Weekly Home Learning Plan in Science
Weekly Home Learning Plan in Science
Weekly Home Learning Plan in Science
Quarter Period Date & Time Module No. / Week Grade & Section
Second Quarter November 15 – 19, 2021 / 08:30 – 09:30 Module 1 / Week 1 Grade 8 – Vanda
Read the procedure for this activity. Cut, paste, and Submit the assembled fault
assemble the fault model using the copy provided by model to your teacher.
your teacher. (Performance Task)
Answer the set of guide questions that follows.
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing term using Write your answer on the
the set of words listed in this part of the module inside answer sheet.
the box.
Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the Write the answer on your
correct answer. answer sheet.
Activity 5
Read carefully the given scenario and answer. Write your answer on the
answer sheet.
What I Have Learned:
Activity 6
Write the accurate intensity scale for each of the given
Nov. 29 – 30, Science 8 MELC What I Can Do:
2021 Modular Printed Differentiate the intensity of an
Wednesday earthquake from its magnitude. (S8ES- Activity 7
8:30-9:30 IIa-15) Record the call and submit
Differentiate active and inactive faults. Conduct and interview. Look for 5 persons to call audio or video recording to
(S8ES-IIa-15) (phone call/video call) for an interview or face-to-face your teacher. For face-to-
interview and maintain social distancing. Gather the face, submit report/portfolio of
following data indicated in the table on the module the interview. Complete the
based on their experiences of an earthquake. data on the table.
Use the given guide indicated in your answer sheet. (Performance Task)
Activity 8
Make your own list of set of measures on earthquake Write your answer on the
preparedness. Complete the given chart in this answer sheet.
Dec. 01 – 02, Science 8 MELC Assessment:
2021 Modular Printed Differentiate the intensity of an
Thursday earthquake from its magnitude. (S8ES- Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the Write your answer on the
8:30-9:30 IIa-15) correct answer. answer sheet.
Differentiate active and inactive faults.
(S8ES-IIa-15) Additional Activities:
Activity 9
Rate the earthquake risk hazard of your house. For Submit the checklist and take
each item check the box that correspond to your some pictures of your house
answer. For concrete houses, check only item in that has been checked.
option A for each item and option B for non-concrete. (Performance Task)
Complete the given table. You may use a separate
sheet for your answer.
Nov. 26 & Dec. Science 8
03, 2021 Modular Printed Parents will return the modules, answer sheets, worksheets, and performance task outputs for the week and get new modules for the next
Friday week. Check the returned modules/answer sheets or worksheets/performance task outputs.
7:30 – 4:30
Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s parts for additional monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.
Let’s Explore!
Activity 3: How tropical cyclones form into a storm? Analyzing and continue
Sequence how tropical cyclones form into a storm. answer the activity on your
Write the process in order. answer sheet.
Additional Activities:
Take pictures in conducting
Activity 10: Real Life Typhoon Stories research the submit to your
Read the instructions in the module to do the research teacher. Use separate paper
on a real-life typhoon stories. for your stories.
(Performance Task)
1. Visualize the boundaries of the Philippine Area What I Can Do:
of Responsibility (PAR).
2. Trace the path of the typhoons that enter the
Philippine Area of responsibility (PAR) using a Read the statements and indicate which should be Continue answer the activity
map and tracking data. done before, during and after a typhoon. on your activity sheet.
3. Explain the effect of landmasses and bodies of Place an (x) for items that do not help of typhoon
water on typhoons. situations.
4. Plan for the possible effects of typhoons.
January 06, Science 8 MELC
2022 Modular Printed Trace the path of typhoons that enter the Assessment:
Thursday Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR)
8:30-9:30 using a map and tracking data. Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the Write your answer on the
(S8ES-IIf-21) correct answer. answer sheet.