Sample Article Critique

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Sample Article Critique

The most positive aspect of this article is its clarity in the statement of research problem and the
most negative aspect is the methodological flaws and the limit in its scope of content. The big
debate among educational technologists as reflected in classic research papers such as Clark’s,
(1994) study is also missing.

The article explains the gap in the literature “ Investigations of educational technologies, such as
Microsoft PowerPoint slide show presentations, have produced mixed results”. However, the
authors don’t explain or even guess why the results are mixed. It is not enough to mention there
is a gap the authors should explain how their research will be different and why they expect their
research would fill the gap. One possible explanation is the results depend on the teaching
method or instructional strategies used in those studies.

Furthermore, proving or disproving that technology is effective for a small group of students in a
very limited content (a chapter is a psychology textbook) does not fill the gap. Hundreds of
research on effectiveness of technology have been performed in the last 5 decades. The results
are still mixed and this article does not help either. When you compare the traditional method
with technology based method you are comparing apple with orange. You cannot say which one
is better or which one would lead to more learning. It is almost impossible to offer the exact
same content once without technology and once with it. Not all teachers use PowerPoint or
BeachBoard the same way.

Statement of the Problem

The article outlines a statement of the problem in the introductory paragraphs that emphasizes
the lack of research on the effectiveness of educational technologies. The statement of the
problem was implied in the abstract section of the article, but the specific problem was not
directly addressed until the authors identified their hypotheses later in the article. The article
starts with an inaccurate statement. “Educators are increasingly using educational technologies
at the postsecondary level although little research has investigated the effects of such
technologies on learning”. Later in the article they explain that many research has been done on
the effectiveness of technology but the results are not conclusive.

Literature Review
The researchers selected 18 relevant sources published between the years of 1998 and 2007.
Seventeen of these references were primary sources. The authors did a reasonable job of
highlighting the previous research on topics related to their research and even provided
comparisons of the literature when possible. However, the authors neglected to summarize or
synthesize the information or provide their opinions on the implications of the research and
instead moved directly into stating their hypotheses. The researchers wrote a brief thematic
literature review, documenting common themes but not going into detail on any of the studies
mentioned. It would have been beneficial to provide more information on these studies and give
further explanation of how the cited researchers had gathered their data and how they had
defined the examined variables.


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The authors explored testable aspects related to educational technology, type of instruction and
amount of learning and student frustration. Frustration was the only condition that the authors
made a clear hypothesis about, predicting that frustration would increase as technology use
increased. For the type of instruction the authors declined to make a prediction and instead
stated it was exploratory due to the conflicting research. They also stated interest in comparing
VLE and SSL specifically because that has not been addressed in previous research, but did not
make a prediction about the results, which was appropriate.

The design of this study was experimental and apparently appropriate to answer the questions
being asked and to test the researchers’ hypotheses. The use of Linear regression and ANOVA to
evaluate the results of the study was appropriate as were the descriptive statistics that were
presented (academic pretest, posttest, and frustration score), which included the mean and
standard deviation of the results.

Another strength is The MANOVA they conducted to examine teaching style (i.e., duration of
lecture, use of humor, use of explanatory stories, number of student questions asked, and
instructor’s physical movements) which did not reveal significant differences between
the TL and SSL conditions.

The design of the study was very limited because the researchers only tested one class lecture
instead of measuring learning and frustration over the course of an entire semester or year.
Therefore, although the researchers were able to test their hypothesis, the design lacks the
required external validity and is not entirely appropriate to gain the most accurate conclusion.
The authors mentioned the variables they controlled for, including instructor, classroom,
academic content and lecture length but they do not detail how they controlled for these
variables. The teaching conditions were described and the differences in the mode of
presentation were explained. The researchers identified and explained the variables that they
controlled for but as mentioned above they did not indicate any cofounding variables they felt
would affect the outcome of their study. The three testing conditions were appropriately
controlled through videotaping and analysis for similar teaching styles and procedures.
However, the most important confounding variable here is the TEACHING METHOD. The
evaluation of the videotaped sessions was done to determine whether there were differences in
teaching style, however the actual process of the evaluation was not outlined and it was done by
only one person, which compromises the validity of the process. Although steps were taken to
ensure there were no differences in teaching style, this still remains a confounding variable
because it is impossible for a person to be exactly the same in all situations and therefore the
instructor could still influence the results. While the authors did not provide a lot of detail on the
procedures of this study, it would be possible for another researcher to replicate the same type of
study with relative ease.

The method of selecting this sample was clearly described. The selection was not random or an
example of nonprobability sampling because participants were chosen based on the fact that they

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were willing and available to be studied. The gender and age of participants is noted but the
researchers could have provided more detail, including what year in school each student was,
their learning style preferences and their prior experiences with educational technologies.

For the pretests and posttests the researchers modified an existing instrument by selecting
questions from an introductory psychology textbook test item file. However, an explanation for
why this textbook was selected was not given. It was reported that their choices were based on
content and the level of difficulty as determined by the author but it is not explained where they
obtained that information, how many original test questions they were choosing from, how this
test was administered or the testing conditions. A more detailed rationale behind the selection of
questions would have been preferred and the audience would benefit from seeing sample
The second instrument was used to assess frustration levels among students. The researchers
used a subscale of the computerized version of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration-Task Load Index. Strengths in this area included the operational definition of
frustration that the researchers provided and the explanation of how participants rated their
experiences with bipolar descriptors on a continuum of 1 to 100. However, the description of this
test is also lacking in detail. It is not explained why they determined this test to be the most
appropriate measure, how this test was administered, how many questions participants were
asked and validity and reliability were not discussed.

Results and Analysis

Strengths of this section include that the statistics they used were appropriate and the greater
detail provided on the demographics of the participants. They used linear regression to create an
adjusted posttest variable that controlled for the covariate of participants’ pretest knowledge.
This helped the power of their ANOVA analysis to compare groups.

The researchers explained that prior to reporting the results of the study they compared the
demographic features of participants in each condition and it was determined that there was not a
significant difference in the distribution of men and women, participants’ mean age, mean year
in school or performance on the administered pretest.

The researchers used descriptive statistics and presented their findings in a single table. The table
included the mean scores on the pretests and posttests and the mean frustration scores for all
three conditions. The table is easy to read and understand, summarizes important information
and is also discussed in text. The authors did not explain or describe the table in the text which
made the results less cogent and organized.

Because they never clearly stated a prediction in regards to the relationship between teaching
method and student learning it is not clear whether their findings supported or rejected a
hypothesis in this area. Researchers explain that results pertaining to students’ frustration were as
they had predicted.
They also discussed that the participants reported greater frustration with the VLE method of
instruction showing that their original hypothesis was partially correct. Their results, however,

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did not indicate a moderate frustration for the SSL condition as stated in the hypothesis and
should have been discussed. The possible explanations for such results are consistent but could
have been elaborated.

The authors provide possible explanations for their findings and clearly state how their results
differ from existing literature and studies but do not go into any detailed comparisons between
studies. They suggest that one possible explanation is that the SSL and VLE formats created an
active learning environment, which produced greater academic gains than the more passive learning
environment. However, they don’t explain how or why SSL & VLE might be more interactive (active).
Results are discussed in terms of the relationships the researchers were examining and they
address both student learning and frustration levels. One strength of the discussion section is
their identification of the limitations in their own research. They discuss how having only one
research assistant perform the videotape coding process resulted in the lack of reliability data in
regards to the instructors teaching style and indicate the limitations caused by the one lecture
model. The researchers also provide strong suggestions for further research based on practical
significance and identify various areas for future exploration. It is evident that this study is
important and relevant because of the increased use of educational technologies at the
postsecondary level and that the findings can be useful to schools which have these types of
learning environments as well as those with online degrees.
Since their results were contrary to past research, no theoretical implications or
significance were discussed and very few practical implications and significance were discussed.
They only briefly mentioned that guidance and feedback from professors can help to alleviate
high frustration in the VLE method of instruction. The authors could have expanded their
implications but perhaps they were unable to with so many limitations of their study. They did,
however, give several recommendations for future research, which include expanding the study
to include a more cumulative influence of educational technologies and examining the role of
assistance in VLEs.

Outline of the research (summary)

1. What is(are) the research question(s) (or hypothesis)?

The primary goal was to explore three commonly used methods of instruction: traditional lecture (TL),
slide-show-supplemented lecture (SSL), and VLE to determine which produced the greatest amount of
learning and which one led to more frustration among college students .

2. Describe the sample used in this study.

The participants were 154 (78 women, 76 men) undergraduate students at a large, Midwestern university
who were enrolled in the Psychology Department’s participant pool to fulfill 2 hr of required research
participation associated with a psychology class. The majority (90.26%) of our participants were between
18 and 24 years old.
3. Describe the reliability and validity of all the instruments used.

The validity and reliability of the instruments was not discussed

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4. What type of research is this? Explain.

Experimental design

5. How was the data analyzed?

Linear regression to create an adjusted posttest variable that controlled for the covariate of participants’
pretest knowledge. They examined mean differences among the three levels of the experimental lecture
conditions on the adjusted posttest scores using univariate ANOVA. They conducted follow-up tests to
evaluate pairwise differences among the experimental conditions and used the Fisher’s Least Significant
Difference (LSD) test procedure to control for Type I error across the three pairwise comparisons.

6. What is(are) the major finding(s)?

Participants in slide-show-supplemented lecture and VLE conditions demonstrated more

learning than participants in the traditional lecture conditions. However, participants in the VLE
conditions reported significantly higher levels of frustration relative to those in the traditional
lecture and slide-show-supplemented conditions.


Clark, R.E. (1994). Media will Never Influence Learning. Educational Technology Research and
Development, 42(2), 21-29.
(This article is available at

Outline of the critique

Positives Negatives
Is there a statement of the problem? Yes Is there a statement of the problem? Yes but it
does not match with the title. The title is
misleading. This paper limits educational
technologies to BlackBoard (VLE) and Powerpoint .
Is the problem “researchable,” that is, can it be Is background information on the problem
investigated through the collection and analysis of presented? Not enough
data? Yes to some extent
Does the problem statement indicate the variables Is the educational significance of the problem
of interest and the specific relationship between discussed? Not enough
those variables which are investigated? When
necessary, are variables directly or operationally
defined? Yes
Are most of the sources primary, i.e., are there Is the review comprehensive? Not at all
only a few or no secondary sources? Yes
Does the review conclude with a brief summary of Are all references cited relevant to the problem
the literature and its implications for the problem under investigation? No
investigated? Yes
Do the implications discussed form an empirical or Have the references been critically analyzed and
theoretical rationale for the hypotheses which the results of various studies compared and

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follow? Yes in the discussion part contrasted, i.e., is the review more than a series of
abstracts or annotations? No
Are the size and major characteristics of the Is the method of sample selection described one
population studied described? Yes that is likely to result in a representative, unbiased
sample? No (the subjects were not randomly
selected and they don’t represent all students)
If a sample was selected, is the method of Did the researcher avoid the use of volunteers? No
selecting the sample clearly described? Yes
Does the sample size meet the suggested guideline Is the rationale given for the selection of the
for minimum sample size appropriate for the instruments (or measurements) used? No. A few
method of research represented? Yes they had questions from a textbook on a specific chapter is
more than 30 in each group. too limited.
Is evidence presented that indicates that each Is each instrument described in terms of purpose
instrument is appropriate for the sample under and content? No specially NASA–TLX was not
study? Yes for the learning instrument but no for clearly introduced.
the frustration scale
Is the design appropriate for answering the Is evidence presented that indicates that each
questions or testing the hypotheses of the study? instrument is appropriate for the sample under
Yes study? Yes for the learning instrument but no for
the frustration (NASA–TLX ) scale.
Are the procedures described in sufficient detail to Is instrument validity discussed and coefficients
permit them to be replicated by another given if appropriate? No
researcher? Yes
Are the control procedures described? Yes Is reliability discussed in terms of type and size of
reliability coefficients? No
Did the researcher discuss or account for any If an instrument was developed specifically for the
potentially confounding variables that he or she study, are the procedures involved in its
was unable to control for? Yes in the discussion development and validation described? No, the
part. learning scale was based on the textbook but no
further info is provided.
Was every hypothesis tested? Yes Is the design appropriate for answering the
questions or testing the hypotheses of the study?
No. the learning content is very limited and the
VLE is not really a virtual learning environment.
VLE is supposed to be learning anywhere anytime
and the communication should be synchronous
(live) not through email.
Are the tests of significance interpreted using the Are appropriate descriptive statistics presented?
appropriate degrees of freedom? Yes No
Are the results clearly presented? Yes Are generalizations consistent with the results?
No. The sample and the content is very limited but
the conclusions are over-generalized
Is each result discussed in terms of the original Are the possible effects of uncontrolled variables
hypothesis to which it relates? Yes on the results discussed? To some extent yes but
important things like the sampling, content, and
VLE limitations not discussed.
Is each result discussed in terms of its agreement Are the suggestions for future action based on

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or disagreement with previous results obtained by practical significance or on statistical significance
other researchers in other studies? Yes only, i.e., has the author avoided confusing
practical and statistical significance? No. It looks
that the authors only focused on statistical
significance and they did no discussed many flaws
in this research including the confusion of the
media and the method. In other words powerpoint
might have been better simply because it included
photos (extra content) not because powerpoint
was more effective.
Are theoretical and practical implications of the
findings discussed? yes
Are recommendations for future action (research)
made? Yes

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