Bioresearch Communications: Sustainable Alternatives For Producing Biodegradable Sanitary Napkins
Bioresearch Communications: Sustainable Alternatives For Producing Biodegradable Sanitary Napkins
Bioresearch Communications: Sustainable Alternatives For Producing Biodegradable Sanitary Napkins
Original Article
Sustainable alternatives for producing biodegradable Sanitary Napkins
Rasel Siddiqe*
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114.
Sanitary napkins are a major source of plastic deemed the safest form of disposal, it requires
pollution, which is greatly overlooked compared to extensive resources rendering the method
other sources (i.e. plastic bottles, packaging). counterproductive.
Disposable napkins are used by about one‐tenth of WHO recommends incinerating all health-related
adolescents (rural: 10%, urban: 21%) and one quarter waste at temperatures over 800° C. Moreover plastic
of adult women (rural: 10%, urban: 33%) in polymer products incinerated at lower temperatures
Bangladesh1. Together they roughly consume 37000 release asphyxiants and irritant gases such as Dioxins
tons of disposable sanitary products annually. Majority and Furans. An assessment by Royal Institute of
of this vast sanitary waste is either dumped in landfills Technology, Stockholm concluded that, Low Density
and river banks, or is incinerated. In India the situation Polyethylene (LDPE) synthesis has the largest impact
is equally grim. A study conducted by UNICEF in on global warming3. Sanitary napkins employ varying
West Bengal concluded that 78% of the women forms of LDPE in myriad forms. Through thermal or
interviewed disposed sanitary waste either by burial or photochemical degradation, constituents of these
by discarding near a water body2. In North America products release Micro/Nano plastic particles in the
annual disposal of sanitary napkins in landfills reaches oceans4. Consequently via algal and microbial uptake,
an estimate of 55000 tons. Although incineration is these synthetic particles have a high probability of
becoming incorporated into the food chain5, 6. The research to establish environmental risk factors.
general design of sanitary napkins employs non- Research on Polyethene and Polypropylene provides
degradable materials in each component. Transitioning the only basis for the harmful effects of sanitary
to degradable raw materials is the preferred path to napkins –which is hardly adequate. Excerpts from
reduce the overall impact of sanitary napkins. In this reports on plastic pollution fail to address non-plastic
study current constituents of sanitary napkins along based components in sanitary napkins and their
with their sustainable alternatives have been reviewed. environmental impact.
Alternatives were selected on the basis of functional Biodegradation of LDPE has undergone a tremendous
characteristics and efficacy. amount of research. However, the majority of these
studies were conducted in in-vitro conditions –
COMPONENT OVERVIEW rendering the findings inconclusive with regard to
Low degradability and Non-recyclability of sanitary disposal conditions in nature (i.e. landfills, aquatic
napkins is due to the compounds employed in the systems). Biodegradability is highlighted in Table: 1.
general design. A typical sanitary napkin employs up General environmental impact of sanitary napkins is
to seven components. Functional layer design has not given below as associated with components.
undergone any noteworthy change since the first Superabsorbent polymers
production in 18967. Drastic improvement in napkin Superabsorbent polymer exposure increases soil
dimensions and absorption capability came with the moisture, while soil bulk density is reduced.
incorporation of superabsorbent gel particles in the Exchangeable acids/ions present in SAPs may
absorbent core8. Ordinarily a typical sanitary napkin is influence soil acidity and alkalinity, nutrient
devised in to the following layers; availability along with microbial activity20.
Top sheet Polyethelene fibers and films
Top sheets are water permeable layers designed to stay Accumulation of Polyethelene in soil results in
in contact with skin8. The functional purpose of this reduced soil aeration, increased soil temperature and
layer is to transfer fluids quickly to the layer beneath. inhibits absorption of water and nutrients22. Due to its
High wicking ability is a mandatory trait for functional non-degradability Polyethene prevents root
efficacy9. germination of plants and remediation of biomass into
Absorbent core soil. LDPE disposal in marine ecosystem has notably
Function of this layer is to absorb and store fluids affected 267 species globally, either by physical harm
passed from the top sheet10. Once absorbed, fluid is or by ingestion of micro/macro particles5, 23.
essentially locked into the core to prevent spillage Polypropylene non-woven
from applied pressure11. Absorbent compound may or Time extensive natural degradation of propylene
may not be enclosed in a layer of cellulose fluff to releases volatile organic compounds (i.e. Propene,
facilitate speedy absorption12. Compounds employed Dioxins). Air pollutants such as particulates, sulfur
in the core need to have a high rate of fluid retention. oxides, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide are
Bottom sheet generated during polypropylene production24.
Bottom sheets function as a water impermeable barrier Laboratory analysis of random samples has detected
to ensure complete spillage prevention. chromium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc, which
Adhesives/winged appendages are provided with this indirectly affects agriculture, forestry, and biodiversity
layer for fastening purposes. Skin contact is negligible by production25.
due to localization10.
Emollients on top layer and an additional acquisition This study aims to review currently available
layer above the absorbent core may be present biopolymers as sanitary napkin components. Method
depending on product class. Emollients are applied to of synthesis is highlighted with emphasis on
protect skin from irritation12. Additional acquisition biodegradability of these compounds. Each compound
layers are provided to disperse fluids evenly onto reviewed has an established application along with the
absorbent core while preventing reflux13. potential for replacing one or more non-degradable
components in current sanitary napkins. Alternatives
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT according to associated layers and their laboratory
ASSESSMENT synthesis are as follows:
Risk assessment and regulation of sanitary napkins Top sheet
varies between countries. Some countries may employ Lyocell
legal enforcement while others may depend on Cellulose fiber containing form of Rayon. Cellulose
manufacturer’s control19. Whichever the case, risk fibers are produced from bleached wood pulp.
assessments are carried out with respect to human According to FTIR spectra fibers made from Lyocell
exposure only7, 10. There is a significant lack of contain crystalline cellulose II and amorphous
Table 1. Constituent compounds, their chemical nature and biodegradability factors 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21.
specific community
may facilitate
cooperate in
Reduce molecular
degradation is variotii
Table 2. Characteristic evaluation and mechanisms involved of SAP alternatives 29, 30, 31, 32, 35.
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