Vtol VR Manual
Vtol VR Manual
Vtol VR Manual
Disclaimers - - - - 2
Aircraft Controls - - - 3
Joystick - - - - 4
Throttle - - - - 4
Controller Overview - - - 5
Start-up procedure - - - 5
Take Off - - - - - 6
Preparation - - - - 6
Conventional Take Off - - 6
Vertical Take Off - - - 6
Landing - - - - - 7
Conventional Landing - - 7
Vertical Landing - - - 7
Multi-Function Displays - - 8
SOI - - - - - 8
Sensors - - - - - 8
Radar Warning Receiver - - 8
Optical Targeting Sensor - - 8
Radar - - - - - 8
Anti-Radiation Attack Display - 9
Combat - - - - - 9
Weapons - - - - 9
Defensive Tactics - - - 10
Missions - - - - - 12
Active Development Disclaimer
VTOL VR is in active development. Some features may be missing, incomplete, or broken.
Existing features may change in upcoming updates. Bugs and errors may occur.
Motion Sickness Disclaimer
VTOL VR is a virtual reality flight simulator, which means that it does
not aim to avoid situations that commonly induce motion sickness
such as acceleration, rolling, and spinning. If you begin to experience
nausea, please remove the HMD and take a break. Don’t worry! The
onset of nausea during gameplay will diminish over time. With
practice, you will be able to perform extreme maneuvers without any
Aircraft Controls
In the cockpit, you interact with the
various buttons, controls, and instruments
naturally using your hands. For example, to raise
your landing gear after take off, you reach out to
the landing gear lever with your hand, pinch it,
and raise it to the retracted position. Each
interactive element in the cockpit is labelled, and
when you hover a finger over an element, a
tooltip will appear, hinting at what it does.
Most of the controls can be activated by touching them with your finger tip and clicking the
trigger on the VR controller. Switches and knobs can be manipulated by pulling or twisting them while
holding the trigger.
Certain controls, mainly the joystick and throttle, can be grabbed. While grabbed, you will have
access to the buttons and triggers on the control via the corresponding buttons on your VR controller.
The main function of the joystick is to steer the
Tilt forward: Nose down
Tilt backward: Nose up
Tilt left/right: Roll left/right
Twist left/right: Rudder/wheel steering
left/right (yaw)
The joystick also has a trigger, action button, and thumbpad.
Trigger: Fire weapon / uncage seeker*
Action button: Switch weapon / fire uncaged weapon*
Thumbpad: Control MFD screen marked as SOI (see page 8)
* Certain weapons have special options that change how the trigger/action button work
The throttle’s main function is to adjust engine
power / aircraft speed.
Raise/Forward: Increase power
Lower/Backward: Decrease power
Trigger: Wheel/air brakes
Action button: Deploy countermeasures
(see page 11)
The throttle’s thumbpad on VTOL capable aircraft (A/V-42C, F-45A) is used to adjust engine nozzle tilt,
for transitioning between hover and standard flight modes.
Controller Overview
Start-up Procedure
The start-up procedure is fairly short and similar between vehicles.
1. Ensure Parking Brake is locked
2. Set Main Battery switch to ON
3. Set APU (auxiliary power unit) switch to ON to generate electrical power/recharge battery
4. Wait for APU to spool up (moving to next steps while APU is still starting up can lead to engine
start-up failure
5. Set Engine 1 switch to ON
6. Set Engine 2 switch to ON ( if applicable)
The engines will spool up, then settle at idle RPM. Once the engines are running, they will
supply electrical power, so the APU can be shut off.
7. Set APU switch to OFF
The aircraft is now ready to fly, but first you may want to power on and configure the rest of the
on-board equipment.
8. Turn on HUD (heads-up display)
9. Turn on HMCS (helmet mounted cueing system)
10. Turn on MFDs (multi-function displays)
11. Configure MFDs (depending on what you need to use for the mission)
Take Off
1. Set Wing fold switch to Deployed (if applicable)
2. Set Flaps lever to 1
3. Ensure all Flight Assists are switched ON
Conventional Take Off
1. Set Parking Brake switch to OFF
2. Taxi to take off runway
3. Set Throttle to full power
4. Use wheel steer/rudder to maintain alignment with runway
5. When airspeed exceeds about 100 knots (50m/s), pull stick to raise the nose to about 10°
6. Hold attitude until lift-off
7. Set Landing Gear lever to Retract
8. Set Flaps lever to 0
9. Climb to desired altitude
Vertical Take Off
1. Ensure TWR (thrust to weight ratio) of at least 1.05
2. Set Parking Brake switch to OFF
3. Hold tilt switch (on throttle) DOWN until tilt indicator reads 90°
4. Set Throttle to full power
5. As aircraft rises, maintain level nose and use yaw control to point in the desired direction
6. Adjust Throttle to maintain a steady rate of climb. Allowing the climb rate to rise too quickly may cause
adverse aerodynamic forces to flip the aircraft
7. Gradually tilt engines forward (to 0°) to increase forward momentum while maintaining climb with
throttle and pitch control
8. Once full forward flight is achieved, set Landing Gear lever to Retract
9. Set Flaps lever to 0
10. Climb to desired altitude
Note: These are extremely simplified instructions. Landing takes practice, and some consider it an art.
Conventional Landing
The final landing speed to aim for is about 130 knots (around 70 m/s), so as you approach an
airfield, make sure you have decreased speed enough that you will be able to slow down to landing
speed by the time you reach the runway.
1. Align with runway at least 2nm away. Do not fly directly at the runway until you have come
around to a point where the runway is lined up directly away from you.
2. Once aligned, turn towards the runway
3. Climb or descend such that the runway is at about 4° below the horizon from you.
4. Steer Velocity Vector to the near side of the runway
5. Maintain steady descent, using throttle/speed brakes to allow airspeed to fall
6. Once airspeed is below 300 knots (150 m/s) set Landing Gear lever to Extend
7. Set Flaps to 1 or 2 depending on weight
8. Control speed using throttle/brakes to reach 130 knots as you reach the runway, while
maintaining 3° to 4° glide slope
9. A moment before touchdown, gently lift nose and set throttle to idle
10. After main gear touchdown, gently release pitch to bring nose down
11. Apply wheel brakes to stop
12. Taxi to parking area
Vertical Landing
Vertical landing is an even trickier method of landing, since you will be balancing on the thrust
of your engines while controlling your flight path toward a very small target.
1. From standard flight, decrease altitude to a few hundred feet above your landing zone
2. Approach the landing zone at level flight, continuing to decrease your speed using air brakes
3. Tilt engines to 90°
4. As your speed falls, raise the nose to maintain level flight
5. As speed continues to fall, lift will drop to a point where you can no longer maintain altitude.
At this point, begin using engine thrust to maintain and control altitude
6. Use pitch and roll to steer towards the landing zone. Pitch up to slow down, pitch down to
accelerate forward, and roll left/right to accelerate left/right.
7. Once over the landing zone, slowly adjust throttle to descend.
8. On touchdown or immediately before, set throttle to idle.
9. Enable Parking Brake
Note: It’s difficult to spot a landing zone directly beneath you, so it might be helpful to approach
at an angle.
Multi-Function Displays (MFDs)
The MFDs are used to access and control various systems on the aircraft. Navigational maps,
mission objectives, weapon configuration, sensors, etc, can be opened from the MFD home page.
Press the corresponding buttons around the
frame of the display to open pages and
execute actions.
Some MFD pages have a button that
designates it as the Sensor/Screen of
Interest (SOI). Designating a display as the
SOI will allow you to control it using the
thumb pad on the joystick.
Each aircraft can be equipped with various sensors used for detecting threats and targets.
Some are also used for acquiring and designating targets for weapons. These sensors can be
accessed through the Multi-function Displays (MFDs).
Radar Warning Receiver (RWR)
This is a passive sensor that detects incoming radar signals. Each time an enemy radar sweeps
over your aircraft, an audible ping and a visible icon will indicate the direction and type of the radar
Optical Targeting Sensor
Targeting sensors such as the TGP (targeting pod) and EOTS (electro-optical targeting system)
are used to find and track ground targets, and aid in deploying air-to-ground weapons. Setting the
targeting sensor as the SOI will allow you to slew the camera around. You can also set it to HEAD mode,
which will allow you to aim the sensor using your head, and lock a target by pressing the center of the joystick
thumb pad. Note: The F/A-26B does not have a built-in targeting sensor, so one must be attached in the EXT
SENSOR slot.
The F/A-26B and F-45A are equipped with forward facing radars. Once activated, the radar can
be used to search for distant targets. In the F/A-26B, the radar MFD page can be set as SOI, which will
allow you to move the target selection cursor with the joystick thumb pad. With a target selected, click
the center thumb pad to track it. The tracked target will appear on the HUD with a number. Up to 4
targets can be tracked. Clicking the target again, or pressing the corresponding track number on the
MFD will lock the target for radar guided weapons. When a target is locked, the radar will not be able
to continue scanning, and only the locked target and other tracks will be shown.
The F-45A automatically controls radar functions depending on targets selected in the Tactical
Situation Display (TSD) and the active weapon.
Anti-Radiation Attack Display (ARAD)
The A/V-42C and F/A-26B are equipped with anti-radiation (anti-radar) sensors. The ARAD page
in the MFD shows incoming radar signals, similarly to the RWR. Setting ARAD as SOI will allow you to
select a target radar source for firing Anti-Radiation Missiles (ARMs).
Various types of weapons can be attached to the aircraft in the hangar before a mission.
Choose weapons wisely depending on the mission. In order to use weapons, set the Master Arm
switch to Armed/On. Cycle through your armed weapons using the Action Button on the joystick.
Once a weapon is selected, some form of aiming reticle will appear on the HUD. The method of
deploying the weapon varies depending on the type of weapon.
Cannons and Rockets
These are simple point and shoot weapons. Steer your aircraft so the aiming reticle is pointing
at your target. Pull the trigger on the joystick to fire.
Air-to-Ground Missiles (AGMs)
AGMs require the use of a targeting sensor (TGP or EOTS). Power on the targeting sensor, set it
as SOI and select a target. Then steer the aircraft towards the target until you get a lock tone. Now
you can fire the missile. Some missiles allow you to steer away and engage a different target
immediately (fire and forget), while others require you to maintain lock until the missile hits the target.
Bombs are heavy hitters that do not have any self propulsion. There are two main ways of
deploying bombs. Using CCIP (constantly calculated impact point) mode, you simply steer the aircraft
until the impact point on the HUD is on the target, then release a bomb using the joystick trigger.
Using CCRP (constantly calculated release point) mode, you must first designate a target using the
targeting sensor. When you fly towards the designated target, a vertical dashed line will appear on the
HUD. Steer the aircraft to align the bomb flight path line with the dashed line. As you approach the
target, a diamond icon will crawl down the dashed line, indicating the calculated release point. When
the diamond icon meets the chevrons, pull the trigger to release a bomb.
IR/Heat Seeking Missiles
IR missiles are air-to-air missiles that seek the hot engines and leading edges of other aircraft.
There are several modes for setting the behavior of the missile seeker, but in general, you just need to
point the seeker towards an enemy aircraft until you get a lock tone, then fire. Beware that the seeker
can lock onto any heat signature -- enemy, allied, or flare countermeasures.
Radar Guided Missiles
Radar guided missiles are used for long range air-to-air engagements. Once a target has been
designated using the aircraft’s radar (see page 8) and the target is in range, point the aircraft to the
lead cue and pull the joystick trigger to fire.
Anti-Radiation Missiles (ARMs)
ARMs are used for destroying enemy air defenses by targeting their radars. Designate a target
using the ARAD (see page 9), then fly towards the target. Once in-range, the targeting reticle on the
HUD will lock onto the radar source. Fire with the joystick trigger.
GPS Guided Weapons
There are several types of GPS guided weapons such as bombs and cruise missiles. These
require GPS points or paths to be plotted for them, either by using the targeting sensor or the
navigational map. Bombs and cruise missiles can be fired on single GPS points. Cruise missiles are
also able to follow a series of GPS points set up as a path.
Laser Guided Bombs
Laser guided bombs require a target to be tracked using the targeting sensor. The target must
be continuously tracked during the bomb’s flight, but this allows you to precisely bomb a moving
Defensive Tactics
The opposing force is equipped with similar technology, which means that you need to be as
well versed at defending against the different weapon types as you are at deploying them. Your main
threats are radar guided missiles, IR missiles, and anti-aircraft artillery (AAA).
The easiest missile to dodge is one that has not been fired. Maintaining situational awareness,
knowing the location, capabilities, and behaviors of threats, and avoiding flying over known hot spots is
the best way to avoid being shot down. Sometimes, the mission or situation requires you to face these
threats. At these times, you should be able to identify the threat, and use proper evasive tactics to
deal with it.
General Missile Evasion
When a missile is launched, your onboard sensors will detect it and give you a “Missile Launch”
warning. If none of you allies have communicated that they have launched a missile (“Fox”, “Rifle”,
etc), scan your sensors and surroundings as it may be hostile! Anti-air missiles will fly in “lead-pursuit”
-- towards a point they predict you will be, rather than the point you are at right now. This allows them
to reach you in as little time as possible and with fewer maneuvers. You can use this to your
advantage by changing your direction of flight, which will force them to recalculate and turn towards
your new direction. Each time a missile turns, it bleeds kinetic energy, which will make it easier for you
to dodge. This technique can also be used to force the missile to fly into terrain.
Radar Guided Missiles
These missiles usually have a very long range, but are easiest to detect. Since a radar lock is
required for them to function, your RWR will indicate when you are being tracked by a fire control radar
(long ringing tone) and when you are being tracked by a missile’s onboard radar (high pitch tone). The
easiest way to avoid the threat is to break line of site with the radar by flying behind terrain or other
solid structures. When this is not possible, you can “beam” the missile (fly perpendicular to its
incoming direction) while deploying chaff countermeasures. Chaff will create distracting radar
reflections, making it difficult for the radar missile to track you. Chaff has little to no effect if you are
flying directly towards or away from the radar. Countermeasures should be combined with general
evasive actions for maximum effect.
IR Missiles
Heat seeking missiles, unlike radar
guided missiles, do not rely on sending any
signals, so your aircraft sensors will not be able
to detect if they are tracking you. When you
hear a Missile Launch warning, but there are no
indications on the RWR, it is likely an IR missile.
Scan your surroundings for smoke trails, reduce
throttle to limit heat output, and fire flare
countermeasures to avoid them.
Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA)
These large, rapidly firing cannons are used for close range air defense. Getting hit by a stream
of bullets can be catastrophic, so keep an eye out for flashes and tracers coming from enemy
positions. A simple change in direction is enough to dodge enemy fire, but you will only have a few
seconds to react. Some AAA weapons also rely on radar to track targets, so deploying chaff can help.
There are several missions unique to each vehicle. Within a mission, you will need to complete
a series of objectives, such as destroying targets, joining friendly aircraft, and protecting valuable
Active and completed objectives can be viewed in the Objectives page in an MFD. Some
objectives have an associated waypoint. Pressing the WPT button in the Objectives page, or the OBJ
button in the navigation map page will show you where to go to complete the objective.
Once all objectives are complete, including the final objective (usually returning to base), the mission
will be complete.
Failing a required objective or destruction of your aircraft will result in mission failure. You will have to
restart the mission from the beginning, or from a save point.