Ge3 Answers 9

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UNIT 9 The Natural World ‘The Passive LESSON 1 The Passive; Passive with Modals EXPLORE Exercise 2 CHECK, page 237 1. False 2. True 3. False 4, True 5. False Exercise 3 DISCOVER, page 237 ‘Simple | Simple [Present | Passive Present |Past | Progressive | with Passive | Passive | Passive | Modal 2,3 1 5 46 LEARN Exercise 4, pages 238-239 1. During the expedition, Sylvia Earle’s instructions were followed by the team. _P 2. Most of our oxygen on Earth is jgenerated by the ocean. ‘A 3. The changes in the ocean ecosystem. affect all of us. _A4. Nearly half of the world’s coral reefs have disappeared. P-5. The sea around the Galpagos Islands is being polluted by boats. -P 6. in the last 50 years, more than 90 percent of the big fish in the sea have been eaten. A. Many sea creatures have been dying from water pollution. Answer Key for Grammar Explorer 3 ‘© National Geographic Leaming, a part of Cengage Learning, P8. Action is being taken to protect the California and Oregon coasts. P.9. An area of Antarctica is protected by scientists and international governments, A 10. The efforts of researchers have increased public awareness of our ecosystem. Exercise 5, page 239 1. We protect about 12 perfect of the land on Earth in some way. About 12 percent of the land of the Earth is protected in some way. 2. Local officials are considering new guidelines for beach preservation. ‘New guidelines are being considered for beach preservation. 3. The mayor has created a nature preserve near the river. ‘A nature preserve has been created near the river. 4. Were guides giving tours yesterday at the nature preserve? Were tours being given at the nature preserve? 5. Villagers have cut down all the trees in that forest. All the trees been cut down in that forest. 6. Did swimmers see dolphins near the beach? Were dolphins seen near the beach? 7. Is the Parks Department protecting the birds on the island? Are the birds being protected on the island? 8, Volunteers cleaned up the trash on the riverbank. The trash was cleaned up on the riverbank. 9. Fishermen catch tens of thousands of fish everyday. Tens of thousands of fish are caught everyday. 10. Has anyone reported the environmental problems to government officials? 50 Have the environmental problems been reported to government officials? Exercise 6, page 240 1. must not be disturbed 2. should be followed 3. can be found 4. are going to be posted 5. will be tumed on 6. should only be taken 7. might be understood 8. will be saved PRACTICE Exercise 7, page 241 I has been shaped 2. is drying up 3. is used 4. are using 5. can be seen 6. have not survived -7. is also harming 8, may be reduced * 9, could be done 10, should be conserved Exercise 8, pages 241-242 A 1. are killed 2. are attacked 3. was the megamouth shark discovered 4. are threatened/are being threatened 5. is sold 6. is shark-fin soup eaten ‘7. is shark-fin soup served 8. can sharks be protected B, page 242 Answers will vary. Sample answers: 1. Researchers say that at least 60 million sharks are killed each year. Many estimate ‘that the number is much higher, possibly well over 200 million sharks per year. 2. Fewer than 100 people are attacked by sharks each year. Answer Key for Grammar Explorer 3 ‘© National Geographic Leaming, a part of Cengage Learning, 3. The megamouth shark was discovered in 1976. 4. More than 100 shark species are threatened/are being threatened by human activity. 5. The fins are sold for food. 6. Shark-fin soup is most popular in Asia. 7. Shark-fin soup is often served at weddings. 8, Sharks can be protected if people stop hunting them. Exercise 9 SPEAK & WRITE, pages 242- 243 A Baobabs, lemurs, chameleons, ground rollers (birds), Harlequin mantilla frogs B 1. Madagascar is located off the coast of Africa. 2. Baobab trees and lemurs are found in Madagascar. 3. A few areas of Madagascar are protected by the government. 4, Most of the island is not protected. 5. Many of Madagascar’s plants and animals live in small, unprotected areas. 6. Many of these plants and animals are endangered. 7. A lot of the rain forest areas in Madagascar are being destroyed/ A lot of the rain forest areas in Madagascar have been destroyed. 8. Some rain forest areas are being preserved./Some rain forest areas have been preserved. 9, Every year, more and more trees are being cut down. /Every year, more and more trees are cut down. 10. The rain forest in Madagascar should be protected to save endangered species. Exercise 10 LISTEN, page 244 Lb 2b sl gravee geccos Exercise 11 EDIT, page 245 Construction on the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River began in 1994. It was completed in 2012. The dam is considered a great success because it has had some positive effects on the environment. In the past, a lot of coal is was used for energy. Now the dam generates water power, and the need for coal has been reduced. This ‘means that there is less carbon dioxide in the air. Unfortunately, there have also been some negative effects. Many places were flooded because of the dam. Over a million people had to being be moved. Also, the dam is located in a region with many plants and animals. Many plant species in this region have being been harmed by the dam. More could be harmed in the future. The dam has also caused changes to the temperature and increased the amount of pollution in the water. This has been threatened the freshwater fish in the area. Changes should been-made should be made to improve the environmental situation soon. Authorities have promised to make these changes. Exercise 12 APPLY, page 245 A Answers will vary B Answers will vary G Answers will vary LESSON 2 Using the Passive Answer Key for Grammar Explorer 3 ‘© National Geographic Leaming, a part of Cengage Learning, EXPLORE Exercise 2 CHECK, page 247 1. Flowers look the- same different at night and during the day. 2. The colors of flowers change in sunlight moonlight. 3. Bees Bats and moths pollinate night bloomers. 4. Pollinators locate flowers that are hard-to see glow in the dark. 5. Science ean can't explain the effect that night gardens have on us. Exercise 3 DISCOVER, page 247 A 1. At nighttime, the colors of flowers are transformed. 2. They are lit by moonlight. 3. Night-bloomers are pollinated by bats and moths. 4. Their pollinators are attracted by scent as well as color. pene D>>e ie by LEARN Exercise 4, pages 248-249 1. Flowers are loved for their beauty and scent. 2. In Australia, the golden wattle was chosen as the national flower. 3. Wax flowers can be seen in Western Australia. 4. An unusual story was reported from Sydney, Australia. 5. A destroyed flowerbed was discovered outside a museum. 6. The museum’s flowerbed had been eaten. 2 7. Gary's owner was ordered to pay a fine. 8. Gary was brought to the courthouse for his trial, Exercise 5, pages 249-250 1. was written by Jack London 2. are picked 3. was released 4. is visited by millions of tourists 5. was stolen 6. will be given by the president of South Aftica/is being given by the president of South Africa. 7. are eaten by birds 8. was destroyed by a forest fire PRACTICE Exercise 6, page 250 1. are threatened 2. was started 3. are posted _4. is endangered 5. has to be protected * 6. has been reduced by disease/is being reduced by disease 7. has been damaged by deforestation/is being damaged by deforestation 8. are caught by wild-parrot traders/are being caught by wild-parrot traders 9. are sold Exercise 7, page 251 1. is considered 2is 3. has been placed/ was placed 4. is called 5. is visited by 6. proposed 7. was completed 8, have taken 9. is also known 10. are named/ were named Exercise 8, page 252 1. shouldn't be missed by tourists 2. have to tum Answer Key for Grammar Explorer 3 ‘© National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, 3. was discovered 4. was called 5, was renamed 6. bought 7. was built by 8, were told 9. can be found 10. can be seen Exercise 9, page 253 1. is proposed/was proposed /has been. proposed/is being proposed 2. was found/has been found 3. were observed 4. is being raised by a Brazilian family 5. are killed by cats 6. were caught/have been caught 7. was discovered by a repairman Exercise 10 APPLY, page 253 A 1 B 1. was found 2. was not bitten by 3. was contacted 4. was chased 5. was caught 6. was released T.was given c Answers will vary LESSON 3 Passive Gerunds and Infinitives; Get Passives EXPLORE Exercise 2, page 255 1. Hurricane hunters collect information when they fly through the calm eye of the storm. 2. A dropsonde checks humidity, ‘temperature, and wind speed. 3B 3. They want to find out the strength of a hurricane and where itis heading, 4, Weather forecasters consider the data and then issue warnings. Exercise 3 DISCOVER, page 255 A 1. Being caught 2. to be affected 3. getting caught 4. being asked ‘alse rue rue eee Bor LEARN Exercise 4, page 256 1. to be sent 2. being injured _3. being expected 4. being damaged * 5.10 be evacuated 6. to be told 7. being allowed 8. to be given Exercise 5, page 257 1. got hit 2. got broken 3. got hurt 4. got flooded 5. got hit 6. get damaged 7. got ruined 8. will got delivered/is going to get delivered PRACTICE Exercise 6, page 258 1. being harmed/getting harmed 2. get damaged 3. get filled/are filled 4. get blown/are blown 5. Being removed 6. are killed/get killed Answer Key for Grammar Explorer 3 7. was reduced 8. are not affected/do not get affected 9. to be rescued 10, was found Exercise 7, page 259 A 1. gotten caught 2. getting burned 3. gotten rescued 4. gotten injured 5. get stung, 6 gotten bitten B SPEAK Answers will vary Exercise 8 LISTEN, page 259 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. True Exercise 9 EDIT, page 259 When I was a child, | remember being show shown a bird nest in a tree in our yard. It was a robin’s nest, and it was amazing. There were four blue eggs in the nest. The bird didn’t seem to mind be being watched, and I was careful not to get too close. | was very young, maybe four, but 1 never needed teHing to be told not to touch the nest. Somehow I knew that without being reminded. One day, I looked and saw baby robins in the nest. I don’t think they liked be being/to be left alone by their ‘mother, but sometimes she had to fly away to get food. When she came back, the babies made a lot of noise while they were waiting to-being 10 be fed! ‘Since that time I have always loved birds, and I love to go on birdwatching trips. In recent years, I have traveled all over the 34 ‘© National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. world to observe birds. I sometimes get invite invited to speak at birdwatching conferences. Be Being asked to share my knowledge of birds with others gives mea lot of pleasure. Fortunately, birdwatching is avery safe hobby. I’ve never gotten get injured while doing my favorite thing. Exercise 10 APPLY, page 260 Answers will vary REVIEW THE GRAMMAR Exercise 1, page 261 1. disappeared 2. was never seen. 3. noticed 4, must have taken 5. were caught 6. got sent 7. to get punished 8. are being saved 9. have been released 10. have learned Exercise 2, page 261 1. Bats are found throughout most of the world. 2. Bats can be seen all over the world. 3. [passive not possible] 4. The destruction of bat habitats should be stopped. 5. More than 5.7 million bats have been killed by a deadly disease. 6, The spread of the disease is being investigated. 7. The survival of bats could be threatened by the disease 8. These endangered animals should have been protected from this disease. Exercise 3, page 262 1. being caught/getting caught; to be evacuated; to be left 2. got hurt; to be picked up; to be fed Answer Key for Grammar Explorer 3 ‘© National Geographic Learning, apart of Cengage Learning. 3. Being trapped/Getting trapped; being ‘bumed/ getting burned; was started; got rescued/were rescued; got promoted/was promoted Exercise 4 EDIT, page 262 Good news for the gray seal population has been announced. Seal populations are being ‘grown growing off the north Atlantic coast of the United States. For many years, seals were killed for their skins, oil, and meat. However, since 1972, they have be been protected by U.S. law, and they cannot be killed. Many people worry, however, that the seal population is getting out of control, and that nothing will bees Be done to ‘manage it. Fishermen are complaining because large amounts of fish are being eating eaten by the seals. In addition, there is the shark problem. Sharks like to eat scals, so when seals move into an area, sharks usually follow. In fact, many more sharks ccan be seen in the areas where seal populations have increased. Naturally, swimmers are concerned about te-be being attacked by sharks. Swimmer Jon Turner says, “It's great that the gray seal population has come back, but now I have to be careful not to get bite bitten by a shark!” Exercise 5 LISTEN & SPEAK, page 263 payne aocaa B 1. They are being harmed. 2. Rainfall pattems and polar ice have been affected by increasing temperatures. 3. Activities such as golf and mountain climbing increase your risk of being hit by lightning. 35 4, Fish and shellfish are being pulled out of the ocean by fishermen. 5. The biggest wave was caused by a hurricane. CONNECT THE GRAMMAR TO WRITING Exercise 1 READ & NOTICE THE GRAMMAR, pages 264-265 B Answers may vary. Possible answers: can be found/no agent get stuck/no agent is being sold/no agent do not get punished/no agent are endangered/no agent c Endangered Species: African Manatee Threat Specific examples Habitat is being 1. Building of dams destroyed 2. Pollution from boats on the river 3. Clearing of wetlands Hunting 1. Meat is sold in markets 2. Bones are used to make walking sticks 3. Illegal hunters do not get punished Exercise 2 BEFORE YOU WRITE, page 265 Exercise 3 WRITE, page 265 Answers will vary Answer Key for Grammar Explorer 3 ‘© National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. 56

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