Edge Wallet Method 2022
Edge Wallet Method 2022
Edge Wallet Method 2022
New Edge Wallet Method 2022
New Edge Wallet Method 2022
2. Switch on your VPN
Choosing a VPN for carding is an important question for your safety and your
• Free VPNs is not a solution because in most of the cases they record their
user’s IPs and other sensitive datas and their quality is poor, their repetitive
disconnections will compromise your safety and your carding success.
Result: waste of time and money + Kill the card + Risks your safety
• Well known and/or expensive VPNs is not necessarily a good solution either
because a high price doesn’t mean that is high quality. well known VPNs
usually record their user’s data, may ban you if they detect a fraudulent
activity (carding) and flag your account: redlist ready to be sent to the
authorities if a police investigation is made.
Result: Risky!
I share here my unique VPN provider that I use since over 10 years ago. This is
the most used by carders because they don’t record their users datas and they
don’t care even if we use their services for carding. Price: $9.95
1. Choose your plan
2. Register and get your app
3.Login, select location and connect!
New Edge Wallet Method 2022
New Edge Wallet Method 2022
New Edge Wallet Method 2022
Before going to the next step, I am going to explain what a BIN is since some
of you might not know
BIN (Bank identification number)
A BIN is the first 6 numbers of a card. It contains important information’s like:
country, Bank name, type of card, card level (debit, credit, classic, gold)
New Edge Wallet Method 2022
New Edge Wallet Method 2022
In order to make this clear for you, here is the example of a transaction with
this seller:
As you can see, I have ordered 4 cards at
once. I crossed out the confidential
info’s of the CC owners on this
screenshot for safety reasons. As you
can see this guy includes exact CC
balance with the info and the max
cardable amount is also advised.
Keep in mind that it is almost impossible
to cash out 100% of a CC balance
especially for big balanced cards, but
with a good carding method. we can
cash out easily between 20% to 50% of
the CC balance.
New Edge Wallet Method 2022
As you can see the “Max cardable amount is calculated according to the
balance of the CC. I’ll make a new guide soon about “how to cash out 50% of a
big balanced CC”.
By the way choose always a vendor who is able to provide a proof of tests + CC
balance like my supplier, by that you can guarantee that you won’t be wasting
your money. As you can see here, the balance is £26k. this is the average
balance I get for CCs with the bin 556314.
New Edge Wallet Method 2022
With the VPN switched on go to the Edge wallet and select BUY
VPN is switched ON to the
location of the card owner (Any
city is fine as long as you select
the same country as the card
New Edge Wallet Method 2022
New Edge Wallet Method 2022
Enter the card details Minimize the Edge Go back to Edge wallet
wallet, go to temp- and complete the rest
mail.org and make a with the email you’ve
temporary mail. Don’t just created
close this yet. Copy and
New Edge Wallet Method 2022
Verify the email by going Here is your verification Select GBP to avoid
back to your mail just message enter this on unnecessary fees
created your Edge wallet
New Edge Wallet Method 2022
Wait till this load The payment has been Ta-daa the coins have
made. It would take arrived. Repeat the
about 5-30 minutes for operation until the card
the coins to arrive at gets declined. To start
your wallet again with a new card,
make sure to make a
new account.
New Edge Wallet Method 2022
This method is one of the best carding tricks I actually have because
each amount in BTC is carded less than 10 mins. And most importantly
use only the BINS I have stated cause not all BINs would work. I am still
trying out other bins and will add them to this method if I find a
working one.