Grey Iron Castings - Specification: Indian Standard

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IS 210: 2009

Indian Standard
( Fifth Revision)

1 SCOPE namel y, grades FG 150 , FG 200 , FG 220, FG 260 ,

FG 300, FG 350 and FG 400 . The designat ion system
Thi s stand ard covers the requirements for grey iron for gre y ca st iron is given in IS 4843 .
ca stings.
The castings shall be made by any process , as agreed
The follow ing standards contain pro v isions which, between the supplier and the purchaser , that will
through reference in this text, con stitute provi sions produce castings complying with the requirement s
of this standard. At the time of publi cation, the of this standard and shall be in accordance with the
editions indicated were valid. All standards are pattern or working drawing as supplied by the
subject to revision and parties to agreements based purchaser.
on th is standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of 6 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION
the standards ind icated below:
6,1 The composition of cast iron shall be left to the
IS No. Title discretion of the manufacturer, but a maximum limit
for phosphorus and/or sulphur may be specified by
1387 : 1993 General requirements for the the purchaser, if he so desires.
supply of metallurgical material
(second revision) 6.2 In case of special castings, the detailed chemical
Method for Brinell hardness test composition shall be as agreed to between the
1500 : 2005/
purchaser and the manufacturer.
ISO 6506-1 : 1999 for metallic materials (third
1608 : 2005/ Metallic materia is - Tensile
7.1 The castings shall be accurately moulded in
ISO 6892 : 1998 . testing at ambient temperature
accordance with the pattern or working drawings
(third revision)
supplied by the purchaser, with the addition of such
4843 : 1968 Code for .designation of ferrous letters, figures or marks as may be specified.
7.2 The purchaser shall specify tolerances,
5139: 1969 Recommended procedure for
machining location and allowances with reference to
repair of grey iron castings by
all important dimensions. On other dimensions
oxyacetylene and manual metal
tolerances specified in IS 5519 shall apply.
arc welding
5519 : 1979 Deviations for untoleranced 8 HEAT TREATMENT
dimensions of grey iron castin gs Castings are generally supplied without having any
(first revision) heat treatment. However , ifrequired by the purchaser,
7754 : 1975 Method for designat ion of the heat treatment may be carried out in accordance
microstructure of graphite in cast with 20ftS 13655.
13655 : 1993 Guidelines for heat treatment of
cas t iron Where so required, the microstructure of grey iron
castings and the location for taking the sample shall
3 SUPPLY OF MATERIAL be as agreed to between the purchaser and the
General requirements relating to the supply of grey manufacturer.
iron castings shall be as laid down in IS 1387. 9.1 Unless otherwise specified, the microstructure
4 GRADES shall be substant ially free of primary cementite and/
or massive stead ite and shall consist oftlake graphite
There shall be seven grades of grey iron castings in a matrix offerrite or pearlite or mixture thereof.

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