Question Bank C W
Question Bank C W
Question Bank C W
(a) Double-nest coil spring (b) single-nest coil spring (c) shock absorber (d) None of
these. 81. Lateral & longitudinal guidance of fiat bogie is made by.............
(a) Dashpot (b) Articulated control arms (c) side bearer. (d) None of these. 82.
New Wheel dia of fiat bogie
(a) 940 (b) 825 (c) 1000 (d) 915 83. Condemning
wheel dia in FIAT bogie (a) 845 (b) 813
(c) 915 (d) None of these 84. ................type of bearing
is used in FIAT Bogie:
(a) Spherical Roller Bearing (b) CTRB (c) Ball Bearing (d) None of these 85.
Type of coach body shell used in hybrid coach is:
(a) ICF (b) LHB (c) BEML (d) None of these 86.
Type of bogie used in hybrid coach is:
(a) ICF (b) FIAT (c) Modified ICF (d) None of these 87. FIAT bogie
is capable to negotiate the curve of 100 at the speed up to:
(a) 100 Kmph (b) 60 Kmph (c) 40 Kmph (d) 30 Kmph 88. Air Spring
working pressure in Hybrid coach is ________ Kg/cm2:
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4.8 (d) 3.5 89. Capacity of main reservoir of air
spring system is___________ Liter.
(a) 180 (b) 170 (c) 150 (d) None of these 90. Capacity of Auxiliary
Reservoir used in air spring is___________ Liter .
(a) 100 (b) 60 (c) 80 (d) 40 91. Nos. of levelling valves
fitted in one air spring bogie are:
(a) 02 (b) 06 (c) 04 (d) 08 92.More than 1.5 Kg/cm2 pressure drop in air spring fitted
train the restricted speed is permissible
up to __________ Kmph: (a) 50 (b) 40 (c) 60 (d) 25
93.No. of Duplex check valve fitted in Air Spring bogie
(a) 01 (b) 04 (c) 05 (d) None of these 94. During Proper pressure in air
spring the position of leveling valve becomes
(a) Vertical (b) Horizontal (c) Inclined (d) None of these 95. In Air Spring Bogie gap
maintained between lower plank and upper plank
(a) 280 (b) 240 (c) 355 (d) 255 96. Capacity of
Intermediate Tank used for CDTS is .........ltr
(a) 100 (b) 50 (c) 60 (d) 80 97. In CDTS supply
of Air pressure is made through:
(a) BP (b) AR (c) FP (d) None of these 98. Axle capacity
of BOXNR wagon is _________ Tones: (a) 33.9 (b) 19.9
(c) 22.9 (d) None of these 99. Side panel thickness of
BOXNR wagon is ______ mm.
(a) 3.15 (b) 5.15 (c) 2.0 (d) 7.0 100. Floor Sheet thickness
of BOXNR wagon is _________ mm.
(a) 1.5 (b) 4.0 (c) 3.5 (d) None of these 101.
Height of BOXNR wagon is __________ mm.
(a) 2000 (b) 3125 (c) 1827 (d) 2127 102. No. of side
stanchions used in BOXNR wagon are:
(a) 12 (b) 09 (c) 11 (d) None of these. 103. Floor sheet
material used in BOXNR wagon is.............
(a) IRSM-41 (b) Mild Steel (c) IRSM-44 (d) None of these
104. H-type coupler is used in ...........
(a) Coaching stock (b) Wagon stock (c) Engine (d) none of these.
105. ........... type of coupler is used in locomotive.
(a) AAR-‘E’ (b) H-type (c) HTEA type (c) Alliance -II 106.
Horizontal gripping in H-type coupler
(a) +/-110 (b) +/-90 (c) +/-80 (d) +/-100 107. Vertical
gripping in H-type coupler (a) +/-110 (b)
+/-90 (c) +/-80 (d) +/-100 108. ............Draft gear is used
with HTEA coupler
Courtesy : Indian Railway
(a) RF-361 (b) HR-40-1 (c) HR-8-1. (d) none of these 109. In case of fully locked
condition of knuckle in H-type coupler, Position of rib should be.......
(a) Vertical (b)Horizontal (c) 60o (d) 45o 110 .Standard distance
between knuckle nose & guard arm
(a) 127 (b) 135 (c) 130 (d) None of these. 111. Permissible wear in
knuckle nose
(a) 10 (b) 08 (c) 15 (d) 06 112. CBC knuckle is
divided into............zones
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 5 113. Position of CBC knuckle broken from knuckle
pivot pin hole is called...........
(a) A-zone (b) B-zone (c) C-zone (d) D-zone 114. Position of CBC
knuckle nose broken after wear is called...........
(a) A-zone (b) B-zone (c) C-zone (d) D-zone 115.
Function of auxiliary anticreap is done by...........
(a) Lever connecting nose (b) locking piece (C) knuckle thrower (d) anti rotation lug 116.
Size of anti rotation lug
(a) 210 X 16X 16 (b) 220X16X16 (c) 235X12X12 (d)310X16X16 117. CBC control
gauge No. 3 is used to detect the diffect of...........
(a) Knuckle (b) locking piece (c) knuckle thrower (d)toggle 118. Capacity of
RF-361 draft gear is...............Kgm
(a) 5385 (b) 5725 (c) 6200 (d) 6000 119. Capacity
of MK-50 draft gear is...............Kgm
(a) 5385 (b) 5725 (c) 6200 (d) 6000 120. In wagon stock during service
Maximum slack permitted in CBC
(a) 12 (b) 19 (c) 25 (D) None of these. 121. Stroke of
H-type coupler in tension position
(a) 58 (b) 60 (c) 65 (d) 42 122. Stroke of H-type coupler in
compressed position
(a) 80 (b) 60 (c) 65 (d) 42 123. Revised codal life of blanket
used in linen is.........months.
(a) 14 (b) 48 (c) 60 (d) 30 124. Quality of linen to be
inspected..........percentage after receiving washed linen.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5 125. Slackless drawbar is
used in.............wagon
(a) BLC (b)BOXNHA (c)BOXNEL (d)BOXNHL 126. Helical springs
are used in...............draft gear.
(a) MK-50 (b) RF-361 (c) HR-40 (d) None of these.
gauge. Answers.
1. A 41. A 81. B 121. B 161. D 2. B 42. B 82. D 122. A 162. A 3.
C 43. B 83. A 123. B 163. A 4. D 44. A 84. B 124. B 164. B 5. C
45. A 85. A 125. A 165. D 6. B 46. B 86. C 126. A 166. A 7. A
47. A 87. B 127. B 167. C 8. B 48. D 88. A 128. A 168. D 9. C
49. A 89. C 129. C 169. C 10. C 50. A 90. D 130. D 170. A 11.
C 51. C 91. A 131. A 171. C 12. A 52. B 92. C 132. B 13. A 53.
D 93. A 133. B 14. B 54. A 94. B 134. B 15. B 55. A 95. D 135.
B 16. C 56. A 96. B 136. B 17. D 57. D 97. C 137. A 18. B 58. D
98. C 138. B 19. A 59. D 99. A 139. B 20. B 60. C 100. B 140. A
21. B 61. A 101. D 141. B 22. A 62. A 102. B 142. A 23. C 63. C
103. C 143. C 24. D 64. A 104. A 144. C 25. A 65. B 105. A
145. B 26. B 66. B 106. A 146. A 27. B 67. A 107. B 147. D 28.
B 68. B 108. A 148. A 29. B 69. C 109. A 149. C 30. A 70. A
110. A 150. C 31. A 71. D 111. A 151. B 32. B 72. A 112. B 152.
A 33. C 73. B 113. B 153. B 34. C 74. C 114. D 154. A 35. C 75.
B 115. A 155. B 36. A 76. B 116. A 156. C 37. A 77. C 117. A
157. A 38. C 78. D 118. B 158. A 39. D 79. A 119. A 159. B 40.
A 80. A 120. C 160. A
Courtesy : Indian Railway
True or false
1. Axle mounted disc system is provided in ICF coach. (T/F) 2. 19 mm choke dia is
provided in PEAV of LHB Coach (T/F) 3. Maximum dia of axle mounted disc in LHB
Coach is 640 mm (T/F) 4. 2 No. of Air Conditioning Plant are provided in AC LHB
Coach (T/F) 5. Brake Cylinder dia of LHB Coach is 10 inch. (T/F) 6. Piston Stroke of
brake cylinder fitted in LHB Coach is 32 mm (T/F) 7. Only Primary Suspension is
provided in Fiat Bogie (T/F) 8. POH of LHB Coach is carried out at nominated
workshop (T/F) 9. POH of LHB Coach is done on an interval of 36 months (T/F) 10.
IOH of LHB Coach is done on an interval of 18 months (T/F) 11. Articulated control
arms are provided in ICF Coach (T/F) 12. Lateral and longitudinal guidance is
provided by articulated arm in fiat bogie (T/F) 13. Condemning wheel diameter of LHB
Coach is 825 mm (T/F) 14. WSP system is provided in LHB Coach (T/F) 15. CDTS
System is not provided in LHB Coach (T/F) 16. Maximum permissible speed of LHB
Coach is 200 Km/h (T/F) 17. CDTS discharges toilet waste only when train crosses
the speed of 30 KMPH. (T/F) 18. Weight per meter length of LHB coach is
approximate 10% less than conventional
Coach. (T/F) 19. Single nest coil spring primary suspension is used in a FIAT. (T/F)
20. Air spring pressure in hybrid coach is 5 kg/cm 2. (T/F) 21. There are 4 number of
leveling valve provided in hybrid coach. . (T/F) 22. In air spring ICF bogie 04 No. of
duplex check valve are fitted. . (T/F) 23. Position of leveling valve lever will be
horizontal in air spring in case of proper
Pressure. (T/F) 24. 22.9 Tone is the axle load capacity of BOXN-R wagon. (T/F) 25.
BOXN-R wagon body is made of stainless steel (IRSM-44). (T/F) 26. Floor sheet
thickness OF BOXN-R wagon is 3.5 mm. (T/F) 27. Side panel thickness of BOXN-R
wagon is 2.0 mm. (T/F) 28. In CDTS supply of air pressure is made through BP. (T/F)
29. Main reservoir capacity of air spring fitted coach is 150 L. (T/F) 30. Phonic wheel
sensor is provided for detecting the speed in LHB coaches. (T/F) 31. H type coupler is
used in locomotives. (T/F) 32. HTEA type coupler is used in wagon stock (T/F) 33.
Horizontal Gathering in H type coupler is +/-110 mm (T/F) 34. Knuckle pivot pin is
provided in CBC to transfer tractive force. (T/F) 35. Contour gauge no. 3 is used to
detect defect in locking piece provided in CBC. (T/F) 36. Distance between lever
connector nose and bottom of the coupler body should not be less
than 25 mm (T/F) 37. Clear visibility of tell – tale slot in V shape of rotary lever
indicates proper locking of
Knuckle. (T/F) 38. Function of anti creep device is to resist unlocking of CBC. (T/F)
Courtesy : Indian Railway
39. RF 361 draft gear is provided with H type coupler (T/F) 40. MK-50 Draft Gear is
provided with HTEA type coupler (T/F) 41. Shank wear plate is provided in coupler
body (T/F) 42. Yoke pin is a headless pin (T/F) 43. Elastomeric pads are provided in
MK-50 draft gear. (T/F) 44. Hauling capacity of HTEA coupler is 9000 ton. (T/F) 45.
Knuckle thrower in CBC is provided to unlock the CBC. (T/F) 46. CBC operating
handle is provided at right hand end of wagon. (T/F) 47. Capacity of RF-361 draft gear
is 5725 kgm. (T/F) 48. Capacity of MK-50 draft gear is 5385 kgm (T/F) 49. Capacity of
HR-40 draft gear is 6200 kgm (T/F) 50. Size of bearing piece slot of CBC operating
handle is 17.5 mm (T/F) 51. H type coupler is provided in LHB and ICF coaches both.
(T/F) 52. Inclination of slot in bearing piece slot of operating handle is 150. (T/F) 53.
preload of draft gear in H type coupler is 30 kg N. (T/F) 54. Maximum variation in CBC
height is 75 mm. (T/F) 55. CBC components are lubricated during ROH wagon. (T/F)
56. Standard distance between knuckle nose and guard arm is 130 mm. (T/F) 57.
Knuckle pin is made of class Vsteel. (T/F) 58. Yoke pin is made of class IVsteel. (T/F)
59. All electric locomotives are fitted with transition type CBC. (T/F) 60. Toggle is a
part of rotary lever assembly of CBC. (T/F) 61. Cartage taper roller bearing is used in
ICF Bogie. (T/F) 62. IOH of ICF coach is done in after 09 months. (T/F) 63. ‘A’
dimension of AC coach is 16$2@&0mm (T/F) 64. Oil level in dashpot is 60mm.
(T/F) 65. Meaning of CIA is carriage alteration instructions. (T/F) 66. Over hauling of
Alarm Chain System is done in B Schedule. (T/F) 67. Oil Capacity of Non- modified
dashpot of ICF coach is 1.4 liter. (T/F) 68. Speed of A class ODC in night is 40 KMPH.
(T/F) 69. IOH of shatabadi coach is done in 09 months. (T/F) 70. Codal life of PCV
is 40 years. (T/F) 71. RA is a OCV. (T/F) 72. Over hauling of DV of BOXN
wagon is done in 4.5 Year. (T/F) 73. CTRB is used in BMBS Wagon. (T/F) 74.
Steaming is not done in tank wagon during POH. (T/F) 75. Flat tyre limit on
wagon is 65mm. (T/F) 76. Wheel base of UIC Bogie is 2000±5 mm. (T/F) 77.
12mm and 37 mm packing is used in UIC bogie. (T/F) 78. Axle load of BOXN
HA wagon is 22.9 Ton. (T/F) 79. Codal Life BOXN is 30 year. (T/F) 80. RA is a
PCV. (T/F) 81. Over hauling of coach DV is done in 05 Year. (T/F) 82. SAB is
fitted in BMBS. (T/F) 83. Steam Cleaning of tank wagon is done during ROH
(T/F) 84. Flat tyre limit of wagon is 50MM. (T/F) 85. Wheel base of casnub
bogie is 2000+- 10mm. (T/F) 86. 12mm and 37 mm packing is used in casnub
bogie. (T/F) 87. Axle load of BOXN HS wagon is 22.9 Ton. (T/F)
Courtesy : Indian Railway
88. Spherical roller bearing is used in ICF Bogie (T/F) 89. POH of BVZI is done at the
interval of 09 months (T/F) 90. WAI means Carriage Alteration Instructions. (T/F) 91. A-
dimension of AC coach is 18±2/0 mm. (T/F) 92. Breakage of CBC Knuckle is a ‘S’ mark
rejection. (T/F) 93. President of IRCA is General Mnanager of Northern Railway. (T/F)
94. Wear in Knuckle of CBC is a ‘S’ mark rejection. (T/F) 95. IRCA Rule Book part III is
apllied for wagon stock. (T/F) 96. IRCA Rule Book part IV is applied for coaching stock.
(T/F) 97. Breakage of spring is without ‘S’ mark rejection. (T/F) 98. Rejections are given
in chapter IV of IRCA Rule Book part III & IV. (T/F) 99. Instruction of Rule Book part III
& IV are mandatary to follow for maintenance. (T/F) 100. Neutral Control department
works under the control of Member Mechanical. (T/F)
dSj t ,oa
gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 3-5 1⁄4[k1⁄2 4-78 1⁄4x1⁄2 5-8 1⁄4?k1⁄2 2-2 2- ,y,pch
1⁄4x1⁄2 1-6 1⁄4?k1⁄2 2-5 11- ckDl ,u vkj esa iz; qDr ¶yksj 'khV dk
2000 1⁄4[k1⁄2 2400 1⁄4x1⁄2 1200 1⁄4?k1⁄2 900 13- ,adj fyad dh
yackbZ ------------- gksrh gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 451 1⁄4[k1⁄2 500 1⁄4x1⁄2 580
1⁄4d1⁄2 Mhty 1⁄4[k1⁄2 fo|qr 1⁄4x1⁄2 isVaksy 1⁄4?k1⁄2 lHkh 18- ,y,pch
1075 1⁄4x1⁄2 1105 1⁄4?k1⁄2 995 20- dSluo cksxh dk U;wure Oghy
23- oSaxu esa yxh ,d ds'kuc cksfx;ksa esa yxs OghYl ds Mk;k esa
gkbZV lek;kstu ds fy, iSfdxa ----------------- feeh- iz; ksx dh tkrh gSA
75±10 1⁄4[k1⁄2 85±10 1⁄4x1⁄2 130±10 1⁄4?k1⁄2 60±10 28- ckDl,u ,p,y
39- ,d oSaxu esa yxh nks ds'kuc cksfx;ksa esa yxs OghYl ds Mk;k
gksrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 70±10 1⁄4[k1⁄2 87±10 1⁄4x1⁄2 130±10 1⁄4?k1⁄2 117±10
---------------------- psd fd;k tkrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 Oghy fMQsDV 1⁄4[k1⁄2 ody
fMQsDV 1⁄4x1⁄2 lhohlh fMQsDV 1⁄4?k1⁄2 Mksj fMQsDV 46- Oghy xst
1⁄4d1⁄2 2-75 1⁄4[k1⁄2 2-0 1⁄4x1⁄2 4-8 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugha 48-
esa ------------------ xzk e xzhl Hkjh tkrh gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 455 ±30 1⁄4[k1⁄2
1⁄4[k1⁄2 Iysu 1⁄4x1⁄2 dkVsZt Vsij 1⁄4?k1⁄2 ckWy 52- vkbZl h,Q dksp dk
gksrh gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 16-3 1⁄4[k1⁄2 13-3 1⁄4x1⁄2 20-3 1⁄4?k1⁄2 18-3 55-
57- , Dykl vksMhlh dh xfr fnu esa --------------------- ds,eih,p gksrh gSA
1⁄4d1⁄2 100 1⁄4[k1⁄2 110 1⁄4x1⁄2 90 1⁄4?k1⁄2 40 58- okuZ Oghy izk
16 1⁄4?k1⁄2 70+ 60- ckDl-,u-,p-,y esa iz; qDr ¶yksj 'khV dk eSV sfj;y
2000 1⁄4[k1⁄2 2400 1⁄4x1⁄2 2896 1⁄4?k1⁄2 dksbZ ugha 62- vkbZl h,Q
cksxh esa pDds dks ysVjy ,oa ykWxhV; wMuy xkbZM sal ----------}kjk
izk Ir gksrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 MsliksV 1⁄4[k1⁄2 fLizax 1⁄4x1⁄2 lkbZM fo;jj
68- ,y,pch dksp esa ,Dly ekmaVsM fMLd czsd dk vf/kdre O;kl
------------------- feeh gksrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 890 1⁄4[k1⁄2 640 1⁄4x1⁄2 540
1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugha 69- fMLd czsd flLVe esa czsd iSM dh
diyj iz; ksx fd;k tkrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 ,p&VkbZi 1⁄4[k1⁄2 ,pbZV h, 1⁄4x1⁄2
15 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugha 74- fMLd czsd flLVe esa flys. Mj dk
yh- gksrh gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 100 1⁄4[k1⁄2 125 1⁄4x1⁄2 200 1⁄4?k1⁄2 150 76-
,y,pch dksp ds ihbZ, oh dk pksd Mk;k ----------------- feeh gksrk gSA
1⁄4[k1⁄2 08 1⁄4x1⁄2 06 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugha 80- fQ,V cksxh esa
MCky uSL V Dokby fLizax 1⁄4[k1⁄2 flaxy uSL V Dokby fLizax 1⁄4x1⁄2
“kkWd ,CktksZcj 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugha 81- fQ,V cksxh esa
ysVjy ,oa yk¡fxV;wMuy xkbMsal ---------------- }kjk izkIr fd;k tkrk gSA
fc;jj 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugha 82- fQ,V cksxh ds u;s ifg, dk Mk;k
------------ feeh gksrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 940 1⁄4[k1⁄2 825 1⁄4x1⁄2 1000
1⁄4?k1⁄2 915 83- fQ,V cksxh ds ifg;s dk daMfeax Mk;k -------------- feeh
gksrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 845 1⁄4[k1⁄2 813 1⁄4x1⁄2 915 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls
dksbZ ugha 84- fQ,V cksxh esa -------------------- izd kj dh fc;fjax iz; ksx
ckWy fc;fjax 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugha 85- gkbZfczM dksp esa
--------------------- izd kj dk dksp ckWMh “kSy iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2
vkbZl h,Q 1⁄4[k1⁄2 ,y,pch 1⁄4x1⁄2 chbZ, e,y 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ
ugha 86- gkbZf czM dksp esa ---------------------- izd kj dh cksxh iz; ksx
dh tkrh gSA 87- 1⁄4d1⁄2 fQ,V vkbZl cksxh h,Q 10 0 doZ 1⁄4[k1⁄2 ij fQ,V
---------------------- Kmph xfr rd ?kweus esa l{ke gSA ugha 1⁄4d1⁄2 100
--------------- fdxzk 1⁄4?k1⁄2 @lseh30 2 gksrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 6-0 1⁄4[k1⁄2 5-0
1⁄4x1⁄2 4-8 1⁄4?k1⁄2 3-5 89- ,;j fLizax fLkLVe esa yxs esu fjt+jok;j dh
150 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugha 90- ,;j fLizax esa yxs vkDthyjh fjtjokj;j
91- ,d ,;j fLizax cksxh esa ysofyax okYo dh la[;k ------------------- gksrh gSA
08 izs”kj MakWi gksus ij ,;j fLizax fQVsM Vasu dh izfrcaf/kr xfr lhek
------------ Kmph gksrh gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 50 1⁄4[k1⁄2 40 1⁄4x1⁄2 60 1⁄4?k1⁄2 25
93- ,;j fLizax cksxh esa yxs Mqi ysDl okYoksa dh la[;k ------------- gksrh
fu;r izs”kj vkus ij ,;j fLizax okYo dk yhoj----------iksth”ku esa gksrk gS\
buesa ls dksbZ ugha 95- ,vj fLizax cksxh esa yksvj IySU d ,oa vij IySad
ds chp xSi --------- fe-fe esuVsu fd;k tkrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2280 1⁄4[k1⁄2 240
1⁄4x1⁄2 355 1⁄4?k1⁄2 255 96- lhMhVh,l esa yxs baVjehfM,V VSad dh
1⁄4?k1⁄2 80 97- lhMhVh,l esa ,;j izs”kj dh lIykbZ ----------- }kjk gksrh gS\
1⁄4d1⁄2 chih 1⁄4[k1⁄2 ,vkj 1⁄4x1⁄2 ,Qih 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugha 98-
33-9 1⁄4[k1⁄2 19-9 1⁄4x1⁄2 22-9 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugha 99-
1⁄4d1⁄2 3-15 1⁄4[k1⁄2 5-15 1⁄4x1⁄2 2-0 1⁄4?k1⁄2 7-0 100- ckWDl,uvkj
oSxu ds Qyksj “khV dh eksVkbZ ---------- feeh gksrh gS\ 1⁄4d1⁄2 1-5
oSxu dh Å¡pkbZ ----------- feeh gksrh gSa\ 1⁄4d1⁄2 2000 1⁄4[k1⁄2 3125
esa -------------- eSV sfj;y iz; ksx gksrk gS\ 1⁄4d1⁄2 vkbZv kj,l,e&41
ugha 104- ,p^ VkbZi diyj dk mi;ksx ------------- esa fd;k tkrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2
lh,vkbZ dksfpax LVkd 1⁄4[k1⁄2 batu esa 1⁄4x1⁄2 oSx u LVkd 1⁄4?k1⁄2
buesa ls dksbZ ugha 105. batu esa ------------------ diyj dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk
VkbZi 1⁄4?k1⁄2 ,ykbzl&AA 106- ^,p^ VkbZi diyj esa-------------- feeh {kSf
diyj ds lkFk ------------Mak¶V fx;j iz; ksx fd;k tkrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2
dksbZ ugha 109- ^,p^ VkbZi diyj esa uôy dk iw.kZ :Ik ls ykWd voLFkk
{kSfrt 1⁄4x1⁄2 600 ij 1⁄4?k1⁄2 170 ij 110- uôy xst ,oa diyj xkMZ vkeZ ds
chp -------------feeh LVS. MMZ nwjh gksrh gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 127 feeh
1⁄4[k1⁄2130 feeh 1⁄4x1⁄2 135 feeh 1⁄4?k1⁄2 140 fefe 111- uDdy ukst
113- Lkh-ch-lh uDdy dk uDdy ihoV fiu gksy ls VwVus ij------------- tksu
gksrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 yhoj dusfDVx ukst 1⁄4[k1⁄2 ykSf dax ihl 1⁄4x1⁄2
uDdy 1⁄4[k1⁄2 ykSfdax ihl 1⁄4x1⁄2 uDdy Fkzksvj 1⁄4?k1⁄2 Vksfxy 118-
5385 1⁄4[k1⁄2 5725 1⁄4x1⁄2 6200 1⁄4?k1⁄2 6000 119- Mak¶V fx;j MK-50
dh {kerk -------------------------fdxzk-eh gksrh gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 5385 1⁄4[k1⁄2
5725 1⁄4x1⁄2 6200 1⁄4?k1⁄2 6000 120- xqM +l LVkWd esa lfoZl ds nkSj
125- LySd ySl Mka ckj dk mi;ksx--------------- oSx u esa fd;k tkrk gSA
1⁄4d1⁄2 BLC 1⁄4[k1⁄2 BOXNHA 1⁄4x1⁄2 BOXNEL 1⁄4?k1⁄2 BOXNHL 126- gSf ydy
fLizax dk iz;ksx ----------------------- Mak¶V fx;j esa fd;k tkrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2
------------------ fnuksa esa fd;k tkrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 15 fnu 1⁄4[k1⁄2 07 fnu
dksbZ ugh 130- dksp esa lkbM fc;jj dk vkWbfyax --------------------- gksrk
gksrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 30 fnu 1⁄4[k1⁄2 60 fnu 1⁄4x1⁄2 90 fnu 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa
ls dksbZ ugh 132- MS”k iksV esa --------------vkby dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk
gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 Servo RR-3 1⁄4[k1⁄2Servoline 68 1⁄4x1⁄2 Lithium base grease 1⁄4?k1⁄2
gksrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 2 feeh 1⁄4[k1⁄2 6 feeh 1⁄4x1⁄2 4 feeh 1⁄4?k1⁄2 8 feeh
1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugh 135- vkbZl h,Q ,Dly dh dqy yEckbZ
136- vkbZ-lh-,Q tujy esa Vsij ----------------- ,e,e vuqes; gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2
0.010/0.015 1⁄4[k1⁄2 0.015/0.010 1⁄4x) 0.010/0.025 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls
dksbZ ugha 137- Oghy xst ----------------- fy;k tkrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 vkWQ
buesa ls dksbZ ugha 138- dSl uc 22 ,p-,l esa -------------------- ds lkbM fc;jj
dk iz; ksx fd;k tkrk gSaA 1⁄4d1⁄2 eSV y lhlh VkbZi 1⁄4[k1⁄2 fLizax yksMsM
lhlh VkbZi ,.M ih-;w- VkbZi 1⁄4x1⁄2 jksyj VkbZi 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ
ugh 139- vkbZ-lh-,Q- dksp esa cQj Iyatj dk Qsl Mk;k ---------------- gksrk
gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 552 feeh 1⁄4[k1⁄2 457 feeh 1⁄4x1⁄2 493 feeh 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa
ls dksbZ ugh 140- ,d gh ,.M ij nks cQj ds chpdh nwjh ----------------- gksrh
gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 1956 feeh 1⁄4[k1⁄2 1952 feeh 1⁄4x1⁄2 1976 feeh 1⁄4?k1⁄2
1992 feeh 141- vkbZ-lh-,Q- cQj Iyatj ----------- dk cuk gksrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2
ekbYM LVhy 1⁄4[k1⁄2 dkLV LVhy 1⁄4x1⁄2 dkLV vk;ju 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls
gksrh gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 1600 yh- 1⁄4[k1⁄2 1800 yh- 1⁄4x1⁄2 1700 yh- 1⁄4?k1⁄2
buesa ls dksbZ ugh 143- iSl sUtj dksp esa iz; ksx gksus okys dUVaksy
fjtjok;j dh {kerk --------------- gksrh gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 6 yh- 1⁄4[k1⁄2 7 yh- 1⁄4x1⁄2
1⁄4?k1⁄2 [kkus dh O;oLFkk djuk 145- ,;j czsd flLVe esa dUVaksy fjtjok;j dk
xqM l dksp esa iz; ksx gksus okys dUVaksy fjtjok;j dh {kerk ---------------
gksrh gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 6 yh- 1⁄4[k1⁄2 7 yh- 1⁄4x1⁄2 9 yh- 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls
dksbZ ugh 147- izhfe;e jsd dk ch-ih-lh dh oS/krk ----------------- gksrh gSA
1⁄4d1⁄2 7±4 fnu 1⁄4[k1⁄2 10±2 fnu 1⁄4x1⁄2 15±3 fnu 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls
dksbZ ugh 148- lh-lh- jsd ds chih-lh- dk jax ----------------------gksrk gSA
1⁄4d1⁄2 ihyk 1⁄4[k1⁄2 yky 1⁄4x1⁄2 gjk 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugh 149-
1⁄4[k1⁄2 yky 1⁄4x1⁄2 gjk 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugh 150- ,&dSV sxjh
1⁄4d1⁄2 4500 fdeh 1⁄4[k1⁄2 7500 fdeh 1⁄4x1⁄2 6000 fdeh 1⁄4?k1⁄2
buesa ls dksbZ ugh 151- Lis”ky ,&dSVsxjh fMiks esa lh-lh jsd dh
7500 fdeh 1⁄4x1⁄2 6500 fdeh 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugh 152- ,&dSV
sxjh fMiks esa lh-lh jsd dh ch-ih-lh- dh oS/krk ---------------- fnuksa esa
gksrh gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 30 fnu 1⁄4[k1⁄2 35 fnu 1⁄4x1⁄2 45 fnu 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa
ls dksbZ ugh 153- Lis”ky ,&dSVsxjh fMiks esa lh-lh jsd dh ch-ih-lh- dh
fnu 1⁄4x1⁄2 45 fnu 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ugh 154- cykLV xkMh dh
---------------- gksrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 1.4 fd-xzk -@lseh2 1⁄4[k1⁄2 2.1 fd-xzk
160- ch- ,y- lh- oSx u ess vkVkesfVd ykWfdxa ds fy, ------------------QksZl
iz;ksx esa gksrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 600 fd0xzk 0 1⁄4[k1⁄2 700 fd0xzk 0 1⁄4x1⁄2 800
fd0xzk 0 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls dksbZ ughA 161- ch- ,y- lh- oSx u ds
vko';drk gksrhs gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 600 fd0xzk 0 1⁄4[k1⁄2 700 fd0xzk 0 1⁄4x1⁄2 800
buesa ls dksbZ ughaaaA 163- lh/ks VaSd ij 1682 ,e ,e ls T;knk xSt dks
---------------------------- dgrs gSaA 1⁄4d1⁄2 lysd xSt 1⁄4[k1⁄2 LVSU MzM xSt
1⁄4x1⁄2 VkbV xst 1⁄4?k1⁄2 “kkVZ xSt 164- --------------------- dks NksM+dj
tksM+k x;k gS] 1⁄4d1⁄2 B&D 1⁄4[k1⁄2 I&O 1⁄4x1⁄2 P&Q 1⁄4?k1⁄2 buesa ls
vksoj dh es ugha vkrk A 1⁄4d1⁄2 1⁄4x1⁄2 HkSl 1⁄4?k1⁄2 x/kk 166- izfr
tkrk gSA 1⁄4d1⁄2 13 1⁄4[k1⁄2 10 1⁄4x1⁄2 14 1⁄4?k1⁄2 8 171- lh/kh VaSd ij 1670