User Manual
User Manual
User Manual
of Engineers
Hydrologic Engineering Center
Reservoir System Simulation
User’s Manual
Version 3.3
February 2021
Approved for Public Release. Distribution Unlimited. CPD-82
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February 2021 Computer Program
Reservoir System Simulation User's Manual 5b. GRANT NUMBER
UU 670
User’s Manual
Version 3.3
February 2021
(530) 756-1104
(530) 756-8250 FAX CPD-82
HEC-ResSim, Reservoir System Simulation
Software Distribution and Support Statement
2013. The HEC-ResSim software and documentation was developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center
(HEC) with U.S. Federal Government resources and is therefore in the public domain. It may be used, copied, distributed, or redistributed
freely. However, it is requested that HEC be given appropriate acknowledgment in any subsequent use of this work.
Use of the software described by this document is controlled by certain terms and conditions. The user must acknowledge and agree to
be bound by the Terms and Conditions for Use before the software can be installed or used. For reference, a copy of the Terms and
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document can be downloaded at no cost from our web site (
HEC cannot provide technical support for this software to non-Corps users. See our software vendor list (on our web page) to locate
organizations that provide the program, documentation, and support services for a fee. However, we will respond to all documented
instances of program errors. Documented errors are bugs in the software due to programming mistakes, not model problems due to user-
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This document contains references to product names that are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Use of
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Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Solaris and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.
Terms and Conditions for Use of HEC-ResSim
The United States Government, US Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center (“HEC”) grants to the user the rights to
install HEC-ResSim "the Software" (either from a disk copy obtained from HEC, a distributor or another user or by downloading it from a
network) and to use, copy and/or distribute copies of the Software to other users, subject to the following Terms and Conditions of Use:
All copies of the Software received or reproduced by or for user pursuant to the authority of this Terms and Conditions of Use will be and
remain the property of HEC.
User may reproduce and distribute the Software provided that the recipient agrees to the Terms and Conditions for Use noted herein.
HEC is solely responsible for the content of the Software. The Software may not be modified, abridged, decompiled, disassembled, un-
obfuscated, or reverse engineered. The user is solely responsible for the content, interactions, and effects of any and all amendments,
if present, whether they be extension modules, language resource bundles, scripts or any other amendment.
No part of this Terms and Conditions for Use statement may be modified, deleted or obliterated from the Software.
No part of the Software may be exported or re-exported in contravention of U.S. export laws or regulations.
Waiver of Warranty
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. Depending on state law, the foregoing disclaimer may not apply to you,
and you may also have other legal rights that vary from state to state.
Limitation of Liability
Depending on state law, the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
As a voluntary user of HEC-ResSim you agree to indemnify and hold the United States Government, and its agencies, officials,
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By using this program you voluntarily accept these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, uninstall the
program and return any program materials to HEC (If you downloaded the program and do not have disk media, please delete all copies,
and cease using the program).
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Chapters
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1 Starting ResSim .......................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 A ResSim Watershed .................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.2.1 Understanding Watershed Directories .................................................................................. 1-3
1.3 Opening an Existing Watershed ................................................................................................. 1-3
1.4 About this Manual...................................................................................................................... 1-4
1.4.1 Document Conventions ......................................................................................................... 1-6
Chapter 2 The ResSim User Interface ......................................................................... 2-1
2.1 User Interface Components ....................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 ResSim’s Modules ...................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.1 The Watershed Setup Module ............................................................................................... 2-4
2.2.2 The Reservoir Network Module ............................................................................................. 2-4
2.2.3 The Simulation Module.......................................................................................................... 2-4
2.3 Recognizing Common Screen Components ............................................................................... 2-4
2.3.1 The Menu Bar ........................................................................................................................ 2-6
2.3.2 The Module Toolbar ............................................................................................................ 2-10
2.3.3 The Map Toolbar ................................................................................................................. 2-12
2.4 Opening an Existing Watershed ............................................................................................... 2-12
2.4.1 The Open Watershed Browser............................................................................................. 2-13
2.4.2 Opening a Recent Watershed .............................................................................................. 2-13
2.4.3 Reload Last Watershed at Startup ....................................................................................... 2-14
2.5 Understanding the Two Schematic Types ................................................................................ 2-14
2.5.1 The Shared Watershed Schematic ....................................................................................... 2-15
2.5.2 The Model Schematic .......................................................................................................... 2-18
2.6 Context Menus......................................................................................................................... 2-19
2.7 Tooltips .................................................................................................................................... 2-19
Chapter 3 Watershed Setup and Configurations .......................................................... 3-1
3.1 The Watershed Setup Module ................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 The Menu Bar ........................................................................................................................ 3-2
3.1.2 The Configuration Selector .................................................................................................... 3-3
Table of Contents HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Table of Contents
Table of Contents HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Table of Contents
Table of Contents HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Table of Contents
Table of Contents HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
List of Tables
Table 1.1 Contents Summary of the HEC-ResSim User's Manual ............................................................... 1-5
Table 2.1 User Interface Widgets ............................................................................................................... 2-1
Table 11.1 Matrix of Rule Relese Element and their Available Rule Types ............................................... 11-6
Table 11.2 The Available Prescribed Rule Operators by Release Element Type ..................................... 11-82
Table 12.1 Available Variable Types and Their Required Data ............................................................... 12-11
Table 12.2 The Comparison Operators ................................................................................................... 12-12
Table 13.1 Explicit System Storage Balance.............................................................................................. 13-7
Table 17.1 User Reports—Character String Codes ................................................................................. 17-11
Table 17.2 User Reports—Character String Codes for Header/Footer ................................................... 17-12
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 ResSim Desktop Icon ................................................................................................................. 1-1
Figure 1.2 ResSim Main Window ................................................................................................................ 1-1
Figure 1.3 Watershed Folder Structure ...................................................................................................... 1-2
Figure 1.4 Example Watershed Tree .......................................................................................................... 1-3
Figure 1.5 Open Watershed Browser ......................................................................................................... 1-4
Figure 2.1 ResSim Module Concepts .......................................................................................................... 2-3
Figure 2.2 ResSim Main Window and its Common Components ............................................................... 2-5
Figure 2.3 ResSim Menu Bar ...................................................................................................................... 2-6
Figure 2.4 File Menu ................................................................................................................................... 2-7
Figure 2.5 View Menu ................................................................................................................................ 2-7
Figure 2.6 Tools Menu ................................................................................................................................ 2-8
Figure 2.7 ResSim Options Editor ............................................................................................................... 2-8
Figure 2.8 Application Properties Viewer ................................................................................................... 2-9
Figure 2.9 Help Menu ............................................................................................................................... 2-10
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Table of Contents
Table of Contents HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Table of Contents
Table of Contents HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Table of Contents
Figure 9.21 Forebay Headloss Node and Forebay Head Loss Edit Pane ................................................... 9-16
Figure 9.22 Reservoir Tree with Diverted Outlet ...................................................................................... 9-17
Figure 9.23 Diverted Outlet Pane—Composite Release Capacity Table ................................................... 9-17
Figure 9.24 Controlled Outlet Pane—Maximum Capacity Table .............................................................. 9-18
Figure 9.25 Controlled Outlet Specifying Gate Settings ........................................................................... 9-19
Figure 9.26 Controlled Outlet—Capacity per Gate Setting....................................................................... 9-19
Figure 9.27 Power Plant—Outlet Tab ....................................................................................................... 9-20
Figure 9.28 Power Plant Capacity—Variable Capacity Options ................................................................ 9-21
Figure 9.29 Variable Power Plant Capacity—Installed Capacity with Overload ........................................ 9-21
Figure 9.30 Variable Power Plant Capacity—Function of Operating Head ............................................... 9-22
Figure 9.31 Power Plant Efficiency Methods ............................................................................................ 9-23
Figure 9.32 Variable Power Plant Efficiency—Constant ........................................................................... 9-23
Figure 9.33 Variable Power Plant Efficiency—Function of Operating Head ............................................. 9-24
Figure 9.34 Power Plant—Station Use—Constant ................................................................................... 9-24
Figure 9.35 Power Plant—Station Use—Function of Operating Head ..................................................... 9-24
Figure 9.36 Power Plant—Hydraulic Losses—Constant ........................................................................... 9-25
Figure 9.37 Power Plant—Hydraulic Losses—Function of Release .......................................................... 9-25
Figure 9.38 Pump Outlet .......................................................................................................................... 9-26
Figure 9.39 Pump Edit Pane—Pump Capacity—Constant ........................................................................ 9-27
Figure 9.40 Pump Edit Pane—Pump Capacity—Function of Operating Head .......................................... 9-27
Figure 9.41 Reservoir Editor—Physical Data—Uncontrolled Outlet......................................................... 9-28
Figure 10.1 Reservoir Editor Operations Tab—Annotated ....................................................................... 10-2
Figure 10.2 New Operation Set ................................................................................................................ 10-5
Figure 10.3 Rename Operation Set .......................................................................................................... 10-5
Figure 10.4 Duplicate Operation Set ........................................................................................................ 10-6
Figure 10.5 Select Operation Set to Delete .............................................................................................. 10-6
Figure 10.6 Reservoir Editor Showing New Operation Set ....................................................................... 10-7
Figure 10.7 New Zone .............................................................................................................................. 10-7
Figure 10.8 Reservoir Editor—Operations Tab—Zone Editor ................................................................... 10-9
Figure 10.9 Independent Variable Definition “Zone is a Function of:” Selector ....................................... 10-9
Figure 10.10 Zone as a Function of External Variable ............................................................................ 10-11
Figure 10.11 Zone as a Function of Two Variables ................................................................................. 10-12
Figure 10.12 Set Guide Curve ................................................................................................................. 10-13
Figure 10.13 Release Allocation Editor—Default Allocation—Balanced ................................................ 10-14
Figure 10.14 Release Allocation Editor—Balanced Allocation—Even Balance Example......................... 10-15
Figure 10.15 Release Allocation Editor—Balanced Allocation—Uneven Balance Example .................... 10-15
Figure 10.16 Release Allocation Editor—Sequential Allocation Example ............................................... 10-16
Figure 10.17 Release Allocation Editor—Stepped Allocation Example................................................... 10-18
Figure 11.1 ResSim Rule Editor ................................................................................................................. 11-4
Figure 11.2 Rule Management Functions in the Zone and Rule Context Menus ..................................... 11-5
Figure 11.3 Rule Management Functions in Zone and Rule Menus in Menu Bar..................................... 11-5
Figure 11.4 New Operating Rule .............................................................................................................. 11-6
Figure 11.5 Select Existing Rule ................................................................................................................ 11-7
Figure 11.6 Confirmation Dialog—Remove Rule ...................................................................................... 11-8
Figure 11.7 Delete Rules Dialog ................................................................................................................ 11-9
Figure 11.8 Rename Rule Dialog............................................................................................................. 11-10
Figure 11.9 Reservoir Editor—Operations Tab—New Release Function Rule ........................................ 11-12
Figure 11.10 Rule Limit Type .................................................................................................................. 11-12
Table of Contents HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure 11.11 Release Function Rule—Independent Variable Definition Editor ...................................... 11-13
Figure 11.12 Example Release Function Rule using Linear Interpolation ............................................... 11-16
Figure 11.13 Step Interpolation.............................................................................................................. 11-16
Figure 11.14 Cubic Interpolation ............................................................................................................ 11-16
Figure 11.15 Seasonal Variation Editor .................................................................................................. 11-17
Figure 11.16 Release Function table for a Seasonally-Varying Function of Inflow Relationship ............ 11-17
Figure 11.17 Period Average Limit Editor ............................................................................................... 11-20
Figure 11.18 Period Average Limit—Daily Release Patterns .................................................................. 11-21
Figure 11.19 Example Hour of Day Multipliers ....................................................................................... 11-22
Figure 11.20 Hour of Day Multiplier Editor—Time Interval Options ...................................................... 11-22
Figure 11.21 Example Set of Day of Week Mulitpliers ........................................................................... 11-23
Figure 11.22 Rising/Falling Condition ..................................................................................................... 11-24
Figure 11.23 Example of Completed Release Function Rule .................................................................. 11-25
Figure 11.24 Reservoir Editor—New Operating Rule—Downstream Control Function ......................... 11-26
Figure 11.25 Reservoir Editor—Downstream Control Function Rule ..................................................... 11-27
Figure 11.26 Flow Contingency for Downstream Operation .................................................................. 11-28
Figure 11.27 Advanced Options for Downstream Control...................................................................... 11-30
Figure 11.28 Global Downstream Options ............................................................................................. 11-31
Figure 11.29 Advanced Downstream Options—Methods to Correct for Attenuation ........................... 11-31
Figure 11.30 Advanced Downstream Options—Rate of Change Constraints ......................................... 11-32
Figure 11.31 Advanced Downstream Options—Limit the Routing Time Window .................................. 11-33
Figure 11.32 Example Compute Log Messages—Computed Window Size for each DSC Rule ............... 11-34
Figure 11.33 Plot of Pulse Flow and Routed Pulse Flow ......................................................................... 11-35
Figure 11.34 Dam Context Menu—Pulse Flow Options ......................................................................... 11-35
Figure 11.35 Pulse Routing Options Editor ............................................................................................. 11-36
Figure 11.36 Surcharge Storage ............................................................................................................. 11-37
Figure 11.37 Induced Surcharge Storage ............................................................................................... 11-38
Figure 11.38 Example ESRD Curves ........................................................................................................ 11-41
Figure 11.39 Induced Surcharge Rule Editor—Use Induced Surcharge Function Option ....................... 11-42
Figure 11.40 Estimating Time of Recession ............................................................................................ 11-43
Figure 11.41 Estimating Time of Recession ............................................................................................ 11-44
Figure 11.42 Induced Surcharge Rule Editor Completed Example of Induced Surcharge Function ....... 11-45
Figure 11.43 Full-Size Plot produced from the Induced Surcharge Rule’s Thumbnail Plot ..................... 11-46
Figure 11.44 Induced Surcharge Curve Plot—Options Menu ................................................................ 11-46
Figure 11.45 Edit Inflow for Curves… ..................................................................................................... 11-47
Figure 11.46 Family of Computed Induced Surcharge Curves—with the Discharge Capacity Curve...... 11-48
Figure 11.47 Family of Computed Induced Surcharge Curves—without the Discharge Capacity Curve 11-48
Figure 11.48 Induced Surcharge Rule Editor—Specify the ESRD Curves Option .................................... 11-50
Figure 11.49 Induced Surcharge Rule—Inflows for ESRD Curves ........................................................... 11-51
Figure 11.50 Example of a Complete ESRD Table ................................................................................... 11-52
Figure 11.51 Example of an Incomplete ESRD Table .............................................................................. 11-53
Figure 11.52 The Curves from the Complete ESRD Table Example ........................................................ 11-54
Figure 11.53 The Curves from the Incomplete ESRD Table Example ...................................................... 11-54
Figure 11.54 Induced Surcharge Rule Editor Completed Example of Specifying the ESRD Curves ......... 11-55
Figure 11.55 Plot of Induced Surcharge Curves for Specified ESRD Inflow Values ................................. 11-55
Figure 11.56 Induced Surcharge—Falling Pool Options ......................................................................... 11-56
Figure 11.57 Induced Surcharge—Inflow Time Series Options .............................................................. 11-57
Figure 11.58 Inflow Time Series Options—External Variable ................................................................. 11-58
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Table of Contents
Figure 11.59 Flow Rate of Change Limit Rule Editor—Function of Constant ......................................... 11-59
Figure 11.60 Flow Rate of Change Limit Rule Editor—Function of Time-Series ..................................... 11-60
Figure 11.61 Elevation Rate of Change Limit Rule Editor—Function of Constant .................................. 11-61
Figure 11.62 Elevation Rate of Change Limit Rule Editor—Function of Time-Series .............................. 11-62
Figure 11.63 Hydropower Rule Types .................................................................................................... 11-63
Figure 11.64 Hydropower—Power Guide Curve Rule Editor .................................................................. 11-64
Figure 11.65 Hydropower—Schedule Rule Editor .................................................................................. 11-65
Figure 11.66 Power Generation Requirement Options .......................................................................... 11-65
Figure 11.67 An Example Month ............................................................................................................ 11-67
Figure 11.68 Hydropower—System Schedule Rule Editor ..................................................................... 11-69
Figure 11.69 Power Generation Pattern................................................................................................. 11-69
Figure 11.70 Hydropower System Rule—Reservoir List Editor ............................................................... 11-70
Figure 11.71 Hydropower—Time Series Requirement Rule Editor ........................................................ 11-71
Figure 11.72 Power Generation Patterns—All Week or Weekdays and Weekends ............................... 11-72
Figure 11.73 Power Generation Pattern (Each Day) ............................................................................... 11-72
Figure 11.74 Example Generation Pattern—On from 8 am–5 pm ......................................................... 11-73
Figure 11.75 Example Pattern—Varied Hour of Day Weighting ............................................................. 11-73
Figure 11.76 Weighting Factors throughout the Days of the Week ....................................................... 11-74
Figure 11.77 Seasonal Variation Editor for Specifcation of Seasons....................................................... 11-75
Figure 11.78 Power Generation Pattern Editor with Season Selector .................................................... 11-75
Figure 11.79 Pump Rule Editor ............................................................................................................... 11-76
Figure 11.80 Pump Rule Editor—Target Fill Elevation Options .............................................................. 11-77
Figure 11.81 Pump Rule Editor—Target Fill Elevation Option—Storage Zone ....................................... 11-77
Figure 11.82 Pump Rule Editor—Target Fill Elevation Option—Seasonally Varying............................... 11-77
Figure 11.83 Tandem Operation Rule Editor .......................................................................................... 11-80
Figure 11.84 Prescribed Release Rule Editor .......................................................................................... 11-81
Figure 11.85 Prescribed Release—Setting Operator .............................................................................. 11-82
Figure 12.1 Reservoir Editor—Operatons Tab—IF_Block Menu and Context Menu................................ 12-4
Figure 12.2 Reservoir Editor—Operatons Tab—Zone Menu and Context Menu ..................................... 12-4
Figure 12.3 New IF_Block Dialog .............................................................................................................. 12-5
Figure 12.4 New IF_Block and the Conditional Expression Editor ............................................................ 12-5
Figure 12.5 Use Existing IF_Block Dialog .................................................................................................. 12-6
Figure 12.6 Duplicate IF_Block Selection Dialog ....................................................................................... 12-6
Figure 12.7 Name Duplicate IF_Block Dialog ............................................................................................ 12-7
Figure 12.8 IF_Block Context Menu—Move/Prioritize Functions ............................................................ 12-7
Figure 12.9 Remove IF_Block Confirm Dialog ........................................................................................... 12-7
Figure 12.10 Remove IF_Block from All Zones Confirm Dialog ................................................................. 12-8
Figure 12.11 Remove All IF_Blocks… Confirm Dialog ............................................................................... 12-8
Figure 12.12 Delete IF_Block Dialog ......................................................................................................... 12-8
Figure 12.13 Delete IF_Block Confirm Dialog ........................................................................................... 12-9
Figure 12.14 Delete ELSE (or ELSE IF) Confirm Dialog .............................................................................. 12-9
Figure 12.15 Conditional Test Editor—Pick Value .................................................................................. 12-10
Figure 12.16 Example of a Compound Conditional Expression and the Associated Evaluate String ...... 12-12
Figure 12.17 Conditional Block Context Menu ....................................................................................... 12-13
Figure 12.18 Completed Conditional Block with Rule Set ...................................................................... 12-13
Figure 12.19 Reservoir Network Module—Edit Menu ........................................................................... 12-14
Figure 12.20 The State Variable Editor—Annotated .............................................................................. 12-15
Figure 12.21 Model Variable Node in the Time Series Branch of the API Tree ...................................... 12-17
Table of Contents HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure 12.22 Method Node in the APIs Branch of the API Tree—Showing Tooltip ................................ 12-18
Figure 12.23 The Javadoc Viewer ........................................................................................................... 12-18
Figure 12.24 The Initialization Script Template ...................................................................................... 12-20
Figure 12.25 The Main Script Template ................................................................................................. 12-20
Figure 12.26 The Cleanup Script Template............................................................................................. 12-20
Figure 12.27 StateVariable Menu ........................................................................................................... 12-21
Figure 12.28 New State Variable Dialog ................................................................................................. 12-21
Figure 12.29 New State Variable in the State Variable Editor ................................................................ 12-22
Figure 12.30 Rename State Variable ...................................................................................................... 12-23
Figure 12.31 State Variable—Confirm Delete Dialog ............................................................................. 12-23
Figure 12.32 New Operating Rule Dialog—Script ................................................................................... 12-25
Figure 12.33 Scripted Rule Editor—“Default” Template ........................................................................ 12-26
Figure 12.34 Scripted Rule Editor—API Tree—Java Object Classes and Methods ................................. 12-27
Figure 12.35 The Javadoc Viewer ........................................................................................................... 12-27
Figure 12.36 The Scripted Rule Template............................................................................................... 12-29
Figure 12.37 Water Account Set Editor—Reservoirs tab........................................................................ 12-32
Figure 12.38 Water Account Set Editor—Water Accounts tab............................................................... 12-33
Figure 12.39 Reservoir Editor—Operations Menu—Use Outage Schedule ........................................... 12-34
Figure 12.40 Capacity Outage Schedule—Edit Panel ............................................................................. 12-34
Figure 12.41 Outlet Capacity Schedule Entry Dialog .............................................................................. 12-35
Figure 12.42 Outage Repeat Dialog ........................................................................................................ 12-35
Figure 12.43 Outage Repeat Dialog ........................................................................................................ 12-35
Figure 12.44 Scheduled Capacity Outage Example ................................................................................ 12-36
Figure 12.45 Reservoir Editor—Operations Menu ................................................................................. 12-37
Figure 12.46 Storage Credit Edit Panel ................................................................................................... 12-38
Figure 12.47 Storage Credit—Reservoirs Selector Dialog....................................................................... 12-38
Figure 12.48 Storage Credit Edit Panel—Credit Definition for Selected Reservoir(s) ............................. 12-39
Figure 12.49 Reservoir Editor—Operations Menu—Use Decision Interval ............................................ 12-40
Figure 12.50 Decision Schedule Editor—Decision Interval Options ....................................................... 12-40
Figure 12.51 Decision Schedule Edit Panel—Regular Interval Option .................................................... 12-41
Figure 12.52 Decision Schedule Edit Panel—Weekly Schedule Option .................................................. 12-41
Figure 12.53 Operations Menu—Compute Projected Elevation ............................................................ 12-42
Figure 12.54 Reservoir Editor—Projected Elevation Sub-tab ................................................................. 12-43
Figure 12.55 Network Menu—Import Network… .................................................................................. 12-45
Figure 12.56 Import Network Wizard—Step 1—Select the Watershed ................................................. 12-45
Figure 12.57 Import Network Wizard—Step 2—Select the Network to Import Elements from ............ 12-45
Figure 12.58 Import Network Wizard—Step 3—Set New Network Name and Description ................... 12-46
Figure 12.59 Import Network Wizard—Step 4—Assign Stream Names ................................................. 12-46
Figure 12.60 Import Network Wizard—Select Stream Name ................................................................. 12-47
Figure 12.61 Import Network Wizard—Step 5—Resolve Network Computation Points ........................ 12-48
Figure 12.62 Import Network Wizard—Step 6—Import Summary ........................................................ 12-48
Figure 12.63 Import Element Properties Wizard—Step 1—Select Network Elements .......................... 12-49
Figure 12.64 Import Element Properties Wizard—Step 2—Select Watershed to Import Data from ..... 12-50
Figure 12.65 Import Element Properties Wizard—Step 3—Select Network to Import Elements from . 12-50
Figure 12.66 Import Element Properties Wizard—Step 4—Assign Network Elements .......................... 12-51
Figure 12.67 Import Element Properties Wizard—Step 5—Resolve Network Connectivity................... 12-51
Figure 12.68 Import Element Properties Wizard—Step 6—Import Summary ....................................... 12-52
Figure 12.69 Continue with Import ........................................................................................................ 12-52
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Table of Contents
Table of Contents HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Table of Contents
Table of Contents HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
List of Appendices
Appendix A ResSim Application Settings.....................................................................A-1
A.1 The Options Editor .....................................................................................................................A-1
A.1.1 Shortcuts ...............................................................................................................................A-2
A.1.2 Compute Display ...................................................................................................................A-2
A.1.3 Debug Levels..........................................................................................................................A-3
A.1.4 General ..................................................................................................................................A-4
A.1.5 Fonts ......................................................................................................................................A-5
A.1.6 Simulation Options ................................................................................................................A-6
A.1.7 ResSim Compute Options ......................................................................................................A-7
A.1.8 Advanced Options .............................................................................................................. A-11
A.2 The Application Properties Dialog ........................................................................................... A-12
A.2.1 Watershed Properties ........................................................................................................ A-13
A.2.2 User Properties ................................................................................................................... A-13
A.2.3 Client Properties ................................................................................................................. A-13
A.2.4 Server Properties ................................................................................................................ A-14
A.2.5 System Properties............................................................................................................... A-14
Appendix B Working with Map Display Layers .............................................................B-1
B.1 The Layer Selector ......................................................................................................................B-1
B.2 The Layer Selector Menus ..........................................................................................................B-2
B.3 The Layers Tree ..........................................................................................................................B-3
B.3.1 Controlling the Layer Display .................................................................................................B-4
B.3.2 Viewing a Layer’s Legend .......................................................................................................B-4
B.3.3 Accessing a Layer’s Context Menu.........................................................................................B-4
B.3.4 Managing Layer Order ...........................................................................................................B-6
B.4 ResSim Default Layers ................................................................................................................B-6
B.4.1 Time Series Icon Layer ...........................................................................................................B-6
B.4.2 Schematic Layer .....................................................................................................................B-6
B.4.2.1 Study Layer .....................................................................................................................B-7
B.4.2.2 ResSim Layer ...................................................................................................................B-7
B.4.2.3 Model Schematic Layer ..................................................................................................B-8
B.4.3 Stream Alignment Layer ........................................................................................................B-8
B.5 Map Layers .................................................................................................................................B-9
B.5.1 Adding and Removing Map Layers.........................................................................................B-9
B.5.1.1 Adding Map Layers .........................................................................................................B-9
B.5.1.2 Removing Map Layers ....................................................................................................B-9
B.6 Configuring Layer Drawing Properties ......................................................................................B-10
B.6.1 Stream Alignment Layer Drawing Properties .......................................................................B-10
B.6.2 Study Layer Drawing Properties ..........................................................................................B-12
B.6.2.1 Reservoirs .....................................................................................................................B-12
B.6.2.2 Levees ...........................................................................................................................B-13
B.6.2.3 Diversions .....................................................................................................................B-14
B.6.2.4 Channel Modifications ..................................................................................................B-15
B.6.2.5 Computation Points ......................................................................................................B-16
B.6.2.6 Impact Areas .................................................................................................................B-17
B.6.3 ResSim Layer Drawing Properties ........................................................................................B-17
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HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Table of Contents
F.3 Example Firm Yield Analysis for a Reservoir Pool ..................................................................... F-10
F.3.1 Create a Base Network and Alternative ............................................................................... F-10
F.3.1.1 Create a Base Network for the Yield Analysis ............................................................... F-11
F.3.1.2 Create a Base Alternative for the Yield Analysis ........................................................... F-11
F.3.1.3 Add Physical Elements Needed for the Yield Analysis .................................................. F-13
F.3.1.4 Create a Base Operation Set for the Yield Analysis ....................................................... F-14
F.3.1.5 Update and Verify the Base Alternative ....................................................................... F-14
F.3.2 Create a Yield Analysis Alternative ....................................................................................... F-15
F.3.3 Compute a Yield Alternative ................................................................................................ F-18
F.3.4 Analyze a Yield Alternative ................................................................................................... F-20
Appendix G Ensemble Computing .............................................................................. G-1
G.1 HEC-DSS Collections .................................................................................................................. G-1
G.2 The DSSVue Collection Utilities ................................................................................................. G-2
G.2.1 Create a Collection from a Period of Record Dataset ........................................................... G-3
G.2.1.1 New Collection from Period of Record (Date Range) .................................................... G-3
G.2.1.2 New Collection from POR Peaks (Annual Peaks)............................................................ G-4
G.2.2 Create a New Collection Using Numeric F Part .................................................................... G-5
G.2.3 Create a New Collection Using F Part Mask ......................................................................... G-6
G.2.4 Assemble a Period of Record from a Collection ................................................................... G-7
G.2.5 Duplicating Collections ......................................................................................................... G-8
G.2.6 Re-sequencing a Collection .................................................................................................. G-9
G.2.7 Renaming the F-part of a Collection ..................................................................................... G-9
G.2.8 Changing the Date and Time of a Collection ........................................................................ G-9
G.2.9 Pathname List—Condensed Collection View...................................................................... G-10
G.2.10 Plotting a Collection ......................................................................................................... G-10
G.3 ResSim Ensemble Alternatives ................................................................................................ G-12
G.3.1 Defining an Ensemble Alternative ...................................................................................... G-12
G.3.1.1 Set the Alternative Type to Ensemble ......................................................................... G-12
G.3.1.2 Map Required Inflows to Collections ........................................................................... G-13
G.3.1.3 Select the Collection Members to Use in the Ensemble Alternative ........................... G-14
G.3.2 Viewing Ensemble Reports ................................................................................................. G-15
G.3.3 Plotting Ensemble Results .................................................................................................. G-16
Appendix H Monte Carlo Analysis ............................................................................... H-1
H.1 ResSim Monte Carlo Alternatives .............................................................................................. H-1
H.2 Setting Up a Monte Carlo Alternative ....................................................................................... H-2
H.2.1 Input Variables ..................................................................................................................... H-3
H.2.2 Random Variable Distribution Types .................................................................................. H-16
H.2.3 Output Variables ................................................................................................................ H-21
H.2.4 Monte Carlo Controls ......................................................................................................... H-24
H.3 Analysis Tools .......................................................................................................................... H-26
Appendix I Operation Support Interface ...................................................................... I-1
I.1 OSI Variables................................................................................................................................ I-1
I.2 Exploring the OSI User Interface ................................................................................................. I-2
I.2.1 Tabs ......................................................................................................................................... I-2
I.2.2 Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................. I-4
I.2.2.1 File Menu ......................................................................................................................... I-4
Table of Contents HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Table of Contents
Table of Contents HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure B.53 Map Coordinate Information Polar Stereographic (HRAP) System .......................................B-41
Figure C.1 File Browser Dialog—Open Watershed .....................................................................................C-1
Figure C.2 File Browser Dialog—Export Report ..........................................................................................C-1
Figure C.3 File Browser Dialog—Open Map ...............................................................................................C-2
Figure C.4 Option Lists for the Independent Variable Definition Dialog .....................................................C-4
Figure C.5 Independent Variable Definition Dialog—Model Variable ........................................................C-5
Figure C.6 Time Series Options ...................................................................................................................C-6
Figure C.7 Independent Variable Definition Dialog—External Variable......................................................C-8
Figure C.8 Independent Variable Definition Dialog—State Variable ..........................................................C-9
Figure C.9 Rating Curve as a Function of Two Variables ...........................................................................C-10
Figure C.10 Independent Variable Definition Dialog—Model Variable ....................................................C-11
Figure C.11 Seasonal Variable Dialog .......................................................................................................C-12
Figure C.12 Reservoirs Selector Dialog .....................................................................................................C-13
Figure D.1 The HEC-DSSVue User Interface............................................................................................... D-2
Figure D.2 HEC-DSSVue—File Menu.......................................................................................................... D-5
Figure D.3 Open HEC-DSS File File Browser ............................................................................................... D-5
Figure D.4 HEC-DSSVue File Browser—Create new HEC-DSS File ............................................................. D-6
Figure D.5 HEC-DSSVue—View Menu ....................................................................................................... D-6
Figure D.6 Pathname List—Condensed Catalog View ............................................................................... D-7
Figure D.7 Pathname List—Pathname List View........................................................................................ D-7
Figure D.8 Pathname List—Pathname Parts View ..................................................................................... D-7
Figure D.9 DSSVue Pathname Filters—Search by Parts ............................................................................. D-8
Figure D.10 DSSVue Pathname Filter—Search by String ........................................................................... D-8
Figure D.11 Pathname Selection Tools ...................................................................................................... D-8
Figure D.12 Set Time Window Editor ........................................................................................................ D-9
Figure D.13 HEC-DSSVue Time-Series Plot Window ................................................................................ D-11
Figure D.14 HEC-DSSVue Table Window ................................................................................................. D-12
Figure D.15 HEC-DSSVue Table Window—View Menu .......................................................................... D-12
Figure D.16 DSSVue Table Window—Edit Mode ..................................................................................... D-14
Figure D.17 HEC-DSSVue Math Functions Editor..................................................................................... D-14
Figure D.18 HEC-DSSVue Math Functions—Statistics Tab....................................................................... D-15
Figure D.19 HEC-DSSVue Save As Dialog ................................................................................................. D-15
Figure D.20 HEC-DSSVue Manual Time Series Data Entry Editor............................................................. D-16
Figure D.21 HEC-DSSVue Manual Paired Data Entry Editor ..................................................................... D-17
Figure D.22 Rename Records Editor ........................................................................................................ D-18
Figure D.23 Copy Records into HEC-DSS File Browser ............................................................................. D-18
Figure D.24 New Pathname Parts for Duplicate Records Dialog ............................................................. D-19
Figure D.25 Confirmation Message Box—List of Records to be Deleted ................................................. D-19
Figure D.26 Records Deleted Message .................................................................................................... D-19
Figure D.27 Undelete Records Selection Window ................................................................................... D-20
Figure D.28 Merge (Copy All Records) into HEC-DSS File Window .......................................................... D-21
Figure D.29 HEC-DSSVue Squeeze Message (Example) ........................................................................... D-21
Figure D.30 Memory Monitor ................................................................................................................. D-22
Figure D.31 HEC-DSS File Manager Status Window................................................................................. D-23
Figure E.1 Plot Window—File Menu........................................................................................................... E-1
Figure E.2 Plot, Save As File Browser .......................................................................................................... E-1
Figure E.3 Export Plot Template ................................................................................................................. E-2
Figure E.4 Apply Plot Template .................................................................................................................. E-2
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Table of Contents
Table of Contents HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Table of Contents
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 1
Welcome to the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Reservoir Simulation (HEC-ResSim)
computer program. HEC-ResSim is the successor to HEC-5, Simulation of Flood Control
and Conservation Systems” (HEC, 1998). HEC-ResSim is comprised of a graphical user
interface (GUI), a computation engine (to simulate reservoir operations), data storage
and management capabilities, and plotting and reporting facilities. HEC-DSS, the
Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Data Storage System, (HEC, 1995 and HEC, 2009) is used
for storage and retrieval of input and output time-series data.
Chapter 1 - Introduction HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
After a moment or two, ResSim’s main window will open (Figure 1.2). The short delay
before ResSim displays its main window is because ResSim is a Java application and, as
such, the Java Runtime Environment must be launched before ResSim can be loaded.
● stream.align - the file containing the stream alignment for your watershed.
● rss - the rss folder is where ResSim will store the networks and
alternatives that are created in the Reservoir Network module
as well as the simulation folders that represent the simulations
created in the Simulation module
● shared - the shared folder is where you should store the HEC-DSS files
from which that your alternatives get their time series data
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 1 - Introduction
● study - the study folder is where ResSim stores most of the watershed
configuration and its associated schematic elements defined in
the Watershed Setup module
The modules mentioned above are introduced in the next section of this chapter and
described in detail in subsequent chapters.
Chapter 1 - Introduction HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Navigate (browse) to and select your watershed’s .wksp file. The .wksp file is the
ResSim “project” file. This file is located in your watershed’s root or main folder and
New its filename is the name of your watershed with an extension of .wksp. The .wksp file
identifies the watershed to ResSim.
• Click the Open button. The Open Watershed browser will close and the watershed
you selected will load and appear in ResSim’s main window with the watershed name
shown in the Title Bar.
The options for opening a watershed are described in more detail in section 2.4
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 1 - Introduction HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Bold Text Words or phrases shown in Bold Text in Title Case indicate that the
word or phrase refers to something you will see somewhere in the
ResSim user interface. It may be the name of a menu, an option in
a menu, the name of a dialog or editor, or the name of a data entry
field or region.
Underlined Text Words or phrases that have been underlined represent the
definition for a word or phrase in ResSim’s terminology.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 1 - Introduction
Warnings are used to tell you to be careful, or to watch out for something, or to
just not do something.
Notes are used to share information that you should take special note of.
They are intended to emphasize a point or to tell you something beyond the
how-tos of the ResSim user interface.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface
Chapter 2
The ResSim User Interface
Before you begin working with ResSim, you should understand some ResSim concepts
and user interface fundamentals to enable you to develop, access, and interact with
watersheds in ResSim. Specifically, this chapter covers:
• The Widgets that make up the User Interface
• The Common ResSim Interface Components
• Layers and the Map Display Area
Name Description
Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Selection (or Drop-down) List A selection list looks like a text box with a
down-pointing triangle or “V” in it. When
you click in the text box, a list of options will
appear below it. If the list of possible options
is long, a scrollbar may appear to the right of
the list. You can select one of the options by
clicking on it in the list with your pointer.
The list will disappear, and your selection will
be displayed in the text box.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface
VCR Buttons These buttons are a set that look like the
buttons on your VCR/DVR remote. They are
typically used in the ResSim editors to move
quickly through the various elements that
can be edited by the editor. The four buttons
shown from left to right are go to the first
element, go to the previous element, go to
the next element, and go to the last
element. The box in the middle indicates
which element of the full set is the current
element shown in the editor.
Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface
The Title Bar displays the software name and version. After a watershed is opened, the
name of the current watershed will also be displayed.
The Menu Bar contains menus for access to ResSim features and options. As you switch
between modules, module-specific menus as well as the list of items in the
common menus may change, offering module-specific commands. You can
select a menu item by clicking on the name of the menu (such as File), then
pointing to and clicking on the menu item you wish to select.
The Module Toolbar is the row of user interface objects (a.k.a. widgets) directly below
the Menu Bar. It contains module management tools including:
The Module Selector—this widget gives you access to the three available
modules of ResSim. Use this drop-down list to move between the
Watershed Setup module, the Reservoir Network module, and the
Simulation module.
The Active Configuration or Network—this widget displays the name of the
currently open or “active” configuration or network. The active
configuration or network is available for editing from the various
editors in the module and its schematic is displayed in the Map
Display area.
The Edit Lock—this button toggles the edit feature of the module on and off.
Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The Map/Schematic Display Area (a.k.a. map region) is the (geo-referenced) map space
where all model schematic elements (stream alignment, computation points,
reservoirs, etc.) and map layers are shown.
The Map Toolbar contains tools for interacting with the map display, manipulating
schematic elements, editing element properties, and viewing results. The first
three tools in the Map Toolbar and their functionality are common to all three
modules. The other tools that appear in the Map Toolbar have module-specific
functions and may appear in only one module.
The Status Bar, located at the below the Map Display displays “Ready” unless your cursor
is somewhere in the Map Display area, then it shows the coordinates of the
cursor as it relates to the current view in the Map Display area in the watershed’s
coordinate system.
The Message Bar, located to the right of the Status Bar, displays a scrolling list of
messages from ResSim. These messages are usually produced by processes that
may take a few moments (or more) to complete. The scroll arrows and the …
button to the right of the Message Bar control the display and allow you to
review all messages received during your ResSim session. Program diagnostic
messages from ResSim are directed to the console log (not the message bar),
which can be accessed from the Tools menu.
The Menu Bar of the ResSim Main Window (Figure 2.3) contains several menus, most
of which are common to all three ResSim modules. Although the menus are
common, the options available in some of the menus may vary from one module to
another. In addition, one or more menu options may be “greyed out” or disabled
when they are not applicable for the current state of ResSim. For example, Save
Watershed (a File menu option) will be disabled if there is no currently open
The most common and consistent menus in the Menu Bar are the File, View, Tools,
and Help menus. These menus provide the same options or commands in all three
ResSim modules. These menus may also contain module-specific options that appear
only within individual modules. These menus and their options are described in
detail below.
Two other menus, Edit and Reports, are also included in the Menu Bar of all three
modules. These menus contain only module-specific options and are described in
detail in later chapters of this manual.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface
Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface
Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface
In the Watershed Setup module, the widget is a selection list from which you can
select and/or change the active configuration. In the Reservoir Network and
Simulation modules, the widget is a textbox that shows the name of the currently
open (or active) network whose schematic is being displayed in the Map Display
If the lock button appears unlocked , the editing features of the module will
be in “view only” mode. “View Only” mode means that some options in the main
and context menus will be unavailable (greyed out) and the available editors will
open in “view only” mode with most of their editable fields “greyed out” (non-
If the Lock button appears locked , all relevant editing features will be
Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface
• Navigate (browse) to and select your watershed’s .wksp file. The .wksp file is the
ResSim “project” file. This file is located in your watershed’s root or main folder
and its filename is the name of your watershed with an extension of .wksp. The
.wksp file identifies the watershed to ResSim.
• Click the Open button. The Open Watershed browser will close and the
watershed you selected will load and appear in ResSim’s main window with the
watershed’s name shown in the Title Bar.
If you intend to store several watersheds in the same folder, you can create a
New Shortcut to that folder so that you can navigate to it quickly in the Open Watershed
browser. To create a shortcut:
• From the Open Watershed browser, navigate to the folder containing your
watershed(s), then press the Add button. A dialog will appear asking you to
“enter an alias” for the current folder. After
Note: You can also create
you give the shortcut (or watershed location) and edit Shortcuts in the
a name and press OK, your shortcut will Options editor’s Shortcuts
appear in the Shortcuts panel at the right of tab—see Appendix A for
the Open Watershed browser. details.
Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
In the Watershed Setup module (Chapters 3 through 7) you will create watershed
schematics that can be shared across models that support the watershed
schematic elements and features.
Since ResSim can open only one watershed at a time, to work on two
watersheds at the same time, launch a second instance of ResSim.
Note: It is NOT recommended that you open the same watershed in both
instances of ResSim. Be aware that both instances of ResSim will write to the same
console and DSS log files. As a result, the content of these logs may become quite
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface
In the Reservoir Network module (Chapters 8 through 13) you will create one or more
model schematics (networks) that symbolize the river and reservoir system(s)
you are modeling.
In the Simulation module (Chapter 14), the model schematic for the network of your
active alternative will be displayed. And, by right-clicking on a schematic element
in the Map Display, a context menu will appear giving you options to quickly plot
and tabulate results.
Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface
ResSim can directly represent reservoirs and diversions in its model schematic
with reservoir and diversion model elements, but there is no direct parallel for
any other project element as a ResSim model schematic element. However, with
some creativity, you may be able to represent the other project elements using
one or more of the available model elements. For example, a channel
modification could be represented with a routing reach with specific routing
parameters that reflect the smoother, faster reach.
Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Time Series Icons may be placed in the map region to provide access to time
series data. You can use Time-Series Icons to identify and visualize any external
data that you associate with the icon (e.g., HEC-DSS data). Time Series Icons are
included in the Watershed Setup module to facilitate their use in CWMS and RTS.
Note: Although Time Series Icons can be created in the Watershed Setup module
of ResSim, they are not accessible from the other ResSim modules so are rarely,
if ever, used in ResSim. For more information about Time-Series Icons, refer to
the CWMS User’s Manual (HEC, 2010).
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 2 - The ResSim User Interface
diverted outlets, and junctions. When you create a network, reservoirs, diversion,
and junctions are automatically added to your network for each reservoir, diversion,
and junction element in the selected watershed configuration (schematic). You will
complete the model schematic by adding routing reaches, diverted outlets, and
diversions to connect the model elements. Each element of the model schematic is
located on the stream alignment.
Through context menus, the individual elements of the model schematic allow you to
access data editors to specify properties of your reservoir network elements and,
from the Simulation module, to plot element-specific results. The ability to select
schematic elements and access element-specific context menus is why we call the
representation of your model in the map display area an “active schematic”.
Although the stream alignment is visible in all modules, the model schematic is visible
in the Reservoir Network module only when a Network has been opened and in the
Simulation module only when an Alternative is Set as Active. See Chapters 7-14 for
more details of reservoir networks, alternatives, and simulations.
2.7 Tooltips
Tooltips are small text boxes that appear when you position (and hover) your cursor over
an icon, label, button, map element, tree node, or other widget for which a tooltip has
been defined. The text that is displayed will relate to the object you hovered over.
Although it is usually informative, the text may be instructional. But, read quickly, most
tooltips don’t hang around long.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations
Chapter 3
Watershed Setup and Configurations
The purpose of the Watershed Setup Module is to provide a common framework for
defining the features of a watershed for modeling with one or more HEC modeling
applications, i.e., to setup a shared schematic. Aspects of this module can be found in
In the Watershed Setup Module, you will create new watersheds, set up your
watershed’s map display, and specify the physical arrangement of schematic elements
that make up your basin. The set of schematic elements includes:
• The Stream Alignment is a representation of the stream centerlines of the river
network in your watershed and is the backbone or framework for your schematics.
• Computation Points are locations where time-series information is exchanged
between models in an integrated framework. Most Computation Points are placed
on the stream alignment and represent gage locations, control points, or other key
physically or operationally important locations.
• Projects are, typically man-made, structures that impact the flow of water in a river
system. The types of projects that can be included in your schematics include
Reservoirs, Levees, Diversions, Channel Modifications, Off-Channel Storage Areas,
and Other Projects.
• Impact Areas are geographic regions that may experience economic damages due to
high water levels (flooding).
You will also group the projects in your watershed into one or more Configurations.
Configurations represent a current or potential arrangement of the watershed schematic
elements (e.g., Existing Condition or Without Project).
This chapter will cover the Watershed Setup Module itself and the user interface features
that are unique to this module. It will also cover how to create a watershed, add maps to
the watershed, and define watershed configurations. Chapters 4 and 5 will cover
creating and editing the stream alignment and drawing schematic elements.
Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations
Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Zoom Tool—use the Zoom Tool to zoom the map display area in and out. To
zoom in, hold the left mouse button down to draw a box around the area
you want to zoom in on. To zoom out, right-click in the display area; the
display will zoom out in program-defined increments.
Pan Tool—use the Pan Tool to move or scroll the display area while you are
zoomed in.
In the Watershed Setup Module, the map tools that appear below the three
Common tools are the Schematic Element tools. These tools allow you to create,
edit, and manage the schematic objects in your watershed configuration(s). These
tools also act as Pointer/Selector tools, but they will only interact with objects of
their specific type. The schematic element tools are separated into five groups: the
Time-Series Icon tool, the Stream Alignment tools, the Project tools, the Impact Area
tool, and the Computation Point tool.
Time-Series Icon Tool—use the Time-Series Icon tool to create and edit time-
series icons.
Stream Alignment Tool—use the Stream Alignment Tool to draw and edit the
multi-segmented lines that define a stream in the Stream Alignment.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations
Stream Node Tool—the Stream Node Tool allows you to create and edit stream
nodes and stream junctions (confluences), two of the primary components of
a Stream Alignment.
Reservoir Tool—use the Reservoir Tool to create and edit reservoir projects in
the map display. The Reservoir Tool is the first of the Project tools in the
toolbar. Creating and editing project schematic elements are described in
detail in Chapter 6.
Levee Tool—use the Levee Tool to create and edit levee projects in the map
Diversion Tool—use the Diversion Tool to create and edit diversions in the map
Off Channel Storage Tool—use the Off-Channel Storage Areas Tool to select and
create Off-Channel Storage Area polygons in the map display and edit their
Other Project Tool—use the Other Projects Tool to place an icon that represents
a project that cannot be classified as one of the defined project types, such as pump
stations and gages, etc.
Impact Area Tool—use the Impact Area Tool to create and edit impact areas
representing regions in the watershed where flood damages will be
Computation Point Tool—use the Computation Point Tool to create and edit
Computation Points. Computation Points are locations in the watershed
where individual models will share information. Typically, one model will
produce results at a Computation Point that another model will use as input.
Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations
requirement has been removed; however there are still features in ResSim that
expect your watershed to reside in a known watershed location so we recommend
that you continue to create and use specified watershed locations for storing your
So, before you create or open a watershed, you should define at least one watershed
location. To define a watershed location, a.k.a., a Shortcut:
• From the Tools menu, select Options…. The ResSim Options editor (Figure 3.7)
will open.
• Select the Shortcuts tab. The Name and Location of any watershed locations you
have previously defined will display in the Shortcuts list.
• To add a new location
to the list, click the
Add Shortcut button.
The Add Shortcut
dialog will open
(Figure 3.8).
Figure 3.8 Add Shortcut Dialog
• Enter a Name (or
Alias) for the new location/shortcut, then click Browse…. A file browser dialog
will open (Figure 3.9). Use it to select the folder on disk where you want to store
your watershed(s). Click OK to close the file browser and accept the selected
folder as your shortcut’s location.
• Click OK to finish creating your shortcut and close the Add Shortcut dialog. The
new location/shortcut will now appear in the list of Shortcuts on the Shortcuts
tab. Refer to Appendix A for information about other options available in the
Options dialog.
Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations
• A Watershed Summary confirmation dialog (Figure 3.11) will open showing your
selections. Review the settings carefully, then select:
Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
All time zones in the list provided when you create the watershed are considered
“standard” time zones. They each utilize a fixed time offset from GMT and do not
adjust for Daylight Savings Time.
ResSim will use the watershed time zone to store all time-series data that it
generates. It will also adjust any input time-series data with a specified time
zone that is different from that of the watershed into “watershed time” before
beginning the computations. If any input time-series data does not have a
specified time zone, ResSim will assume that the data is in watershed time.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations
• From the Maps menu, select Add Map Layer. The Open File dialog (Figure 3.13)
will open.
• Locate the map file you wish to use on your local computer (for example,
• After you have selected the map you wish to use, click OK. The new map will
now appear in the Layer Selector dialog.
Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Therefore, some layers or data might require the use of a GIS program to
transform coordinate system information. For additional information about
editing the Coordinate System, see “Editing the Coordinate System” paragraph
The Easting Minimum & Maximum and the Northing Minimum & Maximum
values indicate the location of the left, right, top and bottom borders of the grid
in the display area. ResSim displays coordinates in the Status Bar as you move
the cursor within the map display panel.
Grow to Map Extents
When you check this box, ResSim automatically sets the geographic region to
define the smallest rectangle that encompasses all the objects (maps, icons,
alignments, etc.) in the display area. If you add any objects to the watershed that
lie outside the geographic region, ResSim automatically updates the extents to
include the new objects.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations
• Click the Lock button on the Module Toolbar (so that it appears locked) OR select
Allow Editing from the Edit menu.
Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations
Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations
• The Name field contains the name of the selected configuration. Replace this
name with a new one and enter/edit the description.
• Click OK to complete the creation of the new configuration and close the Save
As… dialog. The name of your new configuration will be displayed in the Name
field/selector of the Configuration Editor.
Chapter 3 - Watershed Setup and Configurations HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• This report provides a list of the configurations that have been defined for the
watershed. Data included in the list are the Name, Description, Time Step, and
Base Date specified for each configuration.
• From the File menu of the report, you can send the report to a printer or export
it to a text file. See Appendix E for details about printing and exporting tabulated
• Click Close to close the List of Configurations report.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment
Chapter 4
Defining the Stream Alignment
The Stream Alignment represents the river system of the watershed. It indicates where
confluences and bifurcations occur and provides a sense of distance and scale. It also
imposes a flow direction for reaches and reservoirs that are created with respect to it.
Figure 4.1 shows the stream alignment created for one of the example watersheds that
are provided with ResSim.
The Stream Alignment is made up of streams, stream nodes, and stream junctions. Figure
4.2 illustrates these components of the Stream Alignment. Although you can change the
drawing properties of the elements of the stream alignment, by default, streams are
drawn in orange, stream nodes in dark green, and stream junctions are symbolized by a
bright green halo around a stream node.
A stream in the stream alignment is defined by an ordered set of points or vertices that
ResSim connects with straight line segments to form a “polyline”. The Stream Alignment
Tool is used to draw and edit streams in the Stream Alignment. When you create a
Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
stream, you will draw it, from upstream to downstream, as a series of points. Figure 4.3
illustrates the points and line segments that define a stream in the stream alignment.
NOTE: Each stream should be a continuous element that represents a named
watercourse in the river network; a river should not be broken up into discrete streams
(reaches) at each confluence.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment
Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• To place the last point of the stream, release the Ctrl key, then click at the last
downstream location. An ending stream node will be created at the last point of
the stream element.
• The Create New Stream
dialog (Figure 4.5) will open
after you place the last
point of your stream. Enter
a name (and an optional
description) for the stream
element, then click OK to
close the Create New
Stream dialog. Figure 4.5 Create New Stream
• Repeat these steps to add more stream elements to your stream alignment.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment
File menu, select Save Watershed and the stream alignment for your watershed
will be saved.
Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• The Gap Tolerance (Figure 4.8) value is used to enable the Importer to create
stream junctions (connections) between connect stream elements that have a
gap between the end point of one stream and the nearest line segment or
endpoint of another stream. By default, the Gap Tolerance is set to zero (0.0), so
ResSim can only connect streams where the endpoint of one stream is exactly
coincident with a stream segment or vertex of another stream. If you click Gap
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment
Tolerance, then you need to enter a value larger than zero in the Gap Tolerance
box, which will allow ResSim to connect streams that might have a larger gap
between them.
• The Replace Existing Stream Alignment box, allows you to replace the existing
stream alignment with the one being imported from the selected ArcView®
• Once everything is set, click Import. The stream alignment will be automatically
drawn in the display area. From the File menu, choose Close and the Import
Stream Alignment dialog (Figure 4.8) will close.
Since the Stream Alignment may be referenced by other models, care should be
used when making any changes to it.
Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• With the Stream Alignment Tool selected, double-click on the stream so that
the vertices are visible—they should appear as blue dots.
• Place the pointer on the selected stream where you want to add a vertex. Hold
down the Ctrl key and click. A new blue dot will appear on the selected stream
where you have added a new vertex.
• With the Stream Alignment Tool selected, double-click on the stream so that
the vertices are visible—they should appear as blue dots.
• Hold down the Shift+Ctrl keys and click on the vertex point to be deleted. The
blue vertex point will disappear from the stream element, and the stream will
straighten between the two adjacent vertices.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment
Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment
Remember: other models that share the watershed (e.g., HEC-FIA) may use the
same stream alignment, so be sure to confirm with other modelers before
making any changes to the stream alignment including deleting and re-
stationing streams.
Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment
• Using the Stream Alignment Tool , right-click on the stream element and
select Reverse Direction from the context menu.
• A warning message (Figure 4.23) will open asking you whether you really want to
reverse the direction of the stream element.
• Click Yes. The warning message will close, and the stream element’s direction will
be reversed.
• Using the Stream Alignment Tool , right-click on the stream element you want
to disconnect and select either Disconnect Upstream or Disconnect Downstream,
as appropriate, from the context menu (Figure 4.23).
• The stream element will now be disconnected from the other stream element
(Figure 4.24). In the display area, the end of the disconnected stream will be
drawn a short distance away from the stream node where the stream junction
had been and the stream junction (bright green halo) will disappear, leaving
behind a stream
Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment
• Enter a name in the File Name box. Click OK, the Save File browser will close, and
you will have an ArcView® shapefile of the displayed stream alignment.
Chapter 4 - Defining the Stream Alignment HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• This report provides a list of streams and their descriptions that have been defined in
the Stream Alignment.
• Select Print from the File menu to print the report
• Select Export from the File menu to save the report as a tab-delimited text file.
• Select Close from the File menu or the X in the Title Bar to close the List of Streams
ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements
Chapter 5
Watershed Schematic Elements
In the Watershed Setup Module you can define the Watershed Schematic Elements
(Projects, Computation Points, and Impact Areas) used by ResSim and by other models
that may share the watershed.
The ResSim Map Toolbar provides the tools for drawing and editing the geographically-
referenced schematic elements in the Map Display area. The drawing tools also provide
access to context menus for managing the schematic elements directly from the map
When you add a Project (reservoir, diversion, etc.) to the Map Display, it becomes part of
the active configuration (the one displayed in the Configuration selector on the Module
bar). A “superset” of all configurations is named Study and includes all of the Projects for
the watershed; although not technically a configuration, if you have not created a
configuration, Study will be selected as the active configuration by default. For more
information on associating projects with Configurations, refer to Section 5.2.4.
Of the array of available watershed schematic elements, ResSim models only use
computation points, reservoirs, and diversions so these configuration elements will be
covered first. Creating the other schematic elements will be described later in this
To create or edit the watershed schematic elements you must be in the Watershed Setup
module and you must lock the configuration for editing:
• Select Watershed Setup from the Module selector on the Module Bar
• Click the Lock button on the Module Toolbar (so that it appears locked) OR select
Allow Editing from the Edit menu.
Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements ResSim User’s Manual
The new computation point will appear in the Map Display. By default, computation
points snap to the Stream Alignment. If you prefer that the computation point not
exist on the Stream Alignment, de-select the Snap to Stream Alignment check box in
the Computation Point Properties Editor.
Another way to create computation points is to import them from a point shapefile.
The shapefile must be an active map layer in the watershed. To import computation
• From the Watershed menu, select Import, then select Computation Points …
from the Import submenu. The Import Computation Points importer will open
(Figure 5.2).
• Select the attribute in the Database Field Name selector that identifies the
individual computation points. The table will fill with information about the
points in the shapefile including the value of the selected attribute in the
Name column, the stream in the Stream Alignment that it will import to,
whether the point is at a stream junction in the Stream Alignment, and its
stream station.
• The Import column in the table is for you to edit—use it to select or de-select
the point you want imported. If you want them all, click Import All.
• Like the Stream Alignment Importer, you can locate the individual
computation points on the map by selecting them in the list. The selected
point will highlight in Red on the Map Display.
ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements
• Once you have identified which points to import, click Import. The Importer
will close, and you will get a message box telling you how many computation
points imported (Figure 5.3).
Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements ResSim User’s Manual
Computation Point Name—The Computation Point Editor displays the name of the
Computation Point you have selected (in the list along with all available
Computation Points in the watershed). Also, left and right arrows allow you
to click through the Computation Points in the watershed.
Description—To edit the Description of the computation point, click in the text box
and start typing or click the button to access the larger Enter Description
Stream Name—The stream name automatically appears in the Stream Name box. In
the case of a computation point situated at a confluence of two streams, you
need to verify that the computation point resides on the appropriate stream.
Label Position—ResSim automatically positions the text label for a computation point
where it is least likely to overlap other labels. However, you can move the
position of the layer by selecting a position from the Label Position list.
Location Information—The following allow you to provide location information.
Stream Station—The Stream Station field displays the location of the
computation point along the stream element.
Easting / Northing—ResSim automatically fills in the coordinate information.
You may type in new coordinates to relocate the computation point
on the map display.
Location ID—Optionally, you can enter a Location ID to reference the
computation point to a ResSim ID.
Snap to Stream Alignment—By default, each time you can draw a
computation point, it will snap to the nearest stream in the Stream
Alignment. If a computation point is snapped to the stream
alignment, only the Stream Station of its location information can be
edited. If you want the point located off-stream, uncheck this
checkbox. An off-stream computation point does not have a valid
ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements
Stream Station, but its Northing and Easting values can be edited to
move the point to the exact position you desire.
System Generated—ResSim automatically generates computation points for
the watershed when you create certain project elements. The
System Generated checkbox will be checked if the computation point
has been generated with a project element. This checkbox is not
editable. If checked, the relevant project should be listed in the
Associated Project field.
Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements ResSim User’s Manual
5.2 Reservoirs
5.2.1 Drawing a Reservoir Element
A reservoir is created by using the Reservoir Tool to draw it from upstream to
downstream on the stream alignment. As soon as a reservoir has been drawn,
several visual elements will appear that represent the reservoir (Figure 5.6). These
elements include:
• a storage reach (cyan),
• a pool (cyan triangle),
• a dam (small gray rectangle),
• and 2 or more computation
points (black dots) at the
upstream and downstream end
of the reservoir on the stream
To add a reservoir to the watershed:
Figure 5.6 Basic Reservoir Element
• Select the Reservoir Tool
• Press the Ctrl key and click on the stream alignment at the upstream extent of
the reservoir pool. If more than one stream flows into the reservoir pool,
continue pressing the Ctrl key and click at each location of inflow into the
reservoir on each inflowing stream.
• Release the Ctrl key and click on the stream alignment where the dam is located.
This is the downstream extent of the reservoir. Note: When drawing a reservoir,
do not overlap or encompass existing computation points.
• The Name New Reservoir dialog will appear (Figure 5.7).
• Name the Reservoir by entering a name in the Name field. Optionally, you can
also enter a Description for the Reservoir. Click OK when you are done. The new
Reservoir will appear in the Map Display as illustrated in Figure 5.6.
ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements
Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements ResSim User’s Manual
dam is treated as two dams in ResSim due to the need to produces releases to the
two separate streams.
• Using the Reservoir Tool or the Pointer Tool , right-click on the reservoir.
• From the context menu, select Edit Reservoir to open the Reservoir Properties
The fields of the Reservoir Properties Editor (Figure 5.10) include:
ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements
Name—For a reservoir schematic element, the only data that you need to specify is
its Name which you took care of when you created it. The name field in the
Reservoir Properties Editor is really a selector so that you can switch from
one reservoir to another to review its configuration element properties.
Label Position—Select where to draw the reservoir name label relative to the
reservoir’s label handle. The label handle can be found by double-clicking on
the reservoir using the Reservoir Tool ; it will appear as a yellow dot (on
the top of the reservoir triangle, if you haven’t already moved it).
Existing Project—If the reservoir currently exists, this box should be checked so that
the reservoir will be added automatically to any new configurations. This is a
useful option if you are creating multiple configurations that use the same
set of reservoirs. See Section 5.2.6 for removing a reservoir from a
Corp Project—Certain modeling software needs to know if the project is owned or
operated by the Corps. For example, FIA needs to know in order to compute
project benefits, therefore, use the Corps Project checkbox to indicate if the
reservoir is a Corps Project. (This field is not used by ResSim.)
Year in Service—This field is optional and is used by some modeling software in
planning studies. You do not need to specify a year in service when defining
projects for real-time studies. (This field is not used by ResSim.)
Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements ResSim User’s Manual
• Using the Reservoir Tool or the Pointer Tool , right-click on the reservoir.
• From the context menu, select Remove from Configuration. This removes the
reservoir from the current or active Configuration (the configuration that is
currently displayed in the Configuration box on the Module bar).
• A Confirm Removal dialog will appear (Figure 5.13). Click Yes to confirm.
You can also remove a Reservoir from a Configuration by opening the Configuration
Editor, then selecting Edit Project List… from the Project menu.
• A Confirm Removal dialog (Figure 5.15) will appear next, asking if you also want
to remove (delete) the computation points that were created when the reservoir
was created. Click Yes to confirm deletion of the computation points. Click No to
keep the computation points; the reservoir will still be deleted.
ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements
You can also access the configuration Notes editor by selecting Notes… from Edit
menu of the Reservoir Properties Editor.
5.3 Diversions
5.3.1 Drawing a Diversion Element
To draw a diversion from a stream:
• Using the Diversion Tool , position your pointer at the location on the stream
alignment where the diversion will occur (the “from” or inflow location) then
press the Ctrl key and click.
o If a computation point exists at (within the “snap” range of) that location, a
Computation Point Found query dialog will ask if you want to connect the
diversion to the Existing Computation Point or to a New Computation Point
(Figure 5.17).
Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements ResSim User’s Manual
o If you select New Computation Point, ResSim will create a new computation
point on the stream alignment as near as possible to the location of your
pointer when you “clicked” and will connect the diversion to it. The new
computation point will be given a default name and will be located very near
the existing computation point that was identified in the query. Don’t forget
to rename the new computation point(s).
• You can give shape to the diversion reach by continuing to hold down the Ctrl key
and clicking as you move the pointer across the map display. With each
Ctrl+click, a point will be added to the polyline that represents the diversion.
• To place the last point of the diversion, move the pointer to the location where
the diverted water will go (the “to” or outflow location) then release the Ctrl key
and click. Note: the outflow of the diversion can be placed at a location…
on the stream alignment. This will make the diversion connected and
indicates that the diverted water will remain within the river system.
Like the inflow location, if a computation point exists at this location,
you will be queried to be sure you want to connect the diversion to
that computation point.
not on the stream alignment. This will make the diversion unconnected and
indicates that the diverted water will be lost from the river system.
A Name New Diversion dialog
(Figure 5.18) will appear. Enter
a Name and Description for
your diversion and click OK to
complete the creation of the
If the outflow of your diversion is Figure 5.18 Name New Diversion
connected to a computation point,
the diversion will be drawn in the Map Display with a blue arrowhead. If the
diversion is unconnected, the diversion will be drawn with a black arrowhead. Figure
5.19 illustrates two diversions—Irrigation Diversion is a connected diversion and WS
Diversion is unconnected. If you cannot see a difference between the arrowheads of
a connected and an unconnected diversion, you can change the draw properties of
the diversions in the Drawing Properties Editor. Select Drawing Properties… from the
Edit menu to open the editor. For more details, refer to Appendix B.
ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements
• Using the Diversion Tool , position your pointer along the storage reach of a
reservoir—away from the dam or inflow junctions, then press the Ctrl key and
click. This will connect the diversion’s inflow to the reservoir.
• Finish drawing the diversion as described above.
ResSim will not generate a computation point at the inflow of a diversion from a
reservoir. The Irrigation Withdrawal diversion illustrated in Figure 5.19 is a diversion
from a reservoir. Note that ResSim did not generate a computation point at the
inflow of a diversion from a reservoir.
Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements ResSim User’s Manual
Use the Diversion Properties Editor to edit the description of the diversion, specify
whether the diversion is an Existing Project and/or a Corps Project, and enter the
Year in Service (when the diversion first began operating). You can also verify which
ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements
You can also remove a diversion from a configuration by opening the Configuration
Editor and using the Project Selector to remove the diversion. To open the Project
Selector, select Edit Project List… from the Project menu of the Configuration Editor.
Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements ResSim User’s Manual
• Click Yes to delete the diversion and all data associated with the diversion from
the watershed. Click No to cancel the delete.
You can also access the diversion’s configuration Notes editor by selecting Notes…
from Edit menu of the Diversion Properties Editor.
ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements
Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements ResSim User’s Manual
ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements
• Using the Off-Channel Storage Tool , hold down the Ctrl key and click the location
in the map where you want to start drawing the off-channel storage area.
• Continue to hold the Ctrl key while you click to add additional vertex points of the
polygon that represents the off-channel storage area.
• Before placing the last vertex of the polygon, release the Ctrl key, then click to place
the last point. A Name … dialog will appear.
• Enter a Name and optional Description for
your off-channel storage area, then click OK to
complete the off-channel storage area
creation process. The off-channel storage
area will be drawn in the Map Display as a
closed polygon connecting the vertex points
you placed (Figure 5.30). Figure 5.30 Channel Modification
Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements ResSim User’s Manual
• Use the Computation Point or Pointer tool to rename the computation point
associated with the other project.
• You can use the Other Project Properties Editor to reposition the Other Project icon
and its associated computation point (Figure 5.32).
ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 5 - Watershed Schematic Elements
• Select Properties from the context menu of the Study layer in the Layer
See Appendix B for details on how to change the drawing properties for your
configuration elements.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network
Chapter 6
Developing a Reservoir Network
A reservoir network is the principal component of your ResSim model. It contains the
model schematic, its elements, and all their physical and operational data. The model
schematic elements include reservoirs, routing reaches, junctions, diversions, and diverted
Each model schematic element has its purpose in the reservoir network.
Reservoirs and Diversions are the operational elements—they make decisions about
the movement of water through the network.
Junctions are connectors—they connect all other schematic elements to one
another. Junctions also provide connection to inflow data.
Reaches route flow through the network, from one junction to another.
Diverted Outlets are a hybrid of a diversion and a reservoir outlet group. As an outlet
group, they are effectively a sub-element of a reservoir. As a diversion, they
take the water allocated to them and deliver it to wherever the diversion is
This chapter provides an overview of the Reservoir Network module’s user interface and
describes the processes for creating a new reservoir network and completing its
connectivity by adding reaches and other model schematic elements as needed.
Once you have established your reservoir network and its schematic, you will need to
complete its definition by specifying the Junction, Reach, and Diversion data (Chapter 7).
You will then use the Reservoir Editor (Chapter 8) to defining the physical (Chapter 9) and
operational (Chapters 10, 11, and 12) components of the Reservoirs. You may also wish
to develop Reservoir Systems (Chapter 13) in your network.
After completing the definition of your reservoir network, you can start creating
alternatives (Chapter 14). And, with your network(s) and alternative(s) defined, you will
be ready to create and run Simulations (Chapter 15).
After running a simulation, you can review results using default or custom Plots, Tables
(Chapter 16), and Reports (Chapter 17). You can also develop scripts to post-process
results or automate the building of plots, tables, and reports (Chapter 18).
Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network
Between the Network and Configuration fields is an Edit Lock button. Since the
multi-user locking requirement is no longer necessary, the lock is now set by default
whenever there is a network open in the Reservoir Network module. All edit locks
will be removed in a future version of ResSim.
Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Pointer Tool—right-click with the Pointer Tool to select and access a context
menu for any schematic element within your map display. The Pointer Tool
is available in all ResSim modules.
Zoom Tool—the Zoom Tool allows you to zoom in and out of the display area in
all modules. To zoom in, hold the left mouse button down and outline the
area you want to enlarge. To zoom out, click the right mouse button.
Zooming out using the right click button zooms out by a factor of two,
positioning the clicked location at the center of the screen. The Zoom Tool is
available in all ResSim modules.
Pan Tool—after you have zoomed in with the Zoom Tool, you can use the Pan
Tool to drag the content of the Map Display, effectively scrolling the viewable
portion of the watershed. The Pan Tool is available in all ResSim modules.
Reservoir Tool—with the Reservoir Tool, you can add reservoirs to your reservoir
network. You can also edit reservoir properties, rename, and delete
reservoirs using commands in the context menu.
Diverted Outlet Tool—the Diverted Outlet Tool allows you to create a diverted
outlet from a reservoir in your network. The context menu for this tool
provides access to the Reservoir Editor and allows you to rename and delete
a diverted outlet.
Reach Tool—use the Reach Tool to draw routing reaches (from upstream to
downstream) to connect the junctions on the stream alignment. You can
also edit reach properties, rename, break, and delete reaches using
commands in the context menu.
Junction Tool—the Junction Tool allows you to manually insert junctions in your
reservoir network. The context menu for this tool allows you to edit junction
properties, rename and delete junctions.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network
Diversion Tool—with the Diversion Tool you can add diversions to your reservoir
network. You can also edit diversion properties, rename, delete, and
disconnect outflow of diversion reaches using commands in the context
Network Connectivity Tool—using the Network Connectivity Tool you can click on
any element in the map display area to see which elements are connected
(connected elements will be highlighted). If you right-click on an element,
you can choose to show the upstream or downstream connectivity.
Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Once the preliminary model schematic for a new network appears in the Map Display,
you will need to add routing reaches (and possibly other network elements) to complete
the connectivity of your reservoir network schematic.
After you (and ResSim) complete the process of creating a new network, you will
see the name of your new network and the configuration it was based on
displayed below the Module Toolbar. Also, the reservoirs, junctions, and
diversions that ResSim created in your network based on the configuration will
appear in the Map Display area.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network
Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• The first table lists the Watershed Locations (shortcuts) you currently have
defined in ResSim. Select the appropriate watershed location.
• The second table lists the Watersheds that ResSim found at the selected
watershed location. Select the watershed that contains the network you want to
Note: The Import Network Wizard is only capable of identifying
watersheds in known watershed locations. If you do not have a
watershed location (or shortcut) already defined in ResSim for the
location where your source watershed resides, you must create one
before you can proceed with the network import process. Instructions
for creating a shortcut/watershed location are provided in Chapter 3,
Section 3.2.1 Defining a Watershed Location and in Appendix A.
• Click Next> to proceed to the next step (or Cancel to abort the import process
and exit the Import Wizard).
• The Import Network Wizard will display the Step 2 of 6 panel (Figure 6.10). The
Select the Network to Import Elements from panel shows the name of the source
Watershed you selected and a list of the Available Networks it contains.
• Select the source network (from which you would like to import all its elements).
• Click Next> to proceed to the next step or <Back to return to the previous step.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network
• The Import Network Wizard will display the Step 3 of 6 panel (Figure 6.11). The
top half of the Set New Network Name and Description panel shows the name of
the current watershed and a list of the networks that exist in it. The bottom half
has two textboxes which contain the name and description of the source
Figure 6.11 Import Network Wizard—Step 3—Set New Network Name and
• You can let the New (imported) Reservoir Network have the same name and
description as its source or you can enter a new Name and Description.
• Click Next> to proceed to the next step (or <Back to return to the previous step.)
• The Import Network Wizard will display the Step 4 of 6 panel (Figure 6.12). The
Assign Stream Name panel shows the name of the current Watershed as well as
the name you specified for the New Network and the name of the Import From
(source) Network. This panel also contains a table showing a list of the network
Elements to be Imported, their Element Type, and the (From) Stream they are
associated with in the source watershed.
Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• In the last column of the table, you will associate a stream in the current
watershed to each element in the list. If any of the streams in the current
watershed have the same name as a stream in the source watershed, ResSim will
assume they are the same stream and will fill in those cells of the table for you.
You have two options for assigning streams to each element:
1. Assign the streams, one at a time, to each element in the list by selecting
an appropriate steam from the drop-down list in each cell. Or…
2. Assign the streams all at once by clicking the Assign Stream Names button,
then, for each stream listed in the From Stream column in the Select
Stream Name dialog, select a stream from your current watershed from
the selection list in each cell in the To Stream column. When done, click
OK. The importer will use the associations you made to complete the To
Stream column of the Assign Stream Names table.
• Click Next> to proceed to the next step (or <Back to return to the previous step).
• The Import Network Wizard will display the Step 5 of 6 panel (Figure 6.13). The
Resolve Network Computation Points panel starts by identifying the current
watershed which is followed by a selection list of the available configurations.
Select the configuration that you want the new (imported) network to be
associated with.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network
• The Resolve Network Computation Points panel also includes a table containing a
list of the model schematic elements to be imported from the source network.
Your objective is to associate each element with a watershed schematic element
from the selected configuration in the current watershed. Use the drop-down
list in each cell to make your selections. This can be a tedious process so take
your time.
• Click Next> to proceed to the next step (or <Back to return to the previous step).
• The Import Network Wizard will display the Step 6 of 6 panel (Figure 6.14). This
Import Summary panel
• Review the Import Summary carefully. This is your last chance to double-check
all the work you put in mapping (associating) the imported elements to streams
and configurations.
Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Select Finish to carry out the Network import, or select Back to make changes in
previous steps. A confirmation dialog will open…
o Select Yes in the Continue with Import dialog (Figure 6.15) to perform the
import. Or…
o Select No to return to Step 6 of 6 of the Import Network Wizard. From there,
you can go <Back to a previous step to revise one or more entries or Cancel
the process and exit the Wizard.
• Review the imported network carefully. The Importer is good but not perfect.
Areas for careful review include:
o Any rule, constraint, or condition that is a function of a time series (model,
state, or external variable)—the links may look okay, but it wouldn’t hurt to
reset them.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network
Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The new name will now appear as a label in the map display.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network
make up the reservoir, their connectivity, and most of the data that describes them. The
second file is the network.dss file which stores all of the tabular data that describes the
physical data of the reservoirs and any rating curves for the junctions.
Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Since ResSim knows when changes have been made to the open network, if you try
to close ResSim or change modules, ResSim
will ask you to save with the query dialog
shown in Figure 6.21.
Click Yes to save the network and
proceed with activity that you Figure 6.21 Save Network Query
Click No to discard your changes and proceed with the activity.
Click Cancel to abort the activity and return to the Reservoir Network module.
Your changes will not be saved to disk nor will they be discarded.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network
deleted, leaving behind seven files that still have the original name of the
network cluttering-up your watershed.
Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
After the network has been updated from the revised configuration, you should see
the revisions reflected model schematic in the Map Display area.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network
Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Junction Editor (after selecting a junction in the list and selecting Edit from the Edit
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network
Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network
they remove water and that node appears as an outflow node in the
diversion element. That’s bad enough but this oddity also shows up
in the upstream and downstream element ids. The inflow node that
represents the flow going to the diversion has the diversion element
id as the upstream element; and that same node, listed as an
outflow node at the diversion, has the ID number of the junction
element it is taking water from as the downstream element.
b. Reservoir sub-elements that represent a group of outlets (dam,
outlet group, or diverted outlets) act like a passthrough element for
the elements they contain; thus, the inflow nodes listed in the dam
are also inflow nodes to the outlets they contain, even if those
outlets are contained in an outlet group. In addition, each group-
type element contains a junction sub-element that collects the
outflow nodes of the outlets into a single outflow that then appears
as the outflow node of the (internal) junction and of the group.
To generate a Network Connectivity report for all elements in the active network:
• from the Reports menu, select Advanced → Network Connectivity → All
Elements (Figure 6.31)
Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• First, select elements you want in the report by holding down the Shift key
and clicking on the desired elements in the Map Display area (holding the
Shift key allows you to select multiple schematic elements as indicated in the
map shown in Figure 6.32).
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 6 - Developing a Reservoir Network
The Edit menu provides two options: Clean Network and Delete Node. These
options can potentially damage a working network and should only be used when
recommended by a ResSim technical expert.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
Chapter 7
Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
Once you have created a reservoir network and established its connectivity (as described
in Chapter 6), you will need to specify the properties of the elements in the network. To
do so, you will use ResSim’s specialized network element editors. This chapter explains
the Junction, Reach, and Diversions Editors and how to enter and edit data for these
network elements. Chapters 8-12 describe the Reservoir Editor and how to edit the
physical and operational data for your reservoirs.
As explained in Chapter 6, the Reservoir Network module of ResSim is effectively the
editor of a reservoir network. As such, the Reservoir Network module is where you will
create your reservoir network and definite the data for its elements. However, when you
begin to compute your alternatives in the Simulation module, you will learn that the
same editors you used to define the elements of you network are accessible there as
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The box in the middle of the navigation buttons displays the index of
the current element and the total number of elements of that type in the
currently open dataset (in this case, the network).
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
Tab Panels—The Tabs provide access to various parameters for defining the current
Observed Data tab—The Observed Data tab (Figure 7.3) contains a table
listing the computed parameters for the element. If you may want
to associate an observed time series with one or more of the listed
variables, place a checkmark in the checkbox to the right of the
Variable(s) of interest by clicking anywhere in the checkbox’s cell. For
each Location and Variable that has a checkmark in the Observed
box in the table, a corresponding entry will appear in the table on
Observed Data tab of the Alternative Editor. See Chapter 14 for
details on associating observed time series data in the Alternative
Editor with the selected locations and variables from the element
OK, Cancel, and Apply Buttons—Use these buttons to save or discard your changes
and close the Editor:
OK—will save your changes and close the Editor.
Cancel—will discard your changes and close the Editor.
Apply—will save your changes without closing the Editor. You should use the
Apply button before changing tabs or navigating to another element
in the Editor. Even if you Cancel after an Apply, your changes up to
the last Apply action are saved.
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
There is limit on length of the local flow name, NOTE: Local flows
but it should be unique within the first 24-32 cannot have the same
characters. And, since this name will be used in name as a junction (or
the B Part of a DSS pathname, do not use the any other network
following characters: \ ‘ / ` “ and |. element).
When you identify one or more local inflows on the Local Flow
tab of a junction, then a visual clue will appear in your model
schematic in the map display. This visual clue appears as a
white circle or halo around the junction, as illustrated in
Figure 7.6. The white halo makes it easy to tell at a glance Figure 7.6 Junction
where inflows are coming into your reservoir network. with Local Inflow
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
The Reach Editor has three tabs with which to define your reach data:
• Routing,
• Losses, and
• Observed Data.
These tabs and their options are described in the following sections.
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
NOTE: If the flow entering a reach is negative, only the Null and Coefficient
Routing methods will “route” that negative flow to the outflow of the reach. All
other routing methods will not route negative flow and will instead produce a
zero outflow. This “zero-ing out” of the negative inflow has the net effect of
“creating water” and could be considered a violation of the conservation of
mass of the system.
𝑂𝑡 = ∑ 𝐶𝑖 ∗ 𝐼𝑡−(𝑖−1)
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
O = Outflow
I = Inflow
C = Coefficient
t = the current timestep
n = the number of rows in the table.
Each coefficient equates to the fraction of the flow entering the reach that will
reach the downstream end at the end of each timestep in the table. The values
in the table must sum up to 1. The coefficients represent the fraction of the flow
entering the reach in the current timestep that will exit the reach in the current
and subsequent timesteps.
If you enter a coefficient of 1.0 in the first row of the Coefficient Routing
table and leave the rest of the table blank, you have defined a Null or
instantaneous routing reach — all the flow entering the reach will exit
the reach in the same timestep.
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
O = Outflow
I = Inflow
t = the current timestep
∆t = the length of the timestep
K = Muskingum K
X = Muskingum X
Muskingum K—The travel time for the reach, in hours; i.e., how long it takes for a
drop of water that enters the reach to exit the reach.
Muskingum X—The Muskingum weighting factor or attenuation coefficient, a
value from 0.0 to 0.5. X= 0.0 indicates maximum attenuation of the
hydrograph through the routing reach. X=0.5 indicates no attenuation; a
“direct translation” of the hydrograph through the reach.
Number of Subreaches—The travel time through any reach should be at least as
long as the timestep. If the travel time is greater than the timestep, the
number of subreaches should approximately equal K/∆t. If the travel
time of a reach is less than half the length of the timestep, consider using
Null routing.
A Rule of Thumb…
The Number of Subreaches should equal K/∆t (rounded to a
whole number), where:
K is the travel time and
∆t is the length of the timestep (in hours).
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
The cross section illustration in the edit panel for the Muskingum-Cunge
8pt Channel routing method shows the numbering of the eight cross
section points and how they relate to the partitioning of the cross section
into a Left Overbank, Channel, and Right Overbank. This illustration
indicates that points 3 and 6 are the bank stations of the cross section,
these points the mark the boundary between the channel and the
Be sure that when you enter your cross section into the Cross Section
Table that its bank stations are at points 3 and 6.
The parameters for defining the Muskingum-Cunge 8-pt Channel routing method
Channel Length—The length of the routing reach, measured along the channel
centerline. This value is not computed by ResSim based on the stream
Channel Slope—The average bed slope of the routing reach, y/x.
Eight Station and Elevation pairs—The horizontal and vertical position
(respectively) of each point used to describe the representative cross
section for the reach.
Manning’s n Values—The roughness coefficients for the Left Overbank, Main
Channel, and Right Overbank are used in the normal depth calculations
of the cross section.
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
A Rule of Thumb…
Use fewer subintervals for constant or gradually varying flow.
Use more subintervals for rapidly varying flow.
The Muskingum-Cunge Prismatic Channel method (Figure 7.15) is the same basic
method as the Muskingum-Cunge 8-pt Channel method but it uses one of two
shapes to describe the representative cross section—a trapezoid or a circle. Use
this method for reaches that have no overbanks and whose channel cross section
can be approximated by a trapezoidal shape or for routing through pipes or
The parameters for defining the
Muskingum-Cunge Prismatic
Channel method include:
Channel Length—The length of the
routing reach, measured
along the channel
Channel Slope—The average bed
slope of the routing reach,
y/x (“rise over run”).
Manning’s n—The roughness
coefficient to be used in
the normal depth Figure 7.15 Muskingum-Cunge Prismatic
calculations of the cross Channel Routing
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Reach losses are computed after the flow is routed through the reach; therefore, the
final outflow from the reach is the routed flow minus the losses.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Constant
• Monthly Varying
• Seasonal
• Function of Flow
• Function of Pool
• Time Series
• Flexible Diversion
Select the diversion
method from the
Method list. The edit
panel below the Method
selector will fill with the Figure 7.23 Diversion Editor—Diversion Tab
appropriate fields to
enable you to specify the parameters for the diversion method you have
selected. The default method is Constant. The diversion methods are
described in the following sections.
Computed during UnReg—Activate the Computed during UnReg checkbox if you
want the diversion to be reflected in the unregulated flow computations. If
checked, the diversion will operate during the unregulated flow calculations;
if unchecked, the unregulated flow will reflect flow conditions without the
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
The edit panel for the Time-Series method has no data entry fields; instead you
will be required to identify a time-series for this diversion when you setup your
alternatives; an entry for this diversion
You can also use the Time-Series
will appear in the Time-Series mapping diversion method when you want
table when you create an Alternative to change the diversion demand
(Chapter 13). The time-series you per alternative without having to
provide must be in standard units of change the network.
flow (cfs or cms).
The data required to specify a “flexible diversion rule” depends on how you
define the function. The common options for defining the rule are described
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
Multiplier label in the diversion edit panel when the default set of
multipliers is modified.
Time Interval—A selector for Time Interval is available in the Hour of Day
Multiplier dialog. This selector defaults to 1 hour, but options
for intervals of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and12 hours are available; if you pick
another interval, the Hour of Day Multiplier table will change to
reflect your interval selection. For example, if you chose 12
hours, the Multiplier table would have only two rows, 0000-1200
and 1200-2400. If you placed 0.0 in the first row and 1.0 in the
second, your diversion would divert flow only between noon and
Day of Week Multiplier—The purpose of the Day of Week Multiplier is to turn
the diversion on or off on specific days of the week, but it can also be
used to vary the diversion demand throughout the week.
Select the Day of Week Multiplier Edit button to specify a set of daily
multipliers to be applied to the diversion demand. The Day of Week
Multiplier dialog will appear (Figure
7.33). This dialog contains a table
where you can specify a multiplier
for each day of the week. The
default value is 1.0.
So, if you have a diversion that
diverts only on weekdays, you can
set the multiplier for Saturday and
Sunday to 0.0 and leave all other
days set to 1.0.
Click OK to close the Day of Week Figure 7.33 Day of Week Multiplier
Multiplier dialog. If the table
contains any non-default values, a checkmark will appear in the Day of
Week Multiplier check box in the diversion edit panel
Seasonal Variation—The Seasonal Variation option allows you to add Date (or
Season) as a second independent variable
to your Function of relationship, but it is
only active when your first independent
variable is Model Variable, External
Variable, or State Variable (i.e., a time-
So, if your diversion demand varies as a
function of a time-series variable and
seasonally, select the Seasonal Variation
Edit button to specify the seasons. The
Seasonal Variation dialog (Figure 7.34) will Figure 7.34 Seasonal Variation
appear. This dialog contains a seasonal
table in which you can enter dates that represent the start of each
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
You can use the Flexible Function of Date diversion method to represent a
Constant (Section, Monthly Varying (Section and Seasonal
(Section diversion methods by selecting Step for the Interpolation
method. However, by using Linear interpolation and/or Hour of Day and Day
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Find and highlight the appropriate model variable time-series for your
function in the table, then click the
Note: double-clicking on the
Select button (Figure 7.37). Your
variable you want will NOT
selection will appear in the perform the selection; you
Selected Model Time-Series field at must use the Select button.
the bottom.
• Next, specify the Time Series Options to indicate which value to use from
the selected time series at each timestep of the simulation.
• Click OK when you have selected the Model Variable and Time Series
Options for your function. The Flexible Diversion Rule edit panel will now
contain a table for you to enter the relationship between the specified
External Variable and the diversion demand.
Be sure that the model variable time-series you selected appears in the
Selected Model Time-Series field at the bottom of Independent Variable
Definition dialog before clicking the OK button in the to apply your
settings, close the dialog, and return to the Diversion Editor. The Flexible
Diversion Rule edit panel will now contain a table for you to enter the
relationship between the model variable and the diversion demand.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
The Time Series Options apply to the External Variable time-series in exactly
the same way as they do for a Model Variable time-series. See Appendix C
for details on these options.
Click the OK button in the Independent Variable Definition dialog to apply
your settings, close the dialog, and return to the Diversion Editor. The
Flexible Diversion Rule edit panel will now contain a table for you to enter
the relationship between the specified External Variable and the diversion
Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 7 - Junctions, Reaches, & Diversions
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 8 - The Reservoir Editor
Chapter 8
The Reservoir Editor
The Reservoir Editor (Figure 8.1) is used to specify both the physical and operational data
for a reservoir through the use of two tabs—a Physical tab and an Operations tab.
To open the Reservoir Editor:
• Select Reservoirs… from the Edit menu (of the Reservoir Network or Simulation
module). OR
Figure 8.1 shows an annotated version of the Reservoir Editor. From top down, the
Reservoir Editor is made up of:
A Title Bar—which displays the name of the editor followed by the name of the current
reservoir network.
A Menu Bar—which has a Reservoir (File) menu and an Edit menu. The Menu Bar may
also display one or more additional menus depending on your most recent action
or selection in the editor.
A Navigation Bar—which provides features to selecting the reservoir for editing. The
Navigation Bar includes:
A Reservoir Selector that you can use to select the reservoir you want to edit
Chapter 8 - The Reservoir Editor HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
A Description textbox that displays the description you entered when you
created the reservoir. The ellipsis button at the end of the text box
will open a description edit dialog.
A set of Navigation Tools for switching between reservoirs in the Editor.
A set of Tabs including:
Physical tab—for defining the physical properties of a reservoir. The Physical Tab
divided into two parts: the Reservoir Tree is at the left and an Edit Panel
is to the right.
Operations tab—for defining the zones and rules and other features that
describe the reservoir’s operating constraints
Observed Data tab—for selecting the computed model variables that you may
want to compare to an observed or external time series when reviewing
results through ResSim’s standard reservoir plots.
A set of Save & Close Buttons including:
Ok—will save the changes made to the current reservoir and close the Editor.
Cancel—will close the Editor and discard (not save) any changes made to the
current reservoir.
Apply—will save the changes made to the current reservoir but will not close the
Editor. It is a good practice to press Apply before switching to another
tab or reservoir.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 8 - The Reservoir Editor
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
Chapter 9
The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
Once you have created a reservoir network and established its connectivity (as described
in Chapter 6), you will need to specify the properties of the elements in the network. To
do so, you will use ResSim’s specialized network element editors. The four major element
editors all share some common features; see the introductory section of Chapter 7 for a
description of these common features. Chapter 7 then goes on to describe the Junction,
Reach, and Diversions Editors and how to enter and edit data for their respective
network elements.
The data needed to define a reservoir element is divided into two types: Physical and
Operational. This chapter describes the physical components of a reservoir and how to
use the Physical tab of the Reservoir Editor (Figure 9.1) to define them. Subsequent
chapters will describe the options for defining the reservoir operating objectives and
constraints. Chapter 10 describes the basics for defining reservoir operating objectives
and constraints, and Chapter 11 describes operational rules. Chapter 12 describes the
advanced operational features such as IF_Blocks and scripts. Two or more reservoirs can
be made to operate in conjunction by defining them as a Reservoir System. Reservoir
Systems are covered in Chapter 13.
Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
somewhere else in the network, usually into the downstream river system. The release
elements include the reservoir itself, the dam, all the outlet types, outlet groups, and
diverted outlets. A property element describes some physical aspect of the reservoir,
such as the size and shape of the reservoir pool. The property components include the
pool, evaporation, seepage, leakage, tailwater elevation, and forebay head loss.
The Physical tab of the Reservoir Editor uses a “tree structure” to represent the
hierarchical relationship between the reservoir and its elements. This tree structure is
called the Reservoir Tree and is shown at the left side of the Physical Tab of the Reservoir
Editor (see Figure 8.1).
The Reservoir node is the root of the Reservoir Tree. By default, each reservoir has
two elements:
the Pool and
the Dam
which appear as nodes immediately below the Reservoir in the Reservoir Tree.
Other Elements that can be added to the Reservoir Tree include:
Controlled Outlets ,
Uncontrolled Outlets ,
Power Plants ,
Pumps ,
Outlet Groups ,
Diverted Outlets ,
Evaporation , Seepage , and Leakage losses, and
Tailwater Elevation and Forebay Head Loss specifications.
When an element is added to a node in the Reservoir Tree, the receiving node spawns a
branch in the tree (if it doesn’t already have one) and the new element becomes a node
on the branch. Almost all components of a reservoir are added to the Pool, the Dam, an
Outlet Group, or a Diverted Outlet branch of the Reservoir Tree. Element nodes cannot
be added to the reservoir node itself — with one exception — a diverted outlet. See
Section 9.5.1 for details on adding a diverted outlet to the reservoir.
But the Reservoir Tree is more than just an illustration of the reservoir hierarchy; it is the
user interface mechanism you will use to access the data for the various components of a
When you select an element (node) in the Reservoir Tree…
The Edit Panel to the right of the Reservoir Tree will display the edit pane for the
selected component. At the top of each edit pane is the fully-qualified name
of the selected element. The rest of the edit pane will contain the data entry
fields for specifying the data needed to define the selected element.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
An element menu will appear in the Menu Bar of the Reservoir Editor. For example,
when you select the Dam in the reservoir tree, a Dam menu appears in the
menu bar. Each element menu contains options pertinent to the selected
element in the Reservoir Tree.
And, when you right-click on any element in the Reservoir Tree, a context menu will
appear, giving you access to the same options that are available from the element menu
that will appear in the Menu Bar.
The order in which you add elements to the reservoir (tree) and edit their properties is
flexible. You can add all the physical elements to the reservoir then go back and define
each element’s properties, or you can define the properties of each element as you add
it, before going on to add and edit the next element. Choose the style that works best
for you. Just be sure to finish defining the physical representation of your reservoir
before going on to define its operational data (Chapter 10), as the definition of the
operational zones depends on the physical definition of the pool and the rules depend on
the description of the outlets.
Below the selected reservoir’s name, the Reservoir pane contains a non-editable table
listing the release capacity of the reservoir. The thumbnail plot to the right of the
Composite Release Capacity table displays three curves, one for each release capacity
column shown in the table. The Controlled capacity curve is blue, the Uncontrolled
capacity curve is red, and the Total capacity curve is green.
Only one editable field is available on the Reservoir pane—it is the Label Position selector
in the bottom right corner. Use this selector to specify where you want the reservoir
Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
label will to display in the Map Display area relative to the current reservoir’s label
handle. Refer to Section 5.2.2 to learn how to identify the Reservoir’s label handle.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
The following are requirements when specifying the Elevation, Storage, and Area data:
• A minimum of two rows (values) must be entered.
• Values in each column must increase down the columns (i.e., lowest elevation in
the top row, highest elevation in the bottom row).
• No duplicate values.
To enter data into the table, either copy-and-paste it from a spreadsheet or type it in
manually. The two thumbnail plots to the right of the storage table illustrate the
elevation-storage curve and the elevation-area curve represented by the data you
provided in the table. You can open a full-size plot from any thumbnail plot by double-
clicking on it.
NOTE: Elevation and Storage data are required for definition of the reservoir
pool. Surface area data is optional unless you are defining storage using
conic interpolation or you added evaporation losses to the pool.
Pool Menu in Menu Bar Pool Context Menu from Reservoir Tree
Figure 9.5 Pool Menu Option
Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Select Add Pool Evaporation from the Pool’s context menu (Figure 9.5).
• An Evaporation node will appear in the Reservoir Tree as the active node and
the Edit Panel will display the Evaporation edit pane as shown in Figure 9.6. Seepage
Seepage is loss of water from the reservoir pool to the ground. It is entered and
reported as a rate in units of flow (cfs or cms). ResSim gives you two ways to
specify Seepage—as a constant rate or as a function of pool elevation.
To add Seepage to the reservoir pool:
• Right-click on the Pool in the Reservoir Tree.
• Select Add Pool Seepage from the Pool’s context menu in the Reservoir Tree
(Figure 9.5).
• A Seepage node will appear in the Reservoir Tree as the active node and the
Edit Panel will display the Seepage edit pane as shown in Figure 9.7.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
If you do not want ResSim to compute dam overflow or if you want to specify the
overflow capacity using a separate outlet, enter zero for the length of the dam.
The computed overflow from the dam will be combined with leakage and will be
appear in the output as “Dam L&O”.
Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
When you select the Dam node in the Reservoir Tree, the Edit Panel displays the Dam
pane (Figure 9.8)
Below the name of the Dam, the Dam pane contains a non-editable table displaying the
Composite Release Capacity of the dam. The thumbnail plot to the right of the Composite
Release Capacity table displays three curves, one for each release capacity column shown
in the table. The Controlled capacity curve is blue, the Uncontrolled capacity curve is red,
and the Total capacity curve is green. Be aware that the uncontrolled capacity in the
table does not include the overflow capacity of the dam itself.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Each menu shown in Figure 9.9 provides the same list of options for adding and
renaming dam elements. For simplicity, we’ll focus on use of the context (right-click)
Reservoir Editor—Dam Menu Reservoir Tree: Dam Context Menu
Pulse Flow Options is a Dam menu option that is not discussed in this
chapter. It is an advanced option needed for effective downstream control
operation and is described in Chapter 11, Section 11.3.5.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
• Click OK to close the dialog. The new name will appear in the reservoir tree.
Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
9.4.5 Leakage
Like Evaporation and Seepage, Leakage is a loss of water from the reservoir pool.
Leakage, although referred to as a “loss,” is not a true loss of flow to the system. In
fact, leakage effectively passes through the dam into the downstream system at the
downstream (or tailwater) junction.
In ResSim, Leakage is considered a property of the dam and can only be added to the
dam—not to an outlet or outlet group. Also like Evaporation and Seepage, you can
only add one Leakage node to the dam, so there is no need, nor option, to rename it.
To add Leakage to a dam:
• Right-click on the Dam in the Reservoir Tree.
• Select Add Leakage from the dam’s context menu.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
• Leakage will appear as a node of the reservoir tree, immediately below the dam.
It will be the active node and the Edit Panel will display the Leakage pane (Figure
The Leakage pane allows you to define Leakage as a function of pool Elevation. To
enter data into the Elevation vs Leakage table, either copy & paste it from a
spreadsheet application or type in the data manually. Values of elevation must be
entered in increasing order. The thumbnail plot to the right of the table will reflect
the values entered in the table.
When you select the Group node in the Reservoir Tree, the Edit Panel displays the
Group. Like the Reservoir and Dam panes, the Group pane contains the name of the
Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Outlet Group and a non-editable Composite Release Capacity table (Figure 9.16)
which reflects the total capacity of the outlets contained in the group.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
A rating curve usually relates STAGE at a gage to FLOW. And the measured quantity
is usually STAGE, which would make STAGE the independent variable. But to ResSim
FLOW is the known variable and it wants to lookup STAGE, so STAGE is seen as the
dependent variable. So, be careful when entering the rating table to be sure FLOW is
the first column of data and STAGE is the second.
Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
In addition, each rating curve has an option for a Stage Datum to be provided. The
Stage Datum (or gage zero) is the elevation of a STAGE of 0.0 at the gage. Each time
ResSim looks up stage from a rating curve, it also computes elevation using the Stage
Datum. If you do not provide a value for the Stage Datum, ResSim will use a default
value of 0.0.
Figure 9.21 Forebay Headloss Node and Forebay Head Loss Edit Pane
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
• A Diverted Outlet is always created with a Controlled Outlet in it. If you want to
replace the default outlet with some other type of outlet, add the new outlet first
before deleting the default outlet.
• If the diversion (arrow) of the Diverted Outlet is connected at its downstream end to
a Junction in the network schematic, a Routing node will be included in the Diverted
Outlet group. See Section 7.2.1 for information about the available routing methods.
When you select the Diverted Outlet node in the Reservoir Tree, the Edit Panel
displays the Diverted Outlet pane (Figure 9.23). Like the Group pane, the Diverted
Outlet pane contains the name of the Diverted Outlet and a non-editable Composite
Release Capacity table which reflects the total capacity of the outlets contained in
the Diverted Outlet group.
Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
When you are done entering Controlled Outlet data, be sure to click Apply before moving
on to edit the next component.
Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
9.7.3 Efficiency
Efficiency represents a percentage of the total potential energy the power plant
(generator efficiency & turbine efficiency) could theoretically generate. Typical plant
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
efficiency ranges between 80% and 90%. In actual operation, however, the turbine-
generator efficiency varies throughout its range of operation.
Like generating capacity, efficiency may vary as a function of a pool elevation, release
or head. These are options are labeled Efficiency Methods (Figure 9.31).
On the Efficiency tab of the Power Plant edit pane, select an Efficiency Method. The
options include:
Constant (Figure 9.32)—If the efficiency of your power plant does not vary
significantly, select Constant as the method for specifying the efficiency
of your power plant. Enter a constant value for the overall, generator
plus turbine, plant efficiency. Efficiency is specified as a percentage.
Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
9.8 Pumps
A Pump (or pump station) is effectively a negative outlet—instead of taking water from
the pool and discharging it to the downstream system, it takes water from the
downstream system—specifically from another reservoir—and discharges it into the
pool. Although the downstream reservoir may not be immediately downstream, a pump
outlet creates a virtual pipe between the reservoir that contains the pump and the
downstream reservoir. You cannot use a pump to move water from a river into the
reservoir. Figure 9.38 shows a pump outlet in the Reservoir Editor Physical tab.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs
Chapter 9 - The Physical Properties of Reservoirs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Whether you use the weir equation or the Elevation vs Outflow table, you must specify
an Outlet Elevation. The Outlet Elevation serves as a trigger to determine when this
outlet starts “flowing.”
Outlet Elevation—The minimum elevation at which the outlet will begin to release
water. This elevation is usually the “sill” or bottom of the outlet opening.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics
Chapter 10
Reservoir Operations — The Basics
Reservoir operation is the act or process of storing water in and releasing water from a
reservoir. The operations for most reservoirs regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers are based on a concept called Guide Curve Operation.
Guide Curve Operation is the process of determining and making releases from a
reservoir in order to get to and maintain the reservoir pool at its target elevation. Thus,
the guide curve is the target or desired pool elevation for the reservoir.
Reservoir operating zones are another concept related to the guide curve. An operating
zone is a horizontal slice of the reservoir pool for which the goals and constraints differ
from those in another zone of the reservoir.
The operating plan for most reservoirs is described in a reservoir regulation or water
control manual. The water control manual for most Corps of Engineers reservoirs
describes a seasonally-varying target pool elevation commonly called the Guide Curve.
The (available) storage of the reservoir above this target elevation is referred to as the
Flood Control pool and the storage below the guide curve is called the Conservation pool.
The guidelines for determining the release from the reservoir are then based on where
the current pool elevation is in relation to the guide curve. With guide curve operation as
the fundamental objective of the reservoir operation, all other goals and objectives
described in the regulation plan or water control manual can be interpreted as limits on
guide curve operation.
Since ResSim was designed for modeling Corps reservoirs, the foundation of the ResSim
decision logic is basic Guide Curve Operation. This means that, to ResSim, the primary
reservoir operating objective is to maintain the pool at, or return the pool to, the guide
curve elevation as soon as possible. So, if the pool is below the guide curve, guide curve
operation would reduce or suspend releases in order to refill the pool; if the pool is
above the guide curve, then releases would be increased up to maximum capacity in
order to draw the pool back down to the guide curve elevation.
Operational rules that reflect the goals and constraints on the reservoir operation act as
limits on the guide curve operation. A well-designed set of rules will temper the
potentially volatile release behavior of the guide curve operation and produce smooth
transitions across reservoir operating zones without abrupt or oscillating changes in the
In a manner similar to the methods a regulator may use, each reservoir in your ResSim
network must determine how much water to release at each timestep of a simulation
run. In ResSim, reservoir operation is the timestep by timestep simulation of the release
decision-making process over a time window.
This chapter will describe the Operations Tab of the Reservoir Editor and guide you
through the process of creating and managing your reservoirs’ operating plans
(Operation Sets), defining the operating zones in each plan, and specifying the allocation
Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
of the release to your outlets. Creating and managing the operating rules that you will
add to the zones in your operation sets will be covered in Chapter 11. Chapter 12 covers
creating and managing IF-Blocks, State Variables, and Scripted Rules (Sections 12.1, 12.2,
and 12.3, respectively), as well as some advanced operation features that can be applied
to the operation set (Sections 12.5-12.8).
When the Operations tab is selected, four menus unique to the Operations tab will be
added to the Menu Bar at the top of the Reservoir Editor:
• Operations
• Zone
• Rule
• IF_Block.
These menus provide options for creating and deleting operation sets, zones, rules, and
IF_Blocks respectively.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics
At the top of the Reservoir Editor, the Reservoir selector contains a list of all of the
reservoirs in your network, with the name of the current reservoir displayed. You can
access all of the reservoirs in your network either from this list or by using the arrows to
navigate through the available reservoirs. Beside the Reservoir name list is the
Description of the current reservoir; this field is editable. Use the description field to keep
notes on decisions you made while developing the data for the reservoir, your plans,
intentions, references, etc. You can enter a longer description by using the button to
access the full text editor for the description.
At the top of the Operations tab, the Operation Set selector contains a list of all the
operation sets you have defined for the current reservoir. Use the Operation Set selector
to select the operation set you wish to edit. The rest of the Operations tab will fill with
the data for the selected operation set.
Beside the Operation Set selector is the Description text box. Enter information in the
Description field to describe the significant features of the operation set and how this
operation set differs from others you may have created for this reservoir. You can enter
and view longer descriptions by using the button to access a larger text editor for the
NOTE: In the Reservoir Network module of ResSim, the Operation Set selector
defaults to the first operation set in the list when the editor is first opened or when
you change to a new reservoir, so be sure the operation set you wish to edit is
displayed in this selector before making changes.
Below the Operations Set selector and the Description, the Operations tab contains a set
of sub-tabs that provide the editors for specifying various features of your operation set.
The first two tabs are active by default because they contain the features that must be
defined for every operation set. The remaining tabs are inactive by default because they
are for optional features of your operation set. The options to active the inactive tabs
are available in the Operations menu of the Reservoir Editor.
The first sub-tab is the Zone-Rules tab. As the name implies, this is where you will create
and edit the zones and rules for your operation set. This tab has two parts, the Zone-
Rules Tree and its associated Edit Panel.
The Zone-Rules Tree displays the zones you have defined for the current operation set.
With each new operation set, ResSim creates a default set of zones that includes Flood
Control, Conservation, and Inactive. Beneath each zone in the tree is a prioritized list of
the rules that apply to that zone. As you add zones and rules to the reservoir, the tree
will expand to show them.
Like the Physical tab, the Edit Panel of the Zone-Rules sub-tab of the Operations tab,
changes depending upon the element you select in the Zone-Rules Tree. If you select a
zone, the zone editor will appear in the Edit Panel. If you select a rule, the specialized
rule editor for that rule type will be displayed. A thumbnail plot on the right side of the
Edit Panel reflects the data you enter in the table of the current editor. The thumbnail
plot can be viewed in full size when you double-click on it.
Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The Rel. Alloc. sub-tab contains the editor for specifying the Release Allocation scheme
for the current operation set. The release allocation scheme describes the method the
reservoir will use to distribute the release from the reservoir across the available outlets.
An operation set that has the zones defined but no rules will cause
ResSim to follow the Basic Guide Curve Operation. For testing
purposes, every reservoir should have an operation set of this type. It
is the easiest way to verify that your physical data, your operational
zones, and your guide curve have been properly defined.
Release Allocation is the specification of how the release from the reservoir is divvied
up across the reservoir’s outlets.
A variety of advanced features can be added to the operation set to further describe the
regulation plan for the reservoir. These features are defined using the various sub-tabs
of the Operations tab. See Chapter 12 for information on modeling Outages (Section
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics
12.5), Storage Credit (Stor. Credit sub-tab, Section 12.6), Decision Schedule (Dec. Sched.
sub-tab, Section 12.7), and Projected Elevation (Projected Elev sub-tab, Section 12.8).
This section describes how to create and edit an operation set. The next section (Section
10.3) describes how to configure the zones within your operation set.
Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Click OK to complete the rename process and to close the dialog. A confirmation
dialog will appear asking if you really want to rename the selected operation set.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics
Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics
• Select the type of function (and its variables) you want to use to define the top-
of-zone curve. Your options include:
Date: By default, the function type for a zone defintion is set to Date. When a
zone is defined as a Function of: Date, the data in the function table is
expected to represent the top-of-zone elevation for a single year, which
will be repeated as needed for a simulation.
If function-of-date is appropriate for your zone, specify the top-of-zone
curve by entering the Date and Elevation values for each inflection point
Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
of your curve into the function table. You can either copy and paste data
from a spreadsheet application or type in the values manually. The data
you enter in the table will be displayed as the red curve in the thumbnail
plot to the right of the table.
Be careful when copying “Date” data from a spreadsheet. Most
spreadsheet applications use their own specialized numeric format
for dates. Only ‘text’ and dates in DDMMM format can be pasted
into a date cell in ResSim.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics
Two Variable (Figure 10.11): This is a new option for a zone definition. It allows
you to define the top of zone Elevation as a function of two independent
variables. The expected use of this option is to define the guide curve as
a function of both Date and an External Variable that represents the
forecasted inflow volume expected over the remainder of the season.
The first independent variable, the Row Variable, can be one of:
o Date,
o Date and Time,
o Model Variable,
o External Variable, or
o State Variable.
The second independent variable, the Column Variable, can be one of:
o Model Variable,
o External Variable, or
o State Variable.
Don’t forget to set the Interpolation type and Time Series Options for
each variable (as needed). The values for the second independent
variable must be defined for your function; use the Edit Column Values
button open the editor to enter the values for the second variable.
Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• When you have finished defining the top of zone curve for the current zone, be
sure to:
o Specify the zone’s Zone Sort Elevation value; this value tells ResSim the sort
order of the zones in the Zone-Rules tree and their relative elevation so they
can be illustrated in the thumbnail plot.. If your zone is a function of Date (or
Date and Time), the Zone Sort Elevation field is greyed-out and ResSim uses
the elevation for 01Jan as the Zone Sort Elevation.
o Click Apply to save your settings before moving on to the next zone.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics
Renaming the Inactive zone does not change its nature. The inactive zone is
still a special zone from which the reservoir cannot release water and in which
no rules can be added.
Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
To select a different zone to represent the Inactive Pool for your reservoir operation set:
• Right-click on the zone in the Zone-Rules Tree to be used as the Inactive Pool and
select Set Inactive Pool from the Zone’s context menu.
However, this default allocation scheme may not be desirable or appropriate for one or
more of your reservoirs. For example, in many hydropower reservoirs, all releases are
directed to the power plant first (to achieve incidental power generation); other outlets
would be used only when the power plant has reached capacity (or when the desired
release is too small to send through the power plant efficiently). For this example, a
sequential or prioritized scheme for allocating the release should be used.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics
To edit the reservoir’s Release Allocation scheme for the active Operation Set:
• Select the Release Allocation sub-tab (Figure 10.14) of the Reservoir Editor’s
Operations tab to access the Release Allocation editor.
• In the outlet tree at the left, select the group for which you want to define the
allocation scheme. The group may be the reservoir itself, the dam, or an outlet
group that you defined in the reservoir’s outlet hierarchy on the Physical tab of the
Reservoir Editor. The release allocation is defined at all but the lowest level of the
outlet hierarchy.
• Next, select the Allocation Type and specify the associated weights or order for the
outlets or outlet groups within the selected group. Your options are:
Balanced—Each outlet in the outlet group is assigned a Weight for the Balanced
allocation method. The weights, entered in the table to the right of the
outlet hierarchy tree, will be used to distribute the outlet group’s release
between its outlets. ResSim will normalize the values entered in the table to
produce a set factors that are then applied to the group’s total release to
produce the release for each outlet within the group.
In the example illustrated in Figures 10.13 and 10.15, the Allocation Type for
both Hurst (the reservoir) and Hurst-Dam is Balanced. The weights specified
in the table for Hurst (the reservoir) define an even balance (i.e., a 1:1 ratio)
between the Dam (1.0) and the Emergency Spillway diverted outlet (1.0).
The weights specified in the table for Hurst-Dam define an uneven balance
(or distribution) among the available outlets in the Dam; the Power Plant is
allocated 50% of the release from the Dam while the Main Gates and Sluice
Gates are allocated 30% and 20% of the Dam release, respectively.
Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Sequential—To define the Sequential allocation type, the available outlets are
assigned an order of priority, indicating which outlet gets the release first.
When the first outlet it reaches capacity, the next outlet gets the remainder
of the release until it reaches capacity, and so on.
In the example illustrated in Figure 10.16, the group called Sayers-Dam has
been assigned the Sequential Allocation Type, and the outlets within that
group have been ordered so that the Power Plant is first, then the Sluice
Gates, and the Main Gates are last.
To set up the Sequential allocation type and define the order of the outlets:
• Highlight the appropriate component (e.g., the “Dam”) in the left panel
of the editor.
• In the right panel of the editor, select Sequential from the Allocation
Type selector. Below the Allocation Type selector, a text box will display
the list of outlets in the selected outlet group.
• Select an outlet in the list and use the arrows located on the right side of
the textbox to move the outlet up or down in the list. The outlet at the
top of the list will be the first to release (up to its capacity), then the next
outlet in the list will release (if needed, up to its capacity), and so forth.
Stepped—The Stepped allocation type is a combination of the Balanced and
Sequential allocation types. Stepped allocation allows for distribution of a
reservoir release among the outlets of the outlet group with the portion of
the release allocated to each outlet varying over a specified range of outlet
The distribution of the group’s total release across its outlets, and varying by
step, is defined using a column for each outlet and rows describing the steps
(or ranges of outlet capacity). A dropdown menu that defines units for
values entered can be selected from the Table Units selector. The Stepped
allocation method is designed to allow two or more options for the Table
Units, although only one option has been implemented for ResSim version
3.3 – % Release Capacity.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics
To define the Stepped allocation method, enter values into the table, in
decreasing order of % Release Capacity, to describe how the total release to
the group should be distributed to each outlet. Each value represents that
outlet’s share of the total release that its row in the table can accommodate.
The table always starts with a row in which a value of 100% is entered for
each outlet. This means that if the total release assigned to the group is
equal to the sum of the total capacity of each outlet, then each outlet will be
allocated 100% of its capacity to release.
Enter values in each succeeding row such that the % Release Capacity value
for at least one of the outlets is less than the value entered for that outlet in
the previous row. The sum of the flows represented by the % capacity value
for each outlet in a given row equals the total release that can be made by
the group using that row’s distribution.
If needed, additional rows can be added to the table by right-clicking in a cell
of the table and selecting Insert Row(s) or Append Row from the table’s
context menu. Insert Row(s) will add the number of (blank) rows you
specified into the table above the row of the cell from which you accessed
the context menu. Append Row will add a blank row below the last row of
the table.
It is not necessary to enter a final row where the allocation to each outlet is
0% since that will by assumed by ResSim. However, that (assumed) last row
(of all zeros) represents a total group release of 0 cfs.
At each timestep, ResSim will calculate the release that each value in the
table represents based on the current release capacity of the assoicated
outlet. It then sums these release values by row to determine the total
release that can be made by the group using that row’s distribution. Next,
ResSim determines the two successive rows that bound the total release
allocated to the group and uses linear interpolation to determine the release
each outlet will make.
Although defining the data for the Stepped allocation type is not as intuitive
as defining the other two allocation methods, the following example should
clarify how the data will be used and thus help you to determine the values
to enter to produce the desired allocation.
Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
In the Stepped release allocation example shown in Figure 10.17 , the Sayers-
Dam outlet group has been assigned the Stepped allocation type and the
table is filled with values (in units of % Release Capacity) to define how the
total release to the group should be divied up between the outlets. To
understand how these values will be used, read the entries in the table from
bottom up.
The bottom row (row 4) indicates that the total dam release, if less than or
equal to 100% of the Power Plant’s capacity, should go to the Power Plant.
The next row up (row 3) indicates that if the total dam release is less than or
equal to 100% of the Power Plant’s capacity plus 50% of the Sluice Gates’
capacity, the releases to Sayers-Dam are intended to go to the Power Plant
first and then to the Sluice Gates.
The next row up (row 2), as well as the top row (row 1), indicate that if the
total dam release is greater than the sum of the Power Plant’s capacity plus
50% of the Sluice Gate’s capacity, the excess is shared between the Sluice
Gates and the Main Gates. The distribution of that excess between the Sluice
Gates and the Main Gates appears to be 1:2, but it’s not quite that simple
because the values in the table are not % Total Release but rather % Release
Capacity. As such, the weighting of the release between the two outlets is a
function of their capacity at any given time.
The significance of the use of % of Release Capacity can be seen by looking at
at the arithmetic for the state of the system at timestep i :
• The Power Plant’s release capacity = 5,000 cfs
• The Sluice Gates’s release capacity = 5,000 cfs
• The Main Gates’s release capacity = 20,000 cfs
Using these capacities, the table of releases computed for the timestep is:
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 10 - Reservoir Operations — The Basics
If the total release to the Dam is 9000 cfs, then the release falls between
rows 2 and 3. Using linear interpolation with the data in rows 2 and 3, the
calculations for divvying up the 9000 cfs release are:
• Total Flow Ratio = 9000 – 7500/ 18750 – 7500 = 0.13333
• Power Plant = 5000 + 0.13333 x (5000 – 5000) = 5000
• Sluice Gates = 2500 + 0.13333 x (3750 – 2500) = 2666.66
• Main Gates = 0 + 0.13333 x (10000 – 0) = 1333.33
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Chapter 11
Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Operation Rules represent the operational goals and constraints for each zone of the
operation set. Each zone can contain a different set of rules depending on how the
regulation plan describes the flow limits and requirements for that operating zone.
As previously described in Section 10.3.2 and illustrated in Figure 10.8, as you create and
arrange your operating zones and rules in the current operation set, they are displayed in
the Zone-Rules Tree on the left side of the Operations tab of the Reservoir Editor. The
order of the rules in each zone indicates their relative priority.
In Chapter 10, you learned about guide curve operation and operation zones. In this
chapter, you’ll learn about the variety of Operation Rules you can create to describe the
goals and constraints on the operation of your reservoirs. But, to understand how rules
work, it is important to understand the release decision process and how it uses the rules
and their relative priority.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Identify the Current Zone—To determine the current zone, the decision logic computes
the elevation value at the end of the current timestep from each top-of-zone
curve or relationship. Then, working from the bottom up (based on the zone-
sort order), it compares the reservoir pool elevation computed at the end of the
previous timestep to each “current” top-of-zone elevation until it finds the zone
elevation value that is greater than or equal to the current pool elevation.
Identify the Active Rules—If necessary, the decision logic evaluates all relevant State
Variables, IF-Blocks, and Rule Modifiers to identify the active rules in the current
zone and assemble them in an ordered list based on priority.
Apply the Rules—The decision logic then works its way through the list of active rules
from the highest priority rule to the lowest. As each rule is evaluated, its current
release limit is applied to the allowable range. The maximum allowable release is
reduced if a rule calls for a lower maximum, and the minimum allowable release
is increased if a rule calls for a higher minimum. However, if a rule has a desired
maximum limit that is greater than the current maximum allowable release or
has a desired minimum limit lower than the current minimum allowable release,
the allowable range will remain unchanged. Since rules are evaluated from
highest to lowest priority, the allowable range can never be widened, because
the rule attempting to do so would violate the higher priority rule or physical
constraint that set the limit.
Calculate the Guide Curve Release—After evaluating all the rules, the decision logic then
determines the desired guide curve release. This is the release needed to bring
the reservoir pool elevation to the guide curve in the current timestep
(computation interval) based on the starting pool elevation, the prior release,
and the current inflow.
Determine the Release—In this final step, the decision logic compares the guide curve
release to the limits of the allowable range. If the guide curve release is within
the allowable range, the release decision will be the guide curve release.
However, if the guide curve release is outside the allowable range, the release
decision will be the limit of the allowable range nearest the guide curve release.
For example: if the desired guide curve release for this timestep (guide curve
release) is 35,987 cfs but the final maximum limit of the allowable release range
is 10,000 cfs, then the release decision will be 10,000 cfs.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
ResSim uses rule prioritization as the method for resolving rule conflicts — the highest
priority rule wins. And, it is up to you, the modeler, to order your rules appropriately for
all circumstances.
The fundamental rule for applying rules to the allowable release range is:
As each rule is applied, from highest priority to lowest, the allowable range may narrow,
by reducing the maximum limit or increasing the minimum limit, but it may not widen.
Therefore, a minimum limit rule may raise but not lower the minimum limit of the
allowable range.
For example, if the current minimum allowable release is 100 cfs, a minimum limit
rule of 500 cfs may raise the minimum allowable release to 500. This is allowed
because a release of 100 cfs is still met by a 500 cfs release so the higher priority rule
(min 100) is not violated by the lower priority rule (min 500).
But, if the next rule calls for a minimum release of 10 cfs, the allowable range would
not change. The minimum would stay at 500 cfs. This is not considered a violation of
the 10 cfs minimum rule, since a minimum release of 500 cfs still meets the minimum
10cfs objective
And, a maximum limit rule may lower the maximum limit of the allowable range but
not raise it.
For example, if the current maximum allowable release is 9000 cfs, a maximum limit
rule of 5000 cfs may lower maximum allowable release to 5000. Remember a
maximum limit of 9000 allows for the release to be any value less than 9000. By
reducing the maximum limit to 5000, a value less than the previous limit of 9000, the
9000 cfs limit is not violated.
These examples can be considered illustrations of the following two Rules of Thumb that
you should remember when prioritizing rules:
When two maximum-limit rules are beside one another in the rule stack, their
relative priority doesn’t matter – the smaller max wins (sets the maximum limit of
the allowable range).
When two minimum rules are beside one another in the rule stack, their relative
priority doesn’t matter – the larger min wins (sets the minimum limit of the allowable
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
When you click on a zone or rule in the tree, you have selected that element of the
operation set, and the Edit Panel to the right of the tree displays the corresponding zone
or rule editor.
The Rule Editors that display in the Edit Panel have a few common attributes which are
located at the top of each editor:
Operates Release From: this field identifies the release element that was chosen when
the rule was created. The release element that the rule applies to cannot be
changed once a rule has been created.
Rule Name: this field displays the name you entered when you created or renamed the
rule. Rule names should be short but reasonably descriptive of the type,
purpose, and/or objective of the rule.
Description: this field is editable and does not have a length limit. Be sure to enter a
description for each rule you create. Your description should include the purpose
of the rule, what operating constraint it represents, and any other important
characteristics. To open a larger description editor/viewer, click the ellipsis
button .
When you right-click on a zone or rule in the tree, its context menu will display (Figure
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
A zone’s context menu provides functions for adding or removing rules from the selected
zone. A rule’s context menu includes functions for renaming that rule, managing that rule
within the current zone, and adding or removing the rule from all zones in the current
operation set. Most of these rule management functions can also be found in the Zone
and Rule menus that are included in the menu bar of the Reservoir Editor when the
Operations tab and its Zone-Rules sub-tab are active. Because of this duplication
between the context menus and the Zone and Rule menus (illustrated in Figure 11.3) and
to minimize repetitive descriptions, the following sections will provide instructions
primarily using the context menu. Use the menu you are most comfortable with (the
menu in the menu bar or the context menu from the tree nodes).
Figure 11.3 Rule Management Functions in Zone and Rule Menus in Menu Bar
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Downstream Control
Tandem Operation
Release Function
Elevation Rate of
Pump Schedule
Flow Rate of
Release Element/
Rule Type
Reservoir ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Dam or Group ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Controlled Outlet ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Power Plant ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Pump ✓
Rules cannot be applied to an uncontrolled outlet
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
editor contain the name of the rule and its description. The description of the
rule can be added or changed whenever the rule editor is displayed in the edit
• Select the rule you want to add from the white rows in the table. The grey rows
in the table are rules that are already being used in the current zone.
• Click OK to add the rule and close the Select Existing Rule dialog. (Cancel will
close the dialog without adding a rule to the zone.)
• The selected rule will appear at the bottom of the list of rules in the selected
zone. See Section 11.1.3 for instructions on prioritizing rules.
To add a rule to all zones in the current operation set:
• Follow the instructions above but place a checkmark in the Add Rule to All Zones
checkbox before clicking OK in the Select Existing Rule dialog.
If you have a rule in one zone that you want to add to all zones in the current
operation set:
• Right-click on the rule and select Add Rule to All Zones from the rule’s context
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Some rules are designed to work best when applied at the top or bottom of the rule
stack, so pay special attention when prioritization of a rule is discussed in that rule’s
description later in this chapter. For example, Induced Surcharge rules should be
placed at the top of the rule stack and Tandem rules should be at the bottom.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
• As the title bar implies, the Delete Rules dialog will allow you to select one or
more rules to delete. Clicking on a row in the table will select a rule. To select
multiple rules, use the Shift or Ctrl keys on your keyboard when you click a row.
• Click OK to accept your selection(s) and close the Delete Rules dialog.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Right-click on the rule in the Zone-Rules Tree and select Rename from the
context menu. The
Rename Rule dialog
will open.
• Enter a new name in
the Name field.
• If desired, add or
revise the description
for the rule in the
Description field. Figure 11.8 Rename Rule Dialog
• Click OK to complete
the rename process. Cancel will dispose of your changes and close the dialog.
Use caution when renaming rules. Because rules belong to the reservoir, when
you rename a rule, all instances of the rule in all the zones and operation sets
of the current network will be renamed.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Since state variables are user-defined variables whose value is computed in each
timestep of the simulation by a Jython script written by the modeler, a Function of State
Variable Release Function rule could represent almost any operating constraint.
Here are some example release function rules that could be found in a water control
manual or reservoir regulation plan:
“The maximum release from the reservoir during the growing season is 6,500 cfs and
8,500 cfs during the non-growing season” is an example of a seasonally-varying
operating constraint. This can be represented with a function-of-date release rule.
“The reservoir must release at least 3 cfs or 10 percent of inflow up to a maximum of
100 cfs, whichever is greater” is an example of a more complex operating constraint.
Since inflow to the reservoir is one of several model variables computed by ResSim,
this constraint could be defined as a function-of-model-variable release rule.
“During spawning season, releases from the reservoir should be guided by Table 7.3,
which relates the forecasted maximum daily air temperature at the spawning grounds
to releases from the low level outlets” is a more abstract complex operating
constraint that could be modeled with a function-of-external-variable release rule.
Since ResSim cannot compute or forecast air or water temperature, a time-series
record that describes the predicted or observed values for that variable would be
required in order to determine each timestep’s the release limit based on the
function you define.
“The reservoir must release at least 4800 cfs unless system drought operations have
been declared whereby the minimum release is 4000 for drought level 1, 3800 for
drought level 2, and 3600 for drought level 3” is an example of an operating
constraint that would need a state variable and an associated release function rule to
represent it. The state variable would calculate the current drought level and the
rule would use that value to determine the rule’s desired release limit for each
To define or edit a Release Function rule:
• Create a new rule as described in Section 11.1.1. Be sure to select Release Function
for the Rule Type in the New Operating Rule dialog.
• Or, if necessary, select the Release Function rule you want to define/edit from the
Zone-Rules Tree.
The edit panel of the Operations tab of the Reservoir Editor will display the Release
Function Rule editor (Figure 11.9).
The following sections describe each field, option, or attribute of the Release Function
Rule editor and how to define the associated data.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Release is a Function of:—this field, at the top of the editor, is the independent
variable (Date, Date and Time) or variable type (Model Variable, External
Variable, or State Variable) for your function.
Variable Selection Panel—below the Release is a Function of: field is a panel for
identifying the specific variable.
If you select Date or Date and Time, no additional information is needed
to define the independent variable so the Variable Selection Panel will be
If you select Model Variable or State Variable, a table of available
variables of that type will be displayed and you must select the specific
variable for the independent variable of your function.
If you select External Variable, a single Variable Name field will be
provided. Enter a unique name for the External Variable. Make the
name descriptive enough that you will recognize it in the Alternative
Editor’s Time Series tab when it comes time to associate an HEC-DSS
pathname to this variable.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Time Series Options—If you selected Model Variable, External Variable, or State
Variable, the Time Series Option section is included on the right side of
the Variable Selection Panel. These options allow you to define how the
value of the independent variable is determined in each timestep before
being used to look up the desired release from the release function.
Function—Choose a time series function from the selection list. The
available functions include:
Previous Value—this function returns the value from the
selected variable’s time series that was computed at the
end of the previous timestep. The previous value of
several model variables, such as elevation, can be
considered the starting condition of the current
Current Value—this function returns the value from the selected
variable’s time-series for the current timestep. NOTE:
some variables, like inflow, are known for the current
timestep while others, like elevation, have been
computed yet because they are computed at the end of
the timestep, after release decisions have been made.
Offset Value—this function returns a value from the selected
time-series that is some number of hours offset from the
end of the current timestep. This function requires a
value in the Offset field.
Period Average—this function returns the average value from a
set of values retrieved from two or more timesteps of
the selected variable’s time series. This function looks
for values in both the Offset and Period fields to
determine the range of values to use to compute the
Period Maximum—this function returns the maximum value
from a set of values retrieved from two or more
timesteps of the selected variable’s time series. This
function looks for values in both the Offset and Period
fields to determine the range of values to use to
determine the maximum value.
Period Minimum—this function returns the minimum value from
a set of values retrieved from two or more timesteps of
the selected variable’s time series. This function looks
for values in both the Offset and Period fields to
determine the range of values to use to determine the
minimum value.
Offset—the offset identifies a timestep in the selected time-series
relative to the current timestep. Enter a value in hours.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
function of pool elevation but the lookup table has a column for growing season
and non-growing season, then your first independent variable is the model
variable Elevation and the second independent variable is date (or season).
To add Date as a second independent variable of your release function:
• Click the Seasonal Variation button located at the bottom of the
list of modifiers to the right of the release function table.
• The Seasonal Variation editor (Figure
11.15) will open.
Dates—Use the Seasonal Variation
editor to define the seasons
or date values to be entered
into your release function
table. The seasons or dates
that you enter here define
the columns of your function
table (Figure 11.16).
Interpolation Type—this interpolation Figure 11.15 Seasonal Variation Editor
type selection applies to the
columns of the release function table. The interpolation type on the
main edit panel applies to the rows of the table (between the values
list for the first independent variable.) Your options are: Linear,
Cubic, or Step.
• When you have finished entering the dates that represent the start of each
season, click OK. The Seasonal Variation editor will close, the Seasonal
Variation checkbox will be checked , and
the function table will have a column for each season start date you specified
(Figure 11.16).
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The data you provide should span the full range of values of the independent
variable that could be used to lookup a desired release when the rule is
evaluated in each timestep of a simulation. If, during the table lookup process,
the value provided for the independent variable is outside the range of the data
in the table, the returned release value will be from the end of the table whose
independent variable value is closest to the provided value.
In addition, the data values entered into the table for the independent variable(s)
must be monotonically increasing; this means that the value in the first (top-
most) row in the table must be less than the value in the next row, and the value
in the next row must be less than the value in the row below that, and so on,
with no duplicate values.
Manual Data Entry
You can type values directly into cells in the table. Although you can use your
mouse to move between cells in the table, the Tab key and the Enter key on your
keyboard may make the process of data entry faster.
Tab—each click of the Tab key will move your cursor from one cell to the
next cell in a row (left to right). And, when you reach the last cell of
a row, the next Tab will move the cursor to the first cell of the next
Enter—each click of the Enter key will move the cursor to the next cell down
in the current column. When you reach the last cell in a column, the
next Enter will move the cursor to the first cell of the next column (to
the right).
Neither the Tab nor the Enter keys will add rows to the table. The following
options for adding rows to the table are available from the table’s context menu:
Append Row—If you need to add a row to the bottom of the table, right-click
on any cell in the table and select Append Row from the context
menu of the table.
Insert Rows—to add multiple rows to the table, right-click on a cell in the
table above which you want to add the new rows, then select Insert
Rows. A dialog will open asking how many rows to insert. Enter the
number of rows you want to insert above the selected cell and click
Copy and Paste
If the data for your function is available in a spreadsheet application or any
program that displays the data in a table, you can use the copy and paste
functions to enter the data into the function table in ResSim.
• In the source program, select the range of data
• If available, select Copy from a menu of the editor or from the context menu
of the table – OR – press Ctrl-C on your keyboard.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
• Select the first cell where you want the data placed in the function table in
• Right-click on the cell and select Paste – OR – press CRTL-V on your
Note: When pasting a range of data into the function table, you do not need to
select an equal range of cells in the table to paste the data into; you only need to
select the first cell where you want the data placed. The paste function will
overwrite preexisting data in the table. And, if the number of rows of data you
have copied is greater than the number of rows available in the table below the
selected cell, the paste function will expand the table (append rows) to
accommodate the data.
Be careful when copying dates from a spreadsheet. Most spreadsheet
applications use their own specialized numeric format for dates. Only ‘text’
dates in the form DDMMM or DDMmm can be reliably pasted into a date cell
in ResSim.
The thumbnail plot to the right of the function table will reflect the values in the
table. This is very useful to verify the data you are entering in the table; you can
quickly see when a value entered is out of range or order with respect to the
other values. To view the plot “full-size”, double-click on the thumbnail plot. If it
seems that the plot does not reflect the data you just pasted in, click the Apply
button or double-click in a cell, re-enter in the data for that cell, then click in
another cell. This action will cause the table to notice that it contains new data
and the thumbnail plot should update accordingly.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
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Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
When you have finished entering data for your rule, be sure to click Apply before
moving on to the next rule.
An example of a completed Release Function rule is shown in Figure 11.23.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
all releases from the reservoir, including releases through a diverted outlet, that could
influence the flow or stage at the downstream control point.
To create a Downstream Control Function rule:
• Right-click on the zone in the Zone-Rules Tree to which you want to add the new
• Select Add New Rule… from the zone’s context menu. The New Operating Rule
dialog will open.
• Select the reservoir from the Operates Release From: selector. It will be the first
entry in the list.
• Select Downstream Control Function from the Rule Type selector. This selection will
cause a new field — Downstream Location — to appear in the New Operating Rule
dialog (Figure 11.24).
• Select a junction from the
Downstream Location
selector that represents
the control point of
interest. The list of
available locations will
include all the reaches
and junctions in the
current network that are Figure 11.24 Reservoir Editor—New Operating Rule—
downstream of the Downstream Control Function
current reservoir.
Reaches are included for completeness, but there are very few situations in which a
reach is the appropriate selection for a downstream control point.
Note: When you see a grey box drawn around a junction in the Map
Display area of ResSim, this is a visual cue that the junction is a control point
for a downstream control rule.
• Give the rule a name and click OK to complete the creation of the new rule and close
the New Operating Rule dialog.
As illustrated in (Figure 11.25), your new rule will appear at the bottom of the rule
stack of the current zone in the Zone-Rules tree and the Downstream Control
Function rule editor (in the edit panel) will show the name of your rule and the
Downstream Location you selected when you created the rule.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Refer to the Release Function Rule section above for descriptions of the features and
parameters that are common to both the Release Function rule and the Downstream
Control Function rule. The features and parameters that are unique to the Downstream
Control Function rule editor are described in the following sections.
11.3.1 Parameter
The Parameter is the objective variable of the rule; as such it is the dependent
variable of the downstream control rule’s function table. Your Parameter options are
Flow and Stage.
Since the downstream control logic in ResSim operates for a Flow target, if
you choose Stage as the Parameter for your downstream control function,
you must provide a rating curve that relates flow to stage at the junction you
identified as the control point so that ResSim can, in each timestep, lookup
the value of the flow limit represented by your rule’s stage limit value.
Although a Rating Function (stage as a function of two variables) can now be
specified in ResSim, if the rating function at your control point reflects a
backwater influence, the downstream operation may not be able to produce a
valid estimate of the flow limit at the control point during the rule evaluation
in each timestep. For this reason, a Simple Rating is recommended at the
control point when operating for Stage.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Two options are available for specifying the Flow Contingency factor:
Constant Contingency percentage—select this radio button if you want the
local flow to be increased by a constant percentage, then enter a
value in the textbox. For example, if you want to adjust the
cumulative local flow by 20%, enter 20 in the textbox.
Contingency percentage as a function of Cumulative local flow—select this
ratio button if you want the contingency factor to vary with the
magnitude of flow. With this option, you must enter a relationship
between the computed cumulative local flow at the control point
and the contingency factor to be applied to it in the downstream
control computations. For example, if the estimate of local flow is
more uncertain under high flow conditions than under low, base
flow conditions, you could enter a relationship where the
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
contingency factor is zero or very small for smaller flow values and
increases with larger flow values.
• Click OK to save your settings and close the Flow Contingency… editor.
If you specified a flow contingency factor or relationship, the Flow Contingency
checkbox will be checked: in the Downstream
Control Function rule editor.
NOTE — the current implementation of the Flow Contingency Factor is not
quite what has been described here. Testing has revealed that the
Contingency Factor is currently being applied to the limit of the rule rather
than to the cumulative local flow at the control point.
Look for this to be corrected in a future version of ResSim. If your model
uses this feature, the correction will cause the newer ResSim to produce
different results than the current version does.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Specify whether this rule should use the Global settings for the Advanced
Options or if it should use its own, Rule Specific, set of Advanced Options
settings. Make this choice by selecting one of the two radio buttons located at
the top of the Advanced Options editor. Your choices are:
Use Global Options—this is the default for all downstream control rules unless
you select the other option in the rules that should use a different set of
To view and/or modify the global options, click the Edit button to the
right of the Use Global Options radio button. The Global Downstream
Options editor will open (Figure 11.28). You may view or edit the global
Advanced Options settings whether or not the Use Global Options radio
button is selected for the current rule.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Use Rule Specific Options—choose this radio button if you want to specify a set
of Advanced Options setting that will apply only to the current
downstream rule. If you choose this option, the panel below the radio
buttons will become active, allowing to you modify the available options.
Whether you are editing the Global settings or the Rule Specific settings, the
available Advanced Options and their parameters are:
Correct for Attenuation—Choose one of the three radio buttons in this section of
the editor (Figure 11.29) to identify which method the downstream
control logic will use to adjust its desired release limit to account for the
effects of attenuation. Your choices include:
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Routing Time Window—for each downstream control rule, ResSim computes the
number of timesteps into the future over which a release made in the
current timestep will influence (be part of) the flow at the control point.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
The length of this time window is a function of the routing between the
reservoir and the control point. It is determined at the start of the
compute process, before the input data has even been loaded. The next
section, titled Pulse Flow Options, includes a description of how ResSim
computes the routing window and about how you can help ResSim
improve those computations.
Limit look ahead time window for downstream control—If you active this
checkbox, ResSim will replace the computed routing time window with a
value equal to the lag time multiplied by a factor (Figure 11.31). The
factor that ResSim will use is [1 + Multiplier].
Use this option if your model is using non-linear routing and the routing
time window that ResSim computed is too long, causing the downstream
control operation to appear to “not be working right”.
To activate and use this option:
• Click in the Limit look ahead time… checkbox to add (or remove) the
checkmark. When a checkmark appears in the checkbox, the option
is ON or active.
• Enter a Multiplier value.
Although Multiplier is not a great name for this parameter,
the value you enter will be added to 1.0 to produce a factor.
The lag time will be multiplied by this factor to produce a
new value (or limit) for the Routing Time Window.
Be sure to carefully consider the value you enter for the multiplier. If
you do not enter a value, the default multiplier value is 1 which
results in a factor of 2. Thus, the new routing window = 2 x lag time.
Note: Since these Advanced Options are complex, “trial and error” runs
might be needed to test their impact on downstream operations.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
algorithm for determining the routing window that will be used in the downstream
control operations logic.
In order to identify when the value of the pulse flow needs to be changed and what
value should be used, you need to understand how ResSim estimates the routing
time window.
To view the routed hydrographs of the pulse flow produced by your model:
• Open DSSVue from the Tools menu of your simulation
• Filter the DSS pathnames for a C-part of Flow-Routing-YourReservoir-1
where YourReservoir is the name of the reservoir you are interested in.
• Select the dataset generated at the outflow junction of the reservoir and the
dataset generated at the downstream-most control point. Then,
• Plot the selected datasets.
An example plot of the two suggested pulse flow hydrographs is shown in Figure
11.33. Did you notice that the pulse illustrated above is actually an inverted
pulse? Routing an inverted pulse of water is numerically more stable for the
hydrologic routing methods used by ResSim. It is also more consistent with how
reservoir operations actually work; reservoirs rarely send out pulses of water,
instead they often maintain a relatively constant release then cut back when
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
If you look carefully at the hydrograph leaving the reservoir, you’ll see that
ResSim is routing a constant flow and then cutting that flow in half for one
timestep before returning the flow to the original constant value. The inverted
pulse is the one-timestep cutback. Although it is a bit of a misnomer, the Pulse
Flow Options editor labels the constant flow value Pulse Flow. The default value
for the Pulse Flow is 5000 cfs (142 cms).
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Right-click on the Dam in the Reservoir Tree, then select Pulse Flow Options
from the context menu. The Pulse Routing Options editor will open: (Figure
• Enter a new Pulse Flow value in the Default Pulse Flow textbox.
Remember, the value you are entering as the Pulse Flow is actually the
constant flow of the pulse flow hydrograph and the magnitude of the
inverted pulse is half of that. As a rule of thumb, use a pulse flow value that
is 1.5—2 times larger than the average value of the limit that the reservoir
should usually be operating for.
• And/or uncheck the Use Default box for each reservoir for which you want to
specify a new Pulse Flow value, then enter the new Pulse Flow value in the
last column of the table.
If your model is using a linear routing method in your reaches, then there should
be no need to change the Pulse Flow value(s) from the default since the routing
window will not change as a function of flow. However, if you are using a non-
linear routing method, then determining an appropriate value for the pulse flow
can be a challenge, especially if you are operating for both a minimum and a
maximum limit at the control point. Decide which limit is the most important,
then, as a rule of thumb, set the pulse flow to 1.5—2 times the average value of
the downstream limit defined at the control point. See how that value affects
the routing window and the downstream operation. If necessary, adjust from
there. It won’t take long to zero-in on an appropriate value.
• When you have finished setting the Pulse Flow value(s), click OK to save your
setting and close the Pulse Flow Options editor.
• Be sure to click Apply in the Reservoir Editor to save your changes to the
reservoir data in the network before proceeding to another tab or reservoir.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Induced surcharge is the extra storage that occurs behind a controlled spillway when the
spillway gates are at least partially open. The adjective induced is used to indicate that
the extra storage was caused by man’s actions and not a natural occurrence. So, since
induced surcharge is caused by opening the gates, then induced surcharge storage is the
volume of water in the reservoir above the elevation of the top of the closed gates. As
the gates are opened (together), the elevation of the top of the gates rises providing
more room for water to be held behind the dam (as long as inflow exceeds outflow).
Figure 11.37 below shows both the minimum and the maximum positions of the gates on
a spillway, closed and fully open, and the maximum size of the induced surcharge pool.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Induced surcharge operation is the process of adjusting the position of the spillway gates
for the specific purpose of inducing surcharge. When the gate opening is set to limit the
spillway flow to less than free overflow, water is intentionally surcharged—or stored—
behind the gates.
To water managers (reservoir regulators), Induced Surcharge Operation is a flood risk
reduction operation that calls for larger releases (than would be made under normal
flood operations) when the current pool elevation together with a rapidly rising inflow (or
pool elevation) threaten dam stability. As such, it could be considered a “save the dam”
operation. Induced surcharge operation allows operators and regulators to manage an
extreme flood event by utilizing the additional volume above the top of the (closed)
Although induced surcharge operations are predicated on the assumption that the
reservoir has a gated spillway, this is not necessarily a requirement. The actual
requirements are (a reserved quantity of storage at the top of the usable reservoir pool
and enough release capacity to pass the peak inflow of the PMF or reservoir design
storm. For example, a reservoir may be constructed without a gated spillway but with
one or more lower level outlets have far more release capacity than would ever be
utilized under normal conditions. If a portion of storage at the top of the pool of this
reservoir is identified for use only under extreme inflow conditions, an operating plan
could be developed that, when needed, follows the induced surcharge operation
described above to utilize the reserved reservoir storage and the full release capacity of
the reservoir.
The induced surcharge operation in ResSim is a special operation whose primary
objective is to “protect the dam without making the downstream flooding worse than if
the dam were never there”. To do this, ResSim will utilize the last remaining “safe”
storage in the reservoir to store the peak of the incoming flood event while passing the
rest of the inflow through the reservoir. The assumption is that by holding back the peak
of the inflow, the downstream peak will be reduced. In addition, during the rising limb of
the inflow hydrograph, the Induced Surcharge rule will not call for releases that are
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
greater than inflow; thus, this operation won’t make the flood worse than it would have
been if the reservoir weren’t there.
The induced surcharge, or emergency gate regulation, operation described in the water
control manual for most USACE reservoirs usually specifies a release that must be made.
In general, a release that must be made can usually be interpreted as a minimum release
requirement. However, under the conditions that call for induced surcharge operation,
the release requirement is usually interpreted as a specified flow, i.e., no more and no
less. Since specified flow rules can be more heavy-handed than necessary, the Induced
Surcharge rule in ResSim was designed to produce a desired minimum release limit.
However, it was not designed to stand alone, it needs a partner.
To model induced surcharge operation in HEC-ResSim, you MUST specify TWO rules:
1) An Induced Surcharge rule placed at the top of the rule stack in each operating
zone from which the induced surcharge operation could be triggered.
Remember, the trigger is a combination of pool elevation and rapidly rising
inflow or elevation so the rule could potentially be activated even if the pool is
relatively low but inflow is high and rising fast.
2) An accompanying maximum limit rule (Release or Downstream Control Function)
placed below the Induced Surcharge rule in the rule stack of each zone that
includes the Induced Surcharge rule. This maximum limit rule should correspond
to the maximum discharge that would occur if surcharge operations were not in
effect; as such, the maximum limit rule(s) you select to partner with the induced
surcharge rule may vary per zone.
It is important to understand why the two rules listed above are necessary to model
induced surcharge operation. If you don’t understand why, you will find it difficult to
build an operation set that can smoothly transition from normal flood control operation
to induced surcharge and back again.
First, the Induced Surcharge rule is a minimum limit release rule. And, it should be placed
as the highest priority rule so that, when it determines that the dam is at risk, it can force
higher releases than normal flood control operations would allow.
The maximum limit rule is the rule (or set of rules) that describe normal flood operation.
The maximum limit rule must be placed at a lower priority so that it can prevent the
reservoir from releasing more than it should while still allowing the higher priority
Induced Surcharge rule to override the more restrictive normal flood control operation
when necessary.
When the Induced Surcharge rule becomes active, the two rules function together as a
specified limit rule. To explain this, let’s see how the two rules will affect the allowable
release range:
• For simplicity, assume the rule stack has only two rules, an Induced Surcharge rule
followed by a Maximum Release rule representing channel capacity.
• When the Induced Surcharge rule becomes active, it will produce a desired release
that is usually equal to or greater than the limit of the Maximum Release rule.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• The desired Induced Surcharge (minimum) release is then applied to the allowable
range. If the desired release is greater than the current minimum limit of the
allowable range, the minimum limit will be assigned the desired release value.
• Next, the lower-priority Maximum Release rule will be evaluated, and its value will be
applied to the allowable range.
• As the allowable range attempts to lower its maximum limit to the new value called
for by the Maximum Release rule, it will bump into the bottom (minimum limit) of
the range which has been set by the higher-priority Induced Surcharge rule. Since
the lower-priority maximum rule cannot reduce the minimum limit of the allowable
range, the maximum limit of the range will be assigned the same value as the
minimum limit, resulting in a single-valued allowable range equal to the value of the
desired Induced Surcharge release. Thus, combined, the two rules effectively
produce a specified limit.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
element is the reservoir so that it can utilize the total available release capacity of
the reservoir.
o Select Induced Surcharge for the Rule Type in the New Operating Rule dialog.
• Or, if you want to edit a rule you have already created, select the Induced Surcharge
rule from the Zone-Rules Tree.
• The edit panel of the Operations tab of the Reservoir Editor will display the Induced
Surcharge Rule Editor (Figure 11.39). The name and description of the rule will
appear in the Induced Surcharge Rule and Description fields.
• The rest of the rule editor has two potential views, one for each of the Induced
Surcharge computation methods described above. Each view as well as the
attributes that are common to both will be described in the following sections.
Figure 11.39 Induced Surcharge Rule Editor—Use Induced Surcharge Function Option
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
The lowest elevation of the envelope curve is typically the top of the
reservoir’s Flood Control pool and its highest elevation is typically the top of
the portion of the reservoir pool reserved for managing extreme inflow
events. The highest elevation of the envelope curve is also the elevation at
which the envelope curve intersects the spillway’s maximum release capacity
curve (with the gates fully open). The induced surcharge pool is defined by
the range of elevations encompassed by the envelope curve.
When the induced surcharge operation is developed for a reservoir, the
elevation range of the envelope curve is usually of function of the safe range
for operating the spillway gates to induce surcharge. For reservoirs whose
gated spillway is intended to be used exclusively for managing extreme
events, the spillway crest elevation (not the elevation of the top of the closed
gates) is used as the starting elevation of the envelope curve.
For reservoirs with very large spillway gates, where the gates are expected to
be used to make releases for a variety of purposes under a wide range of
conditions and over multiple operating zones, the elevation of the top of the
closed gates is often used for the starting elevation of the envelope curve,
although a lower elevation (below the top of the closed gates) may be used.
The top elevation of the envelope curve is the maximum pool elevation that
can be reached while passing inflow with the gates still “in the water” but
open to their maximum safe gate opening. Physical properties of the gates
as well as manufacturers testing are used to identify the maximum safe gate
opening. Vibration is just one of the factors used to identify an unsafe
condition for the gates.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
To determine the release needed to manage the recession volume, the induced
surcharge function logic must determine the remaining space in the reservoir. But
the remaining space is a function of the current pool elevation and the elevation of
the envelope curve for the needed release. Since the release is a function of the
release, an iteration loop is used to converge on a release. As described above, the
first iteration uses the release at the end of the previous timestep to calculate
elevation of the envelope curve. Using the computed envelope curve elevation and
the current pool elevation, the volume of the remaining space in the reservoir is
calculated. If the volume to be managed (recession volume minus release volume) is
greater than the remaining volume, a new release is calculated to make up the
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
difference. In each successive iteration, the release estimate from the previous
iteration is used to determine the new envelope curve elevation, the volume to be
managed, the available space, and a new release estimate. The loop stops when the
new release estimate is equal to the previous estimate (convergence), is greater than
or equal to inflow, or the maximum number of iterations has been reached. If the
envelope curve is not adequately detailed, is “bumpy”, or is almost flat, the iteration
loop may have trouble converging; messages will be sent to the console log
indicating a problem and reporting that it is either holding the previous release to
setting the release to inflow. Although an advanced option is available to adjust the
maximum number of iterations, revising the envelope curve is usually a better
approach when your model has trouble converging.
To define an Induced Surcharge rule using the Induced Surcharge Function:
• Select the radio button for Use Induced Surcharge Function in the Induced
Surcharge rule editor.
• Select the Interpolation Type. Your options are: Linear or Cubic (Step is not
included since the envelope should represent a smooth curve).
• Enter Elevation and Release data into the Induced Surcharge Envelope Curve
table to describe the envelope curve. The elevation values entered in the table
must be monotonically increasing. Use the finest detail you can produce,
especially in the upper elevation range as the envelope curve flattens out.
• Enter the Time of Recession in hours. This constant describes the length of time
an incoming flood is expected to take to recede. ResSim uses this time to
compute the volume of water that must be evacuated to prevent overtopping
the dam. See discussion in for further documentation regarding the Recession
Time constant parameter (TS).
After entering the above information, the Induced Surcharge rule editor should
appear similar to the example shown in Figure 11.42.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure 11.43 Full-Size Plot produced from the Induced Surcharge Rule’s Thumbnail Plot
But, this full-size plot, opened from the thumbnail plot of the Induced Surcharge
Function’s envelope curve, is unlike the plot opened from any other thumbnail plot in
ResSim. This plot has an Options menu…
The Options menu (Figure 11.44) provides access to
features that will allow you to specify a set of Inflow
or Rate of Rise values from which a family of
induced surcharge curves will be computed and
displayed in the plot. The Options menu contains
Figure 11.44 Induced Surcharge
the following options:
Curve Plot—Options Menu
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Edit Inflows for Curves…—This option opens the Specify Inflows for Induced
Surcharge Curves dialog (Figure 11.45) in which you can specify a list of
inflow values that will be used to generate a family of induced surcharge
release curves. To add more
rows to the Inflows table,
right-click on a cell in the
table and select Insert Rows
or Append Row from the
context menu. Click OK to
save your entries or changes.
The inflow values you
entered will be saved with
the rule so that you do not
need to enter them again.
Plot Rate of Rise—this option is a
toggle switch that indicates Figure 11.45 Edit Inflow for Curves…
whether the family of
induced surcharge curves will be computed and plotted for a set of inflow or
rate of rise values. By default, the switch is OFF (unchecked) and the plot will
display the family of curves by inflow value (if inflows have been entered). By
selecting this option, you can switch the plot to show the family of curves by
rate of rise value.
*** When this switch is ON (checked), the first option in the Options menu
changes to Edit Rate of Rise for Curves… If you haven’t already done so, you
will need to enter a set of rate-of-rise values in order to generate the
associated family of curves.
Show Discharge Capacity—also a toggle switch. Its state (ON or OFF) indicates
whether or not the plot should include the reservoir’s total Discharge
Capacity curve. Figure 11.46 and Figure 11.47 show the Induced Surcharge
Curves Plot with and without the Discharge Capacity Curve.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure 11.46 Family of Computed Induced Surcharge Curves—with the Discharge Capacity Curve
Figure 11.47 Family of Computed Induced Surcharge Curves—without the Discharge Capacity Curve
Once you have entered a set of inflows or rate of rise values, the resulting plot of the
computed induced surcharge curves should resemble the diagram in the water
control manual from which you estimated the envelope curve. If the plotted curves
do not match the original diagram, try these adjustments:
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
• Add more detail to the envelope curve. Both the beginning and end of the
envelope curve should be well defined. In general, a well-defined envelope curve
will have 10-20 values to describe the nose of the envelope, 5-10 values to
describe the middle, and another 10-20 values to describe the tail (even if all
those values describe a straight line).
When developing the table of values that describe the envelope curve,
start with a regular interval of release values and find their associated
elevation values in the diagram in the water control manual. This should
give you a good definition of the middle and tail of the envelope. Then,
using a progressively smaller interval of release, add more detail to the
beginning so that the nose of the envelope looks smooth when plotted,
even when zoomed in.
• Once you have an envelope curve that produces in a set of smooth induced
surcharge curves, revise the time of recession.
• Continue to fine-tune the time of recession until the plotted curves are a good
match to those in the manual. Think of this as a binary search. Start with a fairly
large change from your original entry to determine if the new curves are going in
the right direction. Then use successively smaller changes as your plotted curves
get closer to those in the manual.
IF, however, you have tried various adjustments to both the envelope curve and the
time of recession and have been unable to produce a set of plotted curves that
closely resemble the original diagram, then either the induced surcharge curves
shown in the manual were not created using the induced surcharge function or they
were altered to meet criteria that cannot be reflected by the function. In this case,
you may find it necessary to Specify the ESRD Curves rather than Use the Induced
Surcharge Function.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure 11.48 Induced Surcharge Rule Editor—Specify the ESRD Curves Option
Although you may not notice immediately, the Specify the ESRD Curves view of
the Induced Surcharge rule editor differs from the Use Induced Surcharge
Function view in the following ways:
o The header changed for the second column of the table. This one has two
rows. The second row will display the value of inflow or rate or rise for each
induced surcharge curve in the table.
o A pair of radio buttons were added below the table. The selected button
identifies the type of curves in the table — inflow curves or rate of rise
o The thumbnail plot is bigger. Since this thumbnail plot will show the full
family of curves as entered in the table, a bigger plot was used so you could
see all the curves at a glance.
o An Edit… button was added below the thumbnail plot and the Advance
Options button was removed. The new Edit button will open a dialog for
specifying the Inflow or Rate of Rise values for each induced surcharge curve
in the table. The Advanced Options only apply to the Induced Surcharge
Function form of the rule.
• Identify the type of induced surcharge curves that will be entered in the ESRD
table by selecting one of the two Specify Releases with Respect to: radio buttons
located below the table. Your choices are:
o Reservoir Inflow—use this option if the curves plotted (or tabulated) in your
water manual are labeled with increasing values of inflow. This parameter is
used when plotting the induced surcharge curves if the expected user of the
diagram is a water manager or regulator. The water manager is back in the
office with access to a variety of computing resources and data that he can
use to estimate reservoir inflow.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
o Rate of Rise—use this option if the curves plotted (or tabulated) in your
water manual are labeled with increasing rates of rising pool elevation. This
parameter is often used when plotting the induced surcharge curves if the
expected user of the diagram is a dam operator. The assumption is that the
dam operator would not have time during a major inflow event to perform
the calculations necessary to estimate inflow but can quickly determine the
rate at which the pool is rising glancing at the pool’s stage gage on a regular
• Depending on your selection, the Edit… button
below the thumbnail plot will either be labeled
Edit Inflows for ESRD Curves… or Edit Rate of
Rise for ESRD Curves…
Click this Edit… button to open a dialog (Figure
11.49) where you will enter a list of values (of
Reservoir Inflow or Rate of Rise) that identify the
curves in the ESRD table. Click OK to save your
list and close the dialog. The ESRD table will
update to include a column for each value in the
Figure 11.49 Induced Surcharge
Note: if you change one or more values in the list Rule—Inflows for ESRD Curves
of inflows or rates of rise after you have filled in
the ESRD Curves table, the data in the columns of the table associated with the
original values will disappear. However, if you insert new values (rows) into the
list without changing the originally entered values, the ESRD Curves table will
expand to include a new column for each new value added to the list without
losing the data in the columns associated with the original values.
• Enter Elevation and Release data into the ESRD Curves (Elevation versus Min
Release per Inflow or Rate of Rise) table. The first two columns in the table
represents the envelope curve. When paired with the elevation column, the
remaining columns represent the minimum release curve for each inflow or rate
of rise values that you specified in the previous step. NOTE — the elevation data
must be monotonically increasing and at the finest detail you can manage. Since
ResSim will use linear interpolation to determine a minimum release for a given
elevation and inflow (or rate of rise), a significant elevation range and detail will
be needed in order for each curve to be adequately defined.
An example of a complete (but not perfect) table of data defining a set of ESRD
curves is illustrated in Figure 11.50 below. In this example, the cells in the upper
left corner of the completed table are empty because the curves for the lower
inflow are not defined for the lower elevations. In other words, when the
reservoir is not too full and inflows are still low, increased releases are not
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Once you start entering data in a row or column, the rest of the row or column
should be filled in. Do not leave blank cells between cells with data, in either
rows or columns of the table.
Although ResSim will allow it, the cells in the lower left corner of the table (the
last few cells of each column) should not be left blank. Figure 11.51 shows an
example of an incomplete table, where the cells in the lower left corner have
been left blank.
The cells in the lower left corner of the ESRD table should define where each
curve intersects and merges with the envelope curve. Some users leave these
cells blank because defining the intersection point for each curve can be
troublesome and the remaining cells are viewed as redundant. For each curve’s
intersection point an additional elevation row may need to be added to the
table; as a result, a release for those added elevations must be entered for each
curve in the table; so, you can see why this effort might be considered
troublesome. Since the remaining cells of the table below the intersection
elevation of each curve represent the region where the curve merges (or is
coincident) with the envelope curve, these cells can be filled with a copy of the
data from the envelope curve.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
To illustrate why you should not leave the cells in the lower left corner of the
ESRD table blank, full size plots of the ESRD curves from each example ESRD table
were generated and are shown in Figure 11.52 and Figure 11.53. These plots are
zoomed-in to the region where the curves should intersect or merge with the
envelope curve. In Figure 11.52, you can see that the curves for the complete
table properly intersect and merge with the envelope curve. In Figure 11.53, the
curves for the incomplete table do NOT intersect the envelope curve. Since
ResSim will not extrapolate the curves beyond the data provided, if the elevation
and inflow used to lookup a release from the incomplete table happen to fall into
one of the undefined regions, between the end of the curve data and the
envelope, the resulting release may not be what you intended or expected.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure 11.52 The Curves from the Complete ESRD Table Example
Figure 11.53 The Curves from the Incomplete ESRD Table Example
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
After entering the above information, the Induced Surcharge rule editor should
appear similar to the example shown in Figure 11.54.
The thumbnail plot reflects the data entered in the ESRD Curves table. To see a full-
size plot of the family of curves, double-click on the thumbnail plot (Figure 11.55).
Figure 11.55 Plot of Induced Surcharge Curves for Specified ESRD Inflow Values
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Click the Falling Pool Options Edit button. The Falling Pool Options dialog will
open (Figure 11.56).
• Specify each of the following attributes:
Time for Pool Decrease—
enter a value in
hours. This
parameter describes
the required
number of
successive hours the
reservoir pool level
must be falling
before the minimum
transitions from
rising pool
emergency spillway
releases to falling
Figure 11.56 Induced Surcharge—Falling Pool Options
pool releases.
During this period, the rule often appears to hold the peak rising pool
release since one of the rules on the rising pool release determination is
logic is to not reduce the release as long as the pool is rising.
Falling Pool Transition Elevation—enter a value in feet (meters). This parameter
represents the pool elevation above which Falling Pool releases will be
made. Once the pool elevation falls below this elevation, the Induced
Surcharge rule will no longer operate, and ResSim will resume releases
based on other rules in the active zone.
Release Options—this is the method for determining the minimum release while
the pool is falling until the transition elevation is reached. Some of these
options may seem counterintuitive. Just remember, the objective during
falling pool is to maintain the falling pool trend (to draw down the
reservoir) so the release at this point must be greater than inflow.
Choose from:
Ratio of Inflow—this method requires two parameters:
o The ratio value — a multiplier of inflow. For example, to release
120% of inflow, enter a value of 1.2
o An averaging period — like the rising limb, you need to specify
the period, in hours, over which to determine inflow for the use
of this method.
Average of Inflow and Previous Release—like previous method, this
method requires that you specify an averaging period for inflow,
in hours.
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Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
When you have finished specifying all the required attributes for your Induced Surcharge
rule, press Apply to save your settings. Then, be sure the rule is added to and correctly
positioned at the top of the rule stack in each zone where the rule should apply.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Note: Rate of Change rules have more impact than you might think…
Unless otherwise noted, ResSim’s decision logic tries to meet its objectives as
fast as possible, usually within the current timestep. But rate-of-change
constraints are in direct opposition to that tendency; their objective is to slow
things down. To more fully address this slow-down objective, logic was added
to the downstream control evaluation and guide curve release determination
to account for rate of change constraints. So, in addition to acting as normal
release limit rules, Rate of Change rules also impact downstream control and
guide curve releases by extending the time window over which the two
methods try to meet their objectives.
Function Of—A Flow Rate of Change rule can be Constant, or it can vary with:
o Reservoir Inflow
o previous Release
o Pool Elevation
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Type—this is the Limit type. Select either Increasing or Decreasing. Note: when
evaluated, an Increasing Flow Rate of Change Limit results in a maximum
release limit and a decreasing Flow Rate of Change Limit results in minimum
release limit
Max Rate of Change—depending on your Function of selection…
Constant—you will either be presented with a single field — for a constant
value in units of flow per hour. Figure 11.59 shows this view of the
Flow Rate of Change rule editor.
Inflow, Release, or Elevation—you will either be presented with a table.
Enter the relationship between the selected independent variable
and the maximum rate of change limit. The limit is described in units
of flow (cms or cfs) per hour, regardless of the compute interval. For
example, if you enter 500 cfs/hr with a compute interval of 12 hours,
then this rule describes the maximum flow change per timestep as
6,000 cfs. Figure 11.60 shows this view of the Flow Rate of Change
rule editor.
Interpolate—enter the interpolation type for looking up values in the
table. You can choose from the standard options of Linear, Cubic, or
Step. See Section for an explanation of the interpolation
• When you have finished entering data for the Flow Rate of Change rule, be sure to
click Apply before moving on to the next rule.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Function Of—An Elevation Rate of Change rule can be Constant, or it can vary with:
o Reservoir Inflow
o Reservoir Release
Type—this is the Limit type. Select either Increasing or Decreasing. Note: when
evaluated, an Increasing Flow Rate of Change Limit results in a maximum
release limit and a decreasing Flow Rate of Change Limit results in minimum
release limit
Instantaneous or Period Average Radio Buttons—These radio buttons allow you to
choose whether or not the rate of change rule applies to the current
timestep (Instantaneous) or to a range of timesteps (Period Average). When
Period Average is selected, you must enter the time period, in hours, over
which the change in elevation applies.
Max Rate of Change—depending on your Function of selection…
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• When you have finished entering data for the Elevation Rate of Change Limit rule, be
sure to click Apply before moving on to the next rule.
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Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Zone at Top of Power Pool—select the zone whose top of zone curve will define the
top of the power pool.
Zone at Bottom of Power Pool—select the zone whose top of zone curve will define
the bottom of the power pool.
Power Guide Curve table—The table in the Power Guide Curve rule editor represents
the relationship between storage and the hydropower generation
requirement. The first column, the independent variable, is the percent of
storage available in the power pool. These values should increase as you
move down in the table (monotonically increasing). The second column is
the plant factor (in units of percent); this is the power requirement as a
percentage of the plant’s capacity to generate (or the percent of the day the
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
plant should generate at full capacity). The thumbnail plot will display the
data in the table.
Power Generation Pattern—use this button to open the Power Generation Pattern
editor which is described in detail in Section 11.7.5.
11.7.2 Hydropower—Schedule
The Hydropower—Schedule rule allows you to define a regular monthly or user
specified seasonally varying hydropower requirement. The various options on this
rule editor (Figure 11.65) allow you to define each month’s or season’s power
generation requirement, the type of the requirement (megawatt-hours or plant
factor), and the hours of the day and days of the week during which the plant can
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Requirement Varies—the option for interval in which you want to specify the
requirement. Your options are: Monthly and Seasonally. The
remaining attributes on this editor define what the requirement
values mean (Requirement Specification) and how they are to be
met (Period over which Generation Requirement is satisfied).
Requirement Specification
Requirement Specified as:—the list of options for describing the values in
the Power Generation Requirement table. The options include:
Plant Factor—Monthly or Seasonal Total—this means that the
requirement values in the table are in units of plant
factor and represent a total energy requirement for the
Month or Season assuming that the plant ran all the
time at the specified fraction of capacity (or ran at full
capacity for the specified fraction of the total time). No
matter how you phrase it, this specification can be
translated into a quantity of energy in MWHs. How the
plant actually generates is a function of the power
generation pattern.
Daily Total MWH—this option indicates that the values in the
requirement table identify how much energy must be
generated each day of the month or season.
Weekly Total MWH—this option indicates that the values in the
requirement table identify how much energy must be
generated each week of the month or season. If you
select this option, you must also specify the attributes:
Starting Day and Week belongs to a month (or season)
when this day is in the month.
Monthly (or Seasonal) Total MWH—this option indicates that the
values in the requirement table identify how much total
energy must be generated over the current month (or
Starting Day—this is the first day of the week, when Weekly Total is
selected for Requirement Specified as.
Week belongs to a month (season) when this day is in the month
(season)—This field identifies a day of the week that must be in
the season so that the whole week can belong to the current
month (season) or to the next month (season)—when Weekly
Total is selected for Requirement Specified as.
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Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
selected, then enter the total monthly requirement for each month of
the year in the table.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Weekly Distribution
Three options are available for specifying the weekly power pattern: All Week,
Weekdays and Weekend, and Each Day. These options are available from the Specify
Pattern for list.
All Week—this option applies the same hourly power generation pattern for
every day of the week. See Figure 11.72 for an illustration of the editor
for this pattern.
Weekdays and Weekend—this option allows you to specify a different power
generation pattern for Weekdays (Monday through Friday) than for
Weekend days (Saturday and Sunday). See Figure 11.72 for an
illustration of the editor for this pattern.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Each Day—this option allows you to specify different power generation patterns
for every day of the week. See Figure 11.73for an illustration of the
editor for this pattern.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Hourly Distribution
Each day of the Power Generation Pattern table is divided into 24 hourly values.
Each value represents a weighting factor that you can use to distribute the energy
requirement throughout the day and throughout
the week. The default value for each hour of the
day is 1.0 (Figure 11.72) which will attempt to
evenly distribute the energy requirement across
the day.
However, if you want the power plant to generate
only during a portion of the day, you can set the
factor for those hours to 1.0 and set all other
hours to 0.0. Basically, the values of 1.0 and 0.0
turn the hourly generation “on” and “off”,
For example, to specify that generation
should only occur from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
7 days a week, use the All Week pattern and
change the value of 1.0 to 0.0 for hours 0000-
0800 and 1700-2400 (Figure 11.74).
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Daily Distribution
Another aspect of the weighting factors that should be understood is the impact of a
pattern that changes from day to day throughout the week. If the pattern is
specified for Each Day or for Weekdays and Weekend, then the weighting factors are
summed for the entire week and applied to the generation requirement for the
whole week.
For example, if the weekly generation requirement is 20MWh and the daily
pattern is for Each Day, then the following power requirement would be
specified as shown in Figure 11.76:
• No generation on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday;
• Generation on Monday and Friday is from 10am to 2pm;
• Generation on Wednesday is for the same hours as Monday and Friday but
at twice the rate.
In this example, the sum of the weighting factors is 4(1.0) + 4(2.0) + 4(1.0) = 16
which produces a unit generation of 20/16.0 = 1.25. Thus, for each hour on
Monday and Friday, 1.25 MWh of energy will be produced for a total of 5 MWh
each day and for each hour on Wednesday, 2.5 MWh of energy will be produced
for a total of 10 MWh, resulting in the total of 20 MWh for the week.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Seasonal Variation
If the weekly pattern varies throughout the year,
then you can click the Seasonal Variation Edit…
button to open the Seasonal Variation editor
(Figure 11.77). This editor will allow to you
define the seasons for which different
generation patterns apply. To define the
seasons, enter the start date of each season.
The first season always starts on the first of
January, so if you have a season that begins
before the end of the year and ends after the
first of January, then you must define the first
half of the season as the last season in the table
and the second half as the first season in the Figure 11.77 Seasonal Variation Editor
table. for Specifcation of Seasons
If you define two or more seasons, the Power Generation Pattern editor will show:
• a checkmark in the checkbox in front of the Seasonal Variation label
• a season selector and a set of navigation buttons so that you can specify the
pattern that should apply to each season (Figure 11.78).
The power generation pattern you define for one season will apply to all days and
weeks of that season until the start date of the next season.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Target Fill Elevation—the pump operation needs to know why it should pump. The why
is the Target Fill Elevation. When the Pump Schedule rule is evaluated, its first
determination is whether the reservoir pool is below the target elevation. If so,
then the rule decides it needs to pump and proceeds to determine if it is allowed
to pump and how much it should pump.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
Note: each zone in the list of zones shown in the Zone selector is identified by its
name and the operation set it is defined in. Select the zone associated with the current
operation set. Unfortunately, this will make the rule applicable to only to the current
operation set. If the same rule is needed in a different operation set, you should re-
create the rule and select the appropriate zone for that operation set.
FULL for the current reservoir.
Seasonally Varying—if selected, a
seasonal table relating the
Target Fill Elevation to a Date
or season will be displayed
(Figure 11.82). Enter the data
to define the seasonally
varying target fill elevation in
the table.
Daily Pumping Period—This is the schedule for which Figure 11.81 Pump Rule Editor—
the rule gets its name. Since pumps often run Target Fill Elevation Option—Storage
only at night when the power to run them is
less expensive, a schedule identifying the
pumping window is necessary. In this
table you must specify the portion of the
day during which pumping is allowed.
This is a seasonal table that should start
on 01Jan, like all other seasonal tables.
You have two options for defining the
Daily Pumping Period:
Fixed Hour Range—This option displays a
seasonal table in which you must
Figure 11.82 Pump Rule Editor—Target
enter the start date of each
Fill Elevation Option—Seasonally Varying
season, the Begin and End times
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
of that season’s pumping window, and the number of pump units that
may be used. The times must be entered as times on a 24-hour clock
and may cross over midnight. For example, to specify a pumping period
starting at 9:00 pm and ending at 3:30 am, enter 2100 and 0330 into the
Begin and End columns, respectively. The data in each row of the
schedule table is treated as a step function and remains in effect until
the start of the next season.
Between Sunset and Sunrise—If selected, this option displays a seasonal table in
which you must define the start and end times of the pumping window
for each season as a number of hours after sunset and before sunrise
(After SS & Before SR), respectively. In order for this schedule to
determine when sunrise and sunset occur on any particular day, you are
required to provide the approximate Latitude and Longitude of the dam.
Note, blank entries for Latitude and Longitude will be translated as 0
Pumping Strategy—The pumping strategy identifies how and when the pumps are to be
used during the pumping window, assuming that there is more time available
than is needed to get the reservoir to its target elevation. Your options are:
Use full pump capacity—This strategy will minimize the time spent pumping.
With this option, you must select the Pumping Bias. Your options
Beginning of Period—The pumps will start pumping at the beginning of
the pumping window.
Middle of Period—The hours needed to pump to get the reservoir to the
target elevation will be centered within the pumping window.
End of Period—the hours needed to pump will be pushed toward the
end of the pumping window.
Use entire pump period: This strategy will run the pumps at a rate which may be
less than full capacity in order to just reach the target at the end of the
pumping period.
Regardless of your Pumping Strategy selection, if the target cannot be reached in the
pumping period, the pumps will be operated at full capacity over the entire pumping
period in order to get the reservoir elevation as close as possible to the target.
• Identify the Source Reservoir. This should be the next reservoir downstream of the
current reservoir although it may be a reservoir connected to the current one
through a diverted outlet. ResSim’s pump outlets are designed to only pump from a
storage pool, not directly from a stream. NOTE: This field should be defined in the
physical data of the pump outlet, not in the operation rule—so don’t be surprised if
this setting gets moved to where it belongs in a future version of ResSim.
• Determine if Whole Hour Pumping should be activated. When checked, if the pumps
needed to run for a fraction of an hour, then they will run for the full hour, even if
their pumping causes the reservoir to exceed the target pool elevation. Note—
ResSim really doesn’t want to run the pumps longer than necessary, so if it can, it will
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
minimize the total number of pump hours. For example, if you have 2 available
pumps and the number of pump unit hours needed to get the reservoir to target is
4.5, then the pumps will only run for a total of 5 pump unit hours—one pump will run
for 3 hours and the other for 2 hours (or just one pump for 5 hours).
• Select the Minimum Pumping requirement. Depending on your selection, this
feature identifies the minimum number of hours the pumps must run—if they turn
on at all during the pumping window. Your options include:
No Required Min—The default. The pumps will only operate if and for how long
they need to in order to get the reservoir pool elevation back up to the
target within the pumping window.
At Least Min—The pumps will operate for at least the specified minimum
duration even if the target elevation has been reached or exceeded.
With this option, you must enter a value in the Min. Pump Unit Hrs field.
Pump unit hours are the number of hours a single unit operates. If you
have 4 pump units and you want all four pumps to operate for at least 1
hour each during the pump window, you might enter 4 in the Min. Pump
Unit Hrs field. ResSim, however, probably won’t interpret your entry as a
requirement to run all four pumps. It may turn on just one pump and
run it for four hours.
At Least Min if blw Target—With this option, the pumps will only operate if the
reservoir is below the target elevation at the start of the pumping
window. And, if they do operate, they will run for at least the specified
duration. With this option, you must enter a value in the Min. Pump Unit
Hrs field.
Only if Req’d >= Min—With this option, the pumps will operate only if the time
needed to pump (at maximum capacity) is greater than or equal to the
specified minimum. In other words, if the time needed is less than the
min, don’t pump. With this option, you must enter a value in the Min.
Pump Unit Hrs field.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules
• Select the Downstream Reservoir for which the current (upstream) reservoir is
operating. This is usually the next reservoir downstream of the current reservoir.
• Check the position of your Tandem rule with respect to other rules in the zone in
which it is placed. If necessary, use the Move to Bottom option from the rule’s
context menu to force the rule to the bottom of the rule stack.
Chapter 11 - Reservoir Operations — The Rules HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Insert Row(s)—allows you to specify the number of rows to insert above the
selected row in the table.
Delete Row—will delete the selected row.
• In each row…
o Define the time window over which the prescribed release will apply by entering
a Start Date/Time and an End Date/Time
o Choose an Operator to define the type of prescribed release you are defining
(Figure 11.85).
The list of available Operators will vary depending on the release element you
identified for this rule to Operate Release From. Table 11.2 shows the list of
available Operators that you’ll find for the different release elements.
Table 11.2 The Available Prescribed Rule Operators by Release Element Type
Controlled Outlet
Reservoir Dam or Group Controlled outlet
with Gate Settings
o And, as needed, enter an appropriate Value for the selected Operator to use.
• Check the position of your new rule with respect to other rules in the zone it is
placed. To raise or lower the priority of a rule within the rule list for a particular
zone, use the Increase/Decrease Priority or Move to Top/Bottom options in the rule’s
context menu or from the Rule menu.
When you have finished setting up your Prescribed Release rule, be sure to click Apply
before moving on to the next rule.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
Chapter 12
Advanced Features
In Chapter 10 and Chapter 11, you learned the basics about developing an Operation Set
to guide how your reservoir should make its release decisions. In this chapter, you will
learn about the additional features that can be added to your network and to its
reservoirs’ operation sets to allow you to specify more complex objectives and
constraints on the operation of your reservoirs. You will also learn about the network
data importer that can be used to import or copy model data from one network to
The first part of the chapter describes some advanced tools that you can use to define
your reservoir and diversion operations. These tools provide additional flexibility and
control over the conditions that activate one or more rules, influence the desired release
from a rule (or diversion), or even define a zone. These tools are IF_Blocks, State
Variables, and Scripted Rules.
The next part of the chapter describes the advanced operational features that can be
added to the operation set of a reservoir. These features include: Capacity Outages,
Storage Credit, Release Decision Schedule, and Projected Elevation. Each of these
features has a unique influence on the overall reservoir operation; their influence is not
zone-based and doesn’t fit into the zone-rules portion of the operation set. These
features are specified on the remaining sub-tabs of the Reservoir Editor’s Operations tab;
but each tab must be activated by selecting the feature from the Operations menu of the
Reservoir Editor.
The last part of this chapter steps back from the reservoir operations to describe the two
network properties importers that are available in ResSim. One of these importers will
copy a whole reservoir network from another watershed into the current watershed. The
other importer will copy data from an existing network into the current (open) network.
12.1 IF_Blocks
Reservoir operations can be influenced by several conditions that determine the
applicability of specific operational goals and constraints. So far, you have learned that,
in ResSim, the determination of the applicable set of rules is related to the prioritization
and presence of the rules in the active operation zone.
Using the ResSim IF_Block feature, you can define one or more conditional expressions
that determine which rules should be used in the reservoir release decision process.
IF_Blocks are highly customizable. You can create simple IF_Blocks that contains only a
single IF statement or you can build more complex IF_Blocks by adding one or more ELSE
IF statements and/or an ELSE statement. For each IF, ELSE IF, or ELSE statement used in
an IF_Block, you can associate a prioritized set of rules that is only applicable when its
conditional expression evaluates to TRUE.
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
TRUE, at which point the evaluation of the conditional expressions will cease
and the rule set of the TRUE ELSE IF block will be added to the current zone’s
list of active rules. If the conditional expressions of all the ELSE IF blocks
evaluate to FALSE, the rules in the ELSE block (if there is one) will be added
to the current zone’s list of active rules.
ELSE—one of the three types of conditional blocks that may be found in an IF_Block.
Only one ELSE may be added to an IF_Block. When added, the ELSE will
always be placed at the bottom of the ordered list of conditional blocks in the
IF_Block. Although an ELSE does not have a conditional expression that you
can specify, think of it as having a conditional expression that is always TRUE.
As a result, an ELSE’s rule set will be activated when the conditional
expressions of the IF and all the ELSE IFs that precede it evaluate to FALSE.
Nested IF_Block—this is an IF_Block that is added to the rule set of a conditional
block belonging to a higher-level (or parent) IF_Block.
A ResSim Truth: wherever you can add a rule, you can add an IF_Block.
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
menu (see Figure 12.1). Because of this duplication, the following sections will focus
on the use of the context menu; however, you should use the menu you are most
comfortable with—the context menu from the tree nodes or the menu in the menu
bar. If you are more comfortable with the menu in the Menu bar, replace the words
“right-click on” with “select” and “context menu” with the appropriate menu for the
operation (IF_Block).
The Zone menu and the zone context menu include the remaining the IF_Block
management functions. These menus and their IF_Block functions are shown in
Figure 12.2.
The contents in the IF_Block and Zone menus are sensitive to the currently selected
node in the Zone-Rules tree. For example, the New… function in the IF_Block menu
is only active when the currently selected node in the tree is a zone or conditional
Sections— describe each of the IF_Block management features.
Editing IF_Blocks is covered in Section 12.1.3.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
• When the new IF_Block is added to the Zone-Rules tree, its IF becomes the
selected node and the Conditional Expression Editor for the IF is displayed in
the Edit Pane (Figure 12.4). Section describes how to use the
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Two methods are available for making a copy of an IF_Block; these methods
differ depending on where you start:
From a Zone in the Zone-Rules tree:
• Select a zone in the Zone-Rules tree.
• From the IF_Block menu, select Duplicate.
• The Duplicate IF_Block selection dialog will
open (Figure 12.6). Select the IF_Block you
want to copy from the list and click OK.
• The Name Duplicate Conditional dialog will Figure 12.6 Duplicate IF_Block
Selection Dialog
open (Figure 12.7). Enter a new name for
the new IF_Block and click OK.
• The new (copied) IF_Block will appear in at the bottom of the selected zone.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The Conditional Expression Editor is divided into three parts—a name and
description row and two panels:
The name field is labeled with the conditional type (e.g., IF Conditional). Unlike
the rule editors, this name field is editable. Enter a name or label for the
conditional block in this name field. Each conditional block was given the
label Untitled by default in order to remind you to give each conditional
block a more appropriate label. Use a label that describes the
condition(s) defined in the conditional expression or the set of
operations that will be added if the conditional expression evaluates to
TRUE. And, if you change the conditions, be sure to change the label.
The upper panel gives you the ability to create one or more conditions or
comparisons. Each condition is a row in the table. A single condition
(row) forms a simple conditional expression. Two or more conditions
(rows) can be joined with logical operators to form a compound
conditional expression.
The function buttons to the right of the table are for managing the rows,
in the table:
Add Cond.—adds a row to the bottom of table. Since the table starts
out empty, you must add at least one row to specify a simple
conditional expression.
Del. Cond.—deletes the selected row from the table.
The order in which conditional expressions are evaluated is similar to
that for mathematical expression. The evaluation order for conditional
expressions follow these three basic principles:
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
• left to right,
• comparison operators before logical operators, and
• if parentheses are used, innermost parenthetical expressions first,
moving out from there.
Since the order of the conditions in a compound conditional expression
may be important when it is evaluated, functions to rearrange the order
of the conditions in the table are provided:
Move Up—swaps the selected row with the row above it.
Move Down—swaps the selected row with the row below it.
When using these functions, think of the first row in the table as the left-
most comparison in the compound conditional expression and the last
row as the right-most comparison. Like the thumbnail plots in the rule
editors, the last function button will help with visualizing what you define
in the table:
Evaluate—assembles the rows in the Conditions table into a string
and displays the string in a message box so that you can
verify that your table entries describe the conditional
expression you intended.
The lower panel is for specifying each condition that forms the conditional
expression. A condition is formed by two operands, Value 1 and Value 2,
and the comparison operator between them:
Value 1 and Value 2—The two operands can be defined as being one for
the variable types listed in Table 12.1. Table 12.1 indicates
which variable types can be used by each operation and the data
required to define them.
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The operators that can be used to compare Value 1 to Value 2 are listed
in Table 12.2.
Logical Operators—AND and OR. Each condition after the first must be
joined to the prior condition(s) with a logical operator.
You can include parentheses in your conditional expression by setting
Value 1 to the required parenthesis. If you set Value 1 to an open
parenthesis ((), the operator and Value 2 selectors will be greyed-out
(deactivated); however, you must specify the logical operator that
precedes the parenthesis. If you set Value 1 to a close parenthesis ()), all
other fields of the lower panel will be greyed-out (deactivated) since the
closed parenthesis forms the end of a condition. Figure 12.16 shows an
example of a compound conditional expression and illustrates the use of
parentheses and logical operators.
Figure 12.16 Example of a Compound Conditional Expression and the Associated Evaluate String
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
reservoir network and contains a Time Series object that holds the state
values computed by the script.
In order to minimize confusion, outside of the descriptions above, the term state variable
will only be used in this manual to describe user-defined or scripted State Variables. For
the most part, the modifiers: user-defined and scripted will be omitted unless they are
needed for clarity.
Since many reservoirs are operated based on the state of the watershed (e.g., dry or wet
hydrologic conditions) or some abstract state of a reservoir or system of reservoirs (e.g.,
a system drought level), State Variables can be developed to compute these watershed
State Variables can be used wherever a Model Variable or External Variable can be used
to control or influence the operation of a reservoir. This includes (but is not limited to):
• Function-of Rules
• IF_Block Conditional Expressions
• Zones
• Diversions
A State Variable is a special form of a TimeSeries Object. It is defined and computed
through the execution of a user-defined Jython script. Jython is a Java implementation of
the Python programming language. The script may perform calculations referencing any
TimeSeries object in the ResSim network and alternative, including all model variables
and other State Variables.
Python and Jython tutorials and references can be found at and
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
The State Variable Editor consists of several important regions and widgets:
Menu bar—this bar contains the StateVariable and Edit menus.
StateVariable menu—like a File menu, this menu provides access to the
functions for creating and managing your state variables.
Edit menu—this menu provides access to the standard text editing functions
including Cut, Copy, Paste, and Undo. Redo will also appear in this
menu if there’s anything that has been Undone since the last save of
the current state variable.
Name & Description—this bar contains the Name and Description fields as well as a
set of navigation buttons. The Name field is a selector; use it to select the
specific state variable you want to edit. The Description field can be used to
add a description of the selected state variable. The navigation buttons, like
the Name selector, give you the ability to cycle through all the network’s
state variables by moving forward and backward through the list.
Parameter Info—this bar contains the fields for specifying the current state variable’s
Parameter Name and Type. For example, if your state variable is going to
compute basin inflow, then the parameter type is probably Flow and the
parameter name you enter is up to you—you might call it flow, or inflow, or
flow-in or something descriptive of the data you are computing.
Note: when the compute results are written to the simulation.dss file at the
end of the compute, the B and C parts of the DSS pathname for each state
variable’s output are formed from its Name and its Parameter Name,
respectively. The units of the data are based on the parameter type and the
current unit system for your watershed.
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Script Tabs—the Tabs in the State Variable Editor separate the three scripts that
define the three compute functions of each state variable:
Initialization—this tab holds the initStateVariable function for your state
variable. Use this tab to initialize the variables and objects that your
state variable needs. The initialization function is executed only
once, at the start of the Regulated Compute loop.
Main—this tab holds the script that is executed at least once per timestep
through the simulation portion of the time window in order to
compute the value of the state variable for each timestep.
CleanUp—this tab holds the script that is executed only once, at the end of
the Regulated Compute loop. Use this tab to clean up the variables
you created in your state variable and to write to disk any local time
series or other objects that you need for analysis and/or debugging.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
the API Tree typically fall into this category; for these calls, you do
not need to modify the argument list.
Method arguments
given as java classes
are placeholders for
variables that you
must supply in the
script (Figure 12.22).
The method call text
inserted from nodes
in the APIs branch
usually requires that
you replace the
placeholders in the
argument list with
that you created
within your script.
Figure 12.22 Method Node in the
APIs Branch of the API Tree—Showing Tooltip
The list of ResSim classes and their methods that are included in the
APIs branch of the API Tree is not complete or all-inclusive. If you
are looking for a class or method you think you need from ResSim
and it isn’t in the list, click on a branch or node in the APIs section
and press F1. The Javadoc Viewer (Figure 12.23) will open showing
the Javadoc pertinent to the node or branch you selected. From
there, you can search through the Javadocs to find the method you
need to access the information you need.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
API Preview Bar—When you select a node in the API tree, the text that would be
generated by that node will appear in the Preview Bar.
Text Editor—This pane of the State variable Editor uses a text editor that interprets
the text of your script as Jython source code and colorizes it according to the
type of statement or key word it recognizes. This editor supports the
standard Windows® shortcut-keys for select all (Ctrl+A), cut (Ctrl+X), copy
(Ctrl+C), and paste (Ctrl+V), and undo (Ctrl+Z) functions. These functions can
also be accessed from the Edit menu or by right-clicking in the Text Editor to
open a context menu. The find (Ctrl+F) function is also supported but can
only be access from the shortcut keys.
Cursor Position—the position (row and column number) of the cursor in the Text
Editor is shown in the small box to right of the API Preview Bar.
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
Arguments—each script receives some variables that are provided by ResSim so that
it can access model elements and their objects for use in computing the
value of the state variable. The three variables that may be provided are
described below. All three scripts are provided the first two. The third is
provided only to the Main script.
currentVariable—is a reference to the current state variable object itself.
currentVariable is conceptually equivalent to the this keyword in Java
or the self keyword in Python.
network—is a reference to the object that holds the reservoir network. It
can be used to access to all the elements of your network and their
model variables such as pool elevations, inflow, diversions, etc.… It
can also be used to access the current alternative and its properties.
currentRuntimestep—is a reference to the object that holds the timestep
being evaluated. The actual date & time of the timestep, as well as
the sequence number of the timestep and the run time window are
accessed through this object. This object is used, among other
things, to determine where (or is that when) to store the computed
value of the state variable.
The StateVariable.setValue method—the Main script template of your state variable
instructs you to include the following line in your script to store the compute
value of your state variable for the current timestep:
currentVariable.setValue(currentRuntimestep, newValue)
Where newValue is the value, or local variable that holds the value, to be
Figure 12.27
StateVariable Menu
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• The State Variable Editor will add the new variable to the Name selector and
make it the selected variable. As such, the name of the new state variable will
appear in the Name selector, the Parameter Name and Parameter Type fields will
be blank, and the three script tabs will be filled with their relevant templates.
Figure 12.29 illustrates the how the State Variable Editor will appear immediately
after a new state variable is created.
• Enter a Parameter Name for the state variable that you will be computing. This
name will be used for the C part of the HEC-DSS pathname that will be written to
the simulation.dss file for this state variable.
• Select a Parameter Type from the selection list. The parameter type is used to
determine the units of the state variable. If your state variable should be
unitless, then select Code or Count for your variable’s parameter type.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
• Repeat the above steps until the process results in a message box that says
“Script Compiled Successfully”. Select OK to close the message box; then save
the state variable.
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• The state variable will be removed from the Name selector and the first variable
in the selection list will become the current variable in the State Variable Editor.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The APIs Branch—Each node in this branch provides you with easy access to
the method calls for accessing and manipulating the java objects in
your model that you are most likely to need in your scripts.
By double-clicking on a node in the tree, the code needed to retrieve
an element’s time series or to access a method for manipulating a
particular object type can be placed in your script at the current
location of your cursor in the editor. This action can also be
performed by selecting a node in the API tree and clicking the Insert
in Script button.
By hovering your cursor over a node in the tree, a tooltip will appear
with the Javadoc entry for the method call that is represented by
that node. The Javadocs are class-level documentation of the public
classes and their methods that you can use in your scripts.
Most method calls (or functions) that you may need require
arguments (or parameters) as input. If the method you select
requires arguments, the text of that method call that is added to
your script will include the arguments between the parentheses ().
Method arguments given as literals (i.e., actual numbers, or strings
enclosed by “ ”) are already complete and require no additional
input. The text inserted from items under the Time Series branch of
the API tree typically fall into this category; for these calls, you do not
need to modify the argument list.
Method arguments given as java classes are placeholders for
variables that you must supply in the script (Figure 12.34). The
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
method call text inserted from nodes in the APIs branch usually
requires that you replace the placeholders in the argument list with
appropriate variables/objects that you created within your script.
The list of The ResSim classes and their methods that are included in
the APIs branch of the API Tree is not complete nor all-inclusive. If
you are looking for a class or method you think you need from
ResSim and it isn’t in the list, click on a branch or node in the APIs
section and press F1. The Javadoc Viewer (Figure 12.35) will open
showing the Javadoc pertinent to the node or branch you selected.
From there, you can search through the Javadocs to find the method
you need.
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
API Preview Bar—When you select a node in the API tree, the text that would be
generated by that node will appear in the Preview Bar.
Text Editor—This pane of the State variable Editor uses a text editor that interprets
the text of your script as Jython source code and colorizes it according to the
type of statement or key word it recognizes. This editor supports the
standard Windows® shortcut-keys for select all (Ctrl+A), cut (Ctrl+X), copy
(Ctrl+C), and paste (Ctrl+V), and undo (Ctrl+Z) functions. These functions can
also be accessed from the Edit menu or by right-clicking in the Text Editor to
open a context menu. The find (Ctrl+F) function is also supported but can
only be access from the shortcut keys.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
Below the imports are the two function definitions mentioned above. Each
function’s def statement is preceded by several comment lines that describe the
function and its arguments. Since the two functions are called by ResSim during the
Regulated compute, the arguments are objects that are passed into your script from
your model. A more comprehensive description follows:
initRuleScript—this function is where you should put the setup code for your rule.
This function is called by the rule object only once, at the start of the
regulated compute loop. Use the function definition statement as-is, do not
edit it. It is the content of the function that you are expected to edit. The
function must return a value of Constants.TRUE (to indicate success) or
Constants.FALSE (to indicate failure). It is up to you to determine if your
script requires special logic that might cause it to return FALSE. The return
value of the initRuleScript function should be True for successful and False
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
for unsuccessful. If this function returns false, the ResSim compute will be
runRuleScript—this is the “main” function of the script. This function is called by the
rule’s evaluate method and is called at least once per timestep. Use the
function definition statement as-is, do not edit it. It is the content of the
function that you are expected to edit. This is where you should put the code
that calculates the desired release limit of your rule. The return value of the
runRuleScript function is an OpValue object. In this object, you are expected
to store the value of the desired release limit that you calculated and the
limit type.
The function arguments—the two default functions of your scripted rule receive
some variables (arguments) that are provided by ResSim so that your
function can access model data needed to compute the value of the rule’s
desired release limit. The three variables that may be provided are described
below. Both functions receive the first two variables. Only the runRuleScript
function receives the third variable.
currentVariable—is a reference to the current state variable object itself.
currentVariable is conceptually equivalent to the this keyword in Java
or the self keyword in Python.
network—is a reference to the object that holds the reservoir network. It
can be used to access to all the elements of your network and their
model variables such as pool elevations, inflow, diversions, etc. It
can also be used to access the current alternative and its properties.
currentRuntimestep—is a reference to the object that holds the timestep
being evaluated. The actual date & time of the timestep, as well as
the sequence number of the timestep and the run time window are
accessed through this object. This object is used, among other
things, to determine where (or is that when) to store the computed
value of the state variable.
The opValue object—this object is used to carry each rule’s desired release limit
value and the limit type back to ResSim (through the return statement) for
use in determining the allowable release range (see the introduction to
Chapter 11 for details on the release range). As described in the template,
the limit types are:
• OpRule.RULETYPE_MAX—maximum flow
• OpRule.RULETYPE_MIN—minimum flow
• OpRule.RULETYPE_SPEC—specified flow
The template also shows how to create an OpValue object and how to
initialize it:
# create new Operation Value (OpValue) to return
opValue = OpValue()
# set type and value for OpValue
opValue.init(OpRule.RULETYPE_MAX, 1000)
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
Remember, for these lines to work, the imports at the top of the template
must be included in your script.
Compiling the Script simply checks for basic syntax errors. It does not guarantee
that the programming logic of the script is error free.
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Create a new Water Account Set by selecting New from the Set menu. You will be
prompted to give your new water account set a name and description.
• Next, from the Reservoir tab, select the reservoir(s) that have water accounts by
checking their box(es) in the Active column of the table. Then select the appropriate
Operation Set and the lower limit of the Conservation Storage pool. The designated
Guide Curve for the operation set is considered the upper limit of the Conservation
Storage pool. Click Apply.
• Next create your Water Accounts. Select the Water Accounts tab (Figure 12.38).
• From the Accounts menu, select New. You will be prompted to give your water
account a name and description. You may create multiple water accounts. For each
account, do the following:
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
o Select an account in the lefthand pane of the editor to activate its information.
ResSim will display a list of all minimum or specified flow and hydropower rules
used in the Water Account Set’s active reservoir(s). Choose the rule that
represents the release allocated to the water account holder and click Select.
o The conservation pool storage allocated to that water account holder is either
specified as a percent of the conservation pool volume, or as a total volume.
Select the appropriate radio button and enter either the percent or the
maximum volume. Click OK.
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
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Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Seasonal Variation Edit button—This button is located in the bottom right corner of the
editor. It will open the Seasonal Variation editor which you can use to define a
set of seasons across which the Storage Credit relationship varies.
Thumbnail Plots—Both of the two thumbnail plots located on the right side of the edit
panel are associated with the Storage Credit Relationship.
The upper plot displays the relationship(s) as defined in the table. If the Storage
Credit Relationship varies seasonally, this plot will show a curve for each season’s
(column’s) relationship.
The lower plot displays the guide curve of the current reservoir in terms of
storage. For each row in the lower table, a curve is added to the plot to show
how the potential flood storage credit would impact the required flood pool
storage and, thus, the guide curve.
As with all thumbnail plots, if you double-click on one, a full-size plot will open.
To identify the reservoirs that can provide storage credit to the current reservoir:
• Select the Edit Reservoir Set
button. The Reservoirs
Selector dialog will open
(Figure 12.47).
• In the Available list, double-
click on each reservoir that can
provide storage credit to the
current reservoir; this will
move the reservoirs from the
Available list to the Selected
list. For a detailed description
of the Selector dialog, refer to
Appendix C.
Figure 12.47 Storage Credit—Reservoirs Selector Dialog
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
• Click OK to accept your selections and close the Reservoir selector dialog.
• The reservoir(s) you selected will appear in the Crediting Reservoirs List of the
Storage Credit edit panel. For each reservoir in the list, specify:
Maximum Credit Pool Storage—this is the total storage of the reservoir below which
available storage can be counted as storage credit. If the crediting reservoir
has an allocated flood storage pool and this space can be used as credit
storage, then the Maximum Credit Pool Storage would be at the top of the
flood pool; if credit storage can only come from available space in the
conservation pool, then the Maximum Credit Pool Storage would be at the
top of the conservation pool. If the crediting reservoir does not have a flood
pool, then the Maximum Credit Pool Storage would probably be at “full” or
“maximum” pool.
Maximum Credit—this is the amount of available storage at the crediting reservoir
that can be used as credit to the current reservoir.
Allow Neg Credit—specify whether the reservoir can provide “negative” credit when
the current pool is above the Maximum Credit Pool storage. Negative credit
from a credit reservoir would have the effect of lowering the guide curve at
the reservoir where you are adjusting the guide curve. This could occur if the
current storage in the crediting reservoir’s pool is greater than its maximum
credit pool storage.
• Next, in the Storage Credit Relationship table, specify how much flood Storage Credit
can be applied to the required flood storage at the current reservoir as a function of
the total available credit storage in the crediting reservoirs. This can be defined by a
single curve or by a seasonally-varying family of curves. See Appendix C for a detailed
description of the Seasonal Variation Editor that you can use to define the seasons.
Figure 12.48 shows an example of a completed Storage Credit specification. In this
example, two crediting reservoirs have been identified and the Storage Credit
relationship has been specified as a seasonally varying relationship where at its
maximum, the relationship is not quite 1:1 and at its lowest (in the summer months),
the relationship indicates that no credit is allowed.
Figure 12.48 Storage Credit Edit Panel—Credit Definition for Selected Reservoir(s)
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
Start Hour—this is the time of the first decision. You can select from 0000 to
Day of Week—if you chose Weekly Interval, this is the day of the week when
each decision will be made.
Day of Month—if you chose Monthly Interval, this is the day of the month
when each decision will be made.
Weekly Schedule—use this option if you want to specify an irregular schedule for
making release decision. The lower panel of the editor will fill with a 7-
column table, one column for each day of the week.
In the cells of the table, enter the time(s) of day when the reservoir should
make a release decision. The time entries must be entered as values from a
24-hour clock—that means values between 0000 and 2359. And, you should
only enter times that coincide with compute intervals.
NOTE: When entering times into the Weekly Schedule, a whole row must be
complete. That means that if one day a week you want 2 decisions made,
then every day, two decisions must be made; however, the times of each
decision on each day need not be the same. Figure 12.52 illustrates an
example of an irregular Weekly Schedule with two decisions schedule each
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• When you are finished specifying the Decision Schedule, click Apply to accept the
Decision Schedule and keep the Reservoir Editor open. Or, click OK to accept the
revisions and close the Reservoir Editor.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
The Projected Elev sub-tab has only two fields for you to set:
Projection Time Window—the number of hours into the future that you want ResSim
to estimate the reservoir pool elevation. To perform this computation,
ResSim will assume that the release it was making at the end of the previous
timestep will be held constant through the Projection Time Window. Note: If
you leave 0 in this field, ResSim will simply compute an estimate of the pool
elevation at the end of the current timestep assuming that no change was
made to the release in this timestep.
Use Projected Reservoir to determine Operation Zone—To use the projected
elevation to determine the active zone, place a checkmark in the checkbox.
To use the projected elevation in an IF_Block, rule, or script, you do not need
to check this box.
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
• Set the new network name and description in the Import Network Wizard—Step
3 of 6 (Figure 12.58). All networks in your current watershed are listed under
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure 12.58 Import Network Wizard—Step 3—Set New Network Name and Description
• Click Next to open the Import Network Wizard—Step 4 of 6 (Figure 12.59). The
Assign Stream Names dialog shows a table listing each Imported Element,
Element Type, and its location (From Stream) in the originating (“import from”)
watershed. The final column “To Stream” gives the location to which the
element will be imported in the current watershed. ResSim will automatically
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
populate the “To Stream” fields, if it can match a stream name in the “import
from” watershed to a stream name in the current “import to” watershed.
Update the field using the dropdown menu to select from the list of streams in
the current watershed.
• You can also use the Assign Stream Names button to associate streams in the
“copy from” watershed with streams in the “copy to” watershed. Clicking this
button will open the Select Stream Name editor (Figure 12.60). Once you have
associated the streams, click OK, and this will update all the imported element
“To Stream” fields accordingly.
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
• Select the network elements that you would like to import physical and
operational data into from an existing network by checking the Import boxes to
the left of the Network Element names or by clicking Select All Elements located
in the upper right region of the editor.
• Select Next to continue and the Import Element Properties Wizard—Step 2 of 6
will appear (Figure 12.64). Select the watershed that contains the network from
which you would like to import physical and operational data. The box on the left
side of the dialog contains names of Watershed Locations that have been
specified as Model Directories. The box on the right side of the dialog contains
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
all the watersheds that can be found in each Watershed Location. When the
desired watershed is highlighted, click Next.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
Chapter 12 - Advanced Features HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
applied to. In most cases, what is chosen in the Select Network Element column
will match the network element in the References Element column.
• After finishing with the Element Properties Import process, a dialog will appear
summarizing the results of the import carried out. Check to ensure that all
physical and operational data was successfully imported by reviewing the Import
Results summary (Figure 12.70) and by viewing the various network element
editors in the Reservoir Network module.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 12 - Advanced Features
• Select Close to complete the process of Importing Element Properties from one
Watershed/Network into another.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems
Chapter 13
Reservoir Systems
A Reservoir System in ResSim is defined as two or more reservoirs that operate together
for common goals. Reservoir systems are created by defining system operation rules for
two or more reservoirs. ResSim provides for tandem operation to manage the storage
distribution between upstream and downstream reservoirs on the same stream. Tandem
operations are created by applying a tandem rule at an upstream reservoir operating for
a downstream reservoir (i.e., two reservoirs in series). In addition, ResSim supports
parallel operation of reservoirs, where two or more reservoirs on different streams
control for common downstream requirements, through the use of common
downstream control (for flow or stage limit) rules. For each individual reservoir, system
operation rules are prioritized among other rules in the operation set. (Refer to Section
11.1.3 for a more detailed description of rule prioritization.) This chapter will present the
concept of system operation, specifically implicit and explicit methods for determining
the system balance, and provide guidance for using the Reservoir System Editor to set up
explicit system storage balances.
Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems
Figure 13.3) takes into account Line Full
the System Storage (the total Bala
Res1 Storage
scheme considers only one ine
Res2 Storage
storages (105,000 ac-ft). System Storage
Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
30,000 ac-ft at Res. 2) versus System Guide Curve storage (105,000 ac-ft). For system
storage greater than the System Guide Curve storage, the lower limit of the balance
line corresponds to Guide Curve storage at the reservoir (75,000 ac-ft at Res. 1 and
30,000 ac-ft at Res. 2) versus System Guide Curve storage (105,000 ac-ft), and the
upper limit corresponds to full storage at the reservoir versus full system storage.
At the end of each decision interval (i.e., end-of-period), the desired storage for a
reservoir corresponds to a point on the balance line that coincides with the sum of
the estimated storages for both reservoirs. When the total estimated storage from
both reservoirs is less than the System Guide Curve storage, the corresponding
desired storages represent an equal percentage of the storage below the Guide
Curve at each reservoir. When the total estimated storage from both reservoirs is
greater than the System Guide Curve storage, the corresponding desired storages
represent an equal percentage of the storage above the Guide Curve at each
For instance, as shown in Figure 13.4, assume that preliminary end-of-period storage
estimates are 25,000 ac-ft for Reservoir 1 and 45,000 ac-ft for Reservoir 2. The
resultant total system storage of 70,000 ac-ft coincides with each reservoir’s desired
storage (50,000 ac-ft for Reservoir 1 and 20,000 ac-ft for Reservoir 2) found along the
balance line from empty system storage to System Guide Curve storage. These
desired storage values signify a desired balance because they amount to an equal
percent (66.7%, in this case) of the Guide Curve storage at each reservoir: 50,000 of
75,000 ac-ft at Reservoir 1, and 20,000 of 30,000 ac-ft at Reservoir 2.
With 25,000 ac-ft estimated as its end-of-period storage, Reservoir 1 would be below
its desired storage of 50,000 ac-ft. On the other hand, at an estimated storage of
45,000 ac-ft, Reservoir 2 would be above its desired storage of 20,000 ac-ft.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems
Res1 Storage
Desired Storage
Res2 Storage
Desired Storage
System Storage
Figure 13.4 Example of Desired Storages using the Implicit System Storage
Balance Method
Since Reservoir 2 is above its desired storage, it receives the priority to release for
this period in order to drop its storage down, as close as possible, to the desired
storage. Unless other constraints (such as maximum physical outlet capacity,
maximum flow limit rules, or flow rate of change limit rules) restrict releases and
have higher priority than the system operation rule, Reservoir 2 would increase its
releases in order to drop its pool to the desired storage of 20,000 ac-ft. As for
Reservoir 1, it is forced to cut back its releases so that its storage can rise, as close as
possible, to its desired storage of 50,000 ac-ft. If there are no restrictions (such as
minimum flow limit rules or flow rate of change limit rules) that could require a
different release due to having a higher priority than the system operation rule,
Reservoir 1 would stop releasing from its outlet(s).
In the implicit system operation, a release decision made for a particular time period
may not necessarily achieve the desired balance. The reservoirs in the system are
considered “in balance” when both reservoirs have reached their Guide Curves, or
they are operating at equivalent storage levels in terms of percentage of their
counterpart system storage zones.
Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems
Res1 Storage
Con Empty
System Storage
Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Res1 Storage
Desired Storage
Res2 Storage
Desired Storage
System Storage
Figure 13.7 Example of Desired Storages using the Explicit System Storage Balance
At 45,000 ac-ft, Reservoir 2 would be above its desired storage of 13,500 ac-ft. As
such, Reservoir 2 receives the priority to release for this period. Unless other
constraints restrict releases and have higher priority than the system operation rule,
Reservoir 2 would increase its releases in order to reduce its storage, as close as
possible, to the desired storage. On the other hand, with only 25,000 ac-ft of
estimated storage, Reservoir 1 would be below its desired storage of 56,500 ac-ft.
Then Reservoir 1 is forced to cut back its releases for this particular time period so
that its storage can rise, as close as possible, to the desired level. If there are no
higher priority rules that require a release, Reservoir 1 would not make a release
from its outlet(s).
Similar to the implicit system operation, the explicit system operation is carried out
each time period when system rules are in effect. The process of determining
desired storages is repeated every decision interval in order to assign the priority for
release to the reservoir that is farthest above the desired storage. A release decision
made for a particular time period may not necessarily achieve the desired balance.
The reservoirs are considered “in balance” when both reservoirs have reached their
Guide Curves or are operating at the desired storages levels along their balance line
curves as prescribed in the explicit storage balance scheme.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems
The user interface process of creating an explicit system storage balance is described
in subsequent sections.
Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems
Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The name and description of the new Reservoir System will now appear in the Reservoir
System Editor, with all other fields remaining blank (as shown in Figure 13.15).
• Click OK to approve your choices and close the Reservoir Selection Editor.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems
Although you have selected reservoirs for your reservoir system, they will not yet appear
in the Reservoir System Editor. You must first specify the system storage balance and
define reservoir system storage zones.
Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
When you have defined at least one system storage zone for your reservoir system, its
name will appear in the white pane at the bottom left of the Reservoir System Editor, and
a new set of fields will appear in the large gray area, as shown in Figure 13.19. These
new fields allow you to configure the system storage balance for your reservoir system.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems
In Figure 13.19, “Flood Control” is selected, so its name and description appear in the
System Storage Zone and Description fields. For the selected zone (“Flood Control” in
this example), in the list beneath each reservoir name, select a reservoir zone for each
reservoir in the system. In Figure 13.19, there are two reservoirs in the system, and we
have chosen the “Flood Control” zone for each reservoir.
• In the table below the reservoir
operation sets, enter percentages of
system storage zones for each reservoir,
as shown in Figure 13.20. These storage
percentages represent inflection points
along the balance line curve, which
delineates how the reservoirs will
balance when system operations are Figure 13.20 Percent Storage for each
Reservoir in a Two-Reservoir System
• Click Apply to save your changes.
• Repeat the process for each System Storage Zone you have created. For example, in
Figure 13.19, once you have configured the “Flood Control” System Storage Zone,
you would want to configure the reservoir system balance for the “Conservation”
System Storage Zone.
• If you wish to configure additional storage balance options, click Apply to save your
changes for the current storage balance option, then select another storage balance
option from the System Storage Balance list.
• When you have finished configuring your system storage balance, click OK to close
the Reservoir System Editor.
Chapter 13 - Reservoir Systems HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
can be added to the operation set at the other reservoirs via the “Use Existing”
option in the Operations tab of the Reservoir Editor (Section 11.1.2).
If the downstream control rules are created separately at each reservoir, even if the data
entered into the rules is identical, system operation will not be invoked.
• For tandem reservoirs, there can be an intermediate control point(s) for which the
upstream reservoir operates.
• System operation rules can be prioritized along with other rules in the operation set
(i.e., depending on prioritization, they may be overridden).
• Implicit and explicit storage balance schemes can be established among two or more
reservoirs. When defining an explicit system balance, all reservoirs identified for
parallel or tandem operation must be included in a single reservoir system (refer to
Section 13.6). For example, if you have three parallel reservoirs operating for a
common downstream location, and only two of them are included in an explicit
system storage balance, the explicit system storage balance will be ignored and the
default implicit storage balance scheme will be used instead.
When one or more reservoirs are involved in both tandem and parallel system operation
and you want to define an explicit storage balance between the parallel reservoirs, you
should put all the participating reservoirs (both parallel and tandem) into a single
reservoir system and the balance definition should address all the reservoirs in the
system. For example, if you have two reservoirs operating in parallel for a common
downstream location and one of the two reservoirs is part of a tandem system with an
upstream reservoir, it is best to include all three reservoirs in the explicit reservoir system
and associated system balance. Otherwise, if only the parallel reservoirs are included in
the explicit system, and the tandem reservoirs are left to operate using the implicit
system balance, then undesirable operations will result due to incompatibility between
the implicit and explicit balance schemes.
• The explicit system storage balance is defined using the Reservoir System Editor, as
presented in the preceding sections of this chapter. To simulate the explicit system
operation, the explicit system storage balance must be selected in the Alternative
Editor’s operations tab (Sections 14.6) along with the reservoir operation sets that
contain the system operation rules.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 14 - Defining Alternatives
Chapter 14
Defining Alternatives
Each alternative represents the combination of a reservoir network, a selection of one
operation set per reservoir, the specification of the initial conditions of each reservoir,
and the selection of inflows and other input time-series datasets needed by your model.
An Alternative consists of a Reservoir Network (previously created from a Configuration),
Run Control specifications, an Operation Set for each Reservoir in the network, a Storage
Balance Operation Set for each Reservoir System in the network (if applicable), a
definition of initial (Lookback) conditions, and a mapping of all Time-Series records to
identified local inflows. To develop an Alternative, you use the Alternative Editor to
name the Alternative and give it a description, define the Time Step and Flow
Computation method, select Reservoir Operation Sets, select System Operation Sets (if
applicable), select a Lookback Type, associate time-series data with locations, associate
observed data with locations, and save the Alternative you have created. This chapter
will guide you through these steps.
Chapter 14 - Defining Alternatives HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 14 - Defining Alternatives
Chapter 14 - Defining Alternatives HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Select Compute Unregulated Flows, Compute Holdouts, and Choose the Log Level
(Figure 14.5).
o Check Compute Unregulated Flows if you want ResSim to perform additional
calculations to determine the unregulated conditions in the watershed (i.e.,
without the regulation of reservoir and diversion projects). This process occurs
after the computations have been completed; therefore, if the unregulated flows
are not of interest, you can un-check this option to save compute time.
o Check Compute Holdouts when you want ResSim to calculate the amount of
water the reservoir stores (as opposed to just releasing inflow). Holdouts
indicate the effects of reservoir regulation and are most applicable when you will
be performing a subsequent Flood Impact or Flood Damage analysis.
o Select the Log Level (1-10) to control the amount of detailed messages that will
be displayed during the computations. A log level of 10 will provide the highest
level of detailed messages.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 14 - Defining Alternatives
• Select an Operation Set (for each reservoir in the network) by choosing from the
Operation Set dropdown list.
Chapter 14 - Defining Alternatives HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• At the very bottom of the Operations tab is the Water Account Set Selection pane.
Select the correct Water Account Set using the dropdown menu. If NONE is selected,
water accounting will not be performed for the alternative.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 14 - Defining Alternatives
Lookback (or warmup) period. You will need to specify whether Constant or “mapped”
Time-Series data will define each element and parameter during the Lookback period.
To set the Lookback Type for locations in your reservoir network:
• In the Alternative Editor, select the Lookback tab.
• For each location or parameter, in the Type column double-click on the appropriate
arrows to select either Constant or Time-Series from the dropdown list (as shown in
Figure 14.9).
• For locations or parameters where you have selected Constant as the lookback type,
enter the value for the constant in the Default Value field.
• Each row in the Time-Series table is a local flow location (specified in the Local Flow
tab within the Junction editor in the Reservoir Network module), an
element/parameter you have defined on the Lookback tab as Time Series, or a Time
Series that is referenced in the Operation rules. Select each row, one at a time, and
click Select DSS Path to access the Select Pathname dialog (Figure 14.11).
Chapter 14 - Defining Alternatives HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The Select Pathname dialog allows you to select records from a list of pathnames (or
catalog) in the database. From the View menu, you can choose to display a straight list
of pathnames or a list of pathnames separated into parts, and you can refine the list by
searching for either a string in the pathnames or for specific pathname parts. For
detailed information about working with DSS files, refer to the discussion of HEC-DSSVue
in Appendix D.
• To select time-series records for a location or element/parameter in your alternative,
open the DSS file you wish to browse. If you know the name of the file, you can type
the file name (including the path) directly into the File Name box to open the DSS file.
Otherwise, choose Open from the File menu or click the folder icon to select the
DSS database file you want.
• Once you have selected a file, the Select Pathname dialog displays the filename, the
number of pathnames shown in the list, the number of pathnames selected, the total
number of pathnames in the database file, and the size of the database file. The
individual pathnames display in a table beneath the search area.
• Use the Search feature to “filter” and locate individual records in the DSS file or scroll
through the list of pathnames with the vertical scrollbar.
• Click on a pathname in the list (to select it).
• If you would like to view the DSS data for the selected pathname, select Plot or
Tabulate from the Display menu, or you can click on Plot or Tabulate .
• When you are satisfied with the DSS record you have chosen for a location or
element/parameter, click on Set Pathname and the selected pathname will appear in
the Time-Series tab of the Alternative editor.
Inflow Multipliers.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 14 - Defining Alternatives
• If you are using the flow multipliers, a check will appear in the checkbox to indicate
inflow multipliers are being used.
• The Inflow Multipliers editor (Figure 14.12) appears when you click on Inflow
Click in the Use Inflow Multipliers checkbox to activate the editor (as shown in Figure
The following options are available for entering the Inflow Multipliers:
• The Global Multiplier option is used when you want the same multiplier to be applied
to all locations, as shown in Figure 14.14.
Chapter 14 - Defining Alternatives HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• The Multipliers by Location option is used when you want a different multiplier to
apply to each location, as shown in Figure 14.15.
• If you uncheck the Use Inflow Multipliers checkbox, then you de-activate the
multipliers, but the values remain in the editor for future use, if desired.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 14 - Defining Alternatives
Chapter 14 - Defining Alternatives HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure 14.18 shows an example portion of the Alternative editor where Create Hotstart
File is being invoked. Hotstart options for an alternative named “HotStart” are being
used to save Hotstart files at a specific Date/Time (27Nov1993 at 1400 hours). Since this
example indicates that the number of hours to include in the Hotstart files (prior to the
saved Hotstart Date/Time) is 1 hour, the Hotstart files will contain system state data from
27Nov1993 at 1300 hours through 20Oct1999 at 1400 hours.
After simulating an alternative (e.g., “HotStart”) that creates Hotstart files, a hotstarts
folder is created in the rss folder of the watershed and contains two types of files
corresponding to the selected Hotstart options: These files have extensions of “dss” and
“nhs” and are named based on the selected Hotstart option(s). Figure 14.19 shows the
watershed folder’s file system after a folder named hotstarts was created that contains
two files whose names are based on the options shown in Figure 14.18 (for this example,
the Hotstart files reflect a Date and Time of 27Nov1997 at 1400 hours).
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 14 - Defining Alternatives
Chapter 14 - Defining Alternatives HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
To select DSS data to write to the simulation.dss file at the end of a ResSim Alternative
compute, the user would check the row (specific element) and column (variable) for a
particular output variable. The top row of checkboxes represents all elements and
variables in the table. The user can select or unselect the entire column using the all
checkboxes. Individual elements and their single variables can be selected/unselected by
checking/uncheck the checkbox in the (specific element) and column (variable) for a
particular element. The top checkbox displays a third state, which indicates various
rows are selected for that column.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results
Chapter 15
Running Simulations and Analyzing
When you have entered all required data and have created Alternatives, you are ready to
perform a Simulation. A Simulation is where you specify the time window and time
interval parameters for either a single Alternative or a group of Alternatives. After a
successful Simulation, you can analyze the results, make revisions, and perform
additional Simulations to better evaluate the reservoir operations in your watershed.
When you create a simulation, you must specify a simulation time window and select the
alternatives to be analyzed. ResSim then creates a folder with the name of the
simulation in the rss folder of the watershed; this folder represents the simulation.
Within this simulation folder will be a partial copy of the watershed, including only those
files needed by the selected alternatives. Also created in the simulation folder is a DSS
file named simulation.dss, which will contain all the DSS records that represent the input
and output for the selected alternatives.
Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The Title Bar displays the name of opened watershed (displayed to the right of the HEC-
ResSim name).
The Simulation Control Panel shows the time window for the currently opened simulation
and provides controls to manipulate the simulation and alternatives. For more detail, see
Section 15.1.3.
The Menu Bar contains menus of commands that you can use in ResSim. The items on
the menus change as you switch between the various Modules, offering Module-specific
commands. You can select a menu bar item by clicking on the name of the menu (such
as File), then pointing and clicking on the item you wish to select. The Menu Bar is
described in more detail in the next section.
The Module List contains all the available Modules of ResSim. Use this list to move
between the Watershed Setup, Reservoir Network, and Simulation Modules. By default,
the Module List opens to the Module most recently used.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results
Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure 15.6
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results
The Options Editor has tabs allowing access to the following items which are
the same as those in the Network Module:
Zoom Tool—the Zoom Tool allows you to zoom in and out of the display area in
all Modules. To zoom in, hold the left mouse button down and outline the
area you want to enlarge. To zoom out, click the right mouse button.
Zooming out using the right-click button zooms out by a factor of two,
positioning the clicked location at the center of the screen.
Pan Tool—after you have zoomed in with the Zoom Tool, you can use the Pan
Tool to view watershed areas that fall outside of the ResSim window borders.
Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results
The Simulation you have created will now appear in the Simulation Control Panel.
The Reservoir Network will not appear in the map region until you have set
an Alternative to Active (Section 15.4.1).
Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure 15.14
Simulation Control
Panel Context
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results
Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Simulation. Also shown in the Simulation Control Panel is the time information
associated with the Simulation.
To execute a Simulation, you must first set an Alternative as Active. Right-click on an
Alternative in the Simulation Control Panel and, from the context menu, select Set as
Active (Figure 15.17).
The name of the active Alternative appears in bold in the simulation tree and
Compute becomes available. Also, the model schematic for the active Alternative
will appear in the display area.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results
A Compute Pass refers to one ResSim program solution search moving from the
upstream elements of the network to the downstream elements. The default is two
passes. Certain system operation rules, such as system hydropower, automatically
Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
force four passes. A user may want to set the minimum number of passes to 3 or
more if there are diversion elements in the network that are not performing correctly
or that seem to have been ignored by upstream reservoirs.
The Storage Calculation refers to a ResSim storage integration approximation
calculation performed across a computation step to assure the continuity principle is
enforced over the outlet capacity range experienced during the timestep. If there
are severe nonlinear shapes or discontinuities in the range of outlet capacities
experienced during the timestep, then ResSim subdivides the time to better
represent the average outflow during each time subdivision and therefore to better
represent the storage at the end of the timestep. Storage calculation allows for a
better simulation of small reservoirs subjected to large inflows and therefore large
variations in outlet capacities during a timestep. If a small reservoir in a simulation
has its storage oscillate unrealistically, increasing the error tolerance factor and/or
the maximum number of sub steps may improve the behavior of the small reservoir.
For each time period, releases are determined that represent the amount of water
that needs to be released in order to reach the reservoir’s guide curve. By default,
these releases are not stored to DSS. During analysis of the results, you may find it
useful to know what these values were computed to be by selecting the Save Release
to Guide Curve to DSS option.
If the operation set contains reservoir rate of change rule(s) and downstream
operation rule(s), you can indicate to include complex logic to consider the rate of
change limits when determining the release needed for downstream operation by
revising the options in the Global ROC Editor (Figure 15.22).
15.5 Trials
After one or more alternatives have been added to a simulation, you can create a Trial of
the alternative. A Trial is a copy of an existing alternative and can be used to quickly test
“what if” scenarios involving various changes to the alternative (e.g. flows, rule priority,
overrides, etc.). Unlike Alternatives, Trials are created in the Simulation Module. To
create a Trial:
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results
• In the Simulation Control Panel, right-click on the Alternative that you want to make
a Trial for and select New Trial… (Figure 15.23).
• The Create Trial Run dialog will open.
• Enter a name for the Trial, preferably something descriptive (e.g. “2xFlows”,
“MaxFlowRulePriority”) and then click OK to finish creating the Trial (Figure 15.24).
• The newly created Trial will appear in the Simulation Control Panel, nested beneath
its parent alternative (Figure 15.25).
• After creating a trial, it should automatically be made active, but if not, right-click on
the trial in the Simulation Control Panel and select Set As Active. The active trial or
alternative will appear in bold text.
• Changes can be made to the trial either by:
o right-clicking in the Simulation Control Panel, selecting Edit Run, and then
selecting the portion of the trial that you wish to edit,
Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results
You can use the Find and Find Next commands in the Search menu to locate specific
text in a log.
You can customize the appearance of the Compute
Log with the Colors and Font commands in the
Format menu.
The Colors command allows changes to the
Foreground and Background colors. Selecting
either one opens the Select Color dialog. See
Appendix D for instructions on how to use the Color
Chooser tools.
The Font command opens the Select Font dialog
(Figure 15.28), which allows you to choose the font
Type and Size. Also, you can choose whether or not
to set the appearance to Bold and/or Italic
Figure 15.28 Compute Log—
15.6.3 Viewing the Alternative Input Format Menu—Select Font
The Alternative Input report provides a complete set of the data used by an
New alternative to compute results. To access the Alternative Input report, select
Reports→Alternative Input and then select the desired alternative (Figure 15.29).
Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The Alternative Input Report Editor will open (Figure 15.30). From the editor, the
user can specify the Output Type as either XML or HTML and choose which elements
of the alternative should be included in the report.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results
Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
editors either from the ResSim Editor Interface (as previously shown in Figure 15.31)
or from the Edit menu of the Simulation Module or Reservoir Network Module.
To select different Alternative Operations or to adjust Lookback data or revise the
“mapping” of your Time Series and/or Observed data, you will need to access the
Alternative Editor (Chapter 13). The Alternative Editor is available from the ResSim
Editor Interface (as previously shown in Figure 15.31) or from the Alternative menu
of the Simulation Module. For detailed descriptions of the element editors available
in ResSim, refer to Chapters 9, 10, 11 and 12.
ResSim will use the values you specify for Elevation Target Overrides, Release
Overrides, Outlet Capacity factors within the physical limits of the reservoir, and
Storage (or Elevation) Overrides. The physical rate-of-change and the amount of
water available in the reservoir may preclude ResSim from using your override
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results
For the Reservoir shown in the list at the top of the Overrides editor, there are four
tabs available for overriding the simulation results: Each tab contains a Date, Time
and either “Elevation Target” or “Release” or “Factor” or “Storage.” You can use any
one of these override capabilities to adjust the simulation results.
Specifying Elevation Target Overrides:
Initially, the Target Elevation is based on the elevation values you specified for the
reservoir’s “guide curve” (Reservoir Editor, Operations tab). This is typically the top
of the Conservation pool and is commonly referred to as the “target” or “guide
curve”. In addition to meeting all of the other rules that you specify for a reservoir,
ResSim will try to keep the reservoir pool at the guide curve elevation. Therefore, by
specifying Elevation Target values within this editor, you are inherently overriding the
reservoir’s release decisions.
Specifying Release Overrides:
During a Simulation, ResSim determines the reservoir release values based on the
rules you specified for the Alternative. However, there may be situations where you
do not want the results to reflect the rules for specific timesteps. Therefore, you can
enter release values for the pool, the dam, an outlet group, or an individual outlet
using the Release overrides tab.
Specifying Capacity Factor Overrides:
The maximum release capacity of an outlet can be increased or reduced by using a
factor for the time periods desired. For example, if you want to indicate that an
outlet is “out-of-service” for a specific time window within the simulation, you can
enter a value of 0 to indicate no release capacity for that outlet.
Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure 15.35 Release Overrides Editor Table—Revised Data Values using Repeat Fill Option
For those timesteps where you do not specify override values, ResSim uses the
reservoir rules to determine the reservoir release values. After running a simulation
using your override values, you may decide to no longer use some, or all, of your
override values. In that case, you can use Unspecify and Unspecify All to indicate
that you want ResSim to determine the release values.
Use Unspecify when you want release values to be based on the reservoir rules for
some of the override values you have specified (override values are in green text
after a simulation is computed). Highlight the cells where you have specified
override values, then press Unspecify.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results
Use Unspecify All when you want all of the release values to be based on the
reservoir rules and not have any overrides specified.
Use Import when you want to use a time series of override values. The Import
Overrides Time Series dialog (Figure 15.36) will open, which functions exactly like the
Select Time Series Path dialog used to select time-series records for an Alternative.
Refer to Section 14.9 for more information.
Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure 15.37 Data Relationship between Reservoir Network and Simulation Modules
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results
Important: If you want your changes to be available for use in other Simulations,
you will need to Save the data back to the Base directory.
Figure 15.38 Alternative Figure 15.39 Save Simulation Run Model Parameters to
Context menu—Save to Base Base Directory
• Select the appropriate boxes in the Copy Data column beside the items you wish
to copy from the Simulation directory to the Base directory (i.e., save back to the
Reservoir Network).
• Click OK to save the Simulation data to the Base directory.
Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure 15.40 Replace Simulation Run Model Parameters from Base Directory
• Select the appropriate boxes in the Restore Data column beside the items you
wish to restore from the Base directory to the Simulation directory.
• Click OK to replace the Simulation Alternative data you have selected with data
from the Base directory.
The Replace from Base… option is also available from the Simulation menu.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results
In the Main Window of HEC-DSSVue, a listing of pathnames that are contained in the
simulation.dss file are provided, as shown in Figure 15.42.
A screened listing of pathnames can be obtained by selecting a pathname part from the
lists in the Search by Parts section of the window. For example, if you want a listing of
“observed” records, you can select OBS from the F-part list, as shown in Figure 15.43. To
obtain an unscreened listing of pathnames, select the “blank” area at the top of the list.
To select records to be plotted, tabulated, or edited, highlight the desired pathnames and
click on Select. After one or more records are selected, the icons for the graph and
table become active. Now, you can click on either icon to generate a plot (Figure
15.44) or tabulated values (Figure 15.45) of the selected records.
Chapter 15 - Running Simulations and Analyzing Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 16 - Plotting Results
Chapter 16
Plotting Results
ResSim has many standard plots for viewing output, and you can customize and create
your own, as well. This chapter describes some of the main plotting features available in
The Zoom Tool allows you to view data closely at a specific time. To zoom in,
hold the left mouse button down and outline the area you want to enlarge. To zoom
out, click the right mouse button. To resize a plot, use the mouse to drag the edges
of the window. It is possible to zoom in on one section of the entire plot (both the x
and y variables simultaneously) or a range for either variable. To zoom in on a
section of the plot, outline that area on the plot. To zoom in on a range (for either x
or y variable), outline the desired range on the respective axis.
Chapter 16 - Plotting Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
From a plot window, the View menu provides additional controls for the display of
results such as quickly displaying the entire plot after zooming in (Zoom to All),
reposition or hide the legend (Legend Placement/Hide Legend), refresh the plot after
modifying the alternative and recomputing (Refresh), and refresh the plot on the fly
after recomputing (Live Display…).
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 16 - Plotting Results
determining the appearance of the legend. Or, you can select Hide Legend from
the right-click menu (to show the legend, select Show Legend from the View
Chapter 16 - Plotting Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 16 - Plotting Results
Figure 16.6 Save Plot Type Figure 16.7 Context menu—User Plots
Chapter 16 - Plotting Results HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The View menu of the Tabular Data window offers six display options. The Commas
option displays commas in numbers greater than one thousand. The Reverse Order
shows the table starting with the last time period and ending with the first time period.
The Date and Time Separately option splits the date and time into two separate columns.
The Date with 4 Digit Years option displays the year with four digits instead of the default
two. You can set the decimal place for viewing the data by using the Show Decimal
Places option. Lastly, you can indicate how you want missing data displayed by using the
Show Missing As option. You can also resize table columns by dragging their borders to
the desired position with your mouse.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports
Chapter 17
Viewing and Managing Reports
Reports are available from every module of HEC-ResSim. Many of the reports are
module-specific, but some things remain the same no matter which module you are in—
things like opening a report, selecting view settings, printing, and exporting. In addition,
ResSim has a Report Builder for creating your own reports based on simulation results.
This chapter covers the basics for viewing and managing reports and describes different
types of reports available in the Simulation Module.
Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports
Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports
• Create a new report template by selecting New from the Report menu. The
Create a New Report Template tool (located in the upper left-hand corner of
the editor) can also be used for creating a new report. The Create New Report
Template dialog will appear (Figure 17.10) where you will give your report a
Name and Description and select OK.
Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• After creating a new report template (Figure 17.11), you will notice four tabs in
the User Report Editor: Contents, Options, Report Header/Footer, and Page
• From the Contents tab select Edit to choose the output time series that you
would like to include in your first report block. The Report Content Selection
dialog will appear (Figure 17.12).
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports
• To add a time series, highlight the Time Series Name and select Add to Report
Columns. Each time series that is added will be represented as its own column in
the current report block. As mentioned previously, only output time series data
from the current active alternative in the Simulation module is available for
report building.
Figure 17.13 is a display of the Report Content Selection dialog after two time series
have been added to the report block under construction.
All elements in the Report Columns area of the Report Content Selection dialog are
editable. To edit Time Series Name, Parameter, or Column Header, double click on
the desired cell and make the appropriate changes.
Units for column headings can either be entered in manually or using the character
string code %S. Typing this into the column header box (as shown in Figure 17.13)
will result in the units automatically being displayed in the report. Note that the code
is case sensitive.
Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The buttons at the bottom of the Report Columns area, Append, Insert, Delete, Move
Up, and Move Down, can be used to add columns to the report and rearrange time
series data into different columns. Append will add a blank column to the far-right
side of the report (a row will be added to the template). Insert will add a blank
column to the left of the column in the report that is selected in the Report Columns
area (a row will be added before the selected row in the template). Delete will erase
from the report whatever column is selected in the Report Columns area (the
selected row in the template will be deleted). Move Up and Move Down will shift the
selected column to the left and right in the report, respectively (the row in the
template will shift up or down).
Select the Edit option to manipulate the time series data in each column. Doing so
will bring up the Report Column Options dialog (Figure 17.14). The title bar at the
top of the dialog will include the column currently being edited (in this case, C1). The
Report Column reflects the contents of the Column Header (in this case, SAYERS
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports
For Interval Option, you are given four choices as to how you would like your data to
be defined for each point in time: SOP (Start of Period), EOP (End of Period), PAVG
(Period Average), and PCUM (Period Cumulative). This gives you the ability to specify
what type of data is actually being reported for each time interval.
The number of decimal places reported for the time series can also be specified with
Num. Decimal Places.
Units Multiplier (prefix) can be used to select a multiplier (1, 1000, or 1000000) that
will be applied as a “prefix” to the units of the data reported in the column being
reported. For example, you might choose 1000 to convert KW units to MW units.
The data values will be divided by 1000 and the units label will be preceded by 1000
(e.g., 1000 KW). For example, for a value of 2526 KW, then the value displayed in the
report column will change to 2.526 and the Units should reflect 1000 KW. Currently,
however, the multiplier value is not automatically displayed in the column header.
Therefore, you must manually enter the multiplier into column headings wherever
appropriate. Note: it also might be appropriate to increase the number of Decimal
Places (see previous paragraph) when using this option for displaying units.
The Column Width can also be specified. To manually enter a desired width, enter
the number of characters wide that you would like your column to be in the Column
Width box.
Checking the Hidden Column box will effectively prevent the column from being
visible in the report. Selecting this option only prevents the column from being seen.
The time series data, and all edits to the column, will still be attached to the report.
It is possible to withhold data that does not fall within a certain specified range by
checking the Clip Values to Range box. After checking the box, specify the range
(outside of which the data will not be shown) by entering the Minimum and
Maximum values. Furthermore, you can check the Show Clipped as Missing box,
Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
which will replace the clipped data with either “M”, “-M-”, or a blank space. See
options from the View menu of the User Report as subsequently discussed in Step 8.
The right side of the Report Column Options dialog contains Summary Statistics that
can be calculated for the time series data in the current column being edited. These
statistics include the following: Maximum, Time Max Occurred, Minimum, Time Min
Occurred, Average, Sum, and Count. The statistics that are chosen to be calculated
will be shown in the report at the bottom of the column.
Once all edits have been made to the column, select OK to save and return to the
Report Content Selection dialog (previously shown in Figure 17.12), or select Cancel,
which will return you to the Report Content Selection dialog and ignore all column
edits you just made. In the Report Content Selection dialog, select OK to save all
edits and return to the User Report Editor (previously shown in Figure 17.11).
Selecting Cancel will return you to the User Report Editor but will not save any edits
you made to the report block.
In the User Report Editor, select the Options tab (as shown in Figure 17.14).
By using the dropdown menu for Reporting Interval, you can select which report
interval you would like to use. You can select Each Step, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or
Yearly. When choosing Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly, it will be necessary to
specify what hour, day, or month you would like to report. For instance, if a daily
reporting interval is used, you will need to choose which hour of the day you would
like reported. When Each Step is chosen, data will be reported for all intervals, so it
is not necessary to specify reporting hours, days, or months.
Default Minimum Column Width can also be specified. In the box to the right,
column width, expressed in pixels, can be set to whatever value you find appropriate.
The default column width is set to 100 pixels. You can increase the column width,
but the minimum width will be at least 100 pixels (even if you enter a value less than
In the bottom left corner are the Date/Time Column options which can be used to
specify how you would like time to be reported. Choosing Start of Period will display
the time at the start of each interval that data is reported. Choosing End of Period
will display the time at the end of each interval, and choosing Both will display the
beginning time and ending time of each interval. You can also check Show Time,
which will display the hour of day for each time interval, and Show Day of Week,
which will display the day of week for each time interval.
In the bottom right corner are the Report Size and Location options that can be used
to specify how large you would like your report to be and where on the screen you
would like it to appear. The size of your report can be set by entering dimensions (in
pixels) in the Report Size (w×h) boxes. Furthermore, you can set the location where
the report will appear on your computer screen by entering coordinates (in pixels) in
the Report Screen Location (x,y) boxes. These screen coordinates should correspond
to an origin based on the upper left hand corner of your computer screen (i.e., an “x,
y” coordinate of “1, 1” would place the upper left corner of your User Report in the
upper left corner of your computer screen). Since this display control affects the
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports
report both when it is displayed on the screen and when it is printed, you should only
use this option when you are not printing the report.
• Select the Report Header/Footer tab in the User Report Editor to give your report
a title, header, and footer, if desired (Figure 17.15).
The Title and Header Text will appear at the beginning of the report, while the Footer
Text will appear at the end. Notice the character string codes (%) entered in Figure
17.15. These codes refer to run name (%R), alternative name (%A), and network
name (%N), respectively.
Table 17.1 provides a list of the character string codes (which are case sensitive) that
can be used to allow automatic viewing of special text fields in the report where text
can be added or edited and in the Report Header & Footer.
Table 17.1 User Reports—Character String Codes
%R Run name
%A Alternative name
%N Network name
%L Lookback time
%B Simulation Beginning (or start) time
%E Simulation End time
%V Build Version
%S Units
Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Select the Page Header/Footer tab in the User Report Editor to add a header and
footer to the page of your report, if desired (Figure 17.16).
Instead of inserting a header and footer at the beginning and end of the report, a
header and footer will be inserted at the top and bottom of each printed page. Table
17.2 provides a list of the character string codes (which are case sensitive) that can
be used to allow automatic viewing of special text fields in the page header and/or
Table 17.2 User Reports—Character String Codes for
%d Date report is printed
%p Page number
%n Number of pages
The three tool buttons located above the Page Header options can be pressed to
insert the following codes (instead of manually typing in the %code):
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports
• Format: Options include Font (for Title, Header, Footer, and Tables) and
Save Settings (as shown in Figure 17.19).
Figure 17.20 shows the “Beginning” (top of figure) and “End” (bottom of figure) of
the Example User Report (note the report title, header, and footer as well as the
statistics printed at the end of each column).
Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• To add another report block, return to the User Report Editor. Under the
Contents tab, select Add to insert another report block. Add one or more time
series to the new report block using methods previously discussed and make
desired edits to the newly created columns. Each report block can be given a
title in the Label column in the Report Blocks area of the User Report Editor.
Figure 17.21 shows the User Report Editor with two report blocks. In this
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports
example, the two labels Block 1 and Block 2 were entered for illustration
Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Be sure to save your user report template after you have made all necessary
edits. If you have not used the tool after making your final edits, then be
sure to save your User Report template using one of the following options:
You can use the tools available in the toolbar located near the top of the User Report
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports
Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• When the resize arrows appear, hold down the left mouse button and drag
the mouse right or left to indicate how wide or narrow you want the columns or
To print a report from the Watershed Setup module:
• Open a report. For example, from the Reports menu in the Watershed Setup
module, select List of Streams
(Figure 17.26).
• From the Report or File menu of
the opened report, select Print.
• Or, right-click anywhere within
the tabulated data of the report
and select Print from the
context menu (Figure 17.27).
• The Print Properties dialog will
open (Figure 17.28).
Figure 17.26 Selecting a Report
• From the Page tab of the Print
Properties dialog, you can:
o Set the Orientation of your printed report—Portrait (default) or Landscape
o Make the report columns fit on one page
o Print the Entire Table (default) or just print the Selected Cells,
o Repeat (Column) Headers on subsequent pages,
o Display Gridlines (draw borders around each cell of the table).
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports
Figure 17.27 A Report's Context Menu Figure 17.28 Print Properties Dialog
• By default, the report prints in ASCII format with a white background. If you
would like the column headers to have a light grey background, uncheck ASCII
and check Use Header Background. If header rows are included among the data
in the table, those rows will also get a grey background, a little darker than the
column headers.
• The Header/Footer tab contains two text boxes where you can enter text for a
header and/or footer for the report. The header will be centered just below the
top margin (and just above the report title). The footer be centered just above
the bottom margin and will be separated from the table data by a blank line. The
header and footer will appear on all pages of the report. When a header and
footer are included, together they occupy approximately 3 lines of space on each
page, thus reducing the number of lines of table data that will appear per page.
• The Table Title tab contains a text box with the default title shown. You can use
this text box to change the title of the report. Also on the Table Title tab is a
check box to allow you to choose whether to repeat the report title on
subsequent pages.
• Once you have your print properties set, click Print and the system Print dialog
will open (Figure 17.29). Select a printer then click OK. The report will be printed
on the selected printer.
To save paper, use “Microsoft Print to PDF” to test your print settings
before sending your report to a printer.
Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports
Chapter 17 - Viewing and Managing Reports HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
o Print Gridlines—is another option you might want to consider but use with
care. This turns on Fixed Width Column and then disables the Field
Delimiters and turns on Fixed Column Width Options. This results in an
exported report with fixed width columns of data separated by pipe
characters (|) and rows of data separated by rows of dashes (-).
o Print Title—this option adds a title to the top of the exported report. If
selected, a text box is available for you to enter a title.
• Once you have chosen your desired options, click OK.
The Save file browser will open. Use the browser to select where you want the file to
be saved and enter a filename. If you want the filename to have an extension, you
must enter your own; there is no default file extension. Then click Save to save the
file and close the browser.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 18 - Utility Scripting in ResSim
Chapter 18
Utility Scripting in ResSim
Scripting is the process of automating the actions of an interactive program for the
purpose of being able to execute a prescribed set of actions with a simple selection.
Scripting can simplify user operations and abstract complexity, ensure repeatability and
consistency of results, reduce time required to generate results, and schedule an
operation to occur one or more times in the future.
Scripting in ResSim takes two forms: The first form is represented by scripts that compute
a value during each timestep of a simulation which will be used to influence the
operation of one or more reservoirs; these are State Variables and Scripted Rules. State
Variables and Scripted Rules were covered in Sections 12.2 and 12.3, respectively. The
second form is represented by scripts that perform actions outside of the compute of an
alternative; these scripts are often referred to as utility scripts because they perform
such tasks as producing a custom plot of results, generating custom reports, and pre– or
post–processing of output to produce additional information not directly generated by
ResSim. This chapter will describe how to create, use, and manage this second form of
scripting in ResSim, the utility scripts.
Both forms of scripting in ResSim use the Jython scripting language. Jython is a special
implementation of the Python scripting language that enables scripts written in Jython to
interact with programs written in Java. For further details on how to write Jython utility
scripts that utilize the Java classes from ResSim and HEC-DSSVue, see the scripting
chapter in the HEC-DSSVue User's Manual (HEC, 2009 or later).
Two interfaces are provided in ResSim for working with your scripts. Both are available
from the Tools menu (Section of any ResSim module:
Scripts…—The first option, Scripts…, opens the Scripts window,
where you can collect buttons for launching your
scripts. In addition, there are options available from
the Scripts window for scheduling the launch of a
utility script and for monitoring the status of a
scheduled script.
Script Editor…—The second option, Script Editor… opens the
interface you will use to create, edit, and test your
scripts. Use the Script Editor to perform all your script
file management.
Figure 18.1 Tools Menu
Chapter 18 - Utility Scripting in ResSim HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The Scripts window contains one menu in its menu bar—Script. From the Script menu
(Figure 18.3), you can choose from the following options:
Script Editor—in addition to accessing the
Script Editor from the Tools menu of
the main ResSim interface, you can
access it from the Scripts panel.
Delete—select one or more scripts to delete
from folder in the AppData area of
user profile where ResSim stores
your active scripts.
Add to Panel—add a script button to the
Scripts panel of the main ResSim
interface. This panel is at the
bottom right of the Simulation
module, below the compute button.
Figure 18.3 Scripts Window—Script Menu
The option opens a dialog that will
also allow you to remove a button from the Scripts panel. Add to Panel
cannot be used to add or remove buttons from the Scripts window; that is
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 18 - Utility Scripting in ResSim
accomplished with the Show in Script Selector checkbox in the Script Setup
pane of the Script Editor.
Schedule Script Job…—set a date and time to automatically run a selected script (as
long as ResSim is running). The script can be scheduled to run once or on
repeatedly on a regular interval (Figure 18.4).
Status…—opens the Script Job Status dialog (Figure 18.5) which lists the scheduled
scripts their schedule and their status.
Chapter 18 - Utility Scripting in ResSim HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Available Scripts Tree—This tree is similar to a file system tree, but it displays the logical
organization of how your scripts are stored. You can use this tree (or the File
menu) to create, open, or import scripts in your watershed.
Setup Pane—This pane is for setting up a few properties of your script, including the label
or icon that will be displayed on a script button, the name of the file containing
the script, and a description of the script.
Edit Pane—This pane is where you will edit the script. The text editor of this pane
recognizes Python source code and will colorize the text of your script to reflect
key elements it recognizes such as comments, strings, keywords, constants, and
The menu bar on the Script Editor includes the following three menus:
File—contains most of the standard options you’d expect to find in a File menu
(Figure 18.7). One interesting aspect of the File menu is that some of the
options are inactive (greyed out) depending on what is selected in the
Available Scripts Tree.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 18 - Utility Scripting in ResSim
Note: Currently, ResSim does not edit or run utility scripts that are stored
in the watershed folder. It stores them under the /users/ folder, which it
creates in the AppData area of your profile on your computer. However,
the most logical place to store your scripts IS in your watershed, so that if
you move or share your watershed with a colleague, all necessary
information is contained in the watershed.
* C:\Users\yourUsername\AppData\Roaming\HEC\HEC-
Chapter 18 - Utility Scripting in ResSim HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Edit—contains two sets of functions (Figure 18.8). The first set of functions are the
standard text editing functions you might expect. Each entry for these
functions in the Edit menu is followed by the shortcut keystrokes that can be
used to apply the function without accessing it from the menu. The second
set of functions in the Edit menu apply to the script file as a whole and could
be considered “edits” to the Available Scripts Tree. These functions do not
have shortcut keys.
The text editing functions include:
Undo—use this function to undo the last edit or
edits to the text of your script. With each
selection of this option, the last edit made
to the text will be reversed and the text will
be restored to its prior state. When there
are no edits to undo, this menu entry
displays in the menu as Can’t Undo and is
Redo—use this function to redo the last undo.
With each selection of this option, the last
text edit that was reversed will be
reapplied. When there are no edits to redo,
this menu entry displays in the menu as Figure 18.8 Script Editor
Can’t Redo and is greyed-out. Edit Menu
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 18 - Utility Scripting in ResSim
Chapter 18 - Utility Scripting in ResSim HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
if not module.openSimulation(simulationName) :
title = "Simulation Not Found"
msg = simulationName
MessageBox.showError(msg, title)
log("\n\n%s : %s\n" % (title, msg))
return Constants.FALSE
# Run all the alternative(s). #
if not alternativeName :
runs = module.getSimulationRuns()
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Chapter 18 - Utility Scripting in ResSim
else :
run = module.getSimulationRun(alternativeName)
if not run :
title = "Alternative Not Found"
msg = alternativeName
MessageBox.showError(msg, title)
log("\n\n%s : %s\n" % (title, msg))
return Constants.FALSE
runs = [run]
return Constants.TRUE
# run the simulation #
#....................................... REVISE ....................................
# the next line defines the name of the Simulation containing Alternatives to be run
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual References
Hydrologic Engineering Center, 2010. Corps Water Management System (CWMS)
Documentation, CWMS User’s Manual, Version 2.0, October 2010, U. S. Army
Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA.
Hydrologic Engineering Center, 1998. HEC-5, Simulation of Flood Control and
Conservation Systems, User’s Manual, October 1998, CPD-5, U. S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Davis, CA.
Hydrologic Engineering Center, 1995. HEC-DSS (Data Storage System), User’s Guide and
Utility Manuals, March 1995, CPD-45, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA.
Hydrologic Engineering Center, 2009. HEC-DSSVue, HEC Data Storage System Visual
Utility Engine, User’s Manual, Version 2.0, July 2009, CPD-79, U. S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Davis, CA.
Hydrologic Engineering Center, 2003. HEC-FIA, Flood Impact Analysis, User’s Manual,
April 2003, CPD-81, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA.
Hydrologic Engineering Center, 2017. HEC-WAT, Watershed Analysis Tool, User’s
Manual, Version 1.0, September 2017, CPD-88, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Davis, CA.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1994. EM 1110-2-1417, Streamflow and Reservoir Routing,
Chapter 9, 31 August 1994, Washington, D. C.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1987. EM 1110-2-3600, Management of Water Control
Systems, Engineer Manual, 30 November 1987, Washington, D. C.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1991. SSARR Model, Streamflow Synthesis and Reservoir
Regulation, User Manual, January 1991, Northwestern Division, Portland, OR.
Reservoir System Simulation
User’s Manual
Version 3.3
February 2021
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings
Appendix A
ResSim Application Settings
ResSim allows you to configure a variety of program options and preferences. You can
create watershed locations for storing your watersheds, configure the fonts used in the
user interface, and specify debug levels—to name just a few. These are managed by the
ResSim Options Editor.
Other settings, mostly related to the environment that ResSim is running in, are also
accessible. These settings can be viewed and managed through the Application
Properties Editor.
This appendix describes both the Options Editor and the Application Properties Editor, all
their tabs, and the various properties and settings that can be managed therein.
Unless otherwise stated, any changes you make to settings in the Options editor are
saved as global User Preferences and are retained until reset. In this context, global
means: applies to All watersheds. ResSim’s User Preferences are stored in the AppData
folder of your Windows® user profile in a folder specific to the version of ResSim that you
are currently working with. Since they are stored per version, each time you install a new
version of ResSim, you will need to reset your preferences; they do not carry forward.
Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
A.1.1 Shortcuts
A Watershed Location, or Shortcut, is the place on disk where you store your
watersheds. You can have multiple watershed locations, although a single watershed
cannot span multiple locations. Each watershed location is given an alias (or logical
name) such as My Watersheds or Current Projects.
In prior versions of ResSim, you were required to create at least one watershed
location before you could create a watershed. In version 3.3, that requirement has
been removed; however there are still features in ResSim that expect your watershed
to reside in a known watershed location so we recommend that you continue to
create and use specified watershed locations (shortcuts) for storing your watersheds.
So, before you create or open a watershed, you should define at least one watershed
location. To define a watershed location (a.k.a., a Shortcut):
• From the Tools menu, select Options. The ResSim Options Editor will open. See
Figure A.1.
• Select the Shortcuts tab. The Name and Location of any watershed locations you
have already defined will display in the Shortcuts list.
• To add a new location to the
list, click the Add Shortcut
button. The Add Shortcut
dialog will open (Figure A.2)
• Enter a Name (or alias) for the
new shortcut, then click Figure A.2 Add Shortcut Dialog
Browse…. A file browser
window will open. Use it to select the folder on disk where you want to store
your watershed(s).
• Click OK to close the Add Shortcut dialog. The new watershed location (shortcut)
will now appear in the list of Shortcuts on the Shortcuts tab (Figure A.1).
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings
colors for the messages that are displayed in the Compute Window and to determine
the format of the Compute Log.
Compute Window Properties—contains the options for setting the text Color for:
• General Messages
• Warning Messages
• Error Messages
Log File Properties—this section contains options for specifying the format of the
Compute Log:
• Use HTML for Logs—By default, the log is written in simple ASCII text
format (the default) but if you would prefer that it be written in HTML,
place a checkmark in the Use HTML for Logs checkbox.
• HTML Background Color—If the Use HMTL… checkbox is checked, then
you can select a background color for display of the HTML formatted log.
Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-DSS Debug Level—This log level is used by HEC-DSS to control the types of
messages it produces to its log. The default value is 4 which will produce
limited messaging in the DSS log for all DSS reads and writes. You can reduce
DSS logging by entering a value of 1 or 2. Or you can increase the log level all
the way up to 10 to get the maximum diagnostic output from DSS.
A.1.4 General
The General tab (Figure A.6) lets you manage settings that influence how ResSim
behaves when opened or closed. These options are saved as user preferences for
this version of ResSim and will remain as set until changed.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings
watershed you were working on when you last closed ResSim. This option is
unchecked by default.
Tooltip Display Time—Tooltips appear when you pause your cursor over a user
interface widget that has a tooltip defined for it. But they don’t hang around
long. This option lets you change how long a tooltip will be displayed before
disappearing. The time is in milliseconds.
A.1.5 Fonts
The Fonts tab (Figure A.8) lets you specify the font that will be used for a variety of
components (widgets) in the ResSim main user interface, windows, dialogs, and
editors. These widgets include: Tabs, Labels, Descriptions for Radio Buttons and
Checkboxes, Buttons, Lists and Text Fields.
Font—To change the font you see throughout ResSim, use the Font drop-down list to
select your desired font. Use the fields below the Font selector to set the
font Size and to make it Bold and/or Italic. You can even enter a different
string of Sample Text to use to see how the font will look.
Set Font Selection—After making your selections, click the Set Font Selection button
to apply your changes to the various widgets shown on the left side of the
panel. If you like what you see, click OK to apply your selections and close
the Options Editor. As ResSim will tell you, your new font settings will not be
applied until the next time you start ResSim. NOTE—you must click the Set
Font Selection button before pressing OK, or your changes will not be applied.
Reset Font Selection—If you don’t like how your font settings appear on the Sample
Components, click the Reset Font Selection button to start over (return to
defaults) or press Cancel to discard your changes and close the Options
Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings
Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings
Note: Rate of Change Rules have more impact than you might think…
ResSim’s decision logic tries to meet its objectives as fast as possible, usually
within the current timestep. But rate-of-change constraints are in direct
opposition to that tendency; their objective is to slow things down. To more
fully address this objective, logic was added to the downstream control and
guide curve methods to account for rate of change constrains. So, besides
acting as normal release limit rules, Rate of Change rules also impact
downstream control and guide curve by extending the time window over
which the two methods try to meet their objectives. The options below are
intended to give you some control over the impact of Rate of Change rules
on Guide Curve operations.
Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings
Unlike most other settings in the Options Editor, the settings on the ResSim
Compute tab are stored in the watershed, not as User Preferences.
Allow State Variables to be defined as Java Classes—by turning this option on, you
active an option in the State Variable Editor that will allow you to identify a
Java class file as the implementation of your state variable rather than the
native Jython script. By writing your own Java class for your state variable
you can improve compute time of your state variable by 20% or more. This
option should be seriously considered for state variables scripts that are very
long, complicated, and access a significant number of ResSim model objects
and their methods.
Allow Reservoir Operation Scripted Rules to be defined as Java Classes—this option is
exactly the same as the one above for State Variables, but it applies to
scripted rules.
Since these settings impact how you create your operations in the current
watershed, the settings on the Advanced tab are stored in the watershed, not
as User Preferences.
Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Note: ResSim was originally designed and built as a tightly integrated tool of a
larger software development project (CWMS). Because of that effort, not only
does ResSim share a lot of code with other HEC applications, it was also created
to work in a client-server environment. Much of the information provided by the
Application Properties dialog was considered important in that client-server
framework but is of little to no interest when ResSim in run as a standalone
program—which is how it is assumed you are running ResSim. Therefore, only
those parameters and attributes that may be of interest in standalone have been
documented here. For details on other parameters, you can refer to the CWMS
User’s Manual.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings
Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix A - ResSim Application Settings
Very few, if any, of the System Properties should ever be changed by you, the
user. But, if you must make changes to any of these properties, do so in the
HEC-ResSim.config file (or its companion, the HEC-ResSim - Personal.config
file located in your AppData area), not from this Editor.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
Appendix B
Working with Map Display Layers
Layers in ResSim can be displayed, one on top of the other, in the Map Display area of
ResSim. There are three types of layers used in the display: map layers, image layers, and
ResSim layers. Map layers typically come from GIS shapefiles, DEMs, or DLGs and may
contain features such as roads, political boundaries (cities, counties, etc.), rivers,
subbasins, waterbodies, etc. Image layers are geospatially referenced images, which may
also contain similar information, or perhaps photographic or satellite imagery. Each of
these files, along with its associated data, is a called layer. In addition to these static map
and image layers are ResSim schematic layers that are shown by default depending on
the current module and the currently open dataset. Each ResSim module includes its
own default layers -- Watershed Setup: Time Series Icons, Study, and Stream Alignment;
Network: ResSim and Stream Alignment; Simulation: Model Schematic (which contains
the ResSim layer) and Stream Alignment. These ResSim schematic layers contain
elements that represent parts of the model schematic you create for your watershed.
Layers are considered hierarchical, which means that they may contain zero or more sub-
layers. The first or top layer of a layer hierarchy is referred to as the primary or root layer.
Each sub-layer usually represents a different type of component or element contained in
the layer. Layers that do not have sub-layers usually contain only one type of drawing
element or type. Most static map or image layers contain only one element type.
This appendix describes the various functions of the Layer Selector including:
• Adding Map Layers
• Setting the Watershed Coordinate System
• Editing Map Layer Properties
• Editing Schematic Layer Properties
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
Likewise, if a layer is at the bottom, the Move Down and Move to Bottom
options will not be available.
Maps (Figure B.4)—This menu allows you
to add and remove map layers, as
well as import images as layers.
The Map Display Coordinates
option opens the Geographic
Region editor. These functions are
described in Section B.5.1 below.
Figure B.4 Maps Menu
View (Figure B.5)—this menu has the following two options that impact the “view” of the
Layer Selector itself:
Expand / Collapse—This option causes the selected layer in the Layers tree to
display its sub-layers (or Legend). This is the same functionality as
clicking on the plus-sign of
the selected layer in the
tree. Once you have
expanded a layer, Expand
changes to Collapse in the
menu. Use Collapse to Figure B.5 View Menu
cause the selected layer to
hide its sub-layers or Legend. This is the same functionality as clicking on
the minus-sign of the selected layer in the tree.
Always on Top—This option in the View menu is a “toggle switch”. When active
or ON, this option keeps the Layer Selector on top of all other windows
on your desktop. If a checkmark precedes this option in the View menu,
the option is active.
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
ResSim creates a sub-layer for each component types even before you have
defined any projects, computation points, or impact areas. Each component
layer can be turned on and off without impacting the display of the other
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
network; if no network is open, only the stream alignment and map layers will be
shown in the Map Display area and in the Layers tree of the Layer Selector.
When you are in the Reservoir Network module, the Layer Selector includes
ResSim as a primary layer in the Layers Tree. When you click on the plus sign in
front of the ResSim layer in the Layers Tree, the layer expands to show the set of
component layers contained in the ResSim layer, including:
• Reservoirs
• Reaches
• Diversions (and Diverted Outlets)
• Junctions
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The Stream Alignment Properties editor allows you to view and edit the following
properties related to how the stream alignment is drawn in the Map Display:
Stream Width—Select the line width of the streams, in points, from the selection list.
Possible values are 1—10. The default stream line width is 6.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
Stream Color—Select the color of the stream lines from the list of pre-defined colors.
The default stream color is a custom color of orange.
Show Stream Name—Use the checkbox to indicate if the stream name labels should
be drawn with the streams in the Map Display. Uncheck the box to turn OFF
the stream names.
Choose Font—This button opens the Font Chooser (Figure B.15). Use it to modify
the font properties for the stream name labels. The stream names will be
drawn using the Stream Color.
Draw Station Tics—Tic marks are drawn perpendicular to the stream line to mark
approximate distance along the stream from downstream to upstream. Use
the checkbox to indicate if the stationing tic marks should be drawn along
the streams in the Map Display. Uncheck the box to turn OFF the tic marks.
The tic marks and their labels will be drawn using the Stream Color.
Tic Length—Select the length of the minor tic marks, in points, from the
selection list. The default minor tic length is 7.
Major Tic Length—Select the length of the major tic marks, in points, from
the selection list. The default major tic length is 14.
Draw Tic Labels—Use the checkbox to indicate if the tic mark labels should
be drawn with the tic marks of the streams in the Map Display.
Uncheck the box to turn OFF the tic mark labels.
Tic Labels Font—this Choose Font… button will open the Font Chooser. Use it
to set the font properties for tic mark labels.
The stream alignment tic marks can strongly influence how the schematic
layers are drawn, especially the labels for the various schematic elements.
Once your stream alignment has been finalized, you probably won’t need
the station tic marks, so turn them off for a cleaner view of your schematic.
Draw Stream Nodes—Small circles are used to represent the stream nodes. By
default, a stream node is created at the endpoints of every stream. Use the
checkbox to turn ON or OFF the drawing of the stream nodes on the streams
in the Map Display.
Node Color—Select the fill color of the stream nodes from the list of pre-
defined colors. The default stream node color is a custom color of
Node Outline Color—Select the outline color of the stream nodes from the
list of pre-defined colors. The default stream node color is a custom
color of dark green.
Node Width—Select the diameter of the stream nodes, in points, from the
selection list. Possible values are 1–10. The default node diameter
(width) is 7.
Draw Junctions—Stream junctions are drawn at the connection of two or more
streams; they appear as a larger circle (or halo) behind the smaller stream
node circles that are created and drawn at the endpoints of every stream.
Use the checkbox to turn ON or OFF the drawing of the stream junctions.
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Junction Color—Select the color of the stream junction from the list of pre-
defined colors. The default stream junction color is bright green, a
custom color of green.
Junction Width—the size of the circle that forms the stream junction halo, in
units of points.
The Stream Alignment Properties editor has a preview pane located on the right side
of the editor. This preview pane allows you to view your changes before applying
B.6.2.1 Reservoirs
Reservoirs are drawn using four distinct elements:
• a Triangle Element—a re-shapeable polygon representing the reservoir pool,
• a Storage Reach Element—a thick line that follows the stream alignment and
stretches from the inflow location(s) to the outflow location(s),
• a Dam Element—a rectangle drawn at the reservoir’s outflow location(s), and
• a Reservoir Name label.
The Reservoir tab (Figure B.14) provides options for setting how reservoirs will
appear in the Map Display. It is organized to present the drawing properties of
each element of the reservoir separately.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
Triangle Outline Color—select the color of the reservoir pool polygons outline
from the list of pre-defined colors. The default line color is blue.
Draw Reservoir Triangle—Use the checkbox to indicate if the reservoir pool
polygons should be drawn in the Map Display area. Uncheck the box to
turn OFF the reservoir pool polygons.
Storage Reach Fill Color—select the fill color of the reservoir storage reaches
from the list of pre-defined colors. The default fill color is cyan.
Storage Reach Outline Color—Select the color of the outline of the reservoir
storage reaches from the list of pre-defined colors. The default outline
color is blue.
Storage Reach Width—Select the width of the storage reaches, in points, from
the selection list. Possible values are 1–10. The default width is 10.
Dam Fill Color—Select the (fill and outline) color of the dam rectangles from the
list of pre-defined colors. The default color is grey.
Dam Width—Select the width of the dam rectangles, in points, from the
selection list. Possible values are 1–10. The default width is 10. The
length of the dam rectangle is a multiple of the width.
Draw Reservoir Name—Use the checkbox to indicate
if the reservoir name labels should be drawn
in the Map Display. Uncheck the box to turn
OFF the reservoir names.
Font…—This button opens the Font Chooser (Figure
B.15). Use it to select the Font and Size of
the name label and whether it should be
Bold and/or Italic. You can even change the
Sample Text used to preview your selections.
Click OK to save your settings and close the
Font Chooser. The reservoir names will be
drawn using the Triangle Outline Color. Figure B.15 Font Chooser
B.6.2.2 Levees
Levees are drawn as a line that parallels the stream alignment. The Levees tab
(Figure B.16) provides options for setting the drawing properties of that line and
its label.
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
B.6.2.3 Diversions
A diversion is drawn as a polyline with an arrowhead at the downstream end.
The connectivity of the downstream end of a diversion is reflected in the color of
the arrowhead.
The Diversions tab (Figure B.17), provides options for setting how diversions will
appear in the Map Display area. The diversion drawing properties are presented
in three sections—the Line Element, the Arrowhead Element, and the Name
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The rest of the drawing properties for the computation point elements in the Map
Display are managed by the Computation Point Layer Editor.
To open the Computation Point Layer Editor:
▪ Select Computation Point Layers from the Edit menu of the Watershed Setup
The Computation Point Layer Editor allows you to create computation point
layers and set the drawing properties per layer. Every watershed is created
with a default computation point layer—called Default. In ResSim watersheds,
this is really all you need since ResSim cannot take advantage of additional
computation point layers.
The computation point drawing properties available in the Computation Point
Layer Editor (Figure B.20) include the Computation Point’s:
▪ Background Color—the
outline of the symbol...
▪ Foreground Color—the fill
color of the symbol...
▪ Symbol—the shape or text
character used to represent
the computation point on
the map schematic.
▪ Symbol Size—a value, in
points, between 4 and 25.
A value of 10 is
approximately equal to the
size of a 10pt font.
See the HEC-WAT User’s
Manual for more details on
Computation Point layers.
The computation point name drawing properties you can modify from the
Drawing Properties Editor include:
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
B.6.3.1 Reservoirs
In the ResSim layer, reservoirs are drawn using the same four distinct elements
as in the Study layer:
• a Triangle Element—a re-shapeable polygon representing the reservoir pool,
• a Storage Reach Element—a thick line drawn on top of the stream alignment;
it stretches from the inflow junctions(s) to the outflow junctions(s),
• a Dam Element—a rectangle drawn behind the reservoir’s outflow
junction(s), and
• a Reservoir Name label.
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The Reservoir tab (Figure B.22) of the ResSim System Draw Properties editor
provides options for setting how reservoirs will appear in the Map Display, but
there are fewer properties to set/modify than in the Study layer:
Fill Color—Select the fill color of
the reservoir pool
polygon from the list of
pre-defined colors. The
default fill color is cyan.
Note—the reservoir
storage reach will be
drawn with a dark
version of the selected
fill color; as such, the
default fill color for the
reservoir storage reach
is a dark cyan.
Outline Color—Select the
outline color of the
Figure B.22 ResSim Layer Draw Properties—
reservoir pool polygon Reservoirs
and the reservoir
storage reach from the list of pre-defined colors. The default outline
color is blue.
Dam Color—Select the fill and outline color of the dam from the list of pre-
defined colors. The default dam color is blue.
Minimum Dam Width—Select the width of the dam rectangle, in points, from the
selection list. Possible values are 1–15. The default width is 10. The
length of the dam rectangle is a multiple of the width.
Reach Width—Select the line width, in points, from the selection list. Possible
values are 1–15. The default storage reach width is 10.
Draw Reservoir Polygon—Use the checkbox to indicate if the reservoir pool
polygons should be drawn in the Map Display area. Uncheck the box to
turn OFF the reservoir pool polygons.
Draw Reservoir Name—Use the checkbox to indicate if the reservoir name labels
should be drawn in the Map Display. Uncheck the box to turn OFF the
reservoir names.
Name Font…—This button opens the Font Chooser (Figure B.15). Use it to
modify the font properties of the reservoir name labels. The reservoir
names will be drawn using the Outline Color.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
B.6.3.1 Junctions
Junctions are drawn as filled circles. The Junction tab (Figure B.23) of the ResSim
System Draw Properties editor provides options for modifying how junctions will
appear in the Map Display:
Junction Width—Select the
diameter of the circle,
in points, from the
selection list. Possible
values are 1–15. The
default diameter is 12.
Fill Color—Select the fill color of
the junction circle from
the list of pre-defined
colors. The default fill
color is red.
Outline Color—Select the
outline color of the Figure B.23 ResSim Layer Draw Properties—
junction circle from the
list of pre-defined colors. The default outline color is blue.
Draw Junction Name—Use the checkbox to indicate if the junction name labels
should be drawn in the Map Display. Uncheck the box to turn OFF the
junction names.
Name Font…—This button opens the Font Chooser (Figure B.15). Use it to
modify the font properties of the junction name labels. The junction
names will be drawn using the Fill Color.
B.6.3.1 Reaches
Reaches are drawn as a thick
line on top of the stream
alignment. The Reach tab
(Figure B.24) of the ResSim
System Draw Properties editor
provides options for modifying
how reach will appear in the
Map Display:
Reach Width—Select the width
of the reach line, in
points, from the
selection list. Possible
values are 1–15. The
default diameter is 10.
Figure B.24 ResSim Layer Draw Properties—Reaches
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Fill Color—Select the fill color of the reach line from the list of pre-defined colors.
The default fill color is blue.
Outline Color—Select the outline color of the reach line from the list of pre-
defined colors. The default outline color is blue.
Draw Reach Name—Use the checkbox to indicate if the reach name labels should
be drawn in the Map Display. Uncheck the box to turn OFF the junction
Name Font…—This button opens the Font Chooser (Figure B.15). Use it to
modify the font properties of the reach name labels. The reach names
will be drawn using the Outline Color.
Draw Flow Direction Arrow—Use the checkbox to indicate if the flow direction
arrows should be drawn at the midpoint of each reach in the Map
Display. Uncheck the box to turn OFF the flow direction arrows.
B.6.3.1 Diversions
A diversion is drawn as a polyline with an arrowhead at the downstream end.
The connectedness of a diversion is reflected in the color of the arrowhead.
The Diversion tab (Figure B.25) of the ResSim System Draw Properties editor
provides options for modifying how diversion will appear in the Map Display:
Fill Color—Select the fill color of the reach line from the list of pre-defined colors.
The default fill color is
Outline Color—Select the
outline color of the
diversion reach line
from the list of pre-
defined colors. The
default outline color is
Connected Fill Color—Select the
outline color of the
reach line from the list
of pre-defined colors.
The default outline
color is blue.
Figure B.25 ResSim Layer Draw Properties—
DisConnected Fill Color—Select Diversions
the outline color of the
reach line from the list of pre-defined colors. The default outline color is
Diversion Width—Select the line width of the diversion, in points, from the
selection list. Possible values are 1—15. The default line width is 6.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
Draw Diversion Name—Use the checkbox to indicate if the reach name labels
should be drawn in the Map Display. Uncheck the box to turn OFF the
junction names.
Name Font…—This button opens the Font Chooser (Figure B.15). Use it to
modify the font properties of the reach name labels. The diversion
names will be drawn using the Outline Color.
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The Style tab lets you set the drawing properties of the Point elements in the
shapefile. The drawing properties that you can modify are a function of the first
field in the panel, Draw Features using. The options are:
One Style (Figure B.27)—under this option, the drawing properties are:
Style—the symbol used to represent each point.
Color—the color of the symbols.
Size—the size of the symbols, in
Attribute Values (Figure B.28)—under
this option, the drawing
properties expand to:
Field for Values—select the
attribute whose values
will determine the color
of each point.
Style—the symbol used to
represent each point.
Size —the size of the symbols, in Figure B.27 Edit Point Properties
points. Style Tab—One Style
Color—two colors are used to
define the Start and End
colors of a color ramp.
ResSim will determine
the number of unique
values in the selected
attribute field, then
create a gradation set of
colors ranging between
the Start and End colors,
with a different color in
the gradation for each
unique attribute value.
The set of colors and
their associated
attribute values will be
displayed in the Color-
Value table.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
The Style tab lets you set the drawing properties of the Line elements in the
shapefile. The drawing properties that
you can modify are a function of the first
field in the panel, Draw Features using:.
The options are:
One Style (Figure B.29)—under this
option the drawing properties
Color—the color of the line that
is drawn for each
element in the shapefile.
Style—the line style, such as
solid, dashed, dotted, Figure B.29 Edit Line Properties
etc. Style Tab—One Style
Weight—the thickness of the
Attribute Values (Figure B.30)—under
this option, the drawing
properties expand to:
Field for Values—select the
attribute whose values
will determine the color
of each line.
Style—the line style, such as
solid, dashed, dotted,
etc. used to draw each
line in the shapefile
Weight—the thickness of the
Color—two colors are used to
define the Start and End
colors of a color ramp.
ResSim will determine
the number of unique
Figure B.30 Edit Line Properties
values in the selected Style Tab—Attribute Values
attribute field, then
create a gradation set of colors ranging between the Start and
End colors, with a different color in the gradation for each
unique attribute value. The set of colors and their associated
attribute values will be displayed in the Color-Value table.
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Italic—On/Off—makes the
text italic
Size—the font size, in points.
Placement—select one of
the eight points of
the compass to
determine where
you want the label
drawn relative to
each element. For
example, North
would place the
label centered Figure B.35 USGS Digital Line Graph Editor for DLG
above the element. Map Layer—Properties Tab
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
Brightness—Control the amount of white in the color used to draw the elements
in your map by entering in a decimal value between 0 and 1. The default
value is 1.
On the Scale tab of the USGS Digital Line Graph Editor (Figure B.36), you can specify
how the map will be displayed based on zoom level:
Always show layer—by default, the digital line graph layer is set to always display,
regardless of the zoom level.
Only show layer in the following scale range—select this radio button if you want
the map to display only for specific zoom ranges:
Only visible below 1: To set the scale (zoom range) so that the digital line
graph layer becomes visible as you zoom-in, you can set the scale
to the current scale by clicking Set to Current or enter a value in
the box.
Only visible above 1: To
set the scale so
that the digital
line graph layer
becomes visible
as you zoom-
out, you can set
the scale to the
current scale by
clicking Set to
Current or enter
a value in the Figure B.36 USGS Digital Line Graph Editor—
box. Scale Tab
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
based on the elevation data in stored in the map. If you deselect the
checkbox, you can enter custom values.
Brightness—the relative lightness or darkness of a color from 0 to 1 (black to
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
The Value sliders allow you to specify the amount of Clipping within the
Contour Limits you have specified; you can also type values into
the text boxes.
Color—these buttons open the Color Chooser (see Section B.8 for a
description of the Color Chooser).
Scale—The color ramp on the right side of the Properties tab will reflect your
drawing property settings.
Only visible below 1: To set the scale (zoom range) so that the digital line
graph layer becomes visible as you zoom-in, you can set the scale
to the current scale by clicking Set to Current or enter a value in
the box.
Only visible above 1: To set the scale so that the digital line graph layer
becomes visible as you zoom-out, you can set the scale to the
current scale by clicking Set to Current or enter a value in the
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
B.7.1 Swatches
To select a color from the
Swatches tab (Figure B.39), click
on the swatch of the color you
want. The Recent panel keeps
track of your choices so you can
return to them easily.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
If using Hue is not effective for finding the color you want, you can also select a color
by choosing the Saturation or Brightness radio buttons and adjusting your color
selection with the slider bar and the shade box.
Hue (H) is measured in a circle from 0 to 359 degrees (0=red, 60=yellow,
120=green, 180=cyan, 240=blue, 00=magenta).
Saturation (S) is the intensity or density of the hue, measured from 0 (grey) to
100 (vivid color).
Brightness (B) is the relative lightness or darkness of a color from 0 (black) to
100 (while).
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
A User Toolbar Button acts as a shortcut for controlling the view of a layers in your Map
Display without having to open the Layer Selector. These buttons are useful when you
need to have frequent control over layers that are being displayed. User Toolbar Buttons
are module specific, which means that if you create a button in the Watershed Setup
module, it will not appear in the Simulation module unless you create it (again) in that
Clicking a User Toolbar Button turns the associated layer ON or OFF in the Map Display, in
much the same way as the checkbox in the Layers Tree in the Layer Selector.
Right-clicking on a toolbar button opens a context menu that gives you access to the
layer’s properties editor and the ability to select and deselect sub-layers to be
displayed. The options available from a toolbar button’s context menu depend
upon the associated layer’s layer type.
Hovering your cursor over a toolbar button displays a tooltip with a description of the
button or the layer it is associated with.
To create a toolbar button:
• Open the Layer Selector and select a layer in the
Layers tree.
• From the Edit menu, select Add Toolbar Button.
The Toolbar Button Editor (Figure B.42) opens.
Figure B.42 Toolbar Button Editor
• The layer’s name appears in the Tool Tip field, but
you can enter a more descriptive tooltip if desired.
• Select an icon from the Icon list to display on the button. If you forget to select an
icon, a toolbar button will not be created.
• Select OK to finish creating the Toolbar Button. Cancel will abort the process.
The toolbar button will appear in the Module toolbar above the Map Display Area as
shown in Figure B.43.
To remove a toolbar button:
• Select the layer in the Layers Tree of the Layer Selector
• From the Edit menu, select Remove Toolbar Button.
To remove all toolbar buttons that you have defined:
• Select Reload Default Button from the Edit menu in the Layer Selector.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Table B.2 shows the options available for System, Units, and Spheroid. When you
choose specific coordinate systems, not all options are available from the Spheroid
list. For example, choosing X-Y from the System list deactivates the Spheroid list.
Additionally, when State Plane Coordinates is selected as the System, only Clarke
1886 and GRS 1980 are available choices from the Spheroid list.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
Table B.2 Available Map Coordinate Systems, Units, and Spheroid Options
(3) State Plane Coordinates also requires a numeric Zone to be entered (e.g., 3701)
(4) Albers Equal-Area Conic and Lambert Conformal Conic also require the following: •Latitude for the
first and second standard parallel, •Longitude of the central meridian, •Latitude of the projection origin,
•False easting and northing
(5) Transverse Mercator also requires the following entries:
Scale factor and Longitude of the central meridian, Latitude of the projection origin, False easting and
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
B.9.2.2 Geographic
A Geographic
coordinate system
(Figure B.46) defines Figure B.45 X-Y Coordinate System
locations on the earth
using a three-dimensional spherical surface. This coordinate system differs from
the others in that the Units are not of distance but rather angle. The Units
options include:
• Radians
• Seconds of Arc
• Degrees of Arc
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
Additional required
information includes:
Scale factor at central
meridian; Longitude of
the central meridian;
Latitude of the
projection origin; False
easting; and False
When specifying
latitudes, use N or S.
For longitudes, use E
or W. You may either
type these into the
fields or use the
SPACEBAR on your Figure B.47 Map Coordinate Information
Transverse Mercator System
keyboard to toggle
between the acceptable entries (after placing your cursor in the first box of
either the latitude or longitude field).
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Spheroid definition
• Latitude of the two standard parallels
• Longitude of the central meridian
• Latitude of the projection origin
• False easting—a value for the origin of the x-coordinates
• False northing—a value for the origin of the Y-coordinates
When specifying latitudes, use N or S. For longitudes, use E or W. You may
either type N, S, E, or W into the fields, or use the SPACEBAR on your keyboard to
toggle through the acceptable entries (after placing your cursor in the first box of
either the latitude or longitude field).
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix B - Working with Map Display Layers
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix C - Commonly Used Editors and Dialogs
Appendix C
Commonly Used Editors and Dialogs
There are a few editors and dialogs that are used repeatedly throughout the ResSim user
interface. These editors have the same purpose or provide the same functionality for a
variety of model features. To minimize repetition in the manual, the details of these
editors and dialogs are described here.
Appendix C - Commonly Used Editors and Dialogs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure C.3 show the file browser that is opened when you select Add Map… from the
Maps menu in the Layer Selector.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix C - Commonly Used Editors and Dialogs
To change the current folder to the parent folder of the current folder, use the Move
Up file button.
To select a file, click on it in the file list; the filename will appear in the selected file
File Names—the file list should show only the file names
File Details—the file list should show the file names, size, and modified date.
Appendix C - Commonly Used Editors and Dialogs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
All seasonal tables in ResSim treat each date entered as the beginning of
the day, i.e., as applying at 0000 hours. If you would prefer that your
dates in the Function-of-Date table applied at the end of the day, use the
next day in the table or define your relationship (table) as a Function-of-
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix C - Commonly Used Editors and Dialogs
Use Model Variable if the lookup table or relationship you need to define varies as a
function of a variable that is computed by ResSim.
When Model Variable is selected, the edit panel of the Independent Variable
Definition dialog (Figure C.5) will display the Model Variable pane; this pane contains
the user interface widgets needed to define the model variable to be used as the
independent variable for your function.
Appendix C - Commonly Used Editors and Dialogs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
A set of three Filters—use one or more of these selectors, located above the
Model Variables table, to thin out the list of model variables so that you
can quickly find the variable you need. Each filter selector contains a list
of all the possible values for its
Although it is natural to use
associated column in the variable
the first filter first, try using
the second filter first. You’ll
When you select a value in one of probably find what you are
the Filter selectors, the model looking for a lot faster.
variables table will show only those variables that have the selected
value for that column of the table. For example, if you select reservoir in
the second filter, then the table will show only those model variables
that are computed for the reservoirs in your network. Also, when one (or
more) Filters has a selected value, the list of values in the other Filters
will change to reflect the new, shorted list of variables shown in the
A Select button—when you find the model Note: double-clicking on the
variable you need, highlight it (click variable you want will NOT
on it) in the table then click the perform the selection; you
Select button. must use the Select button.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix C - Commonly Used Editors and Dialogs
Appendix C - Commonly Used Editors and Dialogs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
When External Variable is selected, the edit panel of the Independent Variable
Definition dialog will display the External Variable pane; this pane contains:
A Variable Name text field—The name you enter will appear in the Alternative
Editor’s Time Series tab; this is where you will identify the HEC-DSS time-
series dataset that represents the External Variable. Enter an
appropriately descriptive name in the Variable Name field so that you
will know what time-series to use for each External Variable you create in
your model.
A set of Time Series Options—these options apply to the input time series
representing the external variable and are described in detail in Section
C.2.3 above.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix C - Commonly Used Editors and Dialogs
Appendix C - Commonly Used Editors and Dialogs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
When the Function of Two Variables option is selected, the edit panel of the
Independent Variable Definition dialog will display two panes: one for defining the
Row Variable and one for defining the Column Variable (Figure C.10). Each of these
two panes allow you to select either a Model, External or State Variable, and are
otherwise similar to the other Model Variables panes.
Each of the two (row variable and column variable) Two Variables panes includes:
A Variable Type selector—a dropdown list for selecting Model Variable, External
Variable, or State Variable as the independent variable.
An Interpolation Type selector—a dropdown list for selecting the type of
interpolation to use between rows or columns of the independent
variable. Interpolation types available are Linear, Cubic, and Step.
Once a variable type has been selected, the rest of the pane populates with the
options inherent to either Model Variable, External Variable, or State Variable (as
described in the previous sections).
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix C - Commonly Used Editors and Dialogs
Appendix C - Commonly Used Editors and Dialogs HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix C - Commonly Used Editors and Dialogs
To make a selection:
• Double-click on each item in
the Available list that you want
to select; this will move the
item to the Selected list.
• Click on the item in the
Available list, then use the Add
button to move the selected
item to the Selected list.
NOTE: By holding the Shift or
Ctrl keys while clicking on an
Figure C.12 Reservoirs Selector Dialog
item, you can highlight more
than multiple items to be moved with the Add button.
• Click OK to accept your selections and close the Reservoir selector dialog. Cancel will
close the Selector dialog without saving the changes that may have been made to the
Selected list.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue
Appendix D
Using HEC-DSSVue
HEC-DSS is a data storage system developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers
Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC). HEC-DSSVue (or DSSVue) is a utility program, also
developed by HEC, to create and manage the data stored in HEC-DSS database files. (DSS
files have extension type .dss.) Since ResSim relies on HEC-DSS for storing and retrieving
all of its input and output time-series and paired data, DSSVue is included as an integral
part of ResSim. With DSSVue, data may be entered, edited, plotted, tabulated, and
manipulated with over fifty mathematical functions. In addition to these functions,
DSSVue provides several utility functions, such as entering data sets into a database,
renaming data sets, copying data sets to other DSS database files, and deleting data sets.
HEC-DSS identifies, stores, and retrieves to data stored in DSS files by pathnames. Each
pathname represents a record in the database. Pathnames are separated into six parts
labeled "A" through "F." The six parts are delimited by slashes “/”.
To identify regular-interval time-series data, the naming conventions for the six
pathname parts are:
A Project or watershed name
B Location or gage identifier
C Data variable or parameter, such as FLOW or PRECIP
D Starting date of the time series data, using the date format DDMmmYYYY
E Time interval of the data
F Additional user-defined descriptive information
For each DSS file you open, DSSVue will generate a list of the pathnames associated with
the data stored in the file. You can select one or more datasets from the list of
pathnames (or catalog) and visualize the data in tabular or graphical form. The list of
pathnames can be displayed in a variety of forms—from a list of simple strings, to a list of
pathnames separated into parts. You can refine the list by searching for either a string
anywhere in the in the pathnames or by filtering by one or more pathname parts.
One form of the pathname list is called the Condensed Catalog. This pathname list
displays one row (condensed pathname) for each dataset. A dataset is a set of dss
records with the same A, B, C, E, & F parts that spans the full time window of the data
identified by those pathname parts stored in the database. The condensed pathname for
the dataset displays the D part as the time window of the dataset rather than the start
time of the data in a single record of the dataset.
This appendix provides a brief overview of DSSVue and describe some of the general
functions you may need when working with DSS files in ResSim. Refer to the HEC-DSSVue
User's Manual for a complete description of all the features and capabilities of DSSVue.
Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The Menu Bar includes menus that provide access to the various features for managing
and viewing your DSS files and their data.
The Toolbar provides shortcuts to some menu options that are used most frequently.
You can add buttons to the toolbar to execute scripts that you have written.
And, some DSSVue Plugins may add buttons to the toolbar as well.
The Current File Info section displays the fully qualified path to the active DSS file as well
as some properties of the file including its size and the version of HEC-DSS that
rote it.
The Opened File Tabs cover the remainder of the DSSVue Main Window. The label on
the tab is the name of the file whose contents are displayed on that tab. The
components of the tab include:
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue
The Pathname Filters are used to thin the pathname list, making it easier to find the data
you are looking for.
The Pathname List which shows the list of records or data sets stored in the DSS file.
The Selected Datasets list which shows the pathnames of the datasets you have chosen.
The Selection Tools are (with one exception) for managing the entries in the Selected
Datasets list.
The Message Box shows status or informational messages generated by DSSVue.
Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Tools—The Tools menu features relate to the manipulation and analysis of the selected
data sets as well as a couple of options for DSS file management. The Tools
menu options include Math Functions…, Compare (Files, Data Sets, Data Sets
with Options), Search for Value, Check File Integrity, and Squeeze.
Collections—The Collections menu is generated by a DSSVue plugin that is included in the
ResSim package. ResSim includes the Collections plugin because DSS Collections
are used to represent Ensemble datasets which are needed as input for ResSim
Ensemble Alternatives. Appendix G provides details on Ensemble Alternatives
and the DSSVue Collections features.
Advanced—The Advanced menu features are for the “advanced” user and relate to
generating and managing catalog files and setting some program options. Menu
options include Condensed Disk Catalog (New, View, Print), Abbreviated Disk
Catalog (New, View, Print), Full Disk Catalog (New, View, Print), Debug (Message
Level…, DSS File Header, Record Addresses, Pathname Bin, Debug/Examine File…,
Memory Monitor…, DSS Files Opened, DSS ZSET, DSS ZINQIR), and Program
Help—The Help menu contains the About command which will display version
information about DSSVue.
Opens the file browser so that you can select a file to open.
This is a shortcut for File -> Open.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue
• Click the Open toolbar button, —OR- Select Open… from the File menu.
• An Open HEC-DSS File file browser will appear (Figure D.3). Use the browser to
navigate to and select the file you want to open, the click Open.
• Or, select one of the recently opened files listed near the bottom of the File
Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
You can also use the Open HEC-DSS File file browser to create a DSS file.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue
Other Pathname List views available from the View menu include:
Pathname List (Figure D.7)—Displays the pathnames as concatenated strings.
Pathname Parts (Figure D.8)—Displays the pathnames in columns by their six
No Pathnames—the No Pathnames view is useful when you need to open a very
large DSS file but do not need to see any pathnames in the Pathname
Unsorted List—like the No Pathnames view, the Unsorted List view is most useful
for very large DSS files that could otherwise take a long time to open
simply because DSSVue must not only generate the pathname list, it
must sort it. This view looks like an unsorted version of the Pathname
List view.
Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Search by String provides a single field in which you can enter a string that you
want to use to filter the list of pathnames (Figure D.10). In other words,
the string will apply to all the pathname parts. For example, if you enter
the string “flow”, the Pathname List will show all pathnames that include
the word flow anywhere in the pathname.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue
Select—To add pathnames to the Selected Pathnames list, highlight (click on)
the pathnames to want to add in the Pathname List then click the
Select button.
De-Select—To remove pathnames from the Selected Pathnames list, select
the pathnames you want to remove the click the De-Select button.
Clear Selections—To remove all the pathnames from the Selected
Pathnames list, click the Clear Selections button.
Restore Selections—This tool works as an UNDO button for the Clear
Selections option; it restores the state of the Selected Pathnames list
from right before the Clear Selections button was last pressed.
Set Time Window—This tool does not directly operate on the list of Selected
Pathnames. Instead, it is a shortcut for the Display -> Time
Window… command, which allows you to set a time window for
viewing and editing your selected datasets.
Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The … button—in any date field can be used to open a Calendar tool for
selecting a specific date.
Clear—clears the time window fields of any prior settings.
Set Current Time—uses the system time on your computer to fill in the Start and
End dates and times.
Relative to Current Time—this option uses the system time of your compute to
determine a time window. The parameters for this option are:
Go Back—a time interval from the drop-down list and then enter the number of
intervals backward in time to set the start of the time window.
Go Forward—select a time interval from the drop-down list and then enter the
number of intervals forward in time to set the end of the time window.
By Individual Water Year—this option will cause DSSVue to act on the selected datasets
in Water Year chunks. This means that if data in a selected data set starts before
the start of the Water Year or extends beyond the end of a water year, then the
data outside a water year boundary will not be included in the “Time Window”.
Start Date of Water Year—enter a date that defines the start of a water year for
your data; this date is in the form DD MMM, a year is not required.
If you activate (check) the Retain Between Sessions checkbox, DSSVue will remember
your Time Window settings between executions of DSSVue. If unchecked, the default of
No Time Window will be used each time DSSVue is launched.
NOTE: When DSSVue is opened from the Simulation module of ResSim, ResSim
sets the DSSVue Time Window to the time window of the active Simulation.
• Click the Plot button on the Toolbar—OR—Select Plot from the Display
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue
Figure D.13 shows a Plot Window that displays the two time-series datasets selected
in Figure D.11 with the time window set as shown in Figure D.12.
Each Plot Window that displays time-series data includes a…
Title Bar—showing the pathname of the first selected dataset
Menu Bar—containing File, Edit, and View menus.
Vertical Toolbar—containing a Pointer tool and a Zoom tool
Viewports (one or more)—showing a graph of the data
Legend—included directly below the viewports—it identifies each dataset and
shows the line style used to display the data in its plot.
Y Axis—one for each viewport—it is labeled to show the parameter, units, and
range of values of the plotted data
X Axis—the horizontal axis that is shared by all viewports since it represents the
time axis; all the plotted data in the viewports are aligned in time.
You can resize the plot window by dragging any corner of the window to the desired
size; the contents of the plot (especially the axes and the text of the legend) will
rescale as you change the size of the plot window.
You can use the Zoom tool to view only a subset of the data in the plot. To zoom
in, use the Zoom tool to drag a box (within a viewport or along one axis or the other)
around the portion of the plot you want to view; the plot content inside the zoom
box will fill the viewport or the plot will adjust to show data relevant to the portion of
the axis you zoomed in on. While zoomed in, the plot window will show scroll bars to
allow you view more of your data without having to zoom back out. However, to
zoom back out, just right click anywhere in the graph or along the axes.
Refer to the HEC-DSSVue User's Manual for more details on configuring a DSSVue
plot window.
Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure D.14 shows a table window that displays the two time-series datasets selected
in Figure D.11 with the time window set as shown in Figure D.12.
Like a plot window, each table window
that displays time-series data includes a…
Title Bar—showing the pathname of
the first selected dataset
Menu Bar—containing File, Edit, and
View menus.
But it also includes a table showing the
data stored in the selected datasets. The
table includes a column for:
The Ordinate number (or counter) for
each row of data in the table.
Values in a time-series table
are assigned an ordinate in
increasing order of time.
The Date and Time associated with
each value in the datasets Figure D.14 HEC-DSSVue Table Window
The Values for each selected dataset
A Header row that labels each column in the table.
A Scrollbar to allow you to scroll through the data since most tabulated time
series data will not fit on your computer screen.
The View menu of a DSSVue table window provides you with several options for
displaying the tabulated data (Figure D.15):
Commas—will include commas in the data values.
For example, a value of one thousand, two
hundred thirty-four and fifty-six
hundredths will be displayed without
commas as 1234.56 and with commas as
1,234.56. A checkmark will appear in front
of this option in the menu when this Figure D.15 HEC-DSSVue
option is ON. When unchecked (OFF), the Table Window—View Menu
data will display without commas.
Reverse Order —will display the data in the opposite order. Since the default
order for time-series data is oldest to newest (oldest first), reversing the
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue
order will list the data from newest to oldest (newest first). The Ordinate
values will be reassigned based on your selected order. A checkmark will
appear in the menu when this option is ON.
Date and Time Separately—will split the date-time stamp into two columns. A
checkmark will appear in the menu when this option is ON as shown in
Figure D.15. When unchecked (OFF), the date and time appear together
as a single column.
Date with 4 Digits —will display the year in the date with four digits instead of
the two. A checkmark will appear in the menu when this option is ON.
Show Decimal Places—unlike the previous options, this is not a toggle switch.
Instead, this menu option provides a submenu from which you can select
how many digits after the decimal you want displayed.
Show Missing As—provides a submenu of options for how missing values are
displayed in the table. Options include:
• Blank (the default)
• -901.0 (an old HEC-DSS paradigm for missing values)
• M
• -M-
Refer to the HEC-DSSVue User's Manual for more details on configuring a DSSVue
table window.
Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Click the Math Functions tool or select Math Functions from the Tools
menu. The Math Functions editor will open, as shown in Figure D.17.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue
• Select one of the six tabs (Arithmetic, General, Time Functions, Hydrologic,
Smoothing, and Statistics). Figure D.18 shows the Statistics tab of the Math
Functions Editor—
these basic statistics
on a dataset can be
very useful when
analyzing data and
• After you have
selected the
appropriate math
function (tab and
Operator) and the
required parameters
for the function,
click Compute.
DSSVue will perform
the selected math
on the dataset
shown in the
Selected Data Set
Figure D.18 HEC-DSSVue Math Functions—Statistics Tab
• To view the results,
click the Plot or Tabulate button. The computed results from the
selected math function will be displayed.
• To save the new values in place of the original values, click the Save
button (or select Save from the File menu). HEC-DSSVue will ask you to
confirm that you wish to replace the original data.
• To save the new values as a new record, click the SaveAs button or
select Save As from the File menu. A Save As dialog will open (Figure D.19).
• Enter the new pathname information then click OK to save the record.
There are many very useful math functions available in HEC-DSSVue. This Appendix
only covers the basic functionality for accessing the functions. The HEC-DSSVue
User’s Manual (HEC, 2009) is the primary reference for further information and
details for using the Math Functions Editor.
Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue
• To view the data in plot form, click the Plot button at the bottom of the
• To graphically edit (or enter) the data, click the Graphically Edit button.
• To save the new time-series dataset, click Save.
• To close the Time Series Data Entry editor, click Cancel.
Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue
Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue
• Select Merge (copy) … from the Edit menu. The Merge (copy all records) into
HEC-DSS File Browser (Figure D.28) will open.
• Enter in a new DSS
File name or select
an existing DSS file
into which you want
to copy all of the
records from the
current DSS file and
click Open.
• A message will
appear, stating “Files
Merged.” Click OK to
acknowledge the
message and close Figure D.28 Merge (Copy All Records) into HEC-DSS File Window
the message box.
NOTE: Once a file has been squeezed, datasets that had been deleted CANNOT
be undeleted.
Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix D - Using HEC-DSSVue
HEC- ResSim User’s Manual Appendix E - Printing and Exporting ResSim Data
Appendix E
Printing and Exporting ResSim Data
ResSim’s plots and reports as well as HEC-DSSVue plots and tables offer detailed views of
model data and results. Each of these data visualization features provide options for
printing, as well as exporting and copying of the data for use in other applications.
Appendix E - Printing and Exporting ResSim Data HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC- ResSim User’s Manual Appendix E - Printing and Exporting ResSim Data
Appendix E - Printing and Exporting ResSim Data HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC- ResSim User’s Manual Appendix E - Printing and Exporting ResSim Data
Appendix E - Printing and Exporting ResSim Data HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure E.12 Table Export Options Figure E.13 Save File Browser
HEC- ResSim User’s Manual Appendix E - Printing and Exporting ResSim Data
• Select the folder where you want to save the file and enter a File name.
• Click Save to complete the export, save the file, and close the browser.
• The Print Properties editor (Figure E.15) uses three tabs to organize the various
properties you can configure:
The Page tab allows you to specify the page
Orientation, Scaling, and Selection.
You can also choose to print the table
as ASCII, to Repeat Headers on every
page, and print the Gridlines.
The Header/Footer tab provides text boxes in
which you can type the header and
footer you want to appear on your
printed pages.
The Table Title tab offers a default title for the
table based on the data source. You
may edit this title.
• After you have configured the Print Properties,
click the Preview button. Figure E.15 Print Properties Editor
from Print Preview
• A Print Preview window (Figure E.16) will
open, allowing you to view the tabulated data as it will be printed.
Appendix E - Printing and Exporting ResSim Data HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Click the Print button at the top of the Print Preview window to proceed with
printing your data. The Print Dialog will open.
• Here you can:
o Choose your Printer (by Name)
o Set Printer Properties
o Specify the Number of copies to print
o Decide to Print to file rather than to a printer.
• Click OK to print your tabulated data.
How you configure (size) the columns of your table in the table window
will affect how your tabulated data looks when printed. Be sure to use
Print Preview to be sure things look right before printing.
HEC- ResSim User’s Manual Appendix E - Printing and Exporting ResSim Data
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix F - Yield Analysis
Appendix F
Yield Analysis
In the water resources field, the concept of yield can be understood a few different ways.
USACE defines yield as follows:
“Yield is the amount of water that can be supplied from the reservoir to a specified
location and in a specified time pattern” (EM 1110-2-1420) across a period of
Yield includes all water supplied, possibly at differing rates. Reservoir or system firm yield
is an additional important calculation used for water supply studies. USACE defines firm
yield as follows:
“Firm yield is the largest consistent flow rate (demand) that can be provided [without
fail] throughout a period of historic stream-flow” (EM 1110-2-1420).
Firm yield estimates the amount of water that can always be supplied. The ability to
store water increases the firm yield by allowing water to be saved and used when
streamflow is less than demand. Thus, the process of identifying firm yield also identifies
the critical period as the driest in the record that identifies the firm yield for a given
storage volume. Greater storage volume produces greater firm yield by providing the
ability to supply more water to meet demand during a drier period or a longer dry period.
A different available storage volume might have a different critical period for a given
period of streamflow.
A modeler can manually perform a yield analysis in ResSim by iteratively computing a
period-of-record simulation until the yield has been identified. With each iteration, the
modeler makes a small change to the demand. This process continues until a run is made
that just barely empties the water supply storage in the reservoir. That level of demand
is the yield for the period-of-record conditions.
The Yield Analysis alternative type, added in ResSim 3.3, automates the iteration process
and makes calculation of yield a more easily reproducible. There are two types of yield
analysis currently implemented in ResSim: Reservoir Yield and Storage Account Yield.
Reservoir Yield uses the entire conservation pool of the reservoir to meet the demand
and can be calculated for an individual reservoir or for a system of reservoirs. Storage
Account Yield calculates the yield of a single water storage account among multiple
accounts at a reservoir. The ResSim Water Accounts feature allows you to divide the total
conservation storage into multiple storage accounts based on either volume or percent
of pool. ResSim can then track water use for each account and account holder based on
the rules attached to it.
The ResSim yield feature can be used to calculate firm yield for water supply or
hydropower, or it can be used to calculate a specific Exceedance Drought Yield by using a
particular time series of inflows. This chapter covers the use of the ResSim Yield Analysis
feature for the purpose of calculating water supply firm yield.
Appendix F - Yield Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
A Yield Analysis is performed as part of a special ResSim alternative Type, a Yield Analysis
Alternative. To create a Yield Analysis Alternative, you must set the Alternative Type to
Yield Analysis on the Run Control tab of the Alternative Editor as illustrated in Figure F.1.
When the alternative type is Yield Analysis, the content of the Yield Analysis tab will be
enabled as illustrated in Figure F.2.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix F - Yield Analysis
Figure F.2 Alternative Editor—Yield Analysis Tab with Reservoir Yield selected
The Yield Analysis tab has two views depending on the selection of the Yield Analysis
Type at the top of the tab. As illustrated in Figure F.3, the Yield Analysis Type options
Reservoir Yield for the total yield from a
reservoir pool or
Water Account Yield for yield based on
a specified water storage
account within a reservoir. Figure F.3 Yield Analysis Types
The edit panel for each Yield Analysis Type is described in the next two sections.
Appendix F - Yield Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
1. Rule Category Radio Buttons—select a rule category and the table below will be
filled with all available rules of the selected category. The list of rules will be
drawn from the active operation sets for the reservoirs in the current alternative.
Water Supply Rules—minimum or specified Release Function and
Downstream Control Function rules
Hydropower Rules—system and local Hydropower rules
2. Filter—(optional) use the filter dropdown boxes to filter the list of rules based on
Location (reservoir), Rule name, or Rule Type.
3. Highlight the desired rule in the rule list and click Select. This will place your
selected rule into the Selected Demand Rule table. It will also place the Reservoir
and Operation Set into the last table on the edit panel, the Storage Parameters
4. Selected Demand Rule—set the tolerance for the rule.
Tolerance—this is the flow Tolerance used for the determination of the
yield analysis convergence. The flow tolerance is the maximum
tolerable limit for the demand being shorted. If the computed
demand delivery in a given yield iteration is below the
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix F - Yield Analysis
Appendix F - Yield Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
1. Water Account—Select the water account for which you want to compute the
maximum yield. In order for there to be anything in the list to choose from, you
must have—1) created a Water Account Set with at least one water account in it,
and 2) selected that water account set on the operations tab of this yield
alternative. See Section 14.8 of the main User’s Manual.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix F - Yield Analysis
Appendix F - Yield Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The resulting Yield Analysis Summary report (Figure F.7) includes Simulation Run
identification information at the top followed by an Iteration Summary table with
demand estimate scaling factors and simulation convergence results per iteration.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix F - Yield Analysis
The Iteration Summary table has a row for each compute iteration describing the
progress toward convergence of flow and storage. The results describe the scaling
factors for the demand rule, resulting storage pools, flow and storage shortages or
excesses, critical period dates, and whether the iteration passed or failed the flow and
storage tolerances. There are two sets of columns:
Demand Estimate Factors—this set of columns is broken into two subsections that
detail the two search methods and their search limits and/or scaling factors
used to adjust the demand estimates.
Bisection Method—the data list includes Demand Scale Limits (Min and Max
Factors) and the resulting Trial Factor. The Trial Factor is the
bisection (average) of the Min Factor and Max Factor, and it is the
value used to scale the initial demand value of the rule. (The first
iteration uses the initial demand value with a trial factor of 1.0.)
Heuristic Method—these columns list the scaling factors used by this
method. The heuristic method scaling factors are applied to the
previous demand estimate, rather than the initial demand estimate.
If the previous demand estimate was too small, the new scaling
factor used is expressed under the Factor 1 column, and if the
previous demand estimate was too large, the new scaling factor is
listed in the Factor 2 column.
Simulation Results—this set of columns is broken into three subsets of columns:
WS Yield Average Annual Demand—the demand value selected for that
iteration. The demand value represents the constant flow rate of
the rule (or the average value if the rule criteria is time-varying). It is
calculated using either the initial (bisection method) or previous
(heuristic method) demand value multiplied by the current scaling
Storage Convergence—these columns include:
Lower Limit of Con Pool—the value of the lower storage limit of the
conservation pool, as defined in the Yield Analysis tab of the
Alternative Editor. This value does not change across
iterations. If the lower limit zone varies seasonally, the
lowest value of the seasonal pool is considered the lower
Simulated Minimum Storage—the minimum storage reached during
that iteration.
Lower Limit of Con Pool + Storage Tolerance—the maximum volume
of water that can be left in the reservoir that will satisfy the
convergence tolerance when the simulated minimum
storage is reached. This value defines the upper limit of the
storage tolerance and does not vary across iterations.
Appendix F - Yield Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix F - Yield Analysis
network. Later, you will simplify this network and then add some physical and/or
operational features to it. The “base alternative” is a new alternative created for the
base network but using the current conditions alternative as a template. You will use
the base alternative to test that the model is running as expected before adding the
yield operation.
Appendix F - Yield Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• On the Lookback tab, copy the settings for each entry in the table from your
template alternative to your new alternative, then Save the alternative before
moving on to the Time Series tab. You do not need the Observed data in your
yield alternatives, so don’t copy that information. However, if you limited the
output generated by ResSim using the DSS Output tab in your template
alternative, consider copying those settings, too.
• When you are done copying the data from the template alternative to the new
alternative, save the new alternative and close the Alternative Editor.
• Change to the simulation module and create a new period of record simulation
with the same time window as a simulation in which your current conditions
alternative was used. Include only the new alternative in the new simulation.
• Compute the new alternative. Be sure to use the Save to Base Directory… option
if you have to make any changes to get the alternative working and computing
When you need to make a copy of an alternative but Save As is not an
option (usually when the new alternative uses a different network than the
original alternative), use the following steps to simplify the process of
copying the table data from one alternative to another:
• In the Alternative Editor, select the old alternative, then select the tab
with the table you want to copy from.
• Click in the first cell of the table (the upper-left-most cell), then press…
Ctrl+A—to select all the rows and columns, then press
Ctrl+C—to copy your selection to the Windows® clipboard
• Now, select the new alternative
• Click in the first cell of the table you want to copy the data to, then
Ctrl+V—to paste the data you copied into the table.
Repeat these steps for each tab and table of the alternative you want to
*When using this shortcut, be sure the tables you are copying from and
pasting to match row by row. When the new network is an unchanged copy
of the original network, you can ensure matching fields by first copying the
data from/to the Operations tab and the Lookback tab and then saving the
alternative, before copying the data from/to the Time-Series tab.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix F - Yield Analysis
Appendix F - Yield Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix F - Yield Analysis
• On the Lookback tab, set the Lookback Release of the diverted outlet(s) to a
constant of zero flow. Set the Lookback Storage to the top of the guide curve;
this assumes that the critical period is not during the start of the period of
record. Make sure your alternative is using the correct inflows.
• Save the alternative and close the Reservoir Editor.
• Change back to the Simulation module and the period of record simulation you
• Right-click on your alternative in the Simulation Control Panel and select Replace
from Base from the context menu to update the alternative with the changes you
just made in the Network module.
• Compute the alternative and verify that it is still computing correctly.
Appendix F - Yield Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure F.13 Reservoir Editor—New Operation Set and New Yield rule
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix F - Yield Analysis
• On the Yield Analysis tab (Figure F.17), set the Yield Analysis Type to Reservoir
• Use the radio buttons to select the Type of Demand Rule you are going to
Maximize. Choose Water Supply Rules.
• Select the Rule. The filters are provided to help you find the rule quickly. The list
of available rules will only be long if the selected operation sets for your
reservoirs are complex. To select the rule, you must highlight it and press the
Select button.
• Your selected rule will appear in the Selected Demand Rule table. Enter a flow
Tolerance value for the rule. The flow tolerance is the maximum amount that
the demand can be shorted and still pass the flow convergence test.
• Storage information about the selected rule and its reservoir will appear in the
storage table. Select the top-of-zone curve that marks the bottom of the pool
from which the withdrawal defining the firm yield may be made.
• Specify a storage Tolerance. The storage tolerance is the maximum amount of
storage that may remain the reservoir conservation pool and still pass the
storage convergence storage test.
• Next, enter a Maximum number of Iterations. The default value is 25. Very few
models require 25 iterations. If the compute has not converged within 25
iterations, you may have a problem with your model; review the Storage Yield
report to determine if the iterations are oscillating away from solution or if one
or both of tolerances are too small or too large.
• The last parameter to set is the Convergence Method. Your options are Bisection
Search Only and Heuristic and Bisection Search. The latter option allows you to
specify how many Heuristic Iterations should be performed before automatically
switching to Bisection Search Iterations.
• Save your alternative.
Appendix F - Yield Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure F.17 Alternative Editor—Yield Analysis—Select the Rule and Set the Tolerances
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix F - Yield Analysis
• Open the Reservoir Editor to verify that the yield rule has been updated. Figure
F.19 shows that the simulation’s copy of the yield alternative has the “WS Yield”
rule populated with the same value.
Appendix F - Yield Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
The Yield Analysis Summary report (Figure F.7) shows the information used in each
iteration to achieve convergence. You can see the demand value used in each
iteration and how close it was to the required storage and flow tolerances. The
report also identifies the critical period.
Note: This is a cursory example of a firm yield analysis, provided only to guide you
through some of the basics for setting up a one type of yield alternative. Setting up
other types of yield analysis (such as hydropower and water account) use similar steps. A
full summary of the available output and the process for fully examining a yield
simulation is not described in this manual.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix F - Yield Analysis
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix G - Ensemble Computing
Appendix G
Ensemble Computing
Ensemble Computing was added to HEC-ResSim to support reservoir operations
modeling using ensemble streamflow forecasts produced by NOAA’s Extended
Streamflow Prediction (ESP) of the National Weather Service River Forecast System
(NWSRFS) and/or its successor, the Community Hydrologic Prediction System (CHPS).
The ensemble computing capability can, however, be used with data that comes from
other sources.
An ensemble streamflow forecast for a single location represents a set of possible
streamflow hydrographs that could occur at that location over the forecast period. A full
ensemble forecast for a watershed should be a correlated set of ensemble inflow
forecasts for all inflow locations in the basin. This means that the first hydrograph in the
ensemble forecast for a headwater location in the basin was generated with the same set
of model parameters and boundary conditions as for the first hydrograph at the
downstream-most location (and all points in between).
A standard ResSim alternative can be defined to simulate only one member (or trace) of
an ensemble forecast set. Thus, if an ensemble forecast contained 30 members, then
you would need to define 30 standard ResSim alternatives to simulate a given operation,
one for each member of the ensemble forecast. This is very time consuming to setup and
cumbersome to manage and analyze. However, with a new Ensemble Alternative, you
only need to create one alternative to simulate through one or more members in an
ensemble forecast. And, ensemble results from an Ensemble Alternative can be visualized
together. Section G.3 of this Appendix will describe how to define and use Ensemble
Alternatives in ResSim.
But, before you can jump into creating and running Ensemble Alternatives, you will need
to “collect” your ensemble hydrographs into a new HEC-DSS data representation called a
Collection. Collections are defined using an F-part naming convention that identifies
each member of the collection with a numeric string, followed by a separator after which
the normal F-part conventions apply for identifying the dataset. The collection member
number (or ID) are how you can reference specific ensemble members to be computed in
the Alternative Editor. Section G.1 below describes HEC-DSS Collections and how to
create and edit them for use in ResSim Ensemble Alternatives.
Appendix G - Ensemble Computing HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
version label (F Part). The collection ID string is made up of: “C:” followed by a 6-digit
collection member number (ID) and ending with a pipe symbol “|”. The | is used as a
delimiter; it separates the collection ID string from the standard F-part string that
specifies the “version” or uniqueness of the data. The ID number must be 6 digits long
and may be simple integers or alpha-numeric strings, but must be unique within the
collection. Like the other pathname parts, the “version” string following the | will be the
same for all members in the collection.
Below is an example pathname of a collection member:
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix G - Ensemble Computing
Appendix G - Ensemble Computing HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix G - Ensemble Computing
and a date for the first data point of each member of the collection (Figure G.4
and Figure G.5 above).
• Click OK to create the collection.
The plug-in will work its way through the time window of the selected POR dataset,
find the peak in each year, and copy (from each year) the data within the time
window you specified around the peak into a new dataset. Each new dataset will be
assigned a collection member ID number starting with the sequence number you
provided or with the year the new dataset was copied from. And, the time of the
first value of each new dataset will be the collection start date and time you entered.
Appendix G - Ensemble Computing HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure G.9 shows some datasets whose pathnames reflect two storm centerings and
eight recurrence intervals. To use these pathnames with an F-part mask, either the
recurrence interval strings must all use 3 digits or the “YR” characters at the end
must be removed. If you plan ahead when creating the data, you can use the three
digits. If not, as in this example, the easiest way to make the adjustment was to
rename the records and remove the YRs. The revised pathnames are shown in Figure
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix G - Ensemble Computing
With the pathnames ready, here are the steps to create a collection using an F-part
• Select the datasets you want to put into a collection
• Select New Collection Using F Part Mask from the Collections menu
• You will be prompted to
“Enter Mask over existing F
Part”. This means you should
type over the original first F-
part with a set of characters
to build the mask. Figure
G.11 shows the prompt dialog
with the original F-part and
below it the mask we used for
he selected datasets shown in
Figure G.10.
• After entering the F-part
Figure G.11 Prompt for F-part Mask—Before and After
mask, click OK.
The New Collection Using F Part Mask function will parse the F-part of the first
selected dataset to determine the F part for all members of the new collection.
Then, as it copies each selected data set into the collection, this function will parse
the F Part of each dataset to identify the collection member’s ID number. Figure
G.12 shows the new collection pathnames created for the example datasets shown in
Figure G.10 using the F-part mask shown in Figure G.11.
Appendix G - Ensemble Computing HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Another assumption used by the Period of Record from Collection function is that
each member of the collection is placed in the new POR dataset at the same time of
year as the start of the collection member itself. So, if all the members of the
collection only span the 6 months from 01Apr to 30Sep, then they will be placed at
01April in their designated year in the POR dataset and the other 6 months of will be
“missing” in each year of the POR. But, if all the members of the collection span 15
months, when the data of each member is placed at the same start date of each
year, 3 months of each collection member will be overwritten by the next member
when it is written to the POR dataset.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix G - Ensemble Computing
Appendix G - Ensemble Computing HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
collection is not created; instead, your current collection is simply enlarged (in time)
so that you have the original data at the original dates and times and that same data
copied to the new time period. When you shift a collection, the data will be moved
to the new dates and times and will no longer exist at the previous dates and times.
If you select a collection dataset (condensed collection pathname) and click the plot
button, DSSVue will produce a plot window that appears to be all legend (Figure
G.18). This is because a collection is usually a large group of individual datasets, each
of which must be included in the legend. See the next section for more information.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix G - Ensemble Computing
• To see the curves of your plot, you might try resizing the window, but for large
collections, that won’t be good enough because the legend is still going to take
up the whole plot window. Instead, try removing the legend from the plot
o Select Hide Legend from the View menu of the plot window, or
o Select Legend Placement -> Separate Window from the View menu. The
resulting plot from either of these options should look something like the
colorful “spaghetti” plot shown in Figure G.19.
Appendix G - Ensemble Computing HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix G - Ensemble Computing
• Select the Run Control tab (Figure G.20) and change the Alternative Type
radio button to Ensemble.
• Select Save from the Alternative menu to save your change.
Appendix G - Ensemble Computing HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Click the Select DSS Path button. A DSS Pathname Selector window will
open. This window looks and acts a lot like DSSVue.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix G - Ensemble Computing
Appendix G - Ensemble Computing HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
selecting Set Collection Run from the Options menu of the report, then choosing the
desired member’s ID number from the Collection Run Options dialog (Figure G.24).
HEC-ResSim will remember the selection when you view other reports.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix G - Ensemble Computing
• Right-click on an element in the schematic that you want to view results for then
select the predefined (or user) Plot you wish to view.
An example of a standard reservoir plot is shown in Figure G.25. Although the text in
legend in the illustration is quite tiny, it can be noted that there are far fewer entries
in the legend than there are curves drawn on in the plot. This is because the legend
identifies the results by parameter and collection, not by individual member. In
addition, the curves for the computed statistics are not listed since they are
considered members of each collection, not separate datasets.
The same plot editing features are available for an ensemble alternative plot that are
available for a standard plot. However, the implementation of the new plotting
paradigm used for ensembles is not as complete as you might expect, so some of the
plot editing features may not function correctly on an ensemble plot. This will be
improved in a future release of ResSim.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
Appendix H
Monte Carlo Analysis
Monte Carlo analysis is a feature in ResSim that enables you to evaluate the impacts on
simulation results due to the uncertainty associated with certain input information in
your reservoir model, as well as the subsequent uncertainty in those results. This feature
uses random sampling of user-selected input variables within specified probability
Monte Carlo analysis is performed using a ResSim Alternative type called Monte Carlo.
When you compute a Monte Carlo alternative, ResSim orchestrates iterative simulations
of the alternative based on random sampling of one or more user-selected input
variables. The following six types of variables can be selected for random sampling: Time
Series Multipliers, Input Time Series, Reservoir Rule Parameters, Lookback Values, Rating
Curves, and Scripts. For each input variable, you can select from seven probability
distribution types for defining the statistical distribution of each random input variable
including: Normal, Log-Normal (natural logarithm and base 10), Gamma, Empirical,
Triangular, Uniform, and Discrete distributions. Based on your input parameters for a
selected distribution type, HEC-ResSim’s Monte Carlo analysis computes the Probability
Density Function (PDF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) for the random
variables, and then randomly samples values from the CDF. Output variables and
convergence criteria are specified for the Monte Carlo analysis and may use time-series
summary values (Maximum, Minimum, Mean, or Volume). You can also specify options
for defining the minimum and maximum number of simulation iterations, for continuing
the analysis when additional iterations are desired to improve convergence, for restarting
the analysis when previous simulation results are desired to be cleared, and for which
iterations should save their full standard output.
When creating a Monte Carlo alternative, setup a Standard alternative first and
get it working. Then, on the Run Control tab of the Alternative Editor, change
the Alternative Type from Standard to Monte Carlo.
Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure H.1 ResSim Alternative Editor—Run Control Tab—Monte Carlo Alternative Type
When a Monte Carlo alternative is run in a ResSim Simulation, it will create and
compute new iterations until (a) the convergence criteria is met, or (b) the
maximum number of iterations is reached.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
If you are setting up your Monte Carlo alternative for use in an HEC-WAT
Flood Risk Analysis (FRA) run, variables can be sampled at different levels
of a nested compute loop, so you must select the Uncertainty Type for
your input variable.
Click the radio button next to the Uncertainty Type of your choice. Your
options include:
• Natural Variability—Natural Variability variables are sampled in
the inner WAT loop with each event.
• Knowledge Uncertainty—Knowledge Uncertainty variables are
sampled in the outer WAT loop with each realization
See the HEC-WAT User’s Manual for more information.
Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Inflow Multiplier
Time Series
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
Lookback Values
Rating Curves
Figure H.4 Random Variable Wizard—Step 2—Select Location and Parameter for each Variable
Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
and parameter. Step 3 of 3 of the Random Variable Wizard is the script editor,
much like ResSim’s state variable editor, which will allow you enter the script that
defines your sampling scheme (Figure H.6). This script will receive the random
value generated for it in the current Monte Carlo iteration and can use that value
any way you wish to compute the script variable’s value. A stochastic script may
use this number to generate randomness, or it may be ignored in the case of a
deterministic script. Similarly, the Monte Carlo alternative data is passed as a
parameter (mcData). Using the Monte Carlo Variables section of the tree on the
left side on the Script Editor panel allows the user to quickly add code to retrieve
information about other Monte Carlo input variables. If you retrieve data from
another Monte Carlo variable, ResSim assumes that the script is dependent on
that variable. A return value must be specified in each sampling script; this value
may be passed to other variables or sampling scripts dependencies.
Note: When using a script for the random variable, Step 3 is the last step since no
distribution is needed. The other types of random variables require a fourth step
to set up the distribution.
Figure H.6 Random Variable Wizard—Step 3—Script Variable Editor with Script Variable Template
Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
• Next, enter values for the distribution parameter values needed for the
Distribution Type you selected. How you specify these parameters will
depend on what modality selections you made in Step 3 of 4:
o If you selected Absolute for the Reference-Dependency, then you will
define the parameters in the units of the input variable (except for
dimensionless parameters).
o If you selected Relative for the Reference-Dependency, then you will
instead define the parameters as a percentage of the initial values of the
o If you selected Constant for the Time-Dependency, then a single field for
entering each distribution parameter value will be displayed.
If you wish to make the distribution parameter dependent on another
variable, click the ellipsis button that follows the parameter field (as
annotated in Figure H.7). The Variable Dependency dialog (Figure H.8)
will open showing a list of the input variables you have already defined.
Select a variable whose value will be used as the parameter value then
click OK to accept the selected variable and close the dialog; or click
Cancel to return without defining a dependency.
Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
• Next, select the Distribution Clipping options you want to apply to your
probability distribution. Like the distribution parameters, the clipping
options are a function of the modality options you selected in Step 3:
o If you selected Absolute for the Reference-Dependency, then the
Distribution Clipping section will allow you to limit the range of your
distribution by setting a minimum and/or a maximum limit (Figure H.10).
o If you selected Relative for the Reference-Dependency, (or if your input
variable represents a group of variables), then the Distribution Clipping
section will only provide a Clip at Zero option allowing you to limit the
distribution to positive values (see Figure H.11).
Note that dimensionless parameters (like shape in the image) are not scaled, and
so, show as N/A in the relative column of the Parameter Value Report.
Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• Once you have completed the setup of your input variable, click Finish to
close the Input Variable Wizard. A row will appear in the table on the Input
Variables sub-tab that represents the input variable you just defined (Figure
• Since a large model could require a significant number of input variables, the
table of input variables is preceded by a set of Filters that you can use to thin
out the list so that you can find a specific variable of interest.
• If you have specified several input variables you may choose to deactivate
one or more of them by unchecking the Active checkbox at the start of their
row in the table. Only “Active” input variables will be randomized during the
run of your Monte Carlo alternative (Figure H.13).
• You may also choose to specify a linear correlation between two or more of
your active input variables by selecting the Correlation button located below
the list. This will open the Correlation Matrix editor (Figure H.14). Use this
editor to create a Correlation Set (a selection of input variables) and the
correlation matrix that relates the probabilities of the variables in the set to
one another. The diagonal cells of the correlation table will always have a
value of 1, as any variable’s correlation with itself is perfect. All other cells
will default to zero, implying independence. A value between -1 and 1
entered into an off-diagonal cell indicates correlation between the row and
column variables. Only the entries below the diagonal are editable. The
entries above the diagonal are updated automatically to show that the
matrix is symmetric.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
Figure H.13 Monte Carlo Tab—Input Variables Sub-tab with several Variables Defined
Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Triangular Distribution
The triangular distribution (Figure H.16) is a three-parameter continuous
probability distribution. The three parameters are Left (minimum value), Right
(maximum value) and Peak (the mode, or most-likely value, where the peak of
the triangle is located). This distribution is useful in that it can be symmetrical, or
it can be asymmetrical with either a positive or negative skew, i.e., a longer
upper or longer lower tail. For example, a negative skew allows the value to be
farther below the most-likely value than it can be above.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
Empirical Distribution
An empirical (graphical) distribution (Figure H.17) is continuous but without a
function, for which the likelihood of possible values is derived from observed
data. The empirical distribution is represented by a lookup table that describes
points on the cumulative distribution function (CDF).
Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Uniform Distribution
A uniform distribution (Figure H.18) is a distribution that has a constant
probability across the possible range, with any value having an equal likelihood or
probability. The parameters for this distribution are Left (minimum value) and
Right (maximum value), defining the possible range.
Discrete Distribution
A discrete distribution (Figure H.19) describes the probability of occurrence of
each possible value of a discrete random variable. A discrete random variable is a
random variable that has a limited set of possible values, such as the values on
the faces of a six-sided die. A discrete distribution is defined by a table of
individual values and their probabilities.
If your input variable is a time series, such as reservoir inflow, the only
distribution type available is Discrete, since sampling for an input time series is
done only from a set of time series records that you identify. Figure H.20 shows
how the parameter table for a discrete distribution changes for an input time
series variable, as opposed to other variable types. Weight is a relative value,
and probability is then computed as weight of each divided by the sum of
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
Normal Distribution
A normal distribution (Figure H.21) is a continuous, two parameter, symmetrical
probability distribution. The two parameters are mean and standard deviation.
Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
LogNormal Distribution
A log-normal (or lognormal) distribution (Figure H.22) is a continuous probability
distribution of a random variable whose (natural) logarithm is normally
distributed. The parameters are the mean of the logarithm of the variable, and
the standard deviation of the logarithm of the variable. It is always positively
skewed, by a degree dependent on the ratio of mean to standard deviation.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
Log10Normal Distribution
A log10-normal (or log10normal) distribution (Figure H.23) is a continuous
probability distribution of a random variable whose base10 logarithm is normally
distributed. The parameters are the mean of the logarithm of the variable, and
the standard deviation of the logarithm of the variable. It is always positively
skewed, by a degree dependent on the ratio of mean to standard deviation.
Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Setting convergence criteria for an output variable is a way to determine the stopping
point of a Monte Carlo Alternative. Similar to Interesting Flags, Convergence criteria
are conditional expressions that are evaluated at the end of every iteration.
Convergence is reached when the average value of the output variable (over all
iterations) is known accurately and confidently enough to stop iterating.
At least one of the output variables you define should be setup for and chosen to
define convergence for your Monte Carlo alternative.
To specify an Output Variable:
• Select the Output Variables sub-tab on the Monte Carlo tab of the Alternative
Editor (Figure H.24).
• Click the Add button. This will open the Output Variable Wizard that will step
you through the process of selecting a ResSim Output Variable and defining the
variable’s statistic and flag conditions (Figure H.25).
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
The first two options control the number of iterations the Monte Carlo alternative
may perform
• Minimum Number of Iterations—the Monte Carlo alternative will perform at
least the minimum number of iterations entered in this field, even if convergence
criteria are met before the minimum iterations have been performed.
• Maximum Number of Iterations—If convergence criteria have been met before
the maximum number of iterations have been performed, the run will stop;
however, if convergence criteria have not been met, the run will stop when the
maximum number of iterations have been performed. The value entered in this
field must be greater than or equal to the minimum number of iterations.
• Stand-Alone Random Seed—when the Monte Carlo alternative is run within a
ResSim simulation (in standalone ResSim, as opposed to ResSim within HEC-
WAT), the random number seed is used by ResSim’s random number generator
to initialize the random numbers used for each input variable in each iteration.
The same seed will always produce the same random values. This seed can be
changed if you want to produce different random values. This field is not used
when the Monte Carlo alternative is used in an HEC-WAT stochastic Flood Risk
Analysis run.
• Simulation Options—three simulation options control how you start and stop
Monte Carlo simulations:
o Continue to add iterations to previous Monte Carlo results. This option may
be used when you want to run the Monte Carlo alternative in batches and
check the results between each batch.
o Clear previous Monte Carlo results and start first iteration. This option
should be used if you make changes to the Monte Carlo alternative in any
way and want to restart the run.
Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
o Simulate and save results for iteration(s)… This option allows you to identify
specific iterations that you want to rerun and store the complete set of
output that a standard ResSim alternative would save. This option is used
after computing a Monte Carlo alternative and reviewing the limited output
stored by the run. This option should be used if something in the output
calls for a closer look at the specific iteration(s), such as triggering a flag.
• Pre-Sample Script—this button opens a standard script editor with an
initialization, main, and cleanup tab. Code in the initialization tab will only be
executed at the very start of a Monte Carlo compute right before the first
iteration, while code in the cleanup tab will only be executed at the very end of a
Monte Carlo compute after the vary last iteration. For the Pre-Sample script,
code in the main tab will be executed every Monte Carlo iteration right before
the random variable sampling.
• Post-Sample Script—this button opens a standard script editor with an
initialization, main, and cleanup tab. Code in the initialization tab will only be
executed at the very start of a Monte Carlo compute right before the first
iteration, while code in the cleanup tab will only be executed at the very end of a
Monte Carlo compute after the vary last iteration. For the Post-Sample script,
code in the main tab will be executed every Monte Carlo iteration right after the
random variable sampling.
• Data Check—this button reviews the definition of the Monte Carlo alternative to
be sure the necessary data is adequate for a successful execution of the run.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix H - Monte Carlo Analysis
Note that the reports shown in this appendix do not contain meaningful results.
They are merely screenshots to help familiarize the reader with the appearance
of the features in the interface. Likewise, many of the figures depicting editors
do not contain real data.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
Appendix I
Operation Support Interface
The Operation Support Interface (OSI) is a user-configurable data visualization and
editing tool designed to enable you to create your own custom interface to perform one
or more of the following activities:
1) Review results
2) Develop an operation schedule using release (or elevation) overrides
3) Compute local inflows between gaged flow locations and estimate local inflows
where gaged data is unavailable.
These activities revolve around the type of variables you include on your OSI tabs. Since
these activities are quite different, they are usually setup on different tabs (or sets of
tabs) of the OSI.
To understand those two statements, you’ll need to learn some OSI basics. In the first
three sections of this Appendix, we’ll provide an explanation of OSI variables, the
organization of the OSI user interface, and the basics of OSI setup. In the subsequent
sections, we’ll describe how to setup and use the OSI to perform each of the activities
listed above. Examples will be used to illustrate the process and to help explain why
you’d want to use the OSI in the first place.
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Releases, Elevation Targets are only editable in the Simulation (or Forecast)
Computed Parameters—These variables correspond to the set of computed (output)
time series produced by all the elements in your reservoir network.
Computed Parameters are not editable from the OSI.
Configuring the OSI is fairly easy. Instructions for getting started are in Section I.3 below,
but they begin with adding a tab.
I.2.1 Tabs
The OSI user interface was designed to allow you to group Variables for viewing and
editing in Tabs. Once you add your first tab to the OSI, you will see what the OSI’s
user interface is going to look like (Figure I.2).
The top portion of each tab is a Plot Panel (and/or Graphical Editor). A Table Panel
takes up most of the bottom portion of the tab with a stack of Action Buttons taking
up the rest. As you add Variables to the tab, they will appear as columns in the Table
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
Panel. A barely-noticeable Resize bar separates the top and bottom portions of the
tab; you can “grab” this bar with your mouse and drag it up or down to resize the
two panels.
The Plot Panel and the Action Buttons are context-sensitive. That means that how
they appear and the functionality they provide are related to the active variable’s
type or category. To make a variable active, you only need to click on the data in that
variable’s column in the Table Panel (clicking in the header won’t do it).
For example, Figure I.3 shows the Plot Panel displaying time-series data for the
selected (active) variable as well as another time-series dataset that was selected to
be plotted with it. The plot also shows a green cross-hatched vertical bar indicating
the range of the data currently displayed in the table and a blue vertical line
indicating the point in time of the selected cell in the table.
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
buttons to move the selected variable left or right with respect to its
Delete Tab—deletes the current tab from the OSI, variables and all. This does
not delete the time series associated with the OSI variables from the
model, it just deletes the tab configuration from the OSI configuration.
Delete Variable—deletes the current variable from the current tab. This does not
delete the time series associated with the OSI variable from the model, it
just deletes the OSI variable from the OSI configuration.
Single Point Edit—to use, select this tool, then move the cursor into the plot to
a time and value that you want to change the variable to. Double-click your mouse
button at that position. A new point will be drawn at that position. You can also use
this tool to drag an existing point up or down in the plot to a new position and
therefore a new value.
Multi-Point Edit—to use, select this tool, move the cursor into the plot, click
the cursor at each desired location of a series of new data points. A line will appear
connecting the data points you drew. Right-click after the final data point has been
placed to stop drawing data points.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
Changes made through with the Graphical Editor tools are immediately shown in the
Table Panel and vice versa.
Additional time series may be displayed in the Plot Panel to provide supplemental
context. These time series are added through the OSI Variable Editor.
Since the plot can show a much longer portion of the data than a column in the Table
Panel can, the plot uses a cross-hatched background to illustrate the portion of the
data is that is currently shown in the table. If an editable cell in the table is selected,
the time corresponding to that cell is shown as a vertical line in the Graphical Editor.
If the Table Panel can show the entire time series (without a scrollbar), then the
green cross-hatched background is not drawn.
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
CWMS/RTS—You can also configure (and use) the OSI from a CAVI Forecast.
Just click on the ResSim alternative of a computed forecast run, then click the
Operations Support action button.
Add a Tab
• Select Add Tab from the Edit menu. A name dialog will open (Figure I.8). Enter a
name (and an optional
description) and click OK.
• The newly created tab will
appear directly below the
menu bar, along with an
empty Sample Plot and
Table Panel as illustrated
in Figure I.2
Figure I.8 OSI New Tab Name Dialog
You can add additional tabs as needed; the only limit on the number of tabs
you can add is the number you can keep track of—so don’t go overboard.
And, remember the other tab management functions available on the Edit
Rename—you can rename a tab by making it active (by clicking on it), then
selecting Rename Tab from the Edit menu.
Rearrange—you also rearrange your tabs. Select Order Tabs from the Edit
menu, then use the List Order Editor to re-order them.
Remove—you can delete a tab from the OSI by making it active, then
selecting Delete Tab from the Edit menu. You do not need to delete the
variables from a tab before deleting the tab, but be careful, there’s no
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Add a Variable
• Select Add Variable from the Edit menu.
• A name dialog will open; enter a Name and an optional Description and click OK.
• The OSI Model Variable Editor will open (Figure I.9)
• Select the Element Type. Your choices
o Junction
o Reservoir
o Reach
o Diversion
• Select the Element. These are the
elements you created in the reservoir
network that the active alternative is
based on.
• Select the Variable Type. The
Variable Types or categories were
described in Section I.1, OSI Variables.
The list of available Variable Types is
dependent on your selection of
Element Type.
• Table I.1 shows the list of available
Variable Types per Element Type and
their Additional Parameters.
• After you have configured your OSI
Variable (made all your selections in Figure I.9 Variable Editor Dialog Box
Depending on your Element and Variable Type selection(s), additional parameters may appear in the editor. These
parameters affect the behavior or computation of the variable.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
The lower portion of the OSI Model Variable Editor (Figure I.10) provides options for
configuring the Plot Panel of the OSI when displaying your variable. These options
Min Target—if you want a
marker line plotted
with your Variable to
indicate a minimum
target, enter that value
in this field.
Max Target—similarly, if you
want a marker line
plotted with your
Variable to indicate a
maximum target, enter Figure I.10 OSI Variable Editor—Plot Panel Configuration
that value in this field. Options
Time Shift—if you want your variables plotted with a time offset (shift), enter the number
of hours you want the data shifted by in the plot. This may be useful when you
plot additional time series with your variable—such as a downstream flow.
Additional Time Series Displayed in Plot—this table shows the list of time-series datasets
that will display with the OSI variable in the Plot Panel. Use the Add, Edit, and
Delete buttons below the table to manage the entries in the Additional Time
Series… list. For example, to Add one or more ResSim output time series to be
plotted with your variable in the plot panel:
• Click the Add button. This will open the Independent Variable Definition
dialog (Figure I.11). (If the Independent Variable Definition dialog doesn’t
appear, click Apply, then click Add again.)
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
Figure I.13 OSI Plot Panel for a Variable with Additional Time Series Selected
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
To retain your OSI configuration for use in another simulation, save the alternative to
base by using the Save to Base Directory… option in the alternative’s context menu in the
Simulation Control Panel.
The OSI configuration is saved as part of the data of an Alternative. This means that the
OSI can (and must) be configured separately for each new alternative. However, if an
alternative is created, using SaveAs, as a copy of an existing alternative that already has
an OSI configuration, the new alternative will include the OSI configuration from the
original alternative.
We chose to create a tab to monitor results at the control points and the withdrawal
location and we named it Results Analysis. On this tab we added three OSI Variables
to display the:
• Carmichael Flow
• Smithford Flow
• Maryland Withdrawal Flow.
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
But the flow results at a location usually cannot stand alone. We needed additional
information to analyze the results at the three locations including:
• the flow constraints at the control points
• releases from the reservoirs
• the local inflows
• and, for the diversion,
o the inflow to the Maryland junction, and
o the withdrawal demands.
To view the additional information, they can either be represented with additional
OSI Variables or they can be plotted as “Additional Time Series…” with one or more
of the first three identified Variables. We chose the latter as you will see below.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
• The Independent Variable Definition dialog will appear (Figure I.11). Use it to
select a variable to include with the plot of the OSI variable. Detailed instructions
for using the Independent Variable Definition dialog are available in Appendix C
Figure I.15 above shows how we configured the Smithford OSI Variable for our
Results Analysis tab. Notice that we chose to add the local and routed flows as
Additional Time Series… to be displayed in the Plot Panel with the Smithford flow.
Figure I.16 shows the Results Analysis tab we assembled with the Smithford OSI
Variable selected so that you can see how this variable is displayed. The Plot Panel
shows a single plot window (viewport). In this plot window are curves for the
Smithford flow as well as the other time series we chose to be plotted with it. In
addition, the Minimum and Maximum limits that were specified for the variable are
drawn with marker lines and a hatched fill. Since this variable is a computed
parameter, it is not editable, so its data column in the Table Panel of the OSI is grey.
Although you might design a tab whose purpose is to simply display data for several
variables (like we did in this example), you may find it useful to include a few
Computed Parameter variables on the tabs you design for performing release
overrides or computing incremental local flows. Look for Computed Parameter
variables in the upcoming examples.
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
from the reservoir pool. For many systems, a single OSI variable to override the total
release from each reservoir is good enough to meet the release schedule needs. For
some systems, however, you may need to setup a release override OSI variable for
multiple release elements of one or more of your reservoirs.
For the Hayes Basin, we created a tab we called Release Schedule. On this tab we
created a variable for each reservoir’s total release override and a variable for
each control point.
Figure I.17 shows our Release Schedule tab with the Hurst variable selected. The Plot
Panel shows two viewports; the upper viewport contains two flow time series and
the lower viewport contains an elevation time series. The flows in the upper
viewport are the pool inflow and outflow; the outflow is the OSI Reservoir Release
(override) variable and the inflow is one of the two variables we added to be plotted
with the OSI variable. The pool elevation, displayed in the lower viewport, is the
other additional time series we added to be plotted with the reservoir release
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
the control points without having to go back to the main ResSim interface. In
addition to the control point flow, we added additional time series to our two
variables so that we could see how much unregulated (cumulative local) flow was
reaching the control points, flow that the reservoirs could do nothing about.
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
NOTE—If your objective is to compute local inflows from observed data for use in a
complex study model, see Section I.6.2 for more additional considerations and
instructions for configuring your network and alternative.
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
• At each junction where you want ResSim to compute an incremental local and at
each outflow junction
of the reservoir above
the junctions where
you want incremental
local flow computed,
place a checkmark on
the Observed tab of
the junction editor to
indicate that you have
observed data for the
total Flow from the
junction (Figure I.20).
• Save the network. Figure I.20 Junction Editor—Activate Observed Data for Total
• Open the Alternative
Editor. Select the alternative to be used for computing local flows. This should be
the same as or a copy of the real-time or study alternative that will be using the
local flows.
• On the Observed Data tab, identify an observed total flow time series for each
junction’s total flow variable in the list. Unless needed for other purposes, leave
all other listed entries blank.
Figure I.21 Alternative Editor—Observed Tab—Identify the Total Flow Time Series for the
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
• On the Time Series tab, identify an input time series for each inflow in your
model. This may mean changing some entries that are already filled-in as well as
filling-in the blank entries.
You may think that because ResSim is going to compute most of the
inflows listed on the Time Series tab of the Alternative Editor, you can use a
single dummy time-series record for each local inflow that will be computed.
Unfortunately, you would be wrong!
Each inflow must have a uniquely named time series record associated
with it in the Time Series tab of the Alternative Editor. This is because ResSim
is going to write the locals that are computed by the OSI into that record in
the simulation. If you do not have a unique time series for each location,
create one and fill it with a constant value for the full time window over
which you have observed data and for which you will be computing the
OSI Configuration
ResSim and the OSI will only compute incremental local flow for those locations
represented by an OSI Local Inflow variable.
The OSI can only be configured for a computed alternative in the Simulation module,
so that where you must start:
• Open or create a simulation that spans the time window of the observed data. If
the local inflow computation is for a real-time alternative, the time window
should include the forecast period.
• Add your alternative to the simulation and compute it.
• Open the OSI and create a Local Flow tab. You may need more than one tab so
consider creating a tab for the local flows within each major tributary of your
For each incremental local
inflow you want to compute:
• Create an OSI variable.
• In the OSI Variable Editor…
o Set its Element Type to
o Select the particular
junction Element.
o Set the variable Type to
Local Inflow.
o The Local Flow field will Figure I.22 OSI Variable Editor—Defining a Local Inflow
fill with the first (and Variable
hopefully, only) local
flow listed on the Local Flow tab for that junction in the Junction Editor.
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
o If you are computing locals from observed data for use in a study, you can
leave the Recession Method and its parameters blank. However, if you are
computing the locals for use in a real-time alternative, then select the
Recession Method and specify the Recession Constant and the Max
Recession Period in days.
o Click Apply in the OSI Variable Editor to save your settings, then set the data
in the rest of the editor to configure the plot of the variable. Add one or
more variables to be plot with the local flow so that you can see and analyze
the validity of the computed local flow. Suggested variables to add to the
plot include: total computed junction flow and observed junction flow.
o Click Ok when you are finished with the current local inflow variable and
close the OSI Variable Editor.
o Repeat these steps until you have created an OSI Variable for each local
inflow to be computed.
• Once you have created an OSI variable for each local flow to be computed, save
the OSI configuration. You may also want to copy the alternative back to the
network module so that your OSI configuration can be used in other simulations.
To do so, close the OSI, then right-click on the alternative in the Control Panel
and select Save to Base Directory… from the context menu.
• You should now be ready to compute the local flows. See Section I.6.3 for
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
Remove distributed locals. A local Inflow should be identified only at a gage location,
where a total (observed) flow is available. More specifically—the only local
flows that should be identified in the network are at the headwater junctions
and at the interior junctions that represent gage locations for which
(observed) total flow data is available.
Any local flow currently identified at a junction where there is no gage should
be deleted. This will include the local flows that represent a fraction of a
single local flow hydrograph that has been distributed to two or more
junctions; the total local flow should (already) be identified at the
appropriate gage location.
Any headwater junctions (on an ungaged tributary) that used a distributed
inflow hydrograph or a basin-weighted multiple of a neighboring basin’s
inflow hydrograph should be carefully labeled so that it can be assigned a
zero-inflow hydrograph in the alternative.
Associate an Observed flow with each junction where local flow will be computed and
with the outflow junction of each reservoir upstream of a junction where local
flow will be computed.
To address both these points requires two steps. The first step is performed
on the reservoir network and is described here. The second step is
performed on the alternative and is described later in this section.
In the network, place a checkmark next to the junction’s flow (outflow)
variable on the Observed tab of the Junction Editor for all junctions with an
entry on the local flow tab and for all reservoir outflow junctions. Hint: the
junction outflow is usually the first Flow variable in the list of Variables on the
Observed Data tab of the Junction Editor; the associated Location name
should be the name of the junction itself.
Remove losses from the routing reaches. Seepage losses are already accounted for
(hidden) in the observed flow at a gage. If your reaches also remove water
due to seepage, it will be “doubly-accounted for” in the computed locals.
Remove diversions…unless they are gaged. Like seepage, ungaged diversions are
already accounted for in the observed flow at a gage. If you don’t want to
delete the diversions, set the Diversion Method of each diversion to Constant
and set the value to zero. If you have a gaged diversion, set its Diversion
Method to Time-Series.
If your model has one or more reservoirs with multiple inflow junctions and the
inflows are not gaged, reconfigure each reservoir so that:
The reservoir has only one inflow junction. This is because there is no way to
compute the individual local inflow from each tributary without
observed data at each tributary inflow to the pool.
The flow from all upstream tributaries is appropriately routed to that single
inflow junction. This is because all upstream flow must be routed to
the inflow junction in order to compute the local inflow to the pool;
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
the computed inflow to the pool is used as the observed flow at the
inflow junction.
Verify the routing. With the local inflows farther apart than they may have been in
the study network, you should double-check that each routed observed
hydrograph from an upstream gage compares well with the observed
hydrograph at the next downstream gage. Also, pay attention to the
timestep of the observed data. If it does not match the timestep of the study
model alternatives, your routing parameters, or even your routing method,
may need to be adjusted to properly route the observed flows.
Be sure to save the network when you are done making the necessary change an
before you start configuring the alternative.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
o Set the Lookback Elevation for each reservoir to Time-Series. Since the
reservoir operations are irrelevant to the computation of locals, the lookback
elevation values should also be irrelevant; however, when you review results,
you don’t want to confuse yourself with nonsense at the reservoirs so
realistic starting elevations should be used.
If you do not have observed elevation data for a reservoir, set the Lookback
Elevation to Constant and set the value to the guide curve elevation for that
o Set the Lookback Diversion of each ungaged diversion to Constant with a
value of zero. For each gaged diversion, set the Lookback Diversion to Time-
• On the Time-Series tab…
o For each gaged headwater inflow, set the pathname to the observed flow
data for that gage.
o For each ungaged headwater inflow, set the pathname to the generic zero
flow time series that you created.
o For each interior junction where local flow will be computed, set the
pathname to the uniquely-named zero flow time series that you created for
that location.
o For each reservoir Lookback Release, set the pathname to the observed
reservoir release data.
o For each reservoir Lookback Elevation, set the pathname to the observed
reservoir pool elevation data.
o For each diversion Lookback Diversion and Input Time Series, set the
pathname to the observed flow at the diversion gage.
• On the Observed Data tab…
o For each reservoir outflow junction, set its outflow to the pathname of the
reservoir’s observed release data.
o For each reservoir inflow junction, set its outflow to the pathname of the
reservoir’s computed inflow data.
o For each remaining interior junction where local flow will be computed, set
its outflow to the pathname of the associated gage’s observed flow data.
o For each gaged headwater junction, set its outflow to the same pathname
you used for the junction’s inflow, the observed flow data for that gage.
HEC-ResSim User’s Manual Appendix I - Operation Support Interface
I.7 Workflow
The OSI configuration is saved with the Alternative data. This means that the OSI can
(and must) be configured separately for each new alternative; however, if an alternative
is created using SaveAs from an existing alternative that already has an OSI configuration,
the new alternative will include a copy of the OSI configuration from the original
To configure the OSI for a given alternative, a simulation must first be created and the
alternative computed.
With the desired Alternative active, select Simulation→Operation Support Interface from
the main menu of the Simulation module. The ResSim Operation Support Interface will
open. The OSI will initially be empty. Add tabs and variables (as described in the
following sections). A basic arrangement will be to show headwater local flows first, then
other locals, then reservoir releases and supporting time series. From the menu bar
select File→Save to save the OSI configuration. From the Alternative, the Save to Base
Appendix I - Operation Support Interface HEC-ResSim User’s Manual
command allows the OSU to be used with the Alternative in new Simulations, while the
Replace from Base command allows the configuration to be used in existing Simulations.
Typical workflow once the OSI has been configured for an Alternative is as follows:
• Create a new Simulation using the desired Alternative
• Run the simulation at least once from the Simulation Model
• Open the Operations Support Interface
• Compute All Local Inflows
• Perform Hydrograph Recession on Headwater Locals
• Perform Hydrograph Recession on other Locals
• Edit Reservoir Releases or Elevation Targets
The OSI overwrites time series data for Junction Known Flows in the simulation.dss file
and release and elevation targets in the overrides dss file associated with the Alternative.