Shruthika Ptoject

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TOPIC: Soaps and detergents

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Shruthika jain S S Jisline john
Class 12th A PGT Chemistry
Roll no.32
It gives me great pleasure to express my
gratitude towards our chemistry teacher
Mrs.Jisline John for her guidance,
support and encouragement throughout
the duration of the project. Without her
motivation and help the successful
completion of this project would not have
been possible.

This is to certify that s.s.shruthika.jain of class 12th

has completed the chemistry project entitled
“soaps and detergents” herself and under my
guidance. The progress of the project has been
continuously reported and has been in my
knowledge consistently.



Soaps and detergents are known as the chemical
compounds of a mixture of compounds that are used
as cleansing agents. A soap is either sodium or
potassium salt of different combinations of fatty acids
that possess cleansing action in the water. On the
other hand, detergents are far better solutions when
it comes to cleaning purposes since they are not
affected by the hardness of the water
Manufacturing Process of Soap :
Both fats and oils are needed to make soaps and they
are extracted from animals and plants. For making the
fatty acid molecules like those of triglycerides, three
molecules of fatty acids get added to one molecule of
glycerine. These fatty acids are weaker and consist of
two different parts. One is a carboxylic group that
consists of one hydrogen atom, two oxygen atoms and
one carbon atom. The other is a hydrocarbon chain
that is attached to the carboxylic acid group. Generally,
soap is created from a long chain of carbon atoms that
carry two hydrogen atoms. Previously, the alkali which
was needed to make soaps was derived from animals,
but today it is clinically composed. The common alkalis
that are used to make soaps are sodium hydroxide,
which is commonly called caustic soda, and potassium
hydroxide, which is commonly called caustic potash.

The detergent surfactants are far better solutions when

it comes to cleansing purposes since the hard water
does not have any effect on them. Detergents today
are much better liquid solutions for cleaning purposes.
The surfactants that are used to make detergents are
made through petrochemical solutions like sulphur
trioxide, sulphuric acid, ethylene oxide, and
oleochemicals. Sodium and potassium are used as
alkalis in the detergents, just like soaps. Detergents
can be dissolved in saline water as well as hard water.
They do not form layers hence they can even clean the
dirt in hard water. They are used in acidic water, salty
water, and for washing woollens and they are not
affected by the acidic dyes in them. Detergents can be
more dissolved in water than many soaps. Because
detergents that have linear hydrocarbon chains do not
cause pollution, they are biodegradable.
Soaps and detergents have similar functions, but they
do differ in chemistry and performance. With the help
of the experiments performed in class or lab, students
will be able to analyse the similarities and differences
in the properties of soap and detergent, which can be
done by analysing foaming ability, testing pH, fat
emulsification, examining the effect of soap and
detergent on the surface tension of water, and the
performance of soap and detergent in hard water.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Detergents over
Detergents have an ample range of advantages over
soaps. Hence, they are replacing soaps as washing
agents. Detergents are better than soaps because of
the following reasons:
1.Detergents are more soluble in water than soaps.
2.Soaps are not suitable for use with saline water and
hard water, whereas detergents can be used even with
saline water and hard water.
3.Detergents have a more powerful cleansing action
than soaps.
The only disadvantage of detergents over soaps is that
some of the detergents are not biodegradable.
Cleansing Action of Soaps and Detergents:
Most of the dirt is oily in nature and oil does not
dissolve in water. The molecule of soap constitutes
sodium or potassium salts of long-chain carboxylic
acids. In the case of soaps, the carbon chain dissolves
in oil and the ionic end dissolves in water. Thus, the
soap molecules form structures called micelles. In
micelles, one end is towards the oil droplet and the
other end which is the ionic faces outside. Therefore, it
forms an emulsion in water and helps in dissolving the
dirt when we wash our clothes.

Soap is a kind of molecule in which both the ends have

different properties.
Hydrophilic end
Hydrophobic end
The first one is the hydrophilic end which dissolves
water and is attracted to it whereas the second one is
the hydrophobic end that is dissolved in hydrocarbons
and is water repulsive in nature. If on the surface of the
water, soap is present then the hydrophobic tail which
is not soluble in water will align along the water
In water, the soap molecule is uniquely oriented which
helps to keep the hydrocarbon part outside the water.
When the clusters of molecules are formed then
hydrophobic tail comes at the interior of the cluster and
the ionic end comes at the surface of the cluster and
this formation is called a micelle. When the soap is in
the form of micelles then it has the ability to clean the
oily dirt which gets accumulated at the centre. These
micelles remain as colloidal solutions. Therefore, the
dirt from the cloth is easily washed away. The soap
solution appears cloudy as it forms a colloidal solution
which scatters light.
Saponification is a process that involves the
conversion of fat, oil, or lipid, into soap and alcohol by
the action of aqueous alkali .Soaps are salts of fatty
acids, which in turn are carboxylic acids with long
carbon chains. A typical soap is sodium oleate.

Synthetic detergents:
detergent is a cleansing agent. In that sense soap is
also a detergent. 0ut the word detergent usually refers
to a synthetic substance other than soap. A detergent
contains an active agent called surfactant, that wets
the fabric, emulsifies oily matter, solubilies grime and
keeps the soil in suspension. This active agent
contains two groups one oil loving lipophilic and the
other water loving hydrophilic. The first synthetic
detergents synthesied were derived from fats by
reduction with hydrogen, followed by reaction with
sulphuric acid, and then neutralisation.
detergents are graded on the basis of their active
matter, and poly phosphate content. detergents can be
used in hard water, but removal from fabrics requires a
to lot of rincing. 1etergents can be used in cold and hot
water as well as acidic and alkaline conditions.
Health and detergents:
The basic function of a detergent is to remove dirt. In
our country most of the people are washing their
clothes with their hands. The detergent which removes
the dirt and grime from the clothes also degreases the
skin while washing the clothes. Thus natural oils from
the skin are removed which may lead to certain skin
diseases. Alkaline materials which are also present in
the detergent powders and bars will intensity this.
HA0S can penetrate, the epidermis causing irritation of
the skin. over the alkaline builders and fillers added to
the detergents are also harmful to the sensitive skin. If
the clothes are not washed very well with water, the
residual detergent sticking to the cloth also may irritate
the skin. metallic impurities like nickel present in the
detergent powders or cakes are also harmful Alpha
olefin sulphonate (A3S$ is now days used as detergent
instead of HA0S.Some time A3S is mi2ed with
sultones which are also good surfactants. Sultones are
very sensitive to skin. 3ne advantage of A3S is that it is
completely biodegradable.
Base of phosphates, enzymes, bleachers, and
brightening agents in detergents is subject of debate
among environmentalists. Even though phosphates
are perfect builders they suffer from one overwhelming
defect: they are superb, nutrients for the algae and
other small plants and grow on the surfaces of lakes
and streams. Algae, nourished by a steady supply of
phosphates, can cover the surface of body of water
and prevent atmospheric oxygen from reaching the
marine life below the surface. The resulting death of
fish and other aquatic animals sometimes occurring on
a large scaling lakes and rivers covered by algae, has
led many countries to ban the use of phosphates as
detergent builders. This type of water pollution is
known as eutrophication. In India 4 percent of the
detergents marketed are phosphate free, hence
eutrophication from detergents does not happen. The
most promising substitute for phosphates is a class of
compounds of aluminum, silicon and oxygen known as
"Chemical composition of a detergent does not
correctly reveal its cleaning capacity. ;or a practical
and realistic evaluation, it is necessary to determine
the actual performance of detergents. 1etergency is
measured by reflectance. Infect there is not much
difference in detergency between low grade and high
grade detergents. All the surfactants discussed so far,
including soap are anionic surfactants the working part
of the molecule is an anion with a nonpolar part and
anionic end. Semiliquid detergents contain nonionic
surfactants. samples are alcohol etho2ylates and alkyl
phenol etho2ylates. The several o2ygen atoms, by
their attraction for water molecules, make that end of
the molecule water soluble. %on ionic surfactants are
great for removing oily soil from fabrics. They are more
soluble in cold water than in hot water. There are eat
ionic surfactants also, in which the working part of the
molecule is a action. The most common of these are
called +quaternary ammonium salts. Ane2ample of
such an eat ionic surfactant is hexadecyl
timethylammoniumchloride.These are not very good
detergents, but they have a degree of germicidal
action. Sometimes they are used along with nonionic
surfactants, as cleaners and disinfectants in good and
dairy industries. Fat ionies cannot be used with
anionicsurfactants.3f all the house hold chemicals, the
detergents and related cleaning compounds make up
the greatest volume. intensive use of these chemicals
has led to an increasing number of health and
environmental problems. Hence care should be taken
to use them in homes with proper regard to the
directions or precautions given on their labels. It would
be nice if everyone knew a lot of chemistry.

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