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Design of Pile and Pile Cap - PC1: Working Loads: FCK Fy

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Design of Pile and Pile Cap - PC1

Project ESS,SHAKURBASTI Date 12.05.2022 Node No. 36

Load Case 116 1.5[DL + EQZ(+VE)] + 0.45 EQX(-VE))

Working Loads:
Fy= 266.960 KN Fck Fy
Shear Fx= 1.850 KN For Pile Cap 35 500
Shear Fz= 33.120 KN For Pile 35 500
Mx= 0.000 KNm
Mz= 0.000 KNm

Pedestal Size B= 300 D= 450

Assume Wt. of pile cap= 5% of load on column 13.348 KN

Therefore Total Vertical Load = 280.308 KN

Height of pedestal = 1.2 m

Assuming Pile Cap of size 1 m x 2.2 m

Assuming 2 Nos. of piles of diameter 0.6 m

According to IS 2911 Part 1/ Sec1-2010, Cl. No.6.6.2 min. c/c of pile should be 3.0 x dia. Of pile i.e.. 1.8 m

Providing c/c of pile 1.8 m along long direction

0.025 m along short direction
x y
Load on each pile can be calculated as = 0.9 0 2.2

Pp = P M*x M*z
+ +
n ∑ x2 ∑ z2
1 0
= 140.154 KN

500 dia Pile
Safe vertical load (Ton) 111
Safe Uplift load (Ton) 12
Safe latetral load (Ton) 6

The design has been carried out by referring the soil investigation reports and the field test reports available with us for this project. The realistic values of the field test are
considered in the design.


Max. length of the pile = 15 m

Pile with length less than 30 times the dia 1.25 %

Pile with length 30 to 40 times the dia 1.5 %
Pile with length greater than 40 times the dia 2 %

Min. Reinforcement = 1.25 % as per IS 2911 (Part-1/section 3): 2010 Cl. No.

Ast required = 3534.292 mm2

Provide reinforcement 20 mm dia 12 no.

Ast provided = 3769.919 mm2


Total Moment @ pile cap level with pedestal of 1.2 m pedestal height

Moment = (max. of Mx and Mz) + (max. of Fx and Fz) x Height of Pedestal

= 39.744 kN.m

Proposed distance between pile centers along column = 1.800 m

Hence total uplift on pile = (Fy / no. of piles) + (Max. moment / center to center of piles)
= 129.223666666667 + 51.562027
Total Uplift = 162.234 kN
Required no. of Piles = Total Uplift Load carrying Capacity of single pile

= 1.378 say 1 no.

Therefore provide 1 no. of 600 mm dia piles for UPLIFT

& 1 no. of 600 mm dia piles for COMPRESSION

Total 2 no. of 600 mm dia piles

Check for Lateral Load

Lateral Load on each pile = Max. Horizontal Reaction / Total no. of piles

= 16.560 kN
< 1.25 x lateral Load capacity of pile
< 73.575 kN


No. of Rows "m" = 1
No. of piles per Row "n" = 2
Total No. Of Piles = 2
Diameter of Pile "d" = 600 mm
Capacity Of Single Pile = 1089 kN
Spacing of Pile c/c "s" = 1800 mm
tan θ = d/s
= 0.333
θ = tan -1 ( d / s)
θ = 18.435 Degrees
θ (n-1) x m + (m-1) x n
Ng = 1 - x
90 mxn
Ng = 0.398

Efficiency Of Pile Group = Capacity of single Pile x Ng x No. of Piles

Efficiency Of Pile Group = 865.866 kN > 266.960 kN SAFE

Providing 12 Nos. of 20 mm dia. in piles

% steel prov= 1.33333333333333 > 0.4 OK


e= 0.900 m

M(Max) = 126.139 KNm

Mu = 189.208 KNm

Check for Effective Depth,

Mu = 0.133 x Fck x b x d2
Solving this to get effective depth

d= 201.609 mm
Provide D = 750 mm
d= 650 > 201.609 OK

Main Reinforcement:

Ast= (0.5Fck/Fy) x (1-sqrt(1-(4.6Mu/Fckbd2))))bd

= 679.657 sq.mm.

Providing 12 mm bars Providing 12 mm bars
Spacing= 166.403 mm Spacing= 166.403 mm

Providing 12 mm bars @ 150 mm bothways BOTTOM

Providing 12 mm bars @ 150 mm bothways TOP
Punching Shear acts at distance d/2 from column face

Factored Load on column 400.44 KN

Punching shear Stress= Fy/(bd) 1100

= 0.150 N/sq.mm.

Allowable Shear Stress = 0.25*SQRT(Fck)

= 1.479 > 0.150 SAFE


Max. Shear Force will be reaction of pile at face of column.
Hence Max Shear Stress = Vu/bd
= 0.323 N/sq.mm.

As per IS:13920-2016, Cl.No. 6.3.4, ignoring the effect of concrete for calculation of design shear capacity

Vus = τvbd
= 210.231 KN

Using Stirrpus 12 mm

Legged 6

Spacing= 912.661 mm

Provide Stirrpus 12 mm @ 600 c/c

1) Pedestal Size 300 x 450
2) Pile Cap Size 1000 x 2200 x 750
3) Pile Cap R/f
(a) Bottom 12 mm @ 150 c/c
(b) Top 12 mm @ 150 c/c
4) Pile Diameter 600 mm
5) Pile R/f 20 mm 12 Nos.
6) NO. of Piles 2 Nos.
7) Stirrpus 12 mm 6 Legged stirrups@ 600 c/c

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