NCM 102 - M3-Post Task
NCM 102 - M3-Post Task
NCM 102 - M3-Post Task
“If you understand something well, you can represent it, describe it, embody it in
several ways. Indeed, if you can only present it in one way, then your own
mastery is likely to be tenuous”- Howard Gardner
As doing this multiple intelligence test, I learn more about myself. I enjoyed
scoring what I strongly agree with or not. This test is like an open-ended question to
myself and I love it. Logical-mathematical intelligence is my strongest natural
intelligence as it has the highest score in the total tallied score. In this part it is not really
shocking for me, since I was a kid I am already the type of person who is more into
logical or numerical patterns, reasoning or anything that always uses thinking and
problem solving skills. I am happy to know that this natural intelligence of mine is still
present inside of me. Interpersonal intelligence is another one of my strong natural
intelligences. It is not the highest but it is one of my greatest strengths as an individual.
This intelligence was developed when I was in high school, since I am a transfer student
here in Luzon I have to communicate and socialize with other people. And the person
who helped me achieve this strength was my eldest sister. She taught me what to do
when it comes to talking with people in different situations. And the other intelligence
such as musical, intrapersonal, linguistic, bodily kinesthetic and spatial intelligence are
also one of my natural abilities and strengths though they are not the strongest one still
they are part of me.
In the open extended Jungian type scale, my personality type result was
extrovert, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving (EITP). Doing this was fun and it got me
thinking if it is quite similar to my multiple intelligence result. And I am happy that it
actually relates. Ever since I learned how to blend in and socialize with people, I
became an extrovert person. Though there is still a piece of me that is introverted it
doesn’t affect my overall personality. When there is a situation wherein I have to choose
what’s for the best, I always listen to that little voice in my head act based upon what it
says. My instinct and intuition simply know it to be the most appropriate course to take
at any given moment. (Thinking) I always do my best to have a mechanical mind. To
think broadly, not shallowly. I want to fix people, not just things. And last, I am a
perceiving person. I prefer to rely on memories, to be organized in stuff. I am both
open to options or committed to something depending on situations. I am not the type to
procrastinate tasks or things that need to be done in a specific time. I can both
improvise or prepare things.
This result from both tests will help me learn easily the different professional
subjects in my chosen field which is nursing. Nursing requires a lot of effort, time, skills,
specific personality and intelligence in order to survive the course. And these results of
my multiple intelligence test will really help me in nursing school. As a student nurse I
have to be a logical thinker to assess every situation and in handling my patients during
clinicals. Having interpersonal intelligence gives me strength on how to create rapport
towards my co-student nurses, clinical instructors and of course my patients. And the
rest of the multiple intelligence can be used not just to learn but also to hone my skills to
become a nurse, to be competent, give high quality of care to patients and to become a
successful healthcare worker someday. Being an extrovert person would be easy for me
to communicate with patients and CI’s, gives me confidence to voice out any nursing
interventions. In nursing, you have to believe in yourself, in what you do and what you
will say. Learning the different professional subjects needs me to not think twice or to
guess. Thinking of course is the number one needed in learning. As a student nurse I
am required to, needed to or expected to always do the right thing as professional
nurses hold the lives of individuals and take care of their health and every thing that I
will learn in my professional subjects needs to be thought of first before applying it to
situations and people. Perceiving is what I need in nursing, not being judgemental. A
learner relies on what he/she learns and remembers not on mere facts or hearsays. In
nursing being open to options especially in the nursing process and being committed to
the course is taught and needed. And my skills in improvising and preparing things in
different situations or problems are also essential especially right now that we are
conducting our return demonstration online and since there is equipment needed that is
not available at home I have to improvise.