Mix Design As Per Is 10262

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Mix Design As Per IS 10262-2019

Design Grade : M30

1. Grade Designation : M30

2. Type of cement : Port land clay cement (PSC) – Dalmia DSP
3. Minimum cement content = 320kg/m3
4. Maximum cement content = 450 kg /m3
5. Maximum size of Aggregate = 20 mm
6. Concrete placing = By hand
7. Degree of Supervision = Good
8. Type of Aggregate = Crushed Angular
9. Assumed slump value = 75mm
10. Exposure condition = Severe
11. Maximum water cement ratio : 0.62
(For fine aggregate of zone II (from table – 5 ))
Calculation :
1. Target strength more between below 2

2. Air Content = 1 x for 20 mm aggregate

3. Water cement ratio should be taken from the strength of cement
and grade of cement . It is given in IS – 10262-2019 of curve 5-
2 As Dalmia DSP claims 56 Mpa strength of 28 days .
But for our safe side and as per code 10262-2019 we should
use curve 2 instead of curve 3 curve 2 represents grade of 43 -
53Mpa strength curve 3 represents grade of more than 53
Mpa .As we have no actual date of 28 days compressive
strength so use curve 2 . So far 38.25 N/mm2 target strength the
w-c ratio = 0.43 < 0.62 (Hence oK )
4. Water required = 186 + (3*186 /100) = 192 kg
For 50 mm slump = 186 kg
For every 25mm slump increased – 3 %water needed more .
Hence our slump 75 mm So , water required = 186 + 5.58 =

191.58  ≈ 192 kg
Cement content = 192/0.43 = 446.5 1 kg
= 447 kg
Minimum cement content = 320kg/m3 for severe condition
447 > 320 kg/mm2 and 447 < 450 kg /m3
(Maximum Content )
Hence adopt 447 kg /m3 cement

6 .For Zone II , Fine aggregate

Coarse Aggregate of = 20 mm size and w-c ratio = 0.50 , the
volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate
is 0.62
⇒ our w-c ratio = 0.43
So difference = 0.50 – 0.43 = 0.07
d. Water volume = 192/1 * 1/1000 = 0192m3
e. Total volume of aggregate from all .
⇒ 1- volume of air – volume of cement – volume of water
⇒ 1-0.01-0.144-0.192
f. Maximum of coarse aggregate (CA)
⇒ volume of aggregate * volume of CA * Sp.gravity *1000
=0.654 * 0.634*2.6*1000 = 1079 kg
Sp Gravity of CA = 2.6
g. Maximum of FeCr slag
⇒ Volume of aggregate * volume of FeCr slag * Sp gravity *
⇒0.654 * 0.634 *3.0*1000 = 1244 kg
Sp Gravity of Fecr slag = 3.0
h. Maximum of fine Aggregrate (FA)
⇒ volume of aggregate * volume of Fine aggregrate *
Sp.gravity *1000
⇒0.654 * 0.366*2.73*1000 = 654 kg
Sp gravity of FA = 2.73

0.05 w/c ratio changes , the volume of CA changes = 0.01

0.05⇒ 0.01
1⇒ 0.01/0.05
0.07⇒ 0.01/0.05 * 0.07
= 0.014
Hence volume of coarse Aggregate = 0.62+0.014
= 0.634
Volume of CA = 0.634
Volume of FA = 1- 0.634 = 0.366
7. Mix Calculation :
a. Total volume of concrete = 1 m3
b. Entraped Air = 0.01 m3
c. Volume of cement = Mass /Sp.Gravity *1/100
Sp gravity of
Cement = 3.10 = 447/3.10 * 1/1000
= 0.144m3
IS Code

Find Out Comes For M30 Concrete

1. Cement required = 447 kg /m3

2. Fine aggregate required = 654 kg/m3
3. Coarse aggregate required = 1079 kg/m3
4. FeCr clay required = 1244 kg/m3
5. Water required = 192 kg/m3

Preparation should be

I Cement : Sand : Coarse Aggregate

447 : 654 :1079

⇒1 : 1.46 : 2.41 ⇒ Cement : Sand : Natural Stone (EA)

II Cement : Sand : FeCr slag

447 : 654 : 1244

⇒ 1 : 1.46 : 2.78 ⇒ Cement : Sand : FeCr Slag

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