● NGOs. Some advocacy NGOs has limited implementation capacity. They

may find it hard to see past special interests. They suffer from

inconsistent revenue flows from donations. They may appear to have a

government/corporate "phobia" and can be accused of "selling out" when

they work with these bodies.

● NGOs may have limited experience with poor communities. Some do

not reflect the needs of small firms. They may not be sustainable on

membership fees alone. They can be single-issue organizations


NGOs can make good partners in export development programmes to bring in

local communities, implement some training and encourage participatory

development. They can help shift the export focus away from commodities

even at the small-producer level. They can contribute their experience in

integrating health and education initiatives in development programmes.

NGOs can partner with agencies and governments to mobilize public

opinion on trade issues where they have common interests. Their voice

and mandate often bring a social dimension that complements the

business and data analysis and trade expertise.

• This can make themeffective partners for trade programmes that address

broader issues such as the environment, women, technology and others.

● NGOs can contribute sector-specific expertise to help producers add

value, improve quality and find new export markets. They can act as clearing-

houses for trade information.


Isolated efforts may have the wrong focus or a weak impact. Trade

development authorities not working in partnership with NGOs could mean:

● NGOs may set up unsustainable initiatives without linking to wider trade

development solutions. There are fewer chances to connect poor people

with export opportunities.

NGOs can define the dialogue and public understanding of trade issues

without the voice and experience of trade agencies. They may miss

promising prospects for trade development because of their focus on the

marginalized. They may, for example, focus on micro-producers,overlooking

small and medium-sized enterprises.



Analysis of social media sites

Internet is the emerging information technology with the credibility of

immediacy and fastness, thus, it brings globalization in every aspects of

communication. Communication through internet is more specified, with

effective interactive strategy among its users. In recent days, internet

advertising has taken new forms which have more advantages over the

traditional mediums like print media, television and radio.

Marketing communication is becoming precise, personal, interesting, interactive and

social. Different strategies of communication are followed in various social

networking sites like Face book, Twitter and Instagram. They not only create

impact over the audience but also make them interact with the marketing

statistics created. People get attached to Aashman foundation social networking

sites than usual banner and pop up ads. These networking sites bring more

interactive communication with advertising. Social networking sites will

become the primary arena for highly targeted marketing and advertising.

Therefore, it is necessary to study the effectiveness of Aashman foundation

followed in social networking sites which are mainly accessed by Indian users.

This research attempts to find the effectiveness of Aashman foundation

promoting and advertising their brand in social networking sites. The

effectiveness is determined with the help of survey from people who use these

sites, and the content of three social networking sites is analyzed.


In its current form, internet is primarily a source of communication,

information and entertainment, but increasingly, it also acts as a vehicle for

commercial transactions. Since the explosion of the web as a business

medium, one of its primary uses has been for marketing. Soon, the web could

become a critical distribution channel for the majority of successful enterprises.

One among them is marketing and spreading Aashman foundation through

Social networking sites. Social networking websites are online communities of

people who share interests and activities or who are interested in exploring the

interests and activities of others. They typically provide a variety of ways for

users to interact, through chat, messaging, email, video, voice chat, file-

sharing, blogging and discussion groups. As World Wide Web grew in

popularity, social networking moved to webbased applications. In 2002, social

networking era really started. In 2006, anyone with an email address could

sign up in social networking sites. Now advertisers target more over to these

media due to high rush in varsity of audiences. So they hire this as the ideal

platform to communicate their brand and create an effective brand identity

through highly effective and interactive communication strategy. Most of the

advertisers present their ads in interactive form so that people tend more to

check them and gain a little knowledge about the product. There are various

forms of Aashman foundation available in social networking sites. The

effective way of Aashman foundation present in these networking sites would

be the main aim of the study.

Social media:

Social media advertising is a paid form of brand, service or business

promotion and requires a proper and planned communicative message and

budget. Advertising is customer centric in nature. Customers play an important

role in any major or minor communication because they are the one who are

going to decide the fate of the advertising communication. Some benefits of

social network advertising include:

1. Popularizing your brand, idea or service to the target group.

2. Informing target audience about your brand or service‘s presence in the


3. Encouraging healthy competition in the market.

4. Providing social benefits for the brand.

5. Making the audience to interact and keep them intact with the brand.

Advertising in internet provides a major contribution to brand competition in

the market. Advertising here not only provides information about a product or

service but also promotes innovation. Besides it also facilitates consumer

satisfaction. Big and small companies, individuals of all walks of life, major

and minor events, concepts, etc., nowadays lay their base on social network

advertising to get recognized in the market . With over 200 million active

users, Face book, Twitter and Instagram have become a personal, product and

corporate branding hub in India. Every brand that exists on social networking

sites has the same core features and benefits, such as the ability to create a

page, share resources, add multimedia and much more .The effective Aashman

foundation strategies are analyzed to find the impact among the users.

Social networking sites:

A social networking site creates network communication among the user

community. Though social networking site serves for communication purposes
among special interest groups, the marketing strategy has also entered this
medium for its reach. People get exposed to various kinds of Aashman
foundation through this media. They tend to interact with the brand and also
get awareness about the brand and its service in an interesting way. Hence,

there is a need to study the effective way of communication in branding the
product in social networking sites and analyze its reach among the people and
their perceptions in this research. In recent trend of marketing in social
networking sites, various brand communications are widely used to attract
targeted leads. So, this study would help to know the effectiveness of
communication and strategy done through social networking sites which make
the target audience to participate in this kind of advertising. This is mainly
studied on networking sites which are popular among Indian users were Face
book, Twitter and Instagram. This study would help the advertisers to
understand the effective communication strategy to communicate their brand
among the users.

Objectives of the study:

1. To analyze the effective communication strategy through social networking


2. To study the effectiveness of Aashman foundation through social

networking sites from its users and communicators.

3. To find the impact of interaction through these communication among

Indian users (with reference to Face book, Twitter and Instagram).

Usage of internet by the user

It has been found that 12% of audience use internet once a week, 19% of

the respondents use 2 to 3 days a week. 30% of the respondents use 1 or 2

h a day and the remaining 39% of users are accessing internet more than 3 h

a day. It is understood that the new media and its technology is an emerging

trend in communication which attracts almost all the people, if they have

knowledge of computers. So this digital media has more snatchers towards its

communication and internet is becoming part of necessary communication

among the students and professionals, etc

Awareness of social networking sites:

It is observed that nearly 98% of the internet users are aware of social

networking sites and only 2% of them are clueless. Although the concept of

computer-based communities dates back to the early days of computer

networks, only some years after the advent of the internet online social

networks have met public and commercial in a successive manner. At the

most basic level, an online social network is an internet community where

individuals interact, often through profiles that represent their selves to others

(Donath and Boyd, 2004). Social networks have grown rapidly, and some like

face book, Instagram, have achieved the mass market and penetrated in a few

months since their inception, such applications have infringed their users in

different strategy to interact with more people

Number of profiles in social networking sites: The study found that all the

respondents that is, 100% of respondents have profiles on Face book. And

also, 88% respondents of the same group have profiles on Instagram, 62%

respondents have connected to twitter and 37% of users have account on other

social networking sites. The users can create many accounts in different social

networking site. Face book is useful for communication, self-promotion, to

know about friends‘community and to find the missed out school and college

mates. The peers use the Face book, Instagram and Twitter for the same

reasons to share the information and communication. Due to this reasons, Face

book, Instagram and Twitter were more popular among the internet users of

youth population comparatively with other social networking sites.


Market research is conducted to various respondents so biases such as mood,

feelings act on research settings.

The responses from the respondents could be biased which ultimately affects

the results shown by marketing research.


The study would help in gathering the opinion of people for social networking

sites, how do they use it, what are the things that they do on social and

professional networking sites and how these sites help them in socializing with

their personal and professional contacts.

Social media for Aashman foundation offers a great chance to present their

work to the outside world and to get into contact with their supporters, their

beneficiaries and other people interested in their work. ... You can also

network with others working in your area or with potential donors through

your social media profiles.

The study will help to formulate and implement Marketing strategies for

Promoting and communicating the information to the people through SNS.




The procedure of social media marketing is vary from organisations but the Aashman

foundation try to use the social media platforms in good or efficient way-

1. Creating content

2. Make templates of different campaigns

3. Post the events information

4. Fund raising

5. Aware the society

● In Aashman foundation most people use social media to aware the society.

● Fund raising plays an important role in organization to children,oldage people

and women also.

● In Aashman foundation social media marketing team is very alert or strict in

respect of their work.

● Aashman foundation takes the new new initiatives for welfare of society with

some departments-

Social media marketing department ,

Human Resource department,

Fund raiser,



Social media marketing strategies are never consistent, and there is no golden rule to

follow. The most important aspect is to get to know the specific audience and create

content that is valuable for them. However, there are some guidelines’ that can be

helpful, which this study has explored and discovered. The thesis aims to explore

what social media marketing strategies are efficient for non-governmental

organizations to apply on Instagram, to create user engagement. It focuses on a

specific organization but has discovered some general guidelines for minor

organizations to follow. There is no proof that these guidelines are usable for other

organizations or companies, but some of the findings could be useful when improving

social media marketing, regardless of who is using the guidelines. As social media

marketing continues to expand in usage, more focus on knowledge concerning social

media marketing, is developed.

There is a need for social media specialists and the profession is requested. I believe

that the gap between organizations and companies on Instagram will increase because

of the challenges that minor organizations and companies stand before. The more

traditional media landscape, where media conglomerates ruled the field is shattering,

but it does not mean that the gap is disappearing. I believe that the focus shifts from

money to knowledge, which ascertains the need for this guide. To compete in the

field of social media, knowledge is vital, and organizations or companies that do not

possess that knowledge have to adjust their business to follow social media

development. The study has presented helpful guidelines for NGOs to create

engaging content on Instagram since it is stated that there is no “one for all” strategy,

rather dynamic tactics and approaches that needs to be monitored and developed

through time.

Direction for future work

For future work within this subject, it would be interesting to compare social media

marketing strategies on different platforms since social media is contextual and

therefore differs depending on the platform. Moreover, the comparison between

commercial content and “for the better good” content is a very interesting area. Many

organizations work for human rights, animal rights, children, or the environment,

which are subjects that should be of interest to every human being.

Thus, commercial content is more common on social media. Since we are moving

even more into a digitized society, there might be a question about subventions from


content on social media that concerns humanity. Would this even be possible? It is a

question for future social media marketers, and world savers




1. The Internship Roles and Responsibilities should be clear

2. The Description should mention all the work they will do in their tenure

3. The description and the given work shouldn’t differ

4. Orientation for the new interns

5. The Supervisor should be given some tips on how to create the content

6. Supervisors should be polite

7. Can conduct activities to keep all employees engaged

8. The time taken for issuing the completion certificate can be less


• The Art of Social Media.. by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick

● Rao VSP , Social media marketing



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