Compact Courtyard Housing
Compact Courtyard Housing
Compact Courtyard Housing
Legal Notice
Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart (HFT)
Schellingstraße 24, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany
Editing / Proofreading
Andrea Wiegelmann, Kerstin Forster
Schöler Druck und Medien, Immenstadt
© 2021
Triest Verlag für Architektur, Design und Typografie, Zürich., the authors and photographers.
ISBN 978-3-03863-052-4
Funded by the
Triest Verlag receives a grant for the years 2021 to 2024
from the Federal Office of Culture as part of the Swiss
publishers’ subsidies. (DFG – German Research Foundation) – CR 557/2-1
Content For your Understanding 4 Chapter V 74
Functionality of the Compact Courtyard House
Preface by Jacques Blumer 6 Outdoor Spaces, Courtyards and Microclimate 74
Ventilation 81
Chapter I 8 Illumination 84
Background and Research Project Acoustics 89
Background 8 Resource Efficiency 90
Interdisciplinary Basic Research 10 Building Construction 98
For your Understanding Based on the authors’ research project “Compact Courtyard
Housing for Sustainable High-Density Urbanity”, this publica-
tion presents a new type of courtyard house with very specific
characteristics and associated principles in many examples
and planning aids to an interested readership. Thanks to
Fig. 2: Isometric axonometry of a conceivable quarter by adding compact court- funding exclusively provided by the Deutsche Forschungs-
yard houses on plots of different sizes and proportions. The variants, which can
be combined without problems and in manifold ways on three closed sides /
gemeinschaft (DFG – German Research Foundation), it was
outer walls to form an urban complex with corresponding infrastructure and possible to investigate and develop this special form of
offerings, are part of a common strategy and typology. courtyard housing in an interdisciplinary manner.
The open layout of the floor plans with flowing interiors,
merging with the courtyards as a spatial continuum, at the Residential Houses
same time creates generous experiences that conventional
buildings do not usually achieve on such a small floor space.
Courtyard Houses
These many variants, however, should not conceal the fact
that the authors have created no more than a framework for
the organisation and functioning of compact courtyard houses Courtyard Houses
and their combination to urban quarters.
An innovative special form of courtyard house with defined common features
and objectives, typologically developed and investigated interdisciplinarily.
Only the real and concrete situation will facilitate urban and
architectural formulation and in-depth treatment. This is So far eight Concepts / Basic Types
where local authorities, property developers, investors, build-
ers, urban planners, architects, building promoters, construc-
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C ...
tion companies etc. are called upon to bring the compact
courtyard house to life, helping people to acquire an attractive
home in an urban environment. While this building project Based on the fundamental concepts/strategies, individual types (actual buildings) can be
derived in numerous variants on plots of different sizes and proportions.
will not have materialised by the time this book is published,
it is expected that the realisation, inhabitation and experience
of compact courtyard housing will eventually advance this
concept and establish it as a special type of building.
The authors hope that this book will captivate and inspire our
readers and that the vision and hypothesis of the compact Compact courtyard houses as independent buildings on individual plots are combined to form high-density
courtyard house will soon become reality. urban quarters. As a rule, neighbouring buildings directly adjoin three closed sides of a building.
Infrastructural and other measures such as development, shared open spaces, energy supply, etc. can be
taken and optimised at neighbourhood level for the specific situation.
Jan Cremers, Peter Bonfig and David Offtermatt
Potential of Courtyard Housing
interior’s climatic conditioning also benefits. This is espe- Why a New Type of Building?
cially relevant in the context of increasing requirements
due to climate adaptation. While solar architecture influenced the shape of buildings Fig. 16: Bathhouse in Sauerland, Germany. Banz + Riecks Architekten, 1998.
– the introverted outdoor areas can be designed individually from the 1960s to 1990s, the ongoing sustainability debate Rooms for wellness and body care border on an inner courtyard shielded from
view. Paper-covered sliding elements provide protection from sun, glare and
and reduce any possible conflicts with neighbours. and the continuous adaptation of the legal framework (e.g. visibility.
– inner courtyards can be converted into buffer zones by the Energieeinsparverordnung – Energy Conservation Ordi-
further measures, e.g. glazed roofing, which can then be nance in Germany) ultimately did not lead to fundamentally
used temporarily or for extended periods during different new building types with urban planning patterns. Rather,
seasons – this can also contribute to energy savings technical developments in energy conservation have been
during cooler weather phases. reflected in the adaptation of building components, especially
– the private and introverted character of the courtyard the building envelope, and active building services. The
house provides a quiet and peaceful living environment achievements of glass technology in particular led to new
and promotes recreation and regeneration, offering a con- solutions for energy-conserving buildings.
trast to the often turbulent public spaces and workplaces
strongly affected by noise pollution. With the global trend of urbanisation, the debate around
sustainable density or urban consolidation of our cities and
Disadvantages are: especially suburbs has gained momentum. However, this has
not fundamentally challenged the predominant “extroverted”
– the complex and rather elaborate construction is usually type of building, which requires the exterior space between
reflected in higher construction costs, buildings for access, lighting, ventilation and also for outdoor
– less favourable SA:V ratio, areas. With greater density, however, this important buffer
– high degree of impervious surfaces, for the privacy of apartments and especially open spaces is
– complex handling of storm water and drainage of the inner increasingly shrinking, which is why many residents in the
courtyards, suburbs or on the outskirts of cities are opposed to further
– the units are less connected to the exterior than in conven- consolidation of their neighbourhoods.
tional buildings, The compact courtyard house as an “introverted”8 building
– high demands on the planning process, type pursues an opposite approach, in which a high urban
– high demands on the user during the planning phase density does not impair the quality of the apartments with
(spatial imagination required), their assigned outdoor spaces and existing privacy. Instead, it
– the homeowner cannot “experience” his house from the understands the addition of individual buildings in the context
outside as usual – accessibility and space for construction of their close dependence on the urban quarter with its own
processes are limited. structural rules.
Key: The Typology’s Organising Principle
translucent The following objectives were pursued in the development
transparent of a typology with compact courtyard houses as versatile
addable building units:
– for the time being, specific public urban spaces are not
– size of the plots: about 80, 100, 120, 150, 200 m²,
– building plot proportions: 1:1, 2:3, 1:2, 1:3, 1:5.
Fig. 35: Case distinctions of possible solutions for courtyard situations yards or outdoor spaces (Fig. 36).
(courtyard strategy). Schematic vertical sections.
The larger the plots, the more numerous but also more
Courtyards in contact with the ground are rather the exception; in most cases, complex the possibilities became. Under these chosen basic
courtyards are accessible flat roof constructions. conditions, two to five possibilities can be created for each
A courtyard only visible and accessible by the user becomes a valuable
category combining area and proportion, corresponding to
extension of the interior space. If the courtyard adjoins the public space, it can
be protected from view by opaque or translucent components. It can also be about 5 × 5 × 3, i.e. 75 variants or basic types. Further
opened (temporarily) if the user so desires. parameters were added in the next steps, including the
Courtyards can fan out on one or more sides. By means of (possibly walkable)
skylights additional zenith light enters the interior spaces below via the court-
yard profile. These skylights can be transparent or translucent. – enclosure (two-sided, three-sided, four-sided),
– additional frontal courtyards facing the public or semi-
Courtyards can be efficiently protected temporarily or permanently against pre-
public space,
cipitation and solar radiation by horizontal or inclined surfaces (glazing, textile
sunshades, etc.); a microclimate can be created and surfaces of the building – further differentiation between integrated courtyards /
envelope that emit or absorb heat are drastically reduced. outdoor spaces / (roof) terraces,
Fläche Proportion Grundtypen
Fläche Proportion Grundtypen Fläche Proportion Grundtypen
Grundstück des Grundstücks, ca. definiert durch primären Hof Variablen:
Grundstück des Grundstücks, ca. definiert durch primären Hof Variablen: Grundstück des Grundstücks, ca. definiert durch primären Hof Variablen:
ca. ca.
Umschlossenheit: zweiseitig, dreiseitig, vierseitig
Umschlossenheit: zweiseitig, dreiseitig, vierseitig Umschlossenheit: zweiseitig, dreiseitig, vierseitig
vorgelagerte Höfe zum öffentlichen oder halböffentlichen Raum
vorgelagerte Höfe zum öffentlichen oder halböffentlichen Raum vorgelagerte Höfe zum öffentlichen oder halböffentlichen Raum
weitere integrierte Höfe / Außenräume / Terrassen
weitere integrierte Höfe / Außenräume / Terrassen weitere integrierte Höfe / Außenräume / Terrassen
Anzahl der Geschosse Anzahl der Geschosse
Anzahl der Geschosse
Nutzungseinheiten: Anzahl, Art und Verteilung Nutzungseinheiten: Anzahl, Art und Verteilung
Nutzungseinheiten: Anzahl, Art und Verteilung
Innere Organisation und Erschließung Innere Organisation und Erschließung
Innere Organisation und Erschließung
Form und Art der Dachflächen Form und Art der Dachflächen
Form und Art der Dachflächen
06. Juni 2017 Innere Organisation und Erschließung 06. Juni 2017
4 6
Form und Art der Dachflächen
– number of floors and units, different ways in which compact courtyard houses can be
– internal organisation and access, spatially organised, with the following aspects:
– optional additional external access, shared by several
building units, – access, vertical and horizontal, 2:3
– shape and type of roof surfaces. – layout of the main and secondary areas,
– arrangement and dimensioning of inner courtyards,
This methodological framework provided an overview of – building construction principles. 200 1:2
Geschossfläche 128
- Gewerbe 92 Typ 140-K2-3-2-2,51 Typ K1
Geschossfläche 138
0-K2-3-2-2,62 - Abstellen 75
- Haustechnik 12
- Sonstiges 18
2. OG Dachaufsicht 1 5 10 m
Geschossfläche 100
- Innenraum 68
- Außenraum privat 19
Nutzflächen Nutzflächen
- Gewerbe 92 - Innenraum 68
- Außenraum privat 19
Typ 147-K2-4-4-3,2
2nd UG 1. OG Dachterrasse
Nutzflächen Nutzflächen
- Abstellen 75 - Innenraum 88 Außenraum privat 38
- Haustechnik 12 - Außenraum privat 16
- Sonstiges 18
Kompakte Hofhäuser
Typologie M 1:200
1st EG
Geschossfläche 128
Fig. 68: Type 140-C2-3-2-2.62, floor plans and sections, scale 1:500. Nutzflächen Fig. 71: Type 147-C2-4-4-3.2, floor plan 1st floor, scale 1:500. The four-storey
- Gewerbe 92
138 qm, 9,60 x 14,40 m
361 (ohne UG)
variant with commercial use on the ground floor and three storey flats of
2 (Wohnen + Gewerbe) GFZ 2,62
various sizes above shows an example of a lift system integration. See page
Type 140-C2-3-2-2.51 (Fig. 67) offers generous space, There is a visual connection between the three courtyards,
0 Schnitt Schnitt
Nutzflächen A-A B-B
3 - 9,6x14,40 - 3G - GFZ 2,6 - Konzept 2 Abstellen im UG 75 125 in Chapter VI.
especially when two residential levels are merged to create a meaning that adjacent types must be carefully coordinated to
Innenraum Wohnen 156
Gewerbe 92 Kompakte Hofhäuser
Außenraum privat 73
Typologie M 1:200
ing a roof courtyard. In this example the ground floor is used possible with the same or different concepts. In fig. 69 the C2
Geschossfläche 138
- Abstellen 75
for a shop and storage rooms are located in the basement. variant is combined with a C1 variant.
- Haustechnik
- Sonstiges
Courtyard Orientation hours in the courtyard can be achieved. This creates a kind of
330 ° 30 °
One of the courtyards’ tasks is to provide sufficient lighting funnel, improving the natural lighting of the interior spaces.
for the interior spaces. It can be stated that if the interior is 300 ° 60 °
naturally lit sufficiently this also applies to the exterior. The constraints described here for an optimal orientation of
Whether or not sufficient direct lighting of the interior is courtyards apply to European regions and can be applied in a
provided depends largely on the courtyard’s orientation. mirrored orientation to the southern hemisphere. W Courtyard E
Wall height
Shadow cast [m]
300 °
330 °
30 °
60 °
120 °
150 °
210 °
240 °
courtyards is only advantageous in the case of enclosing 9m Sun elevation angle
walls higher than six metres. For these courtyard geometries,
a D/H ratio greater than 1 should be aimed for. By staggering Fig. 137: Shadow cast by a wall of 3 m, 6 m and 9 m as a function of the sun Fig. 139: Direct sun lit hours on the courtyard floor area with different orienta-
the courtyard towards the south, an increase in sunshine elevation angle and with ideal solar exposure. tion and different proportions of the courtyard.
Acoustics The propagation of airborne and structure-borne noise within Energieagentur NRW (eds.), Doris Haas-Arndt, Fred Ranft, Tageslichttechnik
in Gebäuden, Heidelberg 2007, p. 82.
the building should always be counteracted in accordance
There are various requirements for the acoustic design in with the building regulations for terraced houses. Double-
courtyards. Conversing parties need to be able to understand layer partitioning walls with a separating layer extending all
each other clearly, while at the same time there must be dis- the way down to the foundations should be used, which can
cretion and privacy between neighbouring parties. In addition, be further improved with siding.
the courtyard should be protected from outside noise – from In order to reduce the penetration or leakage of sound waves
neighbours or streets. into or out of the courtyard, sun protection measures with
sound insulation effect or projections on the courtyard walls
This being said, sound from outside can also support the or at the courtyard end are also possible. The courtyard end
desire for discretion and privacy by impairing intelligibility and wall can also act as an absorber or reflector.
masking conversation. Natural sounds such as birdsong or
splashing of water are particularly suitable for this purpose The acoustics and sound insulation in the courtyards can
and can also be used deliberately. Especially in very quiet be further improved by cladding the courtyard facades with
neighbourhoods, pleasant masking sounds can significantly alternating surface roughness, for example using acoustic
improve the acoustic conditions. plasters. Perforated or micro-perforated elements on different
levels of the courtyard are also conceivable, such as perfo-
As the distance to a sound source increases, sound which rated sheeting, wood wool panels or translucent elements.
propagates spherically (Fig. 145), usually decreases in inten- Vegetation on the courtyard facades, for example in front
sity and intelligibility, but it can be amplified and sustained in of cavities, with integrated absorber elements has a similar
the courtyard itself and from courtyard to courtyard or street effect.
to courtyard by reflections. In addition, the sound waves are
diffracted and scattered in different directions at the upper In addition, the sound propagation between the courtyards
edges of the courtyard. is attenuated by green roofs. The vegetation reduces the
sound energy through absorption and ground effects and at
In order to prevent the danger of unwanted extraneous noise the same time is an important urban climate measure. Any
in the courtyards, the distances between courtyards of the vegetation should have a high leaf content.
same and different buildings should therefore be designed to
be as large as possible when forming neighbourhoods and As in the courtyards, noise sources can also be used for
the structural separation should have good sound insulation. masking in selected open spaces. Water fountains have a
synergetic effect on acoustics and local microclimate. All
List of Measures for Acoustics measures to reduce traffic in the neighbourhood are also
The schematic section of the neighbourhood shows various welcome.
possibilities for improving the acoustic conditions as well as
for reducing noise in the courtyards. Measures for targeted
reflection and absorption reduce the leakage and penetration Fig. 144: Staggered arrangement of the courtyards to generate the longest
of sound waves into the inner courtyards. possible paths for sound transmission.
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt (ed.), Resource Efficiency – energy requirements,
VDI-Richtlinie 4800: Ressourceneffizienz – Methodische Grundlagen, Prinzipien – energy supply,
und Strategien, sheet 1, version 11/2016.
Resource efficiency describes the relationship between – building material ecology
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz, online unter:
benefit (product, function, functional unit) and cost (resource (see the section Building Construction). themen/bauwesen/ (last access: input).25 Applied to the construction industry, this refers to
3/4/2020). factors such as material, soil sealing, energy saving, used Subsequent compaction and special situations offer further
energy and embodied energy. Taking into account that about possibilities.27
See chapter VIII “Potential for Today and Tomorrow”. 90 percent of the mineral raw materials used in Germany
are deployed in the production of building materials and The study Energieeffizienzsteigerung Gebäude – Wege zu
Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (ed.), Energieeffizienzstrategie
that about 54 percent of the total waste volume in Germany einem nahezu klimaneutralen Gebäudebestand (Energy
Gebäude – Wege zu einem nahezu klimaneutralen Gebäudebestand, version
18/11/2015, p. 48, online at: originates from the construction sector, the development of a Efficiency Strategy for Buildings – Methods for achieving a
tionen/energy-efficiency-strategy-buildings.pdf (last access: 3/4/2020). future-oriented building type is only possible by considering virtually climate-neutral building stock) by the Federal Min-
resource efficiency.26 istry for Economic Affairs and Energy for 2015 forecasts an
average primary energy requirement for residential buildings
In the following chapter, aspects of sustainability and of approximately 40 kWh/(m²a).28 This is currently equivalent
Fig. 145: Measures to improve intelligibility and reduce sound transmission resource efficiency will be applied to the compact courtyard to the value of a KfW Energy-Efficient House 55 and shall be
from courtyard to courtyard. In public spaces, fountains can have a masking house. In terms of content, this section focuses on: defined as a target value. The results obtained show ways to
effect. achieve resource efficiency, but do not claim to be exhaus-
– area efficiency / area type, tive; they are intended as a guide.
– enveloping surface,
– D/V ratio,
Adaption of courtyard end wall Separation layer Sunscreen Fountains and dense Vegetation and alternating Vegetation
vegetation facade surface Noise absorber element
Fig. 154: Potential energy surfaces of a compact courtyard house and their Individual Solution For the operation of heat pumps, the base slab, the foun
evaluation. The available space, the expected yield, the technical feasibility and Depending on the concept, different surfaces on the building dation or the property’s soil serves as an energy source.
the suitability for a KfW Energy Efficiency House 55 are evaluated.
are suitable for energy generation. Their potential differs However, there is little free space available on the property,
depending on the available space, the expected yield and the which is also difficult to regenerate over the summer when
technical implementation. using a surface collector.
For example, photovoltaic cells can be integrated into Due to the low proportion of usable roof area, the poor
transparent facade glazing or a separate system for energy regeneration possibilities of soil or the foundation area, the
generation can be added – albeit with disadvantages in terms high space requirement of plant technology and the desired
of lighting and transparency. clarity of the ownership structure, the implementation of an
For opaque facade areas receiving sufficient sunlight, there individual solution is generally not expedient.
are many possibilities for system integration of solar active
Floor slab Property
technology. Neighbourhood Solution
Roof areas Foundation
Transparent facade Opaque facade
A neighbourhood solution offers the advantage that system
Various types of solar collectors are suitable for the roof technology within the individual buildings can be limited to a
Potential energy Space Yield Feasability KfW 55 surface, but additional shading of the courtyards should be transfer station, hot water storage tank, pump technology and
surfaces available avoided. This supports almost horizontal orientation, even heat exchanger. These system components are either located
if yield and economic efficiency of the active technology is in the individual units or centrally in the building.
Transparent facade o - o + reduced. Due to wind force, the usable roof area is very small
Opaque facade o - + +
and is only 39 percent across all concepts. If the collectors Waste heat, biomass, geothermal energy and solar radiation
are mounted, on average only 14 percent of the roof area can can be used as a source of energy depending on the location.
Roof area - o + + be activated. This significant reduction is due to the required Biomass should be acquired regionally. Heat pumps, solar
Floor slab + + - o
distance between the collectors to avoid mutual shading. collectors and combined heat and power (CHP) convert the
Usable vs. non-usable roof area energy into heat or electricity. The respective type of energy
Foundation o + - + is thus supplied to the building or stored. A holistic approach
to a neighbourhood solution not only includes the provision of
Property - + - +
C2 space heating, domestic hot water (DHW), electricity and pos
C3 sibly also cooling, storage capacity and water retention, but
C4 should also address the issue of mobility. For this purpose, for
example, the surplus energy is stored in batteries or conver
ted into a synthetic energy carrier via the power-to-x process
C6 (e.g. power-to-gas or power-to-liquid). The stored energy can
C7 then be fed into the mobility sector or back into the building
C8 via energy supply stations.
Fig. 155: The mean values of the concepts› usable roof areas with collectors in
10 %
20 %
30 %
40 %
50 %
60 %
70 %
80 %
90 %
100 %
horizontal orientation compared to the non-usable roof area. The mean value of
all concepts is 39 % usable roof area. Usable roof area Non-usable roof area
Building Material Ecology energy inputs, and these are included in the balance sheet 5
The demand for sustainability must be reflected in the choice along with the corresponding environmental impacts. 4
ment, renewal, energy consumption for building operation, walls are permissible instead of fire walls: highly fire-retar
water consumption for building operation; dant or fire-retardant and fire-resistant from the outside to
– disposal C1-C4: dismantling / demolition, transport, waste the inside, if no additional mechanical demand is present.
treatment, landfill;
d l e to C r a d
– credits and debits outside the system boundaries D: reuse, Building class 4 permits the use of type-tested highly fire-
recovery or recycling potential. retardant walls that withstand defined mechanical stress.
yc /R
Rec en o
If the core is combustible, they require a non-combustible
After demolition or dismantling and clean separation of the cladding and insulation.
building materials, however, they can generally only be re-
used to a limited extent. Often, only downcycling is possible, Conclusion: The previous typology of compact courtyard Fig. 163: Life cycle of a building material for the construction of a building. In
and the quality of the original product cannot be restored. In houses basically allows exterior walls with partially or com- some cases, transport must also be taken into account in the individual stages
addition, the various processes again require considerable pletely flammable materials. of the cycle.
Construction Process – Construction Site Organisation Holzrahmenbauweise mit Brettstapeldecken,
Timber frame construction bis Gebäudeklasse
with glued laminated timber ceilings,4
up to building class 4
It is an obvious fact that small-scale plots of land offer little
Floor level
space for storage, work preparation and the usual construc- e.g. inverted roof, water-bearing level 15 cm below floor level
z.B. Umkehrdach, wasserführende Ebene 15 cm unter OKF
tion site facilities with a crane.
Glued laminated timber ceiling
Furthermore, accessibility is usually only possible from one
(narrow) side. Therefore, public space with official permission
to deliver, store and set up a crane during the construction z.B. Elementfassade, Metallrahmen mit Füllungen (thermisch getrennt)
Section e.g. element facade, metal
Dreifachisolierverglasung frame withtransluzent),
(transparent, infills (thermally separated),
period must be included. triple insulating glazing (transparent, translucent), insulation panels
In addition or alternatively, an inner courtyard can be used as
a storage area or, if necessary, also for crane placement. Courtyard Interior
Building end walls: / anstelle von Brandwänden
timber frame wall,nicht brennbare Bekleidung, F 60 AB, typengeprüfttype-tested
Construction is implemented as usual on a floor-by-floor non-combustible cladding, highly fire-retardant,
basis. The higher the component prefabrication level, the
faster the construction process and the easier the building
site can be organised. Up to five buildings are expected to be Interior Courtyard Air space Load-bearing walls and columns: highly fire-retardant, non-combustible
managed with one crane as a construction segment. cladding
Basements are to be organised in the construction process
and through construction segments in such a way that c
expensive underpinning is avoided.
Floor plan
Strategie Herstellung
Fig. 182: Construction example in timber frame construction.
Heavy and bulky objects can be brought deep into the build-
ing at a later date using cranes and via the exterior spaces or
Crane courtyards, provided generously opening glass facades to the
courtyard and/or public space are available.
schematic representation.
Nutzung von Innenhöfen zu Lagerflächen oder ggf. auch Kranaufstellung
über die Außenräume / Höfe, können auch zu späterem Zeitpunkt über Kräne (auch
mobil) schwere und sperrige Sachen in die Tiefe des Gebäudes eingebracht werden
(in Verbindung mit großzügig zu öffnenen Glasfassaden zum Hof und öffentlichen Raum
mit überlegter Baustellorganisation sind keine schwerwiegenden oder außergewöhnliche
Probleme zu erwarten
vergleichbar mit Baustellen in beengten innerstädtischen Lagen
Fig. 196, right page: Street space of an urban quarter with compact courtyard Degree of Prefabrication and Cost
housing according to concept C1. The strategy on which the case study is based – timber
frame construction method and modular system – allows a
high prefabrication level plus a short construction time on
Fig. 195: Perspective to type 121-C1-3-1-2.8. If ensembles or neighbourhoods can be realised by multiplied
addition of the same or related types, an economical serial
production is possible with individual adaptations similar to a
construction set. By dispensing with a costly basement, the
foundation can be reduced to a frost-free base slab and com-
ponents necessary for the building services (not shown in the
drawings). A dry assembly method, also for floor structures,
saves desiccation time. Prefabricated installation walls are a
further option for the bathrooms.
All of these measures and factors are suitable for bringing
the construction costs down to a level in line with the market,
despite the widely vegetated flat roof constructions.
Natural Illumination
With the exception of the bathroom on the first floor, all
interior rooms receive daylight via the street facade, courtyard
facades or additional skylights.
Previous considerations on the courtyard orientation are
embraced. By rotating the building type to a position where
the diagonal of the courtyard is parallel to the course of
the sun, the amount of insufficient illumination is reduced.
During the occupancy period, the area below 100 lux is
reduced by an average of five percent. The improvement is
particularly noticeable in the bedroom next to the bathroom
on the first floor. The second floor is sufficiently supplied with
daylight and a rotation here has a tendency of leading to an
Fig. 215: Perspective view of a street space with variants according to
concepts C2 (left side of street) and C6 (right side of street).
Erhöhung dervon
der GFZ
Erhöhung GFZ0.3von 1.4 bis 1.4
bis 0.3
Geschossfläche ca.qm
ca. 245 245 qm
Typ 120-K1-3-1-2.0
Typ 120-K1-3-1-2.0
Fig. 238: Case study for the conversion of a typical low-density settlement boundaries. The 50 to 60-year-old existing buildings (usually still unrenovated) aroused in this way, for example, if necessary home care and accessibility are
from the 1960s into a much more sustainable urban structure in the long term. will be replaced in stages by compact courtyard houses. This can be accompa- made possible or if building land is generated for children and grandchildren.
Schematic representation of a temporary intermediate state, site plan and nied at the same time by a division of the plots into four narrow plots of 175 m²
schematic section, scale 1:1000. each, which can be sold individually if required. In this way, valuable building land is created in good locations for those willing
With land prices in metropolitan regions ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 Euros to build, prospective buyers and investors (internal development). The living
per square metre, a landowner can earn approximately 500,000 to 2.5 million quality of such a compact courtyard house (with a central courtyard, roof
Duplex houses with garages as boundary buildings on plots of about 700 m² Euros in this way. As a rule, the increase in building rights will, according to the terrace that cannot be seen, integrated parking space, generous storage areas,
form the existing buildings. The two-storey buildings (ground floor + first floor laws of the market economy, cause land prices to rise even further. This cre- etc.) will at the same time far exceed that of the existing conventional building.
+ extended roof) have a gross floor area of 200 to 220 m², which corresponds ates a strong economic incentive to demolish, sell and rebuild, which few are The range of services in the neighbourhood is also improved with the higher
to a utilisation of the building land or a floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.3. likely to be able to escape. This will not only save the costs of renovating the density.
With narrow and deep compact courtyard buildings (e.g. according to concept existing conventional buildings (approx. 150,000 to 300,000 Euros), but also
C1), the utilisation or floor area ratio can be increased to 1.4 while maintaining completely finance the new building and possibly create funds for other areas
the distance (1/2 × H) to the existing conventional buildings and property of life and investments. Even the interest of retired owners and users could be
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German edition
ISBN 978-3-03863-051-7 → Excellent living quality on a small area: a building typology for urban
redensification of existing districts
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→ Specifications and planning criteria – a practical handbook
Going into great detail, the books presents different types and variations for sites
of different sizes and proportions. All can be readily combined to create urban
ensembles and districts. Nevertheless, each building can remain largely
autonomous on its own plot, thus ensuring a simple situation in terms of
There are many possibilities of deploying this kind of building in the urban
setting while only taking up little area: redensification of existing residential
areas, conversion of brownfield and leftover areas, new construction of mini-
quarters and even larger urban districts.
Peter Bonfig, architect with more than thirty years expertise in the development
and application of innovative concepts and technologies. Activities in teaching,
research and practice in Europe, USA, Australia and Japan and as an
architectural photographer.
David Offtermatt has been a research associate at HFT Stuttgart since 2017. He
studied Climate Engineering there and went on to acquire his master’s degree in
Energy and Building Systems at Biberach University of Applied Sciences.