Exam-1 (Answer Key)

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EV10003 EXAM-1 Answer key

Bonus marks are given for the Question no. 10, 54, 55 and 56 to those who have
attempted these questions.

1. The green economy is the sum of

i. Social inclusivity ii. Low carbon growth
iii. High carbon growth iv. Resource efficiency
a. Both i and ii
b. both i and iv
c. i, ii and iv
d. All of the above
Detailed Solution:-

2. A town had a population of 300000 at the end of the year 2010. Suppose in the year
2020 there were 6000 births and 4500 deaths. And in the same year, there were 1500
emigrants and 500 immigrants. Calculate the percentage of population increase due
to birth in 2020.
a. 2%
b. 2.5%
c. 3%
d. 3.2%
Detailed Solution:-
percentage of population increase due to birth in 2020 = Births/Initial Population
= 6000/300000 = 0.02*100
= 2%
3. A town had a population of 300000 at the end of the year 2010. Suppose in the year
2020 there were 6000 births and 4500 deaths. And in the same year, there were 1500
emigrants and 500immigrants. Calculate the percentage of population change due to
deaths in 2020.

a. 2.5%
b. 1.5%
c. 1.9%
d. 2.7%
Detailed Solution:-
percentage of population change due to death in 2020 = No. of Deaths/Initial Population
= 4500/300000 = 0.015*100 =1.5%
4. A town had a population of 300000 at the end of the year 2010. Suppose in the year
2020 there were 6000 births and 4500 deaths. And in the same year, there were 1500
emigrants and 500 immigrants. Calculate the net population growth rate in 2020.

a. 0.167%
b. 0.23%
c. 0.315%
d. 0.142%
Detailed Solution:-
r = (6000-4500) +(500-1500) =500
500/300000 = 1.66* 10-3 *100 = 0.167%

5. The Population of a city in 2020 was 6.3 lakhs, from the earlier estimates the annual
growth rate of Population is 6%. Calculate the estimated Population in 2050.
a. 35.21 lakhs
b. 42.33 lakhs
c. 38.112 lakhs
d. 29.52 lakhs
Detailed Solution:-
Population in 2050 P = 6*e(30*6/100) = 38.112 lakhs

6. Calculate the change in the city's population by the end of the year if there were 7500
births, 5000 deaths, 1200 emigrants, and 1500 immigrates in that year.
a. 2800
b. 2500
c. 2600
d. 2700
Detailed Solution:-
Change = (birth-deaths)+(immigrates-emigrats)
Change = (7500-5000)+(1500-1200) = 2800

7. 10 lakh bikes in a city travels 700 lakh kilometres in a week. These bikes consume
50 lakh litres of gasoline in a week.
Calculate the Affluence Factor of the bike used for the travel.
a. 60
b. 70
c. 80
d. 85

Detailed Solution:-
Affluence factor = economic good/population
=700 lakhs/10lakhs = 70

8. From IPAT Equation in a casual loop diagram, Affluence A is

a. Economic good / Population

b. Pollutant/ economic good
c. Pollutant/ population
d. Population*economic goods
Detailed Solution:-
9. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA) is better known as the
a. Environmental act
b. Superfund act
c. Clean air act
d. Water act
Detailed Solution:-

10. Match the following :

i. Cuyahoga River fire a. Clean Air Act
ii. Love Canal tragedy b. Clean water act
iii. Donora smog c. Groundwater pollution

a. i) b, ii)c, iii) a
b. i) a, ii)c, iii) b
c. i) c, ii)a, iii) b
d. i) a, ii)b, iii) c
Detailed Solution:-
11. Expand RCRA ___________ Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

12. Expand EPA _____________ Environmental Protection Agency

13. Marine biologist Rachel Carson widely credited for banning
a. Styrene gas
b. Methyl isocyanate gas
c. Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane
d. Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloromethane
Detailed Solution:-
14. World Summit on Sustainable Development 2012 occurred at

a. Johannesburg, South Africa

b. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
c. New York
d. Paris, France
Detailed Solution:-

15. Match the following

i. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act a. 2016
ii. Environment (Protection) Act b. 1981
iii. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act c. 1974

iv. The Solid Wastes Management Rules d. 1986

a. i) c, ii) a, iii) b, iv) d.
b. i) d, ii) c, iii) b, iv) a.
c. i) d, ii) b, iii) c, iv) a.
d. i) c, ii) d, iii) b, iv) a.
Detailed Solution:-
16. Abbreviate CDM____________ Clean development mechanism.
Detailed Solution:-

17. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) replaced the_______ Millennium

Development Goals (MDGs).
Detailed Solution:-
18. Abbreviate UNFCCC __________ United nations framework convention on climate
19. Which among the following are correct
a. E factor = (Ʃ kg inputs / Ʃ kg products)
b. E factor = (Ʃ kg inputs - Ʃ kg products)
c. E factor = (Ʃ kg inputs * Ʃ kg products)
d. E factor = (Ʃ kg inputs + Ʃ kg products)
Detailed Solution:-

20. Match the following

i. Plants a. Consumers
ii. Bacteria, fungi b. Producers
iii. Animals c. Decomposers

a. i) a, ii) c, iii) b.
b. i) c, ii) b, iii) a.
c. i) b, ii) c, iii) a.
d. i) c, ii) a, iii) b.
Detailed Solution:-

21. Scavengers feed on

a. Animals
b. Dead Organisms
c. Plants
d. Both a and b
Detailed Solution:-

22. Higher the trophic level on the pyramid the amount of available

a. Higher
b. No change on
c. Lower
d. Medium
Detailed Solution:-
23. Consider the following food chain which occurs in a forest:
Grass  Deer  Lion
If 3750 joules of solar energy is available to the grass, how much energy would be
available to the deer to transfer it to lion?
a. 3750 Joules
b. 375 Joules
c. 37.5 Joules
d. 37500 Joules
Detailed Solution:-

Available energy for Deer = (3750*10)/100 = 375

Available energy for Lion = (375 *10)/100 = 37.5Joules

24. Consider the following food chain which occurs in a forest:

Grass  Deer  Lion
If 5000 joules of solar energy is available to the grass, how much energy would be
lost to the environment from deer to lion?
a. 4500 Joules
b. 500 Joules
c. 450 Joules
d. 50 Joules
Detailed Solution:-
Available energy for Deer = (5000*10)/100 = 500
Available energy for Lion = (500 *10)/100 =50
Energy lost = 500-50 = 450Joules

25. During denitrification process

a. Nitrate converted into nitrogen

b. Nitrogen converted to ammonia
c. Ammonia converted to nitrite
d. Nitrite converted to nitrate
Detailed Solution:-

26. BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES is also known as

a. Nutrient cycle
b. Oxygen cycle
c. Hydrological cycle
d. Carbon cycle
Detailed Solution:-
27. Define Total Fertility rate .
Detailed Solution:-
Fertility rate

• The total fertility rate (TFR) is the average

number of children born to women in a
population during their reproductive years.
• Between 1955 and 2011, TFR dropped from 5
to 2.5.
• A TFR of 2.1 will eventually halt the world’s
population growth.

28. Factors affecting the population size are

a. Fertility, Migration, Immigration

b. Population, Movement, Education
c. Fertility, Migration, Mortality
d. Literacy,Mortality, Immigration
Detailed Solution:-
Population Explosion

• How will this population be distributed?

• Where is the highest population?
• Where is it slowing down?
• Estimated to cross 8 billion by 2025 • Where will people live?

• To answer the questions raised we

study the Demography
• Demography is the study of population.
Factors affecting the population size are
• Fertility
• Mortality
• Migration

29. Ecosystem services - Uses

a. Provisioning - 1. That regulates the environmental media and process
b. Cultural - 2.The services which support the humans
c. Supporting - 3. Products that are directly used by human beings
d. Regulating - 4.That services related to the spiritual needs of people
a. a.4 b.2 c.3 d.1
b. a.3 b.4 c.2 d.1
c. a.3 b.1 c.2 d.4
d. a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4
Detailed Solution:-

Provisioning Services
• Products that are directly used by human beings
 Crops, wild plants etc.
 Animals and their outputs
 Timber, medicinal plants, fiber
 Biomass for energy
Regulating Services

• These regulates the environmental media and process

Mediation of wastes and toxics
 Filtration , accumulation
Mediation of flows
 Erosion control and water flow maintenance
Maintenance of nature processes
 Climate control
 Disease control
Supporting Services

• The services which support the humans

 Nutrient cycles
 Oxygen production

Cultural Services

• Related to the cultural or spiritual needs of people

Physical and intellectual interactions
 Recreation
 Education and Scientific value
 Cultural heritage
 Oxygen production
Spiritual interactions

30. What is the need for sustainable development?

a. Overexploitation of Unnatural resources and climate change
b. Climate change and scarcity of food
c. Scarcity and over exploitation of Resources , climate change
d. None of the above
Detailed Solution:-
Sustainable Development


31. Sustainable urbanization is essential for

a. Disabling Business Investment, Economic Growth and Unemployment
b. Enabling Business Investment, Economic Growth, Employment opportunities
c. Economic depreciation, Enabling Business Investment
d. None of the Above
Detailed Solution:-

Sustainable Urbanization

Sustainable urbanization is essential for:

• Enabling Business Investment, Economic Growth, and Employment
• Promoting Stability and Preventing Violence, Crime, and Extremism
• Strengthening resilience to respond and adapt to disasters, economic shocks,
and extreme weather,
• Improving global health and reducing the spread of infectious diseases,
• Improving domestic resource mobilization, fiscal self-reliance, and
government accountability,
• Increasing women’s economic empowerment and access to services and
reducing gender-based violence, and
• Improving agricultural development and food security by strengthening rural-
urban linkages.

32. Modern concept of sustainable development focuses more on
a. Economic development
b. Social development
c. Environmental protection
d. All of the above
Detailed Solution:-
33. United Nations decade of education for sustainable development is from
a. 2002-11
b. 2003-12
c. 2004-13
d. 2005-14
Detailed Solution:-

Sustainable Development

Definition:- “Humanity has the ability to make development

sustainable to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”

(World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987)

• The main problem is that people are reluctant to place limits on

their desires and needs by adjusting them to natural processes.

34. Number of sustainable Development Goals by united Nations are

a. 15
b. 16
c. 17
d. 18
Detailed Solution:-

Sustainable Development

Definition:- “Humanity has the ability to make development

sustainable to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”

(World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987)

• The main problem is that people are reluctant to place limits on

their desires and needs by adjusting them to natural processes.

35. The Sustainable development goals recognize that all countries must stimulate action
in the following key areas
a. People, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership
b. People, planet, prosperity, plants and planning
c. People, planet, prosperity, plants and partnership
d. People, planet, prosperity, peace and planning
Detailed Solution:-

Circles of Sustainable Development


36. Which one of the following is a result of overpopulation?

a. Adequate storage of natural resources
b. Shortage of water usage
c. Increase usage of the forest land area
d. Pressure on Land and other renewable resources
Detailed Solution:-
Due to rapid population growth, there is pressure on land and other renewable natural
resources. Overexploitation of forest and water results in desertification with permanent
damage to renewable resources.
37. What is the reason for poor standard of living and malnutrition in India?
a. Environmental conditions
b. Over Population and Population explosion
c. Absence of natural resources
d. Poor economy of India
Detailed Solution:-
India’s population explosion


38. What is population change?

a. Births+Immigration+Death+Emigration
b. Births+Immigration-Death+Emigration
c. Birth-Immigration-Death-Emigration
d. Births-Immigration+Death-Emigration
Detailed Solution:-

Net change in population

Population change = Births + immigration – Death + emigration

Population growth rate can be calculated by the below formula

39. ----------------- is the study of the social, political and economic relationships in cities.

a. Sustainability
b. Urbanization
c. Ruralisation
d. Socialism
Detailed Solution:-


• Urbanization is the study of the social, political, and economic relationships

in cities
• There is no strict dividing line between rural and urban
• A geographically concentrated population of more than 100,000 people,
typically behaves like a city regardless of what its designation might be
40. Metropolitan regions with populations in excess of 10 million people is defined as

a. Urbanization
b. Megacities
c. Industrial revolution
d. Population explosion
Detailed Solution:-

Megacities, i.e., metropolitan regions with populations in excess of 10 million

41. ------------------------------- is the distribution of the activities in an urban area.

a. Spatial patterns of urbanization
b. Sustainable Development
c. Urbanization Distribution
d. Spatial patterns of distribution
Detailed Solution:-

Spatial patterns of urbanization

Source: Joel: The problem with megacities,2014

It is the distribution of the activities in an urban area.

There are three different types of spatial patterns. They are
1. Concentric zone model
Also known as Burgess model or Bulls Eye model
2. Sector zone model
Also known as Hoyt model
3. Multiple Nuclei model

42. The model represented with concentric rings/circles is

a. Sector zone model
b. Burgess model 46

c. Multiple nuclei model

d. Hoyt model
Detailed Solution:-
Concentric Zone model

• It is developed based on Chicago’s city layout

• Social structure extends outwards from CBD
• Population density decreases outwards from CBD

A. The Central Business District - the center of the city
B. A zone of mixed use with both commercial buildings and
• Doesn’t work with modern cities
residential ones.
C. Low-class residential homes; these were later
• Assumes flat land
called inner suburbs - housing is cheap, standard of living
• Assumes a constant landscape is low.
D. Higher-class residential zone; later called outer suburbs.
Better quality of life, more expensive to live there.
E. Commuter zone


43. Cities that would tend to grow in wedge-shaped patterns comes under
………………. Model

a. Concentric zone model

b. Hoyt model
c. Multiple Nuclei model
d. Bulls eye model
Detailed Solution:-

Sector Zone model

• Cities would tend to grow in wedge-shaped patterns
emanating from CBD
• It is a monocentric representation of urban areas
• Transportation and access to resources
caused disruption in the burgess model
• It applies to numerous British cities
• Physical features - physical features may restrict or direct growth along
certain wedges
• The theory too lacks the idea based on land topography.

44. Urban sprawl is driven by some factors such as

a. Economic, Social, political and environment 48
b. Population, Social, Political and Environment
c. Social, Education, Political and Geographic
d. Economic, Social, Demographic and geographic
Detailed Solution:-
Causes of Urban Sprawl

• Urban sprawl is driven by demographic, economic, geographic, social and

technological factors.

• As number of people in a city grows beyond capacity, the local communities

continues to spread farther and farther from the core of the cities.

• Increased affluence, attractive land and housing prices, and the desire for
larger homes with more amenities (such as yards, swimming pools, storage space,
lower noise levels, better air quality, and privacy) play significant roles at the level
of the individual.

• Most importantly, sprawl is also policy-driven. Maximum density restrictions,

specific zoning regulations, tax systems that are misaligned with the social cost of
low-density development, the underpricing of car use externalities and the massive
investment in road infrastructure contribute to this phenomenon.

45. ………………. is the study of human Population- their size, composition and their
a. Historiography
b. Paleogeography
c. Demography
d. Stratigraphy
Detailed Solution:-

Population Explosion

• How will this population be distributed?

• Where is the highest population?
• Where is it slowing down?
• Estimated to cross 8 billion by 2025 • Where will people live?

• To answer the questions raised we

study the Demography
• Demography is the study of population.
Factors affecting the population size are
• Fertility
• Mortality
• Migration

46. Over Population and Population explosion causing disproportionate gender


a. True
b. False
Detailed Solution:-
According to 2001 census, national sex ratio is 940 females per 1000 males. Due to poverty female
mortality is higher. Only Kerala and Pondicherry have more women percentage OF SEX RATIO than

Population Explosion Consequences

47. Due to the country's adoption of a mixed economy, post-independence the

urbanization has decreased.

a. True
b. False
Detailed Solution:-

Urbanization in India

Due to the country's adoption of a mixed

economy, post independence the urbanization
has rapidly increased.
The population residing in urban areas in
• according to the 1901 census, was 11.4%,
• increasing to 28.53% by the 2001 census,
• and is now currently 34% in 2017
according to The World Bank.
According to a survey by UN, in 2030
40.76% of country's population is expected
to reside in urban areas.

48. The end result of Urban sprawl is the spreading of a city and its suburbs over more
and more rural land.

a. True
b. False
Detailed Solution:-
Urban Sprawl

It spreads out over large amounts of land

• Poorly planned
• Low density
• Long distances between homes, stores and work.
The end result is the spreading of a city and its suburbs over more and more rural land.


49. Poorly managed and chaotic urban development can undermine economic growth
and business opportunities.
a. True
b. False
Detailed Solution:-

Sustainable Urbanization

• Sustainable urbanization is an urgent priority as cities are growing faster

than the ability of national and local governments to plan for, build, and
manage these changes.

• Poorly managed and chaotic urban development can

1. undermine economic growth and business opportunities
2. threaten security through increased crime, violence, and extremism

• On the other hand well-managed cities can serve as powerful engines of

economic opportunity, innovation, and progress

50. Urban areas have lower incomes and consumption, greater access to political power,
lower rates of economic growth and per capita and also doesn’t place a pressure on a
natural resources. 37

a. True
b. False
Detailed Solution:-

• As the world is undergoing the largest wave of population growth in history,
urbanization ‒the process of transition from a rural to a more urban society ‒
is inevitable.
• More than half of the world’s population now lives in cities.
• Urban areas have higher incomes and consumption, greater access to political
power, higher rates of economic growth, and, per capita, place a higher
pressure on natural resources.
Section 2 Answer all questions. Multiple choices can be correct.
51. A circular economy is
a. closed loop system
b. restorative by design
c. regenerative by design
d. open loop system
Detailed Solution:-

52. Which of the following can be used as a sustainability indicator.

a. Cultural indicator
b. Economic indicator
c. Social indicator
d. Political indicator
Detailed Solution:-

53. Which among the following are true about MDGs.

a. Promote gender inequality
b. Reduce poverty
c. Enhance culture and heritage
d. Achieve primary education
Detailed Solution:-
54. Which among the following are the outcomes of COP21, held in paris.
a. Global warming below 2 degrees C.
b. Sustainable development goals
c. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
d. Increase the production of CFCs
Detailed Solution:-

55. Omnivores feeds on

a. Producers
b. Bacteria
c. Herbivores
d. Fungi
Detailed Solution:-
56. Choose the organisms that extract nutrients from fragments of dead organisms
a. Fungi
b. Lion
c. Leech
d. Bacteria
Detailed Solution:-

57. Which of the following is a type of Ecological pyramid?

a. The pyramid of numbers
b. The pyramid of carbon
c. The pyramid of biomass
d. The pyramid of energy
Detailed Solution:-

58. Which among the following are true about primary succession.
a. Favorable conditions at first
b. Gradual influx
c. Ends in good ecosystem
d. All of the above
Detailed Solution:-
59. Which of the following bacteria is involved in nitrogen cycle.
a. Bacillus anthracis
b. Nitrobacter
c. Nitrosomonas
d. Escherichia coli
Detailed Solution:-

60. Which is not the consequences of urban sprawl?

a. Loss of cropland
b. Reduced flooding
c. Increased unemployment in city
d. Clean energy
Detailed Solution:-

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