Psych Experiment

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Conforming to

Daegon McDonald. Christian Nomi. Austin Johnson.


The topic of our experiment is peer pressure which is defined as the social influence a peer group exerts on its individual members, as each member attempts to conform to the expectations of the group. We will be studying whether or not males conform to peer pressure more than females. When Solomon Asch conducted an almost identical experiment he found that in a control group with no pressure to conform their own view, only one subject out of 35 ever gave an incorrect answer. But he found that when surrounded by individuals all voicing an incorrect answer, participants provided incorrect responses on 32% of the questions. 75% of the participants gave an incorrect answer to at least one question. HYPOTHESIS: Hypothesis: Males are more susceptible to conforming to peer -pressure than females. Males: ages 14-18, any race, and currently attending Sunset High School. More Susceptible/conforming: copies the confederate s answer in the experiment more often than the opposite sex. Peer pressure: actions that the confederates do as a group. Females: ages 14-18, any race, and currently attending Sunset High School. Independent variable: Peer pressure. Dependent variable: Susceptibility.

METHODS: 1. Survey: In our Survey method our subjects will be Sunset students ranging from 14-18 years old. We used 40 total subjects for our survey half of them being male, and the other half or them female. Our subjects were randomly chosen in hallways and classes during the school day. Most of the subjects we had that took the survey were in groups with friends. In a survey there isn't a control or experimental because we are testing what all of our subjects thought about peer pressure and conformity. To create this survey we used ideas off of the internet to write the questions, and a printer to print the surveys. We used the school hallways and classrooms to find students to answer our survey questions. What we did in this experimental method was think of questions to see whether or not our hypothesis was supported. We started in the computer lab brainstorming questions that we will have in our survey and who will be getting our survey. We decided that it would be easiest to hand surveys out to our fellow students at Sunset High School, and use them as our subjects. Once we figured out what questions we were going to use we printed up 40 pages and began passing them out to our subjects. 20 of the surveys would go to males, and the other half would be given to female to make sure nothing would affect the results.

2. Field Study: In one our field study our subjects will also be students ranging from 14-18 years old who currently attend Sunset High School. We will use a different 40 students than those who we used for our survey method. We will test 20 males and 20 females to get an equally balanced sex rate. We will find these students randomly throughout Sunset High either in the halls or in classrooms we may go to. We will approach them usually in classes and groups but each will be tested separately at different times. There will be 20 of each gender and for each gender 10 will be in the control group and 10 will be in the experimental group. For our field study we used a sheet of paper that had 4 lines on it for the experiment, 5 confederates that we told what we were doing and what to do, and an empty classroom in Sunset High School. First we gathered 5 confederates that would know what was going in and we then told them what to do in the experiment. Then we would find one student to conduct the experiment on. After that we would enter an empty classroom and have them sit in a U facing us leaving the person being experimented on in the end of the U. We would then hold up a piece of paper that had one line titled exhibit 1 on one side and on the other side 3 lines A, B, and C titled exhibit 2 the three lines one bigger than exhibit 1, one smaller, and one the same size. We would then hold up the paper and ask if line A, B, or C was bigger or smaller. Each of our confederates would answer first leaving the person being experimented on to answer last. We will have our confederates all answer an incorrect answer but all of them answering the same one. In the control group there would be no confederates but it would run through the same process. After the experimental person would answer we would record if they answered the correct answer or the incorrect one that the confederates answered. This would continue 10

males in the control group, 10 females in the control group, 10 males in the experimental group, and 10 females in the experimental group.

3. Field Study #2: For our experiment we will conduct two different field studies. The second one will vary a little from the first one in that instead of using the 4 lines on the paper we will ask them a semi-difficult multiplication problem and again have the confederates answer the same incorrect answer. The subjects will be found the same way as the first field study but of course they will be different students. The procedure and apparatus will remain the same except exchanging the 4 line paper with a multiplication problem.

Peer Pressure Survey



Can giving in to peer pressure make you a more successful person? A No peer pressure can only distract a person from reaching their goals. B Yes "giving in" can help a person move up the social ladder.

Do you think that peer pressure is ever a good thing? A No, never B Sometimes, depending on the situation C Yes, always

If you were influenced by peer pressure, how do you feel it affected you? A Positively B Negatively C Both depending on the situation D I am not affected by peer pressure

Have you lied about liking something just because you thought your friends would make fun of you if they knew? A Yes B No

Analysis and cunclusion

We issued out 40 surveys half male and half to females of those 20 to each sex group about 80 percent of the females sided with being peer pressured and accepting peer pressure as being acceptable. Of the males about 10 percent agreed with peer pressure being ok and they said it was not ok. For our second test we did a field study using the following graph.In that study we found that about 1 in 8 males awnser differntly from the confederate.As for females we found that 2 in 5 would awnser the same as the confederate. Our final study was a field study using complicated mulitplicaton problems we found in thes ever 3 in 8 males awnsered the same as the confederates.The females however awnserd 4 in 8.Form our experiments the obvious conclusions that can be drawn is that females are more susseptable to peer pressure.There are several stregths to our test and weaknesses.The streghts for our test was the envoirnmet we issued the test in the enviornment was a kids naturaly envirnment so there was no added stress. The major weakness to our studies were that kids may be afraid to tell the truth or lie on the survey. I believe that our findings would directly corrolate to the majority of the population.

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