"Weather Prediction System": (Major Project) Master of Computer Application

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Project Report


Submitted in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the 4th Semester Sessional Examination of
(Major Project)
Master of Computer Application
Ruju Mohanty
Roll Number:20MCA079
(Regd No.20PG030073)

Under the esteemed guidance of

Mr. Shraban Kumar Apat


GUNUPUR – 765022
2021 – 22
Gunupur-765022, Dist-Rayagada, Odisha, INDIA


This is to certify that the project work entitled “WEATHER

PREDICTION SYSTEM” is done by Ruju Mohanty in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the 4th Semester Sessional Examination (Major

Project) of Master of Computer Application during the academic year 2021-

22. This work is submitted to the department as a part of the evaluation of

the 4th Semester Project.

Mr. Shraban Kumar Apat Prof. (Dr). Sanjay Kumar Kuanar

Project Supervisor HoD, CSE

Dr. Neelamadhab Padhy.

Assistant HoD,MCA External

Gunupur-765022, Dist-Rayagada, Odisha, INDIA


I would like to thank of gratitude to our supervisor “Mr. Shraban Kumar Apat” for their

guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the

project and also for their support in completing the project. Secondly I would like to thank my class

teacher “Mr. Sibo Prasad Patro” for his appreciation to complete the project on time.’ Thirdly a

special gratitude to our HOD,CSE “Dr. Sanjay Kumar Kuanar” and Assistant HOD, MCA “Dr.

Neelamadhab Padhy” for providing us a opportunity to do this project, based on basic concepts that

we learned and to implement that in our project. And lastly thanks to project guidance “Mr. Shraban

Kumar Apat” for the continuous support.

Ruju Mohanty
Name of the Student


1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….
1.1. Objective……………………………………………………………………………………..
1.2. Project Scope………………………………………………………………………………..
1.3. Product Features……………………………………………………………………………
2. System Analysis………………………………………………………………………………….

2.1. User Requirements…………………………………………………………………………

2.2. Functional Requirements…………………………………………………………………..

2.3. Non-functional Requirements……………………………………………………………...

2.4. Hardware Requirements……………………………………………………………………

2.5. Software Requirements…………………………………………………………………….

2.6. Technology Used……………………………………………………………………………

3. System Design & Specifications………………………………………………………………..

3.1. High Level Design (HLD)…………………………………………………………………..
3.1.1. Project Model…………………………………………………………………………
3.1.2. Architecture…………………………………………………………………………..
3.1.3. DFD……………………………………………………………………………………
3.1.4. UML ……………………………………………………………………………………
3.2. Low Level Design (LLD)……………………………………………………………………
3.2.1. Process Specification ( Pseudo code / Algorithm )………………………………
3.2.2. Screen-Shot Diagram……………………………………………………………….
4. Conclusion & Limitations………………………………………………………………………..
5. Reference/Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………


Weather report application is a web based application through which you will able to get
all the reports related to weather prediction of any locations. Its geographical locator which will
be received through your browser setting and server configuration will automatically identify the
location and able to present its weather details such as temperature, direction of wind, rains,
humidity etc.

Weather prediction system is the use of science and technology to predict atmospheric
conditions for a certain place and period. For centuries, people have tried to forecast the
weather informally, and officially since the nineteenth century. Weather prediction, which used
to be done by hand and was focused mostly on variations in barometric pressure, existing
weather patterns, and sky state or cloud cover, is now done using computer-based models that
account for a variety of atmospheric variables. Weather predictions are created by gathering
objective data about the actual condition of the atmosphere at a certain location and using
meteorology to predict how the weather will behave in the future. Human feedback is also
required to choose the best possible forecast model on which to basethe forecast. This prediction
will last 1-2 days. The weather has an immense influence on human daily patterns, the
production of food, and personal comfort zones. Prediction plays an important role in planning
current and future activities. So, there are other aspects that may have a huge impact on the
prediction outcome. Weather forecasting is used in many situations like severe weather alerts
and advisories, predicting the behavior of the cloud for air transport, prediction of water ways
in a sea, agricultural development and avoiding forest fire.

What is the Weather Prediction Meaning? Weather prediction is the use of science
and technology to forecast atmospheric conditions for a certain place and period. For
centuries, people have tried to predict the weather informally, and officially since the
nineteenth century. Weather forecasting, which used to be done by hand and was
focused mostly on variations in barometric pressure, existing weather patterns, and
sky state or cloud cover, is now done using computer-based models that account for
a variety of atmospheric variables. Weather predictions are created by gathering
objective data about the actual condition of the atmosphere at a certain location and
using meteorology to predict how the weather will behave in the future. Human
feedback is also required to choose the best possible forecast model on which to base
the forecast. Weather forecasting is a part of the economy; for example, the United
States spent $5.1 billion on weather forecasting in 2009, with gains expected to be six
times that amount. Weather app is the application of science and technology to predict
the conditions of the atmosphere for a given city. Since we know the weather forecast,
let us take a look at the importance of weather forecasting and the different methods
used to predict.

1.1 Objective
Weather report application is a web based application through which you will
able to get all the reports related to weather forecasting of any locations. Its
geographical locator which will be received through your browser setting and server
configuration will automatically identify the location and able to present its weather
details such as temperature, direction of wind, rains, humidity etc. To change the
location you will just have to select the options provided below to get its details. Its
new avatars and feed burner will also allow its users to get the weather reports directly
to their mail, when they were not able to access this particular domain or even when
the server is down.
Its weather watch gadgets in animated form will able to notify about weather for
particular date and time also. It will also able to focus on critical weather condition for
a particular gadgets through this gadgets. So with one weather solutions, its users can

get weather reports by getting information directly from satellite and radar via proper
communication medium using java servlet coding. Its calculations and details are so
accurate, that you can even check and match it from news channel. Its user’s friendly
tools are so simple to use, that even a child can handle it and get information on
particular geographical area.

1.2 Scope
There are various uses of weather forecasting in day-to-day life, it can be as
simple as deciding whether to take an umbrella with you on your work or to deciding
your outfit. Following are some of the places where weather forecasting plays a
major role:
 Seasons and nature play a major role in agriculture and farming. When it
comes to the farming of various fruits, vegetables, and pulses, temperature is
extremely important. Farmers didn't have a better understanding of weather
forecasts before, so they had to rely on estimates to do their jobs. They do,
however, sometimes suffer losses as a result of inaccurate weather forecasts.
Farmers will now get all of their forecasts on their smartphones, thanks to
advances in technology and the use of unique weather forecasting
mechanisms. Of course, education in this area is critical, but the majority of
the farmer community at this point understands the fundamentals, making it
simple for them to use the features. It aids food grain transportation and
storage. It aids in the handling of cultural operations such as harrowing,
hoeing, etc. It aids in the implementation of livestock protection initiatives.
 Weather Forecasting is crucial since it helps to determine future climate
changes. With the use of latitude, we can determine the probability of snow
and hail reaching the surface.
We are able to identify the thermal energy from the sun that is exposed to a region.
Climatology is the scientific study of climates, which in simple words mean weather
conditions over a period. A bunch of studies within atmospheric sciences also takes
the help of the variables and averages of short-term and long-term weather
conditions accumulated. Climatology is different from meteorology and can be
divided into further areas of study. Different approaches to this segment can be
taken. Currently, our primary goal is to motivate and develop efficient and effective

measures of Environmental activities.

1.3 Types of Weather Prediction

Short Range Prediction: This forecasting will last 1-2 days. The weather has an
immense influence on human daily patterns, the production of food, and personal
comfort zones. Forecasting plays an important role in planning current and future
activities. So, there are other aspects that may have a huge impact on the
forecasting outcome. However, accurate forecasting is very crucial. Forecasting is an
important tool for various analyses.

Medium Range Prediction: This kind of forecasting lasts 3-4 days to 2 weeks.
Medium-term forecasts are made for small strategic resolutions in correlation with
the nature of the business. They are very important in the area of business
budgeting and development and it is from this forecast that company budgets are
decided. Organizations can go bankrupt due to insufficient attention on medium-term
sales forecasting. The time period for a medium-term forecast is usually one year.

Long-Range Prediction: This forecasting is for times longer than four weeks.
Long- term forecasts are for mainly major upcoming strategic decisions to be taken
within an organization and for the organization, they focus very much on how to use
resources in an optimum manner. Organizations are concerned more with general
ongoing trends, following these trends, regular attempts to predict revenue-
generating sales over periods greater than two years. In some strategies, For huge
industries, accurate predictions might be needed for a decade or more to tackle the
changes. The disadvantage of such forecasts is that they cannot be more than

1.4 Importance of weather prediction

Weather forecasting is used in many situations like severe weather alerts

and advisories, predicting the behavior of the cloud for air transport, prediction
of waterwaysin a sea, agricultural development and avoiding forest fire.

Severe weather alerts and advisories

A major part of modern weather forecasting is the severe weather alerts

and advisories which are the national weather service’s issue in anticipation of
severe or hazardous weather are expected. This is done to protect life and
property. Some of the most commonly known of severe weather advisories are
the severe thunderstorm and tornado warning, as well as the severe
thunderstorm and tornado watch. Other forms of these advisories include winter
weather, high wind, flood, tropical cyclone, and fog.Severe weather advisories
and alerts are broadcast through the media, including radio.

Predicting the behavior of the cloud for Air transport

The aviation industry is especially sensitive to the weather and accurate
weather forecasting is essential. Fog or exceptionally low ceilings can prevent
many aircraft from landing and taking off. Turbulence and icing are also
significant in-flight hazards. Thunderstorms are a problem for all aircrafts
because of severe turbulence due to their updrafts and outflow boundaries, icing
due to the heavy precipitation, as well as large hail, strong winds, and lightning,
all of which can cause severe damage to an aircraft in flight. Volcanic ash is also
a significant problem for aviation, as aircraft can lose engine power within ash

Prediction of waterways in a sea

Commercial and recreational use of waterways can be limited
significantly by wind direction, speed, wave periodicity, high tides and
precipitation. These factors can each influence the safety of marine transit.
Consequently, a variety of codes have been established to efficiently transmit
detailed marine weather forecasts to vessel pilots via radio, for example marine
forecast. Typical weather forecasts can be received at sea through the use of
Radio fax.
Agricultural development
Weather plays an important role in agricultural production. It has a
profound influence on the growth, development and yields of a crop, incidence
of pests and diseases, water needs and fertilizer requirements in terms of
differences in nutrient mobilization due to water stresses and timeliness and
effectiveness of prophylactic and cultural operations on crops. Weather
aberrations may cause (i) physical damage to crops and (ii) soil erosion. The
quality of the crop produced during movement from field to storage and transport
to market depends on weather. Bad weather may affect the quality of the
produce during transport and viability and vigor of seeds and planting material
during storage.

Avoiding Forest fire

Weather forecasting of wind, precipitations and humidity is essential for
preventing and controlling wildfires. Different indices, like the Forest fire weather
index and the Haines Index, have been developed to predict the areas more at
risk to experience fire from natural or human causes. Conditions for the
development of harmful insects can also be predicted by weather forecasting.

Military applications
Military weather forecasters present weather conditions to the war fighter
community. Military weather forecasters provide pre-flight and in-flight weather
briefs to pilots and provide real time resource protection services for military
installations. Naval forecasters cover the waters and ship weather forecasts. The
Navy provides a special service to both themselves and the rest of the federal
government by issuing forecasts for tropical cyclone across the Pacific and
Indian Oceans through their Joint Typhoon Warning Center.

Air Force
Air Force Weather provides weather forecasting for the Air Force and the
Army. Air Force forecasters cover air operations in both wartime and peacetime
operations and provide Army support. Military and civilian forecasters actively
cooperate in analyzing and creating weather forecast products.

2. System Analysis

2.1 User Requirements

There are two different tasks at the core of a weather finder:

● User request analysis

This is the first task that a weather app performs. It analyzes the user’s
request to identify the user intent and to extract relevant entities.

● Returning the response

Once the user’s intent has been identified, the weather must provide the
most appropriate response for the user’s request. The answer return the weather
of city.

2.2 Functional requirements

● The Administrator will be given power to add the problems and solutions
according to their requirement.
● Using the open weather map api and reactjs the page seems effective and
user interface to their user comfort.
● The system can be accessed anytime.

2.3 Non-functional requirements

 Performance Requirements:
The proposed system that we are going to develop will be used as the
weather finder. Therefore, it is expected that the local storage and List Trainer would
perform functionally all the requirements that are specified.

 Safety Requirements:
The local storage may get crashed at any certain time due to interrupt
or operating system failure. Therefore, it is required to take the database backup.

2.4 Hardware Requirements
RAM: 128 MB (minimum)

Disk Space: 124 MB for JRE & 2 MB for Java Update

Processor: Pentium 2 266 MHz or more

2.5 Software Requirements

OS: Windows Vista SP2 and above

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1(64bit)

Intel based MacOS X 10.8.3+ (Admin privilege required)

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and above

Suse server 10 SP2+

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5+

Oracle Linux 5.5+

Browser: Firefox, chrome, Safari, Opera, Edge

Brief overview of the technology:

Front end: Angular

1.HTML:HTML is used to create and save web document .

2.CSS:(Cascading Style Sheets) Create attractive Layout.
3.TypeScript: It is a programming language, commonly used with web
Back end: Spring boot, MySQL

1. MySQL: It is a database, widely used for accessing querying, updating

and managing in database.
2. Spring boot: the spring boot Framework provides an easier and faster way
to set up, configure, and run both simple and web-based applications.


Server Used: Tome Cat Server

3. System Design & Specifications

3.1 High Level Design (HLD)

3.1.1 Project Model (Iterative Model)

Iterative Model is a particular implementation of a software development life
cycle that focuses on an initial, simplified implementation, which then progressively
gains more complexity and a broader feature set until the final system is complete. In
short, iterative development is a way of breaking down the software development of a
large application into smaller pieces.

The various phases of Iterative model are as follows:

i. Requirement gathering & analysis: In this phase, requirements are gathered from
customers and check by an analyst whether requirements will fulfil or not. Analyst
checks that need will achieve within budget or not. After all of this, the software team
skips to the next phase.

ii. Design: In the design phase, team design the software by the different diagrams
like Data Flow diagram, activity diagram, class diagram, state transition diagram, etc

iii. Implementation: In the implementation, requirements are written in the coding

language and transformed into computer programmes which are called Software.

iv. Testing: After completing the coding phase, software testing starts using different
test methods. There are many test methods, but the most common are white box,
black box, and grey box test methods.

v. Deployment: After completing all the phases, software is deployed to its work

vi. Implementation: In the implementation, requirements are written in the coding

language and transformed into computer programmes which are called Software.

vii.Testing: After completing the coding phase, software testing starts using different
test methods. There are many test methods, but the most common are white box,
black box, and grey box test methods.

viii. Implementation: In the implementation, requirements are written in the coding

language and transformed into computer programmes which are called Software.

ix. Testing: After completing the coding phase, software testing starts using different
test methods. There are many test methods, but the most common are white box,
black box, and grey box test methods.

x. Deployment: After completing all the phases, software is deployed to its work

xi. Review: In this phase, after the product deployment, review phase is performed to
check the behaviour and validity of the developed product. And if there are any error
found then the process starts again from the requirement gathering.

Maintenance: In the maintenance phase, after deployment of the software in the

working environment there may be some bugs, some errors or new updates are
required. Maintenance involves debugging and new addition options

3.1.2 Architecture (Client-Server Architecture)
Our application is divided into two parts, one is front-end i.e angular app
and other part is the backend i.e the spring boot applications. The back-end
must run in a tomcat server from where it will be serving to the front end which
might be at any other server and the user must be accessing it. The
architecture is similar to the below diagram.

( Architecture Diagram )

3.1.3 DFD


Weather App

Add new
Get Weather locations to Delete
Info for a record locations
Back-end location from the list

External Weather


3.1.4 Use Case Model

Add Valid locations

Fetch weather reports

Delete locations

(Use Case Model)

3.1.5 Use Case Reports

Use-case 1 : Fetch Weather Details

Goal in context: View the details of weather of a particular valid location.

Brief Description: This use case is used when the user wants to see the
forecast details of any location from the list. Also get the forecast for next 2 days
along with current day’s forecast.

 User must have internet connection.
 The location name must pre-exist in the database

Basic Flow:
 The user opens the website.
 The user selects the location from the list.
 The weather details are displayed on the screen.

Select the



Details Displayed

(Use Case Report- Fetch weather details)

Use-Case 2: Add or delete locations

Goal in context: Add or delete locations

Brief Description: This use case is used when the user wants to store or
remove the location name to or from the database that can be further used to
fetch the weather details.

Basic Flow:
 The user logs onto the System.

 The user clicks on the button which shows the list of locations stored.

 The user can enter the new location names and if it is valid then it is stored.

 If the user wants to delete the location then he can do that as well.

Enters the
location name

Newly Entered Data

Delete the location

(Use Case Report - Add or Delete locations)

3.2 Low Level Design (LLD)

Enter Location




Get the Weather Report


3.2.1 Screenshot:

1. Header Component:
This component shows the current real time temperature, selected location
name, max and min temperature of the day and the day name(Ex. monday).
For showing day name we are using angular’s date pipe which converts the
date(Ex. 16/06/2022) to day name(Ex. Thursday).

2. Hourly Component:
This component shows the temperature update for each hour for the next 24
We are also using the angular date pipe to convert date time(Ex. 16/06/2022
10:30) into time(Ex. 10AM).
Also we are showing the respective icon which graphically shows the condition
for that hour.

3. Weekly Component:
This component shows the max and min temperature of the day for the next 6 days.
Eventually we get the weather information for an entire week.
As we are using Free tier of the Weather API so we are getting update for the next 2
days for now. If we want to show the update for more than 2 days then we need to buy
the API key and just replace with the current free tier API key found in environment.ts
Apart from that we are also showing the sunset time, sun rise time, humidity, wind
speed and direction, etc for the current day.

4. Graph Component:
This component is to show the UV radiation on a scale of 10 for the selected location
for the current day.
We are also showing the Air Quality Index for that location. Which basically shows how
pure or polluted the air of that location is. It is calculated based on the amount
poisonous gasses in the air.

5. Footer Component:
In this component we have an icon in the left end, which redirects to the external
weather forecast website for more information.
In the right end we have a button, on clicking this button a pop-up page will come up.
Which is the next component.

6. Right-Pane Component:

This is a pop-up page which list out the locations that are present in the database
along with the min max temperature for the day.
We can delete those locations from database by clicking on the red color cross button.
Also we can add new locations by entering the valid city name in the input field.
If we want to see the weather details in the main screen then we just need to click on
the location name from the list and the pop-up will close and the weather information
will be updated in the main screen.

4. Conclusion & Limitations.
Weather forecasts still have their limitations despite the use of modern technology
and improved techniques to predict the weather. Weather forecasting is complex and
not always accurate, especially for days further in the future, because the weather
can be chaotic and unpredictable. If weather patterns are relatively stable, the
persistence method of forecasting provides a relatively useful technique to predict the
weather for the next day. Weather observation techniques have improved and there
have been technological advancements in predicting the weather in recent times.
Despite this major scientific and technical progress, many challenges remain
regarding long-term weather predictability. The accuracy of individual weather
forecasts varies significantly.

5. Reference/Bibliography:

5.1 STS IDE: https://spring.io/tools

5.2 External API :https://www.weatherapi.com/

5.2 JDK : https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/jdk11-


5.3 MySQL: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/jdk11-


5.4 Tom Cat: https://tomcat.apache.org

5.5 Angular: https://angular.io/start


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